Protective tattoos. The magical power of tattoos: Slavic, Tibetan and Native American amulets with meaning. Charms for girls

In world culture, tattoos had a deep meaning and were stuffed as amulets. A drawing applied to the body can cure an illness, save from imminent death, or attract good luck. Tattoo amulets for men have a deep meaning and can tell the story of life, family - you just need to know their meaning. Our ancestors painted their bodies not to decorate themselves, but to show their tribal affiliation, their status. Photos of protective signs of various peoples of the world simply fascinate with their diversity and beauty.

Interpretation of divine signs

Tattoos depicting the faces of the Old Slavic gods are quite in demand in salons. Our ancestors believed that their images are able to protect against any misfortune. Below we consider the meaning of drawings with the faces of the gods.

  1. Veles is a deity that symbolized prosperity. In a broader sense, it is interpreted as a return of the individual to the origins.
  2. Perun is a god to whom warriors very often turned for help. Symbolizes aggression, war, military courage.
  3. Svarog is the progenitor of all gods. It is the protector of all living things. The sign is considered the most powerful amulet that combines the human, divine and natural.
  4. Dazhdbog - symbolized sunlight, warmth. The sign gives the owner the ability to think soberly in any situation, wisdom, attracts positive energy into life.
  5. Yarilo is the god of spring warmth and fertile lands. The sign is able to give the owner vitality, pushes to open new horizons in his mind.
  6. Makosh - embodies family values.
  7. Stribog is the god of the wind. It symbolizes militancy, courage in the fight against dark forces.

Wearable protective signs for guys

Since childhood, boys have been tattooed with carols. This symbol helps to avoid enemy blades in battles, helps to gain wisdom. Kolyada is a deity who constantly monitors the renewal of the world, its improvement. Girls were not allowed to stuff the image of a caroler on their bodies. It was allowed to wear a talisman with this sign only for a short time in order to give oneself courage and gain confidence.

Svarog Square is the second symbol, intended only for the strong half of humanity. He was considered the patron saint of people engaged in physical labor. The sign helps develop ingenuity. Valkyrie is one of the most ancient amulets. Often sketches were made on armor. The sign helped not to lose one's honor and courage in battle. Symbolizes defensive aggression.

In ancient times, such a tattoo was done to hot-tempered youths who were constantly instigators of fights. Valkyrie helped get rid of excessive temper. The solar cross is another Slavic sign that protects warriors. His image was applied to shields and swords. It was believed that the shield with this sketch could not be cut.

Amulets and talismans

Symbols-amulets are also quite popular among tattoo lovers. One of the most common signs is the star. This symbol attracts success to the life of the owner. Star tattoos are recommended for people who have many unsolvable situations in their lives.

A grasshopper playing the violin is a very common body design in most countries. For the most part, it is applied to people engaged in creativity. However, it can be applied by others who wish, it will bring them well-being and long life. The scarab is the embodiment of the immortality of the soul. This sign contains world wisdom.

Bees are another powerful talisman that symbolizes hard work and long life. In ancient times, its owners believed that this insect brings God's blessing from heaven. The image of a spider protects its owner from negative influences and serious illnesses. For creative natures, he serves as a muse that brings inspiration. Seven paws are considered a symbol of cyclicity, harmony.

It is recommended to apply a spider pattern along with a web. It acts as a guide, an invisible thread that will show a person the right path in life. In India, the web was considered a symbol of orderliness. Elk is a tattoo for brave and determined men who boldly go towards difficulties. Purposeful people also need protection.

Drawing an animal will help improve health, because purposeful people usually do not pay attention to hardships and hardships when they follow their goal. The sign helps not to lose your sanity in the pursuit of a dream. Pelican is a sign created for people who want to change the world for the better. A symbolic drawing brings good luck in all endeavors, helps to find inner strength and ways to improve oneself. All these amulets carry a clear meaning for the wearer.

Protective signs from the evil eye and damage

Male tattoos, protecting from the evil eye and black magic influences, were especially popular during the life of the Old Slavic people. Today, they carry more aesthetic value, but it would not be superfluous to know their full meaning. In addition to protection, such signs require a huge responsibility from the owner:

  • everyone should honor their elder relatives;
  • lead a righteous life;
  • keep a cool mind while making decisions.

