History and traditions. What does the Autumnal Equinox mean? History and traditions The name of the day is Peter. Characteristics of a person named Petya

On September 23, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Bishops Peter and Paul, who lived in the Byzantine city of Nicaea in the 9th century and suffered for the Christian faith. Saint Peter under King Leo the Isaurian (813-820) defended the Orthodox faith, fought against the iconoclasts, for which he suffered. He died after 823.

September 23: traditions and customs of the day

On this day in the old days, rowan berries were celebrated. According to popular beliefs, she could protect from evil spirits: “ If evil spirits are tormenting someone, coming to your chest, suffocating you, and preventing you from sleeping, you need to take a rowan branch and draw a circle around you with it. Then the evil spirit will rot and the person will be freed" Therefore, windows were decorated with rowan berry clusters for the winter, and berries brought from the frost helped get rid of headaches.

The collection of rowan berries is dedicated to this day. Usually at this time, when the first morning frosts have already passed, the berries become sweet. They were torn down and hung under the roof with tassels. It was believed that this would bring happiness for the coming year. However, not all the rowan trees were plucked; some were left on the bush for bullfinches, blackbirds and other birds.

A good rowan harvest portends a cold winter. Peasants used the berries to make rowan kvass, a cooling and anti-inflammatory drink that would help with various colds.

Rowan was widely used in folk medicine and as a talisman in magic. For example, it was believed that the goblin was afraid of a rowan branch and could not step over it. In some places, a rowan tree was planted near the house to protect against goblin. Our ancestors, returning from the cemetery, hung rowan rods over the front door so that the deceased could not return home. To prevent damage to the groom during the wedding, rowan roots were sprinkled on his boots.

Since ancient times, it was believed that an ill person needed to climb over a rowan bush or rowan tree split in two three times, then the disease would spread to the plant, and the sick person would return to his former health.

Rowan was considered a good remedy for toothache. If your teeth hurt, then you need to go to a tree and gnaw it several times, saying: “ Rowan, rowan, heal my teeth, if you don’t, I’ll gnaw you all off" They also believed that the person who harmed the mountain ash would definitely have toothache (would break or cut down branches, use it for firewood, etc.). People suffering from toothache often came to the tree themselves, hugged it, knelt in front of it and said: “ Rowan-rowan, take away my illness, I will never eat you again", after that they returned home without looking back. This vow was almost never broken.

In folk songs and ditties, rowan is often a symbol of a yearning woman, the betrayal of a loved one, and a joyless life. This is explained by the perception of the contrasting combination of white (tree during flowering) and red (ripe berries) flowers and the bitterness of the berries.

In medicine, rowan is used for insomnia, nervous and eye diseases. Decoctions and fruit drinks made from fresh berries are great for colds.

September 23: signs and beliefs

  1. A little rowan means a dry autumn, a lot means a rainy one.
  2. A good rowan harvest means a frosty winter.
  3. Rowan picked on this day will protect against evil spirits and colds.
  4. To prevent the brownie from spoiling the hay, several berries were poured into the hayloft.
  5. A sprig of rowan on the table means luckily in the house.
  6. Things started today will be completed successfully.
  7. On this day, intuition is especially acute, and you need to listen to it.

Person born23 September, has a balanced disposition. He is patient and hardworking. He should wear a sapphire.

Video: September 23 – Peter and Pavel Ryabinnik


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Day of the autumn equinox. The Earth occupies a strictly vertical position relative to the Sun, this happens only 2 times a year in spring and autumn. The Sun will cross the celestial equator and move from the northern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the southern.

(In science, a distinction is made between the spring and autumn equinox. The autumnal equinox occurs on September 22 or 23, when the Sun moves from the northern to the southern hemisphere. In 2016, this happened on September 22 at 14:21 (Coordinated Universal Time. The abbreviation UTC has no specific meaning. UTC was introduced instead of the outdated Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Samara is part of the UTC+4 time zone. Samara Time (SAMT) - the unofficial name of the local time of the time zone in which the city of Samara is located - the administrative center of the Samara region. Samara time is 4 hours ahead of UTC and 1 hour ahead of Moscow time (UTC + 4, MSK + 1. This is the official time in Astrakhan, Samara , Ulyanovsk regions and Udmurtia. Consequently, astronomical autumn came here on September 22, 2016 at 18 hours 21 minutes.)

