Feng Shui principles for the bathroom and toilet. Bathroom and toilet according to Feng Shui: getting rid of money problems

Each room in the house has its own place. Even at the planning stage, various important factors (cardinal directions, proximity to the entrance) that are most suitable for a particular room are taken into account. And only the bath, toilet and storage room are planned according to the residual principle, wherever there is space left. But in ancient times, both in the east and in Rus', in principle there were no such premises either in imperial palaces or in simple huts. All this was brought for ablution or a “night vase” was placed and then taken away. And the peasants built latrines separately, behind the house, just like bathhouses. In Feng Shui, it is believed that these rooms, especially the toilet, generate bad energy, which brings many failures, problems and misfortunes.

Now we cannot afford to live in an apartment without a bath and toilet, so we have to sacrifice or put up with something. After all, no matter what sector of Bagua the bathroom is located in, it is this area of ​​human relationships or luck that will suffer. Judge for yourself: if the bathroom is located in the southeast of your house or apartment, then there will be big problems with finances, if in the south, your family’s reputation will be constantly under threat, the presence of gossip and notoriety will be ensured. The southwest, responsible for love, friendship and marriage, is occupied by the bathroom - relationships with the opposite sex will be difficult to start, difficult to develop or end badly. West - brings problems with children and travel, east - there will be a lot of quarrels and disagreements in the family. The location of the toilet in the north-west can bring a decrease in authority and the possibility of good earnings from the owner of the house, the north-east - problems with studying, obtaining knowledge and information. A toilet in the north will not provide opportunities for career growth, but a bathroom in the center (there are such layouts) brings many illnesses and serious health problems to all residents of the apartment.

Some masters believe that the most acceptable direction in the Bagua school for placing a bathroom is the north, since the element of water dominates there. If you have achieved some success in your career and do not make very ambitious plans for the future, then this option is for you. If we adhere to the principles of the Bazhai school (houses, like people, belong to either the Western or Eastern group of luck), then at the stage of buying or planning your own home, you need to place the toilet in a bad area of ​​the house or in a bad area for the head of the family. For example, the face of the house faces east, north, south or southeast, which means the house belongs to the eastern group, and rooms located in the bad sectors of such a house - west, north-west, south-west - are suitable for the location of the toilet, bathroom and storage room. west and northeast. Houses of the eastern group are suitable for the head of a family of the eastern type of luck, whose GUA is 1, 3, 4, 9.

We calculate the GUA using the formula: the last two digits of the year are added to a single digit number, then for men: we subtract the resulting number from 10, for women we add 5 to the resulting number and again reduce it to one number. If it turns out to be 5 (there is no such Gua), then for men -2, for women -8. And also, if your birthday falls in January or the first 4 days of February, then you need to take the previous year, or subtract one. Therefore, for a person of the Western group, (gua 2, 6, 7, 8), the bad sectors in the house will be the north, east, south and southeast, and there, accordingly, the toilet can be located.

The most advanced and more accurate feng shui method is the school of flying stars. Here, not only directions are taken into account, but also the time factor. According to this method, the toilet is located in the sector of bad stars - 2 and 5, so that they do less harm. But the method is quite complicated and it is impossible to do without the help of a consultant and his main tool - the Lopan compass.

In Feng Shui there is such a thing as “toilet sha”. This is when the toilet is in line with the bed. Very experienced feng shui masters in the east can determine with great accuracy what diseases a person living in this apartment or house suffers from. During a consultation, a Feng Shui consultant primarily pays attention to the place where a person sleeps and where the toilet is located. The remedy for such situations is a mirror, which is called Feng Shui “aspirin”.

The bathroom should not be located:

  • Opposite the bed - the impact of negative energy is especially strong, since in a dream a person is most defenseless and vulnerable.
  • Opposite the front door - all the beneficial energy coming into the house will immediately be washed away and disappear, and the result will be constant failures.
  • Opposite the entrance to the living room, dining room or kitchen, or having a common wall with these rooms - bad energy in the toilet will contribute to a tense atmosphere within the family and with guests at home.

If you have this exact situation, I offer you correction methods. If the toilet is in a favorable area for you, to stabilize the energy, place a large boulder there or hang a large crystal or wind chime in the corridor. You can hang a large mirror on the toilet door, but if the front door is not reflected in the mirror, then it is better to hang a large poster with any tree on the door. In the east they love pine and bamboo. These trees are a symbol of longevity and good health. Symbolically, such a picture will mean that your tree feeds on bad water and generates it into good energy, useful for the inhabitants of the house.

