Red rose near the door of the house. The magic of roses. With a silver ring

Roses began to be used in magic since the times of ancient Rome, where they were very actively bred in many cities. This flower is a symbol of the realization of hidden possibilities. It absorbs the energy of laziness, gives creativity, resists aggressiveness, stops quarrels and fights, and helps women become more independent. Roses have a fairly cold aura and are associated with Venus and the element of water.
The main magical uses of roses: love magic, spiritual healing, fortune telling for love, career, protection of family and love relationships.
For roses, you can use fresh flowers, dried whole flowers, their image, petals, both fresh and dry, leaves and roots.
Dry petals Roses are brewed with boiling water (10-15 minutes). Next, add the resulting decoction to the water. Rose water (fresh infusion or dried decoction) and rose petals are often used in magical rituals performed in honor of Golda (ancient Germanic goddess household and fertility), Eros (god of love), Demeter (goddess of fertility and agriculture), Isis (patron goddess of girls and children), Adonis (god of beauty, desire and spring), Harpocrates (god of silence), Aurora (goddess of the dawn ), Aphrodite (goddess of carnal love), Hathor (Egyptian goddess of femininity and love).

It is used:
- for rinsing hands when doing love magic, especially before preparing love potions and dry mixtures
- added to the bath for rejuvenation and strengthening natural beauty
- when pronouncing predetermined spells, add a few drops to food or drink to obtain various magical effects (cooling, drying, love spell, protection, etc.)
- a few drops of rose tincture added to red wine to stimulate love feelings. Before this, any love spell or love plot, since the plant itself is considered classic symbol love.

Depending on the color of the petals, the use of roses varies significantly:

Any color or mixture of petals different color
restoration of sleep and strength(burn even number petals in the bedroom before bed - sleep will be sound and completely restore strength).
- making a protective mixture for someone close (add a few crushed dry petals to the mixture)
calming the situation in the house or office (scatter throughout the house or office in the morning, collect and throw away in the evening, and so on for 3 days in a row during the waning moon)
inducing prophetic dreams- drink tea with rose petals before bed
Dark red roses.
– getting rid of heartache (carry in a pouch around your neck during the waning moon, until a feeling of freedom from previous relationships arises)
- inducing love-sickness (by conspiring to pour it on the victim’s doorstep)
Bright red (or scarlet) rose used in rituals for beauty, perfection, grace, joy, strengthening love, renewing passion. She symbolizes masculinity and go well with the element of fire.
attraction happy marriage (assemble a bag of 5 red rose petals + 5 white rose petals + 2 cheap rings + a small heart from any material). Put it on during the waxing moon and wear it until you meet your betrothed
renewing a faded passion— brew an infusion of dry petals (fresh every day), speak 7 times:
“As the moon in the sky grows fuller and larger,
So your love (name) for me (name) will return your former passion!”
and during the entire growing Moon, add 7 drops once a day to your partner’s food or drink (especially red wine).
- for women 30 + - Brew the waxing moon every morning and rinse your face with this water, and take a bath in the evening.
to conceive a child— put 11 dry or fresh petals into a red bag, place them under the mattress on the side where your partner sleeps, after speaking to the waxing Moon:
"The moon is growing full,
Give my belly some grain,
Petal to petal, the flower blooms,
The blessed fruit grows with the moon"
Purple (poisonous pink) rose
love spells(brew an infusion, cast a special spell and add 3 drops to any drink or food)
attracting a soulmate if you 30 +
Pink rose
conceiving a child(speaking 7 dry petals 7 times: “Rose to the Moon bow, Rose turn to the Moon, Moon return to the firmament, give me fruit out of love” put in a pink or white bag and wear around your neck on the growing Moon, until pregnancy)
enhancing femininity and charm for women up to 30 years old(brew the waxing moon every morning and rinse your face with this water, and take a bath in the evening)
relieving fatigue(grind the petals in a mortar, brew, apply the resulting pulp in the form of a mask on the face for 10-15 minutes)
attracting a soul mate under 30— Take a bath with the addition of infusion from brewed dry petals every day for 3 cycles of the waxing Moon. While taking a bath, think about the desired ideal of a man.
to gain patronage bosses and attracting the attention of colleagues (clients) put 13 petals in a pink bag pink rose, speak: “Rose to rose - the bouquet is ready, I am the most best color from flowers, all 12 will be turned away, and they will take me (name) into their circle” and secretly place it in the workplace (for example, in a desk drawer)
Orange rose
relieving fatigue, restoration of strength (take a bath with the addition of infusion from brewed dry petals before going to bed on any day during the waxing Moon)
to maintain a good atmosphere in the family burn a few petals in the living room at home in the morning or in the middle of the day
replenishment of light energy- constantly carrying 9 rose petals in a bag
Yellow rose
protection from betrayal and deception if not married, speak 9 petals:
“(Name) I will protect you with a rose,
I won't say an evil word
Dry rose, instead of him,
Rose, go instead to the call,
Pick a rose instead,
There is nothing here except Rose."
on the waning moon and carry with you in a bag.
protection from betrayal and deception if married- speak 9 petals:
“You (name) have become a rose,
Has now become a yellow rose,
I'll give my husband a rose
I won’t say a word to my husband,
The thorn pricks, the color falls,
There is no one in the fog except the rose.
Rose has gone away
And my love is with me all night."
on the waning moon and place a bag of petals under the mattress of the marital bed.
Golden Rose- success, fame, wealth
Silver rose– increasing discipline, responsibility and spiritual growth
White Rose a symbol of unity, the creation of a union (business, spiritual, marriage), purification of energy. It has a feminine origin and is ideally combined with the element of water.
prevention of the evil eye- carry from 5 or more odd numbers of dry petals with you in a bag at all times.
removing the evil eye- on the night of the waning moon, sprinkle an odd number of petals around the bed, and in the morning sweep them away with a broom and throw them outside “to the wind,” saying: “White petal fly eye to eye, take away my evil eye to the one who looked, to the one who wanted evil,” and so on 5 nights in a row
Blue Rose– fulfillment of the most difficult desires
Absolutely black rose It has not yet been possible to grow, but there are varieties with a very dark red color, although some florists obtain black flowers by coloring them using a special technology. It is useful for:
withdrawals heartache and sadness(carry in a bag on the waning moon until a feeling of freedom arises)
- burning its petals before bed will help I'll call the prophets dreams
- burning on a black candle + mixing with cemetery soil will create a lining for inducing lovesickness or damage to relationships

