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A. S. Pushkin wrote the poem “Madonna” in 1830. The poet dedicated this work to his wife, Natalya Goncharova. I think that the author compares his beloved with Madonna in the picture, the writer is delighted with her image. In these lines he expresses his love. This sonnet poem is a poetic form consisting of 14 lines.

In the first part of the work lyrical hero describes his monastery, in the corner of which hangs a painting of the Madonna. The second part describes the attitude towards it.

The hero says that he can forever marvel at the beauty and “purity” of the Madonna. “I wanted to be a spectator of one picture forever.” He takes pleasure in contemplating her.

Madonna means “my lady” in Italian. The lyrical hero bows before her, he sees “the purest example of pure charm,” bringing happiness, a bewitching look.

Artistic and expressive means help to convey the feelings and emotions of the characters, such as epithets (“the purest example”), inversions (“I wanted to be forever a spectator of one picture”), anaphora (“one picture… one: so that it’s like me…”), metaphor (“alone, without angels, under the palm of Zion”).

In this poem, cross and encircling rhymes predominate, the speech is smooth, melodic, and melodious. The meter is iambic tetrameter, characteristic of a sonnet.

The lyrical hero admires Madonna, like A.S. Pushkin Natalya. The author thanks fate for their meeting, for the opportunity to be together, to contemplate her:

“My wishes came true. Creator

Sent you to me, you, my Madonna.”

Pushkin conveys his feelings to Goncharova in this work. For him, she is the embodiment of beauty, a deity, she is loved and desired.

The work, unusual in its genre, was created by the “disgraced” poet Alexander Pushkin. It cannot even be called a poem, although it has rhythm, rhyme, and meter. But even poetic texts have their own genres, so Pushkin’s work with such a beautiful title as “Madonna” can be classified as a sonnet.

From the history of creation Pushkin's poem it is known that he wrote it for a reason, but that it was created under the influence of strong feelings. While writing the poem, he was in love with the most beautiful girl, the purest creature- Natalya Goncharova. At that time, his beloved was considered the most beautiful and charming girl in the entire capital. But the young and passionate poet not only admired her, but for him she became an ideal woman who was beautiful not only externally, but also spiritually. He found a kindred spirit in her, and this made him love the sweet creature, Natalya Nikolaevna, even more.

From the biography of the “disgraced” poet it is known that Natalya Goncharova became his wife, and this joyful and solemn event took place in 1830. While the wedding was going on, and even after it, Alexander was not only happy, walked joyfully, but was also constantly in an enthusiastic state. Thinking about how happy they will be living together with his beautiful wife, he completely stopped thinking about what had previously worried and worried him so much. In his letters to friends, he shares that his old dream will finally come true. After all, as the poet himself claimed, all his life he dreamed of finding a woman with whom he would be happy, and this family life he will like it and be happy. In his view, family life is the merging of the souls of two people who will spend their entire lives in love and harmony. And now he has found the woman with whom he will truly be happy.

But at that moment, when Pushkin is almost happy, he cannot fully feel it, since there are distances between him and his beloved that precisely separate them. In his dreams, he is already next to Natalya Goncharova, and then one day he accidentally saw a beautiful picture. The author of this painting with an incredibly lovely girl was Pietro Peruggio. The Italian artist depicted the Madonna, beautiful and lovely. She sat serenely and her magnificent appearance, lovely blond hair reminded the poet of his bride.

Alexander Pushkin was so struck by this resemblance that on the same day he writes a letter to Natalya Nikolaevna, where he talks about the picture he saw, and that for hours he can admire the charming image of a girl who is very similar to his beloved. And in such moments he forgets about parting and distances, in his dreams he is transported to her, and then he is truly happy.

And this painting by the Italian artist inspired the artist so much that the poet wrote his own poem, which turns out to be not only frank, romantic, but also beautiful. After all, all you have to do is read these lines! Already right from the first Pushkin stanzas, the whole inner world poet, and his first words immediately indicate the seriousness of his intentions. Now he wanted to see in front of him every day and every minute only this picture, where he so vividly imagined and saw his beautiful beloved. His chosen one is the main meaning of his entire new life, happy and long. And Alexander Pushkin is now changing his role in this life, he sees his destiny in what he wants more in the world - a happy and strong family, and his beloved woman nearby, so that she will always be by his side.

The poet's lyrical heroes of Pushkin's poem - sonnet - appear in a light unusual for his lyrics. They are all positive and happy. First of all, this is his Madonna herself, who combines such qualities as grandeur, beauty and meekness. His image of the Madonna is the bride, to whom the entire poem is dedicated. And in his text the poet says that Madonna, the main character, has a chosen one. He paints him with intelligence in his eyes, wise, determined and serious. Thus, he tries to emphasize once again that his decision to marry the beautiful Goncharova is correct and deliberate, and he is confident of it. Finally, his wish came true, and the Creator himself gave him the kind of life partner he had always dreamed of. And with such a woman he is ready to spend his whole life.