On this day, the length of day and night throughout the Earth is the same and equal to 12 hours. However, due to refraction, which seems to “raise” the Sun above the horizon, daylight hours still last somewhat longer.

In Rus', the day of the autumn solstice was considered a holiday and was always celebrated with pies with cabbage, lingonberries and meat, as well as folk festivities.

According to the folk calendar, on this day autumn moves into the second stage - golden autumn. This beautiful time, which touched the hearts of the classics of pen and brush, will last until October 14. 23 September ( Autumn Peter and Pavel - fieldfare) Our ancestors honored the sun, prayed to accumulate strength and drive away the approaching darkness.

More about the history of this day:

Peter and Pavel Ryabinnik

On this day the memory of Saints Peter and Paul, bishops of Nicaea, is celebrated. In the 9th century, under King Leo the Isaverian, Saint Peter defended the Orthodox faith from the iconoclasts and suffered for it.

Four letters of Saint Theodore the Studite to Saint Peter are known. No information has been preserved about the life of Paul, who also preached Orthodoxy in Nicaea.

By the day of Peter and Paul, the ripened rowan became sweet from the autumn frosts (they said that the tree was celebrating its name day).

“On Peter’s day in summer, eat strawberries, and on autumn, rowan,” people said. They began to harvest the berries for future use, making compotes and medicinal kvass from them.

Rowan was considered an excellent remedy against diseases and evil spirits; an infusion from it was used to cure colds. Rowan was also credited with miraculous properties. They believed that a simple ritual could help with insomnia: you need to take a rowan branch and draw a circle around yourself with it.

Since rowan was considered a means of driving out evil spirits, all the windows in the house were decorated with bunches of it before the onset of winter. People's favorite tinctures and liqueurs were also made from rowan. To do this, it was necessary to collect the berries after the first frost, carefully sort them, put them in a bottle, fill them with vodka and put them in a dark place for two to three months.

Every three to four days the bottle was supposed to be shaken. The mountain ash was used to judge what the next months would be like. The abundance of berries foreshadowed a damp autumn and a harsh winter.


In Rus', Peter and Paul were called twice, the great one in the summer, and the little one on the days of the autumn equinox. By this time, two matinees had time to ride along the ground on icy sleds of frost: Mikhailovsky and Luppovsky. And the Indian summer was ending, giving way to autumn with its prolonged rains, cold winds, and muddy roads.

But “September is a wet time, and above all else, fertile.” And in terms of the number of holidays, Father, September is second to few. For example, on September 23, the mountain ash celebrates its name day, inviting everyone to enjoy the berries and stock up on them for future use. After all, when frozen, they are especially good. There will be something to please the little kids and support the elderly.

In the Orthodox Church on September 23, the memory of Saints Paul and Peter, bishops of Nicaea, is honored. According to legend, they lived in the 9th century during the reign of King Leo the Isaverian. Saint Peter always fought with the pagans, which is why he died a martyr’s death. It is known that Peter corresponded with Saint Theodore. As for Paul, he preached in the territory of Nicaea, and no information has been preserved about his life.

Usually it was on Peter and Pavel Rowan that it was customary to pick rowan trees and hang bunches over the roofs of houses. The Slavs believed that this would help them protect themselves from evil forces and save not only themselves, but also their pets from diseases. However, on September 23, it was impossible to pick all the mountain ash from the trees - berries were also left for the birds. In the old days, very tasty kvass was prepared from mountain ash. They said that it was by September 23 that rowan becomes the most delicious, and therefore they went to collect it. This is not surprising, since night frosts contributed to the fact that rowan acquired the so-called “candied” taste. Special medicinal infusions were prepared from rowan, because they knew that this berry has anti-inflammatory properties.

There was a rather interesting way to combat insomnia. So, they took a rowan branch and drew a circle around themselves with it. Since rowan has long been considered a remedy that, according to signs, helps drive out evil spirits, its clusters were also hung not only over houses, but also near vegetable gardens and fields. To prepare liqueurs and infusions, the berries were carefully sorted, poured into bottles, filled with vodka and sent to a dark place for 2-3 months. After this, the bottle was supposed to be shaken every 3-4 days.

