Unusual paintings with your own. How to create interior paintings yourself? Homemade posters for the interior

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

Paintings are one of the components of the warm and unique atmosphere. And if the paintings are made independently, the emotional “response” from them can be an order of magnitude higher than that of purchased ones. created with your own hands - you will see photos of examples below - thoughtfully thought out and lovingly brought to life, they will give you a good mood for a long time.

Let you not have the talent of an artist, do not shine with creative flair and doubt your taste. Cast aside your doubts. Having a desire to create original paintings for the interior, you can learn some techniques on your own and after a while admire the creation of your own hands.

Looking for an idea for a painting

Inspiration is a fickle and timid thing. Let's not wait for inspiration from above, but let's actively search for ideas for future paintings for the interior.

Advice. At the very beginning, it will be useful not to look on the Internet in search of ideas. Trust your inner instinct: what exactly do I need, how would I like my painting to look, what mood should it bring into my life and into the interior of my home? Write down all the thoughts that come to your mind.

Information, having gained a critical mass, will definitely “shoot” original idea. And having the main features of what you are looking for, you can choose the appropriate technique for creating paintings with your own hands for the interior and look at the photographs.

Anything can serve as an impulse for creativity: from sewing accessories and beads to family photos and letters from the home archive.

Advice. For any mother, a touching option for interior decor will be a panel collage of children's drawings, appliqués, the first cute doodles and other priceless creations of little hands.

Choosing ways to create a picture for your interior

Painting with paints

Even if your talent as a painter has passed you by, you are quite capable of creating abstract paintings for the interior at the “cute and soulful” level. You will need:

  • oil, acrylic or watercolor paints;
  • tablet or easel;
  • canvas;
  • brushes;
  • palette and palette knife;
  • scotch;
  • solvent.

Making a sketch

The future of the painting that will decorate the interior of your apartment is first drawn with a pencil on the canvas: a composition is built, small elements and main lines are outlined. The space around the main object is “overgrown” with details, the lines of objects intersect with each other and overlap. This gives the picture depth and volume.

Determining the light source

To make the image more realistic, draw in dark and illuminated areas. Mark where and at what angle the light will fall on the objects, where the shadow, penumbra and highlights will be located.

Choosing colors

In order to choose the right colors for a painting, you need to know that:

  • to obtain the desired shade, the paints are mixed on a palette and only then applied to the canvas;
  • on a sunny day the color of the object is golden shades, on cloudy days – grayish;
  • if the subject of the painting is night, the objects will be richer and darker than during the day.

Let's create

Multi-volume works and 6 years of study at the institute are devoted to the art of drawing. At the everyday level, we can give several guidelines in this process:

  • draw simple objects first;
  • dilute and mix the paints for your painting with a reserve, because you won’t be able to achieve exactly the same shade again;
  • Before applying the next layer, the previous one must dry well;
  • try different techniques, but focus on two or three that you can handle;
  • within three days the image completed oil paints, you can correct, correct failed details or completely erase them.

Advice. If, when starting the picture, you planned a plot in the style of realism, and by the middle of the process you are surprised by abstractionism, it doesn’t matter. Urgently pretend that this is what you intended from the very beginning. Abstract creations are merciful to the mistakes of beginners, and in the interior they look impressive and mysterious.

Bead paintings

We begin to create a masterpiece for the interior.

  1. Free the frame from the glass.
  2. Draw the outlines of the frame on the base.
  3. Paste the pattern on which you will lay out the beads.
  4. Use thread or wire to mark the contours of the design, gluing them to the base.
  5. Glue the beads, distributing them tightly, without voids. If this is uncomfortable to do with your fingers, use a toothpick. Apply glue to small fragments, not allowing it to dry.
  6. Let the painting dry completely by placing it vertically for a while. If somewhere the beads are not glued well, they will fall off and you can re-attach them.
  7. Frame your beaded item, hang it on the wall and admire the transformed interior.

Painting for the interior from scrap materials

To make the work of your hands, intended for the interior of your home, interesting, do not limit your imagination to any specific techniques. Combine, break the rules, create your own recipes.

Various decorative and natural materials: leather, fabric, buttons, sequins, quilling elements, wallpaper, dried flowers, sea pebbles, shells and even wool. The painting for the interior made of wool is worth considering in more detail.

Painting with wool

Wool painting is a whole art from an unexpected perspective. This is where you don’t have to worry about your artistic abilities: a sketch of a drawing can also be applied under a stencil. Warmth, depth, volume are just a few of the epithets for such a work. A painting made of wool breathes, lives its own life and brings special warmth to the interior.

