Karyopteris - there is nothing simpler and more beautiful. Xeranthemum or dried flower: growing and care, drying for winter bouquets Xeranthemum reminds of the endless summer steppes

6 species are known. The plants are annual herbaceous, erect, densely or tomentosely pubescent. The leaves are arranged in alternate order, elongated or lanceolate. Inflorescences are single, white, pink, purple. The large petal-shaped scales of the multi-row involucre give the inflorescences a decorative effect. The fruit is a wedge-shaped, brownish-brown achene with a yellow or brown tuft. There are up to 700 seeds in 1 g.

Xeranthemum annual - X. annuum L.
Homeland - the south of the European part of Russia, Crimea, Ciscaucasia, south Western Europe, Mediterranean.

The plant is annual, herbaceous. Stems are straight, highly branched, 50-60 cm tall. The leaves are sessile, linear-lanceolate, arranged in alternate order. Stems and leaves are silky tomentose. Inflorescences are single baskets, white, pink, purple, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, on long, thin peduncles. The flowers are small. The inner leaves of the multi-row involucre of the inflorescence are petal-shaped, membranous, hard, much longer than the flowers and of the same color. Blooms in July-September. The fruit is an achene. In the middle zone, seeds ripen in August-September and remain viable for 2-3 years. In culture since 1570.

In nature, plants with non-double inflorescences are more common. In floriculture, semi-double (X. a. var. ligulosum hort.), double (X. a. var. plenum.) and multi-flowered (X. a. var. multiflora hort.) forms and varieties are mainly used.

At present, only mixtures of colors of double or semi-double forms of xeranthemum are found on sale. However, varieties of this crop are also known:

Rose - with double inflorescences with a diameter of 3.5 cm and pinkish petals;

Violet purple - with inflorescences 3 cm in diameter, colored purple with a raspberry tint.

Location: sunny areas, cold-resistant.

Soil: not picky, but does better in light soil nutritious soils. To obtain vigorous shoots during the initial growing season, it requires sufficiently moist soil, and from the moment budding and flowering begins, it prefers drier conditions, without the need for watering.

Care: simple and consists mainly of weeding and loosening the soil around the plants.

Reproduction: sowing seeds in March - April in boxes. Seedlings are planted in groups of 3 in 9 cm pots. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May - beginning of June according to a 25 x 20 cm pattern. It is possible to sow in ridges of open ground, but flowering will not occur before August when have a nice summer. In the latter case, the seedlings need to be trimmed. IN middle lane and further south, sowing in open ground, since the plant does not tolerate transplantation well. In the north it is better to grow in seedlings, otherwise the plant will bloom too late.

Use: in landscaping, xeranthemum can be used in border plantings, flower beds and rock gardens, but is mainly used as an immortelle for cutting, which is done when the baskets are not fully opened.

To dry, xerantsumum inflorescences are cut off in the phase of incomplete dissolution and dried, hanging in bunches in a dry, shaded place. To give dry inflorescences a brighter color before drying, they can be dipped in a weak solution for 2-3 seconds. of hydrochloric acid(1:12), then shake gently and dry in the usual way.


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Family Asteraceae. Name: comes from Greek words "xeros" - dry and " anthemon" - a flower for its widespread use in dry bouquets.

Description: homeland - Mediterranean, North Caucasus, Balkans. 6 species are known. The plants are annual herbaceous, erect, densely or tomentosely pubescent. The leaves are arranged in alternate order, elongated or lanceolate. Inflorescences are single, white, pink, purple. The large petal-shaped scales of the multi-row involucre give the inflorescences a decorative effect. The fruit is a wedge-shaped, brownish-brown achene with a yellow or brown tuft. There are up to 700 seeds in 1 g.

Grows in Crimea, Ciscaucasia, southern Western Europe, and the Mediterranean. The plant is annual, herbaceous. Stems are straight, highly branched, 50-60 cm tall. The leaves are sessile, linear-lanceolate, arranged in alternate order. Stems and leaves are silky tomentose. Inflorescences are single baskets, white, pink, purple, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, on long, thin peduncles. The flowers are small. The inner leaves of the multi-row involucre of the inflorescence are petal-shaped, membranous, hard, much longer than the flowers and of the same color. Blooms in July-September. The fruit is an achene. In the middle zone, seeds ripen in August-September and remain viable for 2-3 years. In culture since 1570.

Location: areas in sunny places, cold-resistant.

