Interpretation of the triangle in the palm. Special Signs on the Hands of Persons with Extraordinary Abilities Palmistry witch's eye on the palm, what does it mean

Did you know that a witch's mark on the hands is considered one of the main signs with which it is possible to identify a witch? When someone says words such as “witches” or “sorceresses,” people usually begin to recall the historical justice that was administered to the witch in ancient Europe. And before our mind’s eye we immediately see an ancient old woman with a cane, who does nothing but commit small and serious tricks to everyone around her.

According to medieval sources, who claimed that a witch can be distinguished from ordinary girls with the help of a witch sign, which is located on the body or on the hands. Not everyone today knows that the very appearance of such special women, the wisest girls, healers, healers and witches were considered witches, by the way, the root of this word is the ancient phrase “Veda”, that is, knowledge.

The witch was considered a link that connects the earthly world with the other world. The main goal of the witch was to heal a person and help with wise advice in difficult situations. In ancient times, witches always had their own heavenly protector. In the Slavic lands, after the Slavs adopted the Greek faith, they became afraid of such women, but they still turned to the wise witches for advice.

But a completely different situation developed in the countries of Western Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. And legal documents from the era of the hunt for sorceresses have reached our time, which amaze even experienced people with their unjustified ferocity and mercilessness. As a result of the persecution of innocent girls, a literary work arose, which was like a guide, where the inquisitor fathers described in detail how to identify a sorceress from among the righteous girls.

As stated in this work, the mark of a witch on the palm was considered one of the distinctive features of a witch. Such features could be any non-standard mark on the skin. Experienced servants of the Inquisition assured that this is how Satan marks his servants. And the most important distinguishing mark was a large condyloma. Church ministers assured that this was a disguised growth on the body of a witch, feeding Satan. The same work contained the entire judicial procedure, as well as the torture that was applied to the accused.

The girl, who was suspected of witchcraft, was naked, entangled in ropes, completely deprived of body hair, and carefully examined. Since it was believed that a witch’s mark is usually located on hidden areas of the body from view, the girl was even examined in intimate parts of the body. A special needle was stuck into any mole of an unusual type; if the girl did not feel pain, she was considered a witch. Since usually there are no nerve endings in such areas of the skin, almost all the poor things who fell into the hands of the holy fathers-inquisitors were recognized as witches.

When not a single mark was found on the accused’s skin, the torture still did not stop. The unfortunate woman was tortured until the executioners' needles found an area of ​​the body without pain. If the defendant had an ideal body, then it was believed that she owed it to Satan. And when the inquisitors were convinced that they were right, the poor thing was burned alive. Such terrible and merciless executions were common in all Western European countries and continued for more than two centuries. The most beautiful and talented women of those times died in the fire of the Inquisition.

Will accept a couple, originating from the Middle Ages, have survived to this day, but refers to representatives of the fairer sex, who have special abilities that have become many times better. Nowadays no one is afraid of a witch's mark on the palm. Leaders believe that such a mark consists of small lines, which merge into the image of an eye. Therefore, such a mark began to be called "Eye of the Witch"

This mark is located on the base of the palm next to the Hills of the Moon. According to Palmistry, a mark such as the “Witch's Eye” indicates a person who has a special gift.

That is why among those who have such a sign, most of all there are healers, soothsayers and psychics, that is, people who have a connection with another world. These people have a rather powerful aura and the ability to predict the future; they are usually born either at the beginning or at the end of the century. Usually, both the witchcraft mark on the palm and the gifts accompanying it are the heritage of the family, which is most often passed down through the maternal line and through generations. In addition, this mark is what distinguishes a true witch or healer from an imaginary sorcerer and liar.

In the last couple of years, all things inexplicable and witchcraft themes have become very popular. Most often, a fairly large number of topics concern the special marks of a witch on her hands. Do these marks really exist or are they all legends? Let's try to understand this delicate issue in our article.

And so almost all people are sure that the mark of the sorceress is several plexuses of small lines near the hills of the Moon, forming an image of the human eye. It is believed that this interlacing of lines is the “Eye of the Witch”. Fine! However, why the eye?

Is there any relationship between such a mark on the hand and the witch?