You will need:

  • clamping frame;
  • non-woven or flannel backing;
  • scissors, tweezers;
  • wool different colors.

Now we begin to paint a picture with wool.

  • Draw a sketch on the base.
  • Start laying out the wool with the main background color, and then lay out the wool of other colors in layers. You can apply the wool by pulling it into a strand, plucking it into a “cloud”, or tearing it off. Each method creates different effect: delicate color transitions, transparency or richness of texture, light haze or dense fluffy balls of fur.
  • Give wool objects the desired shapes: convexity, texture, layering.

Important! Sometimes apply glass to the wool composition. This way you will evaluate the intermediate result and be able to eliminate shortcomings in a timely manner.

  • Clean the glass with alcohol, press it against the painting with clamps and trim off any protruding hair.
  • Secure the frame and enjoy the result.

Homemade posters for the interior

An original painting for the interior of the kitchen with your own hands will be posters made with handwritten recipes from your mother’s culinary notebook, for example. Handwritten text, inscriptions and quotes on a culinary theme and simply useful information for the housewife, you can arrange it in a meaningful composition and decorate the kitchen interior with it.
Stylish posters can be created from collages of family photos. The main photo is located in the middle of the collage, and it is framed by photos that are in tune with the overall theme. The collage is mounted in a frame under glass.

Creating a unique atmosphere at home is not an easy task. Although there are a lot today finishing materials, furniture, styles, they are all not unique. But I want exactly something of my own, personal, personal, something that no one else has. Of course, there is a way out. Even two. The first is to order some kind of product from a master. The second is to do it yourself. And no one has figured it out yet best decoration interior than paintings, but not everyone knows how to draw. And it is not necessary. You can make paintings from unusual materials. Such works will definitely be unique and inimitable.

From felt and on felt

It’s not often that we see paintings and panels made of felt. He's generally in last years became a curiosity, as did products made from it. We perceive hats and some other small things normally, but felt paintings are definitely rare. So, when describing paintings made from unusual materials, let’s start with felt. To begin with, you can make a landscape, flowers. They are easier to implement. With experience you can make more and more interesting panels.

Special wool is used for felting. When creating paintings, it is laid out in layers on a base (non-woven fabric), forming the desired pattern. When creating paintings from wool, the process takes place in several stages. First, the background and relief are laid out, then all the smaller and small parts.

Making the background

To begin with, take those shades of wool that create the background. We lay them out on non-woven fabric, trying not to leave any voids. It is advisable to make two thin layers. We transfer the resulting background onto a foam rubber backing (5 cm thick or more). Then we take a special needle (for felting). Holding it vertically, we often pierce the laid wool. This way we ensure that it connects to the base. If you look at reverse side non-woven fabric, the threads that have come out should be visible.

Then the workpiece is laid on polyethylene (it is larger in size than the picture itself), the wool is moistened with a soap solution (per 1 liter hot water one tablespoon of grated baby soap) and, in fact, the felting process itself begins. To begin with, knead the wet wool with your hands (press down, gradually increasing the pressure). Wet wool threads adhere to each other with pile, forming a single surface - this is the process of wet felting. The result is felt. Only for paintings we don't need to achieve high density. We stop when the base is dense enough. We blot off excess moisture with a terry towel.

Adding details

Now you need to add details of the picture to the background: trees, flowers, stones, etc. With dry hands (wool sticks to wet hands) we lay out tree trunks, bushes, and stones. We go over the new parts well with a needle, wet them, and knead them with our hands. Then they use harsher means - a wooden rolling pin. We carefully pass the wet picture back and forth with a wooden rolling pin.

Last we lay out voluminous small details: flowers, clouds, stones, thin branches, stems, leaves... To make them voluminous, we use up to eight layers of wool, we make petals from balls, stems from twisted strands. The procedure is the same: laid it out, folded it (poked with a needle), wet it, felted it, removed any remaining liquid. If the part is not voluminous enough, you can repeat the process.

Photos of works: paintings made of wool (felt)

Pictures/panels made of threads

Perhaps the most common way to create paintings from colored threads is embroidery. But this is a very painstaking and lengthy process, although the craftswomen enjoy it. But there are also faster ways. Much faster. These are glued paintings from threads and tension (winding). So it cannot be said that these paintings are made of unusual materials. But the techniques are definitely unusual.


We take any thread suitable for knitting. Paintings are made on a rigid base: cardboard, plastic, glass. The technology is simple. First, the outline of the design is applied to the base. It is drawn on cardboard and opaque plastic; on glass and transparent plastic you can not draw it, but put the drawing down. Next, production begins:

This is all. When everything is filled, we leave the finished thread panel to dry for several days. After the glue has dried, it can be coated with transparent varnish (take it at water based- it dries quickly and does not smell).