Over the years, people have believed in various signs and superstitions. Sometimes even what seems completely stupid makes us think. But still, it’s not in vain that our grandmothers, knowing so much folk signs, can help us get rid of pain, protect ourselves from illness, or simply interpret this or that event.

There are a huge number of signs associated with flowers, and roses are not in last place on this list. We invite you to listen to some of them and, perhaps, changes will soon occur in your life. But remember that only we ourselves are the creators of our own destinies, so you should not take these tips to heart.

At all times, the rose has been a symbol of perfection, wealth and prosperity. A bouquet of fresh roses in your home indicates that happiness and good luck reign in your home. If such a bouquet is a gift from a man to a woman, then it is considered a talisman for the family. You can purchase a wonderful family amulet using flower delivery in Kyiv.

It is believed that if you are pricked by the thorns of a rose, then you may soon become disappointed in a person close to you, or a conflict will occur with your soulmate. To avoid this, you should tear off this thorn and throw it into the water in which the roses stand. Helpful advice, is not it?

Few people know that the habit of strewing the floor with petals Red roses Not a good omen at a wedding. It is better to cover it with long roses, which will promise a long marriage for the young and prosperity.

There is also a very interesting sign for unmarried girls. If those were lucky enough to see the first rose to bloom in the new season, then they should expect quick and long-lasting love.

A common sign is that if a given bouquet of roses quickly wilted, then its giver did not give it to you from a pure heart or without special feelings. But this does not mean at all that such a person treats you badly; perhaps it’s just that the flowers in the store were not entirely fresh. So don't rush to get upset!

A bouquet of white roses would be a good wedding gift. Order delivery of bouquets in Kyiv from the manufacturer.

There is a sign that rose petals brewed with tea will bring long life. Try it!

You should not store dried roses in your home. It’s better to change it to a fresh rose, place it in a tall vase and, according to legend, this will bring only positive energy to your home.

