Recreation and sports and health tourism. Conceptual basis for training personnel in the specialty "recreation and sports and health tourism" Recreation and sports and health tourism reviews

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Biology - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Physics - optional at university

The sphere of recreation, entertainment and tourism plays a vital role in the life of any society. This direction is especially valuable with an eye on the trends of the modern world. Today people are prone to physical inactivity: many people have sedentary or sedentary work. At the end of a working day, you want to rest, but this again means rest for the body, which in fact is destructive. As vital processes slow down over time, the aging process begins.

That is why specialty 49.03.03 “Recreation and sports and health tourism” is important and in demand. It involves the ability to organize rest in such a way that it brings real relief and benefit. It means a whole range of activities, including the organization of leisure and travel, taking into account the characteristics of the wards. This area is often chosen by former athletes who know all the features of physical activity and are ready to guide other people.

Admission conditions

What subjects do you need to take when applying to Moscow universities for this major:

  • biology (major exam);
  • Russian language;
  • physics.

Since such work activity is associated with good physical fitness and endurance, future students are additionally checked whether they are ready for such stress.

Future profession

By receiving a bachelor's degree, a graduate becomes ready to solve many professional problems. First of all, he makes sure that optimal conditions are created for a person in which recreation and sports will give maximum benefit. Here you need to be not only an athlete, but also a psychologist who knows how to take into account the capabilities of his players. A professional knows how to choose appropriate techniques and propose solutions that guarantee the achievement of a positive result. But knowledge of human anatomy and the processes occurring in his body is also necessary.

Where to apply

The country's leading educational institutions are ready to offer bachelor's programs in this area:

  • Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Minin;
  • Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism;
  • Tambov State University named after Derzhavin;
  • Ural State Forestry University;
  • Smolensk State Academy of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism.

Training period

The future holder of a bachelor's degree will master the full course in four years as a full-time student. Part-time, evening and mixed forms of education involve studying for five years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The young specialist is armed with knowledge in the following subjects:

  • human morphology;
  • sports and health tourism;
  • recreationology and balneology;
  • human physiology and anatomy;
  • basics of physical rehabilitation;
  • physical education: theory and methodology;
  • economic foundations of tourism and recreation;
  • marketing in tourism and recreation;
  • cultural recreation: basic types.

Acquired skills

The range of professional competencies of such a specialist is very wide:

  • development of a detailed program of recreation, rehabilitation or sports and health tourism;
  • design and planning of recreational and tourism facilities;
  • organization of events for recreation, health, tourism, physical education;
  • animation support;
  • conducting classes taking into account physical fitness, age, gender;
  • calculation of load size;
  • monitoring the condition of the wards;
  • training effectiveness assessment;
  • provision of pre-hospital medical care;
  • ensuring compliance with safety regulations;
  • creation of new forms of excursions;
  • formation of motivation to engage in sports;
  • tour operator and travel agency services;
  • personnel Management;
  • research into the sphere of tourism, recreation, physical education;
  • advertising of tourism and health products;
  • quality control of services in the field of tourism, recreation, sports, physical education;
  • work with agreements and contracts.

Job prospects by profession

Today, it will not be difficult for a graduate of this field to find a well-paid job. There are not enough such professionals in the market, but they can realize themselves in different areas. For example, you can get a job in a sanatorium and resort, in a health or entertainment complex. There are vacancies for specialists in children's and sports camps, fitness centers, and travel agencies.

What do bachelors do:

This specialty brings high income. If you get a job in state educational and health institutions, then the minimum will be 20 thousand in domestic currency. But the private industry of recreation, tourism and sports offers rates that are many times higher. Specialists who have chosen a narrow direction in their professional development are especially valuable.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

Despite the demand for the profession, you can significantly expand your employment prospects by continuing your education. The master's program is not only about deepening knowledge. It involves interesting research and practical activities.

This direction is inextricably linked with constant communication with people. Therefore, practice helps to develop communication skills. During the master's program, the best universities conduct intellectually active games, master classes, and excursions. They offer knowledge of an international level, which opens up opportunities for professional development in other countries.




Deputy Chairman Deputy Minister

Federal Agency for Education and Science

physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation


Registration No. 773 gum/sp


Specialty – 032103

"Recreation and sports and health tourism"

Graduate qualification – “Specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism”

Introduced from the moment of approval
Moscow 2005


1.1. The direction of training (specialty) was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 12, 2005 No. 4.

1.2. Graduate qualifications - specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism.

The standard period for mastering the basic educational program for training a specialist in specialty 032103 – Recreation and sports and health tourism for full-time study is 5 years.

1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate

1.3.1. Area and objects of professional activity

Region The professional activities of a specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism are: sports and health tourism; physical (physical education and sports) recreation and rehabilitation; activities to improve the health of the population through physical culture, sports and tourism; tourism, leisure and recreation industry; tourist and recreational institutions and systems; sanatorium and resort institutions; physical culture and sports, other services in the field of recreation and tourism.

