Useful properties of carrots in Korean. Korean carrots. Calorie content of boiled carrots

When following a diet for weight loss, everyone wants nutrition to be complete and varied. Many people do not want to give up their usual favorite dishes, so as not to expose the body to unnecessary shocks while losing weight. Then the question arises: is it possible to eat Korean carrots on a diet?

  1. Composition and KBZHU snacks;
  2. General principles of nutrition for weight loss;
  3. Korean carrots and proper nutrition system;
  4. Contraindications;
  5. Conclusions.

Composition and KBJU snacks

Korean carrots are a salad traditional for the countries of the former USSR with rather simple ingredients. Thanks to its low price and original taste, this savory appetizer has remained popular for many decades and the ready-made salad is easy to purchase in many grocery stores. The simplicity of the recipe makes Korean carrots accessible for home cooking.

The main component of the snack is carrots, cut in a special way - into long thin strips. Vegetables prepared in this way are mixed with vegetable oil, sugar, vinegar and various seasonings. Garlic, ground black and red pepper, coriander seeds and salt give the spicy spicy taste of Korean carrots. The calorie content of the finished salad ranges from 110 to 140 kcal per 100 grams. First of all, it depends on the proportions of oil and sugar that are added to the root vegetable. The calculation of BJU indicators may also differ by approximately 10% up or down, but on average it is per 100 grams:

  • Proteins 1.2 g;
  • Fat 8.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates 9 g.

Alternative BJU indicators for Korean carrots:

  • Proteins 0 g;
  • Fats 9 g;
  • Carbohydrates 12.9 g.

The Korean method of preparing carrots poses a great danger to health, since vegetables with spices come into contact with highly heated vegetable oil. If the oil is heated for too long, carcinogens can form in it.

General principles of nutrition for weight loss

  1. Clear your diet of “harmful” foods and streamline your diet. First of all, it is advisable to give up sugar-containing ingredients, “fast” carbohydrates and food waste - fast food, soda, etc.
  2. Calculate calorie content and nutritional balance of food. Each person, depending on age, gender and lifestyle, has their own calorie intake. Your weight goals (maintaining, losing weight or gaining weight) and the required proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet are also interconnected.
  3. Organize each meal in terms of the composition and quality of micro- and macronutrients. This means that nutrition should be conscious and thoughtful. If you do not want to harm your health, then eat balanced and as varied foods as possible.

Korean carrots and proper nutrition system

So, is it possible to eat Korean carrots on a diet? Let's consider Korean carrots from the point of view of nutritional rules for weight loss. Sugar added to salad poses a serious danger to those losing weight.. It easily provokes a sharp insulin surge in the blood, as a result of which the body will soon again require simple carbohydrates. Excess sugar in this case turns into fat. Thus, eating Korean carrots on a diet can provoke a breakdown and excess carbohydrates at the next meal. It is also important to understand that when you eat Korean carrots bought in a store, no one guarantees the quality of the products used for cooking and the accuracy of calorie calculations. This spicy snack helps the secretion of gastric juice and digestion of food. However, seasonings (garlic, peppers, coriander, and most importantly, vinegar) cause an increase in appetite, which can lead to overeating.

It is also important to know that salt and spices included in the snack tend to slow down the removal of fluid from the body. Therefore, it is better for people with kidney disease, liver disease and swelling not to include Korean carrots in their diet.

Analyzing the KBJU of this dish, it is easy to notice that the fat content in it is quite high, and such an appetizer should be perceived as a complete dish, and not just as a light vegetable salad. If we take the average value of 1300 kcal per day as the calorie norm for a young woman of average activity while losing weight, then a Korean carrot salad weighing 100 grams will be 10% of the total calorie content of the daily diet. At the same time, the amount of fat will take up 15-30% of the total recommended amount of fat per day - this is too high for a snack and is more suitable for a full meal.

On the plus side, let’s not forget to mention the high fiber content of carrots.

Thanks to this, as after other vegetable dishes, the feeling of fullness comes faster and intestinal motility improves.


If you have been diagnosed with diseases of the pancreas, stomach or liver, then adhere to a strict diet and dietary restrictions. Is it possible to eat Korean carrots on this diet? Definitely not! This dish is also contraindicated for diabetes, gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis.

Children and pregnant women should not eat this salad.


It is advisable to avoid eating Korean carrots on a diet, since this dish has more disadvantages than advantages. Although one-time consumption of a moderate amount of snack (50-100 grams) will not cause significant damage to your figure. The main thing is to combine this salad with protein foods, such as meat, to make your diet balanced. Also give preference to home-cooked dishes. Thanks to this, you can control the amount of added sugar and oil. The less you add these components to the salad, the more harmless it will be for your figure. The above tricks will allow you to enjoy your favorite Korean carrots on a diet!

