Canon for the erection of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord. Prayers to the Holy Cross

On Maley Vespers stichera, tone 1:

Similar to: Heavenly ranks:

The cross is lifted up, and the demons are driven away, the thief is driven away, and the gates are opened, death is put to death, and now, having appeared empty, Christ is magnified. Thus rejoice, all earthly beings, the oath is broken. [Twice.]

Come, all of you who love God, let us lift up the honorable Cross in sight, let us greatly magnify it and give it glory, crying out to the Only Savior and God: crucified on the Tree of the Cross, do not despise those who pray to us.

Moses, who soothed the grief of old, delivered Israel, prescribing the Cross in the image: but we, all of this divinely faithful, always mysteriously imagining in our hearts, are saved by his power.

Glory, and now, voice 6. Self-agreeable:

Today it is an animal garden, from the unbroken depths of the earth it comes: on it the nailed Christ announces the resurrection, and raised by priestly hands, He is proclaimed into heaven by his ascension: In whom our confusion, from the hedgehog's fall to the earth, dwells in heaven. Let us also cry out in gratitude: Lord, you ascended on him, and thereby exalted us, worthy of Your heavenly joy, as a Lover of Mankind.

Prokeimenon for the day, and Lord grant:

On the poem there are stichera, tone 2:

Similar to: House of Euphraths:

In the ode of God and the blood of Your Word, the Church is brightly adorned, like a bride, singing the glory of the Cross.

Verse: Lift up the Lord our God, and worship His footstool, for He is holy.

A spear with a Cross, nails and others, in the image of the life-giving body of Christ nailed, let us worship exaltedly.

When Amalek Moses was victorious, having made the sign of the cross to the height of his hands, he formed Christ's passion most pure.

Glory, and now, voice 6:

Today the Tree appeared, today the Jewish race perished, today faith appears to the faithful kings, and Adam of the Tree fell, and again the demons trembled with the Tree: Omnipotent Lord, glory to Thee.

Troparion, tone 1:

Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance, victories Orthodox Christian bestowing on the resistance, and preserving Your residence through Your Cross.

After the absolution of the Little Vespers, the ecclesiarch with the priest and the deacon and the paraecclesiarch enters the altar with the lights, and the priest, and the deacon, and the incense of the honorable Cross, say: Bless the master. Priest: Blessed be our God: Also, the Trisagion, and according to Our Father, the troparion of the Cross: O Lord, save Thy people: Glory, and now, kontakion. And the priest takes the honorable Cross with a dish on the head, and brings it into the holy altar: the previous one in front of him with two lamps, and places the honorable Cross on the holy meal, in the Gospel place: and they burn a candle before it all night, and the Gospel is placed on Mountain place.

It is appropriate to know that even if this holiday happens in a week, nothing is sung on Sunday, neither the stichera are Sunday, nor are the stichera below blameless, nor the power of the voice: nor the Gospel is read on Sunday, exactly, at the resurrection of Christ: we say, the Lord God is not sung, and the Holy One: but we sing the whole holiday service.

At Great Vespers,

Even on Saturday evenings, we sing Blessed is the man and the entire kathisma. Also on weekday evenings, we sing Blessed is the man, the first antiphon. Or on another day, Blessed is the man, I do not sing, but according to the opening psalm we sing: Lord I cried, in tone 6.

And we sing the stichera of the holiday at 8: tone 6:

Similar to: All set aside:

We erect the cross, on it the passion of the Ascended One commands all creation to sing: for this, having killed us, he revived the slain, and fertilized, and made us worthy to live in heaven, as he is merciful, with the abundance of goodness. Thus, rejoicing, let us exalt His name, and let us magnify His extreme condescension. [Thrice.]

Moses prefigured thee, stretched out his arms on high, and conquered the tormentor Amalek, the honorable cross, praise of the faithful, affirmation of the sufferers, fertilizer of the apostles, righteous champions, all the saints to the savior, thereby thee is raised up, seeing the creature, rejoices, and triumphs, glorifying Christ, by you who has gathered the extreme goodness. [Thrice.]

The Most Honest Cross, the same as the angels are in rejoicing, today we raise it up, with the Divine wave lifting up all that was driven away by theft of food and crawled into death. In the same way, kissing your hearts and lips, we draw sacredness: lift up, crying out to Christ the most good God, and worship Him at the Divine footstool. [Twice.]

Glory, and now, voice 2:

Come, all you nations, let us worship the blessed Tree, for there is eternal truth: forefather Adam, deceived by the tree, is deceived by the Cross, and falls, overthrown by a strange fall, having conquered the royal building through torment. By the blood of God the poison of the serpents is washed away, and the oath of the condemnation of the righteous is destroyed by the unrighteous judgment of the righteous who was condemned: For it is fitting to heal the tree by the Tree, and by the passion of the Passionless One, even on the Tree, to resolve the passions of the condemned, but glory to Christ the King, who saved us through Your wise looking You are all, as you are good and a lover of humanity.

Entrance. Prokeimenon in the afternoon.

[If this holiday happens on Saturday: on Friday evening the prokeimenon is abandoned, and the great prokeimenon is sung, voice 7: Our God in heaven and on earth, create all things that He wills. Every Saturday evening the prokeimenon is sung: The Lord reigns: ] And the readings.

Exodus reading. [Chapters 15 and 16.]

Moses gave water to the children of Israel from the Red Sea, and led thee into the desert of Shur: and I walked three days in the desert, and found no water, that they drank. When I came to Marah, and could not drink water from Marah, I was bitter: for this reason the name of that place was called Bitterness. And the people murmured against Moses, saying: What are we drinking? So Moses cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him the tree, and he put it in water, and the water became sweet. There God give him excuses and judgments. And there you tempted him, and said: If you hear by ear the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is pleasing before Him, and teach His commandments, and keep all His justifications, I will not bring every disease that the Egyptians brought upon you: For I am the Lord who heals. cha. And he came to Elim, and there there were twelve springs of water, and seventy stalks of dates: and there they encamped by the waters. And they rose up from Elim, and the whole host of the children of Israel came into the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sin.

Proverbs reading. [Chapter 3.]

Son, do not despise the Lord’s punishment, but weaken when you are reproved by Him. Because the Lord loves him, he punishes him: he beats every son who accepts him. Blessed is the man who gains wisdom, and mortal who gains understanding. It is better to have this bath than gold and silver treasures. The most honest is a stone of great value, nothing evil resists it, it is prudent to eat to all who love it: but anything honest is unworthy of it. The length of God's life, and the years of life are in her right hand. In shuyets is her wealth and glory: from her mouth comes truth, but she carries law and mercy in the language. Her path is good, and all her paths are in peace. the tree of the belly is for all who hold on to it, and to those who rise up to it, as to the Lord, it is firm.

Reading the prophecies of Isaiah. [Chapter 60.]

This saith the Lord: Thy gates of Jerusalem shall be opened day and night, and shall not be shut, until the power of tongues be brought unto thee, and their kings are led. For the nations and the kings who do not work for you will perish; and the nations will become desolate. And the glory of Lebanon will come to you in cypress, and song, and cedar together, to glorify My holy place, and I will glorify the place of My feet. And the sons of those who humbled you and those who angered you will come to you in fear, and all those who angered you will worship at the footsteps of your feet, and they will be called the city of the Lord, Zion of the Holy One of Israel. Because I was abandoned to you, and hated, and would not help you: and I will give you eternal joy, joy from generation to generation. And you have dried up the milk of tongues, and you have carried away the wealth of kings, and you will understand that I am the Lord who saves you, and the God of Israel who delivers you.

At the litia, the stichera are self-concordant, tone 1.

[Andrea Ierusalimsky:]

Today, as if the truly sacred verb of David, the end has been accepted: behold, we bow down to the footstool of Your most pure feet, and trusting in the shadow of Your wing, O All-Bountiful One, we cry out to You: let the light of Your face be signified upon us. Exalt Your horn to Your Orthodox people by exalting Your honorable Cross, O Most Merciful Christ.

