How to use polyurethane foam: detailed instructions for use. How to use polyurethane foam with a tube Working with polyurethane foam

So many categories repair work held in indoors and related to the installation of such elements building structures like door and window units, provide for mandatory sealing of the latter. To seal existing joints, a special tool is used that allows them to be filled with polyurethane foam. In this article you can familiarize yourself with how polyurethane foam is applied to joints that need reliable sealing.

Preparing the compaction site

Before starting work, you must carefully inspect the area of ​​the proposed seal, and then thoroughly clean it of dust, debris, stains and other contaminants. After cleaning working area it should be moistened with water; in this case, you can resort to using a spray bottle. The fact is that after the joint surface is moistened, the polyurethane foam interacts more actively with it and increases in volume faster.

Each time before pouring the foam, shake the container vigorously so that its contents can mix well and acquire the required consistency.

Methods of applying polyurethane foam

Nowadays, there are two modifications of cylinders on the market with a one-component composition used to seal various joints. This:

The cylinders have a built-in spray nozzle with a tube to direct the flow of foam. In contrast, professional foam application involves the use of a more complex mechanism - the so-called mounting gun with a special nozzle for the cylinder.

The procedure for handling these devices is as follows:

  1. When handling the balloon, just point the tube at the desired location and immediately start spraying.
  2. Using professional tool(gun), it is necessary to install the cylinder on it and fix the adjusting screw in the position of the most effective foam formation. You can adjust the intensity of foam release with the same screw or by changing the force of pressure on the trigger lever.
  3. The foam is applied by smoothly moving the spray nozzle in such a way that an even strip is obtained that fills the cracks to half their depth. Immediately after application, the foam will begin to expand and fill all existing voids.

When replacing a used cylinder, it is recommended to lubricate the gun mounting socket with a special compound that removes all remaining foam.

  • During installation door block Only the joint on the side of the wall partition should be filled with foam. The gap on the side of the box is best sealed with silicone sealant.
  • Before applying polyurethane foam to the seal area in winter, you need to remove any remaining ice and frost from the surface.
  • Excess material is removed by in a simple way, i.e. cut with a knife.

  • If, when applying the material, you stained the window glass with foam, then traces of it can be washed off using a special liquid or acetone.
  • It is not recommended to process the foam until it has completely set, as this may slow down its hardening and lead to changes in the density of the material.

In between switching on the gun, the foam container should be positioned vertically.


You can see how to use polyurethane foam in the following video:

Everyone knows that in modern world Polyurethane foam is used in almost all types of repair and construction work where its properties are required. Use this construction material for the installation of doors, windows, window sills, sandwich panels and all kinds of insulation for pipelines are made from polyurethane foam; it is widely used for insulating large containers, such as water heating tanks, and similar products. The main advantage of this building material is its ease of use, which we will talk about on the pages of the site. In addition, we will also answer questions about how to use polyurethane foam, what types of foam are there and how to choose it correctly?

How to use polyurethane foam photo

How to use polyurethane foam: what to choose, professional or household material

Today, modern industry produces three main types of polyurethane foam - professional and household cylinders. There is also the so-called two-component polyurethane foam, which we will not consider in this article for one simple reason - it is used exclusively for production purposes. What is the difference between professional and household polyurethane foam? Which one should you prefer?

The answer to this question lies in the plane of your activity. If, due to the specifics of your work, you are faced with its use every day, then you undoubtedly need to opt for the professional version of polyurethane sealant. Professional polyurethane foam has one significant advantage - thanks to the foam used for its use, the yield of foam from one cylinder is much greater. Thanks to the same tool, a can of professional polyurethane foam can be used for a long time, and it will not dry out. Unlike professional foam, household polyurethane foam is intended exclusively for one-time use - the remains of this material will certainly dry out in the container after just a day.

In addition, when identifying the differences between household and professional foam, you should also pay attention to the characteristics of this building material - the density of the foam in professional cylinders is much higher, and their filling is also greater. The only thing in which household polyurethane foam is superior to professional foam is cost, as well as the absence of the need to use a foam gun for work, which, by the way, is also not cheap.

Gun for mounting foam photo

Now about the quality. As a rule, construction foam sold today can be of different quality, which is quite difficult to assess by the type of cylinder. In principle, you can focus on price, or you can resort to the experience and observation of professionals. The fact is that all the qualities of polyurethane foam can be determined, as they say, offhand: by the weight of the container and how its contents behave when slightly shaken.

A high-quality foam container is heavier, and when shaken, its contents roll heavily from one end of the container to the other. You need to feel it - just take and compare two cylinders of the same volume, but different in price. Believe me, the difference will be noticeable immediately.

Construction foam: how to work with it

It is customary to write instructions point by point - this is how we will answer the question of how to use polyurethane foam correctly.