The color of the fern is the power of light. Ancestors believed that this amulet was able to defeat any evil eye and damage. Its second name is Perunov color. Also, this talisman has the ability to fulfill desires. It was believed that he could purify the human soul, awaken hidden talents.

In almost all nations, crosses are considered the most powerful amulet and everyone knows their meaning. Another popular symbol that protects against the evil eye and dark forces is the badda. With such a talisman, no one is afraid of black magic, his soul will strive for light, which will drive away any evil spirits.

The eye in the pyramid is perhaps the most common protective symbol for men. Its origins go back to ancient Egypt. It is believed that God's all-seeing eye tirelessly watches over everyone. Symbolizes light, wisdom.

Eye of Horus

Tattoo amulets for men very often use the image of the eyes of the mountain. This sign embodies the essence of the Ancient Egyptian god Ra. The Egyptians believed that such a symbol was able to protect the owner from dark forces, grant him prudence and endow him with extrasensory abilities. Most often, this sign is applied to the wrist, back, ankle.

According to beliefs, the right eye symbolized the masculine principle, strength, solar energy. The left eye was considered a symbol of the feminine. It is recommended to make a tattoo in green or blue.

Protective signs of Buddhists

Om is a widespread sign that helps to become calm and keep the mind cool in any situation. This sound symbolizes the beginning of the universe. Buddhists believe that even in the most desperate situation, he is able to suggest ways of retreat. The symbol is applied only above the belt.

Mandala - strengthens, protects. According to the principle of this sign, mosques and cities were built. It is believed that the symbol is fraught with the structural structure of the universe. A bodhisattva is a kind of being seeking to comprehend the secrets of being in order to save the world. Used as a protective sign.

The lotus flower removes all kinds of obstacles on the human path to self-knowledge and self-development. Buddhists believe that a flower is able to unite both human essences black and white, to make a person harmonious. Lotus preserves in spirituality, purity.

  • wolf - fidelity, excellent intuition, determination;
  • coyote - crafty mind;
  • the bull speaks of a person who is ready to go to the end in any situation;
  • bear - courage, courage, the embodiment of spiritual and physical strength;
  • the eagle is a sign of comprehensive power, foresight.

The feather among the Indians was considered a symbol of rebirth, eternity. Only the most important man in the tribe could wear such a tattoo, because the amulet helps to establish contact with the deities. Eagle feathers endow their owner with the qualities of this bird, give strength, endurance, courage, lightning-fast reaction.

Final part

Tattoos are not just drawings on the body that are made for beauty. Before you get a tattoo, you need to study their true meaning. There are many symbols that can endow a person with positive qualities, protect from troubles and misfortunes, as well as bring good luck into his life.

A protective wearable pattern can not only benefit and protect, but also punish its owner if he does not lead a righteous lifestyle. This applies to amulets designed to protect against damage and the evil eye. By doing such tutu, people take responsibility, so it is important to know their true meaning.

Patterns and drawings on the body can serve not only as decoration. Tattoo amulets for girls are especially popular in the modern generation. They are applied with henna as temporary, or done professionally, that is, forever.

There are several types of protective tattoos that belong to different ancient cultures. Apply signs to any part of the body. Drawings on the wrists, shoulders, neck and back work best.

Types of protective tattoos

Signs on the body were used by the peoples of all continents. Ancient tribes painted bodies and faces to scare away evil spirits and frighten enemies on the battlefield. Egyptian priests put on the body a special kind of signs to communicate with the gods. Scandinavian warriors drew amulets in order to emerge victorious from the battle, in such a case the talisman gave fearlessness to its wearer and nourished his willpower.

In different cultures, you can find amulets that are suitable for men and women. They have different energies and are configured for different purposes. There are also universal drawings suitable for everyone.

The most popular tattoo amulets:

  1. Scandinavian runes, runic stavas.
  2. Pagan Slavic images.
  3. Hieroglyphs.
  4. Celtic patterns.
  5. Buddhist figures, inscriptions.
  6. Ancient Egyptian signs.
  7. Image of animals.

