How to draw a robot for little ones. How to draw a robot with a pencil. How to draw a robot step by step

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing mountains for young children using this lesson, but if you have great desire- then you can try it. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw mountains we may need:

  • Paper. It's better to take medium grain special paper: It will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this one.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are quite difficult to draw. That is, drawing them is not difficult, but achieving realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original to get the most accurate copy of what you are about to draw. In the Yandex image search, just search for “mountains in the photo” to get a large number of the required material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that each item, each Living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one. We will sketch out the contours of the hills with curved lines, and with one long horizontal line we will divide the sheet in half, creating a horizon.

Step two. We detail all the ascents and descents, large rock transitions and connections of each mountain.

Step three. Let's draw the clouds, making the lines of the tops more noticeable and thicker. Let's add shadows using shading.

Step four. Now let's get down to shading. Let's fade out every descent, shade those closed from the terrain, straighten out the clouds.

This is roughly how it should work. How do you like this? Write your comments what you think about this drawing and show your work.

Now you know how to draw mountains and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons social networks It's not just like that =)

At the request of Ilya Koshcheev and other readers, today we will touch on the topic of hills and mountainous areas. In this lesson we will learn how to draw mountains using only a simple pencil. Imagine two huge cars moving towards each other at the speed of a mad rabbit. At the climax of their passionate kiss, they squeeze together until a mountain of metal rises between them. In the same way, there are slabs underground that travel on their own until they meet a companion - this is how mountains appear. What you can find on high mountains:

  • Avalanches. It appears especially often if you are very noisy. The mountains are fraught with a lot of dangers that cannot be compared with any 5D cinema.
  • Yeti. It is considered especially lucky to meet a hairy caveman. You will talk about this every day, and no one will believe you anyway, because even if you take a photo of him, it will come out, as always, a blurry photo.
  • Gold minerals. The Highlands have been explored a little more than Justin Bieber's testosterone levels, and there are a lot of things that haven't been revealed yet. For example, in a forgotten cave with man-eating bear a flock of sleeping flying rodents may be lucky enough to dig up nuggets or a gold mine.

Let's draw beautiful landscape.

How to draw mountains with a pencil step by step

Step one. We will sketch out the contours of the hills with curved lines, and with one long horizontal line we will divide the sheet in half, creating a horizon.
Step two. We detail all the ascents and descents, large rock transitions and connections of each mountain.
Step three. Let's draw the clouds, making the lines of the tops more noticeable and thicker. Let's add shadows using shading.
Step four. Now let's get down to shading. Let's extinguish every descent, shade areas hidden from the sun, correct the clouds.
This is roughly how it should work. How do you like this landscape? Write your comments what you think about this drawing and show your work. Looking for more interesting and beautiful landscapes? I can offer you a few.

Drawing nature, so different and changeable, is not easy. The article will help to depict with a simple pencil winter, summer, seascapes.

Many people love to be in nature, admire it, and be charged with its energy. To ensure that positive emotions from communicating with nature last longer, you can try learning to draw landscapes - images of nature. To do this, you need to master the initial skills, and then you can diversify your drawings, because nature itself is so diverse!

How to draw a beautiful landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners?

First you need to decide what will be depicted in the landscape. You can draw:

  • seashore, river or ocean
  • ravine
  • lonely tree
  • road going into the distance
  • exotic island with palm trees
  • nature in different times of the year

This is how you can draw it pond surrounded by trees:

  1. It is best to start by separating the horizon line, this will make it easier to distribute objects in the drawing.
  2. The pond is outlined with uneven, winding lines.
  3. Around the pond, lines are marked where several trees will be located. In the pond itself, you can mark with circles what will later turn into floating ducks.
  4. We “strengthen” the banks of the pond by drawing parallel lines to the original ones.
  5. In the foreground, grass like reeds is drawn, and the trees are detailed. Let them have trunks different widths and heights, in some places the trunks will be broken or uneven.
  6. The stage of detailing has begun: ducks are drawn, a slight swell is drawn on the water, the grass should be thicker, as well as the branches on the trees.
  7. Let the clouds be visible in the background.
  8. The last stage will be shading and shading.
Pencil pond: stage 1.

Pencil pond: stage 2.

Pencil pond: stage 3.

Pencil pond: stage 4.

Landscape in pencil: pond.

A river crossing a forest.

  1. As always, the drawing begins with defining the horizon line. Vertically according to the drawing, accordingly, you need to draw the winding lines of the river banks.
  2. According to the idea, the river will be surrounded by a forest, that is, trunks of different volumes and heights are drawn. And, before drawing the trunks, you should take into account that they are located on a hill in relation to the river.
  3. We add tree crowns so that they create a dense forest cover; we strengthen the banks of the river, shade the trunks.
  4. It is more interesting to draw a river with rapids. With the help of shading, a current appears on the river.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 1.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 2.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 3.