To objects The professional activities of a specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism include: physical, mental and functional capabilities of a person; development and implementation of special motor regimens focused on the prevention and elimination of mental and physical stress; socio-cultural, environmental, local history and physical education of the individual; designing recreational and health cycles for serving tourists; organizational, methodological, management activities in the field of tourism, local history and recreational complex; development and approval of the principles of an active healthy lifestyle, their practical implementation through the means of recreation, tourism and local history: the process of personality formation, its introduction to universal and cultural values, to recreational and health forms of activities, tourist and local history events and tourism.

1.3.2. Types of professional activities

A specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism is trained:

  1. to pedagogical and recreational and health activities in all types of educational institutions and sanatorium-resort profiles, in tourism and local history organizations, in enterprises of various forms of ownership, in children's and youth teams for the main types of tourism;

  2. to the implementation of recreational and health, environmental and local history tasks by factors of physical culture, sports, tourism and local history - in physical education and sports, tourism and local history, sports and entertainment, cultural and leisure, medical, rehabilitation and preventive institutions of any form of ownership;

  3. to activities for carrying out recreational and health activities on tourist routes and in the process of recreational, educational and tourist-local history trips;

  4. to the organization of tourism and recreational, local history, excursion, methodological and tour operator activities, entertainment and physical culture and sports leisure activities in tourist groups, clubs, companies, etc.;

  5. to management and marketing activities in the field of tourism and physical recreation at the local, regional and federal levels;

  6. to the development and implementation of special motor regimes focused on the formation of spiritual values, morality, prevention and elimination of mental and physical stress, socio-cultural, local history, environmental and physical education of the individual.

1.3.3. Objectives of the graduate’s professional activity

A specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism is prepared to solve the following tasks:

n Pedagogical and coaching activities:

  1. assess the physical and functional state of the individual, his suitability for engaging in one of the types of tourism and recreational and health activities;

  2. determine the goals and objectives of recreational and health, tourism and local history, recreational and leisure and health and rehabilitation activities , educational and training processes;

  3. select means and methods of tourism, educational, recreational and rehabilitation activities that are adequate to the assigned tasks;

  4. determine the amount of load that is adequate to the individual’s capabilities;

  5. evaluate the effectiveness of the means and methods used in the educational and training process, correctional and consulting activities;

  6. carry out current and stage-by-stage monitoring of the state of general and special performance of those involved and make adjustments to the training and recreational-rehabilitation processes;

  7. teach motor actions related to recreational, health, and tourism and local history activities;

  8. monitor the effectiveness of the technique of the main types of tourism and physical culture and sports movements, develop and use methods for its improvement;

  9. use computer equipment, computer programs for planning recreational, rehabilitation, physical education, health and training processes, taking into account the loads performed, monitoring the condition of those involved, adjusting the recreational, rehabilitation and training processes, solving other practical problems;

  10. theoretically and methodologically develop and carry out professional activities at the interdisciplinary level;

  11. contribute to the formation of the personality of students in the process of recreational forms of classes and tourism, local history and excursion activities, the use of other means of physical education, its familiarization with universal human values, and a healthy lifestyle.
n Research activities in the field of recreation and sports and health tourism:

  1. identify and formulate current problems in the field of recreation and tourism;

  2. to form the logic and methodology of scientific research in the field of recreation and tourism;

  3. determine the goals and objectives of the study;

  4. apply research methods and techniques that are adequate to the assigned tasks;

  5. process, analyze and document research results using computer equipment and computer programs.
n Organizational and managerial activities:

  1. make management decisions in the field of sports and health tourism and recreational complexes;

  2. analyze and summarize the activities of state and public authorities in the field of tourism and recreation;

  3. design cycles of health and recreational services for various socio-demographic groups of the population and tourists;

  1. carry out travel agency and tour operator activities;

  1. organize and conduct recreational and health, physical education, tourism, local history and sports events in educational, cultural and leisure, sanatorium and resort, recreational and health and tourism and local history institutions;

  2. plan your own activities and the activities of the population to use various values ​​and means of tourism and local history, recreation and rehabilitation in order to improve the health and social adaptation of the individual;

  3. work with financial and economic documentation in the field of recreation and tourism.
n Recreational and rehabilitation activities:

  1. analyze the values ​​and effectiveness of physical culture and health-improving types of recreational and rehabilitation activities;

  2. predict the conditions and direction of the sphere of active and meaningful recreation for various categories of the population;

  3. develop programs and training regimens for motor recreation and rehabilitation of the population at the regional and local levels, select appropriate means and methods for their implementation for training cycles of various durations.
1.4. Opportunities for continuing education

A graduate who has mastered the basic educational program in specialty 032103 – Recreation and sports and health tourism is prepared to continue his education in master’s and postgraduate studies.


2.1. Previous level of education - secondary (complete) general education.

2.2. The applicant must have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, or primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education, or higher vocational education.

2.3. When applying for training in the specialty of recreation and sports and health tourism, a higher institution has the right to conduct entrance tests of a professional orientation.

2.4. List of additional entrance tests related to the specifics of the field.

2.4.1. General physical preparation. With the help of regulatory requirements developed by the university, the level of development of a person’s basic motor qualities, which are important for the implementation of program material in the disciplines of the physical education and sports curriculum, based on school physical education, is assessed.