Planted in the place of Kranie, the Tree of the present life, on which the Eternal King made salvation in the midst of the earth, is lifted up today, sanctifies the ends of the world, and the house of resurrection is renewed: the angels rejoice in heaven, and men rejoice on earth, crying out like David, and saying: lift up the Lord God ours, and worship His footstool, for He is holy: give the world great mercy.

Prefiguring Your Cross Christ, Patriarch Jacob, bestowing blessing on his grandson, placed his hands on the heads of the cross. O O Savior, we exaltly cry today: grant victory to Christ-loving people, as Constantine was given victory.

[Feofanovo:] The divine treasure is hidden in the earth, the Life-Giver's Cross in heaven appears to the pious king: and the signing of victories against enemies is reasonable. Having rejoiced through faith and love, He divinely ascended to the heights of vision, and with diligence carried it from the depths of the earth for the deliverance of the world and the salvation of our souls.

[Kyprianovo:] The hand of Patriarch Jacob for the blessing of the children, the sovereign of Your Cross, presented a sign. We hold his guardian firmly, we will omnipotently drive away the demonic regiments, and we will overthrow the Belialian pride in him, we will defeat the most hostile Amalek, the all-destructive force. Even now, in pious wisdom, faithfully, for the cleansing of sins, we offer Your goodness in a multiplying voice, crying out: Lord have mercy, you who were incarnate from the Virgin, gracious to Your hands, O Blessed, wise creature.

[Leo Despot:] You are my shield of powers, tripartite of the Cross of Christ: sanctify me with your power, so that with faith and love I worship and glorify you.

Voice 4: Let us sing a song of triumph today, and with a bright face and tongue let us cry out clearly: for our sake, Christ, he accepted judgment, and spitting, and wounds, and was clothed in scarlet, and ascended to the Cross, Whose the sun and the moon saw, the light was covered, and the earth was covered with fear wavering, and the veil of the church was torn in two: Thou now grant us Thy honorable Cross, a guardian and guardian, and a banisher of demons, as we kiss all, we cry out to him: save us, O Cross, by Thy power, sanctify us by Thy grace, O honorable Cross, and strengthen us with your exaltation, for you have given us light and the salvation of our souls.

[Anatolia:] Illuminated by the stars is the image of the pre-display, the Cross, the victory of overcoming the great pious king, whose mother Elena, having invented, created the world: and today we lift up the faithful, we call: enlighten us with your lordship, life-giving Cross. Sanctify us with your strength, all-honorable Cross, and strengthen us with your exaltation, raised up to the militia of enemies.

Glory, and now, the same voice:

[Anatolia:] The venerable Cross of Christ, having prefigured the action of Moses, defeated the opposite Amalek in the desert of Sinai: when we stretched out our hands, creating the image of the Cross, people were strengthened: now the reality of things has been fulfilled in us. Today the Cross is erected, and demons are running. Today all creation has been freed from aphids: for the sake of the Cross, all the gifts have risen up for us. In the same way, rejoicing, we all fall down to You saying: For Your works have been magnified, O Lord, glory to You.

On the poem there are stichera, tone 5. Self-similar:

Rejoice, life-giving Cross, invincible victory of piety, the door of heaven, the affirmation of the faithful, the fence of the Church, by which aphids were ruined and abolished, and the mortal power was trampled upon, and we ascended from earth to heaven, an invincible weapon, resisting demons: glory to the martyrs, the saints, as truly fertilizer: refuge salvation, grant the world great mercy.

Verse: Lift up the Lord our God, and worship His footstool, for He is holy.

Rejoice, Holy Cross, by whom mankind was released from the oath, a sign of real joy, drive away enemies in your rise, an all-honorable helper for us: the power of kings, the fortress of the righteous, the splendor of priests, imaginary, and deliverer of the fierce, the rod of power with which we graze: the weapon of the world, which the angels stand with fear : Christ is the Divine glory, giving great mercy to the world.

Verse: God our King from before the ages, wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.

Rejoice, teacher of the blind, physician of the weak, resurrection of all the dead, having raised us up in the ashes of the fallen, the honorable Cross: through whom the oath was destroyed, and incorruption flourished: and on earth we were deified, and the devil was completely cast down. Today we exalt you seeing with hands bishops, we lift up the Ascended One in your midst, and we bow to you, richly drawing upon great mercy.

Glory, and now, voice 8. John the monk:

Whom of old Moses prefigured with himself, having overthrown Amalek in victory: and David the hymnist, at Thy footstool, crying out, commanded us to bow down, to Thy honorable Cross, Christ God, today we bow down to our sinners. With unworthy lips, Who deigned to be nailed to him, we pray chantingly: Lord, grant us Thy Kingdom with the thief.

Also, now you let go:

At the blessing of the loaves, troparion, tone 1:

And we honor the word about the honest Tree.

At Matins

To God the Lord, troparion three times.

According to the 1st verse of the sedalens, tone 6:

Just as the tree, O Christ, of Thy Cross was erected, the foundations were shaken by death, O Lord: For hell had devoured Him with desire, let it go with trembling. You have shown us Your salvation, Holy One: and we praise You, Son of God, have mercy on us.

Glory, and now, voice 1.

Similar to: Stone sealed:

We worship the tree of Your Cross, O Lover of Mankind, as if You were nailed to it, the Belly of all. You opened Paradise to the Savior, the thief who came by faith, and I was worthy of sweetness confessing to You: remember me, Lord. Accept as you do those who call us: we have all sinned, do not despise us with Your compassion.

According to the 2nd verse of the sedalens, tone 6:

Today the prophetic word has been fulfilled: behold, we worship in the place where Thy feet stand, Lord, and we have received the Tree of Salvation; we have received freedom from sinful passions through the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Lover of Mankind.

Glory, and now, tone 8.

Similar to: Commanded secretly:

The mysteriously ancient image of Jesus Joshua of the Cross, when his hand was spread out in the shape of a cross, my Savior, and the hundred sun, until the enemies overthrew those who opposed you to God. Now you have come to the Cross in vain, and having destroyed the mortal power, you have built up the whole world.

Also polyeleos. The magnification is sung in the altar before the throne.


We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, and honor Your Holy Cross, with which You saved us from the work of the enemy.

Banned Psalm:

Judge, Lord, those who offend me, overcome those who fight me. Take the weapon and the shield, and rise to my aid. The light of Your face, Lord, shines upon us. As if you have crowned us with weapons of favor. Thou hast given a sign to those who fear Thee, that they should flee from the face of the bow. Let Thy way be known on earth; Thy salvation is in all nations. Seeing all the ends of the earth the salvation of our God. Let us bow down to the place where His nose stood. Then all the oak trees will rejoice. God, our King from before the ages, wrought salvation in the midst of the earth. Lift up the Lord our God, and worship His footstool, for He is holy. God bless us, our God, God bless us. Save Your people, and bless Your heritage. And I forbid, and take me forever.

Glory, even now: Alleluia, three times.

According to the polyeleos, the small litany: Paki and Paki: Exclamation: For I am Thy name blessed and Thy kingdom glorified:

According to the polyeleos sedalene, tone 8.

Similar to: Commanded secretly:

In paradise, first, the tree was exposed to me, the enemy brought death to eat: but the tree of the cross, wearing the robe of a man, was set up on the earth, and the whole world was filled with all joy. He is clearly exalted, and by faith people cry out to God: Fill Your house with glory.

Glory is the same now.

Degree, 1st antiphon of the 4th tone:

Since my youth, many passions have fought me, but intercede and save me, my Savior.

You who hate Zion, be put to shame by the Lord, for you will be cut up by fire.

By the Holy Spirit every soul is alive, and is elevated by purity, illuminated by Trinity unity, sacred mystery.

And now, the same.

Prokeimenon, tone 4. The deacon speaks in the High Place, holding the Gospel in both hands according to custom: You have seen all the ends of the earth the salvation of our God.

Verse: Sing a new song to the Lord, for the Lord has created a wondrous one.

Same, Every Breath: The Gospel is read in the altar.

Gospel of John, conceived 42 from the floor. [In. 12, 28 – 36. ]

The Lord speaks: Father! glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven: I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.