The soil: not demanding, but feels better on light nutrient soils. To obtain vigorous shoots during the initial growing season, it requires sufficiently moist soil, and from the moment budding and flowering begins, it prefers drier conditions, without the need for watering.

Care: is simple and consists mainly of weeding and loosening the soil around the plants.

Reproduction: sowing seeds in March - April in boxes. Seedlings are planted in groups of 3 in 9 cm pots. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May - beginning of June according to a 25 x 20 cm pattern. It is possible to sow in ridges of open ground, but flowering will not occur until August if the summer is good. In the latter case, the seedlings need to be trimmed. In the middle zone and to the south, sowing in open ground is preferable, since the plant does not tolerate transplantation well. In the north it is better to grow in seedlings, otherwise the plant will bloom too late.

Usage: in landscaping, xeranthemum can be used in border plantings, flower beds and rock gardens, but is mainly used as an immortelle for cutting, which is done when the baskets are not fully opened.

For drying xerantsumum inflorescences cut off in the phase of incomplete dissolution and dried, hanging in bunches in a dry, shaded place. To give dry inflorescences a brighter color before drying, they can be dipped in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (1:12) for 2-3 seconds, then gently shaken and dried in the usual way.

Ends quickly blooming summer, and they only remind about him bright photos and dry bouquets. Dried flowers have long been successfully used not only by florists, but also by ordinary amateur flower growers.

In autumn, the extinct garden is decorated with bright lanterns of perennial physalis, teasel cones, silvery inflorescences of lunaria, and from mid-summer to autumn, annual dried flowers delight: helichrysum, molucella, statice. Several years ago I planted a xeranthemum and fell in love with it for its delicate appearance and unpretentiousness.

Xeranthemum is an annual plant, native to the southern regions of Russia, the Mediterranean, and does not overwinter in the middle zone. The stems are straight, highly branched, reaching about 60 cm in height. The elongated leaves are arranged in an alternate order. Inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of up to 5 cm are hard to the touch, simple or semi-double, they are white, pink, red and purple. Several terry forms are also known in culture. Xeranthemum blooms from July to October, the seeds ripen in September and remain viable for up to 3 years.

The culture is cold-resistant, but is afraid of frost, so it is better to grow it in seedlings and plant it in the ground at the end of May. You can sow it directly into the ground in May, but then it will not bloom until August. I sow xeranthemum seeds in April in a greenhouse along with cabbage, and by mid-May excellent seedlings grow. By the way,

xeranthemum produces a small amount of self-seeding, so in the spring you can find ready-made plants at the site of last year’s planting.

Xeranthemum does not like transplanting, so I plant the seedlings carefully, with a clod of earth. It is better to plant several specimens together in one hole to create a lush bush.

Xeranthemum is not picky about soils, but feels better in light, nutritious soils in sunny conditions. open place. To obtain vigorous shoots in the initial growing season, it requires sufficiently moist soil, but with the appearance of buds and the beginning of flowering, it prefers drier conditions and does not need watering. Care is not at all complicated and consists mainly of weeding and loosening the soil around the plants.

Xeranthemum is good in border plantings, flower beds and rock gardens, but is mainly used for cutting. Plants are cut at a time when the baskets have not fully opened. Dry them by hanging them in bunches in a dry, shaded place. However, when dried, the flowers turn pale. Therefore, experts recommend dipping the inflorescences for 2-3 seconds in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (1:12) before drying, then gently shake and dry in the usual way. The color will become more vibrant. In my opinion, xeranthemum annual is one of the best plants for making dry bouquets.

Xeranthemum - decorative decoration for creating original bouquets

Xeranthemum comes from the southern latitudes of Europe, like ornamental plant used to decorate bouquets. A genus of the Asteraceae family, it grows on rocky and mountain roads.

Description of the plant

The crop is annual, with straight branched stems, up to 60 cm high. The leaves of the flower are sessile, lanceolate, the inflorescences are solitary, collected in small baskets. The inner leaves of the plant are hard and supported on thin peduncles.

Source: Depositphotos

Xeranthemum is used in bouquets as decoration

The fruit is an achene, ripens at the end of August, the seeds remain viable for several years. The plant can reproduce by self-sowing. Xeranthemum has been cultivated since 1570. The most common varieties include:

  • "rose" - with double inflorescences;
  • "purple" - with crimson inflorescences.

The xeranthemum flower looks good both in individual and group plantings and is suitable for cutting and making dry bouquets. The color of the inflorescences can be pink, white, purple.