The autumnal equinox is the name of the astronomical phenomenon in which every year in September day is equal to night.

In 2018, the autumn equinox in Greenwich time (universal time) will occur on September 23 at 01:54, and in Tbilisi time on September 23 at 05:54.

What happens on the autumn equinox

It's worth noting that in reality, day today both north and south of the equator will last longer than night. This is due to the fact that the sun's rays are refracted in the Earth's atmosphere, and during sunrise and sunset, the solar disk for the observer appears to be slightly “raised” above the horizon, which is why it seems that morning comes a little earlier and evening a little later. This phenomenon is called “atmospheric refraction,” and if it weren’t for it, day and night, truly light and dark, would last equally.

By the way, in the Northern Hemisphere, astronomical autumn and winter collectively last five days less than spring and summer, and in the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, it lasts five days longer. This is due to the fact that during this period the Earth passes through a portion of its orbit closer to the Sun, which is why it moves somewhat faster. Moreover, contrary to a common misconception, the change of seasons itself is not associated with a change in the distance to the Sun (which becomes minimal in the depths of winter in the Northern Hemisphere), but with the fact that the Earth’s rotation axis is inclined to the plane of the Earth’s orbit.

The day of the autumn equinox is of interest not only from an astronomical, but also from a cultural point of view, since many folk traditions took into account that during this period the night becomes longer than the day.

Customs, traditions

Since ancient times, four sacred holidays have been solemnly celebrated, including the autumn equinox, which the people attached mystical significance to.

People believed that the connection between the dead and the living was especially strong on this day.

In those distant times, they lived according to the natural calendar, according to which the new year began with the onset of the autumn equinox. During this period, people thanked the gods for harvests and prosperity and honored the dead by decorating their graves.

The Slavs celebrated the New Year in September - the holiday symbolized the beginning of a new life cycle. The traditions of this holiday go back to ancient times. In those distant times, the Slavs organized viewings, weddings and festive celebrations after the harvest.

The Slavs, according to tradition, celebrated several holidays in September. The first - Oseniny (giving away to Ovsenya), was celebrated at the beginning of autumn. According to Slavic mythology, Ovsen is a deity who was responsible for the change of seasons. On the holiday, people thanked the Spirits and Nature for all gifts, including the harvest.

On the day of the autumn equinox, the ancient Slavs began the seventh month of the year - Veresen (Tausen, Radogoshch). It was dedicated to Veles, the god of the three worlds (Rule, Reveal, Navi) or “three sides of existence.”

The holiday, according to tradition, was celebrated by the ancient Slavs for two weeks - seven days before and seven after the autumn equinox. During festive feasts they drank the honey drink surya. The drink was infused with freshly picked hops.

The most popular among the delicacies on the festive table was pastries. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, pies with cabbage brought wealth, with meat - they helped in a career, and with lingonberries - in love.

After the autumn equinox in Ancient Rus', they escorted the goddess Zhiva to the heavenly kingdom - Svarga, thanking her for the gift of the harvest. According to ancient tradition, the kingdom of heaven was closed for the winter.

traditions, the kingdom of heaven was closed for the winter.

The opening of Svarga in pagan times, according to tradition, was celebrated on the spring equinox, which falls on March 21. The spring equinox coincided with the last day of the holiday week on Komoeditsa (Maslenitsa).

The ancient Slavic holiday of Velesen, after the adoption of Christianity, was replaced by the church with the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Orthodox celebrate it on September 21.

Rituals of the holiday
In Rus', in the old days, various rituals were performed to attract happiness and good luck, as well as improve one’s financial situation. Some of these rituals have survived to this day.

For example, prosperity was attracted by such a ritual - they baked round pies with cabbage or apples. Improvements in financial condition were expected in the near future if the dough rose quickly and the pie itself did not burn.

Another ritual helped to end an unfavorable period in life - for this they burned all the old things in the yard after general cleaning of the house.

During the autumn equinox, as was believed in the old days, water had special powers. Therefore, in the evening the girls always performed the washing ritual. And the elderly and children needed to swim to maintain their health.

People believed that on the day of the autumn equinox, love energy was especially strong, so during this period they performed marriage ceremonies and established relationships with their soulmate.

