Orientation (indicative) questionnaire to determine personal orientation

The technique allows you to identify what a person really strives for, what is most important and valuable for him and, if necessary, adjust his behavior. The technique was developed by Czech psychologists V. Smekal and M. Kucher. The Smekal-Kucher method is based on a slightly modified B. Bass indicative questionnaire.


Questionnaire consists of 30 points. For each item in the questionnaire, you can give three answers, designated by the letters A, B, C. From the answers to each item, choose the one that best expresses your point of view, which is most valuable to you, or which most closely corresponds to the truth. Write the letter of your answer in the “Answer Sheet” opposite the question number in the “Most of all” column. Then, from the answers to the same question, choose the least acceptable option. Write the corresponding letter against the question number, but in the “Least” section. For each question, use only two letters; do not write down the remaining answer anywhere. Don't think too long about the questions: the first choice is usually the most accurate. From time to time, check whether you are writing down the answers correctly, in the right columns, and whether the letters are written everywhere.

Stimulus material

1. I get the greatest satisfaction from:

A. Approvals of my work;
B. The consciousness that the work has been done well;
C. The awareness that I am surrounded by friends.

2. If I played football (volleyball, basketball), then I would like to be:

A. A coach who develops game tactics;
B. A famous player;
C. The chosen team captain.

3. In my opinion, the best teacher is the one who:

A. Shows interest in students and cares about everyone individual approach;
B. Causes interest in the subject, so that students are happy to deepen their knowledge in this subject;
S. Creates an atmosphere in the team in which no one is afraid to express their opinion.

4. I like it when people:

A. They are happy about the work done;
B. They enjoy working in a team;
C. They strive to do their job better than others.

5. I would like my friends to:

A. Were responsive and helped people when opportunities presented themselves;
V. They were faithful and devoted to me;
S. They were smart and interesting people.

6. I consider my best friends to be:

A. With whom do you have a good relationship?
Q. Whom you can always rely on;
S. Who can achieve a lot in life.

7. What I dislike most is:

A. When something doesn’t work out for me;
B. When relationships with comrades deteriorate;
S. When I am criticized.

8. In my opinion, the worst thing is when the teacher:

A. He does not hide the fact that some students are unsympathetic to him, he mocks and makes fun of them;
B. Causes a spirit of competition in the team;
S. Does not know the subject he teaches well enough.

9. As a child, what I liked most was:

A. Spending time with friends;
B. A feeling of accomplishment;
S. When I was praised for something.

10. I would like to be like those who:

A. Achieved success in life;
V. Truly passionate about his work;
C. Characterized by friendliness and goodwill .

11. First of all, the school must:

A. To teach how to solve the problems that life poses;
B. Develop, first of all, the individual abilities of the student;
C. Develop qualities that help interact with people.

12. If I had more free time, I would most willingly use it:

A. To communicate with friends;
B. For recreation and entertainment;
S. For your favorite things and self-education.

13. I achieve the greatest success when:

A. I work with people I like;
Q. I have an interesting job;
S. My efforts are well rewarded.

14. I love it when:

A. Other people appreciate me;
B. I feel satisfaction from a job well done;
S. I have a good time with my friends.

15. If they decided to write about me in a newspaper, I would like it to:

A. They told about some interesting matter, related to study, work, sports, etc., in which I happened to participate;
V. They wrote about my activities;
S. They definitely told me about the team in which I work.

16. I learn best if the teacher:

A. Has an individual approach to me;
B. Will be able to arouse my interest in the subject;
C. Arranges collective discussions of the problems being studied.

17. For me there is nothing worse than:

A. Insult to personal dignity;
B. Failure to complete an important task;
C. Loss of friends.

18. What I value most is:

A. Success;
B. Opportunities for good teamwork;
S. Sound practical mind and ingenuity.

19. I don't like people who:

A. They consider themselves worse than others;
B. They often quarrel and conflict;
S. They object to everything new.

20. It's nice when:

A. You are working on something that is important to everyone;
B. You have many friends;
S. You are admired and everyone likes you.

21. In my opinion, first of all, a leader should be:

22.V free time I would love to read books:

A. About how to make friends and maintain good relationships with people;
V. About the lives of famous and interesting people;
S. On the latest achievements of science and technology.

