And Mazin is the gold of the old gods. Varangian. Gold of the old gods. About the book “The Gold of the Old Gods” Alexander Mazin

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2018

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(in order of appearance)

Prince Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn, head of the government. A handsome man of forty-five years old.

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn, educator of Tsar Peter. A merry fellow of thirty-eight years old.

Two in black. The devil knows who.

Anikei Trekhglazov, Siberian artel worker. A mature husband with a round head birthmark in the middle of the forehead.

Buffoon. A man who has a mug instead of a face.

Bear. He knows how to dance and drink vodka.

Head of the street guard. Timeless character: guardian of order.

Chevalier de Neuville. Timeless Character: The Enthusiastic Foreigner.

Court priest Sylvester Medvedev. Timeless character: Russian wise guy.

Ruler Sophia. An ugly woman not in her early youth.

Tsar Peter Alekseevich. Difficult teenager.

Tsar Ivan Alekseevich. A young man with developmental problems.

Deacon. Timeless Character: Protocol Worker.

Fedor Leontievich Shaklovity. Head of the Streletsky Order, a man of action.

Dowager Queen Natalya Kirillovna. A nervous lady of a nervous age.

Queen Evdokia. A very young woman who seems to be asleep.

Drunkards, guards, funny ones.

The play takes place in Moscow and the Moscow region.

First act

Scene one
In a circle

Drinking establishment in Moscow. On the edge of the stage, with their backs to the audience, sit two men in long, shabby robes. There are other tables too. Behind one, a man in a blue caftan is slowly eating; in front of him lies a whip with a long strap twisted into a ring. Next to Blue, but not together, sits someone fidgety. At another table, shoulder to shoulder, are two gloomy men in black. They drink wine and whisper from time to time.

An inaudible noise of many voices and drunken laughter can be heard. Individual shouts can be heard - seemingly in Russian, but their meaning is unclear: “Eh, zharyn! Let's hit the jerk!”, “Well, you! You blow the whistle, don’t blow it!”, “Ay, Basko! Ay, she has risen like a gyrfalcon!”, “I am sad, Orthodox, fearfully!”

Two men sitting on the proscenium begin to talk, addressing each other, but still sitting with their backs to the audience.

First man. ...For it is said in the worthy and wise “Testament from Caesar Basileus to his son Leo the Philosopher”: “Everyone who thinks well must measure himself by a strict measure, and before that, do not vilify anyone with evil words.” It was also said in the verse: “Everyone who has intelligence should take heed of how to avoid the vain wisdom of human wisdom and how to avoid the charms of fortune-telling without stumbling...”

Second man. However, it was also said, wise brother: “For every saying there is a proper hour and a proper place.” In circling, there is no place for red-speaking, but for drinking.

Gradually the dialogue becomes clear. The cries of the tavern people, which from time to time interrupt the conversation, are also understandable: “Where are you pouring the second one?!”, “Welcome to the whole community!”, “You yourself are a goat!”

First man. Your truth. (Turns around, slowly peers into the faces of the audience). There are a lot of people in the tavern. More than in church. And what faces! Look, they're staring... Why did you bring me here, Boris? You know, I don't drink wine.

Second man. You love the people, you are always sad about them. So look at it up close. It will be useful for you.

First man. These are not people, these are idlers, drunks in a tavern.

Second man. No, Vasya, these are the people. When you see him from the window of your carriage, he bows, in the same church he pretends to be kind, but in the wild, on his own, he is like that. Admire it. What, you don’t like Orthodox Christians? They are still cheerful and drunk. God forbid you see them evil.

First man (wants to get up). Let's go. I don’t have enough time to sit in dens.

Second man (holds him). Wait a minute. This is not just a tavern, but a nativity scene. Now you will find out why I brought you. You will not regret. Ah, here they are!

The sound of a pipe is heard. Included Buffoon with a mocking hare mask on his face, with a bag over his shoulders, pulling a bear on a chain. The piper comes dancing behind him.

Buffoon (patter).

Oh, my meadowsweet mothers,
Oh, the windows are slanted,
Oh, my waddling block,
Oh, my stupid little head!

We caught crucian carp with bristles,
We caught fish with hooks!
They caught and grabbed anything,
Eat and eat, kittens, don’t choke!

The buffoon comes to the forefront and subsequently addresses the audience directly. His choruses become clear, his delivery gradually becomes modernized, so that in the end it becomes like rap.


I will tell you the truth, Orthodox,
So that you know, understand and understand,
How is life in Mother Rus'?
What wonderful things are happening here.

Either we've all gone crazy because we're drunk,
Perhaps they drank themselves into delirium tremens,
Let's look up - Mother of God!
Rasya has duality in her eyes!

Like two suns shining in the sky,
How two months shine silver in the night,
And we have two Tsars Alekseich,
Yes, one is more outlandish than the other.

He pulls his stupid cap off his head and puts it on the bear, and takes a doll out of the bag. The bear begins to rock it, clownishly imitating Tsar Ivan.


But the eldest is Ivan Alekseevich.
Bird of God, child's soul.
Know he sits in a golden mansion,
He only plays with dolls, sickly.

He puts a tattered European cocked hat on the bear. The piper begins to beat the tambourine like a drum. The bear is marching.


But the youngest is Pyotr Alekseevich.
He's not into dolls, he's playing with soldiers.
He himself is all twitchy and fitful,
He's keen on German things.

The bear twitches as if in a fit, the cocked hat falls off. From behind the table where a man in a blue caftan sits, his fidgety neighbor rises and quietly leaves.

The buffoon puts a kokoshnik on the bear. He begins to portray Princess Sophia.


And with such great kings
Something unprecedented has happened in Rus'.
The woman rules the racial power -
Sonya the bitch, princess of Moscow.

The first man stands up impulsively. The second one grabs his sleeve.


Sonya the bitch, princess of Moscow,
The woman is rabid and shameless,
Everything is kind to Vaska Golitsyn,
The state is the saver of everything.

The buffoon begins to hug and kiss the bear. There's cackling in the tavern. The buffoon goes around the circle with his hat. A man in a blue caftan throws a coin into his hat.

The second man pours wine into a mug and moves it. The buffoon takes it with a bow, takes a sip, and then gives it to the bear to finish. He also bows.

The buffoon puts on a cardboard helmet, takes the same saber, and waves it menacingly. The bear waves its paw after him, as if seeing him off on a hike.


But Vaska-era goes to war,
Crimea wants to fight and conquer.
Yes, they greeted him there with kicks,
He ran back, crying bitterly.

The piper knocks Skomorokh off his feet and kicks him in the ass. The buffoon drops his helmet and saber, crawls on all fours, and rushes, crying, into the arms of the bear, who strokes and consoles him. The laughter is even stronger.

Second man. Do you like?

The street guard bursts in: boss with three archers. Fidgety is with them.

Chief of the Guard. The sovereign's word and deed! Take the buffoons, guys!

The archers grab – one the Buffoon, the other the piper. The third approaches the bear, who growls threateningly.

Chief of the Guard. Whoever resists - chop. There was a decree for that.

Sagittarius takes up the saber. The bear gets down on all fours and runs away.

The chief of the guard walks menacingly around the circle. He stops in front of the hall.