2.4.2 . Specialized training in a chosen type of tourist or physical education and sports activity. With the help of special tests developed by the university, the level of development of special physical qualities, the degree of proficiency in motor skills and abilities, the level of special knowledge specific to the chosen type of tourism, physical education and sports, recreational and health, and environmental and local history activities are assessed.

2.5 . Persons who have a diploma of “specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism” are enrolled to continue their education in a master’s program in the specialty “Recreation and sports and health tourism” on a competitive basis. The conditions for competitive selection are determined by the university.

2.6. Persons wishing to master the master's program in the specialty "Recreation and Sports and Health Tourism", whose profile is not specified in paragraph 2.5., are admitted to the competition based on the results of passing additional exams established by the university.


3.1. The main educational program of a specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes a curriculum, discipline programs, educational and practical training programs.

3.2. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the basic educational program of a specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism, the conditions for its implementation and the timing of its development are determined by this state educational standard.

3.3. The main educational program of a specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism is formed from disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the student’s choice, as well as elective disciplines. Disciplines and courses of the student's choice in each cycle must complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.

3.4. The main educational program of a specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism should include the student studying the following cycles of disciplines and final state certification:

GSE CYCLE - general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

EH CYCLE - general mathematical and natural science disciplines;

OPD CYCLE - general professional disciplines;

CYCLE DS - special disciplines;

FTD - electives.

3.5. The content of the disciplines of the national-regional (university) component of the main educational program for training a specialist in recreation and sports and health tourism should ensure the preparation of the graduate in accordance with the qualification characteristics established by this educational standard.



Name of disciplines and their main sections

Total hours





General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines



Federal component



Foreign language

Specifics of articulation of sounds, intonation, accentuation and rhythm of neutral speech in the target language; the main features of the complete pronunciation style, characteristic of the field of professional communication; reading the transcription.

Lexical minimum in the amount of 4000 educational lexical units of a general and terminological nature.

The concept of differentiation of vocabulary by areas of application (everyday, terminological, general scientific, official and other).

The concept of free and stable phrases, phraseological units.

The concept of the main methods of word formation.

Grammatical skills that ensure communication without distortion of meaning in written and oral communication of a general nature; basic grammatical phenomena characteristic of professional speech.

The concept of everyday literary, official business, scientific styles, and the style of fiction. Main features of the scientific style. Culture and traditions of the countries of the language being studied, rules of speech etiquette.

Speaking. Dialogue and monologue speech using the most common and relatively simple lexical and grammatical means in basic communicative situations of informal and official communication. Fundamentals of public speech (oral communication, report).

Listening. Understanding dialogic and monologue speech in the field of everyday and professional communication.

Reading. Types of texts: simple pragmatic texts and texts on broad and narrow specialty profiles.

Letter. Types of speech works: abstract, abstract, theses, messages, private letter, business letter, biography.



Physical Culture

Basic concepts. Essence and content. Means, methods and principles of constructing classes. An idea of ​​the technique of basic (gymnastics, swimming, skiing, etc.) physical exercises and its characteristics. Teaching motor actions and features of the methodology. Physical qualities and methods of their education. Forms of lesson construction. Methods of general physical and conditioning training for various categories of athletes. Competitive activity. Planning and pedagogical control. Organization and judging of competitions. Safety precautions and injury prevention during physical exercise.




Subject of philosophy. The place and role of philosophy in culture. The formation of philosophy. Main directions, schools of philosophy and stages of its historical development. The structure of philosophical knowledge.

The doctrine of being. Monistic and pluralistic concepts of being, self-organization of being. Concepts of material and ideal. Space, time. Movement and development of dialect. Determinism and indeterminism. Dynamic and statistical patterns. Scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world.

Man, society, culture. Human and nature. Society and its structure. Civil society and the state. A person in a system of social connections. Man and the historical process; personality and masses, freedom and necessity. Formational and civilizational concepts of social development.

The meaning of human existence. Violence and non-violence. Freedom and responsibility. Morality, justice, law. Moral values. Ideas about the perfect person in different cultures. Aesthetic values ​​and their role in human life. Religious values ​​and freedom of conscience.

Consciousness and cognition. Consciousness, self-awareness and personality. Cognition, creativity, practice. Faith and knowledge. Understanding and explanation. Rational and irrational in cognitive activity. The problem of truth. Reality, thinking, logic and language. Structure and extrascientific knowledge. Scientific criteria. The structure of scientific knowledge, its methods and forms. The growth of scientific knowledge. Scientific revolutions and changes in types of rationality. Science and technology.

The future of humanity. Global problems of our time. Interaction of civilizations and future scenarios.



Introduction to economic theory. Good. Needs, resources. Economic choice. Economic relations. Economic systems. The main stages in the development of economic theory. Methods of economic theory.

