Carrots - and no medicine is needed. Unforgettable recipes of traditional medicine Medicinal properties of carrot seeds and contraindications

Her Majesty the carrot is fully worthy of such a title due to the rich range of substances beneficial to humans that it contains. This root vegetable contains vitamin E, recognized as one of the most effective antioxidants, ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, and B vitamins necessary for the smooth functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The pulp helps improve metabolism and generously supplies the body with energy, as it is full of vitamin PP.

As for carotene, which has a beneficial effect on vision and hematopoiesis, its reserves in carrots are truly royal. The commonly available orange root vegetable from the garden is also a supplier of a number of trace elements such as zinc, cobalt, copper, iodine, fluorine, nickel, potassium and magnesium.

The use of carrots in folk medicine

Carrots have excellent taste; they can be consumed unprocessed, raw, and can also be used to prepare a variety of dishes, not only traditional ones, but also festive ones.

The root vegetable is also widely used for medicinal purposes. Thus, boiled carrots are indispensable for diabetics, and puree from them cures colitis, diseases of the liver and urinary system.

Juice from fresh root vegetables is indicated for women after childbirth and postoperative patients who have lost a lot of blood. In addition, it relieves ulcers of internal organs, promotes positive dynamics in cancer problems, lowers cholesterol levels, and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Carrot oil also has healing properties. It is obtained by extraction from the roots and is used to treat jaundice, psoriasis, eczema, and also to heal burns.

Carrot decoction has been used by folk healers since ancient times as a laxative and diuretic. It is also effective for bronchitis, as it stimulates the process of mucus separation.

If you need to get rid of kidney stones that are annoying angina attacks, then an infusion from the queen of the beds will help. Fresh root vegetables are grated and prepared at the rate of five tablespoons of the resulting gruel per liter of boiling water. The product is kept for 12 hours and taken three times a day, one glass for a month.

Carrots are a wonderful vegetable. But it is valuable not only as a food product. The plant has medicinal properties, and medicinal qualities are inherent in all its parts - roots, tops, seeds. In order to effectively use this wonderful vegetable to improve health, let’s take a closer look at what is beneficial in carrots, what medicinal properties are determined by its composition, and what contraindications it has.

What's in carrots?

In terms of the richness of its chemical composition, carrots are in first place among vegetables; they have an almost ideal set of vitamins and minerals that are medicinal for humans. It is also important that it can be consumed fresh all year round. What valuable content does it contain?

100 root vegetables (calorie content approximately 35 kcal) contain:

  • Carbohydrates – 6.7 – 9.5 g
  • Dietary fiber – 1.8 – 2.8 g
  • Protein – 0.93 – 1.4 g
  • Fat – 0.1 – 0.24 g

The main value of carrots is their high content of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A is the most abundant in carrots. It protects the body from infections, helps strengthen hair and nails, gives the skin a healthy appearance, and improves vision. It is also necessary for the growth of children, protection against premature aging, and the development of vascular and heart diseases in adults.
  • Group B – normalizes the functioning of the human nervous system, the level of cholesterol in the blood, protects against fatigue, gives optimism and vitality.
  • Vitamin K – promotes proper bone formation in children, useful for bone restoration in case of fractures and a tendency to osteoporosis. In addition, it helps to normalize the functioning of the stomach, intestines, muscles, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid – protects against viruses, ensures elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that ensures women's health and youth, protecting against the influence of carcinogens.

Carrot roots are also valuable for their high content of microelements and mineral compounds. They contain a lot of molybdenum, cobalt, boron, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and copper. There is iron, phosphorus, chromium, sodium, and other elements.

Carrot tops contain carotene, vitamins C, PP, K, group B, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. The amount of these healing substances in the leaves is no less than in the root vegetable itself.

Carrot seeds contain flavonoids, fatty and essential oils.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of various parts of the plant

Carrot is a plant, all parts of which have medicinal properties. To improve the health of the body, of course, root vegetables are used most of all. Their chemical composition provides a unique set of medicinal properties: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, expectorant, wound healing, choleretic, anthelmintic and others.

For general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to eat fresh grated carrots (at least 100 g) every day before breakfast. To increase the absorption of carotene, the main beneficial component, it is best consumed with sour cream or any vegetable oil.

Carrot juice is very useful as a multivitamin. Juice consumption:

  • Increases immunity, appetite, useful for overwork.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure (together with other juices).
  • Helps restore healthy skin color, strengthens nails, and increases visual acuity.
  • Improves the functioning of the pancreas and digestive system.
  • Neutralizes the negative effects of antibiotics on the body.
  • Promotes normal development and growth of children.

Carrots are used in the treatment of anemia, heart and stomach diseases (gastritis with low acidity), bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, liver and kidney diseases, using simple remedies.

Carrots - contraindications

Carrots are very healing, but everything is good in moderation; excessive consumption of carrots (especially juice) can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, and rashes in children. The skin may also become yellowish. In addition, there are several contraindications for eating the vegetable.

