How to make a strong alcoholic apple drink at home. How to make vodka from apples at home What drink to make from apples


During the apple season, many of us wonder what can be prepared from apples so that they do not go to waste. Casseroles, apple pies, pies, compotes, etc. Already tired of it. You can even make alcoholic drinks using this simple and healthy fruit. Alcoholic drinks made from apples are simple and easy. For example, the most famous alcoholic drinks are apple cider and homemade apple wine.

Apple cider

This drink is more suitable for winter, but it should be prepared in summer, just in time when the garden is full of apples. Apple cider is a classic drink. To prepare it you need small apples (8 kilograms), sugar (2 kilograms), clean boiled water (10 liters) and the zest of two lemons. First of all, you need to core the apples and cut them into halves. Then fill them with sugar in a large container, add water and add lemon zest. Once all steps are completed, place the container in a warm place for 7-8 days. Remember, the cooler the room, the slower the fermentation process will be. After a week, you need to strain the drink several times until it becomes clear. Ready cider must be stored in the refrigerator. Apple cider does not contain much alcohol, but should still be consumed in moderation.

Homemade apple wine

Making homemade apple wine requires more time and effort than making apple cider. But the wine is worth it. To make wine from apples, you need ripe apples, sugar, airtight containers and plasticine. Core the apples to prevent the wine from being bitter. Now pass the apples through a juicer to obtain juice with minimal losses and the amount of pulp in the juice. Pour the resulting juice into a barrel or pan for several days and leave it there without covering it with a lid. Stir the juice constantly during these days. For one liter of apple juice you need to add 200 grams of sugar. As a result, you will get dry apple wine. Now the wine should ferment in a closed container without air access. Don't forget to make a hole in the lid for the gas to escape and insert a tube there. Seal the space between the lid and the barrel with plasticine on all sides. The barrel should be kept in a dark place for one month. The wine should not be opened during the fermentation process.

- 1 l;
- 1 kg of sugar.

For a richer flavor, you can add a cinnamon stick or vanilla bean.

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut the pulp into slices. Grind the apples in a food processor until pureed. Mix them with sugar, transfer to a saucepan and heat to 60°C. Stir the puree until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Transfer the finished mixture into a container with a lid, pour it in and place it in a cool place. Strain the liqueur, bottle it and keep it for at least 3 months before drinking.

Homemade apple cider

You will need:
- 3 apples of the “Golden” variety;
- 3 apples of the “Gala” variety;
- 1 Fushi apple;
- 1 Granny Smith apple.

You can vary the apple varieties to create a more or less sweet cider.

Leave the apples in a warm place for 2-3 days so that they wilt but do not begin to spoil. After this, remove the core from the apples, place them in a food processor and chop them into small cubes. Leave this mixture overnight. After 8 hours, chop the apples again, turning them into puree. Rub this puree through a sieve so that you only have juice left.

Leave the juice for another 48 hours in a warm place. Don't worry if mold appears - just remove it. After 2 days, filter the juice again. Take a bottle with a tight-fitting lid and sterilize it in boiling water. Fill this bottle with the resulting mixture; if it is too thick, add water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 3 days.

The cider will be ready to drink in 3 days. Open it carefully, as fermented liquid may foam and splash out. Also note that since this alcoholic drink is prepared without sterilization and sugar, this type of alcohol can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month.

If this method of making cider seems too long and complicated for you, use a simpler recipe. Squeeze the juice from the apples, add 1 tsp to it. dry yeast and leave the mixture in a warm place for two days. Strain the finished drink and bottle it.

It will be ready for consumption in 3 days, but in terms of taste it may be inferior to cider made according to a traditional recipe. Please also note that only freshly squeezed juice is suitable for this recipe, not store-bought juice with added sugar.

In a good year there are too many apples, then gardeners and summer residents together make jams and compotes for the winter.

Winemakers don’t waste time either; they know that fruits are excellent raw materials for experiments and proven recipes.

Apples make wine, cider, liqueurs, liqueurs and the famous Calvados - apple vodka in the French version (see:).

You can use any apples for winemaking:

  • Early and late varieties are suitable for cider.
  • Aromatic wine is obtained from autumn varieties.
  • The firm and fragrant autumn varieties are used to make aromatic liqueurs.
  • Distillates can be distilled from any varieties, but it is advisable to mix late varieties with sweet ones.

Apples grow on all continents except Antarctica, and people everywhere are not averse to drinking a glass of delicious alcohol from time to time, so there are countless recipes for apple drinks.

Calvados (named after Erich Maria Remarque)

The first associations with French Calvados are Remarque and his “Arc de Triomphe”. Most of us first read about the magical cure for the tormented soul and much later satisfied our curiosity by trying apple vodka. To be fair, let us clarify that other famous personalities also loved Calvados, for example, Isadora Duncan, Hemingway and Georges Simenon.

Forty-proof alcohol is obtained from apple cider after distillation and the addition of sugar. Because of its strength, the apple-smelling and sweetish Calvados in France is often called simply apple spirit. French vodka is made from any variety of apples with the addition of the most aromatic pears.

Apple schnapps

The Germans make schnapps from various raw materials, but apple schnapps is one of the most popular. Other fruits are often added to it - pears, apricots, peaches, etc.