Microeconomics. Market. Demand and supply. Consumer preferences and marginal utility. Demand factors. Individual and market demand. Income effect and substitution effect. Elasticity. Supply and its factors. Law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity. Effect of scale. Types of costs. Firm. Revenue and profit. The principle of profit maximization. Proposal from a perfectly competitive firm and industry. Efficiency of competitive markets. Market power. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Antimonopoly regulation. Demand for factors of production. Labor market. Labor supply and demand. Wages and employment. Capital market. Interest rate and investment. Land market. Rent. General balance and well-being. Income distribution. Inequality. Externalities and public goods. The role of the state.

Macroeconomics. National economy as a whole. The cycle of income and products, GDP and ways to measure it. National income. Disposable personal income. Price indices. Unemployment and its forms. Inflation and its types. Economic cycles. Macroeconomic equilibrium. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Stabilization of politics. Equilibrium in the commodity market. Consumption and savings. Investments. Government spending and taxes. Multiplier effect. Fiscal policy.

Money and its functions. Equilibrium in the money market. Money multiplier. Banking system. Money-credit policy. Economic growth and development. International economic relations. Foreign trade and trade policy. Payment balance. Exchange rate.

Features of the transition economy of Russia. Privatization. Forms of ownership. Entrepreneurship. Shadow economy. Labor market. Distribution and income. Transformations in the social sphere.

Structural changes in the economy. Formation of an open economy.


National history

Essence, forms, functions of historical significance.

Methods and sources of the study of history. Concept and classification of historical source. Domestic historiography in the past and present: general and special. Methodology and theory of historical science. The history of Russia is an integral part of world history.

Ancient heritage in the era of the Great Migration. The problem of ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. The main stages of the formation of statehood. Ancient Rus' and nomads. Byzantine-Old Russian connections. Features of the social system of Ancient Rus'. Ethnocultural and socio-political processes of the formation of Russian statehood. Acceptance of Christianity. Spread of Islam. The evolution of East Slavic statehood in the 11th-12th centuries. Socio-political changes in Russian lands in the 13th-15th centuries. Rus' and the Horde: problems of mutual influence. Russia and the medieval states of Europe and Asia. Specifics of the formation of a unified Russian state. The rise of Moscow. Formation of a class system of society organization. Reforms of Peter I. Age of Catherine. Prerequisites and features of the formation of Russian absolutism. Discussion about the genesis of autocracy.

Features and main stages of economic development of Russia. Evolution of forms of land ownership. The structure of feudal land tenure. Serfdom in Russia. Manufacturing and industrial production. The formation of industrial society in Russia: general and special. Social thought and features of the social movement in Russia in the 19th century. Reforms and reformers in Russia. Russian culture of the 19th century. and its contribution to world culture.

The role of the 20th century in world history. Globalization of social processes. The problem of economic growth and modernization. Revolution and reforms. Social transformation of society. The clash of tendencies of internationalism and nationalism, integration and separatism, democracy and authoritarianism.

Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The objective need for industrial modernization in Russia. Russian reforms in the context of global development at the beginning of the century. Political parties of Russia: genesis, classification, programs, tactics. Russia in conditions of world war and national crisis. Revolution of 1917. Civil war and intervention, their results and consequences. Russian emigration. Socio-economic development of the country in the 20s. NEP. Formation of a one-party political regime. Education of the USSR. Cultural life of the country in the 20s. Foreign policy.

The course towards building socialism in one country and its consequences. Socio-economic transformations in the 30s. Strengthening the regime of Stalin's personal power. Resistance to Stalinism. USSR on the eve and during the initial period of World War II. The Great Patriotic War

Socio-economic development, socio-political life, culture. Foreign policy of the USSR in the post-war years. Cold War.

Attempts to implement political and economic reforms.

Scientific and technological revolution and its influence on the course of social development.

USSR in the mid-60s-80s: growing crisis phenomena. Soviet Union in 1985-1991 Perestroika. The 1991 coup attempt and its failure. Collapse of the USSR. Belovezhskaya agreements. October events of 1993

The formation of a new Russian statehood (1993-1999). Russia is on the path of radical socio-economic modernization. Culture in modern Russia. Foreign policy activity in a new geopolitical situation.


Cultural studies

Structure and composition of modern cultural knowledge. Culturology and philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural anthropology. Culturology and cultural history. Theoretical and applied cultural studies. Methods of cultural studies. Basic concepts of cultural studies: culture, civilization, morphology of culture, functions of culture, subject of culture, language and symbols of culture, cultural codes, intercultural communications, cultural values ​​and norms. Cultural traditions, cultural picture of the world, social cultural institutions, cultural self-identity, cultural modernization.

Typology of cultures. Ethnic and national, elite and mass culture. Eastern and Western types of cultures. Specific and “middle” cultures. Local cultures. The place and role of Russia in world culture. Trends in cultural universalization in the global modern process.

Culture and nature. Culture and society. Culture and global problems of our time.

Culture and personality. Enculturation and socialization.