Consumption of carrots is contraindicated:

  • With exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • If the acidity of gastric juice is increased.
  • In case of individual intolerance.

Carrot tops, medicinal properties

The presence of chlorophyll, large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other microelements in the tops along with vitamins, phytoncides and essential oils determines the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial medicinal properties. Medicinal teas and decoctions for internal and external use are prepared from fresh and dry carrot tops. The use of carrot tops helps to improve the cardiovascular system, prevent the development of osteoporosis, helps eliminate sexual dysfunction, cleanse toxins, strengthen the immune system, and improve the condition of hair and nails.

Carrot seeds, medicinal properties and contraindications

Carrot seeds in folk medicine are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, stomach and intestinal pain. They will help to stimulate menstruation, stimulate sexual desire, with kidney stones and other ailments.

  • To normalize blood pressure, boil 100 g of seed powder in half a liter of milk. Drink a glass daily (once).
  • For coughs, colds, colic, diseases of the spleen and liver, menstrual irregularities, pour 100 g of seeds with half a liter of natural red wine, leave for 3 weeks (shaking periodically), take 50 ml 3 times a day.
  • Against constipation, take 1 g of seeds (crushed with a coffee grinder) three times a day, an hour before meals.
  • For angina pectoris, kidney stones and bladder stones, drink the infusion: 1 s. l. seeds brew 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew for 10 - 12 hours. Take half a glass 5 times a day.

Unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of the medicinal properties of seeds; there are contraindications. They are not recommended for use in the treatment of diabetes, peptic ulcers, colitis, diarrhea, uterine bleeding, epilepsy, or pregnancy.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The plant is a two-year plant; in the first year of the growing season, leaves and the underground part are formed, in the second year the arrows contain seeds.
Carrot grows almost everywhere. The cultivated variety of the plant is one of the subspecies of wild carrots. According to some reports, the first to learn to grow this plant were the people inhabiting the territory of modern Afghanistan. In Europe, the plant was discovered in the 10th century.
The weight of the root crop can be from 30 to 300 grams.

Wild purple and white

The wild ancestor of the purple root vegetable. People have been using this plant for food and treatment for at least 4,000 years. Moreover, it became orange only three hundred years ago thanks to Dutch breeders. During the time of the ancient Egyptians, the root vegetable was purple in color, and it was used only for the production of essential oil. The oil was used both for treatment and for religious worship. In Central Asian countries, the white analogue of the root vegetable was more popular. Until now, Uzbeks prefer to put white carrots in pilaf. And wild carrots also did not remain forgotten. In Egypt, even today there are a lot of dishes based on it.

Healing properties

  • Improves the condition of gums,
  • Beneficial for skin and mucous membranes,
  • Used in the treatment of vitamin deficiency A ,
  • Good for the liver, heart, blood vessels ( expands them), used for angina pectoris, atherosclerosis,
  • Used in the treatment of anemia,
  • Used in the treatment of diseases of the retina, mucous membranes of the eyes, night blindness,
  • Indicated in boiled form for the treatment of colitis,
  • Helps normalize the microflora of the oral cavity,
  • Promotes the movement of bile and urine,
  • Normalizes appetite
  • Enhances milk production in lactating women,
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system,
  • Improves immunity,
  • Regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands,
  • Normalizes stool in case of constipation,
  • Used to expel worms,
  • Used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases.

Vitamins and microelements

Chemical composition of 100 grams of raw carrots:
Water88 gr.
Proteins1.3 gr.
Lipids0.1 gr.
Carbohydrates9.3 gr.
Including simple sugars7 gr.
Including fiber1.2 gr.
Starch0.2 gr.
Pectin0.6 gr.
Organic acids0.25 gr.
Ash elements1 gr.
Potassium200 mg
Calcium51 mg
Magnesium38 mg
Sodium21 mg
Phosphorus55 mg
Iron700 mcg
Iodine5 mcg
Cobalt2 mcg
Manganese200 mcg
Copper80 mcg
Molybdenum20 mcg
Fluorine55 mcg
Zinc400 mcg
Beta carotene9 mg
Ascorbic acid5 mg
IN 10.06 mg
AT 20.07 mg
AT 99 mcg
RR1 mg
Calorie content34 kcal

In addition, root vegetables contain: pyridoxine, nicotinic acid. The protein composition is represented by essential amino acids: leucine, cysteine, lysine, histidine, ornithine, asparagine, tyrosine, proline. Root vegetables contain bioflavonoids, lycopene And phytofluene.
Root vegetables weighing about 150 grams are more healthy and rich in vitamins.
Since the main beneficial components are concentrated under the skin of the root vegetable, it is advisable not to cut it off, but simply wash the vegetable with a stiff metal brush.
It is interesting that some substances present in carrots are absorbed by the body only after heat treatment. And the level of antioxidants after cooking increases three times.