Important rules for the toilet and bathroom:

The toilet lid and the toilet door should always be kept closed, even flushing water should be done with the toilet lid closed.

The bathtub and toilet should not be combined. In a combined bathroom, the toilet should not be the first object that the eye falls on; it is better to cover it with a curtain or screen.

The toilet must have good ventilation so that bad energy leaves the house more quickly.

Good lighting will help balance the Yin-Yang forces

There should be mirrors in both the toilet and the bathroom, but not mirror tiles, as they symbolically cut a person into pieces.

Repair leaking taps, toilet drains and faulty showers, and money will stop leaking from the family budget.

The color scheme for the bathtub and toilet is best in neutral tones - black or white, and it is best to choose blue tiles to support the element of water. The floor must be level and smooth. A warm floor will help maintain the circulation of favorable energy.

The most common shape of a bathtub is rectangular, but if you can get a semicircular or oval, do so, because a semicircle or oval is a symbol of a coin, and this, combined with water, symbolizing money, attracts wealth.

The bathroom should be cozy and beautiful so that you can relax there. There should be bright bottles with shampoos, liquid soap, cosmetics, but only those that you use regularly, otherwise your energy will stagnate. It’s better to put the rest in cabinets with rounded corners.

Particular attention should be paid to the mirror in the bathroom. It is best to place it in one of the favorable personal directions - romantic, especially for women. Then every morning, when putting on makeup and doing your hair, you will look in your favorable direction, smile at your reflection and charge yourself with good energy for the whole day, and as a result, “a good mood will not leave you anymore,” and luck will follow you along the way. on your heels!

In the table, find your Gua and your romantic direction.

There should be no decorations, images of flowers, birds in the toilet, as this is all washed away by the flow of negative energy. The best decoration for a toilet is cleanliness.

Creating good Feng Shui in your home is not at all difficult, it just requires a lot of desire, thought and method. Start with the sector that is most important or problematic to you. The only thing you need to do is to want and start, and the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Consultant of the International Feng Shui Forum Nina Smolina

Compliance with certain canons of the location of the toilet according to the Feng Shui method will preserve happiness, harmony and love in the house for a long time, and no envious people or ill-wishers will be able to disturb the energetic harmony.

The toilet in most apartments usually occupies a small area, but according to Feng Shui philosophy, It is there that the most powerful energy flows are concentrated. Therefore, in this room it is necessary to constantly and carefully monitor their movement, to prevent imbalance and suppression of positive energy by negative energy. This can generate negativity and provoke depression in the owner.

Chinese practical theory technique Feng Shui insists on installing a separate toilet, without connecting it to the bathroom, for which it is necessary to visually delimit these intimate spaces with a curtain or screen. The presence of open sewer pipes and water supply units is strictly unacceptable. They should be hidden under a special box, which should be decorated with various natural materials.

The toilet should not attract the attention of prying eyes, or be large. Also, you should not place the bathroom on the southeast or southwest side of the house. The reason is that these directions symbolize the owner’s unfriendliness and isolation towards close people, as regards relatives and friends. Warmth, sincerity, mutual understanding, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, are washed away by water from a barrel directed to the southwest. These types of conflicts may not be resolved throughout life.

The southeastern part of the apartment generates good luck and financial well-being, so it is worth thinking about the advisability of placing a toilet in this part. This task is possible if there is a desire to improve the well-being of the family. To avoid the opposite effect, you should avoid such placement of the toilet room as:

  • feng shui toilet opposite the front door symbolizes the direct entry of a person into the sewer, which instantly sucks in all good intentions and motives. This arrangement will entail negativity and an endless stream of failures;
  • bathroom layout in the central part of the house or apartment According to Feng Shui, it is considered the most unfortunate because this place is the heart of the room. This threatens to completely destroy the bright aura of the home;
  • if there is an aquarium in an apartment or house, then it cannot be placed near the toilet, since two water bodies will come into conflict, which contributes to the outflow of positive energy;
  • a toilet located opposite the bedroom is no less dangerous . This is fraught with negative, irreparable consequences: quarrels, betrayals, divorce. When a person is in the kingdom of Morpheus, sleeping, he is most vulnerable, defenseless, and is able to “pick up” the negative, black energy of “Sha”. For lonely people, such placement of the bathroom threatens lifelong loneliness;
  • the head of the sleeping bed should not be adjacent to any wall of the toilet, and it should not be located under the toilet. This is especially true for private homes.

