How does the moon affect? How the Moon influences a woman. How to protect yourself from the negative impact of this planet and use its power for your benefit

It has already disappeared, but a new one is about to appear. Usually it is impossible to see it in this phase. It is located in relation to the Earth in such a way that people cannot see the surface of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. A new moon is comparable to a solar eclipse, only it happens more often and is less spectacular. You can see the young Moon only after a certain time after its birth.

After a certain time of the new moon, the western part of the sky is illuminated by a thin ray of light from, which marks her birth.

Interesting fact! After the birth of the new Moon, 18.5 years must pass before the Sun and the Earth's satellite are again in the same zodiac sign and degree. This is called the Saros cycle.

The effect of the new moon on the human body

The birth of a new moon has an extremely negative effect on the human body. During this period, under the influence of the satellite, a person:

  • Increased irritability to the outside world;
  • Heart ailments worsen;
  • Attacks of aggression are possible;
  • An inexplicable apathy towards business arises;
  • Any business started during this period will fail;
  • Immunity decreases.

Many scientific tests and experiments have shown that the New Moon period is extremely unfavorable for humans, especially for men. The strong half of humanity is experiencing this cycle especially hard. Men may not recognize themselves because they have a strange feeling of indifference to everything that happens. If you ask your spouse or boyfriend to do some household chores or other things at this moment, you will most likely face a refusal.

It is highly not recommended to engage in heavy physical work during the New Moon, because it is fraught with injury, especially when it comes to sports activities. Most heart attacks, conflicts and aggressive outbursts were recorded by scientists precisely during the appearance of the new Moon. A man can fall into depression, the severity of which is determined by the will and fortitude of the strong half of humanity - the strong in spirit endure it more easily, and the weak much worse.

Emotional background in the New Moon

The human psyche suffers during the appearance of the young moon. Apathy and hot temper are not the only things that people can expect at this time. Some, feeling an incomprehensible melancholy, may become depressed. On the New Moon, a person’s self-esteem is low - it does not want to increase, no matter what you do.
There is no need to worry, because these phenomena are normal, and psychologists recommend:

  1. Accept and realize - thanks to this you can ease your state of mind, maintain composure and not drive yourself into even greater depression;
  2. Understand that this will soon pass - after any recession there is always a rapid rise, and mood is no exception.

It is enough to make these two adjustments to your thinking, and the New Moon period will seem less painful to you.

Cleansing the body

Cleansing procedures will help you survive the adverse effects of the moon on the body. During the birth of the new moon, it is recommended:

  • Eat more fruits in your diet, especially those that contain more sugar.
  • The new moon is a great time to get rid of bad habits and start a healthy lifestyle.
  • Truck drivers or people who have planned long journeys are better off abandoning the idea, but in the case when it is not possible to travel with breaks along the way.


It will not be possible to avoid the effects of the New Moon on the human body, but it will be possible to reduce the adverse effects. And now you know how to do it.

The waning moon is a special period that can be used to your advantage. How a person reacts to this lunar phase and what is best to do during this period, you will learn from our article.

Our ancestors also noticed that the Moon influences all processes on our planet. Gardeners use the lunar calendar, since the harvest depends on the phase in which our natural satellite is located. The gardener's lunar calendar helps them with this. The water in the oceans and seas of the Earth also depends on the Moon: it literally controls the ebb and flow of the tides. It also affects the condition of people. The waning moon turns out to be one of the calmest phases, and the reasons for this are known. They lie in the state of human energy during this period of the month.

How does the waning moon affect human energy?

Observations by astrologers show that during the waning of the Moon, human energy is gradually depleted and decreases to its lowest level by the New Moon. In nature, for example, the smallest tides are also observed. It would seem that this time should be unfavorable if a person gradually wastes his strength. But in fact, the period of the waning moon is complicated because it also carries positive aspects.

The waning moon is the best time to cleanse, not only your body, but also your spirit. During this period, it is best to analyze your own actions and work on yourself. Rituals for cleansing from magical influences, for example, spells or damage, work well. Esotericists highly recommend carrying out a general cleaning of the home during this period: this also helps to get rid of evil spirits in the house and has a positive effect on a person’s energy. Indeed, in this case, the impact of negative energy on people is reduced.

