Panin lie detector new Russian sensations full version watch online. Alexey Panin on the lie detector - full episode Panin and the lie detector results

Alexey Panin gave a frank interview to NTV after another deafening scandal, when shocking footage of an actor or a person very similar to him became public knowledge. An exploding landmine would have made less noise. From the taiga to the British seas, everyone is discussing this incredible scandal. Until now, only the main character has remained silent. But finally he spoke too.

Alexey Panin: "I am not an angel. I do not deny or renounce my sins, I only ask you not to attribute others’ sins to me. Yes, yes, I’m not making excuses, but few people are interested in why this happened.”

The artist admits that he was shocked by the video and assures that.

Alexey Panin: “When I saw it, I was a little shocked, because the person who was there was like two peas in a pod like me. The viewer, naturally, did not notice this, and the viewer does not know me that well. I started taking screenshots from this video and frame by frame, just looking at this person frame by frame.”

The artist did not recognize himself in these shots.

Alexey Panin: “The first thing that surprised me, of course, was: where are the tattoos? You can, of course, say that the video was filmed a long time ago and there were no tattoos yet, then another question: the person in this video has a gray head, like I have now, in a circle on the back of his head and temples. Then another question: if this video was made now, where I am gray-haired, then there should be tattoos.

At the same time, Panin notes that friends and relatives treat the situation with humor.

Alexey Panin: “I understand that people from my circle, my friends, do not believe in this and everyone treats it with humor. Uncomfortable in front of some people. I’ll meet someone and wait for a reaction from the person - he’ll ask me about it. I feel a little uncomfortable."

And the actor’s friend, businessman Andrei Kovalev, said that Panin could not hold back his tears after the scandal.

Andrey Kovalev: “Alexey called me and he was crying. He really cried and said: Andrei, this is terrible, now no one will come to my concerts at all.”

To prove his non-involvement in the scandalous video, Panin even agreed to undergo a lie detector test at the NTV studio.

Expert polygraph examiner: “Are you in Ostankino?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Your name is Alexey Panin?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Is it true that you have not drunk alcohol for more than three years?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Do you still love your wife Lucy?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Ever wanted to film yourself having sex?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “When asked about your possible involvement in an Internet video, will you answer truthfully?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “The person who looks like you in the dog sex video, is that you?”

Alexey Panin: "No".

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Actor Alexei Panin was subjected to a polygraph test after a scandal with a dog. The result of the check will be shown next Saturday on the program “New Russian Sensations” on NTV. The artist shared his impressions of the filming with Dnyami.Ru.

“After the release of the program “We Talk and Show” on NTV, where I was accused of having an intimate relationship with a dog, representatives of another program, “New Russian Sensations,” contacted me and offered to make a big film about me,” the actor explained. Days.Ru.“On the air of this program, I passed a lie detector test, including answering a question about the dog. But the film is not about that at all, in it I got the opportunity to tell the whole truth about my life, about my daughter, about my ex-wife Lyudmila Grigorieva, whom I still love and wait for."


According to Alexey, he was tired of the image of a shocking artist. “You see, I’m tired of the prefix “scandalous” - “scandalous actor Alexey Panin”. I’m not scandalous! Yes, there is no smoke without fire, sometimes I may have really given a reason, got into scandalous situations. But I think any normal person "If I were in my place, I would have done the same. I wasn't always right, I don't renounce my sins, but don't attribute other people's to me!" – the artist emphasized.

“You see, I’m tired of the prefix “scandalous” - “scandalous actor Alexei Panin”

Let us remind you that in the program “We Talk and Show” they showed a video in which a man similar to Alexei Panin has sex with a dog. The actor himself stated that he was not the one who starred in the video and threatened the TV channel with legal problems. “Of course, what I am accused of is, to put it mildly, a lie. No one has believed in the integrity of the NTV channel for a long time,” said the actor Days.Ru.– Of course, there are film projects there that are not directly related to the television company, we are not talking about them. The authors of the program seized on this scandal with great joy and simply mixed me into dirt. I think this TV channel has a grudge against me."

In the show “Actually,” Alexey Panin and Yulia Yudintseva sorted things out and told which of them is the best parent for their daughter Nyusia.

In the launch episode of the new show “Actually,” the scandalous actor and the mother of his daughter Nyusia, Yulia Yudintseva, came together.

The conversation against the background of a polygraph to which the participants were connected was about the difficult relationship that Panin had with his ex-wife.

The actor immediately announced that Yulia had mental problems even before she met him. In response, the ex-wife began to be indignant when the “inadequate pervert” was already imprisoned or sent to a psychiatric hospital. However, Panin emphasized more than once during the conversation: the main thing for him is that Yulia establish contact with her daughter.

