Anatoly Borisovich Chubais where he lives. Chubais, Anatoly Borisovich - biography. Anatoly Chubais voucher

The question of where Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is now, in 2018, has once again become of interest to the public. The odious liberal leader of the 90s became famous as the main state fraudster. He is one of the leaders of the process of collapse of the Russian economy under Boris Yeltsin. The politician almost sold out all the country's energy complexes. But the latest scam with Rusnano may well finally send Chubais to prison.

Why is the politician still at large?

Even Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin told the press in 2013 that he considers Chubais a spy for the United States of America, whose activities only harm the state. But the famous scams with privatization and loans-for-shares auctions cannot be attributed to politics. From the point of view of legislation, at that time Anatoly Borisovich did not do anything reprehensible. He did not violate a single article of that time.

But this is not the only reason for impunity. Under Yeltsin, he was at the pinnacle of power, with enormous influence and the ability to directly lead the country.

Under these conditions, the new president at the beginning of the millennium could do practically nothing to oppose the red-haired politician. Chubais gradually began to be ousted from the leading position, which continues in 2018. This is the reason for where Anatoly Borisovich is now.

Back in 2003, a politician headed RAO UES, practically destroying the structure during his reign. This was Chubais's last government appointment. At the moment, he is virtually completely removed from the governance of the Russian Federation. In 2008, Anatoly Borisovich was approved as the head of the commercial state enterprise Rusnano, which turned into a financial hole for Russia. But even former subordinates and followers from liberal parties are gradually turning away from the odious politician.


The enterprise became, in its own way, legendary under the strict leadership of Anatoly Borisovich. The organization became famous among the people as an exemplary example of corruption. Every year Rusnano squeezes billions out of the state. But a commercial organization does not make a profit. In recent years, the annual net loss exceeded 15 billion rubles, which was almost entirely spent on the purchase of goods and the payment of bonuses to the top management of the organization.

Moreover, 1% of Rusnano’s budget belongs entirely to Chubais (this is about 50 million rubles).

At the same time, the leader of Russian innovations did not achieve any special achievements. An example of one of the “technological breakthroughs” is a folding electric moped. The price of the unique equipment is 600 thousand rubles. But it never gained much popularity.

Latest news 2018

In connection with the March elections, many analysts expected that Anatoly Borisovich Chubais would come under investigation in 2018. Now these assumptions have been confirmed, and the politician is under close attention of the FSB. It all started with the fact that Chubais was not invited to the new government, having finally lost power at the state level.

Instead, after Putin's victory in the elections, the red-haired head of Rusnano decided to privatize the state-owned enterprise, as he had previously done with RAO UES. Officially, the documents were drawn up as a legal transaction for the repurchase of shares by managers with the permission of senior management.

Discussion continues of the most high-profile event in recent weeks: the arrest of ex-Minister of the Open Government Mikhail Abyzov. An interesting opinion on this matter was expressed by the famous journalist Sergei Dorenko. He believes that the real target of this action is Anatoly Chubais, with whom Abyzov worked for many years. The hitherto Teflon nanotechnologist was designated as a ritual victim to the rapidly falling government ratings. Chubais for dessert, says Dorenko. Abyzov can be given not 20, but only 10 years in prison so that he becomes a witness against Chubais. And the court

04:25 24.01.2019

Chubais invited Zakharova to change places with the host of “House-2” Buzova

The head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais, commented on his recent controversy on social networks with the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova. He suggested that she would find use for her talents in the program Dom-2. I believe that in some old-school mode I came forward and tried to answer the question posed. It quickly became clear that no one needed the answer and no one was interested in the content, but the audience, viewer, hype and clickbait were interested. In this situation, of course, it makes no sense to continue the discussion,” Chubais said in an interview with Business

11:26 12.12.2018

What did Anatoly Chubais keep silent about?

At the session Business Society Power: Old Problems, Old Expectations, which took place within the framework of the All-Russian Civil Forum, the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais spoke about his vision of the situation in the country. In particular, he said: If you look at the situation as a whole in the big triangle of power, business and society, it seems to me surprisingly harmonious. Show completely Harmonious in the sense that the authorities do not like society and do not like business, society clearly does not like and cannot tolerate business, business is distrustful of the authorities, and

17:02 16.04.2018

Trump's bomb in Chubais

The new US President can prevent the participation of the General Director of Rusnano in a worldwide scam to combat global warming Mega-cuts of nanotechnologists Charming swindler Ostap Bender used 400 ways to take money from dear fellow citizens. Effective managers from the state corporation Rusnanotechnology know them all and, in addition, many others. One of the most common is paying yourself unimaginable bonuses. In 2014-2015 Rusnano distributed 8.09 billion rubles among the 278 selected ones, with an average of 29.1 million per

06:56 14.02.2018

Chubais cost us like World War II - and wants a new trillion rubles

Rosatom and Rusnano Anatoly Chubais, as reported by RBC, asked the state for more than 1 trillion. rub. for the modernization of Russia's energy sector. This happened on February 12 at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. All meeting participants refused to comment on the news that appeared in the press. However, it became public that Chubais was inspired by another super-profitable idea: to take 1.5 trillion from the treasury. rub. for the development of green energy from wind, solar power sources and small hydroelectric power stations. All his previous projects, including the reform of RAO UES, like

17:32 17.01.2018

Chubais joked about a negative slogan about himself

The head of the Management Company of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, in a speech at the Gaidar Forum, joked about old negative statements about himself. At a session on the strategic development of Russia, he and the experts present noted, in particular, the low level of trust in management institutions. Chubais read out several negative slogans, for example, “Robbers of the people must be punished.” There is an even more cheerful slogan, which I like, frankly, better: Chubais to the bunks, the people to the Canary Islands. This is the best. This is at least some kind of action.

06:13 04.10.2017

Chubais announced the start of production of a folding smartbike of the Rusnano subsidiary

Chairman of the Board of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais on his Facebook page announced that the OCSiAl company (the state corporation owns 19%) is starting production of the UJET folding smartbike. When folded, you can roll it behind you like a small suitcase on wheels. It is planned to produce 32 thousand units per year. It is as different from motorbikes and bicycles as the iPhone is from push-button phones, Chubais described the new product. According to him, in terms of energy consumption for moving 1 kg of payload, UJET is the most advanced personal

00:00 09.09.2017

Chubais's estate in Peredelkino was taken away

The head of the Rusnano corporation, Anatoly Chubais, knocked out land for himself for a country residence in the village of Peredelkino. It was planned that his estate would be adjacent to Boris Pasternak’s dacha, which now houses the writer’s museum. However, the construction work has already been completed, but the house remains uninhabited because it is under arrest. According to updated information, this estate is owned by Ilya Suchkov, head of the Swiss company SFO Concept AG. This company was involved in the affairs of Chubais after the ban on state-owned assets abroad