You can draw the line of demarcation correctly while sitting on the toilet. To do this, you need to mentally draw a straight line “Sha”, which should not intersect such objects as:

  • bed;
  • dinner table;
  • workplace;
  • fridge.

Experienced Feng Shui masters always use this simple technique. If the line crosses at least one of the listed objects, we can safely say that negative energy predominates in its owner’s aura.

The main requirements for a toilet according to the Feng Shui method

By following the basic Feng Shui recommendations for organizing the internal space and toilet interior, you can receive mental satisfaction. To do this, you need to remember the basic criteria that will help maintain the well-being of your home:

  • the toilet must be kept exceptionally clean;
  • The toilet lid must be kept down at all times. Otherwise, positive energy will go into an open reservoir. Even a constantly flowing stream of water symbolizes the leakage of well-being, as well as additional financial expenses;
  • The presence of ventilation or a transom will allow you to neutralize black energy in the toilet using Feng Shui. Natural air circulation in a small room will enhance Yin energy and activate Yang, which promotes wealth and success;
  • the presence of a mirror opposite the toilet according to Feng Shui helps to reflect the flow of energy, and also visually hides this room;
  • Having a painting of a rising sun or a red lantern over a doorway activates positive Yang energy.

By separating the toilet area according to Feng Shui, you can significantly protect your life from the influence of otherworldly forces and evil envious people. If for technical reasons it is impossible to separate the restroom from the bathroom, you should match the color of the doors to the color of the toilet. Thus, the color scheme of the external walls is combined, and the bathroom is visually hidden.

What to Avoid in a Feng Shui Toilet

Unfavorable for the internal energy of the house affected by the incorrect location of the door to the toilet . You should not install it opposite other doors of an apartment or house: the entrance, the bedroom, the personal office, unless of course there are special recommendations from an experienced practitioner, since there are exceptions to the rules, they are decided on an individual basis.

Check if the toilet is properly equipped , you can do it yourself by eliminating the following factors:

  • the toilet faces north;
  • location of the toilet at the end of a long room - room, corridor;
  • a toothbrush and other personal hygiene items should be kept at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the toilet; if the area of ​​the room does not allow this requirement to be met, then they must be stored in plastic or leather cases;
  • It is prohibited to place and store a trash can, broom, dustpan in the corner of the bathroom. According to Feng Shui theory, a container for garbage or waste symbolizes the abyss; it sucks in everything bright and positive;
  • You should not clutter the shelves with unnecessary, rarely used items that disrupt the calm, uniform circulation of Yin energy. All accessories in the room, including furniture, should be simple, functional, and not stand out from the overall interior design concept;
  • Dim lighting blocks the production of positive energy “Qi”. To avoid this, it is best to install spotlights, halogen lamps that will contrast with the interior.


Conflict between the elements of Water, Fire and Earth should not be allowed . Therefore, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is prohibited to use red, yellow, orange and their shades in the interior of the toilet. The ideal option for decorating this room would be pink, light green, light green, blue, peach, and aquamarine. Curtains in a combined bathroom should also be of appropriate colors.

To create a favorable environment and aura, you should use the recommendations for arranging a toilet according to Feng Shui. In this case, it is necessary to take into account its location, materials, colors and textures of finishing materials, furniture, and accessories. A combined or separate bathroom, due to its small area, provides the opportunity to use color combinations that would seem inappropriate in other parts of the house or apartment.

The toilet room in the house should be located so that the internal energy is harmoniously restored. There are no trifles here, everything should be aimed at attracting positive forces that will bring peace, good luck, happiness and health.

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Feng Shui is a set of rules that came from the East and is designed to bring prosperity, health and wealth into the life of every person. This teaching extends not only to the principles of positive thinking and visualization, but also to the proper arrangement of an apartment or house. A lot depends on the arrangement of furniture, decorative items, and even the choice of colors for each zone. Arrangement toilet according to Feng Shui (according to the rules Eastern sources) will help you avoid troubles in your career and personal life.

Feng Shui requirements for a toilet room

In those distant times, when the main set of rules of feng shui was created, there were no toilets within the house, and this was considered a good sign. For important courtiers and wealthy people, their “toilets” were brought to them by servants, who immediately cleaned everything up, as a result of which the sewage never lingered within the living quarters. In poorer houses, the latrine was located outside the house.