Growing and care

The plant reproduces by seeds; to do this, in early spring you need to fertilize part of the soil, moisten the substrate, make drainage to a depth of 0.5 cm, sow the seeds, cover the sowing area with film to create a greenhouse.

After 2–3 weeks, seedlings are planted in separate containers or planted in open ground, carefully transporting the root system with a lump of earth. Under favorable weather conditions, the plant will bloom in the same season.

Plant care criteria:

  • light nutritious soil;
  • moderate watering;
  • weeding;
  • loosening the soil.

Xeranthemum should be grown in sunny areas, but it is cold-resistant. To the north, it is better to use the seedling method, otherwise the plant may not bloom at all.

Xeranthemum from seeds quickly takes root; at first it requires regular watering, after which this procedure can be stopped altogether and watered only on dry, hot days. The plant looks great with astrantia, salvia, yarrow, mixed type as a border crop.

The plant is not damaged by pests. Withstands temperatures up to +20 °C. IN winter period requires insulation, does not tolerate even mild frosts in open ground - root system dies.

Dried flowers retain their shape for several years. The photo of xeranthemum attracts with its riot of flowering, bright color, lush leaves and strong stem. This is an ornamental plant for decoration landscape compositions and original flower bouquets.

Name: comes from the Greek words "xeros" - dry and "anthemon" - flower, for its widespread use in dry bouquets.

Description: homeland - the Mediterranean, the southern regions of the European part of Russia, the North Caucasus, the Balkans. 6 species are known. The plants are annual herbaceous, erect, densely or tomentosely pubescent. The leaves are arranged in alternate order, elongated or lanceolate. Inflorescences are single, white, pink, purple. The large petal-shaped scales of the multi-row involucre give the inflorescences a decorative effect. The fruit is a wedge-shaped, brownish-brown achene with a yellow or brown tuft. There are up to 700 seeds in 1 g.

Xeranthemum annual - X. annuum L.

Homeland - the south of the European part of Russia, Crimea, Ciscaucasia, the south of Western Europe, the Mediterranean.

The plant is annual, herbaceous. Stems are straight, highly branched, 50-60 cm tall. The leaves are sessile, linear-lanceolate, arranged in alternate order. Stems and leaves are silky tomentose. Inflorescences are single baskets, white, pink, purple, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, on long, thin peduncles. The flowers are small. The inner leaves of the multi-row involucre of the inflorescence are petal-shaped, membranous, hard, much longer than the flowers and of the same color. Blooms in July-September. The fruit is an achene. In the middle zone, seeds ripen in August-September and remain viable for 2-3 years. In culture since 1570.

In nature, plants with non-double inflorescences are more common. In floriculture, they mainly use semi-double (X. a. var. ligulosum hort.), terry (X. a. var. plenum.) and multi-flowered (X. a. var. multiflora hort.)forms and varieties.

At present, only mixtures of colors of double or semi-double forms of xeranthemum are found on sale. However, varieties of this crop are also known:
Rose- with double inflorescences with a diameter of 3.5 cm and pinkish petals;
Violetpurple- with inflorescences with a diameter of 3 cm, colored purple with a crimson tint.

Photos of Zheltikova Marina

Location: areas in sunny places, cold-resistant.

The soil: not demanding, but feels better on light nutrient soils. To obtain vigorous shoots during the initial growing season, it requires sufficiently moist soil, and from the moment budding and flowering begins, it prefers drier conditions, without the need for watering.

Care: is simple and consists mainly of weeding and loosening the soil around the plants.

Reproduction: sowing seeds in March - April in boxes. Seedlings are planted in groups of 3 in 9 cm pots. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May - beginning of June according to a 25 x 20 cm pattern. It is possible to sow in ridges of open ground, but flowering will not occur until August if the summer is good. In the latter case, the seedlings need to be trimmed. In the middle zone and to the south, sowing in open ground is preferable, since the plant does not tolerate transplantation well. In the north it is better to grow in seedlings, otherwise the plant will bloom too late.

Usage: in landscaping, xeranthemum can be used in border plantings, flower beds and rock gardens, but mainly goes like immortelle for cutting, which is done when the baskets are not fully opened.

To dry, xerantsumum inflorescences are cut off in the phase of incomplete dissolution and dried, hanging in bunches in a dry, shaded place. To give dry inflorescences a brighter color before drying, they can be dipped in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (1:12) for 2-3 seconds, then gently shaken and dried in the usual way.