01:54 07.08.2017

Chubais bought himself a nanoiron, but he should have gotten nanocuffs

Chairman of the Board of the state corporation Rusnano Anatoly Chubais bought a spray for smoothing clothes at a science fair held as part of the Nanograd 2017 forum at the Sirius educational center in Sochi. As TASS reports, at the closing of the technological youth forum, Nanograd participants presented not only their ideas, but also things obtained with the help of nanotechnology. The attention of the head of Rusnano was attracted by the proposal of young scientists working on packaging for water-repellent substances and a spray for smoothing fabrics. Jacket, for example, can I

09:33 18.04.2017

"Absolutely hellish condition." Chubais's wife spoke about drug withdrawal

The wife of Rusnano Chairman of the Board Anatoly Chubais, Avdotya Smirnova, spoke about the drug withdrawal that she had to endure during rehabilitation in a German hospital. Smirnova touched on the topic of drug addiction in an interview with rapper Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) for Snob magazine. Chubais’s wife admitted that she once underwent a serious operation in Germany, and after a difficult period of rehabilitation.+ In Germany, the principle of medicine is such that a person should not endure pain. And in a short time I came to high doses of drugs. Then they stopped me

04:02 21.03.2017

04:01 21.03.2017

Chubais: What hinders Russia's technological development?

The startup Pop-slate, a partner of RUSNANO, announced that it is closing the project to create a case for the iPhone. The company announced that it would not be able to return the money to investors, which is approximately a million dollars. So why didn't the project take place? And what is the fate of other RUSNANO startups? Chairman of the Board of Management Company RUSNANO LLC Anatoly Chubais is a guest of the host program Opinion of Evelina Zakamskaya.

00:29 21.03.2017

Chubais's immunity began to crumble

Article on Business FM: Chubais' representative responded to blackmail: All of his financial transactions are transparent Chubais's former manager is blackmailing the head of Rusnano, his representative told Business FM. The conflict between Chubais and his ex-partner flared up over expensive real estate. Chubais, his former partner, journalists, home, police and prosecutor's office. The conflict over expensive real estate in the Moscow region took several turns during the day. Journalist Oleg Lurie (not to be confused with publicist Lev Lurie) on LiveJournal

12:42 20.03.2017

The "Russian iPad" project from Chubais failed

The startup Popslate, which is a partner of Rusnano through the Plastic Logic company, announced the closure of its project to create a case for iPhone with an e-ink screen. It is currently in the process of liquidation, according to the Popslate website. According to project leaders Yashar Behzadi and Greg Moon, the company has run out of funding. We ran out of money for two main reasons. First, we spent a lot of resources on development and preparation for release. (...) We have encountered some critical

03:25 14.03.2017

Chubais accused his former manager of extortion

The chairman of the board of Rusnano claims that representatives of a Swiss company that once belonged to him are using blackmail to force him to buy a mansion in the Moscow region at an inadequate price. Anatoly Chubais decided to report to the police the head of the company SFO Concept AD Ilya Suchkov and a group of comrades working for him with a complaint of extortion and slander. The head of Rusnano himself announced this on his Facebook page. According to Chubais, in recent times he has regularly become the object of blackmail from the once-owned

16:59 18.02.2017

Chubais called a strong ruble unprofitable

The head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, said that in 2017 the state corporation could earn more than 25 billion rubles from projects. He noted that in 2015 Rusnano earned approximately 8-9 billion rubles, in 2016 19 billion rubles. With the participation of the corporation, 77 factories were built, the Gazeta.Ru website reports. At the same time, the strengthening of the ruble has a negative impact on the company’s financial performance, Chubais said. This is due to the fact that Rusnano has a lot of foreign investments that ensure the transfer of technology to Russia. Strengthening of the ruble18:28 01/17/2017

Chubais will leave Russia without central heating

The liberal reformer called for getting rid of inefficient thermal power plants. Having divided the Unified Energy System of Russia during the reform, one of the leaders of the liberal reformers, Anatoly Chubais, aimed at thermal power plants as the basis of domestic generating capacities. In an interview with the Federal News Agency, he called for getting rid of inefficient power plants in the industry in the next few years. It is necessary to decommission inefficient steam power plants with an efficiency of 36%. This task is more important than the introduction of new capacities, said

21:07 16.11.2016

Chubais used the example of a fur coat to explain the situation with searches at Rusnano.

The head of the corporation, Anatoly Chubais, commented on the searches in the Rusnano office. For everyone who follows today's events in Rusnano: please distinguish the situation when YOU stole a fur coat from the situation when it was stolen FROM YOU! For those in doubt, read the text of the statement by the official representative of the Russian Investigative Committee, Chubais wrote on his Facebook page. Earlier it was reported that law enforcement agencies were conducting a search at the office of the Rusnano corporation. It was noted that investigative actions are being carried out against one of the managers of Rusnano and may

05:55 28.10.2016

Chubais spoke about the achievements of the Central Bank and the Russian government

The rapid slowdown in inflation throughout 2016 was the fastest since 1991. This was stated by the Chairman of the Board of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais in an interview with RNS. In his opinion, the reduction in inflation is confirmation of the successful work of the Central Bank and the Cabinet of Ministers of Russia. An extremely significant thing, which is a colossal achievement of the Central Bank and the government’s economic team, is the slowdown in inflation. 6% this year is a 25-year record. This never happened! Chubais said. It should be noted that according to the Ministry of Economic Development,

Anatoly Chubais(June 16, 1955, Borisov, Minsk region, BSSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian political and economic figure, general director of the state corporation “Russian Nanotechnology Corporation” (since 2008).

Since November 1991 Anatoly Chubais with short breaks, he occupies various key positions in the state and actively participates in the socio-political activities of Russia. Former chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia, former head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. He was one of the main ideologists and leaders of economic reforms in Russia in the 1990s and the reform of the electric power system.

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais
First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
during the period from March 7, 1997 to March 23, 1998
6th Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation
March 17, 1997 - November 20, 1997
Successor: Mikhail Mikhailovich Zadornov
4th Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
July 15, 1996 - March 7, 1997
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
June 1, 1992 - November 5, 1994
2nd Chairman of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management
November 10, 1991 - November 5, 1994
Party: CPSU, SPS
Education: 1. Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. P. Tolyatti
2. Moscow Energy Institute
Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Profession: economist
Occupation: top manager, politician, statesman
Birth: June 16, 1955 Borisov, Minsk region, BSSR, USSR

Origin of Anatoly Chubais

Was born Anatoly Chubais in the family of a retired colonel, teacher of the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute Boris Matveevich Chubais(1918-2000) and Raisa Efimovna Sagal (1918-2004).
Brother of Anatoly Chubais - Igor Borisovich Chubais(born April 26, 1947) - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University.