You can often see the all-seeing eye, the dream catcher, on the bodies of people. These special signs also carry magical and protective energy.

Choosing a tattoo is not an easy task. It is necessary to be guided not only by the aesthetic side of the issue. It is important to study the meaning of the symbol, for what purposes it was used before, what kind of people it suits.

Charms for girls

Women's energy is opposite to men's, so amulets for men and women are used differently. Among girls, all types of amulets tattoos are popular.

Which of the symbolic tattoos are suitable for women:

  1. Slavic drawings - Ladinets, Star of Lada, Bereginya, Svitovit, Lunnitsa.
  2. Buddhist drawings - Om mantra, mandala, lotus.
  3. Ancient Egyptian symbol for the eye of Horus. The left eye is associated with feminine energy.
  4. Indian drawings - dream catcher, Kokopelli, eagle feather.

Scandinavian runes are often applied to the body. Each rune can act as a talisman and a talisman, you need to choose a symbol depending on the characteristics of the character and type of activity.

You need to choose a charm depending on the purpose it will serve. But the symbol should also be liked, evoke warm feelings.

The meanings of Slavic amulets

Slavic protective drawings have powerful power. They are most suitable for the descendants of the Slavs in terms of energy.

Among the Slavs, a girl, a woman, a mother was a special person, the personification of purity and light. Slavic amulets for women have a special power.

The meanings of Slavic amulets:

  1. Ladinets. The symbol is dedicated to the goddess of beauty and love Lada. Girls wore a charm from early childhood, he helped them grow up healthy and beautiful. Young women wore Ladin in order to successfully marry and find happiness. The symbol helped pregnant women to endure and easily give birth to a healthy child. Ladinets symbolizes infinity. This is a sign of the constant improvement of a woman at any age.
  2. Lunnitsa. The patroness of the talisman is the goddess Mara. The symbol represents the new month. Lunnitsa protects women from damage and the evil eye, bad thoughts and deeds. It is also a health guardian.
  3. Svitovit. Universal amulet, helps to cope with difficulties, protects from evil influences. Svitovit helps pregnant women, protects newborns.

It is best to apply a tattoo a hand-drawn amulet for a girl on the wrist or right shoulder. The symbol on the wrist helps to attract happiness, and on the shoulder - to gain true wisdom.

Tattooing on the hips increases female sexuality, but reduces the power of amulets. After all, the talisman cannot be applied to the groin area, this blocks its power.

Left Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian sign. The right eye is a symbol of the Sun, it is a male amulet. The left eye is the symbol of the moon. The energy of the moon is passive, it is associated with the feminine.

A tattoo with the eye of Horus gives the owner insight, concentrates attention, protects from negative influences, magical and non-magical. Such a tattoo amulet for a girl on her wrist was always drawn by a priest or an enlightened magician.

Photo tattoo Old Slavonic amulets runes - options for finished tattoos and photos

Fainting during TATU. Guardian Tattoos - [Clogged Hands #2]

Wolf - the meaning of the tattoo. For guys and girls.

Buddhist amulets

Buddhist signs in tattoo culture are very popular today.

And this is not at all surprising, the fashion for such insignia or signs of belonging to a certain caste appeared in antiquity. All varieties of signs are very beautiful, sophisticated and mysterious.

For girls in Buddhist culture, several strong amulets are in store. Symbol meanings:

  1. Ohm sound image. "Om" or "Aum" is the first sound in the Universe, the basis of everything, the spiritual unconscious. Used as a talisman, gives the owner inner wisdom, enlightenment, the concept of truth. Such a sign gives strength in a hopeless situation.
  2. Mandala. The most popular Buddhist symbol today. It depicts the structure of the universe. The mandala protects the integrity of the soul, protects from evil, unkind thoughts and fuss.
  3. Lotus. A sign of special physical, mental and spiritual purity and harmony of the body, soul and thoughts. Awakens wisdom in a woman, helps to achieve high goals, grow spiritually.