The people who stood and heard it said: it is thunder. And others said: The angel spoke to him.

To this Jesus said: This voice was not for Me, but for the people;

Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out;

And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Me.

He said this, making it clear by what kind of death He would die.

The people answered Him: We have heard from the law that Christ comes forever; How then do You say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?

Then Jesus said to them: For a little while yet the light is with you; walk while there is light, lest darkness overtake you, and he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going;

As long as the light is with you, believe in the light, that you may be sons of light. Having said this, Jesus walked away and hid from them.

The Lord said: Father, glorify Your name. A voice came from heaven: I will glorify you, and I will glorify you again.
The people stood and heard the verb: there was thunder. Inii verbahu: An angel verb to Him.
Jesus answered and said: This voice was not made for my sake, but for the sake of the people:
Now is the judgment of this world: now the prince of this world will be cast out:
And even if I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everything to Me.
This is the verb, signifying the death by which you want to die.
The people answered him: We have heard from the law, that Christ abides forever: how do you say: it is fitting for the Son of Man to be exalted? Who is this Son of Man?
Jesus said to them: The light is still in you for a little while: walk until you have light, so that the darkness does not have you: and he who walks in darkness does not know where he is coming:
Dondezhe light and believe in the light, so that you will be sons of light. Jesus said this and went away, hiding from them.

Also: Having seen the resurrection of Christ: Psalm 50. Glory: Through the prayers of the apostles: And now: Through the prayers of the Mother of God: Have mercy on me, God:

And stichera, tone 6:

The Cross of Christ, hope for Christians, guide for the lost, refuge for the overwhelmed, victory in battle, affirmation of the universe, doctor for the sick, resurrection of the dead, have mercy on us.

Canon of the Cross. Creation of Cyrus Cosmas.

[His own line: Hoping for the Cross, I belch out a song.]

Irmos twice: troparia for 12, tone 8.

Irmos: Having drawn the Cross, Moses directly cut off the Red Cross with the rod, Israel walking on foot, also striking back at the Pharaoh's chariots, in spite of writing an invincible weapon. By this we sing to Christ our God, for he is glorified.

Moses prefigured the ancient image of the most pure passion in himself, standing in the sacred environment: imagining the Cross, raising victory with outstretched hands, destroying the power of Amalek the destroyer. By this we sing to Christ our God, for he is glorified.

Moses placed on the pillar medicine, corrupting deliverance and poisonous remorse: and on the tree in the image of the Cross, on the ground of the reptile serpent, the tether, the evil one exposing the harm in this. By this we sing to Christ our God, for he is glorified.

Having shown the sky of the Cross the victory of piety to the holder, and to the God-wise Tsar, the evil-hearted enemies in him were cast down by ferocity, flattery was transformed, and faith spread to the earthly end of the Divine. By this we sing to Christ our God, for he is glorified.

Katavasia, both faces together: Moses drew the cross:

Irmos: The rod is accepted as an image of mystery, because by vegetation it prejudges the priest: but the previously barren Church, now the tree of the Cross has flourished into power and affirmation.

As if we were releasing the waters of the edge-cut, unruly and hard-hearted people, the God-Called One revealed to the Church the sacrament, even the Cross, the power and affirmation.

With a most pure rib, pierced by a spear, water flowed out with blood, renewing the covenant and washing away sin: for the Cross is the praise of the faithful, and the power and affirmation of kings.

Sedalen, voice 4.

Similar to: Coming Soon:

In you, the blessed and life-giving Cross, people, being established, will celebrate with immaterial faces: the bishops reverently sing, the multitude of monastics and fasters worship, and we all glorify Christ who was crucified.

Glory is the same now.

Irmos: I heard, O Lord, Thy mystery, I understood Thy works and glorified Thy Divinity.

Bitter-born Moses converted the springs in the ancient desert, showing the conversion to the piety of tongues with the Cross.

Introducing into the depths the Jordan tree cutting from far away, Signifying the cross and baptism of flattery.

The people are sacredly enlisted in four parts, passing by the image of the testimony of the tabernacle, glorified by the cruciform ranks.

Miraculously we stretched out the rays of the sun, releasing the Cross, and telling the heavens the glory of our God.

Irmos: O blessed Tree, on which Christ, the King and Lord, was crucified, Who fell by the deceiving tree: having been deceived by you, I was nailed to God in the flesh, who gives peace to our souls.

To you the ever-sung Tree, on which Christ stretched out, we ride, keeping the circulating weapon, ashamed of the Cross: give way to the terrible cherub, on you to the nailed Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

The underground forces of the enemy are afraid of the Cross, signs are drawn in the air, the heavenly and earthly races walk on them, bowing their knees to Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

With the incorruptible dawns the Divine Cross appeared, a darkened tongue, lost in delusion, shining with Divine light, assimilated on it to the nailed Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

Irmos: In one beast in the womb, Jonah stretched out his hands in a cross shape, prefiguring the saving passion in reality. Thus the three days passed, the worldly resurrection was registered, the flesh of the nailed Christ God, and the world was enlightened by the three days of resurrection.

Having bowed down with old age, and being burdened by illness, Jacob changed his hand, revealing the action of the life-giving Cross: for the decay of the lawful hay of the new writings, God was nailed to this flesh, and the soul-destroying illness of flattery was driven away.

Divine Israel laid his hands on the young ones, showing the heads of the people like a cross, like the oldest glory. Having the same idea of ​​being deceived in this way, do not change the life-giving image: for the people of Christ of God will surpass the new affirmations, crying out, protected by the Cross.

Kontakion, tone 4. Similar to:

Having ascended to the Cross by will, grant Thy bounty to Thy new residence, O Christ God, Thy faithful people rejoice in Thy power, giving them victories as counterparts, benefits to those who have Thy, weapons of peace, invincible victory.

Ikos: Who, until the third heaven, was caught up into paradise, and having heard unspeakable and divine verbs, which the tongues of men cannot speak, which the Galatian writes, as a diligent of the scriptures, having read and known: I, he says, shall not boast, except in the one Cross of the Lord , having suffered and killed passions. For we know that we also hold, the Cross of the Lord, all praise: for we have this saving Tree, a weapon of peace, an invincible victory.

Irmos: The insane command of the wicked tormentor was shaken by the people, the breathing reproach and blasphemy of God: yet the three youths did not frighten the brutal rage, nor the consuming fire, but opposed the breath of the dew-bearing Spirit, with fire existing at the waist: revered God of the fathers and us, blessed art thou.

Having tasted the first from the tree in mankind, it dwelled in corruption: having been condemned by the most dishonest rejection of life, the whole race was corrupted by a certain one, like the harm of an illness taught to us: but having found the proclamation of the earthly people with the Tree of the Cross, we call: O revered God of the fathers and us, blessed art thou.

Destroy the commandment of God, disobedience, and bring the tree to death by man, who was untimely involved in the former: in the affirmation of the very honest, from there the tree of life is forbidden, which was opened to the wicked thief, I prudently call: O revered God of the fathers and us, blessed art thou.

The rod embraces the land of Joseph, the future in vain of Israel, the kingdom of sovereignty, as if the glorious Cross will revolt, showing: this is the victorious praise of kings, and the light of those who call by faith: O blessed God of the fathers and us, blessed art thou.

Irmos: Bless, O fathers, the Trinity of equal numbers, co-creator of the Father God, sing the Word that descended and turned fire into dew, and exalt to all the giver of life, the All-Holy Spirit, forever.

To the erected Tree, sprinkled with the blood of the incarnate Word of God, sing to the heavenly powers: earthly proclamation, celebrating people, worship the Cross of Christ, through which the world will rise forever.

With your earthly hands, builder of grace, the Cross, on which Christ God stands, lift up in a sacred manner and a copy of the body of God’s Word, perforated, so that all the pagans may see the salvation of God, glorifying Him forever.

Rejoice in the divine judgment of the pre-election, the faithful kings of Christianity boast of their victorious weapons, having received from God the honorable Cross: in this the tribes, seeking the battles of insolence, are scattered forever.

