7 bodies black. Layout “Seven Witnesses. Tarot card meanings in positions

For centuries, magicians and witches have kept the secrets of secret rituals and rituals that help a person find out the future, predict desired events and see a fateful chance.

If you are interested in whether a meeting with your loved one will take place, you can use fortune telling

Fortune telling on playing cards whether a meeting with a loved one will take place is used only in cases where the fate of a future relationship depends on the date. This prediction is also suitable for single girls or guys who are waiting to meet their lover. What do you need for quick fortune telling?

Magic is the best assistant in love

People say, “If there is a will, there will be a means.” The wisdom that people have accumulated over centuries can be perceived in different ways, but the truth does not change depending on the point of view.

We learned to use magic for our own purposes a long time ago.

The first predictions helped generals and even kings. With the help of foreseeing the near future, the most powerful and influential people in the world are able to avoid even mortal danger.

Why does modern man need fortune telling? Doubts and melancholy are two problems modern man. He is afraid of everything and therefore prefers to be inactive instead of fighting for his own happiness and well-being. Any relationship is an undoubted risk, and anxious anticipation of changes in your personal life can cause real disappointment.

Help from magic in your personal life

What if there is no point in waiting to meet your soulmate? A question that has repeatedly visited the anxious mind of a girl or youth. And if there is a fateful meeting, then how will the first communication go?

Magic will help to dispel doubts for a person of any age and status. Predictions for a future meeting refer to predictions that do not affect other aspects of the questioner’s life. Everything that cards or others give magic symbols– these are clear answers, advice and recommendations.

Attributes for fortune telling can only suggest, but only a person can decide his own destiny. Home predictions are often more accurate than those made by professional magicians. With soul and body, a person feels what is hidden in him. He knows in advance his own destiny, which is interpreted by cards or other magical attributes.

How to tell fortunes about meeting your future lover?

Anyone can tell fortunes for a meeting. For men, fortune telling on cards or magical rituals akin to torture. They fear magic like fire, but secretly they often resort to its help.

How will ancient forces help? Plan a future meeting in advance and take into account all sorts of obstacles - such information is worth a lot. She is a real weapon that can be used at any time.

For people with experience in fortune-telling at home, fortune-telling will be easy for other areas of life besides love and relationships. A relaxed atmosphere, lightness and openness will help you find out the details of the meeting a day, two, or a week before the appointed date.

Popular and simple fortune telling will help you find out the intentions of the person you meet and his secret thoughts:

Fortune telling using stavs (runic signs) is one of the most popular options to find out whether a meeting with a loved one will take place

The method of divination is chosen according to the principle of “where the soul lies.” If fortune telling confuses or causes fear, you should abandon it at least for a while. Moral readiness is very important for the magician and the questioner. From excitement and doubt, cards can give false answers. Anything can happen.

Preparing for fortune telling

Even trivial issues need elaboration. Everything that comes from a person is energy, strength that fears or hopes acquire. The more anxiety a person feeds, the weaker he becomes. Before fortune telling, you should ask yourself “what answer will suit me?”

Only liars who do not admit their own desires and aspirations are afraid of magic. Fortune telling for a meeting refers to simple divination, which does not have serious or deadly consequences. There is also no need to fear that ancient forces will demand payment for help. An experienced magician will do all the work for the client and provide only useful information.

When fortune telling at home, a person should be careful. Prepare mentally and physically. It is not recommended to do the layout when you are feeling unwell or in a bad mood. Such fortune telling is ineffective and exhausting, and its results are untrue.

If the questioner has let go of worries and freed his own mind for new information, then he can safely begin fortune-telling using a deck of Tarot, Thoth cards or playing cards.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

The fortuneteller needs to decide on the type of fortune telling. If he intends to use Tarot cards that may not be at hand by chance, then before making a prediction he should study special literature. Without the basics and base, you won't be able to master the deck.

It is difficult for a beginner to guess with Tarot cards. To do this you will have to study special literature

For us ordinary people quick fortune telling- most best option. It is better to choose a ready-made layout for a love perspective, according to a scheme created by magicians. Such a blank can consist of three, six or nine cards.

There are different layouts for a future meeting:

  • gypsy;
  • dove on Tarot cards;
  • fast on maps Simbolon;
  • Fortune telling with Madame Endora's cards.

Will the lovers meet again? Multi-stage layouts will help you get complex answers that affect the thoughts and expectations of another person (barely familiar or completely unfamiliar).

Gypsy fortune-telling “Choice of the path”

Fortune telling about the meeting and future fate of the union is very ancient. It was used in cases where a difficult choice haunted a person. By making a “choice of path” layout before the desired meeting, the questioner finds out the true intentions of the object of sympathy or love. What is he planning and why does he want to meet?

