Download the mod for the ship's helm. Ships - mod for floating ships

Ships is an excellent mod for real floating ships for Minecraft 1.7.10, which will allow you not only to build any ship you want (from a boat of two blocks to a huge five-masted frigate), but also to successfully control it on the water. Any mass of blocks ranging from 2 to 10,000 can eventually become a floating ship with this mod.

The basis of any properly built ship is that it must be built above water and adhere to certain principles. Whether your ship ultimately sails or not directly depends on this. Each special ship block has its own interface (GUI), where you can see whether the ship matches required size, whether he can swim, his mass, speed, etc. options. This approach gives you the opportunity to remake the ship, reconfigure it, so to speak, before launching, so that it does not sink at that very second.

The simplest floating ship from the Ships mods in Minecraft can consist of a ship block and an oar and that’s it, you can set sail. You will get a fairly strong boat that is not so easy to break, and of course it will float and everything will be fine until you try to moor to the shore.

For anything larger than a simple boat, you will need to install a helm, connecting it to the ship's block, and sails. The more sails your ship has, the higher its speed will be. And what's useful is that the helm will tell you how many sails are actually installed and working on the ship and you won't have to guess before sailing whether all the sails are functioning properly.

On the ship you can even arrange a berth for yourself. Not only will it work and perform the functions of a regular bed in Minecraft, but you will also have a spawn point for yourself. So if you die, drown, or anything else happens to you while sailing, you can always be reborn on your ship.

And this mod for floating ships has one feature that distinguishes it from other similar mods for Minecraft 1.7.10. These are the clipboard and the ship projector. With these tools you can copy your ship. The buffer is used to create an initial copy of the ship, and while in survival mode, you can use the ship's projector to display the image of the ship in the form of a hologram and then use this hologram to build a new, identical ship.

Create your own ship and sail across the seas! This mod, like the zeppelin mod, allows you to create airships!

Blocks and items

Steering wheel
The main block required to create a ship.
Right-click to turn a cluster of blocks into an aircraft and control it.
Crafting recipe:

Block with two working indicators.
One of them, like a compass, always points to the north, the other measures the speed of the ship. A full circle on the device is 80 km/h.
This is what the block looks like:

Crafting recipe:

Extended dashboard designed specifically for airships and contains two additional devices: One measures vertical speed and the other measures altitude. To measure the height, two pointers are used, one of which circles every 10 blocks, and the second every 100.
This is what the block looks like:

Crafting recipe:

Please note: the block is not required for the ship to function correctly!
A lightweight block that allows the ship to float higher without sinking deep into the water. The more floats on a ship, the higher it floats above the water.
Crafting recipe:

A block required to create airships. In order for a ship to take off, it must consist of 40% balloons. This value can be changed in the configuration file.
The balls take on the color of the wool from which they are made.
Crafting recipe:

Passenger seat
With this block, one more player can be on board the ship.
To do this, he just needs to right-click on the seat, and he will automatically find himself in it.
Crafting recipe:

Coastal buffer
A simple block that never connects to ship blocks.
Crafting recipe:


Assemble the ship
To create a ship, build it like any other Minecraft structure.
Then place the steering wheel on it, which is the main block of the ship and at the same time the pilot's seat.
Right-click on the steering wheel to open the interface:

  • Rename: Rename the ship. Press Enter or click the button again to save the new change name.

  • Compile: Scan all connected blocks and display the latest result on the screen. The compiled ship is stored in the helm memory.

  • Undo: return the previous compilation (in case the current one does not work). On this moment, this function can only be used once.

  • Mount: turn the compiled blocks into one whole object and start flying.
  • The following blocks (by default) are not taken into account during compilation:

  • Earth

  • grass

  • sand

  • gravel

  • clay

  • water lily

  • high grass

  • hell stone

  • sand of the soul
  • You can change the list using a configuration file.

    Decompiling a ship causes the following world blocks to be rewritten (by default):

  • high grass
  • You can change this list using a configuration file.

    Control the ship
    Use the movement keys to control the ship: left and right change the direction of movement, and forward and backward change the speed of the ship. It doesn't matter where the sight is pointed.
    In the configuration file, you can enable standard control by setting the control_type value to 0.

  • Gain Altitude – X: If you control an airship, it will rise higher.

  • Lower Altitude – Z: If you are flying an airship, it will descend lower.

  • Brake – C: Brings the boat to a complete stop.

  • Alignment – ​​= (equal sign): the ship adjusts to the world grid without connecting to other blocks.

  • Decompilation - \ (backslash): the ship is leveled, and its blocks become part of the world. Used to edit the ship.

  • Open Interface - K: Opens the ship's interface, but there are few functions available.
  • Teams:

  • /as or /ashelp or /as?

  • display a list of all mod commands.
  • /asinfo

  • display information about the ship you are on.
  • /asdismount

  • jump ship, even if decompilation is impossible. If you add the “overwrite” parameter, decompilation will occur, which will rewrite the world blocks.
  • /asalign

  • Aligning the ship to the world grid without joining other blocks. Useful when parking a boat.
  • /asdestroy [radius]

  • destroy the nearest ship within the specified radius. If a radius is not specified, a value of 16 blocks is used.


    How to install the Archimedes' Ships mod:

    1. Download and install

    2. Download the mod

    3. Move the downloaded .jar(zip) file to the folder C:\Users\Username\AppData\roaming\.minecraft\mods

    4. If such a folder does not exist, create it

    5. (Optional) Configure IDs and other settings in the configuration file (.minecraft/config/ArchimedesShips.cfg)

    6. Enjoy the game

    Wanna fly that giant sky island you made the other day? Want to actually use that pirate ship you built? Then Archimede's Ships Plus Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10 is what you need. Place a helm, add some balloons and off you go.

    Ship Characteristics:

    As you may or may not know ships, can have different characteristics based on how you build them.

    Ship Density

    Based on the blocks you use to create your ship, it will sink lower, or sink less! For example, a ship made of iron blocks will sink more than a block made of wood. This is based on the block’s material (Iron = Metal, Wooden Planks = Wood), you can of course configure this to make things more or less dense to your desire.

    Balloon Count

    If you make a ship and want it to fly you need balloons, by default 40% of your ship needs to be balloons. As per usual you can change this in the config and just make all ships fly with no balloons at all.

    Flood Fill Survivability

    Did you make a submarine but it would submerge, odd are you didn’t quite do it right.

    Crafting Recipes:

    The helm is required for any type of ship, simply place a helm on a standalone structure, right click assemble and mount! Once this is done you can control the ship, when you’re done you can press the ship gui Key (Default K) and disassemble.

    If you add a seat to your ship, other players can right click the ship to be assigned and mounted to a seat.

    Used if you need to anchor to a point consistently. Place one of these on the ground and activate it, then place one on your ship shift right click it and activate it to tether the anchors together. Now if you align within range of the anchor the ship will snap to the position of the ground anchor!

    Engines are used to increase the speed of your ship, each time you add an engine to a ship the speed will increase. They require a fuel source like coal or wood to function.

    A buffer acts as a buffer between the world and your ship, it’s useful for a dock to prevent your ship assembling the dock.

    Blocks StickyBuffer

    A sticky buffer acts the same as a buffer but it adds itself to the ship on assembly.


    Allows people to create mods that have flying structures, an example of the mod in use is archimedes ships plus. It also contains code for making your block function while in an entity state.