Use in treatment

1. As a laxative, give babies 50 ml of freshly squeezed juice after a night's sleep.

2. To normalize the production of gastric juice in case of high acidity, carrot juice is consumed.

4. To strengthen the body's defenses, recovery after illnesses and operations, consume 100 grams for breakfast. grated root vegetable, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil. You can drink 50 ml of juice with honey up to 5 times a day.

Tops - don’t rush to throw them away!

The tops of this root crop are most often mercilessly thrown into the trash. But in vain, because young tops taste very pleasant and contain a lot of useful biologically active substances.
Tops can be added to soup along with other greens. This is an excellent addition to okroshka, beetroot soup, borscht and botvinya ( The name of the soup comes from the word “tops”). You can flavor the tops and fish soup.

In order to eliminate a slight bitterness, before sending it to the pan, pour boiling water over the tops and let it sit for about 15 minutes. For all types of dishes, carrot tops should be processed using this method.
The tops are also good in salads ( You don’t have to keep it in boiling water, but just scald it). It will be tastier if this salad is seasoned with vegetable oil and vinegar or lemon juice.
Tops go well with parsley and cottage cheese. This appetizer will appeal to many if you add enough pepper and salt to it.
In addition, you can use the tops for filling pancakes and pies.
Tops are a valuable medicinal product from which infusions and decoctions are made.


To grow this root vegetable, it is advisable to select a site where celery, caraway, parsley, dill or fennel did not grow last year. Starting in the fall, the ground should be dug up to a depth of twenty centimeters ( otherwise the root vegetables will grow clumsy). In spring, the ground will only need to be leveled with a rake. In the fall, fertilizers are applied to the soil, which should be selected taking into account the specific soil indicators.
Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied in the spring.
To increase germination, seeds should be kept in a biogrowth stimulator.
Seeds should be sown when the soil temperature is at least plus 8 degrees. Most often, the seeds are sown quite densely, after germination they are thinned out, the torn sprouts can be transplanted to another place, most of them take root. The distance between adult plants should be about 4 centimeters.
Seeds are sown to a depth of 2–3 centimeters; after sowing, compact them a little with a special roller.
To get a good harvest per 1 sq.m. About half a ton of water is consumed per season.
The harvest begins in August ( for food) to October ( for storage).


For long-term storage, you should not thoroughly clean the root vegetables from the soil. It is best to keep them in the sand, in the basement. Can also be placed in large plastic bags with a capacity of up to 50 kg. The bags are left open so that the root vegetables can “breathe”.
You can dip each root vegetable in liquidly diluted clay, hang it dry, carefully put it in boxes and keep it in the basement. But this is a rather labor-intensive method of preparing for storage.
In a city apartment, the easiest way is to keep root vegetables in a plastic bag in the lower section of the refrigerator.

Salads are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle

1. Chop one root vegetable on a coarse grater, chop a handful of dried apricots, mix, and add finely chopped half a lemon. Add parsley, sugar and sour cream. Very tasty and unusual. Suitable for people suffering from constipation, as well as heart patients.

2. Grate 200 gr on a coarse grater. carrots and Jerusalem artichoke, add green onions and dill to taste. Season with vegetable oil.

3. Cut 3 – 4 root vegetables as for a Korean salad, squeeze out the juice from 2 oranges and 1 lemon, pour it over carrot sticks, season with honey. Let it brew and eat.

4. 300 gr. root vegetables, 200 ml boiled berries and gooseberry syrup ( maybe raw). Chop the root vegetable, mix with berries, add a little honey.

5. One medium carrot, a handful of fresh calendula flowers, one onion, vegetable oil, salt. Chop the carrots coarsely, the onion into thin rings, and finely chop the calendula flowers. Mix everything, season with oil and salt.

6. 3 root vegetables, 1 large pomegranate, a bunch of green salad, 3 walnuts, sour cream and sugar to taste. Chop the root vegetable, as for a Korean salad, mix with pomegranate seeds, chopped nuts, season with sour cream and sugar. Serve on green lettuce leaves.

Dried root vegetable

Drying allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances contained in carrots. You can dry it at home.
To do this, you should peel the root vegetables, cut them into cubes with a diameter of 3x5 mm, a length of 2 cm, or into circles no more than 3 mm thick. To preserve provitamin A , you should boil the prepared raw materials in boiling water ( for 1 l. water 4 gr. table salt) for 2 minutes. Then cool and place in the oven on a wire rack to dry. Drying temperature is 70 degrees, drying duration is up to 6 hours.
The yield from 10 kg of raw root vegetables is 1 kg of dry product.
It is best to store in paper bags in a dark, cool, dry place.

- a garden plant of the umbrella family (Umbelliferae). Root vegetables contain sugar, fats, essential oils, calcium salts, phosphorus, iron, copper, asparagine, flavonoids, pigments, vitamins A, B 1, B 2, C, PP, pantotinic and folic acid and other substances. Carrots boiled in milk are taken for general loss of strength, gastrointestinal disorders, skin tuberculosis, and sexual impotence.

Red maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

More than two thousand years BC, man estimated benefits of carrots.

