Not all men are the same. Relationships inside out: are all men the same or different? Parable “About a Man’s Choice”

A person’s name is not just a combination of sounds, it carries a secret meaning. Our ancestors believed that by giving a baby a name, they endowed him with certain character traits and even destiny. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the variety of identical male and female names, find out the reasons for their appearance, consider the list in Russian and English, and find out brief information from other languages.

Reasons for appearance

We know that there are names that can be used to call both boys and girls, for example, Alexander and Alexandra, Evgeniy and Evgenia, this phenomenon does not cause any surprise. But what is the reason for this coincidence? First of all, this is the tradition of naming children after Orthodox saints, which was firmly established in Rus' after the adoption of Christianity. But since a saint is a specific person, a child of the same sex could be named in his honor. And changing the specific name helped solve the problem.

The next factor that influenced the emergence of identical female and male names, a list of which will be presented below, is the unequal number of both in the Russian language. Thus, in the “Dictionary of Old Russian Proper Names” compiled by N. M. Tupikov, there are more than 5 thousand male variants and 50 female variants. In 1891, the month’s word contained 900 male and just over 200 female names. Such inequality forced us to take the male variation and transform it into a female one.

A lot of names arose after the revolution, when a woman began to perform the same duties as a man. And the main source of such education was the male form. Hence the almost complete coincidence (the key and often the only difference is the endings -a, -ya in female variations, for example, Vladlen - Vladlena). As a result, there were almost equal numbers of names for boys and girls in the language.

Slavic options

Let's take a look at what names can be both feminine and masculine. First of all, this is an ancient layer that came to us from the Slavs. In these times, great importance was attached to the naming of a person; people believed that the name given to a newborn would largely determine his character, occupation and destiny. Most often, paired names were given to twins in ancient times. For example, if two babies were born at once, they could well be named Borislav and Borislava; these ancient options appeared in honor of the god of the winds, Boreas.

Let's give a few more examples.

There were also options that completely coincided in sound, for example, Volya - both a male and female name with the meaning of “free person”, Share - with the meaning of “fate”. Now they are practically out of use.

So, as we see, female names were formed among the Slavs by adding the ending -a to the male ones, sometimes the process went in the opposite direction, then the suffix -k was added to the female form.

When trade with the Greeks appeared in Rus', followed by the adoption of Christianity, new names came along with overseas goods - Alexander (Alexandra), Julius and Yulia, Anastasia and Anastasius.

From the point of view of paired names and names in general, the time after the revolution and the period of Soviet power is very interesting. It was then that many options appeared, some of them are used to this day (and not all owners know the “secret” of their origin), while others cannot cause anything but a smile. Let's get acquainted with Russian identical male and female names of the Soviet period. There are quite a lot of them:

  • Barricade and Barrikada are derived from the common noun and are not used today.
  • Vladilen and Vladilena, Vile and Vila, Vilen and Vilena, Viliy and Viliya - from “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” in various versions of the abbreviation of the name and the use of initials.
  • Vilor and Vilora trace their origins to the slogan that sounds like “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Organizer of the Revolution.”
  • Gertrude and Gertrude are the hero and heroine of labor, respectively. It is interesting that the Soviet version is in no way connected with the Western European Gertrude, an exclusively female name.
  • Krasarm and Krasarma - a strange name for modern people comes from “Red Army”, as children were called in the 20-30s of the last century.
  • Lemar and Lemara - from two surnames, Lenin and Marx. And vice versa, Marilen and Marilena are from two surnames: Marx and Lenin.
  • Lenin and Lenina (with emphasis on the letter “i”) met in the 20-30s of the last century.
  • Tractor and Tractorina. These options became very popular in 1923, when Soviet industry produced the first tractor.

Let's give two more funny options - Oyushminald and Oyushminalda, Chelnaldin and Chelnaldina - respectively, O. Yu. Schmidt and Chelyuskin on an ice floe. Most of the options from this period are a thing of the past.

Modern Russians

Let's continue our acquaintance with paired names; nowadays there are also quite a lot of them. Their short list looks like this.

As you can see, most of the paired names have almost the same sound and meaning, only in some examples the subtleties of the meaning differ.