The familiar carrot is used in almost all cuisines of the world. This recognition is due not only to the taste of root vegetables, but also to their benefits. In addition to cooking, carrots are used to treat various diseases and generally strengthen the body, since the vegetable has a number of beneficial properties. The juice from this sunny fruit ranks second among vegetables in popularity after tomato.

The beneficial properties of carrots are known, perhaps even to small children.

Carrots and their juice contain vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B9, PP and C, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, potassium, sodium, manganese, iodine. It is also rich in such useful substances as organic acids, monosaccharides, disaccharides, ash, fiber (coarse dietary fiber), beta-carotene.

This root vegetable helps cleanse the liver and restore its cells, has laxative and diuretic properties, helps with the presence of kidney stones, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, nourishes the heart muscle, strengthens tooth enamel and gums, removes harmful substances from the body - radionuclides, waste, toxins, excess liquid.

Carrots are also rightfully considered a true friend of people suffering from poor eyesight (myopia and farsightedness), since they can improve visual acuity.

Interesting fact

During World War II, the British military, wanting to hide innovative technologies for detecting enemy troops, claimed that their pilots ate a lot of carrots and therefore had the ability to see in the dark.

And, of course, carrots are actively used in cooking.

In Asia and Europe, it is added to salads, soups, borscht, cabbage soup, broths, pilaf, stews, and preserves. Desserts are also prepared from sunny fruits - English pudding, an Indian delicacy made from carrots boiled in milk, Jewish tzimmes. Also, a fairly simple and very inexpensive dish - Korean carrots - has gained worldwide popularity.

Many people who watch their figure (most often ladies, of course) are interested in the question of the calorie content of carrots. How safe is it for your waist? Let's find out in our article.

Calories in raw carrots

Raw vegetables contain from 32 to 44 kcal per 100 d. This indicator depends primarily on the variety of root crop - the sweeter it is, the greater its energy value. Thus, the calorie content of fresh yellow carrots is only 32-35 kcal per 100 g. But bright orange fruits contain a lot of sugar, and therefore are more high in calories - they contain 41-44 kcal per 100 g.

It is also worth noting that fresh orange carrots are the most useful - they contain much more vitamins and microelements than pale ones. Yellow root crops (especially large ones) are considered a fodder crop and are grown, as a rule, for livestock, and not for people. But nevertheless, unfortunately, you can often find just such a product on store shelves. Therefore, if you want really tasty and healthy vegetables on your table, give preference to bright orange fruits.

Well, the most useful are considered to be fresh root vegetables, recently extracted from the soil, and not treated with chemical solutions to kill pests and increase shelf life.

It is important to know that you need to know how to use carrots correctly. For example, if you want to strengthen your gums, you should bite off the vegetable and chew it thoroughly. If you want to improve visual acuity, it is recommended to grate the raw fruit on a fine grater (not metal, otherwise the product will oxidize) and mix with low-fat sour cream.

True, the nutritional value of such a dish, accordingly, increases to 95-98 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of boiled carrots

This dish is especially useful for people suffering from heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, high blood pressure (hypertension) and vitamin deficiency. The thing is that when boiled, the content of antioxidants in the root vegetable increases. In addition, boiled vegetables contain phenols - substances that protect the body from aging and the formation of cancerous tumors.

But the amount of vitamin C in a heat-treated culture is almost halved. That is why, if you want to protect the body from viral infections and colds, it is better to eat this vegetable raw.

The nutritional value of this product is only 35 kcal per 100 g.

Note! In order to preserve as many useful substances as possible in the root vegetable, it is recommended to boil it unpeeled, in the peel.

Calorie content of stewed carrots

This dish is also considered dietary, but the amount of nutrients in it is slightly less than that of a raw or boiled product, because to stew the vegetable it is necessary to peel it. The energy value of the stewed product is slightly higher than the boiled one, and is about 40-45 kcal per 100 g. Quite often, housewives add butter or vegetable oil to the stewed vegetables to improve the taste.

So, when adding a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, stewed carrots become more nutritious and contain 81-85 calories. And carrots with butter contain 100-110 calories.

You can make the dish less high in calories, but no less healthy, by adding regular white cabbage to it. The nutritional value of this stew without adding oil is 38 kcal.

Calorie content of carrots in Korean

This snack is loved all over the world by both adults and children. There is no shame in serving a spicy, crispy snack even at the holiday table. It can also be served with almost any side dish - mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat porridge, wrapped in pita bread or eaten just like that.

The spices included in this salad help strengthen the immune system, as they “kill” pathogens, improve appetite and the production of gastric juice.