Schnapps differs from Calvados in less richness and greater softness. The Germans mastered home-made schnapps, fermented apple wort was sent for distillation, and sugar was added to the finished alcohol. Schnapps is not very similar to Calvados, it is closer to the Bulgarian apple rakia.


Dagestan kizlyarka is well known in Russia. For a long time, the recipe was actively used in moonshine brewing, but then they switched to industrial production at the only cognac factory in the region.

Strong alcohol from the city of Kizlyarsk must be 45 degrees and aromatic.

Apple rakia

This type of alcohol, traditional for the Balkan Peninsula, is made from sweet apple juice. After fermentation, it is distilled and “jabukovacha” is obtained, which can be aged in barrels.

The strength of Bulgarian and Serbian rakia sometimes reaches 60% vol., but usually it is 40 degrees, smells of baked apples and is easy to drink.


Fruit vodka is produced according to a recipe common to all countries located near the Carpathians, but the name palinka is legally assigned to Hungary. Alcohol is made not only from apples, as in rakia, plums, grapes, pears, etc. are used.

Several methods of preparation are practiced: double distillation, aging in barrels from 3 months to 2 years, infusion of the finished palinka on ripe or dried apples.

Apple Jack

American, despite the fruity smell, is still made from grains.

Apple flavor is added with acid during fermentation, and aromatization can also occur during aging in barrels.

How to make vodka from apples?

The vaunted Calvados also did not always rise to the top of the alcoholic Olympus; for a long time it was considered a simple drink for the lower strata of society. Now strong apple alcohol is produced in almost all countries of Europe and North America, the technology is almost the same everywhere, and additives provide the unique taste. So, the American version is sweetened and tartaric acid is added before fermentation.

A novice winemaker can prepare apple alcohol at home, but experienced winemakers bring their recipes to perfection.

On moonshine


  • A liter of moonshine.
  • Three fragrant apples.
  • A little vanilla and cinnamon (to taste).


  1. Cut out the center of washed apples. Cut the rest into slices and put in a jar.
  2. Sprinkle the apples with vanilla and cinnamon, it is better to break the cinnamon stick.
  3. Pour half a liter of moonshine, close the lid and leave for a week.
  4. Drain the first portion of moonshine from the apples and pour in the next one, leave for another week. Shake the jar periodically.
  5. Filter and combine the moonshine. If necessary, dilute with water to the desired strength, you can add a couple of tablespoons of honey.

From apples, sugar and yeast


  • 30 kg apples;
  • 20 liters of water;
  • 4 kg sugar;
  • 20 g dry yeast.


  1. Wash the apples, cut off spoiled areas, remove the cores. Cut the fruit into slices, grate it or use any other method. It is advisable to achieve a puree-like consistency.
  2. Add sugar, stir and add water.
  3. Dissolve the yeast with warm but not hot water and pour it into the fermentation container with the apple mixture. Stir well.
  4. Install a water seal on the neck of the container or attach a rubber glove with a pierced finger. Place in a warm place.
  5. Fermentation time will depend on the room temperature. After 7-45 days, the mash will become bitter and light, stop bubbling, and the grounds will sink to the bottom.
  6. twice in the usual way.

From apple juice


  • 5 liters of apple juice.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • 3 liters of water.
  • 10 g dry yeast or 150 g unwashed raisins.


  1. Pour apple juice into a fermentation container and add sugar and raisins (yeast).
  2. Install a water seal or a rubber glove with a hole in the finger.
  3. Place the container in a warm place and watch the fermentation. The process will last from 5 to 45 days, depending on the temperature and what kind of yeast or raisins you choose.
  4. When the wort brightens and becomes bitter, and the glove is deflated, filter the mash.
  5. Pour into a still and distill, cutting off the tails and heads, until the moonshine reaches 30 degrees. Add water to 20% vol.
  6. Distill again to 40% vol.
  7. Pour into bottles, close tightly and leave for three days to stabilize.



  • A kilogram of apples.
  • A liter of vodka.


  1. Cut the washed apples without cores and seeds into small pieces.
  2. Place in a jar and fill with vodka. Close with a tight lid.
  3. Leave in the dark for 5 days at room temperature. Shake the jar every day.
  4. Filter and bottle.

On apples and pears


  • A kilogram of apples and pears.
  • Two liters of purified moonshine.
  • 5 kg of sugar.
  • Liter of water.
  • Nutmeg (half), lemon balm (5 leaves).


  1. Place washed and chopped apples and pears without cores in a bowl and pour in moonshine. You can add chopped nutmeg and lemon balm.
  2. Close the container tightly and place in a warm place for three weeks.
  3. Filter the alcohol, add sugar and stir until it dissolves.
  4. Close tightly and leave for three days.
  5. Bottle.

With currant leaves


  • A kilogram of apples.
  • One and a half liters of vodka.
  • 20 currant leaves.
  • Three tablespoons of sugar.


  1. Remove the cores from the washed apples and chop the rest.
  2. Place apples, currant leaves, and sugar in a three-liter jar.
  3. Fill with vodka, close tightly and place in a cool place for 45 days. Stir every day.
  4. Filter, bottle and let sit for 5-7 days.

From dried apples


  • A liter of moonshine.
  • A glass of dried apples.
  • Two tablespoons of honey.
  • Half a glass of dried rose hips.