Here are examples of identical male and female names in English. This is Alex and Alexa, Christian and Christina. The name Alex has several more female duplicates - Alexis, Alexia. Two names come from the male “Adam” - Addison - the son of Adam and Addison - the daughter of Adam, their spelling is slightly different. More examples:

  • Alan and Alanna - "handsome" and "beautiful".
  • Bert and Bertha - "bright one." There is also a female version of "Bertie" with a similar meaning.
  • Brandon and Brenda.
  • Brooke - the male and female versions are completely the same, the name means "stream".
  • Daniel and Danielle.
  • Eric and Erica.
  • Gabriel and Gabriella.
  • George and Georgia.
  • Kyle and Kylie.
  • Michelle is both a male and female name.
  • Nicholas and Nicole.
  • Patrick and Patricia.

These are the same male and female English names.

Examples from other languages

It is very interesting that paired names are found in so many languages ​​of the world. For example, in Spanish there are the variants Alejandra and Alejandro, Carla and Carlos, Andrea and Andres, Claudia and Claudio, Jaun and Juanita.

In African countries, the names that signify the order or time of birth of the child are most often the same. For example:

  • Baako - born (born) first.
  • Dubaku is the 11th child in the family, both a girl and a boy.
  • Idouu - born (born) after the twins.

The Yakuts have a lot of paired names, who attached great importance to observing the tradition of naming the baby. For example, Ayaan, a name that could be worn by both boys and girls, has the meaning of “journey.”

About the fate of a woman with a male name

Modern research has proven a strange fact - a woman whose name coincides with a man’s name or has its form most often achieves serious success in life. What this is connected with is still unclear. There is a hypothesis that men’s names are taken more seriously when heard, so such women are treated differently; they are seen as strong, which on a subconscious level leaves its mark on their behavior. The greatest results await them in the legal field and politics.

These are the same male and female names; we are convinced that the list is quite extensive.

More and more tears, more and more disappointments. Another novel remained in the past, and hopes turned out to be mere illusions. It was the wrong man again. Not my man. But why do I always come across “those”... Is it really possible? all men are the same? Maybe others simply don’t exist? Loyal, decent, caring, purposeful? Maybe this is another myth invented by filmmakers, writers and journalists? With such thoughts, I wiped away my tears, not even suspecting why I actually came across the “wrong” men.

Actually, it is not all men are the same! There are several reasons why we meet the “wrong” men along the way. First of all, this is our generic scenario. Even as children, we formed the image of a man by watching our father. He taught us what the head of a family should be like, how he should treat a woman. He taught behind the scenes, showing all the truths by his behavior. We subconsciously absorbed all this and in the future attracted men who corresponded to the image formed in childhood. In families where children grew up without a father, the image of a man was laid down for the child by the mother. It is very important that she talked about dad, what words she spoke about him. If from a very young age a girl constantly heard that her father was a “goat,” then for her in the future all men will become “goats.” She will attract them into her life, without even thinking that this perception of the stronger sex is a magnet for such men.

How to change the generic script? You just need to change your opinion about men. Understand that the father (sometimes not the father, but the first man) was the exception rather than the rule. Convince yourself that all men are decent, kind, faithful, honest and good people (to do this, use ). Men Not they are all the same! As soon as you change your opinion about men, exactly “like that” will come into your life!

The second reason why we meet the “wrong” men is low self-esteem. Being insecure, a woman “clings” to the first person who paid attention to her. He clings tightly, convincing himself that this is fate. (Read more in the article ““). And when the relationship does not live up to expectations, she cries and does not understand why she meets the “wrong” men. A series of affairs, disappointments and tears, and all because she does not value herself and wastes herself on meaningless relationships. The fear of being alone is only a derivative of self-doubt. You need to finally believe in yourself and say: “I deserve better.” And wait for him, your man. Believe me, he simply cannot pass by such a wonderful woman like you!

let's talk O choosing a man. Each women has her own opinion about men, and every woman has her own ideal man. All, or almost all women dream of princes, of ideal men: “so that he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, always gives flowers,” etc.

