What are stretch ceilings and how to care for them. How to wash and care for a matte stretch ceiling? (9 photos). fabric cover

Due to the practicality and beauty of stretch ceilings, they are mounted in rooms for various purposes. PVC coatings can be installed in rooms with wet processes, and fabric ceilings are valued for their environmental friendliness and harmlessness to humans. In order for the tension coating to last as long as possible, it must be properly looked after. Care of stretch ceilings depends on the type of panel used.

General rules for the operation and cleaning of stretch fabrics

Stretch ceiling coverings do not require special maintenance and the purchase of special products to care for them. The ceilings of their PVC films do not attract dust, do not accumulate static electricity, do not absorb odors and pollution, therefore, in a living room with normal humidity, they can only be cleaned with a dry cloth from dust. But in the kitchen and bathroom, film coatings need a more thorough cleaning.

When using PVC coating, follow the general rules for the care of stretch ceilings:

  1. The surface can be cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner with a soft furniture nozzle. It is important to turn on the device at minimum power so as not to damage the canvas.
  2. You can brush off dust and cobwebs from the ceiling with a soft flannel cloth. This cleaning method is used in a residential area with normal humidity. It is important that the pile from the rag does not stick to the ceiling.
  3. If necessary, the film ceiling can be subjected to wet cleaning. Mild detergents are allowed. Soak a soft cloth or kitchen sponge in the soapy solution. For stubborn greasy deposits, you can dissolve dishwashing detergent or shampoo in water. Also for wet cleaning it is allowed to use special compounds designed for cleaning stretch fabrics.

Attention! Please note that wetting fabric coverings is not recommended. Dry cleaning or wiping with a slightly damp and well-wrung cloth is suitable for this type of cloth.

In order for the stretch ceiling to last as long as possible, adhere to the following operating rules:

  • Film coatings are not resistant to mechanical damage, so it is better to clean them only with soft sponges and rags.
  • If repairs are being made in a room with a stretch ceiling, then the PVC panel can be temporarily dismantled or covered with plastic wrap to protect it from damage and pollution. The woven ceiling cannot be dismantled, so it is protected with polyethylene.
  • In a room with a PVC panel, you need to maintain the optimum temperature. At sub-zero temperatures, the canvas becomes brittle and brittle, and with severe overheating, it deforms and can melt.

To understand how to care for a suspended PVC ceiling in the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the texture of the coating. Matte and glossy films are treated differently.

Features of care for PVC films with a glossy surface

In order for the care of stretch glossy ceilings to contribute to the shine of the surface, products containing ammonia are used. Such compositions are often used to wash glass, tiles and mirrors, because they do not leave streaks. It is more convenient to use the liquid in a spray bottle. The agent is evenly sprayed onto a napkin and wiped with it on the ceiling.

Also, to clean glossy PVC films, you can use aqueous solutions with the addition of laundry soap, shampoo and dishwashing liquid. A small amount of the selected agent is dissolved in water and the ceiling is washed. Then the surface is washed with clean water and wiped dry so that no stains remain. In conclusion, it is desirable to polish the surface with a flannel cloth.

To care for glossy coatings, a ten percent solution of ammonia is used. To obtain it, alcohol is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10. Then a sponge is moistened in the solution and the ceiling is wiped, after which it is wiped dry.

Important! It is forbidden to use a more concentrated solution, because this can lead to damage to the canvas.

  1. Do not use abrasive sponges or hard brushes, which can leave streaks and scratches on smooth surfaces.
  2. PVC film is easy to pierce with a sharp object, so it is better to remove any jewelry from your hands.
  3. For washing, use compositions that do not contain abrasive particles.
  4. When washing, do not press hard on the film surface. It is better to wash with your hands, and not with a mop, because when using it it is difficult to assess the force of pressure.
  5. In some cases, it is not recommended to clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, because the panel may pop out of the mounting profile. Carefully read the manufacturer's care instructions for your type of coating.

Features of care for PVC films with a matte surface

Now let's talk about how to care for a stretch ceiling made of matte PVC film. This surface is easier to clean because it does not leave stains. Manufacturers of such cloths recommend using cold water vapor to clean them. In the absence of a steam generator, you can simply wash the ceiling with plain water with the addition of a mild detergent.

To prepare a solution for the care of matte coatings, you can use shavings of laundry soap, shampoo, special products, and dishwashing liquids. Also suitable means for the care of glass and mirror surfaces, as well as tiles. It is better to wash the matte film in the kitchen with ammonia, because it dissolves soot and grease well. Then the surface is wiped dry. The matte finish does not need polishing.

Cleaners for PVC coatings

To clean vinyl films, you can use store-bought household products for the care of glass and plastic surfaces, such as Mr. Muscle. After wet cleaning, the surface must be wiped dry.