Human health and the waning moon

The waning phase of the moon also affects human health. First of all, as energy levels decrease, a person becomes more vulnerable to diseases. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated, as it can very easily wear out the body. On the other hand, this time is suitable for all kinds of surgical operations, since less blood will be lost and the body will experience less stress. Moreover, after, when the growth phase of the Moon begins, wounds heal faster.

During this period, you can simply and easily get rid of bad habits. It has also been noticed that hair and nails grow more slowly if they are cut during the waning moon. You can choose the right day for a manicure or get a successful haircut thanks to the lunar calendar. In general, the following rule applies: the more economically you spend your energy, the better.

The emotional state of a person during the waning moon

People become calmer, which helps avoid conflicts. Emotions are quite stable, and there are no strong mood swings. Usually, during the waning phase of the Moon, people become more immersed in themselves, analyzing situations that concern them, and are in search of answers to questions that are important to them. Emotionality may decrease significantly, but this does not mean that a person becomes callous and unresponsive. He just begins to worry more inside himself.

Astrologers recommend engaging in self-knowledge during this period and, if necessary, increasing self-esteem. Often during this period there is a desire to be alone with oneself, and this desire should be succumbed to. It is easy to restore contact within the family, so use the periods of the waning moon to establish communication with your children.

Also, during the waning moon, money rituals are performed, which really help maintain wealth. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.07.2016 03:08

Human energy can be in different states, but any of them affects health and...

A new moon is a lunar phase in which the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun in its monthly orbit around the Earth. At the same time, the dark, unlit part of the Moon faces exactly the Earth, therefore during this period of time the Moon is not visible to an observer on Earth during the new moon; it is located on the astrological chart in conjunction with the Sun.

In astronomical terms, the new moon is sometimes called the “dark moon.” In the Vedic tradition of timekeeping and astrology, new moon is the beginning of the lunar month.
When the Moon is full or new, the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun combines. The gravitational force of the Moon acts on the Earth on other days, but it is strongest on the days of the full moon and new moon and has a particularly strong effect on the human body.

The effect of the new moon on the human body

The birth of a new moon has an extremely negative effect on the human body. If the Full Moon has a greater negative effect on a person’s physical condition, then the New Moon has a greater negative effect on the mind.
During this period, under the influence of the Moon in humans:

  • Increased irritability to the outside world
  • Heart ailments are getting worse
  • Possible attacks of aggression
  • There is an inexplicable apathy towards business
  • Any business started during this period will fail
  • Immunity decreases

During the new moon, the body is at the very bottom of its decline in vital activity, the immune system is weakest, the activity of the nervous system is disorganized, and the likelihood of mistakes and incorrect behavior increases, especially for men.

The effect of the new moon on men

The strong half of humanity is experiencing this cycle especially hard. Men may not recognize themselves because they have a strange feeling of indifference to everything that happens. During the new moon and over the next few days, cerebral hemorrhages, heart attacks, and epileptic attacks occur more often. Therefore, it is important at this time not to be overloaded with negative emotions and not to become physically overtired. When the new moon influences a person, men are mentally tense, aggressive, nervous and uncommunicative.

The influence of the new moon on women

The moon is considered the personification of the feminine principle, so women also feel the effects of the new moon strongly. If a woman lives in unison with biorhythms and no stress or depression disturbs her emotional peace, then the hormonal and lunar phases are in harmony. This has a good effect on brain function, blood condition, digestion, activity in a woman’s sexual life and her reproductive function.

Emotional background in the New Moon

The new moon by its nature has a very strong emotional background, and quite negative. The new moon has a very detrimental effect on people who are prone to depression and various mental disorders. But on the physical level, everything is not very calm either. People who have problems with the cardiovascular system should be especially careful, because fluid pressure in the body decreases significantly. Doctors say that during the new moon, the largest number of patients with strokes and heart attacks, namely the stronger half of humanity, arrive.

