Secrets of longevity: what you need to do every day to live as long as possible. How to prolong life. Secrets of longevity Requirements to extend the life of structures will help

How to extend life

People after forty look different. You look at one and you can’t tell him more than thirty, and the other looks like a squeezed lemon, as if he is already over fifty. Why does this depend?

First of all, of course, from the lifestyle. If I haven't convinced you, look at the HOMELESS. A clear example suggests that lifestyle is directly proportional to a person’s health and appearance. A common truth: the more correctly you live, the longer you will live.

Human lifespan

On earth, each biological species has its own lifetime of residence. Let's take for example a butterfly that lives 3-4 months, mice live for three years, dogs - ten to twenty years. A person must live at least his life (that is, 100 years).

There are cases when people overcome the hundred-year mark. The Frenchwoman Jeanne-Louise Calment left this world at 122 years old and the reason for this was not old age, but a banal disease: pneumonia. I understand it this way (if anyone disagrees, please correct me in the comments) they die of old age when old cells die off, and new ones are no longer born and cannot replace the old ones. That’s when the body gradually fades away. This means that if it were not for the illness, Jeanne-Louise would still live. By the way, her life expectancy record is officially recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

If we take into account the fact that the life expectancy of the adult population of the planet is 70-75 years, we conclude: on average, we do not live out the 35-45 years legally allotted to us from above.

Process studied by gerontology

The hackneyed question: “How to prolong life?” Scientists around the world are constantly struggling to resolve this issue. There are even certain directions in this area. This is gerontology, which studies the problems of human aging and tries to extend a person's life and juvenology, which develops ways to prolong youth and prevent old age, increasing the active period of human life.

Life extension cannot be compared with conventional medicine or with a medical approach to rational nutrition, which have completely different goals, other means and boundaries. The main thing in the ability to live long is the ability to recognize circumstances that are favorable and harmful to life.

What shortens life

Having distinguished them, know how to avoid the latter. The stated conditions that determine a person’s life expectancy establish circumstances that shorten it. They are as follows:

  1. Circumstances that reduce the amount of vitality.
  2. Circumstances that upset or destroy significant organs of the human body.
  3. Circumstances that accelerate internal exhaustion of the body.
  4. Circumstances preventing recovery.

The causes that shorten life can be divided into these four groups and, as a result, there can be a scale of judgment about the significance of their harmful influence. With a sensible look, we will make sure that a person seems to be learning to destroy himself, sometimes without noticing it. Nowadays, more than ever, we need to be vigilant and sensible to prevent the dangers that threaten our lives. What are they? This:

  1. Pampered upbringing.
  2. Abuse of love pleasures.
  3. Intemperance in mental pursuits.
  4. Polluted air and living in crowded places.
  5. Excessive eating and drinking.
  6. Feelings and passions that shorten life.
  7. Fear of death.
  8. Idleness, inactivity and boredom.
  9. Heated imagination and imaginary illnesses.

Now, knowing about the threats, we can accurately determine life extension means:

  1. Prudent physical nutrition.
  2. Abstinence from love pleasures at an early age and outside of marriage.
  3. Stay in fresh, clean air and moderate warmth.
  4. Trips.
  5. Neatness and keeping the body clean.
  6. Peace of mind, contentment with life and other mental properties that prolong life.
  7. Open character.
The elixir of youth has not yet been invented, but something has already been achieved in the field of juvenology and gerontology. Remember that most health prevention and life expectancy, depends on you.

Try to answer the questions of this test as honestly and accurately as possible and you will find out how successful your fight against old age is:

Now count the number of points scored.

If you scored from 64 to 88 points, then you live in complete harmony with your body. You have excellent immunity, and you will be young and fresh for many, many years to come.

Those who scored from 38 to 63 points should not worry about their health yet. Old age will chase you for a long time. Your immunity is your friend and assistant. Support him too: avoid bad habits and take care of yourself.

23-37 Points - You are moving towards old age at a rate average for the human population. In general, it’s not bad to be normal. But don't miss this great chance to slow down the aging process. First, turn to yourself, your body. And the fact that bad habits are actually bad.