  1. Wash the apples and rosehips and place them in a jar.
  2. Fill with moonshine, close tightly and leave for a month in a dark place at room temperature.
  3. Filter, stir with honey, close again and leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Bottle.

You can also add raisins and ginger to the recipe. .

Spanish Calvados

There are several equivalent recipes for real Calvados. The main point to pay attention to is. Apples can be crushed in a meat grinder or the juice can be squeezed out and fermented, sometimes yeast and sugar are added. We offer one of the options with proven results.

For Calvados, it is better to take white apples and squeeze the juice out of them. Unwashed apples retain wild yeast, which ensures fermentation throughout the day.


  • 12 liters of juice;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 2 kg sugar.


  1. Chop the apples and squeeze the juice out of them.
  2. Add sugar and water. Close with a water seal, place in a warm place and ferment for about a month or a little longer.
  3. You will know about the completion of fermentation by the cessation of gas formation, sedimentation, etc.
  4. Transfer the container to a cool place and start distilling.
  5. Distill the mash through the cube twice, cutting off the heads and tails.
  6. The distillate will be aromatic. You can refine it and bring it to perfection by aging it in an oak barrel or infusing it with wood chips, but this is not necessary.
  7. To obtain white Calvados, the distillate must be diluted with water to the desired strength, add a teaspoon of fructose and stir. After 2-3 days, filter.
  8. Leave Calvados for 10 days to stabilize and bottle.

If you have never tried Calvados before, be sure to get acquainted with its taste. Apple vodka is easy to prepare at home, and its taste is significantly superior to many types of moonshine. We recommend that Remarque's followers pay attention not only to the frequency of approaches described in his books, but also to the doses that seem funny to a Russian person.

From apples You can make a lot of delicious drinks - refreshing, invigorating, with a bright, rich or, conversely, muted taste. The first thing that comes to mind is - apple compote. Preparing it couldn’t be easier: cut the apples into quarters, remove the core, put them in a saucepan, add sugar, pour water and cook for about 20 minutes. However, you can approach the matter of compote making creatively and not limit yourself to apples and sugar.

Apples go well with other fruits, for example with citrus(if the apples are sweet, the citrus sourness gives the drink a pleasant freshness and aroma) - lemon and orange; with honey, with rhubarb, with pumpkin, with banana and kiwi, with hard gurshas, ​​with quince, with garden berries - raspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, currants of all types and varieties. But if you want to make an ordinary apple compote special, add spices to it: cloves, cinnamon, ginger root, nutmeg, cardamom, fresh mint.

You can make an old Russian drink from apples brew. However, you should not put sugar in the broth; it is better to add honey and aromatic herbs, the same mint. And you can drink the broth both hot and cold - it’s great quenches thirst.

Sweet, not very hard apples can be used to make the recently popular smoothie- something between a cocktail and fruit and berry puree. And on a day off, when you don’t need to rush anywhere, you can do cruchon, punch And sangria.

The main thing is this: no matter what you make from apples, it will in any case be healthy and surprisingly tasty.

Mystery of origin

Making aromatic alcohol at home is usually quite simple. But here an allowance should be made for the fact that the master of the house has real cider, made according to all the rules. You shouldn’t hope that moonshine will make a worthy alternative. Such a replacement can only harm your own body by consuming an excessive amount of fusel oils, which are dangerous for internal organs.

It is generally accepted that the apple drink received its name due to the geographical location of the area famous for its production. We are talking about the Norman department of the same name. But in reality, the history of the name is more complicated.

Historians say that the name is due to the name of the ship of the Spanish King Philip II, which ran aground just off the Norman coast.

Initially, only the local residents knew how to make a fruit mixture with degrees. This was the case until 1914. And then the alcohol-containing liquid reached the brave French soldiers, who spread the fame of the deliciousness far beyond their native lands.

But even with this in mind, it took Calvados quite a long time to win its place in the sun of the alcohol market. For a long time, the French did not want to give up the habit of drinking wine, and they paid much less attention to aromatic alcohol made from apples.

But a little later, residents of the northern provinces of the country realized that they were unlucky with the climatic conditions for growing grapes. In order to keep up with their happier young colleagues, the northerners got used to using the apple trees growing wildly on their territory. This is how the tradition of preparing homemade Calvados took root.

It was positioned as a liquor for the working class. But after the French government, known for its strictness towards the alcohol production sector, issued a special decree in 1942, the situation began to change. The document described all the nuances regarding the requirements for houses that produced apple brandy for mass production.

The apple varieties that can be used for cider, the basis of Calvados, were also specified there. In total, there are only 48 brewable varieties left.

To get a forty-degree drink, you can choose to use the required distillation format:

  • single;
  • double.

The still young semi-finished product is aged exclusively in oak barrels.
Because of this, people who are interested in how to prepare a specific strong drink give up the idea halfway through. It is unlikely that the average consumer who wants to do everything according to the classical canons will like the idea of ​​looking exclusively for French wood to create a barrel. If we add to this the need to age alcohol for about ten years, then the desire to figure out how to make alcohol correctly usually disappears. People choose to taste an unusual drink in bars or themed liquor stores.

In total, today in France there are about 10 thousand brands of this alcohol, not counting small home wineries.