On the 9th song, the Most Honest: we don’t sing, but we sing the choruses of the holiday. The deacon, or priest, before the Royal Doors or before the throne, proclaims: In my soul the most honorable Cross of the Lord is exalted.

The face of the irmos of the 1st canon: The Mystery of the Mother of God is paradise: And the other face, chorus and irmos. And for the other 6 verses we sing the same chorus.

Irmos: Mystery art thou, O Mother of God, paradise, who uncultivated the growth of Christ, through whom the life-giving tree of the Cross was planted on the earth, thus now we exalt thee, worshiping him, we magnify thee.

Let all the oak trees rejoice, having been sanctified by their nature, having been planted from the worthlessness of the beginning, I will prostrate myself on the Tree for Christ. Thus now we exalt thee, worshiping him, and magnify Thee.

The sacred horn of the east, and the head of all the godly is the Cross, in which all the horns of sinners are mentally erased. Thus now we exalt thee, worshiping him, and magnify Thee.

Another chorus: Magnify my soul the life-giving Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. And irmos: From the bottom of the tree: And another face is similar, chorus and irmos: troparia 6 with the same chorus.

Irmos: Death came to the family through the consumption of the tree, Abolished today by the Cross: for the ancestral oath of all the people was destroyed, through vegetation the Pure Mother of God, Who magnifies all the powers of heaven.

The murderous sorrows, even from the tree, were not abandoned by the Lord, but by the Cross you completely destroyed them. For this sake, and with the tree, sometimes sweeten the sorrow of the waters of Marah, the prefiguring action of the Cross, which magnifies all the powers of heaven.

Continuously burdened by the darkness of the forefather, Lord, You have exalted this day with the Cross: for since nature has been brought down very unrestrained by flattery, we all again correct the light of Your Cross, whose faith we magnify.

May you show to the world the image, worshiped Lord, of the Cross, as you have depicted it in all, as glorious in heaven, illuminated by immeasurable light, an invincible weapon for the king. Thus all the powers of heaven magnify You.

Katavasia: The Mystery of the Mother of God is paradise: Another: From the bottom of the tree: From the chorus. And bow.


Similar to: Student:

Cross, guardian of the entire universe: Cross, beauty of the Church: Cross, power of kings: Cross, affirmation of the faithful: Cross, glory of angels, and plague of demons. [Twice.]

Glory, even now.

Similar to: Wives, hear:

The cross is raised today, and the world is sanctified: Who sits with the Father, and with the Holy Spirit is spread out on this hand: draw the whole world to Thy knowledge, Christ. Those who trust in You, the Divine One, are worthy of glory.

On praises stichera, on 4, tone 8. Self-similar:

O glorious miracle! The life-giving garden, the Holy Cross, we lift up to the heights today: all the ends of the earth praise, the demonic armies are afraid. Oh, what a gift was given to the earthly, through which Christ save our souls, for One is Compassionate. [Twice.]

About the glorious miracle, like a belly full of grapes, carrying the Most High, we raise from the earth the Cross is seen today, by which we have drawn everything to God, and was sacrificed to death to the end. O most honorable Tree, which received immortal food in Eden, glorifying Christ.

O glorious miracle, the breadth of the Cross and the length of heaven are equal: for by Divine grace he sanctifies everything. For this the pagans of barbarism are defeated, for this the sceptres of kings are established, oh divine ladders, and we ascend to heaven, lifting up Christ the Lord in songs.

Glory, and now, voice 6:

Today the Cross of the Lord takes place, and the faithful accept it with desire, and receive healing of soul and body, and all kinds of illnesses. We kiss this with joy and fear, the fear of sin for the sake of being unworthy: with the joy of salvation, which Christ God, who is nailed to this, gives to the world, having great mercy.

And the great doxology is sung quietly and in agreement.

Therefore, to the great doxology, the rector puts on all the sacred clothes, and accepts the censer with incense, and comes to the holy meal, and censes the honorable Cross crosswise, and lifts it on the head, and leaves by the northern doors, preceding him with two lamps even to the Royal Doors , and there he stood waiting for the end of the doxology and the Trisagion. This is the end, the abbot proclaims in a loud voice: Wisdom, forgive me.

We begin the troparion:

Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance, granting victories to Orthodox Christians against resistance, and preserving Your life through Your Cross. [Thrice.]

And the rector comes, wearing an honorable Cross on his head until Wednesday in the church in front of the Holy Royal Door: there an analogy has been prepared, he places an honorable Cross on top of it, and burns incense in the shape of a cross. He also makes three bows to the ground, on any given day, and when we take up the honorable Cross with fragrant cornflowers, laid at the foot of the Cross, it will stand before the analogy in vain to the east.

And the deacon proclaims loudly in the hearing of all: Have mercy on us, God, according to Thy great mercy, we pray to Thee, hear us, Lord, and have mercy on us all.

And we begin the first centenary: Lord have mercy, 50: I sign to the abbot at the beginning by the honorable Cross, three times. He also bows his head, barely a span away from the ground, and little by little grief rises even until the end of the second, 50, Lord have mercy. When he reaches 97, Lord have mercy, the ecclesiarch raises his voice, while the abbot, standing upright and waiting for the end of the centenary, marks the Cross three times again.

Also refers to the western country. And the deacon says: We also pray for the mercy, life and forgiveness of sins of our great lord and father, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy and our lord, the most reverend bishop [or archbishop, or metropolitan] [name] and all about the Christ of our brotherhood, for health and salvation, all. And we begin the second hundred, Lord have mercy. And the abbot creates the second exaltation, as prescribed.

Also refers to the midday country. And the deacon says: We also pray for our God-protected country of Russia, for its authorities and army, so that we may live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity. And we begin the third hundred, Lord have mercy.

Let us pass away, the abbot addresses the northern country. And the deacon says: We also pray for every soul of Christians, who grieves and is embittered, for health, salvation, and forgiveness of sins, demanding with all our hearts. And we begin the fourth hundred, Lord have mercy. And there is a fourth exaltation.

And the abbot turns to the east. And the deacon says: We also pray for all those who serve and have served in this holy temple [or this monastery], our father and brothers, for health and for salvation, and the remission of their sins, with all our hearts. And we begin the fifth hundred, Lord have mercy. After the fifth exaltation, we sing: Glory, and now: kontakion: In ascending to the Cross by will: Therefore, the rector places the honorable tree of the Cross on analogy, and sings this troparion in voice 6:

We worship Your cross, Master, and glorify Your holy resurrection. Three times. The rector begins to bow to the brethren who sing the same troparion, and makes two throwings before the honorable Cross, and also kisses it. After kissing, he again performs a single throwing, and also on both faces with a single throwing. For this reason, all the brethren come: they bow according to their rank, and kiss the honorable Cross.

Let us also sing the stichera until the kissing takes place.

Stichera of the Venerable Cross, self-concordant, voice 2:

Come, faithfully, let us bow down to the life-giving Tree: on it Christ the King of Glory willingly stretched out his hand, lifting us up to the first bliss, even before the enemy stole the sweetness and created us expelled from God. Come faithfully, let us bow to the Tree, to which we have been vouchsafed by invisible enemies to crush their heads. Come, all the fatherland of tongues, let us honor the Cross of the Lord with songs. Rejoice in the Cross, complete deliverance of fallen Adam: for our most faithful kings boast of you, for by your power the Ismailite people are solemnly punishing. Christians now kiss you with fear; we glorify God who is nailed to you, saying: Lord, who was nailed to you, have mercy on us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind.

Come, people, having seen the glorious miracle, let us worship the power of the Cross, like a tree in paradise that has vegetated death: this life has flourished, the sinless one has been nailed to the Lord. From the Unworthy, all the nations of incorruption are called to take hold: Who by the Cross abolished death and freed us, glory to Thee.

The same voice:

The voice of Thy prophet, Isaiah and David, was filled, O God, saying: All the nations, O Lord, shall come and worship before Thee: behold, the people of Thy goodness are filled with grace in Thy courts of Jerusalem. You endured the Cross for us, and through Your resurrection you give life, preserve and save us.