From 10 to 22 points - it's time to slow down! First, take a deep breath and put out your cigarette. Then convince yourself that you need to take care of yourself. You'll have to change your lifestyle. But you are quite capable of extending your own years.

From 1 to 9 points. Worth considering! Something is wrong with your body! The years leave their mark on you clearly faster than normal. Perhaps you are now struggling with a serious illness or its consequences. Don't let your health go to waste! Under the supervision of doctors, a lot can be corrected.

Of course, there are indisputable facts about the influence of genetics (hereditary diseases of parents) on a person’s life expectancy, but many scientists believe and prove this in practice that by taking care of yourself and your health, you can deceive genes.

And vice versa, by leading a destructive lifestyle for a person, you can ruin yourself, your genes, and everything that nature gave you at birth.

No matter how advanced modern science is, it cannot officially explain the different life expectancies of different people. For example, why do some, following a regimen, diet and observing recommended physical activity, die in the prime of life? And vice versa - it would seem that a person leads a very harmful lifestyle, smokes, drinks, and lives to a ripe old age. What's the secret? And is there anything that will restore youth and prolong your life? It turns out there is.

Why do those who smoke and drink often live longer than those who follow a healthy lifestyle? Science and medicine have already found the answer to this question; the main thing is that it reaches us as quickly as possible.

No matter how much they talk about the important role of a correct lifestyle for its prolongation, in reality no one has yet given an answer to the simple question of how to live 100 years.

Here's an example: Savely Kramarov denied himself everything, took care of himself, and died in the prime of his life.

Or does someone already know how to extend their life and at the same time spend it with maximum benefit?

Is it possible to live longer?

Life extension is quite possible. In laboratory studies, the life of mice was extended up to 2 times, and more primitive animals - up to 10 times. The likelihood of similar effects in humans is high, because in the experiments they influenced those genes that humans also have.

It is encouraging that progress was made in mice with the help of pharmaceuticals - they extended life up to 30%, and gene therapy - up to 24%. A person with regular physical activity, if started at least in middle age, can prolong his life by 6-12%.

Several dozen substances are already known that have prolonged the life of animals in laboratory studies. There have been no such tests on humans yet, but some of the substances are known drugs - ibuprofen, aspirin, metformin. The latter prolonged the life not only of mice, but also of patients with type 2 diabetes who took it. However, I find it difficult to believe in the radical effect of any one drug, since aging has many potential pharmacological “targets” and, perhaps, the future lies in combinations.

How will they prolong life?

To prolong life, most likely, they will use a whole cocktail of pharmaceuticals, which, in combination with periodic gene and cellular technologies, a certain diet and regimen, will give a rejuvenating effect. It is possible that some organs will need to be replaced with ones created in bioreactors from their own cells.

By the way, approaches have just begun to appear that allow us to precisely “edit” our individual genome with high precision. Certain forms of gene therapy give hope that it will be possible to “edit” the genome in favor of longevity not only in future generations of people, but also in those living today.

For example, if you are a carrier of a gene variant predisposed to senile retinal dystrophy, in the future it will be possible to “edit” it and save you from developing this syndrome.

What to do now to slow down aging and prolong your life?

Not only serious medications, but also many vitamins, bioactive substances and microelements slow down aging.

For example, alpha lipoic acid, which is found in broccoli and tomatoes. Alpha-ketoglutarate, known to bodybuilders. Magnesium helps preserve the youth of the nervous system. Vitamins D₃ and pantothenic acid extended the life of animals by 20-40%. An excess of red meat, milk and eggs, or more precisely, some amino acids in their composition, on the contrary, accelerates aging. Excess milk sugar, fructose and foods from which carbohydrates are easily digestible have the same effect.

It is equally important, in my opinion, to maintain strict regularity in eating and sleeping - the synchrony of our internal clocks has been proven to prolong youth.

It is known that a balanced diet, a strict regime of eating, sleeping and physical activity can delay disability and prolong life even for those who began to adhere to a healthy lifestyle at an advanced age.

Did people really live to be 120 years old?

And in the 16th-18th centuries, Europeans were amazed and envious of the vitality of the Russians. Captain Margeret wrote with surprise in 1606: “Many Russians live to be 90-100 and 120 years old and only in old age are they familiar with diseases.”