They apply a tattoo amulet for a girl on the wrist, back, shoulders, neck. You can choose other parts of the body by studying the location of the chakras.

Buddhist drawings have deep and intricate meanings that few can understand.

Therefore, most often the drawings are applied to the body just for beauty. If you dive deeper into the culture of Buddhism, drawings can become strong and reliable talismans.

Amulet Dreamcatcher

The dream catcher was very revered by the Indian tribes. Intertwined threads caught evil spirits, collected bad dreams.

The Dreamcatcher tattoo looks very beautiful and spectacular, so it has gained popularity among young girls as a tattoo. The image of the Dreamcatcher is also a strong talisman. The tattoo will protect from evil people, black magic, diseases. The image will give peace, freedom and purity of thought.

Dreamcatcher should be applied close to the head. The best location of the amulets is the shoulders, neck.

Amulet of Kokopelli

Kokopelli is an Indian fertility deity, a hunched man who plays the flute. There are many myths about Kokopelli among different Indian tribes. The deity is associated with childbirth, the change of seasons, rains, harvest.

The Kokopelli tattoo is well suited to young women who have a penchant for adventurism. The symbol helps in financial matters, protects health.

During pregnancy, Kokopedlli protects the fetus, promotes easy childbirth. Protects their sexuality and strength.

Tattoos are not only beautiful images and insignia. They can become reliable and strong helpers. A girl can decorate her body with any sign she likes. Female types of images preserve harmony, help to become wiser, find joy and happiness in life. Before choosing a symbol, you need to study all its meanings, understand the deep meaning.

Amulets tattoos are a drawing on the body, made by a tattoo master using an induction or rotary machine. The very essence of the process lies in slight injury to the skin, which allows you to fill the subcutaneous tissue with a coloring pigment.

Decorating your body with geometric shapes, dots, lines and patterns began thousands of years ago. At that time, there were no fashionable outfits, no cosmetics, no expensive accessories. Almost all the ancient peoples who then inhabited our planet had tattoos on their bodies as a distinctive tribal mark, as an indicator of status, or as symbols of protection.

In ancient Egypt, special drawings applied to certain parts of the body served as protection from the evil looks and thoughts of enemies. Among the Indians, strokes on the body marked the number of killed enemies.

In Asian countries, women were tattooed below the navel to protect future offspring. Every country, anywhere in the world had its own customs and traditions. But all the drawings applied to the body, as a rule, were designed to provide protection or patronage of the gods. Today, there are three main types of tattoos:

· Permanent. This is a tattoo that accompanies its owner all his life. It carries a special symbolism, a protective or reinforcing purpose.

· Cosmetic. Tattoos are designed to hide skin defects (scars, age spots, etc.), as well as temporary tattoos made with henna (mehendi)

· Permanent. This tattoo is done on the face. In fact, this is makeup that lasts from one to three years. It is applied to the lips, eyebrows, eyelids.

Tattoo amulets - their types and meanings

Each tattoo has its own sacred meaning, which is determined by its pattern. Even the most harmless image has a special meaning. So, two hearts connected by a chain is a symbol of eternal love.

The choice of the pattern that you want to stick on your body must be approached very carefully. This is especially true for tattoo amulets for men and girls. When the drawing has already been selected, it makes sense to conduct a painstaking analysis of the compatibility of the selected sign with the drawings you already have. For example, it is necessary to study the compatibility of Slavic amulets and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The powerful energy of these signs can come into opposition and not only bring help to its owner, but also cause significant harm. Carefully read the description for each sign, as well as within the same species, there may be several characters that are incompatible with each other.

The area of ​​the body on which you want to place your chosen sign can serve to enhance the interaction between the talisman design and its wearer. There are no too strict recommendations on this matter, but it would be preferable to study all the necessary information on this issue.

Whether the pattern will be located on the wrist, back, leg, shoulder, shoulder blade or arm is up to you.

For example, in order to hide inscriptions of a special, personal nature, they are placed in a place where they will be covered with clothes. This may be the area of ​​the scapula, lower abdomen or thigh.