  • It doesn’t matter what kind of foam bottle you purchased (professional or household), the first thing you need to do is heat it up in hot water and shake well. This is necessary in order to mix the gas and liquid component of the foam, thus increasing the yield of foam from one cylinder.
  • Next, we screw the tube that comes with it onto the household cylinder, and install the professional one on the gun.

How to use polyurethane foam correctly photo

  • Now about the surface on which it is planned to apply polyurethane foam. Firstly, it must be cleaned of dust and dirt. Secondly, moisten thoroughly with water. The fact is that the polymerization process of polyurethane sealant is much better at high humidity. In addition, polyurethane foam adheres better to a surface moistened with water, which is by no means unimportant when blowing out large cracks - the foam does not fall out of them, as happens when working with dry surfaces.
  • At this step, we’ll talk directly about the process of applying polyurethane foam. There is nothing complicated here - the only thing you have to do is get used to measuring the amount of foam coming out of the container. In this regard, it is much easier to work with a professional foam cylinder and gun - the dosage of foam output is carried out by a special valve. In household cylinders, this process has to be regulated by pressing force on the cylinder valve. And one more nuance - during the foaming process, the cylinder must be kept with the valve down.

Polyurethane foam: instructions for use

  • After this, wait until the foam hardens. How long does it take for polyurethane foam to dry? As a rule, complete polymerization of this building material occurs within 6–8 hours. So, at least, the manufacturer claims, but in practice the situation is a little different - the hardening time of the foam depends on its volume and can reach up to 12 hours.
  • When the foam hardens, its excess is cut off with a sharp knife or metal file.
  • Polyurethane foam is sensitive to ultraviolet rays material - it is destroyed under their influence, changes color and crumbles. If we're talking about about using polyurethane sealant outdoors, then after drying and removing excess, the foam must be covered with cement mortar.

How to remove polyurethane foam photo

As you can see, the question of how to use polyurethane foam has a fairly simple answer. If you do everything correctly and fully comply with the technology for applying polyurethane sealant, then with its help you can easily fill spaces of any size, including in the ceiling.

In the modern world it is used in almost all types of repair and construction work. It is used during the installation of doors, windows and window sills, and plumbing fixtures. Also found this building material wide application as insulation - it is used to seal cracks and cracks; sandwich panels and various insulation materials are made from it.

The main advantage of polyurethane foam is its convenience and ease of use.

Types of polyurethane foam

In order to figure out how to use polyurethane foam correctly, let’s look at its varieties. Today, modern industry produces three types of this material: professional and household cylinders, as well as two-component polyurethane foam (we will not consider it in this article, since it is used only in production conditions). What is their difference? Which type should you prefer? How to use a balloon with polyurethane foam The main criterion for choosing this material is its purpose.

Foam for professional use (gun)

This material is sold in cylinders from 1.5 l and is distinguished by the fact that it can only be used with the help of professional builders, since this design allows you to get the job done easily and quickly.

Using a gun makes dosing the material much easier. For one-time work in domestic conditions, the material is not very convenient, because after use you need to wash the gun, and this is an additional financial cost. There are manufacturers that complete the cylinders with a spray tube. But applying professional foam from it is not economical, since strong pressure increases its consumption.

Foam for household use

Sold in tubes with a capacity of 0.6-0.8 liters and equipped with a straw. It is intended for one-time use. Convenient to fill small spaces and corrections of various installation defects. Household polyurethane foam has the same properties as for professional use. The kit must include a tube. If necessary, you can use both a cylinder and a gun.

The cost of professional foam is much higher than household foam, and this is mainly due to the difference in their volume.

Pistol design

Before learning how to use a spray foam can, first let's look at the design of the gun. Regardless of manufacturer? its structure is the same and quite simple:

  • If household foam is supplied through a PVC tube, then in a gun it is supplied through a metal tube with a special tip - a nozzle. The tip hole is 5 times smaller than the cross-section of the supply tube, due to which it increases operating pressure mixtures.
  • The cylinder is connected through an adapter, which is attached to the gun body.
  • The purpose of the adjusting screw is to dose the mixture output.
  • Pen of this instrument can be aluminum or plastic. It is attached to the barrel with a nut. Thanks to collapsible design The gun is easy to clean from frozen residues.
  • The trigger is used to supply the mixture from the cylinder.

How to install a cylinder on a pistol

In order to learn how to properly use a foam gun, let’s first consider how to insert it:

  • The first thing to do is to warm the foam canister in hot water to room temperature and shake thoroughly for 20-25 seconds to bring the polyurethane foam substance to a homogeneous state. The foam will come out with a uniform consistency and in full volume.

  • The container is closed on top with a protective cap, which must be removed before installation. Then place the gun with the handle down. When connecting, hold the device firmly by the handle with one hand, and screw the cylinder onto the adapter with a rotational movement with the other. Evidence of connection will be hissing, which indicates the arrival of foam. If there is no sound, this indicates a malfunction of the inlet ball valve or the expiration date of the foam itself. To fix this problem, the gun will have to be disassembled and cleaned of dried old material.
  • After shaking, the device is placed in the working position with the handle down. The adjusting screw is turned a quarter turn and the trigger is pulled, pointing the barrel into the bag. When the consistency of the foam is normal, start working.