First of all, why are many people sure that the sign of an eye on the palm necessarily means that a person is a magician? Maybe because this mark was known to medieval black sorcerers, selected Kabbalists or ancient leaders? Or maybe the witch hunters knew all the special signs on the hands of witches? Let's look at the sources. And since there is only one source, and even that of our days, it is the book of M.G. Kozina, which is called “Show me your palm and I will tell you who you are,” was released at the beginning of the two thousandth. It turns out that there is no history as such for this mark on the hands! But how then, in ancient times, did they learn about human magical abilities?

Some historical facts, for the full picture: In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition and witch hunters in the fight against witches were guided by a special book called “The Witch’s Hammer”. According to this book, a witch could be not only a terrible old woman with a hooked nose and shaggy hair. The whole point is that the Inquisition itself did not have accurate information about the appearance of the sorceress. Any representative of the fair sex could fall under this description. For example, they are very beautiful or, on the contrary, very scary, with moles all over the body, with a birthmark, or with fiery hair. However, the holy fathers still claimed that there was a special sign. Here, we can cite as an example the words of the popular sixteenth-century priest Lambert Dano, who, among other things, was also involved in leadership: “There is no witch that Satan would not mark with a certain mark or a sign of his power.” However, Lambert mentions in his writings that there are several main types of such a mark: which are the Satan's mark and the witch's mark. The latter looked like some kind of tubercle or outgrowth on human skin, which was used by witches to feed various spirits with their blood.

It turns out that nothing was known about the marks on the hands. But at that time, religion very carefully examined the books on guidance, and most witch hunters would definitely have paid attention to the mention of a “witch” mark on the hand, if such a mark had actually existed.

Let’s say that in the Middle Ages nothing was known about the “witch’s eye.” Fine. However, maybe the eye-shaped mark on the hand actually means the possession of demonic and witchcraft abilities?

Let's return to world history again.

Fatima's palm is a powerful amulet against damage and the evil eye. It has different names such as Hamsa, Palm of Miriam and Hand of Hamesh. Most often it looks like a hand with three fingers raised up and two fingers clenched at the edges. This ancient amulet is well known in the Indian and Israeli states, as well as in Muslim countries. A palm with an eye means protection and good luck, as well as a talisman against misfortune.

In Tibet, the palm with an eye is the talisman of the “All-Seeing Protector,” which is used to combat fear and oppression.

In Turkish religion, the eye signifies good fortune. Usually, the eye is located in the center of the palm. Probably, most people who visit resorts in this country could see such a sign on a variety of souvenirs.

For Buddhists, the Eye on the hand represents a sign of compassionate wisdom.

For the indigenous people of America, the Indians, an eye on the palm signified the gift of prediction. American Indians put a tattoo on their body depicting an open palm with an eye. They called this tattoo “Symbol of open eyes”. The Indians believed that this tattoo helped develop intuition.

The symbol of the palm and the eye in Arab and Berber rituals was associated with a talisman against the evil eye and damage. Popular expression: khamsa fi ainek (“five in your eye”) translated means “five fingers in your eye!”

There are many different interpretations of the eye on the hand, but most often this symbol meant protection from damage and the evil eye or the development of intuition.

Based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: Despite some mystical grounds, there is no direct connection between the eye on the hand and the word “witch”. And most people still hope to find the “witch’s eye” in their palms, in anticipation of possessing magical abilities.

Every person has one. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, be it clairvoyance, talent for the occult, or healing.

An extrasensory gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will it be able to manifest itself fully. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can bring on a lot of troubles, such as total bad luck or chronic illnesses. At a more mature age, there are no obstacles to working independently on yourself. Certain signs on the palm will help you better understand which direction to choose.

