Should an individual entrepreneur have a seal? Printing requirements. What should be on the IP seal. An individual entrepreneur works without a seal. What are the legal consequences

When registering an individual business, questions often arise. One of them is the dilemma: is a seal really necessary for an entrepreneur? What consequences does its absence entail, and what does its presence provide? Many people decide to give up printing. Firstly, it is troublesome, and secondly, it is not cheap. In addition, the law allows an individual entrepreneur to conduct his business without it. In this article we will look at whether a seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur, what the advantages and disadvantages are, how to register a seal and what it reflects.

Do you need a seal for an individual entrepreneur?

This question has a clear answer - no, manufacturing it does not belong to the obligations of the entrepreneur. This is rather a right, and it is enshrined in the law of April 6, 2015 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the abolition of the mandatory seal of business companies.”

Advantages and disadvantages of having a seal

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of having a seal as an individual entrepreneur.

Advantages Flaws

Possibility of registration in work book workers

The need to constantly use a seal; when signing any document, it should always be
Certification and additional protection of documents

Occasional need to replace the pillow

Ability to issue invoices, invoices and powers of attorney

Seamless opening of accounts in any bank

Increasing the prestige and trust of counterparties

Thus, having a seal gives the entrepreneur certain advantages. For example, this is an opportunity to open a current account in any bank, or work with a legal entity for which the presence of a seal on a document is essential.

At the same time, in many banks, printing is optional. To carry out transactions with in cash The personal presence and signature of the businessman is enough. An entrepreneur can lead economic activity without printing, which many people do successfully. Therefore, only the entrepreneur himself can decide whether to have a seal or not, based on certain circumstances.

Do I need to register my seal?

In order to make a seal, an individual entrepreneur should contact a company that specializes in this. Once the seal is received, it does not need to be registered anywhere. The businessman takes any actions related to it independently. At his discretion, he may make, replace or destroy the seal. These actions do not create an obligation to report to anyone.

But if an entrepreneur wants to use state symbols in a seal imprint, this is possible only after receiving special permission.

Sometimes registering a seal is beneficial for entrepreneurs themselves. This is justified if a precedent may arise for forged signatures of contracts and other documents on behalf of the individual entrepreneur.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur's seal can be carried out in the following authorities:

  • in the tax office;
  • at the registration chamber;
  • in internal affairs bodies (OVD);
  • at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • in the register of the manufacturer.

Documents required to obtain a seal

To make a seal, an individual entrepreneur should contact a company specializing in such activities and provide copies of the following documents:

  • passport (page with photo and registration);
  • state registration number;
  • extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs.

Types of seal production: equipment, comparison of materials

IP printing can be with:

  • simple equipment;
  • automatic equipment.

The automatic one is more convenient to use, while the simple one is more compact and easier to carry if necessary. The seal can be made from various materials, but the most popular are rubber and polymer. Polymer is cheaper and easier to implement. Rubber is more expensive, but it will last much longer. If the average service life of a polymer cushion is about 4 years, then a rubber cushion is up to 10. The increased cost of a rubber cushion is explained by the painstaking work with this material.

Thus, making a seal for an individual entrepreneur is not mandatory. Only the business owner himself can decide whether to do it or not. But you need to take into account that in many cases its presence makes the entrepreneur’s job easier.

What information should be on the seal impression?

By contacting the seal manufacturer, the entrepreneur will receive several sketches of it, from which he must choose the one that suits him. The legislation establishes a list of certain information that must be placed on the seal impression. A private entrepreneur may add some information at his own discretion.

Standard information on the seal imprint:

  • name of the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur);
  • FULL NAME. entrepreneur in accordance with registration documents;
  • OGRN;
  • the address where the IP is located.

The IP seal must be round, triangular or rectangular and have a clear imprint. In relation to it, it can be said that a print overloaded with information and drawings may be inappropriate. It will be better if the print contains only the necessary information.

When does printing give advantages to individual entrepreneurs?