But how can we explain the phenomenon that women, contrary to their dreams, marry just anyone or not the one they dreamed of? As a rule, the man who is created in a woman’s head does not always coincide with the real man. This discrepancy leads to a break in the relationship and one conclusion: “ All men are the same“, or to be more precise: “All men are bastards.”

It seems to me that it is necessary choose a man not according to your ideal, but for mutual pleasure in everything: in the pleasure of communication, in the pleasure of spending time, in the pleasure of making love, in the pleasure of living together. Then a man will always be a mystery to a woman, unpredictable, not like everyone else, and desirable for many years! Love and goodness to you!

Parable “About a Man’s Choice”

One day a granddaughter said to her grandmother:

All men are the same! Grandma, he only has to say “hello” to me for the first time, and I already know how he will behave next, what jokes to tell, how to smile, how to touch, how to quarrel and leave.

You're wrong, granddaughter. All men are different. We just like similar men. Do you like modest, “homey” ones? Then why are you complaining that you’ve again come across a bore who doesn’t want to leave the house? If you choose a man “the life of the party,” then don’t be surprised that you will have to share him with friends, and often with girlfriends.

If you love romantics, then be prepared not only for candles, poetry and champagne, but also for periodic depressions and crises. If you choose a man who you can follow like a stone, don’t be surprised that you can’t find a door to freedom within these walls. Women choose similar men, and then are surprised that they are all the same.

You need to have something in common to understand each other, and something different to love each other. (Paul Geraldi)

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Are all men really the same? and got the best answer

Answer from GrizLi[guru]
Sometimes I just want to shout to all women, don’t believe that all men are the same, we are the same only physiologically. I have been living with my wife for fifteen years now and I have never cheated on her and I don’t want to do this. She completely suits me, both as a woman in bed and as a friend and as an interlocutor, from start to finish. And betrayal is betrayal, I think a real man is not inclined to betrayal.

Answer from Ўnit[guru]
Mine doesn’t tell anyone that about me because he doesn’t know how to lie.

Answer from Larisolka[expert]
Absolutely the same!

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Not everyone is different, but they are also contagious.

Answer from Alyona[guru]
Of course everything! One pussy gets boring!

Answer from 1 1 [guru]
Julia, I never take our personal life outside of the family

Answer from Stasay[active]
no, not all, but through one

Answer from Tatiana[guru]
I wonder what mine says about me... I would really like to know... 🙂

Answer from Grigory Belov[guru]
life.... What new can you come up with?

Answer from Charm SharmoM[guru]

Answer from Atalanta[guru]
All these men are lying, since they would have left so badly long ago. They cry so much...