It is important to decide in what style your drawing will be. Slavic tattoo amulets can be made in the Russian style, which contains both Scythian elements and features of the epic folklore of Russian folk tales.

The most common tattoo styles:


· Celtic

· Japanese

· Old Church Slavonic


· Russian

Cyber ​​style

· 3D tattoos

New school tattoo


Old school tattoo

· Chicano

· Realism

And this is not all styles. Is there some more Oriental tattoo, New Zealand style, Line art, Dotwork and many others.

Slavic amulets tattoos

First of all, it is worth highlighting the most popular tattoos in this style - Runes.

Runic symbols were revered in antiquity by every Slav. The most important are the symbols of pagan deities, other signs carry the energy of magical action. Runes were embroidered on clothes, carved on wooden items, painted with ocher on household items and applied to the skin.

Here are the names and meanings of some important Runes that are often used in tattoos:

· Bereginya - femininity, fertility.

Perun - the strength and power of vital energy.

· Dazhdbog - cornucopia, good luck and happiness.

Rainbow - good luck on the road and in a difficult life situation.

Wind - the element of air, brings inspiration and creative success.

The world is the order and mercy of the gods.

Strength is the sign of a warrior, the rune of victory and the power of the warrior spirit.

Oud - enjoyment of life, creative energy.

Lelya - a water rune, personifies the joy of spring flowering.

Slavic ornaments were applied not only to clothes, but also to the bodies of our ancestors. Women applied patterns of leaves and flowers, men used Runes in combination with dots, lines and geometric patterns.

Slavic tattoo - enjoys particular popularity. This sign is dedicated to the life-affirming power of the Sun, as well as to the god Svarog. The talisman with the image of the Sun helped our ancestors protect themselves from evil forces and the evil eye, improved health, brought prosperity to the house, ensured healthy offspring and the strength of the family.

The number of rays in the sign and the direction of its rotation are of great importance.

· Four beams on the talisman indicate its connection with fire.

· Six rays are associated with the god Perun.

Eight rays give the owner of the amulet all the power and strength of solar energy.

The image in the drawing of the rays along the course of the sun - gave its owner the protection of the bright gods, help in business, brought good luck and strengthening the best qualities of a person. The image of an amulet with rays turned against the course of the Sun is associated with the spirits of the other world. This sign helped its bearer to develop the gift of clairvoyance and strengthened the connection with the magical forces of nature.

Egyptian tattoo amulets

In ancient times, the first tattoos in Egypt began to be applied by women. These were rather primitive drawings, consisting of lines, dots and simple shapes. Gradually, men also began to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage with wearable images, which over time became more and more complex.

Nowadays, the popularity of tattoos on the Egyptian theme is very high. Images of the Supreme deities of the Egyptian pantheon are applied only in profile. This has been the case since the ancient images of the pharaohs of the ruling dynasties and powerful gods favoring them, such as Ptah, Horus, Osiris and Anubis.

In Egyptian amulets, images of totem animals and images of pyramids are often used. The application of some protective patterns requires special care. This refers to the eye of Horus and the hieroglyphs. Before applying these images, carefully study the translation and meaning of the selected phrase. The Eye of Horus is a very strong sign, it must be skillfully combined with other energetically powerful tattoos.

A bit about Buddhist tattoo

Since ancient times, Buddhist symbols have given a person health, strength and protection from evil spirits. This is a magical amulet that brings good luck and changes life for the better. Traditionally, the pattern is stuffed with sharp bamboo sticks. The rite is performed with appropriate ceremonies and with the reading of special prayers. The Thai government is very negative about the fact that tourists put Buddhist symbols on their bodies. And the Minister of Culture urged people who profess a different religion not to get such tattoos.

Male tattoo amulets and their meaning

Valkyrie. This image gives the warriors courage, courage and strength. Helps to win brilliant victories over their enemies. Oddly enough, at the same time it can help remove excessive aggressiveness to its carrier. In our time, the Valkyrie amulet is also worn by women as a protective talisman.

Valknut. Symbolizes the trinity: soul, mind and vitality. Has Scandinavian roots. Helps to get protection from troubles and enemies. Provides the patronage of Odin, Loki and the god of reason Heimdall.