Celery family (Apiaceae) - APIACEAE

Description. Wild carrot (D. Carota L.) is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a cultivated plant (D. carota L. var. sativus Hoffm.) is only biennial. The root is thick, fleshy, conical or cylindrical, transversely grooved, yellow or orange-red, rarely (in some fodder varieties) yellow or white. The stem is coarsely hairy, furrowed, 30–60 cm high, branched. The leaves are multi-pinnate. The flowers are small, collected in complex umbels; At the base of the main rays of the umbrella there is a wrapper of leaves. There is no cup; the corolla is small, composed of 5 white unfused petals; stamens 5. The fruit is dry, small, elliptical, splitting into two halves of 3-4 mm each, on the surface of which there are thread-like ribs. The stem develops in the second year (from fleshy carrots). It blooms in June - July, in the second year of life.

Geographical distribution. Homeland - Mediterranean countries. Widely cultivated in Russia.

Other types. Wild carrots are distinguished by a thin, whitish, inedible root. In the wild, it is distributed in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and in the southern and central zone of the European part of Russia.

Organs used: roots (root vegetables) and seeds.

Chemical composition. Roots (root vegetables) contain carotenoids α, -β, -γ and ε-carotenes; phytoene, phytofluenilikin; vitamins B1 (up to 0.1 mg%), B2 (up to 0.05 mg%), pantothenic (up to 0.15 mg%) and ascorbic (up to 0.5 mg%) acids, as well as flavonoids (up to 0.3 mg%) and anthocyanidins. Sugars (3-15 mg%), fatty (0.1-0.7%) and essential (0.014%) oils, um belliferon and other substances were also isolated. The seeds contain essential oil (up to 1.6%), which includes α-pinene, l-limonene, cineole, geranyl acetate, geraniol, citronellol, citral, caryophyllene, carotol, daucol, p-cymene, dipenene, asarone and bisabolene . In addition, flavone compounds and fatty oil (11-13%), consisting of petroselinic, petroselidic, palmitic, oleic and linodeic acids, in the form of glycerides, as well as daucarin and some other substances, were found in the seeds.

For the therapeutic effectiveness of carrots attach great importance to its rich and rational chemical composition: glucose, phosphatides, mineral salts, especially potassium, high content of carotene (up to 9 mg%), vitamins D and group B (pyridoxine, amounting to 0.12 mg%), nicotine (up to 0 .4 mg%) and folic (0.1 mg%) acids (B. G. Volynsky et al., 1978).

Application. Fresh carrots are recommended for the treatment and prevention of hypo- and avitaminosis A, accompanied by decreased vision and degenerative changes in the epithelium. However, the carotene contained in carrots is not absorbed by liver diseases and decreased thyroid function. In these cases, natural vitamin A should be prescribed rather than carrots. Grated carrots are given for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, liver and kidney diseases, and hemorrhoids. Fresh carrot juice is used topically to treat wounds, burns, frostbite, festering ulcerated skin surfaces, as well as gargle with sore throat, lubricate the oral cavity during inflammatory processes (V.I. Zavrazhnov and others).

Fresh carrot juice used as an anthelmintic (a tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening); for thrush, the oral cavity is lubricated with carrot juice. An infusion of herbs (carrot tops) with parsley helps with hemorrhoids, cancer, and kidney stones.

Grated carrots applied to wounds, ulcers, burns promote their healing. It is recommended for anemia, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, and acne.

From carrot seeds receive the drug "Daukarin", used for atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris.

Taking grated carrots and a glass of juice a day reduces susceptibility to infectious diseases, treats jaundice, gives freshness and velvety to the skin, and improves vision.

It is useful to wash your hair with a decoction of the herb to improve hair growth and strengthen hair. Carrot masks are good for dry skin. To do this, grate two washed carrots, add an egg yolk and a few drops of vegetable oil. The resulting mass is applied to the face. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask with a swab moistened with warm water. Do it 1-2 times a week (Surina, 1974).

During a kidney attack, a 20% infusion of carrot seeds gives an analgesic and diuretic effect.

Carrot juice is taken for loss of strength, anemia, after illness. For worms, it is recommended to do carrot enemas.

Carrot tops tea quenches thirst well and tones (Altymyshev, 1976).

Carrot fruit extract is part of the drug "Urolesan", approved for use in diseases of the liver and kidneys, acute and chronic cholecystitis, and various forms of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis (Gammerman, 1983).

The medicinal properties of seeded carrots are associated with the large amount of carotene (provitamin A) it contains, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. Carrots are used for hypovitaminosis A, which is accompanied by increased fatigue, loss of appetite, a tendency to colds, gastrointestinal diseases tract and skin (dry skin, increased fragility of hair, nails and pustular skin lesions).

Carrots are used for corneal diseases, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases (carrot juice with honey).

Whole Plant Extract used as a choleretic and laxative.

Theraniol is obtained from the aerial part (tops).

In China, carrot seeds are used for chronic dysentery and flatulence. And fatty oil from carrot seeds is used as an abortifacient (“Plant Resources”, 1988).