The text consists of 7 cards that are selected from the deck fortune telling cards in no particular order. You can lay out the deck face down and choose the cards you like or draw seven symbols from the folded deck.

You need to take out cards without a second thought. It is better to think about the chosen one, imagine him, reproduce the image to the smallest detail.

Alternately, the dropped symbols answer the following questions:

  • what is on the soul in the present (of the questioner);
  • how the meeting will go (what mood will prevail between the guy and the girl);
  • what will be the result of the questioner if he does not come to the meeting;
  • what awaits a person if he comes to the meeting;
  • advice from cards on what decision to make;
  • the fate of possible relationships;
  • the general future of the questioner.

Such fortune telling will help you decide on a meeting or postpone it if unfavorable symbols appear. It is necessary to interpret the alignment, starting with the major Arcana. The dominant cards set the mood for the entire forecast.

Fortune telling by Oracle “Who will I meet?”

For single people, a prediction that describes the conditions of a future fateful meeting is suitable. The fortuneteller does not yet know what the betrothed looks like and what will unite them.

“Whom will I meet” is a magical portrait of a beloved that will help you not to miss your betrothed and not to miss important details out of sight. On the other hand, for the questioner, the power of thought is triggered. If you know how a person will evoke the most wonderful feelings, then it will be much easier to summon him.

Before you begin, when only the fortune-telling deck remains in your hands, you should concentrate your thoughts on what worries your heart. Think over the question, whisper to yourself “what does your beloved look like” and only then make the arrangement.

The finished oracle diagram consists of eight ancient symbols, which are drawn from the deck in random order:

A ready-made diagram on the oracle will help to identify the qualities of a man that a fortune-telling girl values ​​(for example, is the shyness of her chosen one important to her)

  1. Qualities of a chosen one that a girl or woman expects to see. It is very important to admit your desires to yourself. If a girl dreams of a powerful or freedom-loving man, there is nothing shameful or terrible in such a desire. The cards will show exactly the hidden desires of the questioner, his hopes about the internal organization of the chosen one.
  2. Character compatibility. The most important aspect and guarantee of a strong union will be the compatibility of the two partners. You cannot build a strong relationship with a person who does not completely understand the motives and desires of your loved one. Everyone can want a kind guy, but not every woman needs just such a chosen one. Maps will point to important features character suitable for the questioner.
  3. The third card has an unenviable fate; it indicates negative aspects in the relationship that do not suit the person making the alignment.
  4. Obstacles. Indoor units and fears that interfere with building relationships - this is what the fourth card of the layout indicates. What prevents a fortuneteller from having a strong relationship? A magical hint in this matter will be very useful.
  5. Qualities that will help create a strong union. You need to pay special attention to the fifth kata.
  6. Aspects life together. What will hinder, and what will only benefit the entire union.
  7. Relationship layout. The cards will tell the questioner what will follow after the meeting, how further good relations will develop.
  8. Advice on where and when you can find your soulmate.

Fortune telling on the oracle will give important advice which will help you meet your soulmate

Fateful meetings can happen in the most unexpected places, but it is not always possible to be prepared for them. A multi-stage layout will be a godsend for a lonely person who is tired of waiting to meet his lover or loved one.

Fortune telling on the cards of Endora “Karmic Union”

One of the most interesting fortune telling, which allows you to find out what the union of two lovers will be like in this and subsequent lives, after a fateful meeting.

People who believe in the transmigration of souls claim that no soul is drawn to another person for no reason. When two wanderers in the universe meet, something “clicks” in their hearts. It was as if the long-disturbed balance had finally been restored again, and something miraculous and predicted a hundred years ago had happened.

Fortune telling “karmic union” is best done before an important meeting, when the questioner is unsure whether the couple has a future or not.

Was there a karmic lesson learned? Difficulties in a couple can be a consequence of karmic debts, unresolved problems that haunt a person through a hundred years. Fortune telling of this type is performed on an unusual deck. For the layout you will need 13 cards chosen at random. Each symbol will mean certain circumstances and the outcome of a future meeting.

The cards will answer questions regarding the strength of relationships and the roles that partners will play. Symbols will predict unfinished business that affects the development of current events or regarding stagnation. The actions of the partners will also be described by the oracle. The last two cards symbolize a connection at the karmic level; such a union of souls will be drawn to each other in subsequent lives.