The meaning of the signs on the palms

  1. Cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger indicates a tendency towards clairvoyance. But this gift most often manifests itself after severe stress, for example, a serious accident or the death of loved ones. Holders of this sign can at certain moments literally see pictures of future events. The best way to use this ability is by preaching, since the “cross” is also an indicator of good relations with the church.
  2. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of studying the occult sciences. This sign indicates high sensitivity to subtle energies.
  3. Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, among leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. This sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also indicates high professionalism in any field of activity.
  4. Minimum three lines on the Mount of Mercury called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were required to be apprenticed to a doctor. As a rule, owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It's never too late to take up energy techniques - for example, reiki, as well as healing touch, living practice, etc.
  5. Island on the Belt of Venus found in people who are predisposed to clairvoyance and have strong intuition. However, such abilities may not manifest themselves in the normal state. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future by falling into a trance, for example, during a strong emotional experience.
  6. White Mage Ring (Ring of Jupiter). This is the mark of a master. He talks about the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. The “Ring” is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, and yogis. These are people who have achieved deep self-realization. Often bearers of the “white magician’s ring” also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.
  7. Black Mage Ring. The owners of this sign are popularly called people with the “evil” eye. It is best not to get in their way and not enter into conflicts with them. They have great potential for negative force, but often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message sent out will sooner or later come back.
  8. Standing separately cross in the center of the palm called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that a person’s emotions and reason (right and left hemispheres of the brain) are in complete harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calm. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make the right decisions in any situation.
  9. Square on the Mount of Jupiter, or teacher’s square - testifies to innate oratorical talents. Such people are excellent at presenting information. They have a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.
  10. Isis Line. Those with an arcuate line from the Mount of Mercury to the Mount of the Moon often have prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people’s thoughts.
  11. Double life line. In extrasensory perception it is called the line of the guardian angel. Such people have significant energy; they are much luckier in life than others.
  12. Radial loop on any finger. It is often called the "scanner" sign. Bearers of this difference are able to capture the emotional state of others and adopt it. They are often on someone else’s wavelength, and often find themselves in situations that are not “their own.” They are easy to convince of anything and take advantage of it. Therefore, if you find a radial loop on your hand, when communicating with people, try to keep track of where your thoughts are and where they are imposed, someone else’s.
  13. Circle at the bottom of the Mount of the Moon. The sign reflects clairvoyance abilities. Its owners can hear other people's voices in their heads and observe “pictures” on the screen of internal vision. Often such visions turn into real events.

Suggested reading.

It is believed that every person from birth has some kind of extrasensory abilities, but not everyone develops the gift.

As they say signs, signs on the body can indicate a special magical talent. These are moles or birthmarks. They call them "mark of the witch".

However, the presence of a witch's mark on the body does not mean that a person is practicing black magic. Perhaps he himself does not even know that he has magical powers.

What are the witch marks?

You definitely need to know about witch marks. Having noticed a sign on your body, you can begin to develop the gift, use it for your own purposes and help other people.

But if such a mark is on the body of another person, you can draw conclusions about his belonging to the world of magic, and protect yourself in time from witchcraft influence.

More often the witch's mark is shaped crescent, circle, or resembles a bat with spread wings.

In general, according to signs, any spot of the correct shape can arouse suspicion. You should also pay attention to burgundy or purple birthmarks.

In ancient times, people did not pay close attention to the marks. Any doubtful stain could lead to execution. There was a time when witches and everyone who had even the slightest connection with them were burned at the stake.

According to popular belief, it is believed that if the witch is real, then she will not feel a needle prick in the spot, and blood will not come from there.

Witch's mark - mole

But not only birthmarks can be signs of magical abilities. Moles are also called "witch's mark".

These include those resembling constellations in location, forming a pattern, protruding above the skin and with hairs, located in intimate places.

Witch mark on the palm

By the lines on the palms you can also determine a person’s abilities, including magical ones.

First of all, they are indicated by a pattern on the palm in the form of an eye or a star.

Palmists understand these issues better, but even if you notice combinations of lines similar to these forms, you should think about it. Perhaps it's time to start developing your hidden talents.

Incredible facts

Palmistry is a powerful source of very valuable information. It gives us insight into both our physical and spiritual bodies.

Each of us has heard about the lines on the palms, which can tell almost everything about a person.

There are signs that help us learn more about what awaits us in love, how many marriages and children we will have in the future, what successes await us in our work.

Palmistry, lines on the palms

And there are lines that indicate what we will succeed in in life. Our abilities and talents “carve” peculiar signs into our palms.

In addition, there are some imprints that indicate powerful witch energy and strength. So, what signs on the palm indicate that a woman is born a real witch?