Everyone knows the sign that the longer a bouquet of roses stays in a vase, the stronger the feelings of the giver, but if they become sluggish or withered by morning, then they were not presented from a pure heart; those that have stood for several days in their original form indicate sympathy on the part of the giver. But a bouquet that remains fresh after weeks means that the person who presented it is experiencing passion. But the signs and superstitions about roses don’t end there – there are a whole lot of them.

Family, home

A pink bouquet given to a wife by her husband represents family and home.

If there are always fresh roses in a vase in the house, then fortune will never leave it.


Pricking yourself with the thorns of roses given by someone means disappointment in that person or a quarrel with him. But if you immediately tear off this thorn and put it in water, then this can be avoided, because you have, as it were, washed away the negative received from it.

Today, at weddings, it is customary to sprinkle pink petals on the newlyweds or make a carpet out of them for the newlyweds to walk on, but it is better to use long roses instead of petals. According to this sign, a young family will live happily ever after, not needing anything.

To see the bud of the first opened rose in the garden in the new season means that this person will very soon meet true love.

For a man to love the fair sex, he needs to drink hibiscus tea every day - it has a pronounced masculine energy.


Has the bouquet given for your birthday quickly withered? This means that the donor is offended by the birthday boy. Having revived him, one can expect that the resentment will soon pass and the old friendly relations will be restored.

Yellow tulips presented to a man will give him self-confidence, thanks to them he will become a winner.

It is believed that you cannot give an even number of flowers, this is a bad omen, but it turns out that there is an exception for bouquets of roses. So, 2 flowers - for an engagement or wedding, 10 - for pleasant surprise, 12 – recommended for a first date, for a long relationship, 36 – a sign of happiness and fun.

If a woman is given black roses, it means that she is passionately loved.

For good luck

If you carry dried red rose petals in a bag, you can attract good luck in love into your life, but if you carry white ones - in work, pink ones - in friendship, and yellow ones - to improve your health.

Drink tea made from rose petals, presented as a gift from dear and loved one, get health and joy of life.


Keeping a dried rose as a gift from your loved one means a quarrel with him and a break in the relationship.

Receiving a bouquet of yellow roses means separation.

Withered roses standing in bad-smelling water carry negativity.

In a bouquet with roses different colors a white rose withered - to illness.

The stem of a rose breaks - to the collapse of plans.

Bad omens can be neutralized if the flower is buried under a dry and old tree.

In general, the Flower is a symbol of the realization of hidden possibilities. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the rose flower symbolizes the female genital organs and is associated with Cupid, Eros, Adonis, Aphrodite, Isis, Hathor and Demeter. Rose water and rose petals are often used in magical rituals performed in honor of these gods and goddesses.

Aura: cold.

Planet: Venus (according to some sources, Jupiter).
Element: water.
Gods: Gator, Gulda, Eros, Cupid, Demeter, Isis, Adonis, Harpocrates, Aurora.
Main magical properties: love, mental strength, healing, fortune telling, luck, protection
Influence: absorbs the energy of laziness, gives creativity, resists aggressiveness, stops quarrels and fights, helps women become more independent.

To attract love, add rose water to the bath, put rose fruits on a thread and wear them like beads. The effect of love magic is enhanced if, while performing the action, you put a wreath of roses on your head (don’t forget to cut off the thorns), or put one rose in a vase - on the altar
Its petals, placed in a bag and hung around the neck, help to get pregnant.
Before preparing love mixtures, rinse your hands in rose water.
For prophetic dreams - tea from rose petals at night.
Burn rose petals in the bedroom before bed - sleep will completely restore strength.
When making a protective mixture for someone close, add rose petals to it.
Petals scattered around the house will calm you down and protect you from domestic troubles.

Everyone knows the rose's relatives. Trees, shrubs, herbs... Hawthorn, plum, apple tree, galangal and burnet, strawberries and cloudberries... and, of course, the most close relative- rose hip. All this is a genus of plants of the Rosaceae family.

Although the red rose traditionally symbolizes lust and love, the flower has long been associated with purity, compassion and perfection. In particular, the white rose is associated with the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit.