Education and academic degrees of Anatoly Chubais

In 1977 Anatoly Chubais Graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Togliatti (LIEI).
In 2002 Anatoly Chubais Graduated from the Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers and Specialists of the Moscow Energy Institute in the direction of “Problems of Modern Energy”. Final work on the topic: “Prospects for the development of hydropower in Russia.”
In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis in economics on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

Scientific and political activity in the USSR

In 1977-1982 Anatoly Chubais- engineer, assistant at the Leningrad Engineering and Economics Institute, where later, in 1982-1990, he worked as an assistant professor.
In 1984-1987 Anatoly Chubais- leader of an informal circle of “young economists”.
In 1980 he joined the CPSU. In 1987 he participated in the founding of the Leningrad club “Perestroika”. In 1990, deputy, then first deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, chief economic adviser to the mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak.
In March 1990 Chubais with a group of supporters, they proposed to Mikhail Gorbachev a project for market reforms, which included the option of forcibly limiting political and civil freedoms (freedom of speech, the right to strike, etc.)

First appointment of Anatoly Chubais to the Russian government

Since November 15, 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management - Minister of the RSFSR.
June 1, 1992 Anatoly Chubais was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for economic and financial policy. By the time of his appointment, Chubais had acquired a reputation as one of the toughest market liberals.

Under the direction of Chubais a privatization program was developed and its technical preparation was carried out. In addition to the law “On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in the RSFSR” of 1991 with the participation of acting. O. Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar and Chubais in 1992 issued a decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin “On accelerating the privatization of state and municipal enterprises,” which led to the creation of a state privatization program and gave rise to reform.

July 31, 1992 Chubais Order No. 141 created the “Department of Technical Assistance and Expertise,” which employed American economist-advisers. The head of the department, Jonathan Hay, according to the former chairman of the State Property Committee Vladimir Polevanov, was a CIA employee. In 2004, a trial began against Jonathan Hay and Andrei Shleifer in the United States on charges of fraud and financial abuse of wasting American taxpayers' money. Polevanov noted regarding the activities of Chubais’s advisers: “Having picked up the documents, I was horrified to discover that a number of the largest military-industrial complex enterprises had been bought up by foreigners for next to nothing. That is, factories and design bureaus that produced top-secret products are out of our control. The same Jonathan Hay with the help Chubais bought a 30% stake in the Moscow Electrode Plant and the Graphite Research Institute, which operated in cooperation with it, the country’s only developer of graphite coatings for stealth aircraft. After which Hay blocked the order of the military space forces for the production of high technologies.”

Later, in November 2004, in an interview with The Financial Times Anatoly Chubais said that privatization in Russia was carried out solely for the purpose of the struggle for power against the “communist leaders”: “We needed to get rid of them, but we did not have time for this. The count was not in months, but in days.” Chubais also believes it was correct to hold loans-for-shares auctions when, as the newspaper writes, “the most valuable and largest Russian assets were transferred to a group of tycoons in exchange for loans and support for the then seriously ill Yeltsin in the 1996 elections.” According to Anatoly Chubais, the transfer of control over enterprises with hundreds of thousands of workers to the oligarchs helped them acquire administrative resources, which prevented the victory of the opposition Communist Party in the 1996 presidential elections: “If we had not carried out mortgage privatization, the Communists would have won the elections in 1996.”

Anatoly Chubais voucher

The promise is widely known Chubais in 1992, that subsequently one voucher would be equal in value to two cars. Later in society this promise began to be perceived as a deception. In his book in 1999, he wrote that propaganda support was important for the initiators of privatization at that moment: “it was necessary not only to come up with effective schemes, write good regulatory documents, but also to convince the Duma of the need to adopt these documents, and most importantly, to convince 150 millions of people get up from their seats, leave their apartment, get a voucher, and then invest it meaningfully! Of course, the propaganda component was fantastically important.”

In Russia, about 130 thousand enterprises were privatized in 1991-1997; thanks to the voucher system and loans-for-shares auctions, a significant part of large state assets ended up in the hands of a narrow group of individuals (“oligarchs”). By purchasing vouchers for next to nothing from the impoverished population under the conditions of reforms and crisis (liberalization of prices and non-payment of wages), lost savings and ill-informed population, redistribution through financial pyramids, and the implementation of corrupt loan-for-shares auction schemes, large state property was concentrated with the “oligarchs.” Chubais later called the founder of oligarchic capitalism in Russia.
The privatization program outlined 7 main goals: the formation of a layer of private owners; increasing the efficiency of enterprises; social protection of the population and development of social infrastructure using funds from privatization; assistance in stabilizing the country's financial situation; promoting demonopolization and creating a competitive environment; attracting foreign investment; creating conditions for expanding the scale of privatization. When he was the head of the State Property Committee, V. Polevanov, having analyzed the results of privatization in a document addressed to the Prime Minister, concluded that of the seven privatization goals, only the seventh and formally the first were fully realized, while the rest were failed. Although formally there were several tens of millions of shareholders in Russia, only a small part of them actually controlled property; the desire for demonopolization at any cost led to the destruction of many technological chains and contributed to the deepening of the economic recession; foreign investment not only did not increase, but also decreased, and those that did arrive were directed mainly to the primary industries.

On December 9, 1994, the State Duma adopted a resolution in which it described the results of privatization as unsatisfactory.
In general, the Russian population has a negative attitude towards the results of privatization. As data from several sociological surveys show, about 80% of Russians consider it illegitimate and are in favor of a complete or partial revision of its results. About 90% of Russians are of the opinion that privatization was carried out dishonestly and large fortunes were acquired dishonestly (72% of entrepreneurs also agree with this point of view). As researchers note, Russian society has developed a stable, “almost consensus” rejection of privatization and the large private property formed on its basis.

In June 1993 Anatoly Chubais took part in the creation of the election bloc “Choice of Russia”. In December 1993, he was elected to the State Duma from the electoral association “Choice of Russia”.
From November 5, 1994 - January 16, 1996 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for economic and financial policy. In 1995-1997 - member of the Foreign Policy Council under the President of the Russian Federation. From April 1995 to February 1996 - manager from Russia in international financial organizations.

In January 1996 Anatoly Chubais sent by B. N. Yeltsin to resign from the post of Deputy Prime Minister after the defeat of the pro-government party “Our Home is Russia” in the elections to the State Duma of the 2nd convocation. Yeltsin said: “The fact that the party gained 10% of the votes is Chubais! If it weren’t for Chubais, it would be 20%!” In the program “Dolls” (written by Viktor Shenderovich), these words of Yeltsin were conveyed as “Chubais is to blame for everything!”; this formulation has become a very popular expression. The Presidential Decree of January 16, 1996 noted Chubais’s low demands on subordinate federal departments, as well as the failure to fulfill a number of instructions from the President of the Russian Federation.