An entrepreneur has every right to conduct his business activities without a seal. But in some cases, its presence becomes necessary, especially when business expansion is planned. Let's look at cases in which having a seal is an advantage.

In the bank

In order to carry out legal settlements with buyers and customers, a private entrepreneur must open a bank account. Many banks require not only to sign the agreement, but also to affix it with a seal. Of course, you can choose another credit institution that does not have such strict requirements for opening an account. But to ensure complete freedom When choosing a servicing bank, it is better for the entrepreneur to make a seal.

An entrepreneur has the right not to use a cash register in his activities, subject to the application of a simplified taxation system. In this case, it is necessary to use strictly reporting forms, which must have a seal imprint on them.


Often, the partners of a private entrepreneur demand that he put not only his signature on the agreement, but also his seal. But, if the presence of the individual entrepreneur’s seal in the contract is not mandatory, then there are documents that will not acquire legal force in the absence of such details. For example, this is a pledge agreement, waybills. If the business is related to the provision transport services, then printing is necessary to fill out the waybill and write off fuel.

Hiring employees

If a businessman’s plans include the subsequent hiring of workers to carry out business activities, then printing will become a necessity. This is due to the entrepreneur’s obligation to fill out work books, which will be legal and correct only if there is an imprint in it.

State procurements

If an entrepreneur plans to base his business activities on government procurement passing through the state order system. In order to draw up an application for participation in the tender, you must put a stamp on it. If before this decision the seal was not used in the daily work of the entrepreneur, then he will have to make one.

Answers to pressing questions

Question No. 1. What to do if the seal is lost or stolen?

If it happens that the seal is lost or stolen, then first of all you need to contact the internal affairs authorities and write a statement about its loss. Based on it, the police department will issue a certificate, and after that it will be possible to make a new seal. If the lost seal was previously registered with the Federal Tax Service, then it is necessary to report the loss in order to exclude it from the register.

Question No. 2. What should a private entrepreneur do with a seal if he decides to close?

When deciding to close, you should contact the tax office. After paying the fee, you need to submit an application for closure of the individual entrepreneur, attach a copy of your passport and a stamp to it. Thus, the seal is liquidated by the body that previously registered the entrepreneur.

Question No. 3. If an entrepreneur is already carrying out his activities without using a seal, he decides to enter into a contract with prerequisite the presence of a seal on it. Can he produce it at any time?

Yes, if a businessman, due to the nature of his activity, has never encountered the need to use a seal, and then it nevertheless arose, you can order it at any time. Design Required documents, you can order and receive it within a few hours from a company specializing in the production of seals.

Question #4. Whether there is a established rules for making a seal?

The legislation establishes that the seal of an individual entrepreneur can be different shapes- both triangular, rectangular and round. The shape is not important, but the seal must have a clear impression. In addition, it is prohibited to use state symbols, for example, the coat of arms, in the press of a private entrepreneur.

Question No. 5. If the need for printing is no longer necessary, can an entrepreneur refuse it?

Yes, if the seal is no longer needed, then the businessman has the right to refuse to use it. To do this, the seal is destroyed, which is documented in the appropriate act. Then the bank that services the entrepreneur must be notified of the fact of destruction. There is no need to notify anyone else about this.

Question #6. How many stamps can an entrepreneur have?

An individual entrepreneur may have several seals, their number is not limited by law. Since his duties do not include their mandatory registration with the Federal Tax Service, the procedure for their production and liquidation is simplified as much as possible.

Question No. 7. Where can you go if you want to register the seal of a private entrepreneur?

Registration of an individual entrepreneur's seal is not required. If the entrepreneur nevertheless decides to register it, he needs to contact the register of seals. There you should obtain a conclusion and submit it to the National Assembly. On average, the procedure takes several days.

There is an ongoing discussion online about whether a seal is mandatory for an individual entrepreneur and whether an individual entrepreneur can work without a seal. This article discusses not only these issues, but also provides recommendations on the use of the seal of an individual entrepreneur, lists the requirements for the seal of an individual entrepreneur, and also presents a sample of a seal of an individual entrepreneur with an image and the necessary attributes.