23. If I had a talent for music, I would prefer to be:

A. Conductor;
V. Composer;
S. Soloist.

24. I would like:

A. Come up with an interesting competition;
B. Win the competition;
C. Organize and manage the competition.

25. The most important thing for me to know is:

A. What do I want to do;
B. How to achieve the goal;
C. How to organize people to achieve a goal.

26. A person should be built to:

A. Others were pleased with him;
B. First of all, complete your task;
C. There was no need to reproach him for the work he did.

27. I relax best in my free time:

A. In communication with friends;
B. Watching entertaining films;
C. Doing what you love.

28. Provided the same financial success I wish I could:

A. Invented an interesting competition;
B. Would win the competition;
S. Would organize and manage the competition.

29. The most important thing for me to know is:

A. What do I want to do;
B. How to achieve the goal;
C. How to attract others to achieve my goal.

30. A person must behave in such a way that:

A. Others were pleased with him;
B. First of all, fulfill your task;
S. There was no need to reproach him for his work.

Answer sheet


















Key to the test


on oneself (NS)

for interaction (ID)

per task (NZ)


Using the Bass technique, the following directions are identified:

1. Focus on oneself (I) - orientation towards direct reward, regardless of the content of the work, a tendency to compete.

2. Focus on communication (O) - the desire to maintain relationships with people under any conditions, focus on joint activities.

3. Focus on business (D) - interest in solving business problems, doing the job as best as possible, orientation towards business cooperation, the ability to defend one’s own opinion in the interests of the business, which is useful for achieving a common goal

Final table

Summary table (example)

Processing the results

If the letter indicated in the key is included in the “Most of all” section, then the test subject is given a “+” sign according to this species direction. If it is located under the index “Least of all”, then it is given the sign “-”. Then the number of “+” is counted and recorded in the final table in the corresponding columns NS, VD, or NZ depending on which key was used. The number of “-” is also calculated.

The number of “+” is summed with the number of “-” (taking into account the sign!). The result obtained is recorded in the final table in the “Amount” line. Finally, 30 is added to the resulting number (again taking into account the sign!). This indicator characterizes the level of expression of this type of orientation. The total sum of all points for three types of focus should be equal to 90.

Examination: the total is 27 + 29 + 34 = 90.

Method No. 12. Test “Orientation Questionnaire by B. Bass”

motivation research success failure

Target: determination of personality orientation.

Subjects: 2nd year student, Faculty of Psychology, age 20 years.

Description of the technique: B. Bass’s method for diagnosing personality orientation (Smekal-Kucher Questionnaire; Bass Orientation Questionnaire) allows you to identify what a person really strives for, what is most important and valuable for him and, if necessary, adjust his behavior. The technique was developed by Czech psychologists V. Smekal and M. Kucher. First published by B. Bass in 1967, the Questionnaire consists of 27 judgment points, for each of which three possible answers are possible, corresponding to three types of personality orientation.

Research methodology

  • 1. Experimental material. 1 pen, 1 sheet of paper, 1 protocol, stimulus material (test “Scale social desirability» Crown-Marlow).
  • 2. Progress of the study. During the study, the subject was given next instruction: “The questionnaire consists of 27 items. For each of them there are three possible answers: A, B, C.

From the answers to each of the points, choose the one that best expresses your point of view on this issue. It is possible that some of the answer options will seem equivalent to you. However, we ask you to select only one of them, namely the one that best suits your opinion and is most valuable to you.

Write the letter that indicates the answer (A, B, C) on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item (1-27) under the heading “most of all.”

Then, from the answers to each of the points, choose the one that is furthest from your point of view and is the least valuable to you. Write the letter indicating the answer again on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item, in the column under the heading “least of all.”

Thus, to answer each of the questions you use two letters, which you write in the appropriate columns. The rest of the answers are not recorded anywhere.

Try to be as truthful as possible. There are no “good” or “bad” answer options, so don’t try to guess which answer is “right” or “best” for you.

From time to time, check yourself to see if you are writing down the answers correctly, next to the correct items. If you find an error, correct it, but so that the correction is clearly visible."

3. Processing of results (quantitative analysis).

All answers are counted and entered into protocol No. 4. Based on the fact that the answer is:

  • · "most" receives 2 points,
  • · "least" -- 0,
  • · remaining unselected -- 1 point,

The respondent must choose one answer that most expresses his opinion or corresponds to reality, and another one that, on the contrary, is the farthest from his opinion or least corresponds to reality. The points scored on all 27 points are summed up for each type of focus separately.