Participation of Anatoly Chubais in Yeltsin's 1996 election campaign

Soon after resigning from the post of Deputy Prime Minister, Chubais headed Yeltsin's election headquarters.
In February 1996 Anatoly Chubais created the “Civil Society Foundation”, on the basis of which the analytical group of the election headquarters of B. N. Yeltsin began its work. In June 1996, he created the Center for the Protection of Private Property Foundation.
In the 1996 presidential campaign, he was involved in the “copier box case,” when, on the night of June 19-20, 1996, members of Boris Yeltsin’s election headquarters, headed Chubais, Arkady Evstafiev and Sergei Lisovsky were detained while trying to take a box with 538 thousand dollars in cash from the White House. However, after interrogation they were released, and the initiators of their detention - head of the presidential security service Alexander Korzhakov, FSB director Mikhail Barsukov and First Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets - were dismissed. The case was closed, and the owner of the box was not identified.
Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana Dyachenko, who was part of the election headquarters, recalled in December 2009 that Anatoly Chubais played an important role in Yeltsin’s second presidential term: “When at the beginning of 1996 it became obvious to everyone that the election headquarters, which was headed by Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets, was failing its job, Anatoly Chubais convinced the pope of the need to create a new, informal headquarters, which was called the analytical group."

The work of Anatoly Chubais as head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation

15 and July 1996 Anatoly Chubais appointed head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 1996, he was awarded the qualification category Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Second appointment to the Russian government

March 7, 1997 Anatoly Chubais appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, and from March 17, simultaneously Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
November 20, 1997 Anatoly Chubais relieved of the post of Minister of Finance, retaining the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Government. In 1997, five leading reformers from the Government and the Presidential Administration received an advance of $90 thousand each from a publishing company for the not yet written book “The History of Russian Privatization.” The story was publicized as a “writing affair.” The authors of this book included A. Chubais, who at that time held the positions of First Deputy Chairman of the Government and Minister of Finance. In connection with the accusations, President Boris Yeltsin removed him from the post of Minister of Finance, however, the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Government was retained by him. See Book Scandal (1997).

In 1997, based on an expert survey of the world's leading financiers, he was named the best finance minister of the year by the British magazine Euromoney (with the wording “for his contribution to the successful development of his country’s economy”).
In April 1997, he was appointed manager for the Russian Federation at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
May 1997 - May 1998 - member of the Russian Security Council.
March 23, 1998 - relieved of his post as First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

Anatoly Chubais at the leadership of RAO UES of Russia

From April 1998 to July 2008, he headed RAO UES of Russia. On April 4, 1998, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of RAO UES of Russia, he was elected to the company’s Board of Directors. On April 30, 1998, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia.
After a large-scale power grid failure in Russia in 2005, he was questioned by the prosecutor's office as a witness; the Rodina and Yabloko parties demanded his resignation. At the same time, Yabloko stated that the causes of the accident were:

…the use of the RAO UES system to achieve goals unrelated to energy supply objectives, including political ones, incompetence and lack of professionalism, major miscalculations in the implementation of electricity reform, selfish tariff policy pursued by the state under the dictation of energy monopolies, self-confidence and negligence.

A member of the board of directors of RAO UES, Boris Fedorov, said in 2000 that the restructuring of RAO is being carried out in the interests of the company’s management, as well as affiliated oligarchic and political structures, calling Chubais “the worst manager in Russia, who is trying to become a major oligarch at the expense of the state and shareholders.”
On July 1, 2008, RAO UES was liquidated, the unified energy complex was fragmented into many companies involved in generation, maintenance of electrical networks, and energy sales.

Myself Chubais evaluates the results of the reform of the energy industry this way: “The approved program provides for a volume of capacity commissioning in 2006-2010 that was unattainable in Soviet times - 41 thousand megawatts. In 2010 alone we will introduce 22 thousand. At the same time, the maximum volume of annual commissioning in the USSR was 9 thousand megawatts.”

On October 3, 2009, the Rostechnadzor commission investigating the causes of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named A. Chubais among six senior executives of the Russian energy industry involved “in creating conditions conducive to the occurrence of an accident.” The Certificate of Technical Investigation of the Causes of the Disaster states in particular that the ex-chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia Anatoly Chubais“approved the act of the Central Commission for acceptance into operation of the Sayano-Shushenskoye hydropower complex. At the same time, a proper assessment was not given of the actual safety state of the SSHPP.” The commission’s conclusion also states that “subsequently, measures for the safe operation of the SSHHPP were not developed and implemented (including the decision “to begin work on the construction of an additional spillway at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP“, the impellers on hydraulic units have not been replaced, a program of compensating measures has not been developed for the safe operation of hydraulic units involved in power regulation and, therefore, having increased wear). Myself Anatoly Chubais did not deny his share of blame in the accident.

* June 17 - August 28, 1998 - Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations.
* From May 14 to 17, 1998, he took part in a meeting of the Bilderberg Club in Turnbury (Scotland).
* In February 2000, at a meeting of the Government Commission of the Russian Federation on Cooperation with the European Union, he was appointed co-chairman of the Round Table of Industrialists of Russia and the EU on the Russian side.
* In July 2000, he became president of the CIS Electric Power Council. He was re-elected to this post in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.
* In October 2000, he was elected to the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers).
* Since September 26, 2008, he has been a member of the international advisory board of J.P. Bank. Morgan Chase & Co.

Anatoly Chubais at the leadership of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation (Rusnano)

* Since September 22, 2008 - General Director of the state corporation "Russian Nanotechnology Corporation".

Political activities and beliefs of Anatoly Chubais
In December 1998, he joined the organizing committee of the Right Cause coalition and was elected to the coordinating committee of the coalition's organizing committee. Headed the commission on organizational work of the coordinating council.
In May 2000, at the founding congress of the all-Russian political organization "Union of Right Forces", he was elected co-chairman of the coordination council. On May 26, 2001, at the founding congress of the Union of Right Forces party, he was elected co-chairman and member of the federal political council. On January 24, 2004, he resigned from the post of co-chairman of the party. Elected to the party's federal political council.

Chubais believes that capitalism is the only path for Russia, despite contrary opinions: “You know, I have been re-reading Dostoevsky in the last three months. And I feel almost physical hatred for this man. He is certainly a genius, but his idea of ​​the Russians as a chosen, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice he offers makes me want to tear him to pieces.”
According to Chubais, subsidiaries should be created at every university, and “a teacher who is unable to create a business calls his professionalism into question.” In November 2009, he stated “If you are an associate professor, professor, head of a department in a specialized area and you don’t have your own business, why the hell do I need you at all?”

Criticism of the activities of Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly Chubais- one of the most unpopular statesmen in Russia. Thus, according to the results of a social poll by VTsIOM in December 2006, 77% of Russians did not trust Chubais. In a 2000 FOM survey, the vast majority rated it negatively Chubais's actions, he was characterized as “a person acting to the detriment of Russia”, “a discrediter of reforms”, “a thief”, “a swindler”. The respondents also negatively characterized his work at the head of RAO UES: “it is very cruel to leave children without electricity: hospitals, kindergartens, schools,” “he turns off the electricity - children die in the maternity hospital.” At the same time, a small part of the respondents noted his business qualities: efficiency, good organizational skills, energy. In a Romir survey in August 1999, Chubais was named one of those whose political and economic activities cause the greatest harm to the country. 29% of voters (44 thousand people) in one of the electoral districts of Moscow voted for the officer Vladimir Kvachkov, who was running for the State Duma, accused of organizing the assassination attempt on Chubais (and no longer known).