On the New Moon, a person’s self-esteem is stable - it consistently does not want to increase, no matter what you do. There is no need to worry, because these phenomena are normal, and psychologists recommend:

  • Accept and realize - thanks to this you can ease your state of mind, maintain composure and not drive yourself into even greater depression
  • Understand that this will soon pass - after any recession there is always a rapid rise, and mood is no exception

It is best to engage in planning, or continue a previously started action. The process of assembling and analyzing the information received is likely to produce more benefits.
The New Moon phase is important because it is then that the formation of mental attitudes, basic principles of action and existence in the world, in general, occurs.

How to improve your health during the new moon

During the New Moon period, in principle, many diseases can be avoided, since a special force acts on people, which in itself cleanses the body. At this time, the body seemed to be freed from the burden accumulated in the previous lunar month. He is ready to start a new life. Help him with this: carry out cleansing activities, go on a diet. If on this day you fast or have a fasting day, then you prevent many diseases, because the body’s readiness to rid itself of toxins is greatest on this day.
This time is ideal for quitting smoking or getting rid of other bad habits.
New moon is the time of lowest energy levels. Yogis recommend drinking water with lemon all day and not eating.

It is known that in our Solar system the only source of its own light is the Sun. All other celestial bodies in our system are powered by solar energy, remaining in their position around the Sun and reflecting its light. The satellite of our Earth, the Moon, directing the light of the Sun towards our planet, is a kind of mirror for the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth and its specific position relative to the Sun are usually divided into four phases of the Moon.

There are four main phases of the lunar month:

  • (1 - moon phase)
  • (2 - moon phase)
  • (3 - moon phase)
  • (4 - moon phase)

Being in its movement around the Earth in the shadow of our planet, it reflects sunlight from one or the other half of the disk. On an energetic level, the Moon phases represent different types of transmission of solar energy that affect all species and forms of life on our planet.
Each phase of the lunar cycle affects everything on earth in its own way, which is associated, first of all, with the degree of distance of the Moon from the Sun. Dramatic changes occur twice a month: when the lunar crescent either grows until it turns into a full disk, or decreases until it disappears completely. Not only our general well-being, but also the nature of various life situations depends on the influence of the moon phase.

The waxing phase of the Moon is the period that runs from the new moon to the full moon.

The waning phase of the moon is the period following the full moon.


During this time, we react more emotionally to situations and phenomena in the world around us. During this period, energy accumulates, and therefore any kind of planning is favorable. From the new moon to the full moon it is good to start new things, make important decisions, conduct important negotiations, etc.


On the contrary, emotions are inhibited, we have reduced sensitivity and receptivity. At this time, it is favorable to properly spend accumulated energy, and therefore it is good to continue what you started, to complete things. Both phases of the waxing and waning moon are further divided into two parts, with each of the four periods lasting about a week.
Features of each phase of the moon separately:


- this is a phase period during which the moon is not visible at all in the sky due to the fact that it is in line with the Earth and the Sun. At this time, the moon “shows” us its dark side, which is not illuminated by the Sun. The new moon can affect a person for several days. During this period, a person feels depressed, exhausted, and is often accompanied by headaches. At the same time, fluid removal from the body and metabolism accelerates. During the new moon, many people experience mental disorders, phobias and manias appear. It is very undesirable at this time to start developing something new and meeting suspicious people.

When the phases of the moon change, it affects a person in the same way as the changing cycles of the sun. Many astrologers are confident that there are points of contact between these two planets. The moon also has four phases. They are called quarters.

The first phase of the Moon is associated with the element EARTH

It begins with the appearance of the month in the sky and lasts exactly half the period from the new moon to the full moon, that is, 1-7 days of the lunar month, and ends in the first quarter. corresponds to spring according to the solar calendar, that is, it means the beginning of everything. During this phase, a person's brain is very active. If you make plans during this period, they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. The overall activity and desire to create increases. But you shouldn’t rush too much either; it’s better to think through everything, calculate it and, slowly, start implementing the plan.

During this period, treatment of the eyes and head will be effective. This period is also favorable for agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase will grow well and produce a wonderful harvest.