Landscape with a river in pencil.

Mountain Lake

  1. A sketch of the lake and the surrounding mountains and hills is made.
  2. Between the lines of the lake and the lines of the mountains a strip is left on which you can place vegetation or a couple of small houses.
  3. Fuzzy outlines of vegetation and houses reflected in the water are made.
  4. With the help of denser shading, mountains and hills stand out, while on the surface of a lake, let the shading be barely noticeable.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 1.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 2.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 3.

Landscape with a mountain lake.

Island in the ocean.

Many people dream of visiting such an island in the ocean, which they saw in pictures - immense blue water around, yellow sand on land in the middle of it, palm trees creating shadow. For now we are trying to draw such a landscape with a pencil.

  1. The horizon line will cross the sheet almost in half. In the middle we will mark the place of the island; for now it will look like a pancake or flatbread.
  2. Clouds are indicated above the island. You can draw wavy clouds.
  3. There will be palm tree trunks on the island. Palm trees can be drawn densely, or just three or five, as desired.
  4. You need to draw grass under the palm trees.
  5. Now you can move on to the water surface. It is better to draw it with elongated lines of different lengths.

Island in the ocean: stage 1.

Island in the ocean: stage 2.

Island in the ocean: stage 3.

Island in the ocean.

Lonely sailboat at sunset

It’s not difficult to draw the surface of the sea and the setting sun, and a sailboat too, and the landscape will turn out beautiful.

  1. The horizon line is drawn first of all; the contours of the sailboat are indicated on it, because it is sailing somewhere in the distance.
  2. The sailboat looks like a triangle, but it is better to shade the sails.
  3. The circle of the sun close to the horizon will mean that the sun is about to set.
  4. The final touch is to make the water come alive by drawing small waves.

IMPORTANT: The sailboat must be reflected in the water!

Sunset: stage 1.

Sunset: stage 2.

Sunset: stage 3.

Landscape with sunset.

VIDEO: How to draw a landscape with trees with a pencil?

How to draw a summer nature landscape with a pencil step by step?

If you want to draw a summer landscape, then those described above may well be suitable. And, as an option, you can suggest drawing a landscape with summer house and a garden, where many people go in the summer to relax or work in the garden.

  1. The horizon line is indicated, above it the sun and clouds.
  2. In the foreground, on one side of the sheet, we will place the trunks of future trees, and on the other, a house.
  3. The house is drawn from two rectangles, and a roof is placed on top.
  4. From the schematically indicated elements of the drawing, you can now move on to detailing. The crowns of the trees need to be made lush, because it’s summer. On the house you can draw a pipe on the roof, a door, windows, including an attic window. At the same time, all unnecessary lines are slowly erased so that they do not distract from the main picture.
  5. A fence is drawn from the house, and grass is made under it with strokes. You can also draw simple flowers.
  6. Finally, you can draw a path to the house and some other details that will be nice to depict.

Summer landscape: stage 1.

Summer landscape: stage 2.

Summer landscape: stage 3.

Summer landscape: stage 4.

Summer landscape: stage 5.

Summer landscape: stage 6.

Summer landscape: stage 7.

Summer landscape: stage 8.

Summer landscape: stage 9.

Summer landscape.

How to draw a winter nature landscape with a pencil step by step?

The easiest way for beginners to draw is winter and snow on the hills. This can be done with smooth, uncomplicated lines.

  1. Since winter is often associated with the New Year, and New Year with Christmas trees, let there be Christmas trees against the backdrop of snow-covered hills. Moreover, drawing them is not difficult for beginners.
  2. You can draw several clouds over the hills.
  3. The detailing stage includes drawing Christmas trees and strokes on the snow, indicating its fragility and uneven surface.

Winter landscape: stage 1.

Winter landscape: stage 2.

Winter landscape: stage 3.

Winter landscape: stage 4.

Winter landscape.

VIDEO: Drawing a winter landscape with a pencil

How to paint a natural landscape with paints step by step?

It is more difficult to draw with paints than with a pencil, but nothing is impossible.

  1. Using blue watercolor paint we will paint the sky. Let's draw lines down from the sky using the same blue paint, this will be a river.
  2. Our clouds will be purple or crimson, and the hills will be yellow. Yellow It is worth drawing the foreground of the picture.
  3. Already appears interesting combination colors, which can often be observed in nature. Let's diversify it by adding Orange color on the banks of the river and slightly shading the sky.
  4. You can draw several circles on the river, creating the effect that the water is playing. Also, with the help of additional layers of paint, you can highlight the surface yellow color in the foreground.
  5. If desired, you can add trees to the landscape using green spheres and brown trunks. In addition, trees can be made directly with fruit.

Landscape with paints: stage 1. Picture to draw: park.

VIDEO: Sea p landscape Pencil drawing