Chief of the Guard. Look, there are so many of you here, but only one honest person was found and reported an insult to the authorities. Look at me, cabbage! I'll chop it into fine crumbs.

Just as menacingly, peering into faces, he walks deeper into the stage, along the tables. The archers begin to tie the hands of the arrested.

First man. Tell them to let them go.

Second man. Are you kidding? They made fun of the authorities, insulted the sovereigns. For this they cut out the tongue.

First man. Bad law, stupid. I tried to cancel, but the boyars didn’t allow it.

Second man. That's right, they didn't give it. The people should treat the authorities with respect, like their own mother. And ridicule is not far from rebellion.

First man. Far. It’s better to let them chatter and sneer than remain silent and harbor anger. They ordered the release of the buffoons.

Second man. Well look. They didn't mock me. (Rises.) Hey foreman! Order them to be untied. I gave it a warning, and it will happen.

Chief of the Guard. Who are you to manage?

The second man takes off his robe, revealing a rich caftan underneath.

Second man. I am a close boyar of Tsar Peter Alekseevich, Prince Boris Golitsyn. Have you heard of this?

Chief of the Guard (with a bow). How can you not hear? Don’t be angry, boyar, but in such a matter you are not my command. Here is an insult to both royal majesties, and the great Empress Sophia Alekseevna, and the most illustrious Prince Vasily Vasilyevich, guardian of state affairs.

Boris Golitsyn (to the first man). Come on yourself, bright one. You see, the boyars of Tsar Peter are not in honor with your grabbers.

First man (he also gets up and lowers his robe from his shoulders. His outfit is even richer, glittering on his neck gold chain) . I am Vasily Golitsyn. Do as mine says cousin Prince Boris Alekseevich. Untie the buffoons and let them go. Let them catch their bear before it scares someone to death on the street.

All those sitting stand up, take off their hats, and bow low. The guards also bow.

Vasily Golitsyn (turns to the audience, winces, waves his hand). Okay, okay, at least don't get up. Just one thing: either don’t make fun, or don’t bow... Let’s go, Boris. It will be, have fun.

The two in black also followed the departing Golitsyns. The brothers remain at the forefront. The curtain closes behind them.

Current page: 1 (book has 3 pages in total) [available reading passage: 1 pages]

Boris Akunin
Kill the baby snake
Play in two acts
Translation from Old Russian, Skomoroshi and Latin

Scientific consultants – M. Chereisky, O. Kovalevskaya, A. Tereshchenko

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

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(in order of appearance)

Prince Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn, head of the government. A handsome man of forty-five years old.

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn, educator of Tsar Peter. A merry fellow of thirty-eight years old.

Two in black. The devil knows who.

Anikei Trekhglazov, Siberian artel worker. The husband is of mature age, with a round birthmark in the middle of his forehead.

Buffoon. A man who has a mug instead of a face.

Bear. He knows how to dance and drink vodka.

Head of the street guard. Timeless character: guardian of order.

Chevalier de Neuville. Timeless Character: The Enthusiastic Foreigner.

Court priest Sylvester Medvedev. Timeless character: Russian wise guy.

Ruler Sophia. An ugly woman not in her early youth.

Tsar Peter Alekseevich. Difficult teenager.

Tsar Ivan Alekseevich. A young man with developmental problems.

Deacon. Timeless Character: Protocol Worker.

Fedor Leontievich Shaklovity. Head of the Streletsky Order, a man of action.

Dowager Queen Natalya Kirillovna. A nervous lady of a nervous age.

Queen Evdokia. A very young woman who seems to be asleep.

Drunkards, guards, funny ones.

The play takes place in Moscow and the Moscow region.

First act

Scene one
In a circle

Drinking establishment in Moscow. On the edge of the stage, with their backs to the audience, sit two men in long, shabby robes. There are other tables too. Behind one, a man in a blue caftan is slowly eating; in front of him lies a whip with a long strap twisted into a ring. Next to Blue, but not together, sits someone fidgety. At another table, shoulder to shoulder, are two gloomy men in black. They drink wine and whisper from time to time.

An inaudible noise of many voices and drunken laughter can be heard. Individual shouts can be heard - seemingly in Russian, but their meaning is unclear: “Eh, zharyn! Let's hit the jerk!”, “Well, you! You blow the whistle, don’t blow it!”, “Ay, Basko! Ay, she has risen like a gyrfalcon!”, “I am sad, Orthodox, fearfully!”

Two men sitting on the proscenium begin to talk, addressing each other, but still sitting with their backs to the audience.

First man. ...For it is said in the worthy and wise “Testament from Caesar Basileus to his son Leo the Philosopher”: “Everyone who thinks well must measure himself by a strict measure, and before that, do not vilify anyone with evil words.” It was also said in the verse: “Everyone who has intelligence should take heed of how to avoid the vain wisdom of human wisdom and how to avoid the charms of fortune-telling without stumbling...”

Second man. However, it was also said, wise brother: “For every saying there is a proper hour and a proper place.” In circling, there is no place for red-speaking, but for drinking.

Gradually the dialogue becomes clear. The cries of the tavern people, which from time to time interrupt the conversation, are also understandable: “Where are you pouring the second one?!”, “Welcome to the whole community!”, “You yourself are a goat!”

First man. Your truth. (Turns around, slowly peers into the faces of the audience). There are a lot of people in the tavern. More than in church. And what faces! Look, they're staring... Why did you bring me here, Boris? You know, I don't drink wine.

Second man. You love the people, you are always sad about them. So look at it up close. It will be useful for you.

First man. These are not people, these are idlers, drunks in a tavern.

Second man. No, Vasya, these are the people. When you see him from the window of your carriage, he bows, in the same church he pretends to be kind, but in the wild, on his own, he is like that. Admire it. What, you don’t like Orthodox Christians? They are still cheerful and drunk. God forbid you see them evil.

First man (wants to get up). Let's go. I don’t have enough time to sit in dens.

Second man (holds him). Wait a minute. This is not just a tavern, but a nativity scene. Now you will find out why I brought you. You will not regret. Ah, here they are!

The sound of a pipe is heard. Included Buffoon with a mocking hare mask on his face, with a bag over his shoulders, pulling a bear on a chain. The piper comes dancing behind him.

Buffoon (patter).

Oh, my meadowsweet mothers,
Oh, the windows are slanted,
Oh, my waddling block,
Oh, my stupid little head!

We caught crucian carp with bristles,
We caught fish with hooks!
They caught and grabbed anything,
Eat and eat, kittens, don’t choke!

The buffoon comes to the forefront and subsequently addresses the audience directly. His choruses become clear, his delivery gradually becomes modernized, so that in the end it becomes like rap.


I will tell you the truth, Orthodox,
So that you know, understand and understand,
How is life in Mother Rus'?
What wonderful things are happening here.

Either we've all gone crazy because we're drunk,
Perhaps they drank themselves into delirium tremens,
Let's look up - Mother of God!
Rasya has duality in her eyes!

Like two suns shining in the sky,
How two months shine silver in the night,
And we have two Tsars Alekseich,
Yes, one is more outlandish than the other.

He pulls his stupid cap off his head and puts it on the bear, and takes a doll out of the bag. The bear begins to rock it, clownishly imitating Tsar Ivan.


But the eldest is Ivan Alekseevich.
Bird of God, child's soul.
Know he sits in a golden mansion,
He only plays with dolls, sickly.