Eye of Horus. Protects from negative attention, damage and the evil eye. Strengthens the resistance of the owner to the negative manifestations of the surrounding world. Very strong defense against enemy machinations.

dream Catcher. This amulet belongs to the ancient Indian amulets. Drives away evil spirits from a sleeping person. Helps to control dreams and see in them clues for resolving difficult life situations.

Yarilo- personifies the mighty god, the son of Veles. Helps people own their feelings and direct them in the right direction. Protects from frivolity, helps spiritual, personal growth.

They can be recognized by the endless intertwined lines that can form various geometric shapes. Often images of plants and animals are woven into the pattern. Images of Celtic crosses, shamrocks and triquetras are popular. All these patterns symbolize the infinity of the life principle and the cyclical nature of time. Celtic patterns bring good luck, longevity and peace of mind.

Kolyadnik. The religious symbol of the god Kolyada, which the ancient Slavic men wore from childhood. Teaches men to be brave and wise. Helps to become a strong and self-confident person. Protects from bad deeds and rash actions.

Fighter. A sign of military prowess, unity with the powerful strength and wisdom of their ancestors. Helps to make wise and honest decisions in critical situations. It embodies the honor, courage and strength of a man who defends his homeland and his family.

Tattoo amulets for women

When a girl comes to a tattoo parlor, she often does not take into account the meaning of the image and its characteristics, but only looks at the external attractiveness of the drawing. Amulet tattoos for girls should be selected not only for the beauty and color scheme of the picture, but also for the magical effect that they want to get from this amulet. The choice is too huge. Let's just give some examples.

Slavic amulet Fern Flower. Protects at the energy level, symbolizes the purity of thoughts. Helps promote health and assists in healing.

Slavic symbol Ladinets. Helps in love and creating a happy family. Protects from envy and damage.

Acorn. Scandinavian symbol of fertility and immortality, dedicated to the god Thor, who protects people from evil sorcerers and monsters. Protects from witches and the evil eye.

Martin. Brings positive life changes and protects from evil news.

Butterfly. Gives its owner beauty, health and good luck. Protects against premature aging.

Bee. This is a very powerful magical sign. Brings vital wisdom, longevity and the blessing of higher powers. Protects from frivolity and laziness.

Lily. This is a sign of nobility and purity. Helps to preserve youth, attracts wealth. Protects from slander.

The Dragon. On the body of a woman symbolizes wisdom and longevity. Brings help from the four elements - earth, water, air and fire.

Phoenix. A symbol of immortality and renewal of life. A very strong guardian. Talisman of the Sun, bestowing longevity. Protects from melancholy, fills the owner of the tattoo with vitality and fiery energy.

If you decide to apply a talisman tattoo on your body, then approach this event with all seriousness and responsibility.

Remember! A tattoo is forever, so it should be pleasant and organically emphasize and enhance your positive character traits. First, make a sketch of a drawing on paper, cut it out and attach it to the place where you want to make a drawing for yourself. Then study it, taste it. After applying the amulet tattoo, try to make it comfortable and important to stay on your body. Talk to your tattoo, mentally thank him for his protection and try to mentally merge with him. Do not forget to ask for help from your amulet and be sure to thank him for his assistance.

Now, most fans of tattoo culture choose sketches of tattoos based on purely aesthetic considerations. But it was not always so. In ancient times, tattoos had a sacred meaning, served as identification marks, allowing you to learn about the social status, occupation of a person, talismans and amulets. In addition, in ancient times there was a certain division of significant symbols into male and female, due to the fact that there were quite clear boundaries between female and male duties and roles in society, which is no longer relevant in our time. Today we will look at tattoos for men and their meaning.

Divine Protection

Images of the gods have always served as protection for people. Most of the deities that men considered their patrons were directly or indirectly related to the two most important components of the life of that time: war and harvest. Now, when, fortunately, we have to deal with war much less often, and more and more people are moving to megacities, breaking the connection with the earth, the meanings of the images of deities, as well as various ancient signs, should be understood symbolically. Each of us, one way or another, fights for his place under the sun, so the symbols of military courage and honor remain relevant today. A rich harvest should be understood as general well-being, engaging in a profitable business.