The four-pointed world is today sanctified, to the four-part erected Cross of Yours, Christ our God, and the horn of faithful Christians is exalted. We crush the horns of our enemies, great art thou, Lord, and wondrous in thy deeds, glory to thee.

The voice of the prophets was foreshadowed by the Holy Tree, from whom the ancient oath of death Adam was freed, but the creature, today lifted up by him, raises his voice, asking for rich mercy from God: but the only one in grace, the immeasurable Lord, bring cleansing to us, and save our souls.

The voice of Thy prophet Moses, O God, be fulfilled: see your life hanging before your hair. Today the Cross is raised, and the world is freed from flattery: today the resurrection of Christ is renewed, and the ends of the earth rejoice, in the cymbal of David the hymn is offered to You and says: Thou hast wrought salvation in the midst of the earth, God, the Cross and the Resurrection: and for our sakes Thou hast saved them, the Good One and the Lover of Mankind, the Omnipotent Lord, glory to You.

The same voice:

Today the Lord of creation, and the Lord of glory, is nailed to the Cross, and pierced in the ribs, tastes gall and sap, the sweetness of the church: he is crowned with thorns, he covers the sky with clouds, he is clothed with a robe of reproach: and he is strangled with a mortal hand, with the hand of the Creator of man. The splashes happen, Clothe the sky with clouds: He accepts spitting and wounds, reproaches and strangulations, and endures everything for the sake of the condemned, May my Savior and God save the world from delusion, for He is Compassionate.

Glory, and now, the same voice:

Today, an inviolable being, touches me, and suffers passions, free me from passions: give light to the blind, spit on from lawless lips, and give lashes for those captured for wounds. Seeing this Pure Virgin and Mother on the Cross is painfully prophetic: alas for Me, My Child, that you have done this? A man red with kindness above all others, lifeless, sightless, appearing without appearance, below kindness. Alas for Me in My light, I cannot behold Thee while I sleep, I am wounded in the womb, and a fierce weapon passes through my heart: I sing of Thy passions, I bow to Thy benevolence. Long-suffering Lord, glory to You.

At the Liturgy

Antiphon 1st, tone 2. Psalm 21:

Verse 1: O God, my God, consider me, where have you forsaken me? Through the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us. And again another face, verse 2: Far is the word of my sins from my salvation. Prayers of the Mother of God: And again 1st face, verse 3: My God, I will cry in the days and not be heard, and in the nights, and not to my madness. Prayers of the Mother of God: Also 2nd face, verse 4: You live in the holy, Praise of Israel. By the Prayers of the Mother of God: From the beginning, and now: By the Prayers of the Mother of God:

Antiphon 2, tone 2. Psalm 73:

Verse 1: Into heaven, O God, have you cast us away to the end? With us, Son of God, crucified in the flesh, singing to Ti: Alleluia. Another face, verse 2: Remember Your host, which You acquired from the beginning. From our fathers, Son of God: Verse 3: This is Mount Zion, in which you dwell. From us, Son of God: Verse 4: God our King, before the ages, wrought salvation in the midst of the earth. From us, the Son of God: From glory, and now: From the only begotten Son: [both faces together.]

Antiphon 3rd, tone 1. Psalm 98:

Verse 1: The Lord reigns, let men be angry. The same troparion: Save, O Lord, Thy people: all to the end. Another face has the same verse: The Lord reigns, let people be angry, sit on the cherubim, let the earth move. Troparion: Save, O Lord, Thy people: And again, 1st verse, verse 3: The Lord is great in Zion, and is high above all people. Troparion: Save, O Lord, Thy people: Another face, verse 4: Worship the Lord in His holy court. Troparion: Save, O Lord, Thy people:

Also, entrance. The deacon says: Wisdom, forgive. We are the entrance: Lift up the Lord our God, and worship His footstool, for He is holy. Troparion: Save, O Lord, Thy people: From lava, and now, kontakion: Ascended to the Cross by will: Instead of the Trisagion: We worship Thy Cross, O Master, and glorify Thy holy resurrection. Prokeimenon, tone 7: Lift up the Lord our God, and worship His footstool, for He is holy. Verse: The Lord reigns, let people be angry.

Apostle, conception 125. [1 Cor. 1, 18 – 24. ]

Brothers, the word about the cross is foolishness for those who are perishing, but for us who are being saved it is the power of God.

For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and destroy the understanding of the prudent.”

Where is the sage? where is the scribe? where is the questioner of this century? Has not God turned the wisdom of this world into foolishness?

For when the world through its wisdom did not know God in the wisdom of God, it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe.

For both the Jews demand miracles, and the Greeks seek wisdom;

And we preach Christ crucified, a temptation for the Jews, and madness for the Greeks,

For the called Jews and Greeks themselves, Christ, God's power and God's wisdom.

Brothers, the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved the power of God is.
For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and destroy the understanding of the prudent.
Where is the wise man? where is the scribe? where is the questioner of this century? Has not God shod the wisdom of this world?
Because in the wisdom of God, not in the understanding of the world, through the wisdom of God, God deigned to save the believers through the violence of preaching.
Even Judea is asking for a sign, and Hellenes are seeking wisdom:
We preach Christ crucified, to the Jews it is a temptation, to the Greeks it is madness,
By Christ himself, who was called Jew and Greek, God's power and God's wisdom.

Alleluia, voice 1: Remember Your host, which You acquired from the beginning. Verse: But God our King, before the ages, wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.

Gospel of John, conception 60. [John. 19, 6 – 11, 13 – 20, 25 – 28, 30 – 35.]

The chief priests and elders gathered a council against Jesus to kill Him. And they brought Him to Pilate, and said: Take, take, crucify Him! Pilate says to them: Take Him and crucify Him, for I find no guilt in Him.

The Jews answered him: We have a law, and according to our law He must die, because He made Himself the Son of God.

Pilate, when he heard this word, was more afraid,

And he entered the praetorium again and said to Jesus: Where are you from? But Jesus did not give him an answer.

Pilate says to Him: Do you not answer me? Don’t you know that I have the power to crucify You and the power to release You?

Jesus answered: You would not have any power over Me if it had not been given to you from above.

Pilate, having heard this word, brought Jesus out and sat down at the judgment seat, in a place called Liphostroton, and in Hebrew Gavvatha.

Then it was the Friday before Easter, and it was six o’clock. And Pilate said to the Jews: Behold, your King!

But they shouted: take him, take him, crucify him! Pilate says to them: Shall I crucify your king? The high priests answered: We have no king except Caesar.

Then finally he handed Him over to them to be crucified. And they took Jesus and led him away.

And, bearing His cross, He went out to a place called Skull, in Hebrew Golgotha;

There they crucified Him and with Him two others on one side and the other, and Jesus in the middle.

Pilate also wrote the inscription and placed it on the cross. It was written: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

This inscription was read by many of the Jews, because the place where Jesus was crucified was not far from the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Roman.

Standing at the cross of Jesus were His Mother, and His Mother’s sister Mary of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene.

Jesus, seeing His Mother and the disciple standing there, whom He loved, said to His Mother: Woman! Behold, Your son.

Then he says to the disciple: Behold, your Mother! And from that time on, this disciple took Her to himself.

After this Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished,

Bowing his head, he betrayed his spirit.

But since it was Friday then, the Jews, in order not to leave the bodies on the cross on Saturday, for that Saturday was a great day, asked Pilate to break their legs and take them off.

So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who was crucified with Him;

But when they came to Jesus, when they saw Him already dead, they did not break His legs,

But one of the soldiers pierced His ribs with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out.

And he who saw it bore witness, and his testimony is true.