He puts a tattered European cocked hat on the bear. The piper begins to beat the tambourine like a drum. The bear is marching.


But the youngest is Pyotr Alekseevich.
He's not into dolls, he's playing with soldiers.
He himself is all twitchy and fitful,
He's keen on German things.

The bear twitches as if in a fit, the cocked hat falls off. From behind the table where a man in a blue caftan sits, his fidgety neighbor rises and quietly leaves.

The buffoon puts a kokoshnik on the bear. He begins to portray Princess Sophia.


And with such great kings
Something unprecedented has happened in Rus'.
The woman rules the racial power -
Sonya the bitch, princess of Moscow.

The first man stands up impulsively. The second one grabs his sleeve.


Sonya the bitch, princess of Moscow,
The woman is rabid and shameless,
Everything is kind to Vaska Golitsyn,
The state is the saver of everything.

The buffoon begins to hug and kiss the bear. There's cackling in the tavern. The buffoon goes around the circle with his hat. A man in a blue caftan throws a coin into his hat.

The second man pours wine into a mug and moves it. The buffoon takes it with a bow, takes a sip, and then gives it to the bear to finish. He also bows.

The buffoon puts on a cardboard helmet, takes the same saber, and waves it menacingly. The bear waves its paw after him, as if seeing him off on a hike.


But Vaska-era goes to war,
Crimea wants to fight and conquer.
Yes, they greeted him there with kicks,
He ran back, crying bitterly.

The piper knocks Skomorokh off his feet and kicks him in the ass. The buffoon drops his helmet and saber, crawls on all fours, and rushes, crying, into the arms of the bear, who strokes and consoles him. The laughter is even stronger.

Second man. Do you like?

The street guard bursts in: boss with three archers. Fidgety is with them.

Chief of the Guard. The sovereign's word and deed! Take the buffoons, guys!

The archers grab – one the Buffoon, the other the piper. The third approaches the bear, who growls threateningly.

Chief of the Guard. Whoever resists - chop. There was a decree for that.

Sagittarius takes up the saber. The bear gets down on all fours and runs away.

The chief of the guard walks menacingly around the circle. He stops in front of the hall.

Chief of the Guard. Look, there are so many of you here, but only one honest person was found and reported an insult to the authorities. Look at me, cabbage! I'll chop it into fine crumbs.

Just as menacingly, peering into faces, he walks deeper into the stage, along the tables. The archers begin to tie the hands of the arrested.

First man. Tell them to let them go.

Second man. Are you kidding? They made fun of the authorities, insulted the sovereigns. For this they cut out the tongue.

First man. Bad law, stupid. I tried to cancel, but the boyars didn’t allow it.

Second man. That's right, they didn't give it. The people should treat the authorities with respect, like their own mother. And ridicule is not far from rebellion.

First man. Far. It’s better to let them chatter and sneer than remain silent and harbor anger. They ordered the release of the buffoons.

Second man. Well look. They didn't mock me. (Rises.) Hey foreman! Order them to be untied. I gave it a warning, and it will happen.

Chief of the Guard. Who are you to manage?

The second man takes off his robe, revealing a rich caftan underneath.

Second man. I am a close boyar of Tsar Peter Alekseevich, Prince Boris Golitsyn. Have you heard of this?

Chief of the Guard (with a bow). How can you not hear? Don’t be angry, boyar, but in such a matter you are not my command. Here is an insult to both royal majesties, and the great Empress Sophia Alekseevna, and the most illustrious Prince Vasily Vasilyevich, guardian of state affairs.

Boris Golitsyn (to the first man). Come on yourself, bright one. You see, the boyars of Tsar Peter are not in honor with your grabbers.

First man (he also gets up and lowers his robe from his shoulders. His outfit is even richer, a gold chain glitters on his neck). I am Vasily Golitsyn. Do as my cousin Prince Boris Alekseevich said. Untie the buffoons and let them go. Let them catch their bear before it scares someone to death on the street.

All those sitting stand up, take off their hats, and bow low. The guards also bow.

Vasily Golitsyn (turns to the audience, winces, waves his hand). Okay, okay, at least don't get up. Just one thing: either don’t make fun, or don’t bow... Let’s go, Boris. It will be, have fun.

The two in black also followed the departing Golitsyns. The brothers remain at the forefront. The curtain closes behind them.

Scene two
On the night street

Boris Golitsyn. What, Vasya, are you offended? Have you seen how they are tearing their stomachs over your Crimean campaign?

Vasily Golitsyn. Fools! We would be glad that there were no big blood that he brought people back alive. Do not understand…

Boris Golitsyn. Or maybe it’s you who don’t understand them? What do you think a Russian person is?

Vasily Golitsyn. A person is like a person. When you are on good terms with him, he is good. With him in a bad way - bad.

Boris Golitsyn. No, brother. You're wrong. What is most important in a Russian person?

Vasily Golitsyn. What?

Boris Golitsyn. He is, firstly, Russian, and only secondly, already a human being.

Vasily Golitsyn. Like this?

Boris Golitsyn. And so. Who are you? To be very short and precise, so as not to be confused with anyone else.

Vasily Golitsyn (after thinking). Who am I? I am Vasily Golitsyn.

Boris Golitsyn. Right. There are many people, but you, Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn, are alone in the world. It's the same with the people. Every nation has its own face, its own character, its own destiny. And what is good for one people is ruin for another.

Vasily Golitsyn. So be it. And what are the Russian people like?

Boris Golitsyn. And like that bear from the buffoon. If you don’t feed enough, it will hurt. If you overfeed, he will fool you and won’t dance to your tune. There are four rules. Whoever observes them is a bear. The first rule: feed, feed, but not enough. Second: play in an interesting way so that you want to dance. Third: let’s drink wine sometimes so that you can rest your soul. And what is the last rule, the most ironclad of all?

Vasily Golitsyn. Which?

Boris Golitsyn. Keep the bear on a strong chain.

Vasily Golitsyn. What if there are no allegories? I know what you and your Naryshkin friends are dreaming about in Preobrazhenskoye. How to overthrow the ruler Sophia and take the state into your own hands. Let's say you succeeded. They overthrew, they took. What will you do? After all, look at our Russia. Ignorance, theft, savagery. They are a hundred years behind Europe. No matter how much I fight, no matter how much I pull, it creaks and barely moves.

Boris Golitsyn. Because you don’t have to harness the cart, but drive the horse. I'll tell you what we will do when my pupil Petrusha becomes a real autocrat. Russians are not Romans; they don’t need much bread and circuses. But we need a great goal, and we will give it. Instead of a pipe, so that they can dance more fun. And where the goal is, there is the chain. Strong. Our people are great, they will move mountains if you drive them wisely. Are we backwards, you say? No problem, we'll catch up. What is useful in Europe – let’s adopt it. We won’t do anything harmful.

Vasily Golitsyn. What's harmful in Europe?

Boris Golitsyn. They have no purpose, no chain. That's why everything is in disarray. Whoever wants, thinks so. Wherever he wants, he pulls there. And we will have one will, the sovereign’s. And one thought.

Vasily Golitsyn. Which?

Boris Golitsyn. Greatness. Man himself is petty, self-seeking, sticks his nose in the ground, looking for food like a mouse. But when a people is together, united, it becomes great. That's why we need a power, that's why we need a state.