The couple still cannot resolve the issue of who their daughter Nyusya should live with, and Dmitry Shepelev decided to help Alexey and Yulia figure this out, hoping that the former lovers will come to at least some kind of agreement. Alas, this did not happen. Moreover, during the program the characters showered each other with insults. True, Panin got more. Yudintseva did not choose her expression when she spoke about him.

In addition, unpleasant facts were revealed about the actor. So, the ex-wife announced to the whole country that Alexey walked naked in front of his daughter Nyusya.

Panin denied, but a lie detector showed: the actor’s ex-wife is telling the truth, and the outrageous artist can really afford to walk naked in front of his little daughter. The lie detector also confirmed that Panin was taking drugs.

Alexey Panin vs Yulia Yudintseva. In fact

Talk show host Dmitry Shepelev could not hide his shock at what was happening in the studio. Yulia shouted curses at Panin and his mother, who came to record the broadcast.

By the way, as the experts explained, Yudintseva lied to most of the questions, and, looking at the woman’s aggressive behavior, Internet users on social networks began to write comments that now they understand why her daughter does not want to live with Yulia.

Nyusya, the daughter of Panin and Yudintseva, also came to the talk show. The girl, confidently picking up the microphone, voiced her desire to live with her father. Nyusya wants to communicate with her mother, but it is difficult to do so, since, according to the child, Yulia does not understand her.

daughter of Alexei Panin in the show “Actually”

The first episode of the show ended with Panin and his daughter leaving the studio. Shepelev failed to help the actor and his ex-wife find a common language. The actor, who tried to control himself throughout the broadcast, nevertheless threw his wife aside, saying that he really wanted to hit her.

Let us remember that in June a press conference was held, at which Alexey Panin was present with his daughter. Nyusya explained why she did not want to live with her mother.

“I don’t want to see each other: my mother constantly puts pressure on me, I don’t understand being with her... She constantly calls, but my phone often runs out and I don’t call back. But mom calls very often,” said Alexei Panin’s daughter and added: “If mom understands that I want to live with dad, then we will communicate.” But mom said that I will never let you live with dad. Mom is a parent, and dad is my friend,” the girl said.

Alexey Panin attempted to prove his non-involvement in the scandalous video in which a man resembling the 39-year-old artist has sex with a dog. The outrageous actor agreed to take a lie detector test on the air of the show “New Russian Sensations” on NTV, NewsTut reports.

Earlier, NewsTut wrote that the scandalous artist Alexei Panin was accused of bestiality on the air of the “We Talk and Show” program. However, the actor himself believes that his former common-law wife Yulia Yudintseva, with whom he is fighting in court for his daughter Anya, tried to frame him. According to Panin, a completely different person is filmed in the scandalous sex video with a dog.

“When I saw it, I was a little shocked, because the person who is there is exactly like me. The viewer, naturally, did not notice this, and the viewer does not know me that well. I started taking screenshots from this video and frame by frame, just frame by frame, look at this person,” Panin said on NTV.

Panin lie detector New Russian sensations full version watch online. According to the actor's friend Andrei Kovalev, the incident brought Panin to tears - he even began to fear that the audience would stop attending his concerts. To prove his innocence, the artist agreed to undergo a lie detector test.

Alexey said that he had nothing to do with the scandalous video, because the man on the recording does not have a single tattoo visible, while the actor himself has most of his body covered in writing. The artist suggested that all this was done by his ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva, who is still trying to get her daughter back together. The 9-year-old girl now lives with her famous dad and does not want to return to her mother.

Panin lie detector New Russian sensations full version watch online

The former spouses have been fighting for their heir for several years, and, according to the court decision, Anna remained to live with her father. Thus, the actor considers it quite likely that it is Yulia who is trying to deprive him of parental rights in such a “dirty” way.

Now, thanks to the “New Russian Sensations” program, the public has learned about the real Alexei Panin, who answered all provocative questions regarding his personal life using a lie detector. Of course, the agenda also touched on the most important topic, which has been troubling the public for about a month. The actor, in the presence of a specialist, answered the question: “Is he or is he not in the scandalous footage with the dog?”

Interesting shot - worth watching the program - NewsTut

Panin lie detector New Russian sensations full version watch online. During the procedure, the polygraph examiner asked Panin whether he was involved in creating the video with the dog, to which he answered in the negative. After the experiment, the expert who tested Panin said that the artist was apparently telling the truth. However, the authors of the “New Russian Sensations” program noted that a talented actor, such as Panin, is capable of fooling a polygraph and not betraying his emotions.

Panin lie detector New Russian sensations full version watch online