Psychology: subject, object and methods of psychology. The place of psychology in the system of sciences. History of the development of psychological knowledge and main directions in psychology. Individual, personality, subject, individuality Psyche and organism. Psyche, behavior and activity. Basic functions of the psyche. Development of the psyche in the process of ontogenesis and phylogenesis. Brain and psyche. Structure of the psyche. The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious. Basic mental processes. Structure of consciousness. Cognitive processes. Feeling. Perception. Performance. Imagination. Thinking and intelligence. Creation. Attention. Mnemonic processes. Emotions and feelings. Mental regulation of behavior and activity. Communication and speech. Psychology of Personality. Interpersonal relationships. Psychology of small groups. Intergroup relations and interactions.

Human personality, his character and individual typological characteristics. Personality orientation.

Human needs. Types of needs and ways to satisfy them (timing, norms, etc.).

Pedagogy: object, subject, tasks, functions and methods of pedagogy. The main categories of pedagogy are education, upbringing, training, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical technology, pedagogical task. Education as a universal human value. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon and pedagogical process. Educational system of Russia, goals, content, structure of lifelong education, unity of education and self-education.

Pedagogical process. Educational, educational and developmental functions of training. Education in the pedagogical process. General forms of organization of educational activities. Lesson, lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory classes, debate, conference, test, exam, elective classes, consultation. Methods, techniques, means of organizing and managing the pedagogical process.

The family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and the sociocultural environment of education and personal development . Management of educational systems.


Russian language and culture of speech

Styles of modern Russian literary language. Language norm, its role in the formation and functioning of a literary language.

Speech interaction. Basic units of communication. Oral and written varieties of literary language. Regulatory, communicative, ethical aspects of oral and written speech.

Functional styles of modern Russian language. Interaction of functional styles. Scientific style. Specifics of using elements of different language levels in scientific speech. Speech norms for educational and scientific fields of activity. Official business style, the scope of its functioning, genre diversity. Language forms of official documents. Techniques for unifying the language of official documents. International properties of Russian official business writing. Language and style of administrative documents. Language and style of commercial correspondence. Language and style of instructional and methodological documents. Advertising in business speech. Rules for document preparation. Speech etiquette in a document.

Genre differentiation, selection of linguistic means in a journalistic style. Features of oral public speech. The speaker and his audience. Main types of arguments. Preparation of a speech: choosing a topic, purpose of speech, searching for material, beginning, development and completion of speech. Basic methods of searching for material and types of auxiliary materials. Verbal presentation of a public speech. Clarity, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech.

Colloquial speech in the system of functional varieties of the Russian literary language. Conditions for the functioning of spoken language, the role of extra-linguistic factors. A culture of speech. The main directions for improving competent writing and speaking skills.



Background and socio-philosophical premises of sociology as a science. Sociological project of O. Comte. Classic sociological theories. Modern sociological theories. Russian sociological thought. Society and social institutions. World system and processes of globalization. Social groups and communities. Types of communities. Community and personality. Small groups and teams. Social organization. Social movements.

Social inequality, stratification and social mobility. The concept of social status.

Social interaction and social relationships. Public opinion as an institution of civil society. Culture as a factor of social change. Interaction of economics, social relations and culture. Personality as a social type. Social control and deviation. Personality as an active subject. Social changes. Social revolutions and reforms. Social progress concept. Formation of the world system. Russia's place in the world community. Methods of sociological research.



State and law. Their role in the life of society. Rule of law and normative legal acts. Basic legal systems of our time. International law as a special system of law. Sources of Russian law. Law and regulations.

System of Russian law. Branches of law. Offense and legal liability. The importance of law and order in modern society. Constitutional state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the state. Features of the federal structure of Russia. The system of government bodies in the Russian Federation.

The concept of civil legal relations. Individuals and legal entities. Ownership. Obligations in civil law and liability for their violation. Inheritance law.

Marriage and family relations. Mutual rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children. Responsibility under family law. Employment agreement (contract). Labor discipline and responsibility for its violation. Administrative offenses and administrative liability.

Concept of crime. Criminal liability for committing crimes.

Environmental law. Features of legal regulation of future professional activities.

Legal basis for the protection of state secrets. Legislative information and legal acts in the field of information protection and state secrets.


Political science

Object, subject and method of political science. Functions of political science. Political life and power relations. The role and place of politics in the life of modern societies. Social functions of politics. History of political doctrines. Russian political tradition: origins, sociocultural foundations, historical dynamics. Modern political science schools. Civil society, its origin and features. Features of the formation of civil society in Russia. Institutional aspects of politics. Political power. Politic system. Political regimes, political parties, electoral systems. Political relations and processes. Political conflicts and ways to resolve them. Political technologies. Political management. Political modernization. Political organizations and movements. Political elites. Political leadership. Sociocultural aspects of politics. World politics and international relations. Features of the world political process. National-state interests of Russia in the new geopolitical situation.

Methodology for understanding political reality. Paradigms of political knowledge. Expert political knowledge; political analytics and forecasting.


National-regional (university) component



Disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the university



General mathematics and natural sciences



Federal component




Analytical geometry and linear algebra. Introduction to mathematical analysis. Differential and integral calculus. Rows. Differential equations. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Basic theories of queuing.