Girls of marriageable age performed various rituals: some put a second pillow on the bed, saying “my soulmate, come,” others burned walnut branches on a saucer with thoughts of soon marriage, and scattered the ashes on the street in the evening.

Signs for September 23, 2018

According to signs, the weather throughout the fall will be the same as it was at the autumn equinox.

The upcoming winter was judged by the rowan harvest - the more berries in the bunches, the colder the winter would be.

According to signs, autumn will be long and winter will come late if there is a lot of cobwebs on the day of the autumn equinox.

If the cranes are in a hurry to fly away, this is a clear sign that a harsh winter is coming.

According to signs, winter will come soon if the willow leaves begin to fall.

A poorly set table for the autumn equinox is a sign indicating that much will be missing in the coming year.

It was considered a good omen to visit their parents, so the children tried to visit their father’s house in the morning.

Finding a “lucky stone” on the autumn equinox is a symbol of change for the better, a good omen. Therefore, on the way home, people carefully looked at their feet so as not to miss their happiness.

By the way, an inner feeling helped to find a stone that became a talisman. So, be careful and don't miss your luck!

In 2018, the Autumn Equinox occurs on September 23 at 4.54 Moscow time. This means that at this moment the Sun has crossed the celestial equator from North to South and astronomical autumn will begin.

Space event

The sunrise on September 23 will be strictly in the East, and the Sun will set strictly in the West. So, if someone needs to check their astrolabe or check whether the compass in their smartphone is working correctly, then it’s probably difficult to find the best time for this.
If on September 23 the day is equal to the night, then after that it begins to shorten. The decrease in daylight hours will continue until December 21 (shortly before Catholic Christmas, the longest night of the year will occur in the Northern Hemisphere). But after the Winter Solstice, the days will begin to increase, the sun will turn towards spring.
However, this is still a long way off, and a long autumn is upon us.

What should you do?

Since ancient times, the days of the Equinox have been given special attention in many cultures around the world. So, for example, it was on this day that the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year. This event is especially honored by many peoples in the east: in Iran, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, this day is still considered special.
According to beliefs, on the Equinox the gates of heaven open, and the celestial spheres become most receptive to our hopes and dreams. Therefore, prayers on this day will certainly be heard, and everything that is wished from a pure, sincere heart will certainly come true.
The Equinox is a day of open energies and attracting good luck and happiness into your destiny. You were supposed to wash your face with cold water in the morning - its magical power was simply obliged to bring strength, health and beauty. On this day, it is advised to go to the bathhouse, bathe children and get rid of old unnecessary junk in the house.

How to attract money and wealth?

On the days of the Equinox, the household needs control and accounting, and therefore the money in the wallet should be counted at least three times.
Another sure way to get rich is to bake round pies on this day. It is best to fill them with what was collected this year. You can try recipes with an apple, or with a pear, but best of all with lingonberries.

We fight evil spirits

However, we should remember that energetically strong days attract not only good but also bad into our lives. Therefore, popular beliefs advise driving away all evil spirits and evil forces from your homes at such times. This is very easy to do with the help of prayers over a lit candle and rowan berries. For a long time, the Slavs believed that it was this tree that prevented evil spirits from entering their homes, and the owner of the forest, Leshy, was afraid to even step over a rowan twig.
By the way, have you ever noticed that grandmothers in old houses lay out scarlet rowan clusters between the frames in the fall? Do you think this is done for beauty? Not at all, in the old days windows were decorated with rowan berries for the same protective purpose, so that illnesses and illnesses, as well as all sorts of misfortunes, would not look into the windows of the residents.

... and tell fortunes about the groom.

By the way, rowan also helped improve personal life. If the young lady was unmarried, she should have asked her betrothed from the rowan tree - to dress up in the best holiday clothes, and one of the wardrobe items must be red, write a note with the name of her beloved and secretly hide the message in the roots of the tree. And for good luck, pick a bunch of rowan berries and store them in your room. Then the betrothed was bound to propose soon.

There are other signs for rowan. So, many people know that if there are a lot of rowan berries on a tree, this means a harsh and cold winter, and a crop failure, on the contrary, means a soft and warm one. We don’t know what it’s like about the suitors, but this omen certainly always comes true.