Today, every person has a bathroom, and the bad Feng Shui of this place needs to be compensated as much as possible. The accumulation of a large number of pipes and drains is an extremely negative, from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, a place through which beneficial Qi energy flows out of the house. Therefore, the approach to organizing bathrooms requires special attention. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Always keep the toilet lid closed so that the energy of life does not leave the house through the drain pipe.
  2. Ensure good ventilation in the toilet: it does not matter whether it is forced or natural. This will help the energy circulate fully and not stagnate.
  3. The bathroom should be as simple as possible; luxury items are not allowed in this place. Expensive painting in the toilet can not only worsen the feng shui of a house, but also bring bad luck to its inhabitants.
  4. You can hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom or even install large mirrored doors that will reflect energy and create the illusion of the absence of this room.
  5. The toilet door should also always be closed.
  6. It is not recommended to make an additional open drain hole directly in the floor.
  7. The plumbing must be in good working order. Any leak leads to a deterioration in the financial condition of the family.

If the entrance door is opposite the restroom

Location toilet opposite the front door is also considered a sign of bad feng shui. A person living in such a house will constantly encounter failures, so such a situation should be avoided if possible. If the layout of the apartment does not allow moving the toilet or reversing the door, you can solve the problem with the help of a mirror.

Favorable and undesirable colors and shades

It is not recommended to use colors that are considered dominant, such as blue and black, when decorating a restroom. Any shades characteristic of the element of Fire, as well as images of the sun and sunny landscapes, are strictly not suitable. This will create dissonance with the dominant element of Water in the room. When choosing a toilet, you should give preference to the classic white color, which is as neutral as possible from a Feng Shui point of view.

To decorate the room, use any neutral shades characteristic of the water element: blue, light blue, turquoise, silver. Such a bathroom will be easier to keep clean, and its impact on people's lives will be reduced.

The element of Water goes well with the elements of Wood and Metal, which allows you to use their shades. The main thing is that they do not dominate and disturb the natural balance. These include natural brown, terracotta, gray and their shades.

Toilet location

It is advisable to position the toilet so that it does not stand opposite the interior door. The most suitable option for a modern layout is a separate bathroom. If combined bathroom, it is recommended to fence it off with a screen or plasterboard structure.

Layout location

What matters most is toilet location according to feng shui. By choosing the right location, you can reduce its impact on the Qi energy in the house. But it is important to consider that the toilet room creates negative vibrations, regardless of which side of the world it is located in.

The worst option is to locate the toilet in the center of the apartment or house. This leads to constant quarrels, depression and even heart disease.

A bathroom in the north harms one’s career, interfering with promotion prospects, and worsening relationships with colleagues and superiors. To avoid such influence, place a large stone or a seven-level pagoda in the toilet.

If the bathroom is located in the east, it deprives the family of good luck and spoils the relationship between parents and sons. In this case, you cannot place plants and flowers in the room, as they will increase the negative impact. Instead, it is better to place a wind chime made of five sticks there.

The toilet located in the western part has a bad effect on the health of children. You can get rid of this influence by painting the door of the room a rich red color. The walls of the toilet should not be white and placing wind chimes there should be avoided.

On South

Toilets and bathrooms located in the south can cause gossip that discredits the good name of the family. You can reduce the negative impact of this factor by placing a bowl of clean water there and reducing the lighting level.

In the southwest, the toilet harms marital relationships and threatens family prospects. First of all, the woman who will suffer from this will face health problems, indifference of her husband, excessive amount of work and fatigue. If moving the room is not possible, you can reduce its negative impact by placing fresh flowers or other plants in ceramic pots, and also decorating the room with natural crystals.

In North-west

In the northwest, the toilet reduces the influence of the family and negatively affects the reputation of its head. You can correct the situation if you hang a bright lamp in this room.

What should be the lighting in the toilet?

The toilet room should have a minimum amount decorative elements, with the exception of those that will soften its negative impact on the energy of life. The choice of lighting directly depends on the zone in which the toilet is located: bright lamps are recommended in the northwestern part of the apartment, and as dim as possible in the southern part. If the restroom is located in the direction of any other part of the world, the lighting should be approximately the same as in other areas of the apartment.

If it is possible to provide natural sunlight into the toilet, it is worth taking advantage of it. It is better to choose artificial lighting that is warm and as close to natural as possible. You can check this by taking a closer look at the color of the white earthenware: when the light is on, it should not appear yellow or blue.