Threads make good cartoon characters, cartoon characters, pictures and sketches. Everything is stylized and very individual. An exact photographic match will not be possible, since this technique is not intended for this. But it is simple, understandable, and requires very little time. This is an ideal activity to do together with children.

From threads and nails

Interesting paintings are made from threads and nails. This technique has its own name - “string art”. From English word string - string (thread).

By appearance It is difficult to confuse them with something, since the technique is original, the images are graphically clear. Depending on the object, they may be suitable for a children’s room decorated in a fantasy style or for a living room in the modern pop art, art deco style. You can find options even for minimalism... Another advantage is that making a picture from threads and nails (pins) takes a little time. The smallest ones can be done within an hour. The technique is simple, so you can involve children.

Paintings made from unusual materials: nails and threads...

What materials are needed

You can use any thread. The most commonly used threads are for knitting. Depending on the invoice you receive different result. Smoother ones give clearer lines, “shaggy” ones create a denser background. They are pulled on small nails or pins. Carnations of any color and thickness. The main thing is that the heads are neat, but not small (not finishing nails). Length - depends on the scale of the picture. For small ones, a centimeter and a half is enough, for larger ones, three centimeters are possible.

Pins are suitable if the design has a fantasy touch: butterflies, dragonflies, flowers... In this case, we find pins with beads. They also serve as decoration at the same time.

Any base into which you can hammer nails can be used. It is most convenient to use high-density foam. It is lightweight and both nails and pins fit easily into it. Wood is also suitable (can be laminated, or sanded).

Basic manufacturing technique

The creation process itself is simple. Choose a drawing. To begin with, it is better to choose something simple, with not a very large number of elements. For example, let's take a stylized flower.

Flower, leaf... It’s easy to make

A contour is applied to the selected base. If you know how, you can draw by hand; if you are not confident in your abilities, cut out the stencil and apply it. Next, we nail nails along the contours in increments of about 1 cm. In places with sharp bends, you can do it more often.

After all the nails are filled, take the threads, make a loop at the end, and fasten it to one of the nails. The first nail is chosen completely randomly. Having secured the thread, we begin to entangle the carnations in a chaotic manner. The filling can be made more or less dense. In any case, it is desirable that it is clear that these are separate threads. This is precisely the charm of these works. When the entire volume is filled, fasten the threads to one of the nails. That's all, actually. You can only hammer in the nails a little if necessary.

Options and Variations

Now a little about the nuances. In the example above, only the shape bounded by the studs is filled. But it can also be the other way around. What is outside the boundaries outlined by the nails is filled with threads. The pictures are also interesting.

In both the first and second cases, the difference in color between the background and the threads should be significant. This gives the image clarity. In more complex options the threads are not tensioned chaotically, but creating a certain binding. This is far from easy; experience comes with years of practice. Such pictures look magical.

Another way to create unusual paintings from threads and nails is to draw only some elements of the picture in this way. Here it is important to split the image into fragments, the place of each nail is calculated, since they are also elements of the same picture.

This technique is a way to paint a landscape using nails and thread. You need a special vision that allows you to break the picture into lines that, in general, will create a complete image.

Photos of finished paintings made from threads and nails

Easy, creative... it's important to find threads that change color. Although, plain ones will turn out well
Beautiful panel... the texture of the wood is important Different ideas... the result is excellent. This is already aerobatics...

Panel made of buttons, beads, beads

That's really true unusual material for creating pictures - buttons. Different sizes, shapes, textures, colors. They all go to work. They can be used as they are, can be painted, decorated with sparkles, sequins, etc. It all depends on the idea and desire of the author. The basis for paintings made from buttons is any. Cardboard, wood, polystyrene foam, fibreboard, chipboard, MDF, sheet plastic, glass. Depends on the idea and the desired effect. The buttons are glued to the base. The glue is universal and remains transparent when dried.

Technique - let's start simple

Sometimes buttons are used only as part of a picture. Since they are voluminous, they are used to make flowers, foliage, and other small and medium-sized convex parts. The background and large fragments are made using any other technique, but in most cases it is a drawing or appliqué. Such paintings are easy to make yourself or with the participation of children.

Tree in the night... interesting effect Drawing decorated with buttons... it turns out an interesting picture for the interior

Basic technique

If desired, you can make any image, silhouette or even a picture from buttons. You should start with the most simple drawings. There seems to be nothing complicated in the process, but time big job takes a lot. To begin with, it is better to see the result in a few hours. Select simple form: heart, apple, moon, sun, large flower simple shape, image of an animal, bird. Just remember that portrait likeness is not for this technique. You should end up with a recognizable shape.