The following compositions are also suitable for these purposes:

  • liquid products with ammonia in a spray bottle;
  • a regular shampoo that is dissolved in water is suitable;
  • an aqueous solution of dishwashing detergent will cope well with a greasy coating on the surface;
  • you can grate laundry soap and dissolve the chips in water;
  • liquid soap is also suitable for these purposes, which is also dissolved in water;
  • ammonia solution (1 part alcohol to 10 parts water).

On a note! On sale you can find special products for the care of PVC ceilings. Be sure to read the information on the container and consider the type of tension cover.

Prohibited funds

To clean the stretch ceiling surface, it is forbidden to use any sharp and abrasive objects, be it a hard brush, a broom, a vacuum cleaner nozzle, an abrasive sponge and other unsuitable things. As for liquid products, then you need to beware of any formulations that contain acetone, which can dissolve the PVC film, deform the coating or discolor it. The same applies to ammonia in its purest form.

Other prohibited PVC film care products:

  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • White Spirit;
  • turpentine;
  • toluene;
  • pure alcohol;
  • other aggressive solvents.

Common mistakes in the operation and cleaning of the stretch ceiling

The most popular mistake of many owners of stretch coatings is that when pollution appears, it is not wiped off immediately, but postponed for the duration of the general cleaning. A fresh stain is much easier to clean than a dried old stain. Many fresh grease stains can be washed off with ordinary warm water, while wiping off dried grease without using a soapy solution and intense friction will not work.

Another mistake is that any new product cannot be immediately used to clean the surface. You need to try its action on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stretch coating, for example, far in the corner or behind a cabinet. If the agent does not cause a negative reaction of the film in the form of discoloration or deformation, then it can be used to clean the main surface.

It is better to wash stretch fabrics in the kitchen and in the bathroom not as they get dirty, but with a certain regularity, for example, once every 6 months. Then you can constantly maintain the beauty of the ceiling surface and do not bother much with each subsequent wash.

Stretch ceilings are considered one of the most popular types of finishes. They help to give the room a sophisticated look, fit perfectly even into the most modern interiors and, of course, delight the eye (more: ""). But what is the maintenance of a stretch ceiling? How to keep its original appearance? How to wash such a surface so as not to harm? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Despite their fragility, stretch ceilings are unpretentious. Caring for them is much easier than for other types of coatings. The canvas, which is used for such structures, is durable and strong. But still, some tips will help to avoid unpleasant moments of washing such ceilings. Let's figure out how to care for a stretch ceiling.

Using the recommendations of this article, you can not only maintain the surface of the ceiling in the proper form, but also extend its life. And the great thing about this case is that the care takes very little time.

Stretch ceilings - care for them

Due to their convenience and style versatility, stretch ceilings have become the most popular type of design. But every owner of a house or apartment is concerned about the question of how to take care of a stretch ceiling in order to maintain its aesthetic appearance.

Cloths of modern ceilings have a special antistatic coating, which reduces its dust content. Often, to eliminate minor contamination, it is enough from time to time to wipe the surface with a dry cloth and even less often to do wet cleaning.

But the care of such ceilings largely depends on where they are mounted. In some rooms, the humidity and dustiness of which is increased, washing the linens will have to be done more often. First of all, such premises include bathrooms, balconies and kitchens.

Small dirt on stretch ceilings is recommended to be removed with a dry cloth or cloth rags. The surface must be cleaned carefully, avoiding the formation of micro-scratches.

Some are wondering if stretch ceilings can be washed. Experts answer that it is possible, but only subject to certain features:

  • Detergents should not contain abrasive substances. It is optimal to use a soapy solution, special polishes or a solution of ammonia for washing ceilings.
  • Washing methods largely depend on the material of the stretch ceiling.

Glossy stretch ceiling - care for it

They should shine, which is why they are chosen for interior decoration. But due to small dust particles that are found even in the cleanest rooms, the shine of such coatings begins to fade a little. What to do in this case?

Caring for glossy stretch ceilings is in many ways similar to washing mirrors. To remove dust and restore the shine of the surface, you need to wipe it with a dry paper towel or cloth with short fibers (read: ""). In order for the ceilings to shine like new, you need to know what care is needed for a glossy stretch ceiling.

For these purposes, you can use polishes that add shine or window cleaners. You can also prepare an alcohol solution. For this, 100 grams of ammonia are diluted in one liter of pure water. After wet cleaning, the ceiling is wiped with a dry cloth. It is necessary to do this not in circular motions, but in translational ones, since stains may appear on the surface.

Stretch Matte Ceiling Care

Since stains do not remain on the surface of ceilings of this type, care for them in most cases comes down to a little cleaning. Experts advise cleaning such a ceiling with water vapor. If this approach seems difficult, then you can resort to using a conventional aqueous solution. To prepare it, you need to add a small amount of window or dish detergent to warm water. It is also allowed to use shavings of laundry soap.