In 2008, opposition politician Garry Kasparov was very critical of Chubais. Kasparov, in particular, stated: “The “liberal reformers” did not develop the achievements of perestroika, but, on the contrary, buried them,” “Chubais is definitely not lying about one thing - he and his comrades did not lose the country. This country lost”, “the liberals of the 90s do not like their people and are afraid of them.” According to Kasparov, the “deprivations of the early 90s” were in vain.

Assassination attempt on Anatoly Chubais

On March 17, 2005, an attempt was made on Chubais. At the exit from the village of Zhavoronki, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, a bomb was detonated on the route of Chubais’s car, and in addition, the vehicles of the motorcade were fired upon. Chubais was not injured. Three people were detained in connection with the assassination attempt: retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov and paratroopers of the 45th Airborne Regiment Alexander Naydenov and Robert Yashin.

Kvachkov, while in prison, became involved in politics; he ran for the State Duma from the Preobrazhensky district, and took second place; then he was denied registration as a candidate from the Medvedkovo district. He stated the following:
“From a military-political point of view, this action is one of the forms of a national liberation war. The destruction of any foreign invaders and accomplices of the occupiers, including in the economic field, is the duty and sacred responsibility of every officer, soldier, and any warrior, regardless of whether he is fighting in open armed struggle at the front or operating in the territory of his country occupied by the enemy.”

At the same time, Kvachkov believes that his involvement in the assassination attempt has not been proven. It is interesting that he supported M. B. Khodorkovsky, with whom he spent some time in the same cell.
The Presidium of the Union of Right Forces issued a statement declaring the political nature of the assassination attempt. Chubais himself said that he expected an assassination attempt and the day before ordered to strengthen his security, but did not make detailed comments.

The defendants in the case of the attempt on Chubais demanded that it be tried by a jury. The selection of the panel was repeatedly postponed by the court due to the failure of a sufficient number of candidates to appear, as well as due to the illness of defense lawyers; representatives of the injured party filed a motion to dissolve the selected panel due to its bias (“the majority of the jurors are pensioners who will not be able to objectively consider the case”). On October 9, the lawyer of the defendant Kvachkov, Oksana Mikhalkina, reported that her client was removed from the courtroom and suspended from participating in the trial until the end of the hearing due to violations.

On June 5, 2008, the jury of the Moscow Regional Court returned a not guilty verdict. The guilt of the defendants has not been proven. All defendants - retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov and retired airborne troops Alexander Naydenov and Robert Yashin - were acquitted. On June 6, 2008, the Moscow City Court extended the arrest of Ivan Mironov, against whom a separate criminal case was opened for this attempt, for another 3 months, and on August 27, it extended the term until November 11.
On August 26, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation overturned the acquittal in the case of the assassination attempt on the head of RAO UES of Russia A. Chubais. Thus, the court granted the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and sent the case for a new trial.

On October 13, 2008, the Moscow Regional Court held regular hearings in the case of Kvachkov, Yashin, Naydenov and in the case of Ivan Mironov. During the hearings, it was decided to combine the cases into one.

On December 4, 2008, the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation satisfied the cassation appeal on the issue of illegal detention of Ivan Mironov. Ivan Mironov was released under a guarantee signed by State Duma deputies Ilyukhin, Komoedov, Starodubtsev and the leader of the People's Union party Baburin.

Family of Anatoly Chubais

Married for the second time, his wife is also an economist. From his first marriage - son Alexey and daughter Olga.

Awards and titles of Anatoly Chubais

* Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (June 16, 2010) - for great contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of nanotechnology and many years of conscientious work
* Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (December 12, 2008) - for active participation in the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation and great contribution to the development of the democratic foundations of the Russian Federation
* Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (August 14, 1995) - for active participation in the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
* Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (March 11, 1997) - for active participation in the preparation of the 1997 Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly
* Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (June 5, 1998) - for conscientious work and consistent implementation of the course of economic reforms
* Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2006) - for services in preparing and holding the meeting of heads of state and government of the G8 member countries in St. Petersburg
* Medal "For Services to the Chechen Republic"
* Medal “For Special Contribution to the Development of Kuzbass”, 1st degree.
* Title “The person who made the greatest contribution to the development of the Russian stock market” from NAUFOR (1999).
* Honorary diploma of the International Union of Economists “International Recognition” “for his great contribution to the development of Russia based on the application of advanced international experience in the introduction of modern methods of organizing management, economics, finance and production processes” (2001).

Books about Chubais

* A. Kolesnikov - Unknown Chubais. Pages from the biography:: Moscow, “Zakharov”, p.158, 2003, ISBN 5-8159-0377-9
* M. Berger, O. Proskurina - Chubais Cross:: Moscow, KoLibri, p.448, 2008, ISBN 978-5-389-00141-1
* A. Kolesnikov - Anatoly Chubais. Biography:: Moscow, AST, AST MOSCOW, p. 350, circulation 7000, 2008, ISBN 978-5-17-053035-9, ISBN 978-5-9713-8748-0
* David Hoffman - Oligarchs. Wealth and power in the new Russia:: Moscow, KoLibri, p.624, circulation 10000, 2007, ISBN 978-5-98720-034-6

Chubais is to blame for everything! - a popular phrase that was first heard in the satirical NTV television program “Dolls”. The prototype was a similar formulation with which in January 1996 Russian President Boris Yeltsin dismissed First Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais “for low demands on subordinate federal departments and failure to fulfill a number of instructions from the President of Russia.”

As Kommersant wrote, the wording was:
Chubais is to blame for the fact that only about 10% of voters voted for the NDR in the parliamentary elections. If it were not for the mistakes he made in pursuing economic policy, the number of voters would have been no less than 20%. (January 19, 1996).

Two Volgas per voucher

Russian voucher

Two Volgas for a voucher - the promise of the ideologist of Russian privatization Anatoly Chubais in 1992 that subsequently one voucher would be equal to the cost of two Volga cars. Due to the fact that the vast majority of the several tens of millions of voucher holders did not actually receive two Volgas, the phrase is perceived as an example of deception.

Assessments of the activities of Anatoly Chubais
In March 2004, the former chairman of the board of the Yukos oil company, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, in the article “The Crisis of Liberalism in Russia,” speaking about Chubais, Gaidar and the “liberals of the first Yeltsin call,” wrote:

They deceived 90% of the people by generously promising that a voucher would buy two Volgas. Yes, an enterprising financial player who has access to classified information and is not deprived of the ability to analyze this information could make 10 Volgas out of a privatization check. But they promised everyone.
In 2006, Vlast magazine noted: “The nominal value of the coupons issued to the population was 10 thousand rubles, but in reality it turned out to be equal to the price of two bottles of vodka, and by the end of the year the Volga was worth 3-4 million rubles.”
As Nikolai Petrakov, director of the Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said, the phrase was PR, “under the guise of which privatization took place, which I consider criminal. The point of this PR was to convince people that everyone would get the same from privatization. In fact, it was a deception: after all, our oligarchs did not buy property with their own vouchers.” In his opinion, the main result of privatization was that “most people got absolutely nothing from it.” Russian economist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Glazyev also noted that citizens did not receive what was promised.