Why do we live so little now? AiF asked Vyacheslav Krutko, general director of the National Gerontological Center, professor at the First Moscow State Medical University, about this. Sechenov.

How much is measured for the Russians?

Today, Russians live on average 71 years - the least in the EU.

Is the secret to longevity in genes?

The fact that Russian people are programmed for a long life is absolutely certain. Moreover, this was embedded in our genes 150 thousand years ago, when our genotype was formed. And it hasn't changed since then. But nature and lifestyle did not allow him to be realized. Diseases, predators, hunger... In 1900, people in Russia lived on average 30 years. Over the past hundred years, life expectancy throughout the world has been steadily increasing.

Now in developed countries, 1 in 10 thousand lives to be 100 years old. In Russia, one in 10-15 thousand has a chance. Most often these are those who have higher education - it adds 5-7 years. Because they understand what a healthy lifestyle is and try to follow it.

Who can be helped to live long by kindness and hard work?

Of course, genetics and proper nutrition are important, but today the psychological factor comes first - people who are kind, calm, optimistic, and cheerful live longer. These are the qualities that Caucasian centenarians possess. And they all work until they are very old, despite pain and illness, and do not go to doctors.

Why does someone smoke and drink and die healthy?

In each subsequent generation, fluctuations occur in the set of genes responsible for longevity. If both parents lived to be 90 years old, then the child has a chance to live 6 years longer than his peers. But it’s not enough to have a good set of genes; you need conditions for their manifestation. A lot depends on genes.

For example, Churchill drank and smoked, but lived a long time. But there is a genetic predisposition to any disease. If you drink, it is not at all necessary that you will develop cirrhosis of the liver. Some people have a high risk of developing cancer (don’t smoke), others have atherosclerosis, and others have Alzheimer’s disease. Perhaps Churchill’s body was genetically least susceptible to cancer. So, if I hadn’t smoked, I would have lived 1-2 years longer. No more.

It has been proven that tobacco carcinogens shorten life by only 2 years. And the fact that smokers live 7-9 years less than non-smokers is due to related factors. Smokers are a special type of personality. As a rule, these people drink, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, do not exercise, etc. Plus, life is shortened by negative information.

Life extension has been of interest to humanity for many centuries, and even after us there will be many followers of the answer to the question of how to extend a person’s life.

Humanity has invented many items to make life easier (planes, trains, cars), but most importantly, extending life on earth remains a tightly sealed secret.

I won’t say that they are not working on the issue, but our life does not wait, it passes.

Science has proven that humanity, living 50,000 years ago, died with a more elastic body.

This fact is attributed to the low content of oxidizing agents in the air (free radicals).

They are considered the main killers of humans. To neutralize them, there are antioxidant preparations containing (vitamin C, E, beta carotene, selenium, zinc), more about this

Green tea contains a large amount of antioxidants. Fresh fruits are also antioxidants to some extent and alkalize the blood.

But they are still unable to prolong life for a long time.

The first thing that is needed to prolong it, scientists have already established:

    • Enrichment of our body with the heavy isotope C 13, which was in abundance in those 50,000 years of life ago (this is what is necessary for prolonging life).
    • Now the air contains about 1% of it. The task of scientists is to bring this figure to 100%. Some countries are already doing this, five of them to be exact.
    • People who have the body structure of the C 13 isotope are not afraid of any infections, he will be healthy, even a transfusion of blood from an AIDS patient will not affect him in any way.
    • Scientists claim that the current human body consists of the heavier isotope C12.

  • There is confirmed evidence that people who died approximately 40,000 years ago at the age of 80 had all their teeth. Let's remember the story, they then ate meat, which they obtained by hunting. A little milk, cheese, made in a primitive way.
  • A little later, when the soil began to be cultivated, the deceased did not have all their teeth for the same 80 years.
  • Scientists are inclined to believe that eating plant foods has a bad effect on life expectancy. They have proof of this, there are entire nations living 30 - 40% more time in this world.
  • Residents of the Tibetan-Pomyr group living in the area of ​​mountain ranges from Everest to the Caucasus. They hunt and eat a lot of meat.