By the way, you don't have to have all these signs. However, most often the presence of such signs indicates that their owner is a witch.

Signs of a witch

1. Secret Cross (Mystical Cross)

Perhaps one of the most powerful signs that you are a witch is the presence of a secret cross (or mystic cross). This X-shaped sign is located between the heart line and the head line.

Examine your palm carefully. Do you have this secret (mystical) cross?

People who have these signs are considered to have magical abilities from a very early age. And, indeed, among real magicians, witches and clairvoyants there are many who have such a sign on their palms.

Moreover, their owners have a natural inclination towards the occult sciences and secret wisdom. They have a highly developed intuition, which makes them powerful witches and sorcerers.

2. Psychic cross

Among all the lines on the palm, the Psychic Cross is a really important sign.

It is located at the base of one of the fingers.

It must be borne in mind that each finger represents a specific planetary entity. Therefore, you need to compare your finger with the corresponding planet and see what this sign means on a particular finger.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the index finger:

The index finger is the finger of Jupiter. Therefore, the psychic cross at the base of this finger means that the luck of Jupiter is on your side. You will have magical powers that will help you achieve success.

It also means that you have an uncanny predisposition to magical wisdom. You can become a very powerful person because you have the ability to absorb knowledge easily.

You are attracted to people who are equally powerful in their energy and who can become your wise teachers and mentors. In the future, you are destined to become one of these teachers yourself.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the middle finger:

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn. Thus, if a psychic cross is found in this place, you are blessed by Saturn himself, considered the planet of witches.

You have the ability to learn and absorb easily everything you touch. Moreover, you have been blessed with a strict teacher, but you want to know Magic solely through your experience.

You will be able to discover your extremely powerful energy as soon as you begin to spend enough time with yourself. Pay attention to meditation. She truly works wonders. Good healthy sleep also has a truly healing effect.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the ring finger:

The ring finger is the finger of the Sun. Therefore, if you notice a cross there, then you are blessed by the Sun and Apollo, the God of Magic and Prophecy.

You have the power to attract what you need in life. You are a real sorcerer or sorceress.

This means that your love life can become an inspiration for your magical work. When you are sexually active, you find enlightenment through the pleasure you experience. Charge yourself with positive solar energy.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the little finger:

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. It is Mercury that is associated with all magical deeds and predictions.

If you have such a sign, it means that from a young age you have plunged into the magical world of mystery and magic. Therefore, if you are blessed with this sign, you were born to love magic and be associated with it forever.

This means that Mercury - Hermes, the wise god, blessed your birth, making you a powerful magician/witch. Be sure to use your brain and heart to develop your magical abilities, but only for peaceful and good purposes.

Signs of a witch in a woman

3. Psychic triangle

The pyramid sign, which looks like a triangle at the base of the ring finger, is the Psychic Triangle. Take a close look; most often this sign is unclear or pronounced. Important lines on the palm tend to be pale and difficult to recognize.

Have you found such a sign? If it is present, it means that for some reason, intentionally or unintentionally, you are blocking your magical abilities.

Sometimes we block our magical abilities. This happens if in past lives we did something bad and used magic for dark purposes. This is a defense mechanism that works so that we no longer hurt ourselves or others.

Every time we use black magic to harm someone and/or interfere with someone's free will, we create bad karma. This bad karma eventually comes back to us.

The Psychic Triangle is more like a mental prison in which our magical abilities are imprisoned. This sign can also indicate that someone else has tied our powers. It can also mean that in past lives we have created enemies for ourselves.

The key to releasing our strengths and abilities is love and acceptance of ourselves and others. We can become strong magicians again if we learn to forgive others, and most importantly, ourselves.

4. Sign of the healer

Four or more parallel lines on the bottom of the little finger are indicators that a person is a powerful healer and has the strongest abilities.

This means that people with this mark on their body have great potential, they can touch people's hearts and heal their scars, both emotional and physical.

Nowadays, such people are usually doctors, psychologists or trainers. They chose this difficult path to help other people recover and live happily.

It is safe to say that these signs on our hands are similar to the marks of Mercury - Hermes, the god of communication and healing.