We will consider ideas for amulets tattoos, starting from the Slavic pantheon. If, for example, Scandinavian, Indian or Egyptian mythology is closer to you, you will surely find gods with similar functions.

  • Perun is the god of thunder and lightning, the patron saint of warriors. He was especially revered among the upper class, therefore, even now Perun can become the patron of those in power. It was believed that his image is able to give strength, both physical and moral.

Symbols from different cultures

Images of the gods imply a fairly large-scale work. Those who like small tattoos should take a closer look at all sorts of symbols.

  • Kolovrat is a symbol of endless movement, the sun, life. Like all swastika signs, Kolovrat is considered a strong amulet, giving a person the protection of the gods and spirits of their ancestors and denoting a connection with the roots, clan and native land.
  • The black sun is also a swastika symbol that helps to gain wisdom, release inner strength, and master mystical knowledge.
  • The square of Svarog is one of those symbols that were considered exclusively male (but outwardly it somewhat resembles the star of Lada - an exclusively female symbol). His image is especially suitable for those men who are engaged in physical labor.

  • Valkyrie is a sign directly related to martial art. They were decorated with shields, weapons and armor, believing that he would give the soldiers strength, courage and courage, help them win on the battlefield. It is believed that this image also eliminates excessive aggression.

  • Valknut - the key to all nine worlds in the Scandinavian tradition, also one of the symbols of the trinity, common throughout Europe. According to Scandinavian mythology, man was created from three components: the soul created by Odin, the life force received from Loki, and the mind bestowed by Heimdall. Thus, the Valknut is a symbol of a harmonious personality, divine patronage. It was also used as a talisman against troubles and enemies.

  • Thor's hammer was considered a male symbol, but was also used by women who wanted to conceive a child as soon as possible. This is probably due to the fact that, in addition to protection from natural disasters, military prowess, strength and abundance, Thor's hammer also symbolized fertility.

  • Runes - the writing of the ancient Germans. However, runic signs also had a deep sacred meaning, served as amulets and talismans. To choose a rune that best reflects the aspirations of a particular person, you should familiarize yourself with the meaning of each of them.
  • Scarab - the embodiment of the immortal soul in Egypt. There is great wisdom in the image of the scarab, it is perfect for people who have experienced difficult times, it will help to understand themselves, bestow mental strength, promise rebirth and transformation of the individual.

  • The Eye of Horus is an amulet that protects against other people's negative influence. Such a talisman is designed to increase the vigilance of a person, protect him from other people's machinations, and prepare him for any vicissitudes of fate.
  • The Om sign is a symbol of calmness and prudence. The sound “om”, with which each mantra begins, according to Buddhist tradition, accompanied the creation of the universe. It is believed that, as a talisman, the Om sign will help find a way out of any situation, bring harmony and a deep understanding of everything that exists into life.

  • Mandala is a symbolic display of the structure of the Universe. Such an image means the integrity of the individual, allows its owner not to get bogged down in earthly fuss, grow spiritually and comprehend the secrets of the universe.

  • The dream catcher is an ancient Indian amulet that not only drove away bad dreams, but also protected from the influence of evil spirits.

Personal symbols

Also, amulets can serve as:

  • Image of the sign of the Zodiac. A tattoo with the sign of the Zodiac under which a person was born is designed to enhance the qualities of character that the stars endowed him with.
  • Chinese horoscope signs. They have a similar purpose.
  • Totem animals. Images of animals are designed to give a person the qualities characteristic of a particular representative of the fauna.

Amulets for good luck

Symbols of good luck are also able to protect a person from all evil:

Having studied in more detail what tattoo amulets for men and their meaning can be, you can find out which one is closest to you and contact the master for an individual sketch. Pictures from the Internet are not the best option, do not look for easy ways. Keep in mind that the tattoo will stay with you for life, so don't make hasty decisions, think over the idea thoroughly, choose the artist whose work you like the most. At the same time, it’s better not to skimp, because you “buy” not just a drawing on the body, but a talisman that will protect you until the end of your days, remind you of your goals, help develop the necessary qualities in yourself and gain the desired knowledge.