Vasily Golitsyn. But I think that the state is needed for something else. So that people can live better. The greatness of a country lies in the happiness of its inhabitants.

Boris Golitsyn. Wake up, Vasya! This is Russia, not Holland. This has never happened here and never will happen. You are smart, smarter than all of us, but you have your head in the clouds. Let's build what can be built on this land, and not airy palaces.

Vasily Golitsyn. Without you I know that I won’t build much - it’s good if it’s one or two floors. But I will build it firmly and leave the drawing for the future. Then it will be easier for the builders. Someday the building will rise to the skies. And life there will be happier than today.

Boris Golitsyn. Truly it is said: there is no ruler more dangerous than a dreamer. Where did you get the idea that people should live happily? In which Gospel is this written? A person must fulfill his purpose and endure trials without complaining. At least ask the patriarch, at least ask anyone. For us, Russians, greatness does not lie in happiness, but happiness lies in greatness. If everyone starts caring about their own happiness, what will be left of Russia?

Vasily Golitsyn. This is how you raise Peter. And what is he listening to?

Boris Golitsyn. The goblin knows what remains in his head. He is still green, he turns everything upside down in his own way. And crazy, hot-tempered. I myself am sometimes frightened by his temper. But this is exactly the kind of autocrat Russia needs. Peter will mature - he will harness her so much, he will burn her so much with a whip that the country will rush at a gallop. You don’t go to Preobrazhenskoe, but here we have smoke like a rocker. Every day, new ideas.

Vasily Golitsyn. I know, I heard it. Tsar Peter plays funny soldiers, builds funny boats, dances German dances.

Boris Golitsyn. You do not know anything. While you and your Sophia were having mercy and writing clever treatises, Peter grew up. He is now an adult and married. According to law and custom, it is time for him to rule himself, but with us the princess, the girl, rules. How long will it last? Think, Vasya. If you have to give up power, where will you go? And better in a kind way. You and I are cousins, both Golitsyns. I'll take care of you. I won't let you fall.

Vasily Golitsyn. Thank you brother. Both for the advice and for taking me to the show. I’m wondering if you hired those buffoons?

Boris Golitsyn. Did I also hire the people who laughed at you?

Vasily Golitsyn. They make fun of your Peter too.

Boris Golitsyn. It's okay, they'll stop. When we take power, we won’t let go of such buffoons. We'll hang him with the bear, in plain sight. For warning. So that little people would look and be afraid.

Vasily Golitsyn. And then there will be greatness? Everyone is afraid, everyone is keeping quiet - but is Russia great?

Boris Golitsyn. Tell me, Vasya: Is God great? But they fear Him and do not dare to blaspheme. This must be the case in the state, otherwise your tower to heaven will collapse, just as the Tower of Babylon collapsed.

Vasily Golitsyn takes out a large onion watch from his pocket. Opens the lid. The clock strikes and music plays.

Vasily Golitsyn. It's time for me. He promised to receive the French envoy.

Boris Golitsyn. German? Cleverly invented. It’s okay, we’ll catch up with Europe, and we’ll have them like that. Ours, the Russians.

Vasily Golitsyn. No, you will just buy German ones. He who is afraid cannot invent much... Goodbye, Boris. Time will tell which of us is right... Damn, will you stop or not? (He tries to stop the music that keeps playing.)

Boris Golitsyn. What time? Unlikely.

Leaves. Vasily Golitsyn is shaking his watch, it’s stuck.

Vasily Golitsyn. Shut up, you German trash!

Two black figures emerge from the shadows. They sneak up on the prince. One raises a knife. Golitsyn turns sharply. Bounces back. The clock falls and finally falls silent.

First Black. Gotcha, you fool!

Second Black. The Lord heard! Svel!

First Black. Get it for everything, Satan!

The first Black strikes, the prince dodges. He grabs his side to pull out the saber, but doesn’t have time - the Second Black runs at him, also with a knife. Golitsyn is sandwiched between two enemies.

Second Black. You will not leave!

First Black. Die, dog!

A man in a blue caftan appears from behind, holding a whip with a long belt in his hand. Blue Man swings, wraps the First Black around the neck with a noose, pulls him towards him, hits him with a dagger. The first Black falls. The second Black rushes at Golitsyn, but Blue Man throws a dagger into the killer's back. He falls down.

Blue Man. Are you okay?

Vasily Golitsyn (feels himself)….I guess so. Where did they come from?

Blue Man. Sneaking after you. Waiting for you to be left alone. Who are they?

Vasily Golitsyn (looks at the bodies without interest). The devil knows. Anyone. I am in the way of many. Last winter, one jumped into a sleigh with a knife. At Perekop, at night, the tent was shot through the head... Tell me better, who are you, good fellow? If it weren't for you, I would be lying dead now.

Blue Man. I am Anikei Trekhglazov, a Siberian artel worker.

Vasily Golitsyn. And what kind of team do you have?

Trekhglazov. Ordinary. Siberian. I went for sable. I got a lot. Then he began to go for gold. Haven't found it yet.

Vasily Golitsyn. And who tells you what to go for - sable or gold?

Trekhglazov (shrugs). Who in Siberia will give the order? I decide for myself.

Vasily Golitsyn. How is it - yourself?

Trekhglazov shrugs again.

Vasily Golitsyn. For the first time in Rus' I see a person who decides for himself how to live. You also went for knives for me, a stranger, without orders. Myself. It's rare that anyone can do this.

Trekhglazov (scratching the back of his head). I would have to lie, but I won’t. I know who you are. I sat in the circle and saw it. I'm coming to Moscow from Siberia with a petition. I follow orders, pay bribes, but things don’t move forward. I thought I would have to come back empty-handed. And suddenly the guardian himself, Prince Golitsyn! I followed you, wondering how to approach you. And then such luck.

Vasily Golitsyn. You are frank. I like it.

Trekhglazov. Why are you, prince, walking alone? When a person has the entire state on him, walking around without security is not courage, it’s...

Vasily Golitsyn. ...Stupidity? That's what she says all the time. I don't like it when someone tramples around. They knock you out of your thoughts. Come with me, artel worker. I need to go home. Tell me what your petition is.

Trekhglazov (points to the corpses). And these? We must wait for the guards.

Vasily Golitsyn. They only quickly run after denunciations. If it's robbery or massacre, you won't get it. Let's go, Anikey, let's go. I'm in a hurry.

They leave.

Beggars run out, rummage through the dead, and jostle for the spoils. Then they drag the corpses away by the feet.

Meanwhile, a conversation can be heard from behind the stage.

Vasily Golitsyn. What is it like in Siberia?

Trekhglazov. Fine.

Vasily Golitsyn. At least somewhere in Rus' it’s good. And what's good about it?

Trekhglazov. And wherever you are away from the authorities, it’s good everywhere.

Scene three
In the chambers of Vasily Golitsyn

An office, the entire back wall of which is bookcases. Large globe on a stand. There are European paintings on the walls.

Enter Vasily Golitsyn And Trekhglazov.

Vasily Golitsyn. ...Why does your artel need to hunt beyond the Amur River?