Do I need an IP seal?

Let us answer right away that there is no law that would oblige an individual entrepreneur to make a seal. There is no information about her. There are even official clarifications Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Moscow (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of February 28, 2006 N 28-10/15239), which emphasize that the obligation of an individual entrepreneur to purchase and use a seal when carrying out his activities is not provided. Therefore, no inspector government agency cannot make a claim against you in the absence of a seal solely on the basis that you are an individual entrepreneur.

But, as often happens, good intentions at the level of the legislator are broken by the bitter truth at the level of the implementer. Too often in practice there are situations when the law does not allow an individual entrepreneur to do without a seal.
Here are some examples:

  • IP is engaged trading activities, and suppliers are required to certify invoices and other documents with a seal;
  • An individual entrepreneur provides household services without a cash register, and cash payments in this case require the presence of an individual entrepreneur’s seal in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 N 359;
  • The entrepreneur has hired workers, and the individual entrepreneur must certify the entries in their work books with a seal (Resolution No. 225 of April 16, 2003);
  • The individual entrepreneur is engaged in transportation or otherwise deals with waybills, which means that their execution requires the individual entrepreneur to have a seal (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 78);
  • An individual entrepreneur opens a current account in the bank where the presence of a seal on the individual entrepreneur is a necessary condition cooperation.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of situations when an individual entrepreneur needs a seal. Therefore, for most entrepreneurs, we recommend that you still acquire a seal, especially since a seal for individual entrepreneurs is also additional protection from fraudsters who forge signatures on documents.

Is it necessary to register an individual entrepreneur's seal?

The answer is clear: no, you do not need to register an individual entrepreneur seal. However, if you think about the question of who gets more harm or benefit from the fact of registering a seal, the answer will surprise many. Registration of an individual entrepreneur's seal is beneficial to him! If we assume that an individual entrepreneur has become a victim of fraudulent transactions, and there are forged documents with a seal in the case, then it is much easier to prove one’s innocence if there is an officially registered seal impression, which allows experts to easily detect a forgery.

If our arguments seem weighty to you, then you can register the IP seal with the Federal Tax Service, the registration chamber, the Department of Internal Affairs, or in the register of the manufacturer.

Requirements for IP printing

Compared to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs have less strict requirements for seals, and there are more opportunities for creativity. But some rules must nevertheless be followed.

What should be on the IP seal:

  • phrase " Individual entrepreneur»;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur;
  • location (city or region);
  • TIN and/or OGRNIP.

What else can be placed on the IP seal:

  • The name of your business, for example, “Beauty salon of Vasilisa the Beautiful”;
  • logo;
  • address;
  • print security elements (for example, an ornament, which not only provides additional protection against counterfeiting, but also gives the print an original, beautiful look)

What cannot be placed on the IP seal:

  • state symbols (coat of arms of the Russian Federation, coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
  • other people's registered trademarks and logos;

Regarding use state symbols subjects of the Russian Federation, then let us clarify that in this issue there is a single normative act no, everything is decided at the level of city or regional legislation.

Example of IP printing (sample with image)

Making such a seal today is not difficult at all. You can contact your nearest printing house and ask:

  • Is it possible to order an individual entrepreneur stamp;
  • how much does hand printing cost?
  • how much does printing with automatic equipment cost?
  • what is the print production time?
  • what documents need to be submitted to place an order for the production of a seal.

In conclusion, we note that if you still have questions on the topic of using seals for individual entrepreneurs, we suggest leaving them in the comments to the article. You can also make the site more interesting if you tell us about cases known to you related to the need to have a seal for an individual entrepreneur or, conversely, about successful work IP without seal.

Printing for individual entrepreneurs: 2018 requirements updated: November 30, 2018 by: Everything for individual entrepreneurs

Quite a lot of questions arise. Even something as simple as receiving a seal can cause some difficulties for an uninformed person. Today we will answer all your questions regarding the acquisition and use of printing in your activities.