Drinking rules

In order not to fall flat on your face while getting to know Calvados, you need to learn a few rules on how to drink it while prolonging the pleasure. It is believed that there are no strict limits on the culture of consumption, but sommeliers with many years of experience are advised to stretch the contents of the glass for at least half an hour.

This will allow you to feel your body warming up from the inside and your muscles relaxing. Connoisseurs of the drink argue that you need to drink in small sips in order to achieve harmony between physical relaxation and moral satisfaction.

There are also no strict requirements for submission time. If this is a young version, then it is most often offered to guests as an aperitif. But if there is a bottle of the aged version at home, then it’s better for them to end the get-togethers.

But if you don’t want to stick to the non-main plan, then there’s no shame in drinking strong drinks between courses. In the homeland, this tradition even received its own name “Norman hole”. With the help of such a trick, guests at large feasts managed to digest fairly fatty and plentiful food.

From a medical point of view, this effect of alcohol from juice is explained by the presence of malic acid. It prepares the digestive system for a large meal, causing a feeling of hunger. And the food that comes in is actually easier to digest.


Compote made from these fruits will certainly become a favorite for every family member. In addition, it is very easy to prepare.

In order to make it tasty and rich, you need to take a pan with purified cold water (1700 ml) and put it to boil over high heat. While the water is boiling, it’s time to prepare the apples (4 medium-sized apples): they need to be peeled and cored, then cut into large slices and placed in boiling water. As soon as they are in the pan, immediately reduce the heat to medium. After five minutes of cooking, sugar (individually) and lemon cut into slices (a quarter) are added to the compote. After this, you should continue cooking for another quarter of an hour. If you want to leave the slices intact, then the compote is removed from the heat 10 minutes after adding the lemon.

In order for the finished drink to acquire a rich taste, it must be allowed to brew under the lid.

Apple lemonade

The main ingredients of this drink are apple, lemon and ginger. To prepare it, peel and core a couple of apples and, without cutting them into small slices, add two liters of cold purified water. Here you also need to add the zest removed from one lemon, as well as ginger root (50 grams), cut into thin slices. In this composition, the ingredients should be simmered over the fire until boiling, then reduce the heat to minimum and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

While the main part of the future drink is being prepared, it’s time to start preparing the juice that is extracted from the lemon.

Once the lemonade is ready, it must be cooled at room temperature, then add lemon juice. You should add 4 tablespoons of sugar to the finished drink, which can be replaced with honey - this will make the taste even richer.

This apple drink can be served with ice in glasses.

Ginger drink

An original version of a summer drink can be apple-ginger. To prepare it you will need a minimum amount of ingredients.

To prepare a drink with apple and ginger, you need to take two large juicy apples and a lemon. The juice should be carefully squeezed out of these fruits using a juicer. Grind a couple of centimeters of ginger root in a blender and add it to freshly squeezed juice. To these ingredients you need to add a tablespoon of granulated sugar and thoroughly stir the resulting mass until the grains are completely dissolved.

The finished drink should be filtered and 0.5 liters of soda should be added to it, after which it should be cooled. This apple and ginger drink should be served with ice cubes.

Spicy drink

This type of drink can be prepared both cold and hot. The resulting drink made from apple and cinnamon is spicy and extremely tasty.

In order to prepare it, you need to take half a juicy apple and cut it into thin slices. Then a cinnamon stick is added (just a stick, not ground). These ingredients must be poured with a liter of hot water and, covered with a lid, allowed to brew for some time (if you need a hot drink - 10 minutes, and if cold - until it cools completely).

Fat-burning ginger-apple drink

The beneficial fat-burning properties of ginger have long been known. That is why those who are on a diet for the purpose of losing weight are advised to pay attention to the recipe for a drink made from apples with ginger.

To prepare it, take five medium apples and make small but deep cuts on each of them. In an empty pan, add the cut fruits, 50 grams of thin slices of ginger root, and the zest of one medium lemon. These ingredients should be poured into two liters of hot water and cooked for three minutes. For spice, you can add a cinnamon stick to the pan. As soon as the drink with apple, ginger and cinnamon has cooled, strain it and add pre-squeezed juice from one lemon (from which the zest has been removed) and the desired amount of honey.


From distant childhood, many people know and love the taste of jelly. So why not make this drink from apples?

To prepare it, wash and peel 4 small apples and boil them in a small saucepan (1.5 liters of water) until soft. The finished fruits are ground into puree and returned back to boiling water, to which half a glass of sugar should also be added.

In a separate bowl you need to dilute 3.5 tbsp. spoons of starch until it is completely dissolved and, carefully stirring the entire cooking mass, pour in a thin stream into the pan. Now you need to wait until the jelly boils. After this, it must be removed from the stove and cooled. In order to make the taste of the finished jelly more rich, you can add a small amount of lemon juice to it.

Apple Banana Smoothie

An incredibly tasty and popular drink made from apples and bananas, which can be easily prepared and enjoyed with health benefits.

You should start by freezing one banana, which is pre-cut into slices. While the banana is in the freezer, you need to wash and core and skin two medium apples, and then cut them into slices. After this, you need to wash and dry 150 grams of spinach. You should also finely chop a small amount of ginger root (10 grams).

All of the ingredients listed should be placed in a blender. To them you need to add a frozen banana, a glass of almond milk, and 4 teaspoons of honey. Ice is also added here - 100-150 grams. All ingredients should be thoroughly ground in a blender until a homogeneous green mass is formed. The smoothie is ready. It is recommended to consume the finished drink immediately after preparation.