According to the Chairman of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Moscow Government, Mark Masarsky, vouchers were introduced despite the objections of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the President of Russia, and it was known in advance that it would not be possible to purchase two cars for them: “We said that there is a law - there must be registered privatization accounts and there must be a revaluation of those funds that will be subject to privatization. Instead, they made the opposite decision, that is, they issued colored pieces of paper and drew 10 thousand rubles on them.<…>And of course, no two Volgas could be bought with them.<…>We knew in advance what would happen: in conditions of inflation and a shortage of means of payment, those who have these rubles (and these are banks, first of all), will buy vouchers from the population for two boxes, and then for two bottles of vodka. And so it happened. Then someone had a suitcase of these vouchers - they came and, using the second model of privatization, bought, for example, Uralmash.”

Publicist Sergei Kara-Murza wrote in his book:
Chubais announced the equivalent of these “future purchases or expenditures” - two Volgas. It was the receipt of this amount of valuables that the state certified with its voucher. But we know that it was a cold-blooded deception, and Uncle Vasya received a bottle of vodka with his voucher.<…>With the help of “vouchers”, the criminal component in privatization was increased many times over, even compared to the already initially criminal Law on Privatization - even such a flimsy restriction as a “personal investment account” was removed. As a result, Kakha Bendukidze’s voucher was equal to Uralmash, and Uncle Vasya’s voucher was equal to a bottle of vodka.
A number of political forces, in particular the Yabloko party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, used the phrase to criticize their opponents.

Myself Anatoly Chubais in his book in 1999 he wrote that propaganda support was important for the initiators of privatization at that moment: “it was necessary not only to come up with effective schemes, write good regulatory documents, but also to convince the Duma of the need to adopt these documents, and most importantly, to convince 150 million people of the population get up from their seat, leave the apartment, get a voucher, and then invest it meaningfully! Of course, the propaganda component was fantastically important.” Chubais’s comrade-in-arms in the SPS party, Yevgeny Yasin, recalled that the promise of two Volgas was “a purely propaganda task.” Yasin stated that “there is no such thing as fair privatization,” noting the similarities with the Great French Revolution of 1789: “what outrages happened there, what fortunes were created, what a real Thermidor was,” “Thermidor was a victory for those who appropriated the most a large share of national assets." The concentration of privatized property in the hands of a small number of people was, as he admitted, the conscious goal of the reformers: “we wanted the concentration of property in the hands of people who could then organize the economy and production”

Lawsuits against Chubai

In 2000, the newspaper Delovaya Pressa published an article “For the first time, a Russian sued Chubais for two Volgas against a voucher.” The bottom line was that in the period 1993-1994 Chubais claimed that the voucher was equal to two Volgas. A resident of the village of Energetik, Vladimir Region, Vladimir Kuvshinov, sent Chubais a letter in which he asked for advice on where to invest a voucher to get two Volgas.
In his response letter, Chubais advised to give it to the State Property Committee in exchange for part of the shares of the Scientific Institute of Light Alloys. Kuvshinov gave his voucher there, but never received the shares. He filed a lawsuit with the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow, which ordered the collection of two Volgas against Chubais as a voucher. Kuvshinov is still the first and remains the last who was able (at least on paper) to get a Volga with a voucher: he filed a lawsuit in 1998, and in 1999 the statute of limitations for filing a claim expired.

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is a Soviet and Russian political and economic figure, liberal and reformer, general director of the corporation (Russian Nanotechnology Corporation). Anatoly Chubais was the chairman of the board of RAO UES of Russia. One of the leaders of market and energy reforms in Russia.

Anatoly Chubais

Childhood and adolescence of Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais was born on June 16, 1955 into a military family. Boris Matveevich Chubais, father of the politician, retired colonel, who taught the philosophy of Lenin and Marx at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Raisa Efimovna Segal, Anatoly’s mother, is an economist by training, but has never worked in her specialty. She looked after the children and the house.

Raisa Efimovna paid great attention to her sons. Brother of Anatoly Chubais, Igor, achieved significant heights. He became a Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University. Anatoly’s parents sent him to school in Odessa. Already there he began to become interested in exact sciences and come up with various kinds of inventions.

Anatoly Chubais in his youth with his mother

Since the mid-60s of the twentieth century, the politician’s family lived in Lvov, and in 1967, due to their father’s service, they moved to Leningrad. There, as Anatoly himself said, he studied at a school with an emphasis on military-patriotic education. Boris Matveevich and Anatoly’s older brother often discussed politics and philosophy, and young Anatoly Chubais took part in this. Such debates influenced the choice of future profession as a politician.

Student life politics

In 1972, Anatoly entered the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Togliatti at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1977, the future politician graduated from the institute with honors. He began working at the same institute as a teacher, engineer and teaching assistant. While working at the institute, Anatoly wrote his dissertation. He successfully defended it in 83 of the twentieth century.

A. B. Chubais in his youth and now

The beginning of Chubais's political career

In 1980, Anatoly joined the Communist Party. At that time, Leningrad was experiencing the active development of the democratic movement. Leningrad economists founded a circle in which Anatoly Chubais, Grigory Glazkov and Yuri Yarmagaev became leaders. Together they worked on a scientific report entitled “Improving the management of scientific and technological progress in production.” The circle also included the vice-president of the Banking House "St. Petersburg", the future deputy prime minister, Mikhail Manevich, the late governor of St. Petersburg, and Anatoly's older brother Igor Chubais.

Political activities of Anatoly Chubais

In 1990, Anatoly Chubais took the post of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, and then became the first deputy.

In 1991 Anatoly Sobchak, mayor of St. Petersburg, appointed Anatoly Chubais as leading economic adviser. He quickly climbed the career ladder thanks to his intelligence and talent.

A. Chubais and A. Sobchak

In November 1991, he became chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management. In 1992, the head of state appointed him deputy prime minister.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Anatoly Chubais

In 1992, Chubais began and finished creating a privatization program. By the beginning of 1997, more than 127 thousand enterprises had been privatized.

In 1998, at a special meeting of the co-owners of the shares of RAO UES of Russia, it was decided to take Anatoly Chubais to the Board of Directors, and later he was appointed to the position of Chairman of the Government.

Anatoly Chubais is a prominent figure in politics. From a deputy of the State Duma “Russia’s Choice”, the creator of the “Civil Society Foundation”, which predetermined the activities of the association of analysts of Yeltsin’s election headquarters, to the position of chairman of the government.

Anatoly Chubais

In June 2003, Anatoly Chubais became one of the top three leaders of the Union of Right Forces, but the party failed. When the politician left the post of party chairman, he became a member of the federal political council. In the fall of 2008, the political party accepted Anatoly Chubais into the Supreme Council "Just cause».