Since bathrooms and toilets create many problems, from the point of view of Feng Shui, it is recommended to make them as small as possible so that they do not occupy the entire sector, but only partially.

It is important to keep your washroom clean and clean it regularly to reduce negative feng shui effects in your home. A positive effect can be achieved by using salt-based cleaning products - a substance that neutralizes any negative energies.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the bathroom is the energy center of the home. It turns out that this is where the energy of one of the most important elements of the universe is concentrated - water, which, firstly, personifies material values, and secondly, influences all other energies reigning in the house.

Properly planned Feng Shui of the bathroom will help the residents of the house harmonize their life and attract the power of favorable energies into life. If you are interested in how to properly design a bathroom interior, read on for the tips that “Dream House” has prepared today especially for its readers.

Where should the bathroom be located: good location according to Feng Shui

In eastern countries, where close attention is paid to the teachings of Feng Shui, houses and apartments are initially designed taking into account the location of certain elements. The bathroom should ideally be located in the northern part of the building, since it is at this point that the water energy is activated by the positive chi energy. Unfortunately, when making renovations in our conditions, it is quite difficult to radically change the location of the bathroom, since this will require completely changing communications. However, even if your bathroom is not in the northern part of the home, you can activate the energy of this room by slightly changing the location of the door or hanging it on it.

To prevent the beneficial energy of water from leaking out, the bathroom door should not be located opposite the front door. If the first thing you see when entering the apartment is the bathroom, and it is impossible to change its location, just hang a rectangular mirror on the door of the room.

Feng Shui bathroom: design rules

Feng Shui bathroom photo

According to Feng Shui, the bathroom must be separated from the toilet by a wall or partition. However, do not be upset if you live in an apartment with. It is enough just to separate these zones with the help of suitable decorative curtains, partitions or cabinets. But try to arrange the bathroom in such a way that when you enter it, the toilet remains out of your sight.

Bathroom and toilet according to Feng Shui

The bath itself should be located in the southwestern part of the room. If the bathtub is located in another part of the room and it is not possible to move it for technical reasons, try to decorate the southwestern sector with details that represent water. For example, here you can install or hang a sticker with an image or a river.

Feng Shui bath, good location

Favorable colors in the bathroom according to Feng Shui

The element of water is a symbol of peace, tranquility and well-being. This element does not tolerate haste and activity, so it should be personified by soft pastel and cold shades. The most favorable color for decorating a bathroom is a white shade, which does not interfere with the energy of water to circulate in the right direction.

Also, according to Feng Shui, all pastel shades are considered good bathroom colors - gray, beige, cream, peach, etc. But it is recommended to use bright and dark colors in the bathroom interior only in small quantities. At the same time, if you have chosen several shades to decorate the bathroom, combine them so that bright and dark tones are in the lower part of the room. For example, if the color of the tile matches the rules of Feng Shui, but you want to decorate the walls with some bright decorative splashes, do it at the bottom, and decorate the top of the walls and ceiling in pastel colors.

Feng Shui bathroom

Feng Shui bathroom color

Bathroom tile color according to feng shui

Bathroom Feng Shui finishing colors

Feng Shui bathroom – design color

Favorable interior

Since the energy of water directly affects all other elements in the house, the interior of the bathroom should be harmoniously combined with the overall design of the apartment. In Feng Shui, there are no strict recommendations regarding the style of rooms. It doesn’t matter what kind of interior you prefer - or ultra-modern, it is important how competently and comfortably your bathroom is decorated. It is very good if natural materials are used in the decoration of the bathroom - wood, metal, stone, marble, etc.

Ideally, according to Feng Shui, a bathroom should be free and spacious. There should not be a single unnecessary detail in this room, therefore, firstly, do not clutter the bathroom with unnecessary things, and secondly, use multifunctional and roomy furniture.

Spacious and bright bathroom according to Feng Shui

What to do with laundry baskets

Almost all housewives allocate a separate storage area in the bathroom. However, from the point of view of Feng Shui, this is not entirely correct, since the accumulation of unnecessary things can provoke stagnation of favorable energy. Therefore, it is advisable to move this basket to another room or store laundry that requires washing in a separate drawer.