During this time, the bishops and elders took counsel against Jesus, so that they would kill Him. And he brought Him to Pilate, saying: Take, take, crucify Him. Pilate said to them: Capture Him and crucify Him, for I find no guilt in Him.
The Jews answered him: We are imams of the law, and according to our law we must die, because we have created for ourselves the Son of God.
Whenever Pilate heard this word, he was afraid,
And the praetor came back and said Jesus: Where are you from? Jesus will not give him an answer.
Pilate said to Him: “Are you not speaking to me?” Don’t you think that the imam has the power to crucify you and the imam has the power to let you go?
Jesus answered: Have no power whatsoever upon Me, except it be given from above.
Pilate, having heard this word, brought Jesus out and sat down at the court, in place we say Liphostroton, in Hebrew Gabbatha.
It’s almost five o’clock to Pasce, and it’s almost six o’clock. And the verb Judeom: Behold your King.
They cried out: take him, take him, crucify him. Pilate said to them: Shall I crucify your king? The bishop answered: not the king’s imams, but only Caesar’s.
Then you handed Him over to them, so that He might be crucified. We eat Jesus and say:
And carrying His cross, He went out to the verb place of the Execution, which is called Golgotha ​​in Hebrew,
Where I cradled Him and with Him, two here and there, in the middle of Jesus.
Pilate wrote and laid the title on the cross. It is written: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
There is a lot of this title from the Jews, as if the place of the city was near where Jesus was crucified: and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Roman.
Standing at the cross of Jesus were His Mother and His sister Mary Kleopova and Mary Magdalene.
Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing, loved him, saying to His Mother: Woman, behold, Thy son.
Then the verb to the student: behold, your Mother. And from that hour the disciple began to drink in his own way.
Therefore, Jesus knows that everything has already been accomplished,
And bow your head, give up your spirit.
But the Jews, who have no heels, may not leave their bodies on the cross on the Sabbath, for that Sabbath day is great, praying to Pilate that their legs may be broken and lifted up.
The soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who was crucified with Him:
Having come to Jesus, as if she had already seen Him, she had already died, without breaking His legs,
But one soldier pierced His side with a copy, and out came blood and water.
And he who has seen the testimony, and truly it is his testimony.

Instead Worthy: Magnify my soul the most honorable Cross of the Lord. Thou art the Mystery, O Theotokos, the paradise that uncultivated Christ, through whom the life-giving tree of the Cross was planted on the earth, therefore now we exalt thee, worshiping him, we magnify Thee.

Participated: The light of Your face shines upon us, O Lord.

At the meal there is consolation for the brethren, from oil and wine and other vegetable foods: but we dare not touch cheese and eggs and fish.

The holiday is permanent and is always celebrated September 27 (September 14, old style). It has one day of pre-celebration (September 26) and seven days of post-celebration (from September 28 to October 4). The holiday is celebrated on October 4th. In addition, the Feast of the Exaltation is preceded by Saturday and Week (Sunday), called Saturday and the Week before the Exaltation.


Reading order according to the charter

Troparion, tone 1

Lord feed His people, and bless His inheritance, grant victory to our resisting power, and preserve His people through the Cross.

Canon, tone 8

Song 1. Irmos

Having drawn the sign of the Restoration, Moses cut off the Red Cross as Israel passed by with a rod. Turn the same on the pharaoh with the chariots, striking them together, in spite of writing an invincible weapon. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

Chorus: Hail, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross (bow).

O image of ancient times, Moses, prototyped the Most Pure Passion on yourself, standing in the sacred environment. Imagine the cross, with an outstretched hand raising up the victory, destroying the power of Amalek the all-destroyer. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. In the revival of Moses, on the pillar there is healing, deliverance from corruption, and poisonous remorse. And the tree is figurative of the Cross, tying the reptile serpent to the earth in spite of, and denouncing the evil of this. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

And now. And heaven showed victory on the cross, piety to the holder of the god-wise king: vacillation was overthrown by the hostile enemy, flattery turned, and faith stretched out with the earthly end of the divine. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

Katavasia: Protect Your servants from harm by the power of Your Honest and Merciful Cross, as we diligently resort to You, to the merciful Savior and Master of all, the Lord Jesus. (Bow). Lord have mercy (3 times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

The rod is accepted as an image of mystery, for judge the priest by the vegetation: but the previously barren church, now the tree of the Cross has flourished into power and affirmation.

Solo. I strike the waters of the edge, disobedient people and hard-hearted, manifesting the sacrament of the divinely called Church, the power and affirmation of the Cross.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. By the most pure rib, pierced by a spear, water and blood flowed out, renewing the covenant, and washing away sins. To the faithful, praise is given to the Cross, and to the king is power and affirmation.

Glory, even now. Sedalen, voice 4th. ABOUT Blessed and life-giving Cross to you, people will celebrate with nourishment. With disembodied faces, the rank of bishops sing reverently. Many monastics and fasting people worship. We all glorify Christ, who has been crucified.

Song 4. Irmos

Having heard, O Lord, Thy mystery, I understood Thy works, and glorified Thy Divinity.

Solo. Translate the bitter ones with the tree of Moses, in the desert with the ancient waters, with the cross to piety the tongue, showing the transformation.

Solo. In the depths of the mired, the Jordan tree will issue a slashing sound. With the cross and baptism, signifying the suppression of flattery.

Glory. With the sacred veneration of the four parts, the passing images of the people testify to the tabernacle, manifesting themselves with cruciform ranks.

And now. We longly stretch out the sun's rays from the Cross, and confess to the heavens the glory of our God. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

Oh, blessed tree, on it Christ the King and Lord are crucified. Having fallen by the same tree, I was deceived by you; I am nailed to the flesh of Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

Solo. You are the tree that bears fruit, on it Christ is crucified, guarding Eden, and turning the weapon is ashamed. The terrible Cherub gives way to the crucified Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. The forces of the underworld are afraid of the Cross; signs are being drawn in the air. The families of heaven and earth walk along it, bowing their knees to Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

And now. Behind the imperishable fires appeared the divine Cross. With a darkened tongue, delusion, delusion, having shone with divine light, appropriates it to the crucified Christ, who gives peace to our souls. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

In one of the beasts in the womb, Jonah spread his hand crosswise, depicting the saved passion more clearly. Thus, after three days, the world resurrection was registered, Christ God was nailed to the flesh. And with a three-day resurrection, enlightening the world.

Solo. Bow down with veneration, and aggravated by illness, be corrected, Jacob lay down his hand, the action of the life-giver of the Cross. By the promise of the lawful wall scripture, God again wrote on it, nailing it to the flesh, and drove away the choking illness of flattery.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Lay the hands of the divine Israel on the young ones, showing their heads in the shape of a cross, like the elders of the Word, law-serving people, and I will be seduced by this. Unchangeable and life-giving Image. People will surpass Christ God. The new affirmation is protected by the Cross.

And now. (Repeat the verse). Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 4. IN ascended to the Cross by will, to the same-named Ti now living, grant Thy bounty, O Christ God. With Your power you have rejoiced our power, giving it victories to match, giving your weapons to the world, an invincible victory.

Ikos. And until the third heaven he was caught up into Paradise, and having heard divine and ineffable conversations, it is not proper for human tongues to speak them. What the Galatian writes as a zealot for scripture, readability and reason. Don’t tell me to boast only about the Cross of the Lord, having suffered on it, kill your passions. We know that we also adhere to this, the Cross of the Lord is the praise of all. For we have this tree of salvation, a weapon for the world, an invincible victory.

Song 7. Irmos

The evil commandment of the tormentor is foolish, shaken by people, breathing reproach and blasphemy of God. However, the three youths were not tempted by beastly rage or consumed by fire. But I breathe a cold spirit, I breathe with the fire of existence, blessed be our father, God.

Solo. From the tree of the first taste in mankind, it entered into corruption: by the falling away of the belly, having been condemned by dishonor, certain people were corrupted by the whole race, as if the disease had caused harm. But having found on earth the proclamation, the tree of the cross, we call: blessed are you and our father, God.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Destroy the commandment of God and disobey, and the tree will bring death to the earth. It’s not a good time to be involved. In affirmation of the most honest, henceforth the animal tree forbids, who opened the fire to the thief who died, prudently crying out, blessed be our Father, God be blessed.