Compote of raspberries and apples

Compote made from apples and raspberries is incredibly aromatic and tasty.

To prepare it, you need to wash and peel 200 grams of apples, cut into small pieces and simmer with a glass of water over low heat. As soon as the fruits become soft and begin to gradually acquire a puree-like consistency, two liters of cold purified water should be poured into them and brought to a boil.

Now is the time to candy the berries. Grind 200 grams of raspberries with the desired amount of sugar (as much as is needed for the sweetness of the compote) and let it brew until the compote has cooled.

As soon as the compote is cold, add half a glass of wine and juice squeezed from half of one lemon to the raspberries. The mass should be brought to homogeneity, mixing thoroughly. After this, the raspberries and wine should be placed in a pan with cooled compote, stir well and strain.

Compote can be served.

Wine doesn't have to be made from grapes. Apple wine is a very tasty drink that can compete with grape wine.

To prepare apple wine, you need to take several kilograms of ripe apples, sugar, a juicer, two containers, and a rubber tube.

First you need to prepare the apples. They should not be washed, as there is yeast on the surface of the apple peel, which is necessary for fermentation. Of course apples and dirt

will not work either, but they can be wiped thoroughly without washing. Apples need to be cleaned of seeds and damaged parts. Otherwise, the apple drink may taste bitter.

Using a juicer you will get natural apple juice that will contain little pulp, which is a plus for an apple drink, as it will make the task much easier. However, if you don’t have a juicer, you can also get apple juice, but this process will be very long. First, you can pass the apples through a meat grinder, and then strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth.

The resulting juice must be placed in a wide-necked vessel for several days. After some time, the pulp will separate from the juice and float to the surface. It must be removed, since to make apple wine we only need juice.

After fermentation begins, sugar must be added to the juice. For one liter of juice add 200-400 g of sugar, depending on the desired result. It is very important that the juice does not come into contact with air, otherwise you will get vinegar instead of wine. To do this, you need to take an airtight container, pour juice into it and seal with a tight lid.

It is very important to make a hole in it for a thin tube through which excess gases will be released. The other end of the tube should be dipped in water.

After fermentation is complete, the drink can already be consumed, but in order for it to become even tastier, it needs to ripen (about 6 months).

Is it possible to add honey to moonshine?


Choosing apples for different types of alcohol is a responsible matter. Both early and autumn varieties are suitable for cider. You can mix and combine more aromatic ones with juicier ones.

For wine, it is better to take autumn apples, juicy and aromatic.

For liqueur and tincture, it is better to take firm apples of late varieties. They are the most fragrant.

Autumn apples are also suitable for distillate; you can add early, sweeter varieties to them, if available.

But, of course, this is all ideal. In practice, we take the apples that are currently in the garden, and everything turns out great from them.


For cider, wine and distillate you will need yeast. We would not recommend using regular baker's yeast, either pressed or dry. They will give off a nasty smell, exactly the one that everyone dislikes about homemade alcohol. On websites for brewers and winemakers, and in stores selling goods for home brewing, wine and alcohol yeast are sold. The former give almost no odor at all, but they also have less alcohol yield. Alcoholic yeast still gives off a smell, but the mash is stronger. It is best to use wine yeast for low-alcohol drinks; for cider you can use beer yeast, but for moonshine you can use alcohol yeast. And put them in a little. For 25-30 liters of mash, about 1.5 tablespoons of yeast will be enough for you.

A quick way to make a tincture

You need to take strong alcohol and what to infuse (in our case, apples), chop it, let it sit for half an hour, and then drive it through a siphon or creamer. (Prompted by Maxim Rybakov, brand chef of the Pushkarskaya Sloboda complex in the city of Suzdal)

Water seal

Very often, a water seal is placed on the bottle where the cider ferments. It most often consists of a rubber glove or fingertip (more suitable for bottles). This glove is placed over the neck of the can, and a long flexible tube is inserted into one of the fingers to vent air. You can get a tube, like gloves with finger caps, at a pharmacy; ask for an IV machine.

The end of the tube is inserted into the glove or cap, but does not reach the liquid, and the other end must be immersed in water. Then no air will leak into the cider.

You can also find water seals in specialized stores.


  • 1 bucket of apples
  • 1-1.5 buckets of water
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • 50 g wine or alcohol yeast

Step 1. Pass the apples through a meat grinder. Pour water and leave for two weeks.
Step 2. After this, strain and add yeast and sugar. Close and place in a warm place to ferment. Wait 10-14 days.
Step 3. After the end of vigorous fermentation, strain again and pour into glass bottles (up to the hanger).
This cider will not be stored for long; after six months it can ferment into vinegar.

Apple wine

  • 5 l apple juice
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 tsp. wine yeast

Step 1. Mix sugar with juice until completely dissolved. Pour into a large glass bottle.
Step 2. Place a gas outlet on the bottle: insert a tube into the sealed lid, the end of which must be lowered into water. Instead of a lid, you can use a rubber glove. Leave to ferment.
Step 3. When sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle, the wine will need to be drained. To do this, you will need to lower the straw into the cider and remove the glove or lid. Take the other end of the straw into your mouth and suck in air: the cider will rise up the straw and flow. Then you need to quickly put the tube in another container and pour the liquid into it.
Step 4. Install a new gas outlet and leave it to ferment again. Wait until the fermentation process stops. Drain the wine from the sediment again using a straw.
Step 5. Pour into bottles and store in a cool place.