But this coin, unfortunately, also has a downside - the whole point is that spices (including salt) inhibit the removal of fluid from the body. Therefore, despite the fact that the calorie content of the snack does not exceed 130 kcal per 100 grams, it is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease, liver disease, swelling of soft tissues, as well as excess weight. This salad should not be on the table during a weight loss diet.

It is better to prepare the original Korean snack yourself, because flavor enhancers are usually added to the product sold in the markets, which, undoubtedly, cannot have a beneficial effect on our health.

Let's share a simple and accessible recipe for cooking carrots in Korean.


Cooking method:

  1. Grate the washed and peeled carrots into thin strips on a special grater;
  2. Pass the garlic through a press or chop it very finely, crush the coriander with a knife on a cutting board. Sprinkle carrots with pepper, coriander, crushed garlic, salt, pepper and mix;
  3. While it is marinating, finely chop the onion and fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. When the onion turns golden, turn off the heat. Remove the cooled onion from the pan with a special spoon with holes and throw it away, and pour oil over our carrots;
  4. Pour in the vinegar, mix well and put in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet for a day.

The finished dish can be decorated with fresh parsley or dill. Bon appetit!

Carrots are a low-calorie root vegetable that is often used by those on a diet or healthy lifestyle. The benefits of this vegetable are due to the presence of a large amount of fiber, which removes toxins from the body. Carrots contain many vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of many internal organs and systems. At the same time, the nutritional value of the vegetable is very low and amounts to only 40 calories per 100 grams. The calorie content of Korean carrots is slightly higher due to the addition of vegetable oil, but this does not interfere with maintaining all the beneficial properties of the vegetable. In addition, the mandatory components of Korean carrots are seasonings, vinegar, salt, and onions.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

Composition of carrots in Korean

The vegetable contains few calories. Its nutritional value per 100 grams is about 35–40 calories. The level of BJU depends on the calorie content of other components of the dish.

Type of vegetable

Calories per 100 grams




Spicy carrots with butter and garlic

With mushrooms

With asparagus

With seaweed

With Chiken

With adjika


With cabbage

With celery

Benefits and harms of the product

Korean carrots are quite beneficial for the body:

  • The benefits of the vegetable are obvious to those who are on a diet. Due to the high contentfiber in its composition and low calorie content, the product can be included in the diet when losing weight. Anyone who follows a carrot diet can expect to lose up to 5 kg in 10 days.
  • The coarse fibers in the vegetable help to cope with the problem of constipation and the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Korean carrots improve appetite and speed up metabolism.
  • Carotene helps improve visual acuity and is recommended for use by those whose work involves constant stress on the organ of vision.
  • The presence of B vitamins improves the condition of human blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Vitamin PP has vasodilating properties.
  • Due to the presence of garlic in the salad, Korean carrots are recommended for consumption during colds.
  • Korean carrots help fight helminths, have choleretic, antiseptic, antiviral, expectorant and diuretic effects, and normalize metabolism.
  • This vegetable has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and teeth.

Despite all the healing properties, this product also has contraindications, which, if ignored, can cause harm to the body.

Korean carrots are harmful for those who suffer from diabetes.

In addition, this product should not be consumed by people with problems with the liver, pancreas, stomach, or kidneys. Eating salad can be harmful to children and pregnant women.

The best food recipes

There are many recipes that use Korean carrots. They can be used by those who watch their figure and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Salad with mushrooms

This recipe most often uses boiled or pickled shiitake mushrooms, champignons, and honey mushrooms. The calorie content of such a dish is 71 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

To prepare Korean carrots with mushrooms you will need:

  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 80 g pickled mushrooms;
  • sea ​​salt, ground black and red pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Fresh carrots are grated using a special grater and placed in an enamel container.
  2. 2. The vegetable should be salted, sprinkled with sugar, and vinegar added.
  3. 3. The carrots should be lightly crushed with your hands so that the juice begins to stand out and the marinade is evenly distributed. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place for a quarter of an hour.
  4. 4. Sprinkle the salad with pepper and mix thoroughly.
  5. 5. Vegetable oil is heated almost to a boil, but it should not boil. After which it should be immediately poured into the salad.
  6. 6. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  7. 7. After the oil has cooled, add the garlic passed through a press and pickled mushrooms.
  8. 8. The salad can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Korean carrots with asparagus

To prepare carrot and asparagus salad you will need:

  • 1 package of dried soy asparagus;
  • 1.5 kg carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp each ground red and black pepper;
  • 4 tsp. ground coriander;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • essence 70% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Soak a bag of asparagus in warm salted water. Soaking time is 1.5 hours.
  2. 2. Peel and chop the carrots using a special grater or sharp knife.
  3. 3. Place the chopped vegetable in a wide container, add salt, sugar, and essence. Lightly mash with your hands until the juice appears, put in a cool place for 15 minutes.
  4. 4. Finely chop the onion and fry in well-heated vegetable oil.
  5. 5. After the onion is fried, add coriander, pepper, garlic and chopped asparagus to it.
  6. 6. Stir, add soy sauce and fry for 1 minute.
  7. 7. Pour everything into the carrots, mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator to cool.