As we understand, this is a matter of the future, but what to do now, how to prolong life. This is especially important for women, because we want to be attractive even at 80 years old.

Method for extending human life:

In general, science divides human life into certain stages:

  • A person was born, grew up - one stage. It ends at the turn of 25 years. The body's growth has stopped. Proof of this is the creation of special metabolites by the body.
  • Next comes the life of an adult until 55–60 years of age.
  • Finally, the last process of life begins - the aging of the body.

Watch the video, 6 simple ways to prolong life:

    • Peptide-based drugs help prolong life; their use on our sunken submarine in 1989 is known.
    • It is known that these drugs are used in St. Petersburg for operations related to eye pathology.
    • Spirulina (algae), drugs created on its basis, preserve health, and therefore life.
    • An already proven method of prolonging life is caloric restriction. The fewer calories we consume from food, the longer we live.
    • Strengthening your immune system and the ability to withstand constant stress greatly extends a person’s life expectancy. A lot has been written on how to strengthen the immune system:
    • Hardening (contrast shower constantly).
    • Sports activities (regular).
    • Proper nutrition, a lot of greens are especially valuable, read more. Allow yourself a little red wine, it cleanses your blood vessels and relieves stress, read more about this
    • Supporting immunity with herbal preparations, for example, echinacea, read.
    • It is very important to get rid of the “syndrome” of waiting, the fear of death. We need to understand and accept the inevitability of this, there are no people on earth who live forever, we too will leave someday for another world.
    • Stay in the sun more, not in direct rays, but just outside for at least three hours. Scientists have proven that it is beneficial for joints, reduces the likelihood of getting breast cancer, and improves intestinal function.
    • Fight insomnia within reasonable limits; sleeping pills have a lot of unhealthy side effects. It is better to engage in treatment with herbal infusions, gymnastics, and yoga.
    • To combat stress, allow yourself dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans. It lifts your spirits well and allows you to fight diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Back in 1967, a scientist in Japan discovered that the mineral Germanium (GE) is the main supplier of oxygen to our body (available in ginseng).
  • It controls the continuous renewal of our cells, they guarantee the normal functioning of all organs of our body.
  • If there is a deficiency, it is difficult to correct a weak immune system (germanium stimulates the production of interferons (proteins that protect the body from viruses) and has an antitumor effect.
  • A company in Siberia has created a drug based on Germany, which also includes:
  • A resverator with a stronger action than hydroxytyrosol.
  • Gingko biloba extract.
  • Coenzyme Q
  • Now let's enjoy life, there is nothing more beautiful than it.

Scientists prove that every person on earth has reserves of youth that are hidden, but can extend life by 30%.

These reserves are activated only by prolonged fasting.

It is claimed that this drug is capable of this without fasting.

You can discuss the topic of life extension endlessly, building hypotheses with foam at the mouth.

Some argue that if there is no natural selection, there will not be enough space on earth.

There will be nothing to feed such a horde of living people for a long time.

Everything is true, but how can I explain this to me? I want to live, even if you kill me, the reasons for me are nothing.

I don’t want to be sick at 60 or 80 years old.

Scientists all over the world, please pay attention to people and their health. Stop playing with strength! We all want to live happily ever after in Russia, America, China.

What difference does it make where?

Excuse me, with respect Tatyana Nikolaevna, author.

Watch the video, an old recipe for extending life:

Olga Nagornyuk

Three Secrets to Extending Life

The question “How to live long and not grow old?” since antiquity has excited the minds of many outstanding people. According to scientists, the average life expectancy of a primitive man was only 25 years, a citizen of the Roman Empire - 35, and a resident of medieval Europe - about 40.

Progress has brought with it cures for many diseases and reduced traumatic risks, thereby increasing the life expectancy of our contemporary to seventy. However, scientists say: this is not the limit. The reserves of the human body are designed for 120 years. We will tell you how to increase your life by a quarter of a century.

From ancient elixirs of youth to modern gerontology

The first mentions of man's attempts to deceive death, snatching eternal life from its tenacious clutches, are found in the Sumerian myths about King Gilgamesh, dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia believed in the existence of a magical flower that could give eternal youth.