Computer science

Information concept . The evolution of ideas about information and computer science in society, economics, recreation and tourism. Characteristics of the processes of collecting, transmitting, processing and storing information; computers; presentation of information; processing information using computers; hardware and software; algorithmization; programming languages; personal computer (PC) device; means of input and output of information; PC system software; PC operating systems; service shells; files, directories and subdirectories; file operations; application software; text editors; spreadsheets; Database; database management systems; integrated application packages.

Fundamentals of protecting information and information constituting state secrets; information security methods.

Computer workshop.



Geography of recreational systems and tourism

General characteristics of the geography of the market system for supply and demand of tourism, recreational, rehabilitation and tourism services at the global, macro-regional, state and regional levels.

Recreational and tourist resources, industry and infrastructure. A detailed description of the features of recreational resource use and recreation programming.

Concepts about recreational and tourist space, their systems and relationships. Microeconomic system of recreation and tourism, tourism and recreational activities.

General characteristics of recreational and tourism regional studies: sources of tourist and regional studies information; functions, principles and methods of creating regional and recreational (types of recreation, natural and cultural complexes, government bodies, etc.) databases; examples of recreational and tourism-country studies analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of recreational systems and tourism in selected territories.

Geography of centers of various types of tourism, recreational systems and subsystems. Recreational zones and regional studies. Tourist area, its characteristics, principles of identification. Geography of recreational and tourist centers in Russia.



General ecology

Theoretical foundations of ecology. Basic concepts, historical stages and trends in environmental development. Characteristics of environmental factors. Population ecology. Contents of basic environmental principles. Structure of biocenoses. Trophic connections. Ecological pyramid. Ecological succession. Dynamics of biocenoses. Teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere. The circulation of substances and energy in nature. Functions of the biosphere.

Organism and environment (concepts, their characteristics and classification). Laws of ecology. Ecological modeling. General characteristics of the environmental capabilities of the environment; environmental resources; natural resource cadastre; international red book, etc.

Ecological crises. Ecology as a scientific basis for rational environmental management and protection of living organisms.

Classification of anthropogenic pollution. Ecological pathology. Environmental refugees.

Socio-economic and political aspects of ecology. Trends in the joint development of natural and man-made environments.

International environmental law. Russian legislative acts and law in the field of ecology. Environmental and legal responsibility for the preservation of natural resources, historical and cultural monuments.

