Name of genital organs in English. Female genital organs. The connection between the names of gods and the names of the genital organs

“There are night words that we talk about during the day

We remember with a smile and sweet shame..."

(Vadim Shefner)

Perhaps nothing more clearly demonstrates the sexual culture of a particular people than the vocabulary that they use to describe intimate relationships between a man and a woman. This vocabulary and the extent to which it is recognized as normative in society reflect the characteristics of the national character, and the views accepted among a given people on relations between the sexes, and on the very nature of sex, etc.

Of course, Jews in this sense are no exception - having become acquainted with the lexical layer of ancient and modern Hebrew, you can understand a lot about sex “in the Jewish way.”

It is worth noting that Jews do not, as such, have sexual profanity that would be considered shameful to use in polite society.

Or let’s be more precise: an analogue of Russian swearing, the vulgarity of which is obvious to both interlocutors, exists in modern Hebrew: we are talking about words borrowed from Arabic. The one who pronounces them is well aware that he is by no means using Hebrew words and expressions. And these “Arab borrowings” sound not literally, but figuratively (albeit with sexual overtones).

When the conversation turns specifically to sex, regardless of whether we are talking about a purely male or female company, or about a conversation between a man and a woman, Jews have no need to resort to borrowings or allegories. The thing is that Hebrew allows you to call a spade a spade without blushing or feeling awkward.

Let's start with the names of the male and female genital organs - the pronunciation of these words in many languages ​​of the world is very scrupulous. It is not for nothing that poets and writers at all times have come up with incredibly different euphemisms to refer to genitals. Yes, such that it would never occur to a person to use them in everyday speech.

By the way, such quirks of the Russian language are mentioned in the wonderful poem by Timur Kibirov:

...This is wheezing, this is fucking, fluttering
blue and bad lilac,
and through the eyelids, through the tears the shine,
refraction, and between the legs...
How to glorify this matter, comrade?
I can't find such words.
What's a vagina? You yourself are a vagina
after that, you rude fool!
There are gentle names for this,
enchanted grotto, for example,
or Venus's vernal shell,
or a quiver of Cupid's arrows.
Oh goddess, Regina, vagina!
Golden and blue heights!
Pure red lead, aquamarine
a poured, swollen brush...

Maybe there is some irony in these poetic exercises; but there is also a bitter truth - how all this What is a better name in Russian? And with what can this miracle of miracles be compared with which the Lord, by His mercy, provided beautiful ladies?

Kibirov has no answer to this question.

But the famous Israeli journalist, translator, critic Israel Shamir, relying on Jewish tradition, sees everything in a different light:

“...the poet did not like the word “vagina”, and he brands his imaginary interlocutor: “You yourself are a vagina after that, you rude fool!” But “vagina” is not such a bad word, because in addition to the root “to put in”, it also contains the root “moisture”. Which is already remarkable, because “moisture” is the main predicate of this wonderful “device”, and it is mentioned many times in the sacred books. In Biblical Hebrew this type of moisture is called “edna.”

When the angels announced to Sarah the good news of conception and birth, the foremother laughed (“Be-reshet” 18:12): “... where will I get moisture from?”

The modern English translation of the Bible explains: How can I enjoy sex?

Yes and more. When translating this poem into Hebrew, we encounter a curious phenomenon: the equivalent of the anatomical “vagina” in Hebrew is designated “nartik” (sheath). In my opinion, this is a wonderful word, because the nartik-sheath is fully correlated with the male zayn-weapon (zain - in colloquial Hebrew also means penis).

And finally, in the name of justice and equality, let us mention that a certain moisture and juiciness is required from a man, and Scripture (Deuteronomy 34:7) says that even at the age of 120 our teacher Moses was not like a withered tree...”

So, medical and literary Hebrew uses the word “pin” to refer to the male penis. But in conversation, as Shamir has already said, Jews use the word “zayn,” which simultaneously means “weapon,” “sword,” and “phallus.” Also (the word “zain”) denotes the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which is similar to both the one and the other, and the third at the same time.