4-5 parallel lines indicate a powerful healer, 6-7 lines indicate someone who is destined to become a healer.

But 8 or more lines indicate that this person had the ability to heal in his past lives. The more lines, the more developed is this gift of healing others and helping others.

Of course, mastering the art of healing requires practice, incredible patience and attention. It is important to be able to listen to others, as well as those who can rightfully be called teachers.

5. Astral lines

These marks on your palm indicate a natural ability to transcend time and space. You travel more on the astral plane than you realize!

If there is a similar mark on a person’s palm, it means that the person was born to travel in both the physical and astral bodies.

In addition, the owner of such lines on the palm has every chance of becoming a great magician/witch, since he knows how to do things that are not given to other people.

Shamans, witches and magicians travel in the astral world, they can heal others, and also have a number of other incredible abilities that simply amaze an ordinary person who is not endowed with superpowers.

The most important thing is to develop your unusual gift in the right direction in time, without harming, but on the contrary, helping those who need help.

In addition to the signs on the palm, there are a number of other signs that indicate that you were born a real witch. These signs are in the perception of the world, in the manner of behavior, in interaction with other people, etc.

Decoding fate along the lines of the hands will not be complete without taking into account additional signs. The triangle in the palm symbolizes future changes in the life of the individual. They can be positive or negative, which is determined depending on the location of the figure.

Interpretation of the triangle in the palm

The triangle in the palm is interpreted depending on its shape, convexity, location, and clarity of lines. The figure means that the person has certain inclinations towards scientific activity. Often the owners of these forms find their true calling in medicine, engineering, politics, business, economics. If there are additional signs, the triangle can symbolize poverty, death from an accident, or eternal passion for one individual.

The meaning of the lines on the palm

The interweaving of lines on the hands allows you to talk about the events of the future, past years and lives, and the present. There are several main features.

  1. Hearts.
  2. Fates.
  3. Life.

There are additional arches that are not visible in all people. Line of Curse, Marriage, etc. On the left hand, what is destined by fate from birth is displayed, on the right - present events and future ones.

Palmistry says that a person is able to independently build his own path, regardless of the wishes of the Universe. The stripes on the left and right palms will always be different.

They can change their direction, extent and clarity depending on the events occurring in a person’s life. The pattern on the active hand is usually more positive than on the passive hand.

One of the additional arcs - the Health line - is located on the hill of Mercury, falling to the Life line.

The intersection of these 2 lines indicates for an individual a tendency to colds. When the line is practically not visible, it means that you have a person in excellent health. Having heard the meaning of a deep arc in the palm, a person will be more careful about his health and will be able to prolong his life.

The Health Trait is directly associated with the imagination, as it crosses the Head line and is located on the Mount of Mercury, which tells about the state of the nervous system.

The line of the Mind is the main one in reading a person’s fate. It starts between the index and thumb, runs through the middle of the palm and ends closer to the rib. Mental abilities do not depend on the length of this strip.

The meaning of the Head line is interpreted by its shape.

  1. An even segment tells of remarkable mental abilities and characterizes a cunning and calculating person: the individual does not strive to keep a large number of people near him, communicates only with a select few.
  2. The drooping tip indicates a well-developed imagination.
  3. The forked tip characterizes a comprehensively developed, creative personality with a predisposition to the exact sciences.
  4. A wavy arc is a rare phenomenon and indicates changeability in mood: the owners of such a line are non-standard individuals who are distinguished by interesting thinking.
  5. Close proximity to the Life line describes a person who is purposeful, self-willed and influential.

Fateful triangular figures

A triangle in the palm, located under the index finger on the Mount of Jupiter, tells of a person with great potential. The individual is a good speaker and has the gift of persuasion. He is diplomatic, courteous and smart. The brain of such an individual constantly generates interesting ideas, which makes him popular among others.

Palmistry considers a triangle located on the Mount of Saturn as a sign of natural magnetism. A person has a unique gift of attracting everything extraordinary. Such people often engage in esotericism and hypnosis.

The triangle, chosen on the hand by the hill of Apollo under the ring finger, tells of a strong desire for science. A person is capable of doing what others cannot do. Such individuals find themselves in engineering and architecture.