For his political achievements and economic success, the private American Institute, which studies issues of East and West, awarded Anatoly Chubais the Outstanding New Excellence Award in 1994. Euromoney magazine (England) gave the politician the title of Best Finance Minister in the World. Anatoly Chubais also received many Gratitudes from the President of the Russian Federation. Anatoly Chubais is a venerable doctor of the University of Engineering and Economics of St. Petersburg. In addition, he is an Actual State Advisor of Russia, first class.

Anatoly Chubais and Vladimir Putin

Personal life of a politician

In the first marriage of Anatoly Chubais and Lyudmila Grigorieva were born son Alexey(1980) and daughter Olga(1983). Both followed in their father’s footsteps and chose a direction related to economics.

In 1989, the marriage of Anatoly and Lyudmila broke up, but the politician always supported his children financially.

In 1990, Chubais met Maria Vishnevskaya and married her. The woman supported her husband in everything, be it career growth or rapid decline. Maria worked in a hospital for hopelessly ill people, but communication with them left an imprint on the woman’s mental health and on the personal life of the spouses. Anatoly Chubais took his wife to various prestigious clinics, wanting to cure her, but all attempts were unsuccessful. After being married for 21 years, Anatoly Chubais and Maria Vishnevskaya separated. Anatoly left all his property to his ex-wife.

Anatoly Chubais and Maria Vishnevskaya

In January 2012, Anatoly Chubais legalized his relationship with the famous TV presenter and director Avdotya Smirnova.

Anatoly Chubais with Avdotya Smirnova

Now Anatoly Borisovich is happy, enjoys active recreation and tries to keep abreast of all the news on the World Wide Web. Anatoly Chubais still loves the British rock band "The Beatles",Bulat Okudzhava and Yuri Vizbor. In cinema, he is most attracted to the films of Andrei Tarkovsky, Kira Muratova and Leonid Gaidai. At this point in time, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is the general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation.

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is a human symbol, a demonized hero of political battles, a reformer and liberal, whom some consider an outstanding personality, while others consider him an “all-Russian allergen.”

In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Tolyatti. In 1983 he completed his postgraduate studies. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute.


Anatoly Borisovich Chubais - Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES of Russia", Actual State Advisor, 1st Class.

Born on June 16, 1955 in the city of Borisov, Minsk region. Graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. P. Tolyatti (LIEI) in 1977, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Worked as an engineer, assistant, in 1982-1990. - Associate Professor LIEI. In 1990-1991 - Deputy, First Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee.

Since November 1991 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management with the rank of Minister of the Russian Federation.

Since June 1992 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, since November 1994 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government, Head of the Federal Commission for Securities and the Stock Market under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Released from his duties as First Deputy Prime Minister in January 1996.

From February to July 1996 - President of the Foundation for the Protection of Private Property.

On July 15, 1996, he was appointed head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. On March 7, 1997, he was relieved of his post and reappointed as First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and also took up the post of Minister of Finance.

He was relieved of his post as Minister of Finance in the fall of 1997, remaining Deputy Prime Minister.

He was a member of the Defense Council and the Security Council of the Russian Federation, was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first convocation on the list of the “Choice of Russia” bloc, and was a member of the Committee on Property, Privatization and Economic Activities.

In 1994, a conflict between Anatoly Chubais and Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov began. Disagreements arose due to different approaches by the mayor of Moscow and the first deputy prime minister to the problem of privatization. Anatoly Chubais believed that it was necessary to privatize all state property. Yuri Luzhkov believed that part of the property should remain under the jurisdiction of municipal authorities, and the other part should be sold gradually on an individual basis.

The conflict between Chubais and Luzhkov also developed over the problem of providing Moscow with food. On May 27, 1995, Anatoly Chubais, speaking at an extended meeting of the Presidential Public Chamber, said that due to the “close connection of the Moscow authorities with those involved in importing products,” the Moscow market is closed to agricultural producers in the central and northwestern regions of Russia. “The connection between food importers and the Moscow authorities is too close,” Chubais emphasized. In this regard, Chubais spoke in favor of increasing import tariffs on food. In turn, the Moscow mayor's office accused Chubais of either deliberate misinformation or ignorance of fundamental information about the state of the Russian economy. The mayor stated that the possibilities for wholesale food supplies from the regions of Central Russia are extremely limited, since almost all food is produced for domestic consumption.

On December 24, 1994, by government decree, Anatoly Chubais was appointed chairman of the Federal Energy Commission.

In March 1995, Chubais prepared a draft and initiated the adoption of a decree abolishing benefits and privileges for 59 regions, industries and enterprises. In the fall of 1995, Anatoly Chubais publicly refused to participate in the election campaign, saying that his work in the government did not leave him free time to prepare for election to the State Duma of the 6th convocation.

On January 5, 1995, Chubais was appointed chairman of the federal organizing committee of the Nizhny Novgorod All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition.

On January 10, 1995, he was appointed chairman of the interdepartmental commission on socio-economic problems of coal regions. As part of the work of this commission, on January 15, 1996, Chubais met with the head of the administration of the Kemerovo region, Mikhail Kislyuk, representatives of trade unions and directors of coal mining enterprises in the region. At the meeting, issues of social support for miners who are laid off as a result of enterprise closures were discussed. Instead of the 400 billion rubles previously promised to Kuzbass, Anatoly Chubais promised to allocate 100 billion with transfers in January (25%) and February (75%).

Not satisfied with this decision, Governor Mikhail Kislyuk announced that he intended to picket the White House together with the miners.

On April 22, 1995, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed Anatoly Chubais as Russia's governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

In the Russian government, Anatoly Chubais headed the commission on non-payments. The secretary of the commission, Mstislav Afanasyev, formulated the commission’s position on the issue of repaying debts to the government of the Russian Federation as follows: “Tightening monetary policy actually leads to a reduction in non-payments.” According to the economic observer of the Segodnya newspaper, Alexander Bekker, Chubais “shaked out” trillions of debts from the Ministry of Railways, but “saved” before the head of the oil company LUKoil, Vagit Alekperov, who returned 1 trillion rubles to the budget. arrears by selling, with the consent of the First Deputy Prime Minister, a block of shares owned by the state.

In the spring of 1995, in connection with the problem of providing Moscow with food, the conflict between Chubais and Moscow Mayor Luzhkov developed again. On May 27, 1995, Anatoly Chubais, speaking at an extended meeting of the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation, stated that due to the “close connection of the Moscow authorities with those who import products,” the Moscow market is closed to agricultural producers in the central and northwestern regions of Russia . “The connection between food importers and the Moscow authorities is too close,” Chubais emphasized. In this regard, he spoke in favor of increasing import tariffs on food. In turn, the Moscow mayor's office accused Chubais of either deliberate misinformation or ignorance of fundamental information about the state of the Russian economy. The mayor stated that the possibilities for wholesale supplies of agricultural products from the regions of the Center of Russia are extremely limited, since almost all food is produced in the regions for domestic consumption.