This test involves three areas in which the test taker has the following scores:

In Fig. 5 it is clear that the subject’s business orientation predominates.

4. Interpretation of results (qualitative analysis).

During the study of personality orientation, the subject’s behavior is dominated by a business orientation. This indicates his interest, first of all, in solving business problems, doing the job as best as possible, focusing on business cooperation, and the ability to defend his own opinion in the interests of the business, which is useful for achieving a common goal. For him, first of all, it is important to do a good job.

The subject's personal orientation is in second place, which means that the subject is moderately oriented towards rewards, and is not distinguished by a tendency to compete and a desire for power.

5. Conclusion. The subject's behavior is most clearly business-oriented.

Purpose of the test

To determine personal orientation, an orientation (indicative) questionnaire, first published by B. Bass in 1967, is currently used.

The questionnaire consists of 27 judgment points, for each of which there are three possible answers, corresponding to three types of personality orientation. The respondent must choose one answer that most expresses his opinion or corresponds to reality, and one more, which, on the contrary, is the farthest from his opinion or least corresponds to reality.

Using the methodology, the following areas are identified:

  • self-directedness (I)- focus on direct reward and satisfaction regardless of work and employees, aggressiveness in achieving status, power, competitiveness, irritability, anxiety, introversion;
  • focus on communication (O)- the desire to maintain relationships with people under any conditions, a focus on joint activities, but often to the detriment of performing specific tasks or providing sincere help to people, a focus on social approval, dependence on the group, the need for affection and emotional relationships with people;
  • focus on business (D)- interest in solving business problems, doing the job as best as possible, orientation towards business cooperation, the ability to defend one’s own opinion in the interests of the business, which is useful for achieving a common goal.


The questionnaire consists of 27 items. For each of them there are three possible answers: A, B, C.

  1. From the answers to each item, choose the one that best expresses your point of view on this issue. It is possible that some of the answer options will seem equivalent to you. However, we ask you to select only one of them, namely the one that best suits your opinion and is most valuable to you. Write the letter indicating the answer (A, B, C) on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item (1–27) under the heading “most of all.”
  2. Then, from the answers to each of the points, choose the one that is furthest from your point of view and is the least valuable to you. Write the letter indicating the answer again on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item, in the column under the heading “least of all.”
  3. Thus, to answer each of the questions you use two letters, which you write in the corresponding columns of the test taker’s form. The rest of the answers are not recorded anywhere.

Test taker form __________________

Question no.


Least of all

Question no.


Least of all

Try to be as truthful as possible. There are no "good" or "bad" answer choices, so don't try to guess which answer is "right" or "best" for you.


1. I get the greatest satisfaction from...

  • A. Endorsements for my work.
  • B. The consciousness that I have done the work well.
  • B. The awareness that I am surrounded by friends.

2. If I played football (volleyball, basketball), I would like to be...

  • A. A coach who develops game tactics.
  • B. A famous player.
  • B. The selected team captain.

3. In my opinion, the best teacher is the one who...

  • A. Shows interest in students and has an individual approach to each.
  • B. Creates interest in the subject, so that students are happy to deepen their knowledge of the subject.
  • B. Creates an atmosphere in the team in which no one is afraid to express their opinion.

4. I like it when people...

  • A. They are happy about the work done.
  • B. They enjoy working in a team.
  • B. They strive to do their job better than others.

5. I would like my friends to be...

  • A. Responsive and helpful to people when the opportunity arises.
  • B. Faithful and devoted to me.
  • B. Smart and interesting people.

6. I consider my best friends to be...

  • A. With whom you have a good relationship.
  • B. Someone you can always rely on.
  • B. Who can achieve a lot in life.

7. What I hate most is when...

  • A. Something is not working out for me.
  • B. Relationships with comrades deteriorate.
  • B. I am criticized.

8. In my opinion, the worst thing is when the teacher...

  • A. He doesn’t hide the fact that he doesn’t like some students, he mocks and makes fun of them.
  • B. Causes a spirit of competition in the team.
  • B. Doesn’t know the subject he teaches well enough.

9. As a child, what I liked most was...

  • A. Spend time with friends.
  • B. A feeling of accomplishment.
  • B. When I was praised for something.

10. I would like to be like those who...

  • A. Achieved success in life.
  • B. Really passionate about what he does.
  • B. Characterized by friendliness and goodwill.