Answer from Yovetlana Baturina[guru]
There are different men - good, evil
Men are anchors, there are helmsmen,
There are men, oh you! Men have wow!
There are oligarchs, there are prostitutes!
There are hot guys
There are guys - sergeants...
There are all kinds of men
In general, mutants.
There is a girl and a boy
And my mother's skirt.
There are cool macho guys
And boys are a joke.
There are communists, there are liberals
And there are even metrosexuals.
Single party members, deputies
And the caste is separate: “Fuck you! »
There are doctors, builders, there are lawyers,
There are candidates for the presidency
There is a real colonel
And the guy is ordinary, just Georgian.
There are star boys and ephemera boys
And there are girls who run after them.
But they still love themselves more
We'll just spend more time on them.
There are simple guys, there are intelligent guys,
Some people like dope, not cigarettes.
There are guys who love the game
And there is
Some people like rum, others like cigars
And - just a beer with a drunken stupor.
They love blondes and long legs,
Others don’t care - they can’t love!
Others prefer brunettes
They immediately lecture them:
“Dye your hair blonde and lose the fat! »
He doesn’t notice that he himself is a freak!
Bags under the eyes, beer belly,
He outshines everyone with his beauty.
And they constantly accuse us,
That we don't give ourselves time,
Why do we wear bathrobes and don’t fry cutlets?
And somehow we respect them little,
We don’t love their mother, we don’t babysit the children.
And we don’t rush towards them when we hear: “Pour it in!” »
At the same time they talk about the Eternal...
The whole load was placed on women's shoulders,
And they themselves sit quietly on the Internet
And they don't care that the children are abandoned,
That a woman is waiting for her duty to be fulfilled
At least once a month. And not for long!
Some people really like to tell stories,
And they themselves quickly, like bunnies.
I, like, put anyone into bed!
But you didn’t give it, so you’re just a trash heap!
Others combine work with pleasure
And they don’t shun with their secretary,
With a colleague-partner and just an acquaintance...
Well, how familiar is this to you, of course? !
Please tell me, why were you born?
So that you defend the Motherland!
And you sold out and betrayed,
They have already ruined everything without creating it!
Some are left in the e. tips
And they think that they have become saints.
Others will hang themselves for a penny,
The wife will be spared the money for candy.
Some exchanged all their wives for mistresses.
Oddly enough, they have quite a few fans.
Others change cars like gloves,
And then they bark from the window like mongrels.
Others plundered everything during Perestroika,
Now in the Canaries they drink whiskey and vodka.
Where did all the knights go at once?
We, girls, are left with such an infection!
There are guys who are specific, authoritative,
There are droolers, mumblers, calling for mom
And there are just boys turning the dynamo
Fans, hunters, fishermen
And boys looking for socks.
There are guys - You can’t question the snow.
And one guy “I would kill my neighbor!” »
There are guys Heroes, there are Officers,
There are boys - eternal pioneers,
The guys who protect the world
But these don’t expose themselves!
There are football players, policemen,
There are firefighters and sportsmen.
Beautiful, wonderful boys, where are you?
We are all tired and lacking sleep,
But we accept you as anyone.
There are boys dozing on the sofa
And there is: “I won’t go to my mother today! »
Lazy, tigers, cats and gorillas -
We are already unbearably tired of them.
There is a boy with only one phrase: “Fuck off! »
You better leave this alone!
There are tyrants, despots, there are sailors -
Never expect anything like this!
There are different sweet, kind uncles...
There is a boy who forgot his shovel in kindergarten
About 10 years ago, maybe 20.
He is now looking for something to complain about.
There are boys the wind, and there is a hurricane.
There are boys peeing in the fountain.
There are brave boys - just fire,
And we are behind them like behind the wall!
There are martinets, there are colonels...
You guys can't be counted all!
There are guys who are not too lazy to work,
There are boys: - “Mom, make my bed!” »
There are many boys: good and different,
But there are many of you who are downright contagious.
There are guys who are always not happy
Their life has deprived them, and they cannot live
Continued in comments

Answer from Yergey Pupkin[guru]
and you try to talk to him about it frankly - I assure you he will appreciate it...

Answer from ***Princess Duck***[guru]
Men are definitely all different, but the brains of women are all the same - male solidarity.

Answer from DOOMer[guru]
Gee!! !
Why make it up if it’s enough to tell the truth. Which most likely no one will believe anyway and will think that we are making it up :)
Are we men the same? We need to ask women. Personally, this is somehow not interesting to me at all :) It’s more interesting to know how different you women are 😉

Answer from Maria Afanasyeva[guru]
but mine doesn’t say because 1. he’s well-mannered (they don’t talk about such things) 2. if problems arise, we solve them, so as not to lead to him or me overstepping our good manners and starting to complain about our partner

Answer from Rogue))[guru]
Rasul Gamzatov
Who thoughtlessly and carelessly
Can laugh forever
Is that the man?
Who has walked the earth's distances
But all my life I have never known sadness
Is that the man?
Who is even in a healthy word
Managed to frown
Is that the man?
Who hasn't fallen mortally in love?
I haven't kissed anyone
Is that the man?
Who called anyone a dove
And he ran after everyone's skirt
Is that the man?
Who is ready to give us a stirrup?
And betray us at the same time
Is that the man?
Who is in crowded places?
Drinks from the horn continuously
Is that the man?
Who will be on the road for at least a century?
Father's house will be forgotten
Is that the man?
Who is full of zeal
Judges us without mercy
Is that the man?
Who will give his word that it’s damask,
But he'll take it back
Is that the man?
The man who is brave
And unsellable at heart
Only that man!
In the name of honor
The head is always in the right place -
Only that man!
Only that man!
Only that man!
Only that man!