Trekhglazov. There is no gold on our side, but they say there is a lot there. And no one washes. But the governor won’t let us in. It’s impossible, he says. So I came to Moscow to get a diploma. I go from one clerk to another. Everyone promises, they take bribes, but there is no use. Maybe you can help? There is no one above you.

Vasily Golitsyn. And I won't help. That's right, the governor won't let you cross the Amur. There is the land of the Chinese Bogdykhan. We can't quarrel with him. So it was in vain that you traveled from one end of Russia to the other. But it was not in vain that he met me. Otherwise, the clerks would have been pulling your strings for a long time, but not telling the truth. What should I do with them, the weed tribe? As in the saying: with them there is trouble, and without them there is nowhere.

Trekhglazov. Eh! It took me a year to get here. Now it's a year back. With nothing…

Vasily Golitsyn. Before the messenger appears, explain to me, artel worker, about yourself. I see that you are not simple, strong, and live by your own mind. What kind of person are you?

Trekhglazov. I am a person on my own, apart. I live like water.

Vasily Golitsyn. What does it mean?

Trekhglazov. And water is the strongest. Nothing can defeat or destroy her. If there is room to leak, it flows. It goes around obstacles. When frost strikes, it freezes. They light a fire and the steam goes into the sky. Will find a good place- it will rain. So am I.

Vasily Golitsyn. Yes, you are a philosopher. A philosopher who knows how to fight is very rare. And you're not talkative either. Until they ask, you don’t get involved... Listen, Anikey, what do you need Siberia for if you haven’t obtained a diploma? Stay with me. I would probably hire someone like you as a security guard. I have to go a lot of places, sometimes secretly. Be my shadow. Make sure no one sticks a knife in my back. Serve me. If you are good, I will then appoint you as a governor in Siberia... Why are you silent?

Vasily Golitsyn. Stay here. I'll see if you can be a shadow.

Trekhglazov retreats to the corner. Included Neuville, bows low - with a long wig to the floor. Golitsyn goes to meet him.

Neuville (without straightening). Mihi est honor magnus in domo tuo esse, domine! 1
It is an honor to be in your home, sir!

Vasily Golitsyn. Et mihi est voluptas cum visitore there illustrato disputare. Asside in sedem, legate honeste 2
And it is an honor for me to receive such a guest. I ask you to sit down, noble envoy.

Golitsyn cordially takes the envoy by the shoulders, seats him in a chair, and sits down himself. There is no need to torment the audience with Latin anymore.

Vasily Golitsyn. ...Mr. Envoy, during the audience with the Empress Princess, I promised to answer all your questions in a private conversation. Ask without hesitation.

Neuville. First of all, let me once again convey His Royal Majesty’s heartfelt gratitude for the Crimean expedition. It was a brilliant operation! You helped us so much! Thanks to Russia, the khan was unable to attack Poland, and the sultan was afraid to send his fleet to the Mediterranean Sea.

Vasily Golitsyn. The main thing is that the Turks and Tatars know that the Russian army is intact and can always return. In politics, the hand raised to strike is more important than the strike itself. But it seems that you were not going to talk to me about the war?

Neuville. Yes, sir, I want to ask you about Russia. In Europe they tell amazing things about the innovations and great plans of the Russian protector prince. Tell me, is this news true?

Vasily Golitsyn. How did we surprise Europe?

Neuville (takes out a book). Is it true that you have made the laws merciful? What kind of theft is not now punishable by death among you, as it is with us?

Vasily Golitsyn. Right. For the first time, they only cut the ears.

Neuville. Unheard of mercy! Is it true that you no longer bury women alive in the ground for killing their husbands?

Vasily Golitsyn. Yes. They just cut off their heads.

Neuville. This is enlightened, this is European! And they also told me - I don’t know whether to believe that they don’t collect debts from orphans if there is no inheritance. But this violates the rules of commerce! Creditors suffer losses.

Vasily Golitsyn. They don't carry it. The debt of the deceased is paid by the treasury. That's why the state exists, and children are not responsible for an idle father.

Neuville. Is it true that convicted criminals are now allowed to go to hard labor along with their families? What then is the severity of the punishment?

Vasily Golitsyn. The meaning of judicial punishment is not punishment, but correction. A person who is not separated from his family is less likely to re-offend, and his children do not become beggars or street thieves.

Neuville. Amazing! I also saw special guards on your streets in Moscow who shout at the coachmen, ordering them to drive this way and not otherwise. Why is this?

Vasily Golitsyn. To prevent carts and carts from jostling. Everyone on the right is ordered to go in one direction, and everyone on the left in the other. It is forbidden to whip horses with long whips, otherwise the drivers would hit passers-by, which is why there were always fights on the streets. They were ordered to pick up manure from behind the horses. Those on foot are instructed to walk not in the middle of the road, but on the side, along the fences.

Neuville (line in the book). Amazing, amazing... How great, how unprecedented are the reforms!

Vasily Golitsyn (increasingly excited). We have not yet reached reforms. Reforms are still ahead. Here I have compiled a large treatise - “A book written about civil life, or about the correction of all matters that belong to the common people.” (Takes a thick manuscript from the table). Here are written down all the things that need to be done in order for prosperity to be established in the Russian state... First of all, the peasants need to be freed from slavery, because slaves do not make good citizens. Let everyone plow their own land and pay whatever tax they can to the treasury. From this government revenue, according to my calculations, will double. We will not make the army like it is now, but a regular one. Idlers and restless people there are many in the country. Instead of stealing and wandering along the road with a flail, let them serve their fatherland better. We order all children of the nobility to study in schools. A modern power cannot exist without an educated class - after all, the eighteenth century is upon us. We will establish permanent embassies in all foreign capitals. When neighbors understand each other better, there are fewer wars and more profitable trade. We will rebuild cities from wood to stone so that they don’t burn out every day. dry summer from fires. We will prohibit oppressing non-believers. There are many tribes in our state, let no one in Russia feel like a stranger... Did you manage to write it down?

Golitsyn takes out his watch, it begins to chime and play music again. The prince shakes them again.

Neuville (rising). Thank you for your time. Your plans are grandiose! Incredible! I want to write a book about how Russia will amaze the world!

Vasily Golitsyn. Better write to the newspaper. We will also start newspapers at our place. When more people learn to read.

The messenger bows and leaves.

Vasily Golitsyn (To Trekhglazov). Well, what do you think about the messenger? Is he a serious person? Wouldn't it be a misrepresentation of what I told him?

Trekhglazov approaches. He takes the prince’s watch and does something with it. The music stops.

Trekhglazov. I don't think anything about the messenger. I'm thinking about your speeches.

Vasily Golitsyn (amazed). Do you understand Latin?

Trekhglazov. I haven't spent my entire life wandering around the taiga.

Vasily Golitsyn. Who were you before?

Trekhglazov. It didn't matter who I was. What matters is who I will be. Your shadow. Where you go, I go too. As long as I'm nearby, no one will ever sneak up on you from behind.

Vasily Golitsyn. Why did you hesitate before, but now suddenly agreed?

Trekhglazov. Well, not for the sake of the voivodeship. What do I need it for? If you fulfill even half, even a quarter of what you just talked about, such a guardian must be protected. Russia needs you.

Vasily Golitsyn. Yeah, I started talking about Russia. Otherwise: I live on my own, apart. Like free water.