In carrot roots twice as many alkaline substances accumulate as acid-forming substances. Alkalis are necessary to neutralize the destructive effects of acids. The presence of a significant amount of fiber in carrots makes it useful for the normal functioning of the digestive organs.

Carrot juice is used for cystitis - inflammation of the bladder (Nebesny, 1970).

Fruits and crushed leaves applied to ulcers. Carrots help with pleurisy, difficult pregnancy, stimulate lust (especially seeds) (Avicenna).

A drug. Methods of preparation and use

Daucarin - a sum of flavonoids obtained from carrot seeds. It has an antispasmodic effect, reminiscent of the action of papaverine or kellin, and dilates the coronary vessels. It is prescribed for coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, and bronchial asthma.

1. Freshly squeezed juice is prescribed on an empty stomach for adults but 100-200 g for kidney and cholelithiasis. It should be drunk immediately after preparation.

2. A glass of fresh juice is mixed with a few tablespoons of honey and taken 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for bronchitis and laryngitis.

3. Pour a tablespoon of carrot seeds into a glass of boiling water, leave in a warm oven for 12 hours, and filter. Prescribed orally, 1 glass 3 times a day, hot. Salt-free diet (treatment of kidney stones).

Its root vegetables are rich in carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, PP, salts of iron, cobalt, potassium, copper, phosphorus, and iodine. The greatest amount of vitamins is contained in the outer layers of root vegetables, and there are much more of them in red than in yellow.

Eating carrots boiled, raw and fried, canned, sauerkraut with cabbage and even made into jam. Dishes made from it are useful for anemia and loss of strength, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, hemorrhoids and constipation, eczema, dry skin.

Gargle with fresh juice mouth with stomatitis. Carrots are important for the treatment of visual impairment associated with a lack of vitamin A in the body. Daily consumption of fresh carrots significantly strengthens the body and increases its resistance to infectious diseases.

Seed powder can be used for kidney stones, and also as a laxative and diuretic, 1 g 3 times a day. Daucarin is obtained from the seeds, which is recommended for the treatment of chronic coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris. For hemorrhoids, you should drink a decoction of carrot tops. Sometimes carrot juice is used in cosmetics - it gives freshness to the skin and prevents wrinkles.

Grated carrots applied to burns, wounds, ulcers, tumors.

We are all accustomed to the fact that carrots are very good for health; when we dig up and collect root vegetables, we, without thinking, throw away the tops, and in vain. It contains more useful substances than root vegetables, although the taste does not allow it to be used as food.

Chemistry and medicinal properties of carrot tops

According to scientific research, carrot tops contain 500 times more vitamins than fruits. Greens contain retinol, or vitamin A, ascorbic acid - vitamin C, B vitamins, nicotinic acid - vitamin PP. All these elements are necessary for our body, since without vitamins there can be no health, no beauty, no longevity.

In addition, the tops are rich in micro- and macroelements - selenium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, sodium, manganese, copper, cobalt, essential oils, tannins, chlorophyll, caffeine, coumarin, lysine,

Due to the high content of calcium and chlorophyll, carrot tops have the ability to cleanse the blood and lymph of toxins and waste. In addition, chlorophyll has wound-healing and disinfectant properties.

A potent antioxidant, selenium is a good preventative against cancer, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, activates and normalizes the activity of the reproductive organs, and prevents aging. The daily dose of selenium is contained in one or two green stems; they should be eaten fresh.

A decoction of carrot tops is used to improve visual acuity, to prevent eye diseases, and to lose weight.

Tea made from carrot tops increases the absorption of food, activates intestinal motility and metabolic processes, as a result, extra pounds are lost. But those who plan to lose weight using decoctions of carrot tops must remember that the desired results can only be achieved if you eat right and follow a diet.

What are carrot tops used for? Drinks prepared from it are useful for general strengthening of the body, cleansing the intestines, liver and blood vessels, replenishing vitamins, recovery after operations and serious illnesses.

Drinks made from carrots serve as a preventive measure for osteoporosis, treat chronic coughs and hemorrhoids, relieve depression and irritability, help with insomnia, calm the nerves, and enhance male potency.

A decoction or infusion of carrot tops helps with alcohol poisoning by cleansing the liver and blood of toxins.

Carrot tops cleanse the kidneys of sand, activate their work, eliminate swelling, and remove fluid from the body.

Juice from fresh tops has disinfecting properties, so it can be used for toothache, herpes and stomatitis.

We prepare raw materials for future use

Fresh carrot tops can be used from the time they emerge until the carrots are dug up.

It is better to harvest tops for winter at the end of summer, when they contain the maximum amount of nutrients.

As a rule, carrots are dug up in September-October; at the same time, the tops can also be collected for harvesting.

The tops are cut, washed with cold running water, slightly dried in the sun, and then placed under a canopy. In general, drying carrot tops is the same as drying other medicinal herbs; the finished raw material should be so dry that it can be easily broken. The stems are broken by hand and stored at room temperature for 1 year in a plastic bag or glass jar.

