What does the fairy tale warm bread teach the reader? What does K. G. Paustovsky’s fairy tale “Warm Bread” teach (5th grade). How Filka made peace with his horse

Fairy tale " Warm bread» K. Paustovsky created in 1954. Only 9 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, therefore, military motifs were realized in the work. “Warm Bread” was first published in children's magazine“Murzilka”, and 19 years after the fairy tale was written, a short cartoon of the same name appeared.

In the work one can distinguish a narrow theme - the great grief caused by Filka's act and a broad one - good and evil. K. Paustovsky shows that any unfair, cruel act is punishable. At the same time, the writer claims that a mistake can always be corrected if you want it; a person who wants to atone must be given a chance.

The plot of the fairy tale “Warm Bread” is revealed sequentially. Already from the first lines you can guess that the events described in the work took place during wartime. The plot closely intertwines the real and the fantastic.

In the exposition, K. Paustovsky talks about a wounded horse, introduces the reader to the mysterious miller Pankrat and Filka. The plot is an episode in which Filka offends a horse. The development of events is a story about how a blizzard and severe frosts descended on Berezhki, a conversation between Filka and his grandmother, a story about how a boy corrects his stupid mistake. The climax of the work is distant from the denouement. The reader is most worried when, together with Filka, he learns that people may die. The denouement - the warm wind helps people break through the ice, the women bake bread, and Filka makes peace with the horse.

To reveal the theme and develop the plot, the writer created an original system of images. The main characters are the old miller Pankrat, the secondary ones are the horse, the grandmother, the magpie, the guys and the old people who broke through the ice. Nature can be considered in a separate way, since it influences people’s lives and has its own character. The author focuses on the behavior of the characters; their appearance is described schematically. Concise characteristics highlight the details that play an important role in the implementation of the idea.

Filka’s image is dynamic, because through his example the author shows how much a person can change if he wants to. At the beginning of the work we see a rude boy who is having a hard time finding mutual language with others, in the end he becomes responsible, kind and friendly. Miller Pankrat and grandmother Filka are the embodiment of folk wisdom. Using the example of Pankrat, the writer also shows that appearances can be deceiving. Images of a horse and nature help the author reveal the plot.

In the fairy tale "Warm Bread" an important role is played by artistic media. With the help of epithets, metaphors, comparisons, portraits and landscape sketches were created: “an angry old man”, “Filka was silent and distrustful”, “a piercing wind”, “by night the sky turned green like ice”, “from the cooling of the heart”. However, the text is not replete with tropes, which brings it closer to folklore works.

“Warm Bread” by K. Paustovsky is an original interpretation of the eternal theme of good and evil, impressing the reader with its plot and images.

The work “Warm Bread” was written by Konstantin Paustovsky in 1954, when 9 years had already passed since the war ended. This amazing story, where good opposes evil, really appealed to young readers, and adults, of course, too. The famous magazine "Murzilka" published the work, and almost twenty years later, television viewers could enjoy a short cartoon based on the fairy tale. An analysis of the work “Warm Bread” will also be useful for you if you are planning to write an essay on this topic in grade 5.

What is the short story “Warm Bread” about?

First, we will briefly discuss what topic Konstantin Paustovsky raises and what he encourages readers to think about, then we will look at the plot and the main characters, and we will also see how Filka offends the horse. The story “Warm Bread” reveals the theme of love and generosity, while at the same time drawing attention to an indifferent person. Is it possible to eliminate the consequences of the evil committed, show mercy and forgive from the heart? Events of the present and past are connected by a single thread, the author writes about people and animals, about guilt and redemption.

An analysis of the story “Warm Bread” would be incomplete without considering the plot. Paustovsky paints a simple village during the war. There is a catastrophic shortage of food, the peasants have a hard life, they have to work very hard, not sparing themselves. The old miller Pankrat had the opportunity to shelter a crippled animal. It was a horse that accidentally ended up in Berezhki, and now it was necessary to somehow support it, but Pankrat already did not have enough food.