Trekhglazov. If the river is large and flows in the right direction, why not join? But can you bear such a burden, prince? There is little intelligence here, courage is needed here.

Vasily Golitsyn. I've never been a coward. He led regiments into battle, he himself fought with both the Tatars and the Poles.

Trekhglazov. We have many such brave people who fight. I'm talking about a different kind of courage... Okay, let's see.

Vasily Golitsyn. Well look, look. That's why you and Trekhglazov... I'm tired. Go to sleep.

Trekhglazov. I'll watch the door.

Included priest Sylvester Medvedev- with an impetuous, not at all priestly gait. He has a purple cassock, a Chekhovian beard, and large round glasses on his nose.

Sylvester. Vasily Vasilyevich, I’m coming to you! Would you believe it, I had dinner, prayed, thought about going to bed, and suddenly it was inspiration! The verse came by itself! As if brought by moonlight. Here, listen. (Takes out a sheet of paper.)

Vasily Golitsyn. Hello, Sylvesterushka. (To Trekhglazov.) This is Sylvester Medvedev, he is my friend. Always let him come to me. He appears whenever he wishes, without announcement. Sylvester is also a philosopher, like you. And he is also a poet.

Sylvester (To Trekhglazov). You are a philosopher? What school - Greek, Latin, German or French?

Trekhglazov. Russian. (Goes to the corner.)

Vasily Golitsyn. Don't pay any attention to him, Sylvester. He is my shadow. Glad to see you. Would you like some wine?

Sylvester. Dormition Fast, no. Is it just for inspiration? No, listen to the verse first. (Raises his hand and recites.)

Oh, miracle-working all-creator of our God
How all-good and worthy the road!
When the air of this world is clear
It nourishes beauty in people’s souls!
Run before the clouds of insurance
And you will be comforted through the hope of your heart.
Find meaning in smart guardians
And you will be able to count countless numbers.
What a storm of rebellion and darkness,
If people are strong in spirit?
He perished from wind-rotten audacity,
Who has opened his eyes to this truth?

Sylvester. What's it like?

Vasily Golitsyn. Strongly. But Ovid's is shorter. And clearer.

Sylvester. What would you understand about poetry, prince! The Latin language is precise and dry, which is why it is called dead. But the Russian language is alive, its beauty lies in its violence and verbal excess. He walks in circles, talks seemingly unnecessary and not always with a clear meaning, but Russian verse is not addressed to the meaning, it is addressed directly to the heart. What kind of poems are these if everything is immediately clear in them? But yesterday I wrote simple ones. Especially for you.

To be famous in the midst of a nativity scene is not a great thing.
This will not lift your soul up. Don't write down your merits
You are fussy on paper. Hey, hey, it's all in vain!
Work to give your all, and not to gain the love of the crowd.
To be the talk of everyone's lips - what do you need such success for?

Vasily Golitsyn. Yes, yes, I think about this often! Those for whom I lay down my life do not love me. Of course, my works are not for people to love me. But here, Sylvester, there is something else, something worse. To tell the truth, I don't like them myself. You see, I think: “the people” - and I love the people. And I think about living people, as they are, and somehow not so much... Only as they will someday be. What they should be... It... scratches me. It’s as if I’m pretending, pretending to be something that isn’t there.

Sylvester. My son, what do people care whether you love them or not. You do what your mind and heart tell you, and see what happens. Just don’t be fooled that you are trying for the people. Be honest with yourself.

Vasily Golitsyn. And for whom do you think I am trying?

Sylvester. For your own soul. This is what you yourself need most of all – to give yourself completely to the world. Do everything you can. That's what my poem is about.

Vasily Golitsyn. That is, my job is to crow, but at least it’s not dawn?

Sylvester. If you crow well, it will dawn.

Vasily Golitsyn. I would also like to know what is good and what is bad, what is Good and what is Evil. Everyone understands them in their own way. Patriarch Joachim says that Good is faith in God, and Evil is lack of faith. However, others believe in God so much that there is no need for any Evil. My cousin Boris Alekseevich, a man of a sharp mind, says: good is order, and evil is chaos. However, the greatest order is in stillness, in death. And without disruption of order there is no development.

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Boris Akunin

Kill the baby snake

Play in two acts

Translation from Old Russian, Skomoroshi and Latin

Scientific consultants – M. Chereisky, O. Kovalevskaya, A. Tereshchenko

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

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(in order of appearance)

Prince Vasily Vasilievich Golitsyn, head of the government. A handsome man of forty-five years old.

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn, educator of Tsar Peter. A merry fellow of thirty-eight years old.

Two in black. The devil knows who.

Anikei Trekhglazov, Siberian artel worker. The husband is of mature age, with a round birthmark in the middle of his forehead.

Buffoon. A man who has a mug instead of a face.

Bear. He knows how to dance and drink vodka.

Head of the street guard. Timeless character: guardian of order.

Chevalier de Neuville. Timeless Character: The Enthusiastic Foreigner.

Court priest Sylvester Medvedev. Timeless character: Russian wise guy.

Ruler Sophia. An ugly woman not in her early youth.

Tsar Peter Alekseevich. Difficult teenager.

Tsar Ivan Alekseevich. A young man with developmental problems.

Deacon. Timeless Character: Protocol Worker.

Fedor Leontievich Shaklovity. Head of the Streletsky Order, a man of action.

Dowager Queen Natalya Kirillovna. A nervous lady of a nervous age.

Queen Evdokia. A very young woman who seems to be asleep.

Drunkards, guards, funny ones.

The play takes place in Moscow and the Moscow region.

First act

Scene one

In a circle

Drinking establishment in Moscow. On the edge of the stage, with their backs to the audience, sit two men in long, shabby robes. There are other tables too. Behind one, a man in a blue caftan is slowly eating; in front of him lies a whip with a long strap twisted into a ring. Next to Blue, but not together, sits someone fidgety. At another table, shoulder to shoulder, are two gloomy men in black. They drink wine and whisper from time to time.

An inaudible noise of many voices and drunken laughter can be heard. Individual shouts can be heard - seemingly in Russian, but their meaning is unclear: “Eh, zharyn! Let's hit the jerk!”, “Well, you! You blow the whistle, don’t blow it!”, “Ay, Basko! Ay, she has risen like a gyrfalcon!”, “I am sad, Orthodox, fearfully!”

Two men sitting on the proscenium begin to talk, addressing each other, but still sitting with their backs to the audience.

First man. ...For it is said in the worthy and wise “Testament from Caesar Basileus to his son Leo the Philosopher”: “Everyone who thinks well must measure himself by a strict measure, and before that, do not vilify anyone with evil words.” It was also said in the verse: “Everyone who has intelligence should take heed of how to avoid the vain wisdom of human wisdom and how to avoid the charms of fortune-telling without stumbling...”

Second man. However, it was also said, wise brother: “For every saying there is a proper hour and a proper place.” In circling, there is no place for red-speaking, but for drinking.

Gradually the dialogue becomes clear. The cries of the tavern people, which from time to time interrupt the conversation, are also understandable: “Where are you pouring the second one?!”, “Welcome to the whole community!”, “You yourself are a goat!”

First man. Your truth. (Turns around, slowly peers into the faces of the audience). There are a lot of people in the tavern. More than in church. And what faces! Look, they're staring... Why did you bring me here, Boris? You know, I don't drink wine.