The color of a rose has a specific meaning. A red rose means love, passion, sexual relations. Pink - friendship, joy, fun, gratitude. Yellow - inspiration, but according to some folk beliefs this is the color of deception or a daring, unpunished crime. Orange rose - enthusiasm, passion and love of life. The white rose marks important events in a person’s life (birth, marriage, death), symbolizes unconditional love, purity and innocence.

Well, if we talk about color symbolism, it is diverse, just like the color scheme of rose bushes.

Bright red (or scarlet)- beauty, perfection, grace, joy, fiery love, motherhood, pleasure, earthly world, sun, mystery, silence, but also personifies death, the afterlife ( Ancient Greece, Rome, China, Iran, German-speaking countries), fire (alchemy);
purple (or dark red)- martyrdom of Christ, Divine love, mercy (Christianity);
pink - tenderness, youth, spring, dawn, beauty (antiquity);
golden- glory, splendor, heavenly bliss, aroma, wisdom, prayer, church, absolute success;
yellow- symbolized infidelity, betrayal. However, in China it was a symbol of royal power, so the tea rose was chosen as the emblem of the capital of China - Beijing. She can also act as a symbol of the sun, star, goddess of love and beauty, woman (mostly beautiful);
white- unity, Union, the name of Allah, divine love (Islam), symbol of water (alchemy); silver - the home of Brahma, the Universe, sign, law, path of order (In Buddhism, a stylized image of a rose flower often takes the form of a mandala - “platform of the universe” and means the triple truth. This is a star, and in a more global sense - a symbol, a visual reflection of the model of the Universe );
blue Rose- a symbol of the impossible. Found as an emblem in some esoteric societies. For the same reason, the Russian society of artists at the beginning of the 20th century. took the name "Blue Rose".
black Rose- symbol of sadness

In fortune telling and other magical rituals, not only the rose flower is used. Wanting to know their fate, women pluck three green leaves from a rose bush and assign each one the name of one of their lovers. The young man whose leaf does not wither longer than others will be her betrothed. Rose hips are strung on a cord like beads and worn to attract love. It is believed that a drink made from rosehip gives the gift of prediction.

Of all the flowers, roses are the most often given as gifts. However, there is an interesting belief: the greatest magical power possess roses stolen from someone else's garden.

The element of water is associated with the rose, so the flower is especially suitable for those born under the signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Rose corresponds to Mercury and Venus. It is believed that by taking a bath with rose petals or rose water, a beauty will soon meet her love. Even in ancient times, it was customary to sprinkle the newlyweds' bed with rose petals, awakening sensuality with their delicate aroma. In alchemy, a red rose denotes the masculine, a white rose the feminine. Combination of red and white roses(for example, two intertwined bushes in the garden) symbolizes unity and harmony.

In the old days, they believed that with its thorns a rose could turn a werewolf into a human, just by lightly touching him with the flower. The rose also exposed witches with its thorns.

Use of rose petals originates from Ancient Rome. They were grown in gardens even then. The Romans always found a use useful plants, and first of all, it was useful and medicinal plants that were grown and used.

The rose has extraordinary properties, and it is the petals.

Rose is the flower of transformation. Makes a person grow spiritually and improve, helps insight and the discovery of unique abilities, saturates a person’s energy with the light energy of love and forgiveness.

The rose protects against the evil eye and damage - for this, dried rose petals (an odd number greater than three) or its roots should be carried with you at all times.

Pink love spell
The red rose and other plants of the Rosaceae family in bright pink and red colors are a long-standing tool in Love Magic. For example, carrying a rose root or petals sewn into a miniature bag helps you gain the magical power of charm and attract love into your life.

A few drops of rose tincture added to red wine stimulates love feelings. Before this, any love spell or love spell is cast on the tincture of roses, since the plant itself is considered a classic symbol of love.

Black rose and magic
Breeders worked hard to develop a black rose variety. It has not yet been possible to breed a completely black rose, but there are varieties with a very rich dark red color. As an alternative, florists prefer to paint tea roses black using a special technology.

The dark shade of the rose plays not only an aesthetic role, but also carries a magical meaning. If a red rose means love, then a black rose symbolizes subtle world astral plane, sadness, sometimes death.
Burning dark rose petals in the bedroom before bed is a ritual for inducing prophetic or prophetic dreams.

Black rose petals are used as a magical lining. It's about about throwing black rose petals under the door or into the clothes of an enemy in order to induce sadness, failure in love, etc.