Polyurethane foam: how to use a spray can with a gun?

Working with polyurethane foam does not require any special skills. It will be enough to try to foam something once or twice, and everything will work out. Let's consider the order of work and some nuances:

Polyurethane foam is a material sensitive to ultraviolet rays, which, under their influence, is destroyed, changes color and crumbles. If used outdoors, then after completely dry and remove excess, you need to cover it with cement mortar.

How to use polyurethane foam with a tube?

If a gun is not provided for the cylinder (in household foam), then instead the kit includes a PVC tube that is screwed onto the adapter. The operating principle is identical to professional foaming. It is not always convenient to work with such a cylinder, but it is great for one-time use. This option will be ideal in a situation where you plan to seal small seams.

So, what are the disadvantages of polyurethane foam? We have already figured out how to use it. Now let's look at the disadvantages of this material:

  • It is impossible to dose the contents of the container, which increases the consumption of polyurethane foam.
  • Inconvenience of working with this tool. Holding the balloon upside down by hand is quite tiring and even uncomfortable. The hand often gets tired and constant breaks are needed.

Using polyurethane foam without a gun or tube

Sometimes professional polyurethane foam can be used without a gun. How to use the balloon? In this situation, you will have to choose a tube to release the foam yourself and figure out how to press the valve. This process can be represented figuratively as follows: you need to release the air so that all of it can get to the desired point without getting caught in your hands.

In this case, choose a tube of 3 parts: the first and third are flexible, and the second is hard. The middle part presses the valve, the first prevents the foam from spraying, and the third brings it to the treatment site.


So, we examined polyurethane foam. We also studied how to use such material. But do not forget about protecting your hands and face, since the foam is quite difficult to wash off. It is much cheaper to buy an extra pair of gloves than to buy solvent or walk around with dirty hands.

Polyurethane foam is one of the most difficult materials to remove: once it gets on fabric, leather or other surfaces, it is quite difficult to clean them. But it's worth a try.

Surface Fresh foam Cured foam
Skin of hands Carefully remove with a sponge, the residues are removed with improvised means - scrub, acetone, solvent, gasoline, saturated saline solution Can only be removed mechanically. Usually loses its properties and falls off after 2-3 days
Textile Collect with a stick, residues are removed with a cleaner.
Important! When processing the fabric, stains may remain!
Large pieces are cut off if possible, and the remains are treated with a special solvent for hardened foam, white spirit or gasoline. Appearing stains are removed with stain removers.
PVC (frames, window sills) Carefully remove, wipe the surface with a special cleaner for PVC Carefully cut off, the surface is wiped with a special cleaner for PVC (usually marked - for installing windows)
Flooring (linoleum, laminate, parquet) Remove the foam with a spatula, and collect the remaining residue with a sponge moistened with cleaner. Spots may appear! WITH wooden surfaces They are removed by grinding, but varnished coatings cannot be cleaned - they will have to be replaced. After cutting off the foam, the remains are carefully dissolved with a special cleaner or the drug “Dimexide” (sold in pharmacies). It is necessary to wear gloves when working with such substances - potent components can cause burns!

As you already know, polyurethane foam is not intended for sealing holes smaller than 1 cm in size - it is better to fill such cracks with silicone sealants.

Alexander Birzhin,

If a person types the query “spray foam without a gun how to use” into a search engine, then most likely he has never held a can of foam in his hands. Accordingly, this person did not have the opportunity to read the instructions printed on the cylinder. Well, let's fill this gap in the knowledge of beginners and conduct detailed instructions on the topic “How to use polyurethane foam without a gun.”

No super actions are required - everything is extremely clear, simple and understandable.


- the area must be clean from dust, dirt and various types of contaminants.

Anything that might fall off is removed. Dust must be cleaned up. It is the main enemy for foam-surface adhesion.

— immediately before applying the foam, the area must be moistened with water. We advise you not to neglect this point and the adhesion will be simply excellent.

— if we are talking about installing windows or doors, then they need to be secured so that the foam does not deform the structure. Spacers must be installed in advance, but not after foaming - polyurethane foam is afraid of vibration until it hardens.

Polyurethane foam has unique properties. Use it without a gun or with it - in any case, you will get excellent results if the manufacturer does not let you down with quality. But sometimes it also happens that the user himself made several or even one mistake, so he will complain not about his crooked hands, but about the brand of foam. Read everything written below and try to remember - these rules, tips and recommendations will be useful to you:

Instead of a conclusion

Polyurethane foam without or with a gun - the main thing is that the rules of use are fully observed. Then the result will be wonderful. As a last resort, if you don’t know how to use it and don’t remember our recommendations and advice, carefully read the instructions on the cylinder - everything is also written there in an accessible manner.