The tops can also be frozen - the cut stems are washed, cut into small pieces, since when frozen they will also become very fragile and will break, put in bags or containers and placed in the freezer.


Now check out the simple technology for making drinks from carrot tops at home. In summer, carrot decoction can be prepared from fresh herbs, and for winter, the raw materials are prepared dried or frozen. Drinks from carrot tops can be made with the addition of other tasty and healthy medicinal herbs and fruits to your own taste - rose hips, raisins, hawthorn, currants, nettles, chamomile, mint, oregano.

Carrot tea for hemorrhoids. 2 tbsp. chopped tops need to brew 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Divide into 3 parts, drink during the day 2 hours after meals. The course of treatment is a month, after which you need to take a break.

Tea can also be used externally to wash hemorrhoids. You can apply napkins soaked in the infusion to the sore areas for 15-20 minutes, several times a day. This will reduce swelling, relieve inflammation and pain, and stop bleeding.

You can make baths for hemorrhoids - put several carrot stems in a basin, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid, let it brew and cool to an acceptable temperature. Sit in the basin 2 times a day for two weeks.

A decoction for edema, cystitis, prostatitis. 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiled water over the raw materials, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove from heat, cool and filter. At night, after meals, you need to drink 200 ml of decoction.

Carrot tops tea against cystitis. 4 tbsp. raw materials need to be poured with 400 ml of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Strain. Drink 100 ml 30 minutes before meals, every 8 hours. The course of treatment is until recovery.

Infusion for removing sand from the kidneys. For these purposes, you will only need dried tops; fresh ones are not suitable. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed raw materials and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and start drinking 50 ml warm 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 8 months, with short breaks.

How and why carrots are used in medicine

Treatment is best carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and if there are no contraindications. If unpleasant symptoms appear during treatment, treatment should be stopped. In addition, the product can be used to stop internal bleeding and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Juice from carrot tops for stomatitis. Wash the carrot leaves, chop using any method, squeeze out the juice, add the same amount of water and a little honey. Rinse your mouth every 3-4 hours.

Infusion for male impotence. 1 tbsp. dry carrot stems, pour a glass of boiled milk, cover with a lid, wrap in a towel, leave for 1 hour. Drink the infusion 30 minutes before bedtime. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Compresses for prostatitis. Pour hot water over whole carrot stems, steam for 20-30 minutes, drain the water, cool to a comfortable temperature, apply to the lower abdomen overnight.

Tea to strengthen and cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol. 1 tbsp. dry carrot stems, pour 500 ml of boiling water, add mint, chamomile, lemon balm or oregano to taste, leave for 30 minutes, drink like regular tea without exact dosage.

Remedy for varicose veins. The condition of the blood vessels will improve significantly, and soon the disease will go away completely if you apply steamed carrot stems to the sore spots every day. The course of treatment is until recovery.

Recipe 10.

A decoction of carrots and raisins to cleanse the liver. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 1 kg of dark, seedless raisins (white is not suitable), 1 kg of carrots, 2.5 liters of clean water.

Raisins should be washed in hot water to remove preservatives. Wash the carrots, peel them, cut them into slices, add water. Put on fire and cook for 1.5 hours, stirring from time to time.

Then remove from heat, cool, strain, squeezing out carrots and raisins, pour the broth into a jar, cover with a lid, and put in the refrigerator. Do not throw away the carrots and raisins - put them in a container or plate, cover and put them in the refrigerator.

Start treatment in the morning. On an empty stomach you need to eat 2 tablespoons of a mixture of carrots and raisins, and at night drink 100 ml of heated broth.

At first, the pain and discomfort in the liver intensify, this indicates that the process of cleansing the liver of bile clots and other toxins is taking place. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Treatment is carried out twice a year with a break of 6 months.

Recipe 11.

Carrot and cabbage juice is useful to take during a flu epidemic, since both products contain a lot of vitamin C. In addition, the juice can be used to disinfect the oral cavity for periodontal disease and stomatitis.

Recipe 12.

Tincture of carrot seeds to strengthen the immune system, normalize the menstrual cycle, treat spleen, liver, kidneys, cystitis, cough, colds, colic.

Take 100 grams of carrot seeds, grind in a coffee grinder, pour in 500 ml of quality wine, leave for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain, drink 50 ml 3 times a day.

For constipation, you can take 1 gram of crushed seeds an hour before meals three times a day.

Recipe 13.

Infusion for angina pectoris. In the evening 1 tbsp. Carrot seeds need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left for 12 hours. In the morning, strain, drink 5 times a day, 100 ml.

Recipe 14.

Jade infusion. 3 tbsp. carrot seeds need to be poured with 1 liter of boiling water, left for 10-12 hours, drink 100 ml 4 times a day before meals.


Each plant has benefits and harms. Carrot stems also have their own contraindications. Basically, they are associated with the presence of caffeine in the stems, which is not always beneficial for everyone.