Most clearly manifested magical property Roses cleanse the room from the accumulation of negative energy, relieve tension in the house, fill the air with the aroma of calm and well-being. Protective action This flower is due to the strong positive aura of the rose.
The best places for roses in the house:
◊ southern part - activation of creative potential, influence on the growth of popularity;
◊ northwestern part - increased mental activity and self-confidence.
It is not recommended to place a rose in the bedroom - due to its strong aroma, which can cause unpleasant symptoms such as weakness and headache.
In the yard and garden - protects against bad energy entering the house, fills the atmosphere around the house with the energy of purity and peace.

Rose is a sorceress and healer. Its aroma cures many ailments:
An effective anti-aging effect is to use rose water for the face and body, apply fresh petals to the skin, and inhale the aroma of roses.
Relieving migraine-like headaches, dizziness, nausea, spasms.
Prevention of atherosclerosis and normalization of blood pressure.
Anti-stress, calming and antidepressant effect.
Anti-inflammatory effect, relieving eye tension and fatigue - apply petals moistened with water to the eyes.
Restoring the female monthly cycle, relieving premenstrual syndrome.
Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female sphere: vaginitis, thrush, etc.
Helps to get pregnant - you need to wear a bag with rose petals around your neck.

Dried roses are mainly used in white magic for health spells, attracting love and friendship, and lapels.

Dried rose flowers are used very often in love magic, but the petals are most often used. It is very important to know that potions made with alcohol are much more effective than with water. Why is this happening? Everything is easy and simple, because it is known that alcohol relaxes and liberates a person, which means that the bewitcher will not need to make a lot of effort in order to seduce and make his beloved object fall in love with him.

In addition to various infusions and dishes, other love spells are made from dried rose petals. For example, these are amulets and love intoxications: a fumigating mixture (smoldering on coals), which must smolder for several hours before the arrival of the love object. But this should only be done when old New Year goes into a new one. To prepare it, you need to take, in addition to rose petals, dried lavender, cinnamon (equal amounts) and just a little bit of incense.

To increase their attractiveness, women can make themselves a magicalpink bag.
To do this, you need to collect unfaded rose petals on Friday at sunrise (the veryThe May rose has great power) and dry them.

The petals need to be driedwindow sill, covering it with something so that direct sunlight does not fall on them.

For the night the petals open.
When the petals dry up, on Friday, in one day you need to sew a bag of pink fabric,which is stuffed with pink petals.Your magic bag is ready. His strength will last for a whole year.

Hello, I work as a private entrepreneur, recently under the store where I work I discovered two white roses that appeared completely unnoticed, literally in a few minutes, and no one saw who planted them, I immediately wrapped them in paper, went out to a deserted place and burned them, tell me if I did the right thing, and if someone is doing the damage, how can I find out who exactly???


Hello, Pavel!
You have a very unpleasant situation and it’s good that you realized it in time.
You did the right thing by taking this lining away and burning it. And, especially since they wrapped it in paper and, I hope, decided not to touch the flowers with bare hands. Because otherwise, negative energy such a find is passed on to the person who had contact with it.

Since you have your own business, you yourself understand that you may have many ill-wishers, and such a lining is definitely not good.

This is evidenced by the paired number of flowers that are associated with the dead.
Such a lining is most likely made not to destroy your business, but specifically to destroy you, your health, or, God forbid, life. It can also be aimed not only at you personally, but also at your family.

You yourself are unlikely to be able to find out who exactly wishes you harm and resorted to such a terrible method. To do this, you will need the help of a strong specialist in the field of esoteric knowledge. Although even then you will not have a guarantee that you can recognize the offender.

According to esotericists, such work is carried out by people who are especially dedicated to magical rituals, or act with the help of a strong sorcerer. Typically, the effect of such pads is very powerful. Such damage has an effect on you, regardless of whether you believe in such magic or not. In this case, the only thing that saves the find from the negative effect is good protection from induced damage.

To protect yourself from negative consequences damage caused, you should still contact a specialist in this field who can talk with you personally. He may not be able to answer you who needed such a procedure, but he will be able to protect you and your loved ones from the effects of this damage.

I sincerely wish you protection from the damage caused and success in life!