It is characterized by gaining emotional balance. During this period, great potential opportunities open up before us, which must be used to achieve our goal.

Second phase (First quarter) of the Moon, associated with the element of WATER

Duration: time from the first quarter to the full moon, which corresponds to from the 8th to the 15th.
At this time we will see half of the lunar disk in the sky. According to the solar cycle, this is summer. The most productive period, the period of filling with energy. This is the best time to change jobs, travel, and public appearances.

This phase of the moon is well suited for the treatment of the gastric bladder, liver, and large intestine.

It is advised to plant and replant plants and root cuttings during this period.

This is a period of strong emotional stress. At this time, more than ever, we need spiritual comfort, and therefore we perceive indifference and alienation very painfully. This phase of the Moon is suitable for effectively resolving conflicts, solving pressing problems and overcoming discontent, conducting difficult negotiations and obviously unpleasant meetings, and the correct conduct of negotiations will certainly give a good result.

Full moon

At this time we see the Moon in full in all its glory. Moonlight, in this phase of the Moon, can affect people in different ways. Moreover, during this period the body furiously uses up its accumulated strength. Insomnia, increased irritability and emotionality may occur.

Drinking alcohol can be dangerous. At this time, the largest number of road accidents, man-made accidents and disasters occurs.

It is better not to undergo surgery at this time.

Also, there is no need to replant the plants; it would be much better to start weeding them and loosening the soil.

Third phase of the moon, associated with the elements AIR

It comes into effect after the Full Moon, when the Lunar disk begins to decrease. Its duration is from the 16th to the 22nd Lunar day. Autumn arrives according to the solar cycle. The period is characterized by balanced activity and maturity.

This phase is very good for completing your affairs.

At this time, energy is better spent and appetite decreases. That is why many nutritionists recommend starting the fight against excess weight and cellulite at this time.

It is advisable to plant root crops and bulbous crops during this phase.

At this time, we are most open to communication, openly express our feelings and make social contacts. During this period, we can easily overestimate our strengths, so we should not sort things out or raise children in a strong-willed way. There may be an effect of an overabundance of feelings for the most insignificant reasons, an inadequate perception of reality, when small things seem important and significant.

Fourth phase of the moon associated with the element of FIRE

comes into effect from the second week after the Full Moon, and lasts until the next new moon from 23 - 30

She was always called mysterious and beautiful. Aristotle, Plutarch, and Hippocrates dedicated their philosophical works to her. Information about the influence of the Moon on people’s lives is contained in the Bible, Talmud, Koran, ancient Chinese treatises on medicine, and Tibetan sources. In Chinese mythology, the Moon is feminine, passive, dark and cold; among ancient peoples it is the mother, who provides the necessary elements for all living things.

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, we observe it constantly. And we know for sure: the Moon has its own life. Now she appears in the sky, now she disappears. What's going on?

New moon and full moon are two phases that are given special significance. Then the Moon ages and ends its cycle - it becomes flawed. And at this time, enormous changes are taking place on Earth - gigantic volumes of water begin to move, thousands of tons of earth cannot calm down, landslides and earthquakes occur. And since man is a part of living nature, he, too, cannot help but feel this influence. As soon as the phase of the Moon changes, our “water balance” also shifts, the dynamics of water in the body changes, which affects all our organs.

The Secret Influence of the Moon

Another thing can be traced: the dependence of the human nervous system on the Moon. It promotes the production of melatonin and serotonin in the body, which regulates the psyche, and, consequently, human behavior.

The new moon and full moon affect the state of sexual function and sexual activity of a person, his physical performance, brain function, the course of pregnancy and even death. The burning, hot sun is associated with the masculine principle, and the pale, beautiful moon is associated with the feminine. According to studies, the peak of conception in women falls on the full moon or the day before it, and on the new moon there are fewer of them and more menstruation. The sex of the child also depends on the Moon, or rather, on its position relative to the Sun at conception.

The male body is less susceptible to the influence of the mysterious beauty than women's and children's.