The manufacturing process is simple. First of all, apply the contour to the base. It turns out that you draw by hand. No - cut it out of paper. The drawing can be printed. Cut out the drawing along the contour, attach it to the base, and trace it with a pencil. If you need several colors, circle the boundaries that separate them (the colors).

A bright fish will decorate a nursery... and not only

Next, use the existing buttons to fill the outline. For some designs, a clear, even edge is important. Him with the help of buttons even the most small size can't achieve it. In this case, you can use beads. The voids inside can also be closed with beads or beads. All this looks very organic.

With experience, you will be able to take on more serious canvases. But your patience and perseverance must be enormous. The shade and size of each button is important here.

Panels and paintings made of fabric and lace

Fabrics and lace are also quite non-standard material for the production of panels and paintings. Now we are not talking about appliqué or patchwork techniques - they are difficult to perform and require specific skills. The point is that now there are such fabrics, the pattern or texture of which can be a decoration modern interior. Lace also ceased to be the preserve of the rich. And if you have old napkins or you know how to knit them yourself, you can make very interesting paintings and panels. The main thing is the idea and the ability to see the future panel in an ordinary piece of fabric.

Panels made of fabrics and textiles

The first idea is to find two-tone fabrics. The main condition is that the colors must be the same, the designs must be different. The easiest way to find black and white options. All other shades - you'll be exhausted from running around the shops. Although, the Internet can come to the rescue. Selected fabrics are stretched onto frames. Frames can be the same size and shape, or they can be different. Both options look good.

The main thing is the selection of colors...

Next idea: Find fabrics with coordinating colors. There may be three or four flowers here, and they should be different combinations occur in selected patches. As a rule, they take two basic colors: white + black, white + gray, black + gray, and add one or two colors to them. Just keep in mind that “additional” colors must be present in the interior design. So, firstly, the panel will not be too colorful, and secondly, it will easily fit into the interior.

The found fabrics are again stretched onto frames of different sizes and placed on the wall. One point: if it’s hard to miss with identical frames, then it can be difficult to arrange different sizes and shapes beautifully. Take a closer look at the photo and do something similar.

Black and white combinations are very popular

Third idea: find a large, bright picture and divide it into several fragments. The result will be a kind of modular painting, which has been so popular in recent years. If the fabrics you see don't inspire you, try looking for scarves. Russian, Chinese... with any ethnic motives. Such paintings are 100% unusual and will help highlight your home.

Lacy fairy tale

Lace is a work of art in itself. You can simply stretch it over a contrasting backing. Here are paintings made from unusual materials.

There is an idea that will help you make many different pictures from several napkins. The napkins, however, will be ruined. So, we cover the frame with colored plain paper of a rich tone. Apply the lace and spray paint from a can. The paint should be contrasting.

Using this technology, you can make single paintings, triptychs, modular paintings, etc. The best effect is obtained with knitted napkins. They have a more relief pattern. A pattern of factory lace is more difficult to transfer to paper, although it is also possible.

Good day to all. Recently I went to visit a friend and saw on her wall beautiful picture made from sequins. I really liked it and I wanted one too. I went to the store, looked at the pictures, at the prices. It turned out to be a little expensive. Then I decided to make a painting with my own hands, the kind that I need and without spending a lot of money. I want to show you what I did.

To make it I needed:
- Styrofoam the right size or cardboard lids.
- Ruler.
- Wallpaper.
- Knife.
- Scissors.
- Glue (VPA, moment).
- Sequins.
- Beads.
- Pencil, felt-tip pen.
- Free time, patience and imagination.

I saw pictures of complex work, but since I have no experience, I decided to do something simpler first. And so, I took polystyrene foam (packaging from the refrigerator, although it will do cardboard box). Using a ruler and pencil, I drew a square of the required size and, armed with a knife, cut it out.

Then I covered it with wallpaper. You can take plain wallpaper (or fabric of any texture). I chose one with a not bright pattern.

The next step was to apply the selected pattern. I wanted to draw a couple in love, since the day before was Valentine's Day. First, I penciled the sketch onto the canvas, and then outlined it with a black felt-tip pen for better visibility.
If you have problems with drawing, you can transfer the drawing you like using carbon paper. I took the subjects of the paintings from the Internet.

Taking glue and sequins, I began to glue them one after another end-to-end on all the competition lines, except for the thin lines on the face (lips, eyes, eyebrows, ears).

I glued beads to the thin lines in the same way.

This is how the picture turned out. I really liked it, so I decided to make two more paintings with different drawings.