11. First of all, the school must...

  • A. Learn to solve the problems that life poses.
  • B. Develop the student’s individual abilities.
  • B. Develop qualities that help you interact with people.

12. If I had more free time, I would most likely use it for...

  • A. Communication with friends.
  • B. Recreation and entertainment.
  • B. Your favorite things to do and self-education.

13. I am most successful when...

  • A. I work with people I like.
  • B. I have an interesting job.
  • B. My efforts are well rewarded.

14. I like when…

  • A. Other people appreciate me.
  • B. I feel satisfaction from a job well done.
  • B. I have a good time with my friends.

15. If they decided to write about me in a newspaper, I would like it to...

  • A. They told me about some interesting thing related to study, work, or sports in which I happened to participate.
  • B. They wrote about my activities.
  • B. Be sure to tell me about the team in which I work.

16. I learn best if the teacher...

  • A. Has an individual approach to me.
  • B. Will be able to arouse my interest in the subject.
  • B. Organizes group discussions of the problems being studied.

17. For me there is nothing worse than...

  • A. An insult to my personal dignity.
  • B. Failure to complete an important task.
  • B. Losing friends.

18. Most of all I appreciate...

  • A. Success.
  • B. Opportunity to work well together.
  • B. Sound, practical mind and ingenuity.

19. I don't like people who...

  • A. They consider themselves better than others.
  • B. They often quarrel and conflict.
  • B. They object to everything new.

20. I'm pleased if...

  • A. I am doing something that is important to everyone.
  • B. I have many friends.
  • B. I am admired and liked by everyone.

21. In my opinion, a leader must first of all be...

  • A. Available.
  • B. Authoritative.
  • B. Demanding.

22. In my free time I would like to read books...

  • A. About how to find friends and support a good relationship with people.
  • B. About the lives of famous and interesting people.
  • B. About the latest achievements of science and technology.

23. If I had a talent for music, I would prefer to be...

  • A. Conductor.
  • B. Composer.
  • B. Soloist.

24. I would like to…

  • A. Come up with an interesting competition.
  • B. Win the competition.
  • B. Organize and manage the competition.

25. The most important thing for me is to know...

  • A. What do I want to do.
  • B. How to achieve the goal.
  • B. How to organize people to achieve a goal.

26. A person should strive to...

  • A. Others were pleased with him.
  • B. First of all, complete (5th task.
  • B. He did not need to be reproached for the work he did.

27. I relax best in my free time...

  • A. In communication with friends.
  • B. Watching entertaining films.
  • B. Doing what you love.

Processing the results

The answer “most” gets 2 points, “least” - 0, and the answer left unselected - 1 point. The points scored on all 27 points are summed up separately for each type of focus.

Key to the test

Question no.

Question no.

Scoring form

Question no.


(to myself)

(for communication)

(to the point)


Based on materials from M. A. Ponomarev, T. I. Yukhnovets
"Psychodiagnostics of personality"

Purpose of the test

To determine personal orientation, an orientation (indicative) questionnaire, first published by B. Bass in 1967, is currently used.

The questionnaire consists of 27 judgment points, for each of which there are three possible answers, corresponding to three types of personality orientation. The respondent must choose one answer that most expresses his opinion or corresponds to reality, and one more, which, on the contrary, is the farthest from his opinion or least corresponds to reality.

Using the methodology, the following areas are identified:

  • self-directedness (I)- focus on direct reward and satisfaction regardless of work and employees, aggressiveness in achieving status, power, competitiveness, irritability, anxiety, introversion;
  • focus on communication (O)- the desire to maintain relationships with people under any conditions, a focus on joint activities, but often to the detriment of performing specific tasks or providing sincere help to people, a focus on social approval, dependence on the group, the need for affection and emotional relationships with people;
  • focus on business (D)- interest in solving business problems, doing the job as best as possible, orientation towards business cooperation, the ability to defend one’s own opinion in the interests of the business, which is useful for achieving a common goal.


The questionnaire consists of 27 items. For each of them there are three possible answers: A, B, C.

  1. From the answers to each item, choose the one that best expresses your point of view on this issue. It is possible that some of the answer options will seem equivalent to you. However, we ask you to select only one of them, namely the one that best suits your opinion and is most valuable to you. Write the letter indicating the answer (A, B, C) on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item (1–27) under the heading “most of all.”
  2. Then, from the answers to each of the points, choose the one that is furthest from your point of view and is the least valuable to you. Write the letter indicating the answer again on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item, in the column under the heading “least of all.”
  3. Thus, to answer each of the questions you use two letters, which you write in the corresponding columns of the test taker’s form. The rest of the answers are not recorded anywhere.