But in general, everyone can try an experiment on themselves: for a month, note your condition, mood: when you feel good, put a “+” sign on a piece of paper, say, a calendar, and a “-” sign when you feel bad. At the end, look at what phases of the moon they fell on and draw conclusions. By calculating your lunar biorhythm, you can adjust your well-being and health yourself.

It has been noticed that if a person is born on a new moon or full moon, he is friendly, grateful, and poetic. As a rule, children and parents are born in the same phase of the moon.

During the full moon, the number of patients increases, they complain of sleep disturbances, discomfort, and the number of suicides and crisis conditions increases.

But this addiction must not only be seen in a gloomy light. Your inclination towards a profession, your strong-willed qualities, your ability to overcome obstacles - all of this, in addition to the Sun, is guided by the Moon.

There is still no consensus on the explanation of sleepwalking and somnambulism. Some believe that this is a disease, others completely deny it. It has long been noticed that some people in a dream-like state with their eyes open or closed can bypass obstacles, climb walls, roofs of houses, and walk along eaves. At this time, they should not be disturbed under any circumstances, otherwise misfortune may occur. Nothing happens to them after these wanderings; they calmly return to bed or fall asleep in another place.

Some doctors view this as a sleep disorder - twilight stupefaction. Sleepwalking is considered a partial sleep, but associated not with moonlight, but with the effect of gravity; this is attributed to the consequences of head injuries, epilepsy, and parahypnotic phenomena of the moon on people of a neurotic type. The influence of the Moon on patients with epilepsy is noted. They, as a rule, experience exacerbations after the new moon (50.2 degrees) and before the new moon (48 degrees); in those suffering from schizophrenia, acute conditions appear on the full moon (on the 13-14th day).

Health by phases

Can the moon become an assistant in the treatment and prevention of diseases? Yes, say scientists. For example: once 1,500 schoolchildren were vaccinated against smallpox on a full moon. The vaccination turned out to be ineffective. Explanation - at this time, the drug rapidly disintegrates and is removed from the body.

It has been proven that 10 acute viral diseases most often begin not just in the evening, but during the new moon, and 10 infectious bacterial diseases most often begin in the morning and during the full moon.

Today everyone is worried about the cardiovascular system - pathology, high mortality. This is also the influence of the Moon - the stronger the lunar influence, the fewer cardiovascular diseases, the lower the mortality rate from them; the weaker the influence of the Moon, the more there are.

Bleeding, which cannot be ignored during operations, directly depends on the “cold luminary”. They are strongest during the full moon and minimal during the new moon. Ulcerative bleeding occurs in a similar manner. This kind of “trifle” - nosebleeds, in 90% of cases are observed in people born from December 22 to March 20, when the influence of the “blue beauty” is strong.

It is better to schedule acupuncture and massage sessions in accordance with the phases of the moon. According to ancient recipes, a soothing massage should be performed during the full moon, and acupressure tonic massage should be performed during the new moon. Cauterization of the “longevity point” should be done only in the first eight days of the lunar month.

How to take selenomedicine prescriptions? Only individually. The moon speaks to each of us in its own language. A person must learn to understand it, a healer must master its secret in order to help people.

A woman came to me with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids and left-right adhesions. I received her on the waning moon at morning and evening dawn, at the end of seven sessions she went to the doctor and underwent an ultrasound. This is what she writes: “With great joy I want to inform you that after your treatment I underwent an ultrasound on October 2 and the results shocked me. An ultrasound showed that I have neither fibroids nor adhesions!”

In my younger years, not knowing the influence of the Moon on our well-being, I treated a woman with a breast tumor and the tumor moved under my arm. I went to the doctors and they shrugged - it was the first time they had seen this. In fear, I ran away from the hospital and cured myself. It turns out that I was photographing the tumor while the moon was growing.

On the full moon, I propose to speak on the cotton belt of everything that interferes, that a person wants to get rid of. Tie the belt around yourself at night. Remove in the morning. Tie a belt to the aspen tree, walk around it three times and say three times: “Aspen, aspen, take my torch.”

It is better not to let the full moon into the house. Close the windows with curtains, don’t let her be curious, don’t do big things during the two or one days of the full moon.