Apple liqueur

  • 1 kg of sweet aromatic apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 750 g sugar
  • 1 liter of vodka

Step 1. Wash the apples, pass through a meat grinder, first removing the seeds.
Step 2. Divide the resulting mixture into wide-necked bottles, filling 2/3 of the volume.
Step 3. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Pour vodka down your throat. Close tightly.
Step 4. Insist for a month.
Step 5. Filter the tincture through cheesecloth. Set aside.
Step 6. Squeeze the apple pulp through cheesecloth. Add sugar to what has been squeezed out and cook the syrup.
Step 7 Cool the syrup and mix with the tincture. Then strain.
Step 8 Pour into bottles, leave for 10 days, then store for long-term storage.

Apple tincture

  • 1.5 kg apples
  • 1 liter of vodka or moonshine
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 cup of sugar

Step 1. Cut the ripe, washed apples with the peel into small pieces (the smaller the better), removing the core, seeds and rotten parts.
Step 2. Place the slices in a jar and fill with vodka (moonshine, cognac, alcohol).
Step 3. Let sit and add more alcohol if needed. Alcohol should cover the layer of apples by 1-2 cm.
Step 4. Close the jar with a lid and place it in a warm, dark place for 7-14 days.
Step 5. Drain the apple vodka through cheesecloth into a separate container.
Step 6. Boil sugar syrup. To do this, you need to dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, skimming off the white foam. Then cool to room temperature.
Step 7 Mix the syrup with vodka on apples, leave for 2-3 hours and filter through cotton wool.
Step 8 Pour into bottles for storage, close tightly with lids.

Homemade Calvados

Photo: Eksmo Publishing House

Recipe from Konstantin Zhuk’s book “Homemade Moonshine. The best recipes"

Publishing house "Eksmo"


  • 10 kg sweet apples
  • 5 kg sour apples
  • 3 kg sugar
  • 100 g pressed or 20 g dry yeast
  • 1 liter of water
  • Oak chips


  • Fermentation container 30 l
  • Alembic
  • Alcohol mashine
  • Juicer
  • Gauze
  • Alcohol meter
  • Water seal
  • Large bottle
  • Containers for collecting distillate

Step 1. Without peeling, coarsely chop the apples and squeeze out the juice. Transfer the cake into a fermentation container, add juice, yeast and mix. Leave in a warm place until foam appears.
Step 2. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Step 3. Cool the syrup to room temperature and pour into a fermentation container. Add water so that 25-30 cm remains to the top. Install a water seal or wear a rubber glove with air venting into the water.
Step 4. Place the container in a dark room with an air temperature of 18-27 °C for 10-30 days. When the water seal stops releasing gas (the glove is deflated), the mash becomes transparent, tastes slightly bitter, without sweetness, and a sediment forms at the bottom, the mash is ready for distillation. During fermentation, every day you need to remove the water seal and mix the mash with a long spatula or clean hands.
Step 5. Drain the mash from the sediment*, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze and pour into a distillation cube.

* Use a long tube and a second container. An empty bottle is placed below the container with mash, the end of the tube is lowered into the mash, you draw air through the tube, lower it lower, into the bottle - the mash flows by itself (editor's note).

Step 6. Distill the mash in a moonshine still without dividing into fractions.
Step 7 Dilute to 20% ABV and re-distill, separating the “heads” and “tails”*.

* “Head” is the initial fraction of moonshine distillation. It is distinguished by the pungent smell of acetone. This is the so-called “Pervach”, which I would not recommend anyone to drink. “Tails” are fractions obtained at the end of distillation; they are distinguished by low strength and the presence of fusel oils and other impurities. (editor's note)

Step 8 Clean Calvados with charcoal: for each liter of moonshine obtained, take 50 g of charcoal, crush it in a mortar and add to Calvados. Seal the container hermetically and leave for 10 days, shaking the liquid every 12 hours.
Step 9 Drain the Calvados from the sediment and filter through a layer of cotton wool 2 times.
Step 10 Pour Calvados into a large bottle, add a few oak chips and the peel of a couple of apples.
Step 11 Close and leave for 10 days, then strain and bottle. You can taste it immediately.

lemon heart

Lemonade made from fresh apples is a drink that will quench your thirst in no time, and at the same time saturate the body with vitamins. Remove the core from 2 yellow apples, cut them into slices, pour 2 liters of water in a saucepan and place on low heat. Cut 50 g of ginger root into strips and grate the lemon zest. Pour it all into a saucepan, add a cinnamon stick and 3 cloves, cook for 10 minutes from the moment it boils. At this time, squeeze the juice from the lemon. Carefully filter the finished broth, dissolve 4 tbsp in it. l. honey and add lemon juice. All that remains is to cool the apple lemonade, pour into glasses with straws and garnish with orange slices.