It is curious that another word for phallus in Hebrew, “bulbul,” has a somewhat obscene character.

“Bulbul” in its literal sense is none other than the “nightingale,” and it seemed that this association should become the subject of poetry. But sometimes the quirks of folk linguistic thinking are inexplicable: the word “bulbul” sounds to the Jewish ear approximately the same as the word “pipiska” to the Russian. That is, not too rude, but somehow derogatory. So, about an onanist we can say that he “plays his “bulbul...” or “makes his “bulbul...” sing.”

As Shamir has already explained, the most common designation for the female genital organs is the word “nartik,” which also means “sheath.” Apparently, this is where such a well-known metaphor as “love duel”, which has taken root in almost all languages ​​of the world, originates. Moreover, the very concept of “intimacy” in Hebrew sounds like “kirva”, derived from the word “karov” (“close”), and related to the words “kurban” (“sacrifice”) and “krav” (“battle”, "duel").

Another, less common, but also quite common name for the female vagina is “edna” (“moisture”). But Gan-Eden takes its name from the same root - “paradise”, “Garden of Eden”, known in Russian as the “Garden of Eden”, and the word “adinut” - “tenderness”. And the closeness of these concepts is again not accidental; behind it there is a deep inner conviction of the connection existing between them, manifested through language.

At the same time, many researchers paid attention to the similarity of the sound of the Hebrew word “erut” (“nakedness”) with the name of the god of love among the ancient Greeks, Eros. And some of them hastened to conclude that the worship of this pagan deity was once accepted among the Jews. However, this version has absolutely no evidence. Most likely, we are talking about a purely random consonance, which is often found in languages ​​- in fact, “erut” is one of the variations of the word “irum” found in the Torah - “naked, naked.”

“Irum” is another not at all random language association! – consonant with the word “sublime”. By this very association, Hebrew seems to emphasize that there is nothing shameful in nudity - on the contrary, it can become an instrument of spiritual elevation. Provided that a man and a woman who truly love each other are naked on the same bed.

Intimacy itself, as has already been said, Jews both in the past and today call “kirva” or “yechida” (union, copulation).

Sometimes sexual intercourse is also designated by the word “zivug,” which literally means “copulation.” This word comes from the word “zug” - “couple”, and denotes not only intimate intimacy, but also at the same time a “true couple” in the high Kabbalistic meaning of this concept. In other words, the same two halves of the soul that we talked about at the beginning of this book. And blessing the young man during his invitation to read the Torah, they loudly wish him to quickly find a “zivug tov,” that is, his true mate.

From the word “zayn”, already mentioned above, which has a double meaning, the noun “ziyun”, which is widely used in ordinary speech, meaning “intimate intimacy” and the verb “lehizdayen”, meaning both “to arm” and “to make love,” also originate. Sometimes this leads to some very funny ambiguities. For example, Israelis are very fond of saying the phrase “Tizdaen be-savlanut,” which can be understood both as “arm yourself with patience” and as “have intercourse without rushing.”

However, much more often the concept of “entering into intimate intimacy” is denoted by the verb “lyadaat” - “to know”, which has entered in this meaning through the Torah into the languages ​​of many peoples of the planet: “And Adam knew Chava his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain.”

Intimate intimacy is defined in the same way in the perception of a woman - she “gets to know” a man during sexual intercourse.

Few people think about what exactly is the meaning of this word, how broad is its semantic field, as philologists like to say: a man’s knowledge of a woman, and a woman’s knowledge of a man, is likened to a person’s knowledge of the most intimate secrets of the universe, heavenly bliss, and, moreover, the knowledge of nature God himself. It is no coincidence that during morning prayer, when putting on tefillin, a Jew pronounces the phrase on behalf of God: “And I will betrothed to you in righteousness and justice, piety and mercy, and I will betrothed to you in fidelity, and you will know the Lord.” In this phrase, the word “you will know” means “you will merge,” “you will feel unity.”