The ancient Egyptians approached the issue of life extension more practically: their scientists saw the source of longevity in certain dietary restrictions, which, however, did not prevent them from practicing other methods. Thus, the great Cleopatra from the Ptolemaic dynasty surrounded herself with babies, firmly believing that their presence made her younger.

The inhabitants of Ancient Rome sincerely believed: the source of longevity is contained in young blood. Therefore, after gladiatorial fights, older people went down to the arena to wash themselves with the blood of defeated fighters.

In the Middle Ages, they practiced prolonging life with the help of virgins. Enterprising people made a good business out of this, renting out girls to old men. The rejuvenation course lasted 24 days; to get the desired effect, a person just needed to sleep next to young girls who did not know a man.

More or less serious research on the phenomenon of aging was found in the works of the ancient Greek physician Asklepiades (128 - 56 BC), who argued: the cause of old age is the smallest particles, invisible to the eye, that make up the human body. In young people they are in constant motion, while in older people they are stagnant. Walking, traveling and physical exercise can make the particles move again and the body rejuvenate.

Since that time, science has made great progress, but scientists have not yet found the elixir of eternal youth. But as a result of research, gerontologists were able to understand how to delay old age and extend the life of an elderly person by an average of 20 years.

Three Secrets to Extending Life

Israel is a country whose life expectancy is one of the highest in the world. Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have helped to identify factors that allow a person to live 20 years more. The results we want to share with you were published in the journal Personality & Social Psychology.

It turns out that a person’s life expectancy is only 25% dependent on genetic predisposition. The rest is determined by lifestyle. What prolongs youth and allows you to live longer?

1. Moderate physical activity + 6 years.

The hackneyed phrase “Movement is life” best reflects the conclusion of Israeli doctors. Daily physical activity for older people is 150 minutes of brisk walking. It can be divided into several parts, the minimum duration of each should not be less than 10 minutes.

Almost any physical activity is beneficial, however, due to increased bone fragility in older people and decreased flexibility and endurance, doctors recommend the following forms of sports activities:

  • bike. With low loads on the heart, it perfectly trains the leg muscles, stimulates lung function, develops coordination of movements and allows you to maintain mobility of the hip joints. No - arthritis, gout and shortness of breath;

  • fast walk. The most affordable way to strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of arterial vessels, as well as promote mobility of the joints of the hips, ankles and knees;
  • gymnastics. It puts stress on all the muscles of the body, keeping them in good shape, maintaining flexibility and developing the vestibular apparatus. Yoga classes are ideal for older people, which give maximum effect with minimal stress on the cardiovascular system;

  • swimming. Relieves pain from chronic arthritis, trains muscles, removing additional stress from joints, which is very important for women during menopause. Doctors say: swimming promotes the production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness, and it, in turn, prolongs life.

2. Low-calorie diet + 11 years.

Why should food be low in calories? As we age, the body's ability to remove free oxygen radicals, which shorten our lives, decreases sharply. Energy-poor food leads to a decrease in their formation, automatically extending our life by an average of 11 years.

This is confirmed by the example of the inhabitants of the island of Okinawa, who are considered long-livers among the Japanese, whose life expectancy is already the highest in the world. The islanders are able to live up to 100 years of age and remain active thanks to food of marine origin, poor in calories, but rich in vitamins and minerals.

Doctors have proven that you can add more than ten years to your life by following the following rules:

  • We adhere to the daily calorie intake:
  • we increase the protein content in food to 110-140 g per day (the ratio of proteins of plant and animal origin should be 1:1). Protein is needed by muscles, and we need muscles. We eat porridge with milk, sochniki, dumplings, boiled lean meat and fish. We limit the consumption of aqueous extracts from fish, meat and mushrooms (broths). They cannot be eaten every day, it slows down the metabolism and contributes to the development of gout;
  • we reduce carbohydrate intake: the daily norm for an elderly person is 3 g per 1 g of protein. By doing this, we relieve the pancreas and prevent the formation of excess weight. Alas, overweight people live 7 years less than slim people.