Playing deck for predicting a meeting

Fortune telling “meeting”, especially if answers are urgently needed, is performed using regular cards. Thirty-six playing symbols will predict the most significant moments of a future meeting. What does your partner think, what are his intentions? The answer is “yes” and “no”, the general outcome is all these important aspects hidden in an ordinary deck of cheap playing cards.

Taking advantage simple layout for three or six cards, a person will decide in advance whether to go to the designated address.

Magic helps a person through the most unexpected things and attributes. The whole mood of the layout can be interpreted by the suit, which is presented on most cards.

A person learns the science of not being afraid of tomorrow every day. Sometimes it's not enough whole life to understand why the future does not attract, but scares. Fortune telling is the simplest tool on how to gain freedom and confidence. A meeting with your loved one will have a good outcome if you are prepared for it in advance.

The cards will tell you what to expect and what to avoid. Sometimes a rescheduled visit can change a person’s destiny and provide him with new opportunities. Planned meetings do not become a disappointment; this is the biggest help of fortune telling or playing cards.

All unmarried girls and women who are not in a relationship want to know how soon this bright and beautiful, and most importantly, mutual, feeling will appear in their lives. Fortune telling for a meeting can help a lot with this, the features of which we will talk about later in this article.

  1. To predict the future, you should first of all prepare your own deck of cards. Today, Tarot cards can be purchased at any esoteric store or placed an order on the appropriate online resource. When choosing a deck, do not rely on logic, but be guided by the voice of your intuition - it is important that you really like the deck.
  2. Before you start fortune telling, study the cards more closely - familiarize yourself with their meaning, as well as the combination with each other. It is advisable not to guess on a deck you just bought, but to keep it with you for several days so that the cards absorb your energy and are ready to tell you the truth. To do this, you should place the deck under the pillow or near the head of the bed at night.
  3. It is important to treat Tarot cards with respect - they should be kept wrapped in a piece of silk or velvet. And the best thing is to store them in a bag specially made for them.
  4. Never let cards lie anywhere; it is also important to ensure that other people do not touch them. And under no circumstances agree to lend cards to other fortune tellers.
  5. You may hear the opinion that you should not guess for yourself, but in reality this is nothing more than a myth. The main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the falling arcana.
  6. Don't be afraid of cards! Contrary to popular belief, they cannot force your destiny, but can only push you into in the right direction, help you find the right answer to a question that troubles your soul.
  7. But it is also not permissible to use Tarot cards regularly! Resort to fortune-telling only when you vitally need help (you feel that you have reached a dead end, you cannot choose one of several options, and so on).
  8. Please pay attention special attention correct formulation of the question - it is important to ask it as clearly as possible, detailing the situation. At the same time, it is not necessary to do this out loud - a correctly asked question in your thoughts will be enough.

Examples of fortune telling for a meeting with a loved one

Simple fortune telling for love

This is a very easy option for telling fortunes about whether a meeting will take place. With its help, you will find out whether a loved one will appear in your life in the near future, as well as what factors will contribute to this or, conversely, hinder it.

For prediction, the usual playing cards(new deck, 36 cards).

First you need to think about your question, then shuffle the cards and move them with your left hand towards you. And after that, lay out the cards one at a time in rows (so that there are no more than seven cards in one row).

The cards are laid out until an Ace appears. It is he who will help you make a forecast of the future in love:

  • Aces of Hearts - symbolize love and indicate that in the near future a real, mutual feeling will appear in your life;
  • Aces of Spades - the meeting will not take place;
  • Clubs and Aces of Diamonds indicate the likelihood of a meeting (but there is no 100% guarantee of this).

The same cards that are in front of Ace in the layout will tell you about the reasons for love failures or about circumstances that, on the contrary, will help you find your happiness.

In the process of interpreting cards located before Ace, except traditional meaning each of them must also pay attention to “neighboring” cards, which greatly influence the overall picture.

Fortune telling “When will I meet my soulmate?”

If you want to know how soon a loved one will appear in your life, you can use next option layout.

You must select the Queen of Hearts from the deck (even if you are a young lady with dark hair, your card will only be the Queen of Hearts) and place it in the central part of the table.

Then shuffle the deck and lay out twelve cards in a circle so that their backs face up. Each card will be associated with one of the months of the year. But the countdown begins not from January, but from the month in which you performed the fortune telling. The remaining cards are moved aside - they are no longer used in this fortune-telling.