Korean spicy carrots

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 400 g carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  • ¼ tsp. coriander;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • ground black and red pepper to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Peel, wash and cut the carrots using a special grater or a sharp knife.
  2. 2. The garlic must be peeled and finely chopped.
  3. 3. Crush the coriander with the wide part of the knife on the board.
  4. 4. Add pepper, coriander, salt, sugar, garlic to the carrots. You can use a special seasoning for carrots in Korean.
  5. 5. Finely chop the onion and fry in a frying pan until brownish. Then discard the onion and pour hot vegetable oil over the carrots.
  6. 6. Add vinegar, mix everything thoroughly.

Korean carrots are a low-calorie product that will help satisfy your hunger for a long time and not cause harm to your figure.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

The Korean carrot salad is so popular that it can already be called traditional. It regularly appears on our tables, it is eaten both on weekdays and on holidays, and housewives are actively inventing their own variations of this salad. There is nothing surprising in such popular love. Carrots are affordable, tasty, and can be bought in any store at any time of the year. Other salad ingredients can also be easily purchased without any special financial costs. It is not at all difficult and very quick to cook carrots in Korean, and the calorie content of this dish is such that you can safely eat it in large quantities even if you are overweight. This is explained by the fact that the vegetable itself has low. The calories in Korean carrots are added by oil and sugar, which are included in the list of salad ingredients. You can answer the question exactly how many calories are in Korean carrots by looking at the composition of this dish.

How many calories are in Korean carrots?

The calorie content of the “Korean-style carrots” salad consists of the energy value of the products included in its composition. First of all, there are the carrots themselves. And although it contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, it contains only 32 kcal/100 g. But the dish also includes other higher-calorie components. In the classic version, garlic, different types of peppers, coriander, salt, sugar, vinegar and oil are included in the Korean carrot recipe, but oil and sugar add the most calories. The amount of kcal can increase further if additional ingredients are added to the salad, for example, eggplants, sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc.

The calorie content of Korean carrots in the usual version is approximately 112 kcal, most of which come from fats - 74 kcal and - 36 kcal, a small part comes from proteins - only 5 kcal. Since the recipe usually does not strictly stipulate how many ingredients should be put in the dish, its calorie content may increase or decrease accordingly. Some people like carrots sweeter or sour, some like them fatter. Then a person simply adds more butter or sugar to taste. Those who want to lose weight should not increase the amount of these components in the salad, thereby increasing its calorie content. And in any case, you should not consume Korean carrots in excessive quantities either.

The total calorie content of Korean carrots per 100 grams is only 135 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 0 g;
  • fat – 8.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 12.7 g.

The vitamin composition of Korean carrots is represented by vitamins A, B, C, PP, K, E. The product contains a lot of magnesium, calcium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus and other minerals.

Calorie content of asparagus with carrots in Korean style per 100 grams is 95 kcal. 100 g of product contains 1.5 g of protein, 7.2 g of fat, 6.1 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of cabbage with carrots in Korean style per 100 grams

Calorie content of cabbage with carrots in Korean style per 100 grams is 130 kcal. 100 g of product contains 1 g of protein, 5.5 g of fat, 19 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits of carrots in Korean

The great benefits of Korean carrots for the body and well-being have long been proven. If you eat this product regularly, you can get the following positive health effects:

  • the spiciness of the snack promotes the active production of gastric juice, which, in turn, stimulates the digestion process;
  • the product contains a large amount of spices, so it perfectly increases appetite;
  • due to the enrichment of the snack with vitamins C, PP, Korean carrots are recommended for strengthening blood vessels and improving immunity;
  • Beta-carotene contained in carrots is considered the best way to maintain eye health;
  • The rich microelement composition of Korean carrots helps improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.

Harm of carrots in Korean

The low calorie content of Korean carrots does not mean at all that this product can be eaten in large quantities. The snack is contraindicated if:

  1. disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and stomach;
  2. ulcer;
  3. gastritis;
  4. problems with the pancreas;
  5. allergic reactions to spices and carrots;
  6. Pregnant and lactating women should not overeat carrots in Korean.

If overused, the following harms of Korean carrots may occur:

  • ulcers and gastritis worsen;