Try to get carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, buckwheat and oatmeal, and whole grain bread. Avoid sugar, baked goods and carbonated drinks;

  • fats are important, but they are needed in limited quantities - at the rate of 1 g per kilogram of weight. Difficult to digest and poorly digestible fats of animal origin should be replaced with vegetable ones (olive, corn, sunflower oil). This will reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve metabolic processes.

Rich in vitamins A and D, butter is relatively easy to digest, and therefore doctors recommend introducing it into the menu of an elderly person at the rate of 30% of the daily fat intake;

  • Vitamins C, A, E, B 1 and B 6 must be present in the diet of elderly people. They affect immunity, fat absorption, vision and reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, ultimately adding a couple of years to your life.

Where to look for vitamins?

  • consume less salt and drink more fluids - at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • cleanse your intestines twice a year - this not only facilitates the digestion process, but also rejuvenates the body;
  • Avoid fried foods. Because of it, the gastrointestinal tract has to work with double load, while metabolic processes in the body are inhibited, leading to premature aging;
  • switch to a 4-meal diet with 4-hour breaks between meals. Distribute the diet as follows: 1st breakfast - 30% of the diet, 2nd breakfast - 20%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 10% (no later than 2 hours before bedtime).

If you have an increased appetite, eat 5 times a day, but in small portions, not exceeding your daily calorie intake.

3. Positive attitude + 7 years.

Statistics show that optimists live longer. A positive attitude is promoted by live communication with other people, an active lifestyle and having a hobby. Don’t isolate yourself and confine yourself within four walls, choosing TV and a grumpy neighbor as your interlocutors. Remember: your life is in your hands.

What shortens life?

Gerontologists have found out what factors negatively affect longevity. Here is the scientists' conclusion:

  • Excess weight takes up to 10 years from a person’s life. Every 15 extra kilos shortens your human life by 3 years; extreme obesity will take you a whole decade;
  • Chronic stress will take 8 years. Therefore, it is important to always remain calm and have a positive attitude;

  • A sedentary lifestyle accelerates aging by 9 years. Lying on the couch and doing nothing has a detrimental effect on metabolism, triggering degenerative processes in cells;
  • Smoking, which causes shortness of breath, cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and increased cholesterol in the blood, cuts your allotted years by a dozen.

show more

Is it possible to extend life? Today, the average human life expectancy is seventy-one years. But this was not always the case. During the Paleolithic and Neolithic times, people lived only eighteen years; in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome they reached twenty-two years; in the Middle Ages, the majority of the planet’s population did not even reach the thirty-five-year mark; in the mid-nineteenth century the average life expectancy was forty years, and in the early twentieth century it was sixty years.

It turns out that humanity is steadily increasing its ability to live longer with each century. Average life expectancy is increasing by about four months per year. Today it is considered the limit of life of a human being - 115-120 years. Therefore, with a high probability we can say that people who are thirty years old today will reach their middle age by living to be a hundred years old.

How do the horizons of our earthly existence expand? What factor influences the new generation of people, allowing them to live longer than the previous ones? Perhaps an achievement of medical science? Surgery options? Use of antibiotics? Yes. But only partly.

The doctors themselves admit: their contribution is not that great. According to statistics, medicine can extend lifespan by no more than ten percent. What allows people to live longer and longer; and vice versa: what prevents them from reaching the milestone of two hundred years or more? How do centenarians differ from ordinary people?

More and more researchers are coming to the conclusion that the duration of human life is a program that is loaded into our subconscious literally from birth. We live as long as it is customary to live in the society around us. We grow old only because everyone else around us grows old: our parents, relatives, friends, acquaintances - the entire social environment surrounding each individual. We are all literally imbued with the aging program, we live in this program. And in order to get out of it and prolong life, you need to work a lot on your own consciousness, and set yourself a different aging limit - 150-200 years.

Centenarians of the planet

Most regions of the planet, where a record number of centenarians live, are cut off from the outside world. The consciousness of the people living here was formed in unusual conditions. Modern civilization has almost no influence on them. The most striking example is Tibet. For many centuries, this unique country - the keeper of the traditions of the east - was fenced off from the world by the highest mountain wall. It was almost impossible for a European to get to Tibet.