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To begin with, let us clarify that the law does not oblige individual entrepreneurs to have a seal. However, practice shows that it is still needed. Therefore, when opening your own business, we advise you to immediately prepare for the fact that all work will be carried out using printing.

Why do you need an IP seal?

  • If, for the purchase and maintenance of which additional costs must be incurred, the individual entrepreneur has the right to use. However, in this case, he is required by law to have a seal;
  • For convenient financial transactions, many banks require a seal;
  • The seal serves as additional protection for your documentation;
  • If you hire employees, you must make an appropriate entry in his work book. In turn, a stamp must be placed in the work book upon dismissal of an employee. This is required by law;
  • Having a seal will save you from additional questions from customers and clients, who are often surprised when a check or receipt is certified only by a signature;
  • This attribute gives some solidity and reliability to your business, increasing your authority in the eyes of clients.

IMPORTANT: if you start using a seal, it must be placed on all documents. If the individual entrepreneur has a seal, a document with only his signature has no legal force.

Requirements for IP seals in 2016

To order a print, you must first decide on its appearance and other paraphernalia.
There are two types of printing:

  • The stamp is the main one and certifies all documents;
  • stamp is additional element, which helps to organize work within an organization if it is large. For example, stamps with the words “approved” and “executed” are used in the internal circulation of documents.

IMPORTANT: the word “stamp” does not mean that the seal must have a coat of arms.

Seals are also classified according to the shape of the cliche:

  • triangular print;
  • round stamp;
  • rectangular print.

The standard IP print size is 38 – 40 mm.

When ordering you need to select the following attributes:

  1. Ordinary or automatic. Of course, the second type is more convenient to use and more expensive.
  2. Printing equipment: plastic, wood or metal. As a rule, metal equipment is chosen for solidity;
  3. Tool shape: round or rectangular;
  4. Print drawing. This point has some legal requirements, which we will look at below. However, apart from mandatory elements, you have the right to depict and write whatever you want on it. You can even order a custom design;
  5. Print protection. There are many types of seal protection against counterfeiting. If you wish, you can order it for your own stamp, which will slightly increase the cost of production.

Documents for making a seal

To order a seal you need to collect the following package of documents:

This article talks about standard methods solutions legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, contact our consultant absolutely FREE!

  • (original and one copy);
  • Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) certificate, which indicates that you are included in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (original and one copy);
  • Passport (you will need to take the finished stamp with it);
  • Order form (this will contain sketches and other details). This document must be certified by the customer’s signature.

It is important to know that the state has certain requirements for the sketch of the seal imprint. The law stipulates that the following inscriptions must be present on the seal of an individual entrepreneur:

  • OGRNIP (state number of an individual entrepreneur);

Where can I order a print and how much does it cost?

To order an individual entrepreneur stamp, just contact any commercial company in your city. They are usually called Stamp Seals and offer a full range of stamp making services.

The average cost is from 200 to 1000 rubles, depending on the region. The simplest standard printing without various additions will cost an individual entrepreneur 200 rubles.

In general, the final cost of printing is determined by the following factors:

  • cliche shape and print size;
  • equipment (metal is more expensive than plastic);
  • manual printing about 300 rubles, automatic printing about 400 - 500 rubles;
  • layout development (300 rubles);
  • protection against counterfeiting (price depends on the level of complexity of the work);
  • production time (usually the print is made in 1 day, but if desired, it can be done in 4 hours or 1.5 hours, adding about 300 - 400 rubles to the cost for urgency).

IMPORTANT: every few years you need to change the stamp pad - the element of the seal on which the ink is located. The frequency of changes depends on the frequency of use of the seal.

By the way, seals are made from special odorless rubber by laser engraving. Various fonts are used during the work process.

As you can see, ordering a print is not difficult. Most often, companies offering such a service provide the opportunity to select an option from available models, which greatly simplifies the task for the customer. However, if you are a creative person and want your company to have an individual unique style, you can develop your own design and purchase a print from the most modern materials meeting the latest fashion and style requirements.

ATTENTION: after receiving the seal, you do not need to register it anywhere. She's ready to go.

I registered as an individual entrepreneur. Tell me, am I required to make a seal?