Ways to form environmental awareness and culture of those involved in various forms of recreation and tourism.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.V. Kuzin
Professor, Director of the Institute of Recreation and Tourism RSUPC S.A. Goniyants
Professor A.I. Ismailov
Professor, Head of Department of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation V.G. Shcherbakov
Keywords: personnel training, educational and methodological complex, tourist services, tourism, educational standard. In domestic higher education, training in sports and recreational tourism, including amateur tourism, began back in the 50s. last century (within the USSR) and was mainly carried out in educational institutions subordinate to the State Sports Committee: in BGIFK, GTSOLIFK, GDOIFK named after. P.F. Lesgaft and other universities created educational commissions on sports and health tourism, opened specializations, and prepared an educational and methodological complex for training specialists (qualification “Teacher-organizer for sports and health work and tourism” - early 80s). The training of personnel for tourist services was mainly carried out by the system of trade union tourism, which, as a unique social phenomenon, was collapsed in the early 90s.Today it has already become obvious that during these years we have been catastrophically losing children’s and youth tourism, the sphere of influence of which involves millions of students. Only tourism and local history educational activities are currently carried out by about 400 centers, stations for young tourists and 2000 Houses, Palaces of creativity for children and youth. About 6,500 specialized camps are organized annually in the Russian Federation. About 5 thousand certified amateur local history, ethnographic and military-patriotic museums have been created in educational institutions of various types.About 11,000 methodologists and instructors currently work in the field of children's and youth tourism in Russia, however, according to various expert estimates, almost every third or fourth of them does not have a higher pedagogical or tourism education.It is also necessary to take into account that preventive physical culture and health centers are being revived, and sanatorium and resort practice currently (as of 2001) has more than 4.5 thousand sanatorium and resort institutions that are in dire need of highly qualified specialists providing preventive health population by means and methods of tourism and recreation at least in the following two directions: daily compensatory restoration of a person’s psychophysical strength and extended - during the sanatorium-resort vacation period, in rest homes and camp sites, in treatment and preventive centers and recreational and health structures of national parks and lands.In world practice in the field of recreation and tourism, there is a need for training the following key specialists:1) recreation and tourism manager, ensuring the development of recreational, leisure, entertainment services for tours and the organization of services on tourist routes (tour operator, travel agent, leisure and hospitality manager);
2) an economist (financial manager) who provides business planning and organization of commercial and entrepreneurial activities at recreational complexes, institutions, tourism enterprises and firms;
3) animator, or the so-called “organizer, manager of recreational sports and tourism” - a specialist in the organization and development of programs for recreational, health and rehabilitation activities in the process of recreational and tourist activities, in tourist groups, institutionssanatorium-resort complex and recreation;
4) a specialist (instructor-methodologist, trainer, teacher, teacher of tourism and local history, guide-instructor, tour guide, etc.), responsible for the development and implementation of special cycles of recreational and tourist activities;
5) specialist in cultural and educational tourism, excursion studies, museology.As you can see, we are talking about multidisciplinary training of highly educated and highly qualified specialists for the sphere of recreation and tourism. In this regard, if we follow the logic of the semantic content of the word “university” (translated as “totality”), usually understood as a combination of humanitarian and natural knowledge, then the training of such specialists can most fully be carried out within the framework of traditional university education.Today it has already become clear that attempts to blindly copy foreign approaches to education and introduce them into the life of Russian society, and against the backdrop of forgetting the accumulated domestic experience, as well as neglecting the values ​​of previous generations, the historical socio-cultural traditions of the country, have turned out to be futile.It is also fundamentally important to note that the extremely urgent need for training specialists in this profile was drawn to the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on the issue “On the increased role of physical education and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of Russians” on January 30, 2002.However, training for the tourism industry is hampered by a number of circumstances:
    the Ministry of Labor and Social Development does not have an appropriate structure of jobs for both the tourism industry and the recreation sector; there is no quantitative need for specialists and a professional qualification structure of human resources in this profile; in the temporary standards proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development (May 1999) there is no list of positions and categories of tourism industry personnel focused on the current labor market conditions. In the existing list, hotel management positions are clearly exaggerated (dishwasher, room cleaner, cook, etc.); There is no legislative framework for licensing the activities of tourist establishments, agencies, firms, as well as individuals. And finally, there is no government body that is ultimately and completely responsible for the entire tourism industry. It is clear that the structure of jobs and, naturally, the primary focus on training human resources largely depends on these circumstances.
The current structure for training specialists with higher education for the sphere of recreation and tourism developed at the beginning of the transition period from a planned economy to market relations, taking into account the state and needs of these industries, in conditions where the rapid development of the need for recreational, rehabilitation and tourism services among the population 90s caused a rapid growth in the development of recreational systems, recreational and health centers, tourism enterprises, travel agencies and agencies. There was a need in a short time to train personnel who could, at the first stage, carry out managerial, financial, economic and socio-cultural activities, mainly in the field of tourism.In this regard, we note that currently in the Russian Federation, about 130 higher educational institutions are training personnel for the tourism sector. In 2002, the Association of Universities of Tourism Education was created.Creation of specializations within various specialties: 061100 - "Organization Management" and directions 521200 - "Management"; 230500 - “Socio-cultural service and tourism”; 060800 - "Economics and management"; 320700 - “Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources”; 012 500 - “Geography”, etc., has actually made it possible over the last 8-10 years to quickly reorient the training of students in a number of related specialties to the interests of the tourism industry and to meet its needs, but mainly for specialist managers, financiers, hotel and service workers.However, in the specialties in which personnel are currently being trained for the recreation and tourism industries, as well as in the set of disciplines, there are no subjects that provide a comprehensive formation of knowledge and practical skills aimed at mastering:
    technologies of tourism and local history activities; technologies of a recreational and health nature; methods of organizing and conducting recreational forms of activities of various types, as well as various types of sports and health tourism at the individual and group levels; practical experience in creating and conducting recreational and tourist cycles, organizing individual and group recreational and health tourism activities; ethnopsychological and ethnosocial aspects of the organization of recreation, recreation and recovery are not considered.
The existing standards also lack medical, biological and pedagogical disciplines aimed at recreational, health and tourist groups.In general, there are no disciplines focused on the socio-psychological education of the individual by means and methods of tourism and recreation, although in domestic and world practice there is a fairly clear idea of ​​the set of disciplines necessary for the professional training of tourism personnel and recreation specialists.The fundamental difference between the standard proposed by RGAFK and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (order No. 3955 of December 4, 2001) for specialty 022 400 - “Recreation and sports and health tourism” lies in a systematically presented set of disciplines that, through the means and methods of recreation, tourism and local history, ensure the formation knowledge, skills and abilities of professional activity in a new subject of work - “Socio-mental and physical health of the individual in the field of recreation and tourism.”Methodological basis specialty is the doctrine of the complex impact on a person of a unified system of recreation, tourism and local history, ensuring the expanded reproduction of the psychophysical state, intellectual and productive forces.Conceptual content of the standard complies with the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (1996), which provided the legal basis for tourism and tourist activities and identified them as a special independent field of activity.Subject of laborThis specialist will address the social and psychophysical health of the individual.Content professional activity:
    leading : development and implementation of special recreational, health and tourism regimes focused on the prevention and elimination of mental and physical stress, increasing physical capacity, sociocultural, environmental, local history and physical education of the individual; additional: design and implementation of recreational and health and tourism and health cycles of service for tourists; accompanying: formation of the recreational environment, reproduction and its protection in the field of tourism and the recreational complex.
Thus, the training will solve the problem of interdisciplinary training of a new type of specialist, who today is not trained at the proper qualification level by any higher educational institution.Placement of disciplines within the framework of the standard, it was carried out taking into account the internal logic of their proximity (problem nests were formed), which enhances the perception of fundamental integrity and emphasizes interdisciplinary connections.Scientific basis The set of disciplines is based on the idea of ​​recreation and tourism as an integral fundamental system of modern sciences about recreational and tourist activities, staffing and special recreational, health and motor regimes carried out in the system of recreation and recreation on tourist routes, on tours, tourist clubs, at camp sites, in sanatorium-resort and vacation institutions, etc.Complex of general professional disciplines is aimed at creating a unified base of knowledge and skills for training personnel in any of the existing and possible specializations in the world recreational and tourism practice. It also provides the graduate with the opportunity for intra-professional mobility over 30-40 years of professional activity, i.e. fully corresponds to the concept of a “comprehensive” specialist.It is assumed that the professional activity of such a specialist will be carried out in the field of recreation and tourism, in executive authorities, state and non-state organizations and institutions, joint-stock companies, limited liability companies and other commercial organizations, in associations of individuals. Fundamental knowledge in the field of recreation and tourism, combined with profiled information in a specific field of application, will provide the specialist with the ability to scientifically based goal setting, design, construction and procedural development of activities in various fields of application of recreational and tourism activities.Thus, specialists with higher professional education in specialty 022400 - “Recreation and sports and health tourism” can potentially work:
    in educational institutions of any type (general secondary education, additional education for children of tourism and local history, in universities); in special educational institutions (boarding schools, orphanages), homes for disabled children; at enterprises and organizations as instructors and methodologists in industrial gymnastics; in recreational, health and fitness centers and clubs; at tourism enterprises, firms and agencies; in clubs, federations, tourism and sports unions, and other municipal government and public organizations that cultivate sports and health tourism; at tourist bases, in the houses of hunters and fishermen, in recreational and health structures of national and natural parks and lands; in sanatorium-resort and recreational institutions, rest homes, treatment and prevention centers; in federal, republican, regional government bodies governing education, physical culture, sports and tourism, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Natural Resources, etc.
We also note that the need of society for the training of these specialists does not depend on the departmental affiliation of tourism and the sanatorium and resort complex - it is objective, and the health of the nation and the social security of the population depend to a certain extent on the solution of this problem.The foregoing allows us to state that the need for specialists in recreation and sports and health tourism in the Russian and world labor markets is great and will constantly increase as the well-being of our society improves and the quality of life of the population improves.