Only in the twentieth century, researchers who frequented there were surprised to discover that Tibetan lamas live three times longer than ordinary people. This race of centenarians originally lives in a program that allows them to live up to two hundred years or more. But at the same time they do not bear any loads associated with social interaction.

Many residents of the Caucasus are also in a different temporary reality. The largest number of centenarians live in Karachay-Cherkessia, the mountains of Azerbaijan and Abkhazia. More than forty percent of the local elderly have passed the century mark.

Another thing is that it’s unlikely that all people want to live that long. And if they have no reason to live three hundred years, then they have no reason to live one day. Let them lie down and die. Simple but iron logic, which, nevertheless, explains something.

In most industrialized countries, old age is associated with retirement. Becoming a pensioner means he’s already an old man, and then he’s not far from his grave. This is one of the most persistent social attitudes that limit our life expectancy.

After a person retires, he begins a period of survival, which on average is fifteen years. This is the social policy, and state pension funds plan to pay pensions for each person for no more than this period. And you believe in this on a subconscious level, and, therefore, live exactly that long.

On January 1, 2017, a law came into force according to which in Russia the retirement age of state and municipal employees will gradually be raised over several years. Ultimately, female officials will begin to retire at age 63, and men at age 65. These people will have a longer active life, which means they will most likely live longer.

But you don’t need to rely on any laws. If you want to be young, be young. Stop associating yourself with aging. Just understand that you are only .

To set yourself up for a long life, you need to daily subject yourself to self-hypnosis (meditate), step by step, freeing yourself from the attitudes that have become entrenched in your consciousness. You will only need to devote only five minutes a day to such meditation - even the busiest person can allocate this time for themselves.

Left alone with yourself, throw extraneous thoughts out of your head, concentrate and repeat verbal attitudes, for example: “I am young and full of strength!”

And the right hemisphere will begin to hear this signal coming from the left hemisphere, and will begin to create images of youth, and, consequently, all organs of the body will begin to work, as the brain ordered them, using their resources to the maximum.

An example of one of the meditations: imagine that today you are one hundred years old. You look at yourself in the mirror and see a young face with smooth skin, a straight back; you smile, you are happy, you have many plans for this and the next days. This image is remembered, all cells are read and adjusted to it, unless, of course, it is strong enough and supported by powerful emotional fuel.

It has been proven that people who have a clear idea of ​​their goals and objectives live the longest; who know how to dream and make dreams come true. Is it worth it to smoke the sky for a hundred years if life is boring, monotonous and there is no development in it. If a person lives simply like this: from paycheck to paycheck, by inertia, then he has no internal incentive to prolong his life.

Scientists have concluded that the mortality rate of people with a high level of education is four times lower than the mortality rate of those with little education. It turns out that the brain ages much faster without mental stress.

The famous German physician Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland wrote back in the nineteenth century: “A person, even for his physical condition, needs a certain degree of education, since it contributes to his longevity.”

For those who want to prolong their lives, doctors advise tirelessly loading their brains: reading books, solving crosswords, learning foreign languages. You also need to work with your hands - sew, sculpt, draw, make something. Developing fine motor skills of the fingers is useful not only in childhood. Our hands are closely connected to the brain. If your hands work, your brain starts working. Accordingly, if your hands don’t work, your brain starts to fall asleep. If the brain falls asleep, then the functioning of all internal organs and systems of the body decreases.

You can simply write a short text by hand - preferably with a fountain pen. But if you tap your fingers on the computer keyboard, there will be no useful effect.

Another piece of advice on how to postpone the inevitable ending and prolong your life. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in order to live longer you need to think about death more often and treat it with complete calm. That is, to work with. Most people experience fear of imminent death and constantly try to suppress it. This hidden phobia affects a person’s daily behavior, forcing him to abandon many plans and plans, and ultimately significantly shortens his life.

If people knew exactly when they would die, they would live life to the fullest, cherish every second, and try to accomplish as many accomplishments as possible in this life.

Many people, having reached forty, stop celebrating birthdays, instinctively fearing approaching old age and imminent death. Psychologists say that such a phobia, as a rule, affects those who have not achieved anything in life. Maybe it makes sense to measure age not by the number of years lived, but by the number of truly significant things?