Carrot tops should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance, an allergy to essential oils, during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, inflammation of the large intestine, intestinal disorders, gastritis with high stomach acidity, or ulcerative colitis.

Preparations made from tops are also contraindicated for pregnant women - they increase the tone of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage.

There are several methods for cleansing the kidneys using carrots for chronic inflammation and urolithiasis, using all parts of this wonderful plant. Published on the web portal

In addition to using carrots in cooking, they are also used for various diseases, as well as for general strengthening of the body, because carrots have a huge amount of useful substances.

Several recipes

1. Pour 1 tablespoon of carrot seeds with a glass of boiling water. In the morning, boil the infusion for 3 minutes, cool, and strain.

Carrots: Health Benefits and How to Use them

Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

2. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried and chopped carrot tops (in winter, carrots can be sprouted in the light) with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight.

Take warm (to do this, the infusion must be heated, but not brought to a boil). Drink 1/3 glass 4 times a day before meals. The cleansing course is long - more than six months, but the results are exceptional.

3. Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a fine grater.
Pour 3 tablespoons of grated pulp into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep overnight.
Drink the infusion in several doses throughout the day, warming it slightly.
Course - 1 month.

4. Just carrot juice is also healthy. Drink a glass of it 3 times a day for six months.

Carrot juice is a natural balm for the liver, kidneys and gall bladder. Its systematic use is a preventative measure for the entire “cleansing” system of the body and maintaining this system in working order.

Don’t overdo it—to cleanse your kidneys with carrots, you only need to choose one of four recipes.

It must be remembered that in large quantities any healing agent can harm the body. Therefore, we advise you to consult your doctor when using these recipes!

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Traditional medicine uses many herbs, vegetables and root vegetables, such as carrot seeds, in its arsenal. Treatment with carrot seeds, tops for cystitis and urolithiasis of the kidneys. Mostly wild carrot seeds are used.

Traditional recipes using carrot seeds:

For cystitis, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a handful of chopped carrot tops, leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Drink during the day in 3-4 doses 30 minutes before meals.

For kidney stones, stones and sand in the bladder, take a teaspoon of carrot seed powder 3 times a day with water.

For kidney stones (oxalates, uraites), worms (pinworms), drink 50-100 ml of freshly prepared carrot juice 1-2 times a day 15 minutes before meals or on an empty stomach.

Pour 2 tablespoons of carrot pulp into 1.5 cups of boiling water, cook in a sealed container over low heat for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, strain. Take V2 glasses 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Mix 1:1 by weight wild carrot seed powder and powdered sugar. Take 6 g 2-3 times a day with warm water for nervous diseases, as a laxative, diuretic for kidney and liver diseases.

Pour 100 g of wild carrot seeds into 1 liter of dry white wine, leave in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. Drink 50 g 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for kidney and urolithiasis, liver and spleen diseases, for colic, as a diuretic, for delayed menstruation, and cough of a cold nature.

Be healthy!

The article uses materials from N. Dannikov

Carrot seeds treatment with folk remedies - photos and videos

Also watch a useful video on the topic.

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  • Nourishing masks for skin.

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    Carrots are one of the most famous vegetable crops, which are widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. The medicinal properties of wild carrots were noticed a long time ago - methods of its use for various diseases were described in the works of Dioscorides and Avicenna. Carrot fruits contain a large amount of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP and microelements, thanks to which they really have a lot of beneficial properties. For example, root vegetables boiled in milk have a positive effect on gastrointestinal disorders, weakness and skin tuberculosis. And fresh carrots are taken for hypo- and avitaminosis. The roots, seeds and leaves of this plant are used in both traditional and folk medicine - medicines are made from them and taken in their natural form.

    Medicinal properties of carrot fruits

    The main medicinal properties of carrots relate to its fruits. Root vegetables contain carotenoids - natural organic pigments that act as antioxidants.

    In addition, they contain fatty and essential oils, folic and nicotinic acids, glucose, lecithin, starch and other substances necessary for the body.

    Carrots - what they contain, what are their medicinal properties and contraindications

    Fresh root vegetables are used in the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and B, for the healing of skin wounds and defects. Root juice is one of the most effective general tonics for anemia and general weakness. Carrot fruits and juice are recommended for liver and kidney diseases, cholelithiasis, and cardiovascular system disorders. In case of myocardial infarction, carrot juice is included in the therapeutic diet as the main source of carotene.

    Medicinal properties of wild carrot seeds

    The seeds of the plant contain a large amount of essential oil, which is why they are often used in cosmetology and in the treatment of skin defects. The medicinal properties of carrot seeds are also used to solve problems with blood vessels and hypertension. The product is used in the form of a decoction: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of seeds into a liter of water, bring to a boil and cool. The decoction helps cleanse the liver and kidneys, and for cardiovascular diseases.