The question is answered by Maxim Panov, certified auditor of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, member of the Moscow Chamber of Auditors, leading expert of ACC RUSCONSULTING GROUP

According to the current civil legislation to entrepreneurial activity citizens carried out without education legal entity, that is, the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply to the activities of an individual entrepreneur, which regulate the activities of legal entities that are commercial organizations, unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts or the essence of the legal relationship (clause 3 of article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Direct civil legislation in relation to legal entities that are commercial organizations does not provide for the obligation to have a seal. The requirement for them to have a seal is fixed in special laws regulating the activities of organizations of various organizational and legal forms (in particular, the Federal Law “On joint stock companies" dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ, Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ).

When registering an individual entrepreneur, the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ, which directly regulates the procedure for state registration of individual entrepreneurs, also does not provide for the obligation for individual entrepreneurs to have a seal.

In practice, printing is used in work when preparing various types of documentation. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law “On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ, the seal is not included in the list of mandatory details of primary accounting documents, but with a reservation - primary accounting documents, the form of which is not provided for in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation. Tax authorities, analyzing the norms of legislation, in a letter from the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated February 28, 2006 No. 28-10/15239, they also pointed out that there is no obligation for an individual entrepreneur to purchase and use a seal when carrying out his activities. However, we must not forget that there are unified forms of primary documents that contain printing details (for example, delivery note form No. TORG-12). And in accordance with the above paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law “On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ, primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up in the form contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation (and only in relation to documents whose form is not provided in these albums, requirements for the presence of mandatory details are established). As you can see, the legislation contains a certain gap, which still causes a lot of controversy and speculation on the topic of the obligation of an individual entrepreneur to have a seal.

Interestingly, regarding this issue there is an opinion Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, expressed in the Determination of February 20, 1998 No. 58-G98-2, according to which in business transactions the presence of a seal both for a legal entity and for a private entrepreneur is recognized as mandatory and self-evident. The Determination also notes that without such a seal, a current account cannot be opened in a bank or other credit institution, transactions and other documents cannot be properly certified. Under such conditions, in accordance with Art. 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows the application of civil legislation by analogy.

However, currently an entrepreneur can open a current account without a seal. This follows in particular from clause 2.8 of Appendix 2 to the Instruction of the Central Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 No. 28-I “On opening and closing bank accounts and deposit accounts.” And with regard to concluding transactions, it should be noted that sealing the text of the agreement is also not required. After all, in accordance with Art. 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any transactions made in writing must only be signed by the parties. A seal will be required only when drawing up a double warehouse receipt and a pledge agreement, in which the pledged item remains with the pledgor (Articles 338 and 913 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

There are other cases that may require an individual entrepreneur to have a seal. So, if an individual entrepreneur has employees with whom they have entered into employment contracts, the entrepreneur is obliged in accordance with Art. 309 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, maintain work books of your employees. Moreover, according to clause 35 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved by Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003, upon dismissal of an employee, the entries in his work book must be certified by the signature and seal of the employer and the signature of the employee.

Another interesting point is related to the use of printing when using strict reporting forms. Let us remind you that the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated 05/06/2008 No. 359, established a procedure for organizations and individual entrepreneurs to carry out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without using cash registers in the case of providing services to the population, subject to the issuance of a document drawn up on a strict reporting form, equivalent to cash receipt. In accordance with sub. “and” clause 3 of the said Regulations establish that the document, as a mandatory requisite, among others, must contain the seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur). The opinion about the existence of an obligation for individual entrepreneurs to use a seal in the case of using strict reporting forms is also expressed in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 2, 2009 No. 03-01-15/2-69.

As you can see, in the legislation the issue of the obligation of an individual entrepreneur to have a seal is not clearly worked out. In this regard, we recommend using printing in your work to avoid possible negative consequences.

The stamp on the document is, in fact, another autograph of the owner and the entire company as a whole. Therefore, many entrepreneurs order a corporate imprint first. But is a seal really necessary for an individual entrepreneur? How much does it cost to make it and in what cases can you not do without it?