Pushkin's poem is not only beautiful in sound, but also very bright. But it is unclear how the poet’s fate will develop further from the plot. But the reader knows that after several happy months of marriage, a conflict will occur in the Pushkin family, where the poet will feel unhappy and disappointed. And this will later be reflected in his other poetic works. In the meantime, he is still happy and joyful, he lives in anticipation of the upcoming meeting.

Analysis of the sonnet "Madonna"

1. Semantic analysis.

1 .There are two heroines in the sonnet: the image of the heavenly Madonna is compared with the image of an earthly woman (most often this image is associated with the name Natalya Goncharova).
The poem has an atmosphere of divinity and holiness. Everything is very harmonious, sculptural, plastic. The image of a woman who has become a symbol of chastity and greatness shines with incredible tenderness and softness.
Lexical chains:
A) image of the heavenly Madonna
“She is with greatness, he is with reason in his eyes -
The meek looked on in glory and in the rays.”
the image of the beloved woman (Natalya Goncharova) “listening to the important judgment of experts.”,
“He sent you to me, you, my Madonna,
The purest example of pure beauty.”
Related images:
the words: “abode”, “superstitious”, “most pure”, “divine savior”, “angels”, “under the palm of Zion” spread an aura of reverent admiration around themselves, the illusion of being in a temple arises;
the poet says that he “wanted to be an eternal spectator of only “one picture.” We see that “despite the fact that the Madonna and Child Jesus bathe in “glory and rays,” they remain just as simple and modest.
4. Filled with admiration, delight,

Admiring high moral ideals, the lyrical hero saw in the unattainably high appearance of Madonna an image

The woman he loves.

5. Having begun by chanting the feminine and earthly side of love, the poet increasingly strived to reveal its ideal, spiritual meaning. In his poems, he showed that love allows you to see in an earthly woman the beauty of the heavenly ideal, the Madonna.

2.Analysis of visual media

1. Expressive epithets (PUREEST sample, DIVINE savior, ANTIQUE masters)

Hyperbola: Creator

Sent you to me, you, my Madonna,

The purest example of pure beauty.

Metaphor: Alone, without angels, under the palm of Zion.

Lexical repetition : I wanted to be forever a viewer of one picture, one...

Emphasizes emotionality, highlights main idea works.

Comparison: So that from the canvas, like from the clouds...

The power of art is equated by the hero to divine power, to majestic natural phenomena.
2. A sonnet in Russian is written either in iambic pentameter or iambic hexameter. It consists of 14 verses and is divided into two parts: eight verses (two quatrains) and six verses (two tercets). In the first part, the same rhymes are repeated in two quatrains - male (“masters” - “experts” - “works” - “clouds”) and female (“abode” - “visitor” - “spectator” - “savior”). The need to select By the way, the word that ends the line has not one rhyme (as usual), but three, making the rhyme of a sonnet difficult to write, and one must have great poetic skill so that this difficulty is invisible to the reader, so that the rhyming words sound natural, selected not only by sounds, but also in meaning. The last six verses of the sonnet, although graphically designated as two tercets, can be divided according to rhyme in another way: into a quatrain and a couplet, or, conversely, into a couplet and a quatrain, as in this poem.

Inversion: You will fulfill my wishes. Creator…
3. Pushkin's poem is associated with the Madonnas of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci (reproductions of female portraits by Renaissance artists are offered). Two immortal names are associated with this poetic form: Petrarch and Shakespeare - brilliant poets of Italy and England.
Of course, only a feeling of true love allows the poet to see a reflection of heavenly perfection in an earthly woman. One of the most prominent Russian religious philosopher S. Soloviev defined the meaning of love by the fact that it allows us to consider in a loved one his ideal beginning, foundation, image of God.

This is a divine poem by A.S. Pushkin wrote on the eve of his wedding. He wrote to his beloved Natalya Goncharova that in front of him was a painting depicting a beautiful woman. This lady was very similar to Goncharova, and the poet said that he could look at this picture for hours. He admired the beauty of the woman depicted and believed that this is exactly what she should be ideal woman. Pushkin even used such a word as “most pure.” This is how a woman should be and this is how Natalya Goncharova was.

From the very first lines you can feel the religious atmosphere. The poet used words characteristic of the church. It turns out that he thus wanted to show how he felt about his beloved, whom he considered an ideal. He rejoiced and was grateful to God for sending him such happiness in the person of his beloved woman. For Pushkin, looking at his beloved was perceived as a real blessing, the highest value. It seems to me that all women would like to be treated in such a way that they are accepted almost as a shrine.

The work is written in the form of a sonnet. It consists of four stanzas, two quatrains and a tercet. Pushkin, with the help of a sonnet, expressed his sincere feeling towards Natalya Goncharova. There are few epithets and metaphors here, but this does not spoil the overall picture. The size of the creation is iambic hexameter. In my opinion, “Madonna” is the most striking work of Alexander Sergeevich’s love lyrics.