The opportunity to express yourself, test your physical abilities and enjoy the event will allow the symbiosis of recreation and sports and health tourism. Together, these concepts represent the conquest of a tourist route in any available way feasible for the tourist.

Recreation has long been part of human life as an annual vacation. This set of health-improving activities helps a person step away from everyday worries and worries. It can be an active holiday, or maybe just passive relaxation.

Sports and health tourism implies active actions, using tourist skills to conquer the route and survive.

Together, these concepts merge into a system of various activities created for the active development of tourism abilities, overcoming routes of varying complexity and the widespread use of active sports.

In addition to the standard water and ski options, tourists can travel by bicycle, motorcycle, horse-drawn transport, or even choose to cover the route on foot.

Different age categories with varying levels of skills and abilities can participate in this, as it seemed to me at first, adventurous event. I have never had significant endurance or special abilities in the field of tourism, but even for me such a vacation has become my favorite.

Obtaining specific knowledge is a special feature of such a vacation

Groups are formed according to age. Happens:

  • children's;
  • youthful;
  • adult;
  • family and sports tourism.

Depending on the age and skills of tourists, a route is selected that each member of the group can overcome. Such an event can take place under the auspices of any tourist club or circle, or it can have independent initiatives. The main thing is to have an accompanying person with professional skills in the field of sports and health tourism.

The routes are graded according to difficulty levels. Categories of three levels have been developed for children and young people. For adults, the gradation is more intense. Weekend hikes are popular. I also became a supporter of this type of holiday. After a working week, a change of environment is beneficial.

This set of events is a chance for children to step away from the virtual world and learn a lot of new things.

Communication with nature, the opportunity to discover new horizons, test your fortitude and test your physical capabilities - this is not the entire list of what such a complex of events will provide.


The curriculum for the specialty “Recreation and Sports and Health Tourism” is designed in such a way that students study both near-medical disciplines (physical rehabilitation, human physiology, monitoring of human physical condition, human anatomy, human morphology) and a foreign language (in particular, professional vocabulary ), and general education subjects. But, of course, special attention is paid to such disciplines as:

  • economics of recreation and tourism,
  • balneology,
  • recreationology,
  • tourism and recreation management,
  • basics of sports and health tourism.
As part of the curriculum, bachelors are prepared for organizational, managerial, teaching and research activities.

Who to work with

The main task of graduates with a degree in Recreation and Sports and Health Tourism is to create a suitable environment for comfortable recreation and sports. Therefore, young professionals can work as coaches, teachers, animators, accompanying tourist groups, counselors in health camps, fitness, tourism and sports instructors - in areas where not only good sports training, excellent health and theoretical knowledge are required, but also the ability to communicate with people. The first workplace for bachelors can be sanatorium-resort institutions, tourist recreation complexes, and sports and recreational institutions. Quite often, this specialty is chosen by former athletes who plan to find a job in the fitness industry or work as personal trainers after graduation. Young people who specialize in specific types of fitness and practice their own training methods are in demand today, and their work is decently paid.