What does the law say?

All responsibility and right to choose according to the law rests with the entrepreneur himself. If you think that your business cannot do without printing, order and use it. No - it means you forgot and don’t remember. There is no law for individual entrepreneurs that requires a seal.

True, there are types of activities where you cannot do without it:

  1. At employees The use of a seal is mandatory - you put the stamp in the work book.
  2. Waybills for vehicles are also always confirmed by a seal.
  3. It is impossible to prepare BSO (strict reporting forms), invoices, and sales receipts without a stamp.
  4. When opening an entrepreneur, banks sometimes require a stamp.
  5. When drawing up an agreement, partners express a desire to have the document certified by an additional guarantor.

In fact, the seal does not impose any “bonus” responsibilities on the owner. The agreement is considered valid if it is signed by the parties - this is enough. The signature of the entrepreneur gives the documents legal force (a certificate of absence of a seal is not required). The choice is yours: if you don’t use the above five points in your activity, you don’t need a seal.

When looking from the perspective and planned growth - concluding deals with large companies, carriers, etc. - can be an obstacle. But it’s never too late to correct the situation - you can formalize and do it in a few hours in specialized services.

Printing requirements

Let's consider all the requirements for the seal of an individual entrepreneur that the state imposes:

  • rectangular, triangular, mostly round form with a diameter of 38-42 mm;
  • easy to read and clear print;
  • absence of a state emblem (you can use the symbols of the enterprise).

The information on the print contains:

  1. Full name of the entrepreneur, number, identification code and city in which the activity was registered.
  2. It is necessary to indicate the basic details, because the abundance of information is superfluous and unnecessary.

An interesting option is self-typesetting, in which you can change the text yourself. It consists of a set of letters, numbers, tweezers, text plates and a replaceable pad.

The stamp making service offers various print layouts: you can type together with the designer, choose the type and material finished product. Use your imagination here, but the main thing is not to overdo it. You will work with this tool every day - convenience is important!

Specialists provide a lot of examples with images and logos from various materials, conventional and automatic. If there is a large turnover of documentation, it is advisable to order automatic printing (it costs more than regular printing, but is much more convenient to use).

Design rules

The decision to make your own seal has been made - let's move on:

1. To implement the project, fill out the form.

2. Collect the following documents:

  • passport (copy of the first page and with registration);
  • certificate;
  • OGRNIP certificate.

3. Go to the “office” for making seals and create your own history.

Production time ranges from several hours to days - as agreed. The price depends on the type, shape, material and complexity of production (from 200 rubles to several thousand). Your image partly depends on how the print looks - you will put it on all documents. Therefore, approach your creation responsibly!

Your image partly depends on how the print looks - you will put it on all documents. Therefore, approach your creation responsibly!

You can pick up a product from the service upon presentation of your passport or otherwise they will not give it back. The next step is to make a decision on registering the seal with the tax office. This is an optional procedure, so do as you wish.

If you decide to register, first in the register of seals. Here they will give an opinion, and take it with them to the tax office. The procedure is simple, but may take several days. That's it - you have your own stamp! Now you confirm each document with a stamp.

Actions in force majeure circumstances

  • Theft or loss

If you or an employee have lost your seal or an attacker has committed theft, you must contact the internal affairs authorities with a statement. Based on it, a certificate will be issued, which is necessary for the production of a new seal. If you registered your imprint in the tax and registry, be sure to inform them there to remove it from the lists.

  • Closing an individual entrepreneur

If the seal is not included in the register, keep it for yourself and do not waste energy on going to authorities. Registered - go to the tax office for liquidation. To do this, you need to pay a state fee, write an application, attach a photocopy of your passport and a stamp. The forms will be given to you directly at the tax office. Stamped by the registering authority, a record is made, and a certificate of destruction is issued.

As you can see, the law does not oblige entrepreneurs to have a seal, but it does not abolish mandatory use in certain types of activities.

The stamp: “Unfit” is what we put on ourselves. Vadim Sinyavsky, Soviet journalist