Speaking about the common use and normativity of all the words we have considered, it should still be noted that the Jewish tradition allows a man to freely use them during a conversation with his wife, but... considers their use by a woman undesirable. A woman, according to Judaism, should not directly tell her husband about her desire for intimacy, but should hint to him about it with her behavior, say it indirectly, “under the covers.” Just as it does, for example, in the Bashevis-Singer-Shosha novel, this symbol of Jewish femininity embodied by his literary genius: “Arele, do to me... you know what.”

Need I say that such outwardly innocent words spoken in a half-whisper, but carrying an abyss of meaning, can excite a man much more than when a woman asks him about it directly?!

However, modern secular Jewish boys and girls have long abandoned such verbal games and call things by their proper names; fortunately, we repeat, the language allows them not to feel that they are going beyond the bounds of public decency.

More meanings of the word and translation of GENITAL ORGANS from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of GENITAL ORGANS from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for GENITAL ORGANS in dictionaries.

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The study of colloquial obscenities and the study of its etymology are very scarce for obvious reasons.

If we paraphrase one of the basic principles of law “ignorance of the law does not exempt one from responsibility,” then we can say that ignorance of the true purpose of swearing does not exempt one from the consequences of its use.

Using spoken language, we, voluntarily or unwittingly, turn to the ancient gods in moments of emotional excitement.

Features of ancient names
It should be noted that most ancient texts (including the Bible) were written only in consonants. The so-called “vocalization” (adding vowels) occurred much later and led to discrepancies.
Examples: Sebek-Sobek, Makosh-Mokosh.

Some consonants were "transitive", such as b-v, z-s, x-g.
Examples: Baal-Baal, Isis-Isis, Hor-Horus.

Other small changes in words are also allowed.

The connection between the names of gods and the names of the genital organs

The names of some gods and goddesses are directly related to the names of the genital organs. Let us consider this connection using the specific example of the goddess Makosh (Mokosh) from the pantheon of Slavic gods.

I'll try to explain. The Old Russian language is very close to the Lithuanian and Latvian languages, no matter what modern politicians are now trying to claim. The translation of the word “vagina” into the Baltic languages ​​sounds very close phonetically to the name of the goddess “Makosh” (one might say it coincides).

MAKOSH = Vagina = Makštis [MAKShtis] (lit.) = Maksts [MAKsts] (lat.)

In Russian, obviously, the name of the organ “vagina” is directly related to the attributes of Mokosh:

Mokosh's attribute is MOISTURE, again a direct connection with the VAGINA. I fully admit that the word “moisture” itself comes from “vagina” - that is, a female organ designed so that the masculine principle can insert seed into it.

Using the example of Mokosh, it becomes clear that the names of gods can be associated with genitals, although neither Mokosh nor vagina are swear words in themselves.

Male genital organ

I will give a complete excerpt from Vladimir Shemshuk’s work “RUSSIAN-BOREAN PANTHEON”:

In general, I agree with the above quote. I will add on my own that HeP, through the vowel, is identical to the name of one of the most important Egyptian gods: HoP or HoP.

XeP = XoP = GoP

Prototype of George the Victorious:

Relief depicting the god Horus piercing a crocodile (Set) with a spear. Stone. Louvre. Paris.

Thus, while swearing, we pronounce the name of the one-eyed Egyptian god.

Female genital organ

Here the answer is obvious - “Isis (Isis) is one of the greatest goddesses of antiquity, who became a model for understanding the Egyptian ideal of femininity and motherhood.” It is in honor of this goddess of the feminine principle that the female genital organ is named, with the addition of “p-” and the loss of the gravel “i”.

Isis = Isis = Ishtar = Ishtar (English) = Easter

Isis is the mother of Horus (Horus) and the wife of Osiris, their mysteries are full of symbolism and very popular.