Since ancient times, when our ancestors were just beginning to use underwear drawings, great meaning was invested in them. Even then, protective tattoo amulets performed certain functions, among which was the protection of a person from the evil eye, bad people and spirits, and various diseases.

Tattoos - amulets could testify to a person's belonging to a particular class and spoke about his origin.
Nowadays, anyone can make a tattoo amulet for themselves, it is only important to decide what this amulet will be and find out its meaning.

There are a lot of types and varieties of tattoos that are used as amulets. There are tattoo charms for all occasions, various situations and problems. And each nation has its own symbols, and their meaning can be very diverse.

In Thailand, the image on the body of the Buddha is considered popular, which can save a person from making the wrong decision. The Burmese, depicting a parrot on their shoulder, believe that it will protect them from any misfortune.

In Western Europe, tattoos in the form of playing cards are very popular, which not only protect a person, but can also bring good luck and luck. Among the Indian amulets, the most common are various animals.

Wearable tattoo amulets of the Slavs

Slavic tattoos combine several styles and cultures, among which are Scandinavian, Celtic and Scythian motifs, harmoniously intertwined with folk beliefs. The most popular and common themes for wearable Slavic amulets are deities and runes.

Slavic runes are characterized by richness and mystery, and their meaning can be very diverse. As amulets, both the runes themselves and the drawings supplemented by them can be used. Such a tattoo-amulet can become not only beautiful drawings, but also an effective protector from various problems.

Here are the main names of the Slavic runes and their meaning:

Source- the rebirth of everything, the prototype of strength and peace;
There is- a symbol of strength and life processes;
Perun- protection from darkness and evil, vitality and power;
Dazhdbog- a symbol of fertility, prosperity and wealth;
Support– the principles of all existence, the strength of the spirit;
Rock- denotes life, the beginning and end of everything in the world;
Lelya- the image of living water, a sense of awakening and the power of life;
Oud- a symbol of fire and love;
Bereginya- management of fate and happiness;
Wind- a symbol of air, truth and self-knowledge;
Strength- peace, integrity and strength;
Treba– liberation from prejudices and acceptance of everything new;
Krada- sacrificial fire, disclosure of talents and abilities;
Need- rock, everything that happens in this life;
Rainbow- means joy, the path of balance between order and chaos;
Alatyr- the origin of everything earthly and divine;
Chernobog- a symbol of death, the abandonment of everything old, bad and a way out of mutual responsibility;
the world is a symbol of man and life.

Each of these runes is unique, and their meaning is rich and meaningful. Photos and images of Slavic tattoos in the form of runes fully convey the diversity of culture.

Protect tattoos with revered gods and their meaning:

Veles- fertility, the secrets of agriculture and medicine;
Chernobog- deity of darkness;
Svarog- the first god, the god of the sky;
Perun- patron of strength and warriors;
Dazhbog- sunlight, fertility;
Yarila- the god of the spring sun.

Tattoo charms in the form of Slavic deities are popular not only among connoisseurs of culture and history. Such a tattoo-amulet can protect a person from various troubles, diseases and troubles.

When choosing a tattoo amulet, you need to pay attention not only to the photo, image or appearance. Particular attention should be paid to the meaning and signs of each individual character. Tattoo charms can be supplemented with various symbols and ornaments, enhancing protection at the energy level.

As a rule, tattoo amulets were quite often supplemented with the following symbols:

thunder sign- the symbol of Perun. It is a six-pointed cross enclosed in a circle.

Ladinets- a symbol of love, family harmony and happiness. It was considered a female sign and as a tattoo-amulet was used by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Fern flower- the personification of the purity of the spirit. This sign also has healing properties and protects a person from diseases.

A talisman tattoo is one of the very unusual and ancient manifestations of magic. Various photos and pictures offer examples of Slavic, Celtic, Indian and other body amulets. In addition to the meaning and meaning of the tattoo, you should also carefully consider the method of application and the choice of the shade of the picture.