And all the dropped cards must be turned over one by one and you can begin to interpret them:

  • Jack (regardless of its suit) - predicts the appearance of suitors who are interested, however, in easy relationships and flirting. You will not feel much interest towards them.
  • Kings are in real life accomplished, successful men who show their interest in you. But it is impossible to say now what the further development of relations will be.
  • Clubs, Diamonds and Spades - are associated with those representatives of the opposite sex who would like to marry you. They have very serious intentions.
  • Ace of Hearts - this card symbolizes true, pure and sincere love. If you get the Ace of Hearts in fortune telling, it means that very soon you will meet a man who will make you happy, he is your soul mate, an ideal life partner.

In the case where there are no Jacks, Kings and Aces in the layout, you can perform it again after 30 calendar days (in no case neglect this rule, the period of the minimum break between love fortune telling– exactly four weeks, otherwise you risk receiving false information).

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love” using the Lenormand method

Another method of predicting a fateful meeting, this method has its roots in the famous French fortune teller - Mademoiselle Lenormand. Lenormand herself used ordinary playing cards in fortune-telling, but her followers came up with the idea of ​​using them for the layouts she compiled special cards, having drawings-symbols.

When you complete the standard preparations (shuffle the deck, concentrate on your request), you can begin the layout directly.

Place the cards one at a time with their backs facing up as follows:

  • The 1st card is placed in the central part of the table, and the 2nd and 3rd cards are placed below it;
  • 4th card - placed on the left side of the 2nd, and even more to the left of it is the 5th card;
  • 6th card – must be placed with right side from the 2nd, place the 7th card next to it (it turns out that the 4th, 5th, 2nd, 6th and 7th are placed in the same line);
  • The 8th card is placed on the left side of the 3rd, and the 9th on the right side (another line is formed by the 8th, 3rd and 9th cards);
  • 10th card - placed below the 5th (the 5th, 10th cards are located vertically, and there is a gap in the middle);
  • Place the 11th card under the 7th (there will be the 7th and 11th cards in the vertical row, and there is empty space between them);
  • The 12th card is placed not far from the 10th (below the 8th), and the 13th card is placed next to the 11th (below the 9th);
  • The 14th card is the final one in the row, it is located in the middle between the 12th and 13th (one row below). And the card that is personified by the fortuneteller (it will be the 28th or 29th) is located between the 12th and 13th in the remaining empty space.

Now you can turn to the interpretation of the layout, which will be as follows:

  • 1st card - says whether you will meet your love;
  • 2nd – will describe under what circumstances the meeting will take place;
  • 3rd – will tell about further development relationships;
  • 4th card – will tell you about the general mood of your chosen one;
  • 5th – will tell about his emotional state;
  • 6th – describes his intellectual abilities;
  • 7th – will tell about financial opportunities;
  • 8th – about spiritual potential;
  • 9th – talks about what kind of relationship your loved one dreams of;
  • 10th – will tell you how best to proceed;
  • The 11th and 12th are indicators of past experience, personal relationships of the questioner;
  • The 13th card will tell about the further development of relations;
  • 14th – will tell you about what you should change in yourself.

Finally, we invite you to watch an interesting thematic video

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

In general, this layout is used for a deck of 32 cards. However, I give the meanings for the cards for a deck of 52 cards, and even with an inverted position, which significantly expands the possibilities of interpreting the layout. You can use these card meanings for any fortune telling on a playing deck.


Ace: Love letter or some others good news. Reversed: Visit from a friend.

King: An honest, generous man. Reversed: Facing disappointment.

Lady: A soft, amiable woman. Reversed: Probability of obstacles in love.

Knave: A carefree bachelor who thinks only of pleasure. Reversed: Unsatisfied person, possibly associated with the military.

Ten: Triumph; happiness. Reversed: Mild restlessness.

Nine: Satisfaction; joy; success. Reversed: Momentary annoyance.

Eight: Love of a fair (blond) person. Reversed: Indifference.

Seven: Pleasant thoughts; calmness. Reversed: Boredom; fatigue; fatigue.

Six: Sea voyage; luck. Reversed: Sudden change of fortune.

Five: Dreams of great importance. Reversed: Jealousy.

Four: Engagement. Reversed: Difficulty choosing between two lovers.

Three: Trust your instincts. Reversed: Danger of trouble due to lack of forethought.

Two: Great success. Reversed: Exercise caution in business dealings.

Ace: A letter will be received soon. Reversed: Letter containing bad news.

King: A blonde who can be cunning and dangerous. Reversed: Very great threat caused by it.

Lady: Rude, scandal-loving woman. Reversed: She is to be feared.

Jack: Unfaithful friend or employee. Reversed: Many problems caused by it.

Ten: Change of place of residence or occupation; journey. Reversed: Travel or change will not be for the better.

Nine: Delay, with resulting irritation. Reversed: Quarrel with family or lover.

Eight: Attempt to woo. Inverted: Attempt thwarted.