Heroes of the story "Warm Bread"

When preparing an essay for grade 5 based on the story “Warm Bread” by Paustovsky, pay attention to the image of Filka. This is a teenager who lives with his grandmother, and he is very heartless, full of anger, mistrust and callousness. When friends turn to him for help, he refuses them, and he does not like either people or animals.

When his grandmother talks to Filka, he suddenly realizes how cruelly he acted and what the consequences may now be. After reflection, he finds the best way out of the situation and admits his mistake. Now we see a different side to this character: he is hardworking, smart, organized and ready to correct the consequences of his rash actions for the benefit of others. You can already trust Filka.

However, an analysis of the story “Warm Bread” also shows the image of another character, which we have already mentioned. This is the old miller Pankrat. His image is mysterious, because he not only cured the horse, but also showed amazing qualities. When Filka goes to atone for his guilt, Pankrat does not interfere with him and does not hold a grudge against him, realizing that every person has his own positive traits, and you need to believe in a person.

Other analysis details

The events in the story “Warm Bread” strictly follow one another; Paustovsky, as it were, guides the reader, gradually revealing the characters’ characters, and shows what motivates them. Of course, the story contains fairy-tale motifs that are skillfully intertwined with real events. This creates a unified composition. It is interesting that with the help of outdated figures of speech and folklore expressions the narrative takes on special colors and looks very unique.

In our analysis of “Warm Bread” we will definitely emphasize the essence of the author’s idea. A person is characterized by spiritual generosity, compassion and responsiveness. When a person acts kindly, kindness returns to him, and an indifferent attitude towards others entails troubles and evil. In addition, if you realize your mistake in time and are ready to correct yourself, this will definitely change the situation and find a response in the hearts of others.

We hope that the analysis of the story “Warm Bread” will be useful to you. We have reviewed summary works, the image of the main characters and the author’s idea that he wanted to convey to readers. If you write an essay on the story “Warm Bread” by Paustovsky, be sure to include these thoughts.

Recently I was able to read Paustovsky’s story Warm Bread. As it turned out, this is a wonderful work by a Soviet humanist writer who preferred to write about ordinary people. His works have been translated into many languages. All his heroes are similar to boys and girls like us, which is why his stories, such as Paustovsky’s fairy tale Warm Bread for reader's diary, are very close and understandable to everyone.

Paustovsky Warm bread

The story takes the reader in wartime to a simple village where a soldier passed by with a wounded horse. He left the animal, and Pankrat, a local miller, took care of it. And after that, all the residents tried to feed the horse, which visited every courtyard and was a public one.

One day a horse came into the yard where the aggressive Filka lived. At that moment the boy was eating bread and thereby attracted the hungry horse to him. However, he did not share it with the horse, and instead, he threw away the bread and hit the horse. With his callousness, Filka almost caused a disaster, because he descended on the village harsh winter with severe frosts. All the water froze, but the mill stopped working. The grandmother told her grandson that this had already happened many years ago, when an old wounded soldier was offended. Apparently it’s started in the village now evil person, because this happens from human malice.

Filka realized his mistake, went to the miller and made every effort to fix everything, including making peace with the horse, treating him to fresh warm bread.

Main characters

The central character of Paustovsky's fairy tale was a boy from the village who lived with his grandmother. He was an angry, callous and distrustful boy, constantly refusing to help his acquaintances and friends. There was no warmth or love in his heart for living beings, so he easily offended the horse, not realizing how cruelly he was treating the horse. Only after a conversation with her grandmother does Filka realize her mistake and quickly corrects everything. And here we see other features that were revealed by the end of Paustovsky’s fairy tale Warm Bread. We saw Filka as hardworking, smart, and possessing organizational skills. They saw a hero who managed to see and admit a mistake, who managed to earn the horse’s trust and forgiveness.