Test taker form __________________

Question no.


Least of all

Question no.


Least of all

Try to be as truthful as possible. There are no "good" or "bad" answer choices, so don't try to guess which answer is "right" or "best" for you.


1. I get the greatest satisfaction from...

  • A. Endorsements for my work.
  • B. The consciousness that I have done the work well.
  • B. The awareness that I am surrounded by friends.

2. If I played football (volleyball, basketball), I would like to be...

  • A. A coach who develops game tactics.
  • B. A famous player.
  • B. The selected team captain.

3. In my opinion, the best teacher is the one who...

  • A. Shows interest in students and has an individual approach to each.
  • B. Creates interest in the subject, so that students are happy to deepen their knowledge of the subject.
  • B. Creates an atmosphere in the team in which no one is afraid to express their opinion.

4. I like it when people...

  • A. They are happy about the work done.
  • B. They enjoy working in a team.
  • B. They strive to do their job better than others.

5. I would like my friends to be...

  • A. Responsive and helpful to people when the opportunity arises.
  • B. Faithful and devoted to me.
  • B. Smart and interesting people.

6. I consider my best friends to be...

  • A. With whom you have a good relationship.
  • B. Someone you can always rely on.
  • B. Who can achieve a lot in life.

7. What I hate most is when...

  • A. Something is not working out for me.
  • B. Relationships with comrades deteriorate.
  • B. I am criticized.

8. In my opinion, the worst thing is when the teacher...

  • A. He doesn’t hide the fact that he doesn’t like some students, he mocks and makes fun of them.
  • B. Causes a spirit of competition in the team.
  • B. Doesn’t know the subject he teaches well enough.

9. As a child, what I liked most was...

  • A. Spend time with friends.
  • B. A feeling of accomplishment.
  • B. When I was praised for something.

10. I would like to be like those who...

  • A. Achieved success in life.
  • B. Really passionate about what he does.
  • B. Characterized by friendliness and goodwill.

11. First of all, the school must...

  • A. Learn to solve the problems that life poses.
  • B. Develop the student’s individual abilities.
  • B. Develop qualities that help you interact with people.

12. If I had more free time, I would most likely use it for...

  • A. Communication with friends.
  • B. Recreation and entertainment.
  • B. Your favorite things to do and self-education.

13. I am most successful when...

  • A. I work with people I like.
  • B. I have an interesting job.
  • B. My efforts are well rewarded.

14. I like when…

  • A. Other people appreciate me.
  • B. I feel satisfaction from a job well done.
  • B. I have a good time with my friends.

15. If they decided to write about me in a newspaper, I would like it to...

  • A. They told me about some interesting thing related to study, work, or sports in which I happened to participate.
  • B. They wrote about my activities.
  • B. Be sure to tell me about the team in which I work.

16. I learn best if the teacher...

  • A. Has an individual approach to me.
  • B. Will be able to arouse my interest in the subject.
  • B. Organizes group discussions of the problems being studied.

17. For me there is nothing worse than...

  • A. An insult to my personal dignity.
  • B. Failure to complete an important task.
  • B. Losing friends.

18. Most of all I appreciate...

  • A. Success.
  • B. Opportunity to work well together.
  • B. Sound, practical mind and ingenuity.

19. I don't like people who...

  • A. They consider themselves better than others.
  • B. They often quarrel and conflict.
  • B. They object to everything new.

20. I'm pleased if...

  • A. I am doing something that is important to everyone.
  • B. I have many friends.
  • B. I am admired and liked by everyone.

21. In my opinion, a leader must first of all be...

  • A. Available.
  • B. Authoritative.
  • B. Demanding.

22. In my free time I would like to read books...

  • A. About how to make friends and maintain good relationships with people.
  • B. About the lives of famous and interesting people.
  • B. About the latest achievements of science and technology.

23. If I had a talent for music, I would prefer to be...

  • A. Conductor.
  • B. Composer.
  • B. Soloist.

24. I would like to…

  • A. Come up with an interesting competition.
  • B. Win the competition.
  • B. Organize and manage the competition.

25. The most important thing for me is to know...

  • A. What do I want to do.
  • B. How to achieve the goal.
  • B. How to organize people to achieve a goal.