The eternal questions of existence - they do not give us peace. What came first: the egg or the chicken? Can God create a rock that He cannot lift? Are all men the same or different? Yes, torn by contradictions, we cannot live carefree in this world until we get our answers... But now we can finally exhale deeply - we have something to say about one of the questions (about chickens and eggs, of course).

There is nothing more pleasant than discussing men (except gossiping about how much your classmates spent on a wedding, after which they divorced six months later). This is the basis of female friendship and many other fascinating things. However, no matter how much we discuss men, no matter how much we wash their bones, some questions remain open to this day, dividing the fair half of humanity into militant camps. As they say, there are two types of people: those who are sure that all men are the same, and those who are sure that they are all different.

But it cannot be denied - from everywhere we hear statements like “Yes, all men are the same!”, “You only have one thing on your mind!”, “You all just want to watch football and drink beer,” etc. In contrast to them, there are refutations from opposite military tents: “No, men are not like that!”, “I have never had two identical!”, “Each of us is individual!”

So what the hell is really going on with these men?! It’s time to put an end to this issue and move on peacefully (no).

In fact, if one evening you open a bottle of wine and write down the characteristics of all your ex-boyfriends on a piece of paper, the puzzle will suddenly begin to form into a single, intricate picture (conspiracy theory!) And the answer to the question will somehow come by itself. But since lonely alcoholic evenings are harmful to health, it is better to read the text below and put everything in its place.

Men are the same

The truth is that men really are all the same. They are indeed driven by similar instincts and behavioral patterns BUT! This is only true to some extent. And to understand this, you need to know how, let’s say, they are biologically structured (spoiler: differently).

Since time immemorial, men have constantly competed with each other. Whoever has a stronger club, a better female and more food wins. And although it was difficult to imagine back then, little has changed since then. There is still a struggle for territory, women and money. And if you don’t agree with this, then go to head hunter and try to easily get your dream job with a big salary and a cool glass office. That's it! Competition awaits us everywhere, from work to a roll of toilet paper. But women understand it with difficulty, because it is not built into their genetic subcortex as a basic module. Feminists have relatively recently embarked on the path of competition and are still vaguely aware of what to do with it. Whether it's the men who have been doing it since Earth Creation.

In addition, the male brain works completely differently. This is why the mechanisms of fatigue, love, irritation and pleasure work differently for them. For example, men can get really tired doing just one thing. This is because they are used to undividedly concentrating on one thing. While women focus on everything at once, they spend 10–15% of their attention on each task. And so by the evening she can still clean up, cook, wash, iron, but he can’t even wash a couple of plates in the sink (they all do this!).

The same goes for prioritization. Men care about completely different things. For them, the values ​​in life are honor, dignity, self-realization and the right to vote. If they instinctively feel that oxygen is being squeezed somewhere, they will begin to react accordingly: aggressively like an animal. They will break up over the phone, speak rudely, disregard women’s feelings, and have mistresses. They will act like assholes if they have ever been offended. And they will be afraid of marriage if they were carelessly tried to trap them. Do you think it was in vain that the expressions “wobbled a man” and “lassoed a guy” were invented a long time ago before us?

Men are different

And this is also true - men are really all different. BUT! This concerns no longer physiology and biology, but another science – psychology.

Having the same behavioral basis, every man acquires his own psychological superstructure from childhood. This is influenced by hundreds of different factors, from parents to your favorite football club. From the first days, boys develop their own personal emotional reactions to what is happening: that is why some are sensual and vulnerable, others are callous and dry, and still others are jokey and easy.

Each man has his own unique emotional range and character, which leaves an imprint on behavioral patterns. For example, everyone’s reluctance to wash dishes will be expressed in their own way: someone will silently go watch TV, someone will put the woman in her place, and someone will argue until the morning about the division of family responsibilities and will completely forget why it all started. began. This also works in other areas: someone cries, someone mumbles, someone is silent, someone screams, someone hits, someone humbles themselves, etc.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself: all men are united by the same thing (whether we all want it or not), but they express it in different ways. And knowing this, now you will watch yourself or the opposite sex with interest. Because it’s very fascinating to see how the uncouth biker and the intellectual physicist behave in the same way and how the two twin brothers react to everything differently.

Thanks to the men who make this life so interesting!