Palmistry interprets the figure on the hill of Mars as a sign of a predisposition to the art of war. It is located on the edge of the palm. Holders of this symbol have been disciplined since childhood, they are responsible and well developed physically.

A triangle located on the hill of the Moon foreshadows its owner an interesting life full of mystical secrets. A subtle connection with parallel worlds allows these people to gain inspiration and create mesmerizing works.

The triangle, localized in the lower part of the Mount of Venus, gives its owner incredible attractiveness to the opposite sex. Such people approach the choice of a partner with a cool head and a fiery heart.

Triangle on the right palm

On the right palm, the triangular figure located in the center has several interpretations depending on its interaction with other features.

  1. Connection with the Head and Fate arcs promises financial success, but it will not be possible to achieve it without great effort. These people should develop their scientific and creative abilities.
  2. A large triangle on the hand promises money.
  3. The lines of a broken triangle characterize a person as a spender.

Triangle on the left hand

A triangle located in the center of the left hand also promises wealth to a person. However, compared to the right, it does not foretell difficulties in achieving success.

The left hand speaks about supposed events, therefore, in this situation, on the right hand in adulthood, a person may not have a triangle in this interpretation if he follows the wrong path. The figure of the left hand is perceived as an incentive to develop one’s own potential in order to obtain certain benefits.

The fateful significance is enhanced by the elongated hips of the triangle.

Depending on their interpretation, a person can navigate in which area it is better to develop his potential:

  1. Strip of Destiny - go into the field of oratory or political science.
  2. Head Trait - direct your energy to studying physical and mathematical sciences.
  3. Heart Line - it’s worth trying yourself in medicine.

The influence of the large triangle

A large triangle in the palm, consisting of the lines of Head, Fate and Mercury, means the ability to harmoniously combine all one’s capabilities. This is a sign of uniqueness. Such a person can easily get everything he wants.

The correct figure speaks of balance and harmony of the inner world with the body. The right angle formed by the traits of Mercury and the Mind means that the person has a well-developed instinct, she intuitively avoids any danger, knows when to take risks and when to hold back. If breaks appear in the lines, the balance is disrupted, the person begins to get sick, and luck leaves his life.

The meaning of a small triangle on the palm

A small triangle indicates talent in the field of art. Its location practically does not matter. Already from childhood, the child begins to show creative talent.

The fateful meaning is enhanced when the figure comes into contact with one of the main lines on the palm. Creative potential develops along with a person’s mental abilities. He is hardworking, courteous in communication, and attractive to the opposite sex.

High Triangle or God's Eye

The red triangle or God's eye is formed by three main lines.

  1. Mercury.
  2. Apollo.

The triangular figure originates from the ring finger. It means great mental potential. Such people often find themselves in the field of IT technology. They have comprehensive development. They make friends quickly.

Figure with elongated sides

This figure is called the Witch's triangle. The meaning of the sign completely reverses the content of many interpretations. It is quite difficult to define it.

Its first facet originates from the Mount of Saturn, the second from the Mount of Mercury, the third is the line of Fate. Usually the edges are poorly drawn, so they are barely visible.

The witch triangle is a symbol of the philosopher. These people can figure out any problem. People often turn to them for help and listen to their opinions.

Designation of monetary well-being

The financial triangular figure combines 2 arcs: Head and Saturn. Dimensions don't matter. When interpreting, it is impossible to determine how much money the owner of the figure can earn. It means regular income and talks about a comfortable existence.

If the line of Fate is involved in the triangle, then responsibility for prosperity lies entirely with the owner of the sign. For example, in the first case, the role in financial security will be played more by family ties or influential people, and individuals do not have to overexert themselves at several jobs; in the second, the individual must work hard and overcome certain difficulties in order to achieve well-being. A money triangle with broken edges indicates that the income received will leave the person.


A triangular figure is a positive sign. Characterizes a person from the good side. Talks about opportunities to make a profit using your talents.

In any case, in order to take advantage of the luck provided by fate, an individual must work hard, then the reward for his work will not be long in coming. People with a triangle on their hand should not be afraid of change. They will be able to realize themselves in many areas of activity. The main thing is not to be afraid of obstacles and move forward.