Second man. You love the people, you are always sad about them. So look at it up close. It will be useful for you.

First man. These are not people, these are idlers, drunks in a tavern.

Second man. No, Vasya, these are the people. When you see him from the window of your carriage, he bows, in the same church he pretends to be kind, but in the wild, on his own, he is like that. Admire it. What, you don’t like Orthodox Christians? They are still cheerful and drunk. God forbid you see them evil.

First man (wants to get up). Let's go. I don’t have enough time to sit in dens.

Second man (holds him). Wait a minute. This is not just a tavern, but a nativity scene. Now you will find out why I brought you. You will not regret. Ah, here they are!

The sound of a pipe is heard. Included Buffoon with a mocking hare mask on his face, with a bag over his shoulders, pulling a bear on a chain. The piper comes dancing behind him.

Buffoon (patter).

Oh, my meadowsweet mothers,
Oh, the windows are slanted,
Oh, my waddling block,
Oh, my stupid little head!

We caught crucian carp with bristles,
We caught fish with hooks!
They caught and grabbed anything,
Eat and eat, kittens, don’t choke!

The buffoon comes to the forefront and subsequently addresses the audience directly. His choruses become clear, his delivery gradually becomes modernized, so that in the end it becomes like rap.


I will tell you the truth, Orthodox,
So that you know, understand and understand,
How is life in Mother Rus'?
What wonderful things are happening here.

Either we've all gone crazy because we're drunk,
Perhaps they drank themselves into delirium tremens,
Let's look up - Mother of God!
Rasya has duality in her eyes!

Like two suns shining in the sky,
How two months shine silver in the night,
And we have two Tsars Alekseich,
Yes, one is more outlandish than the other.

He pulls his stupid cap off his head and puts it on the bear, and takes a doll out of the bag. The bear begins to rock it, clownishly imitating Tsar Ivan.


But the eldest is Ivan Alekseevich.
Bird of God, child's soul.
Know he sits in a golden mansion,
He only plays with dolls, sickly.

He puts a tattered European cocked hat on the bear. The piper begins to beat the tambourine like a drum. The bear is marching.


But the youngest is Pyotr Alekseevich.
He's not into dolls, he's playing with soldiers.
He himself is all twitchy and fitful,
He's keen on German things.

The bear twitches as if in a fit, the cocked hat falls off. From behind the table where a man in a blue caftan sits, his fidgety neighbor rises and quietly leaves.

The buffoon puts a kokoshnik on the bear. He begins to portray Princess Sophia.


And with such great kings
Something unprecedented has happened in Rus'.
The woman rules the racial power -
Sonya the bitch, princess of Moscow.

The first man stands up impulsively. The second one grabs his sleeve.


Sonya the bitch, princess of Moscow,
The woman is rabid and shameless,
Everything is kind to Vaska Golitsyn,
The state is the saver of everything.

The buffoon begins to hug and kiss the bear. There's cackling in the tavern. The buffoon goes around the circle with his hat. A man in a blue caftan throws a coin into his hat.

The second man pours wine into a mug and moves it. The buffoon takes it with a bow, takes a sip, and then gives it to the bear to finish. He also bows.

The buffoon puts on a cardboard helmet, takes the same saber, and waves it menacingly. The bear waves its paw after him, as if seeing him off on a hike.


But Vaska-era goes to war,
Crimea wants to fight and conquer.
Yes, they greeted him there with kicks,
He ran back, crying bitterly.

The piper knocks Skomorokh off his feet and kicks him in the ass. The buffoon drops his helmet and saber, crawls on all fours, and rushes, crying, into the arms of the bear, who strokes and consoles him. The laughter is even stronger.

Second man. Do you like?

The street guard bursts in: boss with three archers. Fidgety is with them.

Chief of the Guard. The sovereign's word and deed! Take the buffoons, guys!

The archers grab – one the Buffoon, the other the piper. The third approaches the bear, who growls threateningly.

Chief of the Guard. Whoever resists - chop. There was a decree for that.

Sagittarius takes up the saber. The bear gets down on all fours and runs away.

The chief of the guard walks menacingly around the circle. He stops in front of the hall.

Chief of the Guard. Look, there are so many of you here, but only one honest person was found and reported an insult to the authorities. Look at me, cabbage! I'll chop it into fine crumbs.

Many of us have encountered a snake on our way at least once in our lives. The best thing you can do in this case, if the snake is not aggressive, is to freeze in place and let it calmly crawl away to a place that is safe for both you and it. However, this is not always possible. Sometimes, to save our lives or the lives of loved ones, we have to respond with force. Here the question arises as to whether it is possible to kill snakes, why it is impossible to kill snakes even in moments of danger.

Snakes are among the most dangerous animals in the world. And when vipers come across a person’s path, due to his panic, they can be killed. Many peoples of the world have old beliefs that prohibit taking the life of this animal, especially if it gets into the house.

Attitudes towards snakes of different nations

  • In Rus', it was believed that snakes are protectors of the soul, and in fairy tales and legends, they always act as a wise, judicious character who guides a person who is lost, in a moral sense, on the path. That is why it was not customary for the Slavic peoples to kill snakes. If a snake crawled into the house, then killing it can cause trouble.
  • In some regions of Russia and Ukraine, vipers that find their way into a home are considered brownies. In Bukovina they believe that they bring happiness and goodness. Also, the ban on killing a house snake arose due to the fact that many people considered house snakes to be the souls of their ancestors.
  • The Poles have a belief that says that every person has his own twin snake, and therefore snakes should not be killed.
  • Lithuanians have a superstition that says that under every house there live snakes in the ground, and their number is equal to the number of inhabitants of the house. Every night they crawl out of their holes and fan the sleeping person with their breath, giving him health, strength and vigor.
  • The Czechs believe that every hut has a “house snake”, and if it dies, then the owner of the house leaves this world. Residents of Poland and Ukraine also think so. According to one of these legends, when a domestic snake is killed, the child it took care of dies.
  • The archives of the Estonian Literary Museum, which is located in the city of Tartu, contain about 100 records folk beliefs, which say that a snake is good spirit Houses. Maybe that’s why there isn’t a single farm in Estonia without this animal. There is a sign that three days before a fire the snake leaves the house.
  • In the Stavropol province it was never allowed to kill snakes in the yard, as they were afraid that the farm might be ruined.
  • Traditions of domestic snakes existed not only among the Slavic peoples, but also in Greece and Armenia. The Armenians have preserved a sign that says that the snakes of Mount Ararat have a breed that is under the dominion of the mighty queen. She has a magic stone in her mouth, and when special famous nights come, she throws it high into the sky. In the air, the stone shines like the sun, and whoever manages to grab it on the fly will be granted eternal happiness.

In the end, if you do not pay attention to all the existing signs and superstitions associated with snakes, you must not forget that this is the same Living being, like us, and it has the same rights to life. Snakes are much more afraid of us than we are of them, so in order to avoid an unpleasant incident with them, it is best to try to freeze in place and not attract attention.

Kill the snake. Signs.

Few people like snakes and want to meet them. But, nevertheless, the people appreciated the intelligence and habits of these reptiles. Snakes have a significant place in folklore; many signs and superstitions related to them are associated with to various parties human life: environment, events, health, everyday life.