Another hero I would like to highlight is Pankrat. He was a miller and took in a wounded animal. This is a reasonable hero, with life experience behind him, wise and sympathetic. He does not deny the boy the opportunity to fix everything and gives the opportunity to show that even in such hooligans there is something human and good.

the main idea

In the work Warm Bread main idea The author's desire is to show readers how important it is to be responsive, generous and kind. After all, kindness is the most valuable thing human quality, and all good deeds will respond to the kindness of other people. But callousness and indifference lead to trouble. At the same time, the writer says that each of us can be an evil Filka, but the main thing is to realize the mistake in time and repent, becoming more merciful, responsive and kind.

What the fairy tale “Warm Bread” by Paustovsky teaches can be understood after reading it.

What does Paustovsky’s “Warm Bread” teach?

Fairy tale "Warm Bread" teaches We must fight the evil within ourselves, not do bad things, be more attentive to others and not be afraid to ask for forgiveness for the evil caused to others.

The fairy tale “Warm Bread” by Konstantin Paustovsky talks about good and evil, greed and generosity. She, like all fairy tales, teaches us to show only good qualities souls. The events of the fairy tale take place during the war, people have a hard time. A cavalry horse remains in the village with civilians only because it was wounded in the leg. The miller Pankrat and all the villagers begin to look after him. But when the horse asked the boy Filka for bread, he offended the horse. And nature punished the boy and the inhabitants of this village. But Filka managed to understand what his mistake was and correct it.

After reading a fairy tale, it is worth thinking about whether we are doing things that make people close to us and animals suffer. After all, not only people, but also animals, are offended, so we must protect them and feed them. This fairy tale teaches that a person must do good deeds in order to be loved and respected. If we do bad things, we must be able to correct them, we must be honest, kind, and friendly.

Now you know what the story “Warm Bread” by Paustovsky teaches. You can leave your additions or your answer in the comments.

An amazing story about how sometimes a person does bad things without thinking about the consequences. That even Mother Nature herself protests against human malice. The author is trying to convey to the reader that human anger is destructive not only for the people themselves, but also for the surrounding flora and fauna. Nature and its inhabitants suffer from meanness and anger.

And as in any good fairy tale, good triumphs over evil. So in the fairy tale Warm Bread, good prevailed. The author showed the reader that joint work unites and ennobles a person. That evil cannot resist when people with a warm and pure heart get down to business, ready to sacrifice themselves for the good and well-being of other people. That it's never too late to change better side. So our hero Filka’s cold heart thawed and turned into a hot one, ready to come to everyone’s aid. And the whole village saw this, saw this wounded horse, and forgave all the insults. And I think that in the future they will be best friends, ready to help everyone in need.

Warm bread is the most instructive and good story. Reading it, you begin to realize that goodness is the most powerful thing, capable of working miracles.

In the story main character a boy named Filka was an unsociable and angry child. He brushed off all requests from the neighborhood boys to help them with something with the same phrase, “Screw you!” So they called him “Fuck you!” One day a wounded horse came to this village, and the miller Pankrat took him in. He cured the horse and kept it with him; the horse diligently helped his savior repair the mill. But the miller was poor and could not sufficiently feed his assistant. And the horse was forced to walk among people in search of food.

One day, an animal wandered into Filka’s yard in the hope that he would feed it, but instead Filka played a mean joke on him. Having hit him on the lips and not giving him any bread, he trampled him into the snow. Resentment and sadness overwhelmed the poor horse like a bitter tornado, and he whinnied so pitifully and vexedly that it seemed that nature itself could not remain indifferent to the suffering of the poor animal. At that moment a terrible and cold wind, bringing with it a fierce cold. Everything around was frozen severe frost even the mill stopped working. Because of this, the villagers were doomed to starvation. The culprit of this incident, the boy Filka, was very scared of what he had done and tried with all his might, with the help of other village boys, to change the situation.

5th grade. What does a fairy tale teach and why is it interesting?

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