And now. The rod touches the edge of Joseph, who are in vain Israel, the kingdom of sovereignty. For the glorious Cross will succeed in showing. For this is victorious praise for the king, and light for those who call by faith, blessed be our father, God. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

Bless the children, the Trinity of equal numbers, the Creator of the Father God. Sing the Word that came down, and turn the fire into dew. And exalt to all the life-giver, the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Solo. In the erection of the tree, sprinkled with the blood of the incarnate Word of God, sing to the heavenly powers, and people celebrating the earthly exaltation, worship the Cross of Christ, through whom is the resurrection of the world forever.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. The earthly hand is the guardian of the grace of the Cross, and Christ God stands on it. Raise a sacred copy, God's words the body is perforated. Let the pagans all see the salvation of God, glorifying Him forever.

And now. Rejoice in the divine judgment of election, glory in the faithful kings of Christianity, you have received the victorious weapon from God, the Honest Cross. Because of this, the tribes of war and insolence, possessed, are scattered forever. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

Thou art the Paradise of the Mother of God, having grown Christ uncultivated, by whom the tree of the cross and life-giving tree was quickly planted on earth. Thus now we exalt, worshiping him, we magnify You. (Bow).

Chorus with bow: C lava Lord to Your Honest Cross.

Let all the oak trees rejoice, being sanctified by their nature. From him it was first planted, I prostrate myself on the tree for Christ. Thus we now exalt the one who worships him and magnify Thee. (Bow).

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. From the sacred east is the horn, and the head of all the godly, the Cross, with which all the roses of sinners are mentally erased. Thus now we exalt, worshiping him, we magnify You. (Bow).

And now. (Repeat the verse). Confusion.

Worshiper: Mystery is the Mother of God Paradise, having grown Christ uncultivated, by whom the tree of the cross and life-giving tree was quickly planted on the earth. Thus now we exalt, worshiping him, we magnify You. (Bow to the ground).

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, and all the saints, have mercy, and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. A min.

Prayers to the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. We recommend reading on the Exaltation on September 27 or after.
4 prayers, troparion, kontakion, magnification, honor - irmos 9 songs.

First prayer

Be an honorable cross, guardian of soul and body: in your image, casting down demons, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving us reverence, life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the honest prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God. Amen.

Second prayer

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His face; As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God, and those who sign the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell, and trampled down the power of the devil, and gave us to you, your honorable cross, to drive away every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, help me with the holy Lady the Virgin Mary, and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Prayer three

Most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! In ancient times you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now you are a sign of our salvation, ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, the unworthy, sing to You and how dare I bend the knees of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and ineffable love for mankind of the humble Boldness crucified upon you gives me, so that I may open my mouth to glorify You; For this reason I cry to Ti: Rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ is the beauty and foundation, the whole universe is the affirmation, all Christians are the hope, kings are the power, the faithful are refuge, Angels are glory and praise, demons are fear, destruction and driving away, the wicked and infidels - shame, the righteous - pleasure, the burdened - weakness, the overwhelmed - refuge, the lost - a mentor, those possessed by passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, the floating - the helmsman, the weak - strength, in battle - victory and conquest, the orphans - faithful protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - a doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, typified by the miracle-working rod of Moses, are a life-giving source, watering those thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are the bed on which the Risen Conqueror of Hell rested royally for three days. For this reason, morning, evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has been crucified on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of more perfect love and all my deeds and paths, mine through Thee. will overshadow, so that I may magnify Him who is Nailed to You, for my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen.

Prayer four

Before the wondrous miraculous power, the Four-pointed and Tripartite Cross of Christ, spread out in the dust at your foot, I bow to you, Honest Tree, driving away all demonic shooting from me and freeing me from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes. You are the Tree of Life. You are the purification of the air, the illumination of the holy temple, the fencing of my home, the guarding of my bed, the enlightenment of my mind, heart and all my feelings. Your holy sign has protected me from the day of my birth, enlightened me from the day of my baptism; it is with me and on me all the days of my life: both on dry land and on the waters. It will accompany me to the grave, and will overshadow my ashes. It, the holy sign of the miraculous Cross of the Lord, will announce to the whole universe about the hour of the general resurrection of the dead and the last Terrible and Righteous Judgment of God. About the All-Honorable Cross! With your overshadowing, enlighten, teach and bless me, unworthy, always undoubtedly believing in Your invincible Power, protect me from every adversary and heal all my mental and physical ailments. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, have mercy and save me, a sinner, from now and forever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 1

Save, O Lord, Thy people /
and bless Your inheritance, /
victory by an Orthodox Christian against the resistance, granting /
and preserving Your residence by Your Cross. Save, O Lord, Your people / and bless Your inheritance, / granting victories to the faithful over their enemies / and preserving Your people through Your Cross.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having ascended to the Cross by will, / grant to Your namesake new residence, / grant Your bounty, O Christ God, / Your faithful people rejoiced in Your power, / giving us victories as counterparts, / an aid to those who have Your weapon of peace, / an invincible victory. Ascended to the Cross voluntarily, / to the new people named after You, / grant Your mercies, O Christ God; / made your faithful people glad with your power, / giving us victories over our enemies, / who have from you, / weapons of peace, invincible victory.


We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, and honor Your Holy Cross, through which You saved us from the work of the enemy.


Magnify, my soul, the most honorable Cross of the Lord.

Irmos of the 9th song

You are the Mystery, O Mother of God, a paradise, / who increased Christ uncultivated, / through whom the life-giving cross was planted on the earth. / By now we exalt, / worshiping Him, we magnify You. You, Mother of God, are a mysterious paradise, / who uncultivated Christ, / by whom the life-giving tree of the Cross was planted on earth; / therefore now, at the erection of it, / worshiping Him, we magnify You.

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The holiday is permanent and is always celebrated September 27 (September 14, old style). It has one day of pre-celebration (September 26) and seven days of post-celebration (from September 28 to October 4). The holiday is celebrated on October 4th. In addition, the Feast of the Exaltation is preceded by Saturday and Week (Sunday), called Saturday and the Week before the Exaltation.


Reading order according to the charter

Troparion, tone 1

Lord feed His people, and bless His inheritance, grant victory to our resisting power, and preserve His people through the Cross.

Canon, tone 8

Song 1. Irmos

Having drawn the sign of the Restoration, Moses cut off the Red Cross as Israel passed by with a rod. Turn the same on the pharaoh with the chariots, striking them together, in spite of writing an invincible weapon. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

Chorus: Hail, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross (bow).

O image of ancient times, Moses, prototyped the Most Pure Passion on yourself, standing in the sacred environment. Imagine the cross, with an outstretched hand raising up the victory, destroying the power of Amalek the all-destroyer. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. In the revival of Moses, on the pillar there is healing, deliverance from corruption, and poisonous remorse. And the tree is figurative of the Cross, tying the reptile serpent to the earth in spite of, and denouncing the evil of this. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

And now. And heaven showed victory on the cross, piety to the holder of the god-wise king: vacillation was overthrown by the hostile enemy, flattery turned, and faith stretched out with the earthly end of the divine. By this we sing to Christ our God, for we are glorified.

Katavasia: Protect Your servants from harm by the power of Your Honest and Merciful Cross, as we diligently resort to You, to the merciful Savior and Master of all, the Lord Jesus. (Bow). Lord have mercy (3 times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

The rod is accepted as an image of mystery, for judge the priest by the vegetation: but the previously barren church, now the tree of the Cross has flourished into power and affirmation.

Solo. I strike the waters of the edge, disobedient people and hard-hearted, manifesting the sacrament of the divinely called Church, the power and affirmation of the Cross.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. By the most pure rib, pierced by a spear, water and blood flowed out, renewing the covenant, and washing away sins. To the faithful, praise is given to the Cross, and to the king is power and affirmation.

Glory, even now. Sedalen, voice 4th. ABOUT Blessed and life-giving Cross to you, people will celebrate with nourishment. With disembodied faces, the rank of bishops sing reverently. Many monastics and fasting people worship. We all glorify Christ, who has been crucified.

Song 4. Irmos

Having heard, O Lord, Thy mystery, I understood Thy works, and glorified Thy Divinity.