Killing a snake, according to signs, is always good. In the Bible, it is associated with the devil himself, so the reward for its destruction is quite worthy.

  • If you remain alive after a snake bite, a long and happy life awaits you!
  • If you kill a snake, God will forgive you 40 sins.
  • Anyone who kills 12 snakes in a day can count on the remission of all sins, no matter how many there are and no matter how serious they are.
  • A killed snake cannot be hung on a tree, otherwise, according to signs, it will come to life, find its offender and take revenge on him!
  • There is also a sign that killing a snake in early spring to a good harvest.

Snake in the house. Signs.

  • Seeing a snake on the threshold of your home is a sign of surprises in life, be prepared for them!
  • The house into which the snake crawled and laid its eggs there is completely safe! He is not in danger of trouble or financial loss!
  • A house in which there is a snake egg or a snake skin hanging will never be damaged by fire.
  • If you found a snake egg - protect it from prying eyes, hide it in the house and there will be no money left in it!
  • Keep a twig of an ash tree in your home - it will protect you from a snake that suddenly appears in the house!
  • A snake crawled into the house and shed its skin - a bad omen. Soon one of the household members will get sick or even die!
  • Never kill a snake that crawls into your house! Snakes are vindictive, her relatives will take revenge, and for 5 years there will be no peace in the house. Troubles and illnesses will settle in it.

Other signs about snakes.

  • Summer promises to be rainy and cold if snakes emerge from their holes early. If you see a large number of snakes swimming in the water, autumn will be cold.
  • A snake crawled across the path of the newlyweds - to an unhappy marriage.
  • Seeing a snake on the way to visit is a good omen - you will have a fun and joyful time! For a pregnant woman to see a snake means the birth of a child with disabilities.
  • Snake tincture increases male strength.
  • Finding a shed snake skin brings good luck and wealth. Save it.
  • In order to always make wise, judicious decisions, signs advise carrying a talisman in the form of a snake with you.


There is no clear answer to the question “why you can’t crush a snake.”

“Whoever kills a reptile in early spring will have a fruitful year...” “If you kill a snake, 40 sins are forgiven...” “If you kill 12 snakes from sunrise to sunset, even if you are the worst criminal, by midnight you will be as clean as glass...” And think I don’t want to see how many “asps” have suffered from such sayings. Among the pearls of folk wisdom, such signs appeared with the accession of Christianity in Rus', in which the Serpent acted as the main accomplice of the evil spirit. The only problem is that in the Bible itself there are no calls for bloody reprisals against reptiles, and sins are atoned for exclusively by repentance, righteous life and good deeds. So our ancestors were too clever with the sign, and greatly. Just like with the belief that a snake suspended on an aspen tree will soon come to life and begin to pursue its killer.

Other signs that come from a more distant era claim that a killed snake brings 5 ​​years of misfortune. And if he survives and slips into the grass, he will certainly remember his offender, track him down and sting him. At least in ten years.

Reason and logic also suggest not to meddle with scaly creatures unless there is an urgent need. Moreover, they rarely attack just because they are in a bad mood. Better yet, never. And it is not yet known who will defeat whom in an unequal battle: you with a shovel or a forest hunter with your snake speed and poisonous fangs.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that death is a sin, and therefore it is impossible to take the life of similar creatures. Of course, you don’t have to believe in all this, because today we meet these animals extremely rarely and it is quite difficult to meet them within the city limits. However, snakes are no worse than other living creatures and have the same right to life. Attacking only in emergency situations, they do not pose a particular danger to humans, therefore, there is no particular need to destroy snakes.

Alexander Mazin

Varangian. Gold of the Old Gods

Series development A. Saukova

Cover illustration V. Petelina

© Mazin A.V., 2017 © Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

Successful meeting

Kiev-Chernigovsky tract

We drove slowly. There was nothing left until Morov, they would definitely make it before dark.

Ilya and Maliga are ahead. On Ilya there is a new, third gold hryvnia. The first is his own, or rather, given by his father when Ilya became a gridiron. The thinnest. Although this one was called a hryvnia, it weighed well if it was a quarter. The second, a trophy, is heavier, skillfully twisted, with a three-headed dog. Ilya got it back when he was crippled. He took Svardig, the former prince's centurion, and then a robber and thief, from the neck of the man he had killed. It was not easy: the cripple had to kill the Varangian and the prince’s centurion, but God helped: he saved him from a cruel fate and from an evil enemy. Good hryvnia, heavy. Svardig once removed it from the neck of the Svei jarl, and it is not known from whose neck. The Grand Duke's hryvnia is the third. Prince Vladimir presented it to Ilya yesterday. This is a sign: Ilya is now the senior griden of the Kyiv squad. Despite the fact that he did not swear allegiance to Vladimir. But even without that it’s clear: it’s necessary - it will serve, but it’s a hefty gift. This is appropriate to give for excellent heroism in battle, and not for some robber. But this Nightingale is a special robber. And not because it was he who once crippled Ilya, but because, as my father said in Romanian: this is a political matter. Behind the Grand Duke is Christ, behind the Nightingale are the old gods. If none of the people of Prince Nightingale can tame, then it turns out that the old gods are stronger than Christ. That’s why Ilya’s reward is generous. And the robber Nightingale was not simply executed like the taty, but was taken to prison by the Grand Duchess. Although, Ilya thought, they would ask him not about the gods, but about burial sites with loot. Well, this doesn’t concern Ilya anymore. He got his.

Maliga, the foreman, with whom Nightingale was taken and who is now riding along Ilya’s side, also did not go without awards. Ilya himself has already given it to him. That's what dad ordered. He said: “Maliga is your man, encourage him yourself.” New chain mail on Maliga, a new helmet, weighty silver bracelets on his arms. Happy with Maliga. And his wallet got pretty heavy.

And those warriors who were now riding behind the prince also had a fair amount of goods from these six and from those who were wounded. Three heavy ones are now resting in Morov, three lighter ones remain in Kyiv. Ilya did not take them with him. The doctor in Morov is good, but in Kyiv he is better.

Good on the road. Silence. The autumn forest burns golden in the rays of the evening sun...

“The caravan recently passed,” Maliga said, looking at the ground ahead.

- Caravan! – Ilya snorted. – You’ll say the same! Three carts and six footmen.

“The carts, however, are heavy,” Maliga noted. - One of the wheels is wobbling. Maybe it was broken, or maybe the pin fell out...

Ilya took a closer look.

“It’s broken,” he decided. “If there was a pin, they would have already corrected it, but since they are going, it means there is no spare one.” They hope to reach Morov with this.

- Wow! – Ilya suddenly exclaimed. - Why did they rush?

I immediately understood why.

Blood on the ground. Covered with dust, but still noticeable.

- Maliga, look! - Ilya ordered, taking out a bow prepared for battle. On the way, Ilya did not drop the bowstring from his horns.

The foreman dismounted and picked with his finger:

- Fresh! And the body was dragged into the bushes! Darling, look...

- No need! – Ilya stopped the boy. - After!

And he sent the Dove into a gallop, pulling arrows out of its body.

The ride didn't last long.

The convoy was stopped. Blood and other visible traces could easily be seen on the road. And the fragments of the wheel, which were thrown onto the side of the road, and the deep track of the wheels leading into the forest.