Seven: Mockery; mockery. Reversed: Stupid scandal.

Six: Unhappy result of marriage. Reversed: Loss of your property.

Five: Children who bring joy; prosperity in business. Reversed: Unexpected financial loss.

Four: Trouble and grief. Reversed: Loss of a friend or good employee.

Troika: Disputes and bickering, at home and at work. Reversed: Trial.

Two: Love affair; developing close friendships. Reversed: Scandal, loss of a friend.


Ace: Joy, prosperity or good news. Reversed: Joy will be short-lived.

King: A sincere, generous person who loves to do favors for friends. Reversed: He will face disappointment.

Lady: A gentle, witty woman. Reversed: Jealousy and anger.

Jack: Smart and enterprising young man. Reversed: Innocent flirting or flattery.

Ten: Luck, success and fame. Reversed: Lack of success.

Nine: Inheritance; unexpected benefit. Reversed: A disappointingly small gift received.

Eight: Love of a dark-haired man. If mutual, the result will be great prosperity. Reversed: Unwanted suitor.

Seven: A small debt paid to you. Reversed: Small amount received; disappointment.

Six: Hard work, resulting in well-being. Reversed: Hard work with little or no impact.

Five: Good prospects for the future; possible marriage. Reversed: Plans that lead to nothing.

Four: Change of fortune; threatening evil. Reversed: Sudden and unexpected failure.

Three: Rich connections, possibly through marriage. Reversed: Loss of income.

Two: Disappointment. Reversed: Opposition to your desire.


Ace: An emotional connection that can cause trouble. Reversed: Unexpected bad news.

King: Envious man; an enemy or dishonest lawyer to be feared. Reversed: Powerlessness; anger.

Lady: Widow. Reversed: Dangerous and evil woman.

Knave: A dark-haired, rude young man. Reversed: He is making plans against you.

Ten: Grief; jail; limitation. Reversed: Short-lived grief.

Nine: News of death. Reversed: Death of a close relative.

Eight: Approaching illness. Reversed: Broken engagement (marriage); rejected offer.

Seven: Lots of trouble. Reversed: Stupid intrigue.

Six: Good plans and intentions fail. Reversed: Lack of ideas and plans.

Five: Quarrels caused by temper. Reversed: Bickering, minor irritations.

Four: You were passed over for promotion; missed opportunities. Reversed: Jealousy and envy.

Three: Infidelity in love; bitterness. Reversed: News of indiscretions.

Two: Separation; turn. Reversed: Unwanted and unexpected change.

In a deck of thirty-two cards, two, three, or four cards of the same rank appearing together have the following special meanings:


Four Aces: Danger, failure in business; sometimes imprisonment. If one or more of them is upside down, the danger is reduced.

Three Aces: Good news. If one or more are upside down: Stupidity.

Two Aces: Intent. Reversed: He is unsuccessful.


Four Kings: Awards, titles, honors. Reversed: They will be smaller, but will be received sooner.

Three Kings: Consultation on important matter with very good results. Reversed: Dubious success.

Two Kings: Partnership in Business. Reversed: Dissolved partnership.


Four Ladies: Company; society. Reversed: Things will not go well.

Three ladies: Friendly visits. Reversed: Scandal and deception; gossip.

Two ladies: Meeting with friends. Reversed: Trouble in which one will involve the other.


Four Jacks: Noisy party, mostly young people. Reversed: Binge drinking.

Three Jacks: False Friends. Reversed: Quarrel with someone inferior to you.

Two Jacks: Evil Intentions. Reversed: Danger.


Four tens: Great success of plans. Reversed: Success will not be as great, but will still be certain.

Three tens: Wrong behavior. Reversed: Failure.

Two tens: Changing profession. Reversed: This is only a distant possibility.


Four nines: Big surprise. Reversed: Celebration.

Three nines: Joy, luck, good health. Reversed: Wealth lost through improvidence.

Two nines: Small benefit. Reversed: Small losses due to gambling.


Four Eights: A Short Journey. Reversed: Return of a friend or relative.

Three Eights: Reflections on Marriage. Reversed: Flirting, recklessness.

Two eights: A short dream of love. Inverted: Little pleasure and little pain.


Four Sevens: Intrigue among low people; threats, traps and quarrels. Reversed: Harm will fall on those who caused it.

Three sevens: Illness, premature old age. Inverted: Mild and brief discomfort.

Two sevens: Frivolity. Reversed: Regret.

Any card with a picture between two other cards of the same value (for example, a queen between two sevens) indicates that the person represented by that picture card (as a significator) is at risk of being drawn into conflict.