Solo. Translate the bitter ones with the tree of Moses, in the desert with the ancient waters, with the cross to piety the tongue, showing the transformation.

Solo. In the depths of the mired, the Jordan tree will issue a slashing sound. With the cross and baptism, signifying the suppression of flattery.

Glory. With the sacred veneration of the four parts, the passing images of the people testify to the tabernacle, manifesting themselves with cruciform ranks.

And now. We longly stretch out the sun's rays from the Cross, and confess to the heavens the glory of our God. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

Oh, blessed tree, on it Christ the King and Lord are crucified. Having fallen by the same tree, I was deceived by you; I am nailed to the flesh of Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

Solo. You are the tree that bears fruit, on it Christ is crucified, guarding Eden, and turning the weapon is ashamed. The terrible Cherub gives way to the crucified Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. The forces of the underworld are afraid of the Cross; signs are being drawn in the air. The families of heaven and earth walk along it, bowing their knees to Christ, who gives peace to our souls.

And now. Behind the imperishable fires appeared the divine Cross. With a darkened tongue, delusion, delusion, having shone with divine light, appropriates it to the crucified Christ, who gives peace to our souls. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

In one of the beasts in the womb, Jonah spread his hand crosswise, depicting the saved passion more clearly. Thus, after three days, the world resurrection was registered, Christ God was nailed to the flesh. And with a three-day resurrection, enlightening the world.

Solo. Bow down with veneration, and aggravated by illness, be corrected, Jacob lay down his hand, the action of the life-giver of the Cross. By the promise of the lawful wall scripture, God again wrote on it, nailing it to the flesh, and drove away the choking illness of flattery.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Lay the hands of the divine Israel on the young ones, showing their heads in the shape of a cross, like the elders of the Word, law-serving people, and I will be seduced by this. Unchangeable and life-giving Image. People will surpass Christ God. The new affirmation is protected by the Cross.

And now. (Repeat the verse). Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 4. IN ascended to the Cross by will, to the same-named Ti now living, grant Thy bounty, O Christ God. With Your power you have rejoiced our power, giving it victories to match, giving your weapons to the world, an invincible victory.

Ikos. And until the third heaven he was caught up into Paradise, and having heard divine and ineffable conversations, it is not proper for human tongues to speak them. What the Galatian writes as a zealot for scripture, readability and reason. Don’t tell me to boast only about the Cross of the Lord, having suffered on it, kill your passions. We know that we also adhere to this, the Cross of the Lord is the praise of all. For we have this tree of salvation, a weapon for the world, an invincible victory.

Song 7. Irmos

The evil commandment of the tormentor is foolish, shaken by people, breathing reproach and blasphemy of God. However, the three youths were not tempted by beastly rage or consumed by fire. But I breathe a cold spirit, I breathe with the fire of existence, blessed be our father, God.

Solo. From the tree of the first taste in mankind, it entered into corruption: by the falling away of the belly, having been condemned by dishonor, certain people were corrupted by the whole race, as if the disease had caused harm. But having found on earth the proclamation, the tree of the cross, we call: blessed are you and our father, God.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Destroy the commandment of God and disobey, and the tree will bring death to the earth. It’s not a good time to be involved. In affirmation of the most honest, henceforth the animal tree forbids, who opened the fire to the thief who died, prudently crying out, blessed be our Father, God be blessed.

And now. The rod touches the edge of Joseph, who are in vain Israel, the kingdom of sovereignty. For the glorious Cross will succeed in showing. For this is victorious praise for the king, and light for those who call by faith, blessed be our father, God. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

Bless the children, the Trinity of equal numbers, the Creator of the Father God. Sing the Word that came down, and turn the fire into dew. And exalt to all the life-giver, the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Solo. In the erection of the tree, sprinkled with the blood of the incarnate Word of God, sing to the heavenly powers, and people celebrating the earthly exaltation, worship the Cross of Christ, through whom is the resurrection of the world forever.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. The earthly hand is the guardian of the grace of the Cross, and Christ God stands on it. Raise up a sacred copy, the body of God’s words perforated. Let the pagans all see the salvation of God, glorifying Him forever.

And now. Rejoice in the divine judgment of election, glory in the faithful kings of Christianity, you have received the victorious weapon from God, the Honest Cross. Because of this, the tribes of war and insolence, possessed, are scattered forever. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

Thou art the Paradise of the Mother of God, having grown Christ uncultivated, by whom the tree of the cross and life-giving tree was quickly planted on earth. Thus now we exalt, worshiping him, we magnify You. (Bow).

Chorus with bow: C lava Lord to Your Honest Cross.

Let all the oak trees rejoice, being sanctified by their nature. From him it was first planted, I prostrate myself on the tree for Christ. Thus we now exalt the one who worships him and magnify Thee. (Bow).

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. From the sacred east is the horn, and the head of all the godly, the Cross, with which all the roses of sinners are mentally erased. Thus now we exalt, worshiping him, we magnify You. (Bow).

And now. (Repeat the verse). Confusion.

Worshiper: Mystery is the Mother of God Paradise, having grown Christ uncultivated, by whom the tree of the cross and life-giving tree was quickly planted on the earth. Thus now we exalt, worshiping him, we magnify You. (Bow to the ground).

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, and all the saints, have mercy, and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. A min.


1. Having drawn the Cross, Moses directly cut off Israel walking with the Red Rod, also striking back at Pharaoh’s chariots in spite of them, writing an invincible weapon. By this we sing to Christ our God, for he is glorified.

Translation: Moses drew a cross on the Red Sea: striking straight with his rod, he divided the sea for Israel on foot, and striking across, he again united the waters above Pharaoh’s chariots and thereby fully depicted an invincible weapon (the cross). Therefore let us sing praises to Christ our God, for He is glorified.

3. The rod is accepted as an image of the mystery, because by vegetation it prejudges the priest: but the previously barren Church, now the tree of the cross has blossomed into power and affirmation.

Translation: The rod (of Aaron) is taken to depict the mystery, for by its prosperity it foretells in Aaron the priest chosen by God; and in the Church, previously barren, the tree of the cross has now blossomed for its strength and confirmation.

4. I heard, O Lord, the sight of Your mystery, I understood Your works and glorified Your Divinity.

Translation: I heard the mystery of Your economy, O Lord, I understood Your works and glorified Your Divinity.

5. Oh, blessed tree, on which Christ, the King and Lord, was crucified, on which the deceiving tree fell, having been deceived by you, nailed to God by the flesh, who gives peace to our souls.

Translation: Oh, blessed are you, the tree on which Christ, the King and Lord, was crucified, through which he who deceived (Eve) fell with the tree, being himself caught by the God nailed to your flesh, who gives peace to our souls.

6. Jonah stretched out his hands like a cross in the womb of the water beast, symbolizing the saving passion in reality; Thus, the three days passed, the worldly resurrection was registered in the flesh of the nailed Christ of God, and the world was enlightened by the three days of resurrection.

Translation: Jonah, spreading his arms crosswise in the womb of the sea beast, clearly represented the saving suffering (of Christ); and having left there after three days, he prefigured the supernatural resurrection of Christ God, nailed to the flesh and enlightening the world with a three-day resurrection.

7. People were shaken by the insane command of the evil tormentor, breathing reproach and godless blasphemy; Moreover, the three youths did not frighten the brutal fury, nor the consuming fire, but the counter-breathing dew-bearing spirit, with the fire that exists in the waist: revered God of the fathers and us, blessed art thou.

Translation: The insane command of the wicked ruler, breathing threat and vile blasphemy, confused the people; however, the three youths were not frightened by either brutal wrath or destructive fire, but, being in the midst of the flames, against which the dew-bearing spirit blew, they sang: Blessed are You, glorified of the fathers and our God.

8. Bless, O fathers, the Trinity of equal number, the Creator of the Father God, sing the Word that descended and turned fire into dew, and exalt to all the life of the giving Spirit of the All-Holy for ever.

Translation: Youths equal to the Trinity! Bless God the Creator Father, sing the Word that descended and turned fire into dew, and exalt the All-Holy Spirit who gives life to all forever.