Tea stories

For soft drinks, apples are a good find. Their pleasant delicate acidity refreshes and invigorates. Tea with apple and strawberries once again confirms this. Cut a large apple in half, remove the core and chop into cubes. Pour 1 tbsp into a teapot. l. black tea. Place chopped apple and strawberries on top, pour a liter of boiling water over everything and leave for 30 minutes. You can add mint, thyme and lemon if desired. However, apple tea is just as delicious in a tall glass with ice.

According to the behests of grandmothers

The most popular recipe for a drink made from apples at home has been and remains compote. Experienced housewives recommend choosing sweet and sour fruits for it, ripe and quite strong. Add your favorite berries to them, and the taste will sparkle with new facets. Bring 3 liters of water to a boil in a large saucepan and dissolve 400–500 g of sugar in it. Cut 1 kg of apples into slices, after removing the core, and pour into a saucepan. Add 100 g of cranberries, currants and cherries here, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then leave covered for half an hour. Try not to overcook the compote, otherwise all the beneficial substances will disappear forever.

Breakfast in a glass

Apple smoothie is a homemade drink that can easily replace a full breakfast. Take a large sweet apple, make several cuts on it and, after sprinkling with oil, bake in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 °C. Then peel it, cut it into cubes and put it in a blender bowl. Add 2 tbsp to it. l. oatmeal, ¼ tsp. cinnamon, pour in 250 ml of kefir or yogurt and beat all ingredients into a homogeneous mass. If it turns out too thick, add a little kefir. And to please those with a sweet tooth, stir 1 tsp into the finished drink. honey This smoothie is best served in a tall glass, sprinkled with cinnamon.

Vivid transformation

An apple detox cocktail is a healthy drink that will help you get in shape before your vacation. For it we will need 3 large green apples, 2 medium carrots and an orange, from which we will squeeze the juice. If you don’t have a juicer at hand, grate the apples and carrots on a fine grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. The orange pulp can be ground in a blender and passed through a sieve. Separately, beat in a blender the banana cut into circles, 2-3 sprigs of mint and ½ tsp. grated ginger root. Pour in a mix of freshly squeezed juices and beat again. Drink this colorful cocktail every day and transform yourself with health benefits.

Milk fantasy

Making an apple drink for children is as easy as shelling pears. Separate 2 whites from the yolks, add a pinch of salt and beat with a mixer into a strong airy mass. Add 2-3 tsp. powdered sugar and beat thoroughly again. Peel 2 large sweet and sour apples, cut out the core and chop the pulp into small cubes. Combine apples with whipped egg whites in a blender bowl. Add 300 g of creamy ice cream to them, pour in 300 ml of milk with a fat content of 3.2% and beat until a homogeneous fluffy mass is formed. Sprinkle the cocktail with cinnamon and garnish with a sprig of mint. Apples will add an invigorating sour note to the milkshake and make it even tastier.

Fruits are tipsy

Adults can be treated to an apple cupcake. Cut 2 red apples and 1 green into 4 parts, remove the core and cut into cubes. Cut the orange and peach into slices. Sprinkle this assortment with 100 g of sugar, pour in 100 ml of cognac, and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Place the fruit in cognac in a jug, add 500 ml of champagne, 100 ml of apple juice and ice cubes. This cocktail will make your summer evening even more enjoyable.

Apples are good not only for jams and compotes. For central Russia, apples are the main raw material for winemaking and other experiments. Apples can be used to make cider, wine, liqueur and tincture. And this is not to mention Calvados.


Choosing apples for different types of alcohol is a responsible matter. Both early and autumn varieties are suitable for cider. You can mix and combine more aromatic ones with juicier ones.

For wine, it is better to take autumn apples, juicy and aromatic.

For liqueur and tincture, it is better to take firm apples of late varieties. They are the most fragrant.

Autumn apples are also suitable for distillate; you can add early, sweeter varieties to them, if available.

But, of course, this is all ideal. In practice, we take the apples that are currently in the garden, and everything turns out great from them.


For cider, wine and distillate you will need yeast. We would not recommend using regular baker's yeast, either pressed or dry. They will give off a nasty smell, exactly the one that everyone dislikes about homemade alcohol. On websites for brewers and winemakers, and in stores selling goods for home brewing, wine and alcohol yeast are sold. The former give almost no odor at all, but they also have less alcohol yield. Alcoholic yeast still gives off a smell, but the mash is stronger. It is best to use wine yeast for low-alcohol drinks; for cider you can use beer yeast, but for moonshine you can use alcohol yeast. And put them in a little. For 25-30 liters of mash, about 1.5 tablespoons of yeast will be enough for you.

A quick way to make a tincture

You need to take strong alcohol and what to infuse (in our case, apples), chop it, let it sit for half an hour, and then drive it through a siphon or creamer. (Prompted by Maxim Rybakov, brand chef of the Pushkarskaya Sloboda complex in the city of Suzdal)

Water seal

Very often, a water seal is placed on the bottle where the cider ferments. It most often consists of a rubber glove or fingertip (more suitable for bottles). This glove is placed over the neck of the can, and a long flexible tube is inserted into one of the fingers to vent air. You can get a tube, like gloves with finger caps, at a pharmacy; ask for an IV machine.

The end of the tube is inserted into the glove or cap, but does not reach the liquid, and the other end must be immersed in water. Then no air will leak into the cider.

You can also find water seals in specialized stores.