26. A person should strive to...

  • A. Others were pleased with him.
  • B. First of all, complete (5th task.
  • B. He did not need to be reproached for the work he did.

27. I relax best in my free time...

  • A. In communication with friends.
  • B. Watching entertaining films.
  • B. Doing what you love.

Processing the results

The answer “most” gets 2 points, “least” - 0, and the answer left unselected - 1 point. The points scored on all 27 points are summed up separately for each type of focus.

Key to the test

Question no.

Question no.

Scoring form

Question no.


(to myself)

(for communication)

(to the point)


Based on materials from M. A. Ponomarev, T. I. Yukhnovets
"Psychodiagnostics of personality"

To determine personal orientation, an orientation (indicative) questionnaire is currently used, first published B. Bassom in 1967

The questionnaire consists of 27 judgment points, for each of which there are three possible answers, corresponding to three types of personality orientation. The respondent must choose one answer that most expresses his opinion or corresponds to reality, and one more, which, on the contrary, is the farthest from his opinion or least corresponds to reality. The answer “most” receives 2 points, “least” – 0, and the answer left unselected – 1 point. The points scored on all 27 points are summed up for each type of focus separately.

Using the methodology, the following areas are identified:

  • self-focus(I) – orientation towards direct reward and satisfaction regardless of work and employees, aggressiveness in achieving status, power, competitiveness, irritability, anxiety, introversion;
  • focus on communication(O) - the desire to maintain relationships with people under any conditions, an orientation towards joint activities, but often to the detriment of performing specific tasks or providing sincere help to people, an orientation towards social approval, dependence on the group, the need for affection and emotional relationships with people.
  • focus on business(D) – interest in solving business problems, doing the job as best as possible, orientation towards business cooperation, the ability to defend one’s own opinion in the interests of the business, which is useful for achieving a common goal.

Instructions:“The questionnaire consists of 27 points. For each of them there are three possible answers: A, B, C.

  1. From the answers to each item, choose the one that best expresses your point of view on this issue. It is possible that some of the answer options will seem equivalent to you. However, we ask you to select only one of them, namely the one that best suits your opinion and is most valuable to you. Write the letter indicating the answer (A, B, C) on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item (1–27) under the heading “most of all.”
  2. Then, from the answers to each of the points, choose the one that is furthest from your point of view and is the least valuable to you. Write the letter indicating the answer again on the sheet for recording answers next to the number of the corresponding item, in the column under the heading “least of all.”
  3. Thus, to answer each of the questions you use two letters, which you write in the appropriate columns. The rest of the answers are not recorded anywhere.

Try to be as truthful as possible. There are no "good" or "bad" answer choices, so don't try to guess which answer is "right" or "best" for you.

Test material
  1. I get the most satisfaction from:
    1. Approvals for my work.
    2. The knowledge that the job was done well.
    3. The knowledge that I am surrounded by friends.
  2. If I played football (volleyball, basketball), then I would like to be:
    1. A coach who develops game tactics.
    2. Famous player.
    3. Chosen team captain.
  3. In my opinion, the best teacher is the one who:
    1. Shows interest in students and has an individual approach to each one.
    2. Creates interest in the subject so that students are happy to deepen their knowledge in this subject.
    3. Creates an atmosphere in the team in which no one is afraid to express their opinion.
  4. I like it when people:
    1. They are happy about the work done.
    2. They enjoy working in a team.
    3. They strive to do their job better than others.
  5. I would like my friends to:
    1. They were responsive and helped people when opportunities presented themselves.
    2. They were faithful and devoted to me.
    3. They were smart and interesting people.
  6. I consider my best friends to be:
    1. With whom do you have a good relationship?
    2. Someone you can always rely on.
    3. Who can achieve a lot in life.
  7. What I dislike most:
    1. When something doesn't work out for me.
    2. When relationships with friends deteriorate.
    3. When I am criticized.
  8. In my opinion, the worst thing is when the teacher:
    1. He does not hide the fact that some students are unsympathetic to him, he mocks and makes fun of them.
    2. Causes a spirit of competition in the team.
    3. Doesn't know his subject well enough.
  9. As a child, what I liked most was:
    1. Spending time with friends.
    2. A feeling of accomplishment.
    3. When I was praised for something.
  10. I would like to be like those who:
    1. Achieved success in life.
    2. Truly passionate about his work.
    3. He is distinguished by his friendliness and goodwill.
  11. You must register

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