On October 18, 1995, at a meeting of the commission on non-payments, Chubais demanded that the general director of the Nizhnevartovskneftegaz association, Viktor Paliy, either half repay the enterprise's debts to the federal budget by January 1, or resign. The First Deputy Prime Minister said then that Nizhnevartovskneftegaz JSC was the first of the largest budget debtors to undergo a detailed analysis. Enterprises of the Ministry of Railways are next in line. “The conversation will be extremely tough. Otherwise, we will achieve nothing with prices, non-payments, or the authority of the executive branch,” said Anatoly Chubais.

Since January 1996 - President of the Foundation for the Protection of Private Property.

On January 16, 1996, Boris Yeltsin removed Anatoly Chubais from his duties as first deputy prime minister of the government. At the same time, the president noted “the low demands of Anatoly Chubais on subordinate federal departments and the failure to fulfill a number of instructions from the President of the Russian Federation.” Some observers linked Chubais's resignation with the defeat in the elections of the Democratic Choice of Russia, of which Chubais had traditionally been a supporter. Others believed that Chubais’s resignation was connected with Boris Yeltsin’s decision to run for a second term, and winning the presidential election with the “father of privatization” in the government, which was not loved by the people, seemed problematic.

After his resignation, in an interview with Obshchaya Gazeta (February 22, 1996), Anatoly Chubais said: “I want to take the plant and pull it out. With a full analysis of the entire financial situation, cash flows, sales markets, technological links, marketing, sources in and the scale of theft, and so on. Shake all this up and turn the plant into a workable structure." But according to Chubais, he cannot afford to do this because Gennady Zyuganov is the number one candidate in the June 16 elections: “In my opinion, there is no more important task in Russia today than the fight against the communist threat. Personally, I will try to do "I can do everything I can for this. Build a structure that can mobilize and consolidate to the maximum extent the serious resources that I have behind me. Collect the largest non-state resources available in the country for these purposes. This is what I will do now."

In February 1996, in Davos, bankers Vladimir Gusinsky, Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Potanin met with Anatoly Chubais on the issue of financing Boris Yeltsin’s election campaign.

In April - June 1996, he actively participated in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. He was the head of the analytical group of Yeltsin's election headquarters. According to unofficial information, at the headquarters Chubais oversaw issues of financing the election campaign.

In June 1996, he actively participated in the story related to the detention of activists of the presidential election headquarters Sergei Lisovsky and Arkady Evstafiev by the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. On the morning of June 19, Anatoly Chubais met with Russian President Boris Yeltsin and told him about what had happened. After the meeting with Chubais, the president signed a decree on the resignations of the head of his security service, Alexander Korzhakov, the director of the Federal Security Service, Mikhail Barsukov, and Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets.

In June 1996, Anatoly Chubais announced that he was going to go to “big business.” According to Chubais, he was going to organize a company for consulting and managing privatized enterprises.

On July 15, 1996, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, while on vacation at the Barvikha sanatorium, signed a decree appointing Anatoly Chubais as head of the Russian Presidential Administration. After his appointment, Chubais stated that he did not intend to deal with economic policy issues, but would focus his activities on state building.

In January 1997, Chubais paid the state a tax on personal income - 515 million rubles. In his declaration, he indicated that from April to July 1996 he earned $278 thousand from “lectures and consultations.” Journalists from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper (January 25, 1997) calculated: in order to earn such a sum, Chubais “had to speak without interruption throughout the entire election campaign” (for a fee of $500 per hour).

On March 7, 1997, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for operational management.

March 11, 1997 - appointed head of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Federation for cooperation with international financial and economic organizations and the Group of Seven. On the same day, Chubais was appointed manager of the Russian Federation at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

Since May 22, 1997 - member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. At the beginning of the summer of 1997, he headed the commission for financial and economic support of military reform under the Defense Council of the Russian Federation.

On November 20, 1997, he was relieved of his position as Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. (This is due to Yeltsin’s decision to split the post of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Chubais retained the post of First Deputy Prime Minister)

On March 12, 1998, he was appointed chairman of the Russian Government Commission for ensuring federal budget revenues.

In April 1998, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia.

In June 1998, he was appointed special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations. (According to Yeltsin, the appointment is temporary, then Chubais will work at his job).

He was the head of the election headquarters of the Union of Right Forces.

Co-chairman of the ATP Coordination Council.

On April 2, 1999, the State Duma addressed to Seleznev received a letter from Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov in response to the chamber’s resolution “On violations of the laws of the Russian Federation during the elections of the Board of Directors and the replacement of the position of chairman of the board of RAO ES “Russia”. The essence of the letter is that the current chairman of the Board of Directors of RAO UES of Russia, Anatoly Chubais was “wrongfully appointed to this position without the approval and issuance of an order of the Government of the Russian Federation on the appointment.” (RIA Novosti, 1999)

In accordance with the current legislation and the Charter of RAO UES of Russia, the chairman of the board of RAO UES is appointed to the position by the Board of Directors of RAO, and not by the government of the Russian Federation, said Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO UES Yulia Mozharenko. The appointment of the chairman of the board of RAO by the government does not comply with the norms of the Civil Code and the Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”. In addition, the appointment of the head of RAO by the government will violate the rights of 400 thousand shareholders of RAO UES. (RBC, 1999)

In the summer of 2000, Chubais was one of those who signed an open letter to Putin protesting against the use of such a preventive measure as arrest against Vladimir Gusinsky.

On January 24, 2001, Chubais announced a program to expand the powers of the company's shareholders. At the same time, he made a statement that the energy reform in Russia was entering the “implementation” stage, and on April 15 of this year the start of the holding’s restructuring would be officially announced.

In September 2000, the Accounts Chamber discovered a lot of violations during the privatization of RAO UES of Russia. The Accounts Chamber believes that in 1992, during the privatization of RAO UES, 15% of its shares were illegally bought by foreigners. Anatoly Chubais himself immediately after the meeting of the board of the Accounts Chamber stated that the Prosecutor General's Office will not accept the claims of the Accounts Chamber regarding the privatization of the energy company.

In February 2001, he issued an order to create an anti-crisis headquarters for fuel supply to power plants in Siberia and the Far East.

In October 2002, he was re-elected president of the Energy Council of the CIS countries. Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1983 he defended his dissertation on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

In 2004, after Mikhail Khodorkovsky was imprisoned, Anatoly Chubais formulated the slogan of a “liberal empire” - a formula for Russian business expansion in the CIS and “cutting a window from Russia to America.”

In June 2003, on the eve of the elections to the Duma of the current convocation, Chubais took a risky step: he included himself in the top three leaders of the Union of Right Forces, but the party was defeated, and without breaking the 5% barrier, it remained outside parliament.

Chubais’s latest political project: he proposed that the current leaders of the right resign, and ex-Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov become their successor.

Military rank - reserve private. Award for Outstanding New Excellence from the private American Institute for Oriental and Western Studies (July 1994). Honorary badge "I paid taxes" III degree (established by the magazine "Persons" in January 1997). Based on the results of 1997, he was recognized as the best finance minister in the world by the English economic magazine Euromoney.