  • 1 bucket of apples
  • 1-1.5 buckets of water
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • 50 g wine or alcohol yeast

Step 1. Pass the apples through a meat grinder. Pour water and leave for two weeks.
Step 2. After this, strain and add yeast and sugar. Close and place in a warm place to ferment. Wait 10-14 days.
Step 3. After the end of vigorous fermentation, strain again and pour into glass bottles (up to the hanger).
This cider will not be stored for long; after six months it can ferment into vinegar.

Apple wine


  • 5 l apple juice
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 tsp. wine yeast

Step 1. Mix sugar with juice until completely dissolved. Pour into a large glass bottle.
Step 2. Place a gas outlet on the bottle: insert a tube into the sealed lid, the end of which must be lowered into water. Instead of a lid, you can use a rubber glove. Leave to ferment.
Step 3. When sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle, the wine will need to be drained. To do this, you will need to lower the straw into the cider and remove the glove or lid. Take the other end of the straw into your mouth and suck in air: the cider will rise up the straw and flow. Then you need to quickly put the tube in another container and pour the liquid into it.
Step 4. Install a new gas outlet and leave it to ferment again. Wait until the fermentation process stops. Drain the wine from the sediment again using a straw.
Step 5. Pour into bottles and store in a cool place.

Apple liqueur


  • 1 kg of sweet aromatic apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 750 g sugar
  • 1 liter of vodka

Step 1. Wash the apples, pass through a meat grinder, first removing the seeds.
Step 2. Divide the resulting mixture into wide-necked bottles, filling 2/3 of the volume.
Step 3. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Pour vodka down your throat. Close tightly.
Step 4. Insist for a month.
Step 5. Filter the tincture through cheesecloth. Set aside.
Step 6. Squeeze the apple pulp through cheesecloth. Add sugar to what has been squeezed out and cook the syrup.
Step 7 Cool the syrup and mix with the tincture. Then strain.
Step 8 Pour into bottles, leave for 10 days, then store for long-term storage.

Apple tincture


  • 1.5 kg apples
  • 1 liter of vodka or moonshine
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 cup of sugar

Step 1. Cut the ripe, washed apples with the peel into small pieces (the smaller the better), removing the core, seeds and rotten parts.
Step 2. Place the slices in a jar and fill with vodka (moonshine, cognac, alcohol).
Step 3. Let sit and add more alcohol if needed. Alcohol should cover the layer of apples by 1-2 cm.
Step 4. Close the jar with a lid and place it in a warm, dark place for 7-14 days.
Step 5. Drain the apple vodka through cheesecloth into a separate container.
Step 6. Boil sugar syrup. To do this, you need to dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, skimming off the white foam. Then cool to room temperature.
Step 7 Mix the syrup with vodka on apples, leave for 2-3 hours and filter through cotton wool.
Step 8 Pour into bottles for storage, close tightly with lids.

Homemade Calvados

Photo: Eksmo Publishing House

Recipe from Konstantin Zhuk’s book “Homemade Moonshine. The best recipes"

Publishing house "Eksmo"


  • 10 kg sweet apples
  • 5 kg sour apples
  • 3 kg sugar
  • 100 g pressed or 20 g dry yeast
  • 1 liter of water
  • Oak chips


  • Fermentation container 30 l
  • Alembic
  • Alcohol mashine
  • Juicer
  • Gauze
  • Alcohol meter
  • Water seal
  • Large bottle
  • Containers for collecting distillate

Step 1. Without peeling, coarsely chop the apples and squeeze out the juice. Transfer the cake into a fermentation container, add juice, yeast and mix. Leave in a warm place until foam appears.
Step 2. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Step 3. Cool the syrup to room temperature and pour into a fermentation container. Add water so that 25-30 cm remains to the top. Install a water seal or wear a rubber glove with air venting into the water.
Step 4. Place the container in a dark room with an air temperature of 18-27 °C for 10-30 days. When the water seal stops releasing gas (the glove is deflated), the mash becomes transparent, tastes slightly bitter, without sweetness, and a sediment forms at the bottom, the mash is ready for distillation. During fermentation, every day you need to remove the water seal and mix the mash with a long spatula or clean hands.
Step 5. Drain the mash from the sediment*, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze and pour into a distillation cube.

* Use a long tube and a second container. An empty bottle is placed below the container with mash, the end of the tube is lowered into the mash, you draw air through the tube, lower it lower, into the bottle - the mash flows by itself (editor's note).

Step 6. Distill the mash in a moonshine still without dividing into fractions.
Step 7 Dilute to 20% ABV and re-distill, separating the “heads” and “tails”*.

* “Head” is the initial fraction of moonshine distillation. It is distinguished by the pungent smell of acetone. This is the so-called “Pervach”, which I would not recommend anyone to drink. “Tails” are fractions obtained at the end of distillation; they are distinguished by low strength and the presence of fusel oils and other impurities. (editor's note)

Step 8 Clean Calvados with charcoal: for each liter of moonshine obtained, take 50 g of charcoal, crush it in a mortar and add to Calvados. Seal the container hermetically and leave for 10 days, shaking the liquid every 12 hours.
Step 9 Drain the Calvados from the sediment and filter through a layer of cotton wool 2 times.
Step 10 Pour Calvados into a large bottle, add a few oak chips and the peel of a couple of apples.
Step 11 Close and leave for 10 days, then strain and bottle. You can taste it immediately.