It is interesting that in Akkadian mythology Isis corresponds to Ishtar, the wife of Baal or Set (among the Egyptians). "Ishtar was considered the patroness of prostitutes, hetaeras and homosexuals." From the Akkadian version of the name Ishtar comes the English name for the Easter holiday - Easter (sounds like Ister). Probably, so that no one doubts that this is the holiday of the patroness of prostitutes, the main decoration of the table is a cake baked in the shape of a phallus with eggs. The phallus is obviously after ejaculation, since the surface of the cake is covered with white icing.

Thus, when swearing, we pronounce the name of the patron goddess of prostitutes, hetaeras and homosexuals.

Sexual intercourse

Ishtar-Isis is the wife of Baal, one of the main gods of the Assyrians and Babylonians, as well as a number of Semitic tribes. Baal (Baal) created heaven and earth, stars, animals from the primeval chaos, and from a mixture of earth with his blood he created man.

The name of the sexual act is obtained by adding e- or z- to the name of a Middle Eastern god.

Baal = Baal

This deity is quite bloodthirsty, “serving Baal included human sacrifices, including killing his own children and devouring his entrails.”

Therefore, when we swear, we invoke the name of a god who is greedy for human sacrifice.

Snuck up unnoticed

There is a rather “interesting” curse word, which, on the one hand, is very consonant with the female genital organ, and on the other hand, exhibits its own characteristics: it can creep up unnoticed, suddenly “step on,” it can be large, full, and has a number of other characteristics. Often associated with the polar fox, which is a predatory mammal of the canid family, or simply a dog.

In Egyptian mythology there is a black Dog Isdes, whose image almost completely coincides with Anubis. They are both guides of the dead to the afterlife.

Dog Isdes = P. Isdes

When calling on the name of God, who escorts you to the afterlife, do not expect anything good.

Expletive interjection

There is a curse word that has become so insignificant that it is sometimes called an interjection, sometimes an indefinite article in the Russian language. This curse comes from the name of the pure Slavic goddess of love and beauty LADA. Her name was so distorted and cut off that now it’s hard to believe.

Is it any wonder that by distorting love and beauty in words, reducing the name of a pure and beautiful goddess to an abusive interjection, we get the same thing in life? According to the principle - as it comes around, so it will respond!

The very name "mat"

The origin of the very name “mat” is usually traced back to “mother,” attributing to Rod the dirt that goes along with the swear words.

But if other words come from the names of gods and goddesses, then it is logical to assume that the word “mat” is no exception? That’s right, the Egyptian goddess Maat - “personifying truth, justice, universal harmony, divine establishment and ethical standard". To the point! Which other goddess is more suitable for her role?

“The principle of Maat includes both the correctness and regularity of the development of the universe, and the cohesion of society, and also, most importantly, responsibility of the king and the mere mortal for their actions." Thus, Maat makes sure that everyone answers, including for the words spoken.

Moreover, words are spoken about directly: “the goddess [Maat] was also associated with the effectiveness of the spoken word.”

Consequently, swear words are very effective, since the principle of Maat works and a person bears personal responsibility for his actions.


I do not even admit the idea that the appearance of swear words is an accident or a “natural” process of “friendship of peoples.” The untenable theory of borrowing obscenities from Turkic languages ​​is now not even officially considered.

Spoken swearing is a type of household magic when ancient gods from alien Egyptian, Sumerian and other pantheons are invoked. The calling of the gods usually occurs in a strong emotional state (stress), which greatly enhances the transfer of energy from the utterer of the curse to the god or gods called by name. The process of energy transfer occurs against the will and even awareness of this fact by the swearing people themselves. The effectiveness (effectiveness) of words is ensured by the goddess Maat, who gave the name to the entire mechanism of constant pumping of the egregors of the ancient gods with emotional human energy.

I am not advocating swearing or not swearing - it’s everyone’s personal choice. But we have the right to know about the mechanism of spoken swearing and make our choice consciously.