Here is another small painting made from cardboard using sequins.

Despite the fact that the sequins are black, they shimmer beautifully when the sun hits them. With such paintings you can decorate not only the living room of your home, but also the bedroom or kitchen. They will a good gift to relatives and friends for any occasion. You just need to choose the desired subject for the picture.
Goodbye, see you again.

Every interior should have its own flair, and often the simplest and most elegant option to bring uniqueness to a room is a painting.

But how to find something that will decorate your bedroom, living room or other room? Most likely, you will have to pay a large sum of money for an original work.

But if you don’t expect additional expenses, but still want to have something original, then it’s quite possible to do interesting picture with your own hands.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be able to draw well. After all, paintings in the usual sense have long replaced three-dimensional images on the walls, abstract ideas embodied in a variety of techniques.

DIY fabric paintings

All high-quality canvases are made on a fabric basis. However modern interpretation Such paintings change our view of art.

Modular fabric paintings have become very popular. But making them yourself is not so difficult. In stores now you can find a lot of fabrics with very beautiful, interesting and bright prints.

If you like one of them, then you can safely buy it and make an original piece of decor.

Modular picture

To create a room decoration such as a modular picture made of fabric, you will need a base in addition to the selected material. It could even be a door from an old cabinet or a piece of chipboard that could easily be lying around somewhere in the garage after renovation.

Cut out several pieces from the base to the size of your fabric and cover the tree with it. Make sure that the fabric is well stretched and does not form wrinkles. Your painting is almost ready. All that remains is to attach the hooks with which it will be attached to the wall.

Most often, such paintings consist of three or more modules, which may be the same size or different. Their shape can also be different.

The most common and easiest to manufacture are square and rectangular elements. But there are round, oval and other forms of modules for paintings. Frames for picture modules are not needed in this case.

Paintings from clothes

Even a T-shirt can decorate your interior. It often happens that stains or holes appear on clothes that you have not worn for very long, and their colors are still bright. You don’t have to throw away a seemingly damaged item, but make an original painting out of it.

Cut out a rectangle with an image from your clothing, glue it onto paper and place it in a frame. The photo shows that such paintings depicting cartoon characters will fit perfectly into the interior of a children's room.


In some ways, embroidery can also be classified as fabric paintings. This method of interior decoration is not new. Even our great-grandmothers had at least one hand-embroidered image in their house.

However, to embroider a picture, you still need some skills and patience. This method is not suitable for everyone, but if you do needlework, then hand-embroidered pictures can say a lot about you as a housewife.

Three-dimensional paintings

Relief images on the wall are also very popular as decorative elements in the interior. Three-dimensional paintings can be made with plaster on the wall even before its finishing.

But such decoration can only take place if there are no plans to stick wallpaper on the wall.


The method of making such paintings requires training and a considerable amount of time. Therefore, it will not suit everyone.

Paper paintings

There are more easy way make a three-dimensional image. For this you will need colored paper or cardboard. Cut out several figures of the same or different sizes. These could be, for example, butterflies.

Using pins or double-sided tape, attach them to the wall in a chaotic manner or forming some kind of pattern. Your paper painting will look more impressive if you choose a color that contrasts with the tone of the wall itself.

The butterflies themselves can also be of different colors. Such a picture will sparkle with new colors when artificial lighting is turned on, so it will look most advantageous in rooms where the light is turned on most often, for example, in the corridor.

If your house has a staircase to the second floor, then kittens in different poses placed on the wall adjacent to the steps will look original.

Paintings from bushings

Bushings from toilet paper or paper towels. It is enough to flatten the cylinder a little and cut it into equal parts approximately 2-3 cm wide.


In order for the flowers to be brighter and the leaves to stand out in color even before work begins, the bushings can be painted different colors. The individual parts of the sleeve should be placed so that a flower is formed, so it is possible to create entire compositions.

Artificial flower paintings

The easiest to make are paintings from artificial flowers or other decorative elements. The main thing here is to beautifully glue the finished parts onto the base.

For this technique you will need a frame, a plain material and the image itself. Cover a sheet of paper with fabric, wrapping its edges and gluing it on the back side.

Then, having first removed the glass from the frame, insert the base of your picture into it and glue artificial flowers or other details (shells, dry twigs, etc.) to it. Finally, you can decorate the frame with beads.

If you already have a finished canvas, then there are many master classes on how to decorate a painting that is already boring to you and thereby update the interior.


A flat image of nature or still life can look completely different if several three-dimensional details are attached to it.

This can be either an image cut out of paper or natural materials in the form of dry leaves or even butterflies.

Photos of paintings with your own hands