Mirror in the bathroom according to the rules of Feng Shui

Perhaps every bathroom has a mirror. According to Feng Shui, a bathroom mirror should be hung opposite the door. This location will help increase favorable energy and direct it throughout the house. You can also hang two mirrors opposite each other to activate favorable energy. However, according to the rules of Feng Shui, a bathroom mirror must be solid and smooth. Decorative elements such as various glossy protrusions and openings create the effect of a “broken” mirror image, introducing disharmony into the energy of this room.

Feng Shui bathroom mirror

Feng Shui rules - bathroom mirror

  • If space allows and there is such an opportunity, choose a round rather than rectangular bathtub. According to Feng Shui, the circle represents a coin, and since the element of water that reigns in the bathroom affects material well-being, this symbol will help increase the wealth of the home owners.
  • Always make sure your bathroom plumbing is in good working order. If the pipes are leaking and water is constantly dripping from the taps, this depletes the energy of the room and, moreover, does not have the best effect on the well-being of the residents.
  • Choose soft but bright lighting for the bathroom. Instead of a central lamp, it is better to give preference to several built-in lamps that can evenly illuminate all areas of the room.

How to decorate a bathroom and toilet according to Feng Shui to attract wealth

Naturally, the toilet and bathroom must be kept perfectly clean. Leaking taps are a symbol of lost money.

A window in the bathroom is by no means a luxury, but a necessity, as it allows you to ventilate the room and free the apartment from negative energies. The absence of a window in the bathroom is not a reason for despondency. It is enough to choose an air fragrance with a smell that is pleasant to all family members and use it regularly. From time to time, you can carry out energetic cleansing of the room using essential aromatic oils. Geranium, pine, and tea tree oils are perfect for this purpose. One drop of oil is enough to refresh the energy of the room.

The bathroom does not have a decisive impact on the financial situation, so it is enough to follow the general principles of its design, which allow not to disturb the harmonious flow of energy in the apartment. The location of the toilet is much more important. After all, it is from there that the water, and therefore the qi energy and your wealth, is regularly and intentionally “washed away.”

Feng Shui toilet

  • The toilet is a powerful source of negative energy, so it should be as inconspicuous as possible, so the size of the toilet should be modest. The basic rule regarding the toilet is to always keep the door closed, as well as the toilet lid. Separate bathroom and toilet are preferable. If the bathroom is combined, it is advisable to separate the toilet from the bathtub with a low partition or screen. Also, the toilet should not be the first thing that catches your eye. This problem can be easily solved if you hang the door so that it “covers” the toilet, or fence it off with a screen.
  • The worst option is toilet in the center of the apartment, as it spreads negative energy throughout the living space. But even in this case, you can symbolically “hide” it, using the same tiles, mirrors, and even better - construction foil, especially on the external walls adjacent to the living rooms.
  • The toilet must have good ventilation so that negative energy leaves the room faster.
  • It is very important to know the direction toilet location. A toilet located in the southeast will “wash away” your wealth, and a toilet located in the north direction will slow down your career advancement. If the toilet is poorly located, its door should be covered with a full-length mirror.
  • Under no circumstances should you place it near the toilet. aquarium and fountain. Despite the fact that the aquarium and fountain are symbols of monetary luck, located next to the toilet, they will provoke losses.

Feng Shui bathroom

  • The main piece of furniture in a bathroom is the bathtub itself. As a rule, it has a rectangular shape. However, if it is possible to purchase a semicircular or oval bathtub, it is advisable to do so. Baths of this shape good because they reproduce the curves of a coin, and this, combined with the element of water, symbolizing money, attracts abundance into the house.
  • The dominant color in the bathroom should be white or very soft pastels, and bright and flashy colors are frankly inappropriate. White color also harmonizes perfectly with the bathroom and toilet, but you should not overuse it, as too much white makes us think unpleasantly about the hospital. If the bathroom is combined, then the bathtub and toilet should have the same color and style. It is advisable to lay the floor in the bathroom and toilet with tiles.
  • Shelves, cabinets and bedside tables in the bathroom should be combined with the overall style of the bathroom. The most important thing is that you need to constantly use them and keep them clean and tidy. In a bathroom that is filled with all sorts of little things - shampoos, lotions, creams, which are used only from time to time, energy will stagnate, and therefore create stagnation in financial matters.
  • Seashells are ideal symbols of wealth for the bathroom. They can be placed on a shelf or glued to tiles.
  • In the bathroom, it's good to hang a mirror or two inside. But do not cover the walls with mirror tiles. Such tiles will energetically cut the human body into pieces, creating a grid effect and restraining the flow of money into the house.