    Medicinal properties of wild carrot tops

    The medicinal properties of carrot tops are due to the high content of vitamin C, protein, calcium and chlorophyll. In folk medicine, it is used to treat kidney diseases, bleeding gums, and swelling. The tops are used to cleanse the blood, lymph nodes and adrenal glands. Due to its high vitamin K content, it is considered the most effective preventative against osteoporosis and heart disease. It is used in the form of decoction, tea and juice.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Carrots in cosmetology

    Carrot- old carrot, one of the most common vegetable crops on the planet. It was grown and eaten as early as 2000 BC by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean. Today it is eaten everywhere. Root vegetables of different varieties differ in shape and color. They have a rich chemical composition, due to which carrots have a regulating effect on all metabolic processes in the human body. The tastiest carrots are those with a pointed nose, bright orange color, medium size; small carrots are more tender, but they are tasteless.

    In home cosmetology, carrot juice and pulp are used (preferably light-colored). The women's beauty site has the following recipes:

    Carrots in cosmetology

    1. It is advisable to wipe sluggish, flabby or sensitive skin with carrot juice twice a week. The procedure nourishes the skin and gives it freshness. Useful for both dry and oily skin.

    2. To give your skin a tan-like tint, wipe your face morning and evening with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of carrot juice and a tablespoon of glycerin.

    3. If you add a few drops of lemon juice to carrot juice, you will get an excellent rub against freckles.

    4. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, apply the resulting pulp to the face and neck, and cover with a gauze cloth on top. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply nourishing cream to the skin. The mask is suitable for any skin, especially pale, aging, inflamed, acne-prone.
    Nourishes, moisturizes and refreshes the skin, makes it elastic and soft.

    5. Mix medium-sized carrots grated on a fine grater with the beaten white of one egg, add a teaspoon of starch or milk powder. Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
    Recommended for normal skin.

    6. Mix in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each) fresh cottage cheese, vegetable (olive, peach or other) oil, milk and carrot juice (see benefits of vegetable juices). Grind the mixture well and apply to the face for 20 minutes, then make a warm compress. Finally, rinse your face with cold water.
    The mask is suitable for any skin, nourishes and refreshes it.

    7. To prepare a whitening, refreshing and nourishing mask for any skin, mix 0.5 cups of carrot juice with a teaspoon of potato starch and 0.5 raw egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to face for 30 minutes. Rinse off alternately with hot and cold water.

    8. Mix two grated carrots with a teaspoon of fresh milk or vegetable oil and the beaten white of one egg. Apply to face and neck, rinse after 30 minutes with cold water.
    The mask is recommended for dry skin.

    9. Grate one carrot on a fine grater and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Apply the paste to the face and neck, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Wipe your face with a cotton swab moistened with cold water. Masks are especially useful for dry, aging skin: they have a stimulating effect, smooth out fine wrinkles, improve complexion, and make the skin elastic.

    10. For sluggish, flabby skin with a gray, earthy tint and age spots, use the following mask: grind a tablespoon of cream with fresh yolk and mix with a teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply the paste to previously cleansed skin and after 20 minutes remove with a swab moistened with warm vegetable oil. Then rinse your face with cold water. The mask rejuvenates and refreshes the skin, giving it a beautiful shade.

    11. For dull, dry skin, a mask of grated carrots (2 tablespoons) with a few drops of vegetable oil added. Keep the mask on your face for 25-30 minutes, rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

    12. For aging facial skin, it is recommended to make a nourishing mask 2-3 times a week: mix the yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil, the same amount of sour cream and carrot juice and 2-3 teaspoons of oatmeal (you can grind flakes in a coffee grinder). Apply to pre-cleaned skin for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and lubricate your face with nourishing cream.

    13. Mix fresh cottage cheese, cream and carrot juice (1 teaspoon each). Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. For dry, flaky skin.

    Unforgettable recipes of traditional medicine

    14. Apply a mixture of grated carrots and apples, taken in equal quantities, to the face for 15-20 minutes (daily or every other day). Course - 20 masks. This nourishing vitamin mask is useful for aging, sagging, wrinkled skin.
    Also recommended for oily, pale and acne-prone skin.

    15. For wrinkled skin, the following mask is useful: add the beaten yolk of one chicken egg and a few drops of olive oil to carrot juice. Apply to the face and neck and wash off with cool water after 20-25 minutes.

    16. To protect the skin from fading and the appearance of wrinkles, the following mask is useful: grate 2 fresh carrots, add a few drops of lemon juice, the yolk of one egg and a teaspoon of vegetable oil (or a teaspoon of oatmeal). Apply to face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    17. For oily skin, use a mask made from a mixture of carrot pulp, one whipped egg white and flour. Apply to face and neck for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

    18. Mix carrot pulp with oatmeal or flour. Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes. Suitable for any skin, but especially for oily skin: nourishes, softens, eliminates excess oil.

    19. Carrot juice mixed with lemon juice, curdled milk and rice flour is used for wrinkles, as well as for increased greasiness in hair.

    20. It is useful to wipe your lips with carrot juice.

    21. 2-3 hours before washing oily hair, rub carrot juice into the scalp.