If you need to clean the surface of the ceiling in the kitchen, then it is better to use ammonia. This is due to the fact that soot and fat, which are caustic, settle on the canvas. After such cleaning, the ceiling is simply wiped with a dry cloth. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it in the process of cleaning the ceilings (in more detail: ""). Do not allow the canvas to sag, as this ultimately leads to deformation of the entire structure.

Caring for fabric stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings of this type differ from the previous design features:

  • fabric sheets are more fragile, so detergents cannot be used to clean them;
  • fabric ceilings are made of threads intertwined in a special way, so it is convenient to clean them with a soft bristle brush.

Caring for fabric-based canvases may include wet cleaning, but only in case of very heavy soiling. In this case, the concentration of soap should be small. Before washing, it is necessary to check the effect of the soap solution on a hidden section of the ceiling. Sometimes low-quality materials can change their color when in contact with water. In addition, it is necessary to clean fabric ceilings very carefully - you can not rub too hard in the same place. Read also: "

Among the types of ceiling design that are widely used today during apartment renovations, stretch ceilings are of the greatest interest. With all the relatively complex and time-consuming installation technology, this version of the design of ceiling surfaces is the most original. Due to the wide variety of colors and textures, such stretch ceilings can radically change the interior of even the most nondescript room. Sophistication, gloss and presentability are the main qualities that are characteristic of this type of ceiling design.

However, it is not enough to install a tension suspension structure. It is important to know how to clean a stretched canvas. This requires regular maintenance of stretch ceilings, so that they continue to please you for years to come.

What is the secret of caring for such attractive and delicate designs? When should I wash, with what and what detergents is it best to treat suspended tension systems? Let's try to answer these questions.

What are the features and specifics of stretch ceilings

The canvas, which is stretched in the upper part of the room, is a material that is unique in its technological and physical properties. It simultaneously combines high technological characteristics, practicality and aesthetics. New stretch ceilings installed in the hall or in the living room always look great. They can be glossy or matte. In both cases, the surface of the PVC film is even and smooth.

On a note: There is an erroneous opinion that the film stretched on the ceilings does not need maintenance. Like any other top-mounted surface, the film is subject to natural physical contamination during use.

Dust and human waste products, together with fumes, settle on the surface of the ceiling, over time depriving it of freshness and attractiveness. The situation with stretch ceilings looks similar. This is especially true in situations where we are dealing with glossy ceiling tensile structures. Caring for stretch matte ceilings is much easier than in a situation with a glossy texture. The reason for such attention to this type of tension systems is that the glossy texture of the PVC film is more prone to contamination and, accordingly, this texture requires a special cleaning and washing technology.

PVC film or polyester fabric is a special finishing material. Due to its strength and resistance to external influences, the canvas stretched in the upper part of the premises can serve for a long time. On one condition that care is carried out on time and correctly.

When to wash and clean tension suspension systems

When the ceiling is washed, it is immediately noticeable. The glossy surface plays with colors and tints, reflecting the light of the included lamps. A clean, matte surface diffuses light better, increasing indoor comfort.

However, the condition of the ceilings is strongly reflected in the level and intensity of operation of the premises. Contamination is especially noticeable in the kitchen or in those rooms where people most often stay. In such places, cleaning of the suspended structure is required at least 1-2 times a year. In the living room or in the hall, this procedure is less common.

For reference: Separately, it is worth stopping at the children's room. In the children's bedroom or in the playroom, where the child spends most of his time, wet cleaning of ceilings, including tension systems, is carried out at least once a month.

The quality of the material also affects the condition of the ceiling surface made of PVC film. Branded stretch ceilings will retain their original virgin appearance longer. During operation, such canvases and fabrics are treated with special compounds and agents that reduce the degree of contamination of the film or fabric.

In order to achieve the desired effect, my stretch ceiling, following certain rules, subtleties and nuances.

How and by what means, you need to wash stretch ceilings at home

Improper washing of stretched fabric can ruin all the beauty that used to please you. Failure to comply with care technology often causes the main canvas to lose its previous color. The tension surface will lose its luster and become cloudy. Often, excessive zeal and violation of the rules for caring for ceilings of this type cause deformation of the stretched canvas.

If the maintenance of a matte ceiling can be carried out with some violations and will not lead to significant changes in appearance, then everything is much more complicated with a glossy surface. What are the basic rules to know:

  • use for washing only substances and detergents that do not contain abrasive elements;
  • soda and powdered substances are not suitable for such a procedure;
  • substances and components containing alkalis and acids are also contraindicated when cleaning tension systems.

Cleaning and cleaning products must be selected accordingly. No scrapers, spatulas or hard-bristled brushes. Only soft foam sponges, brushes and sponges based on microfiber are used.

On a note: PVC film cleaning can be wet or dry. The choice depends on the degree of contamination of the ceiling and operating conditions.

Dry cleaning and cleaning is carried out with soft tissues. The stretched fabric is rubbed in a circular motion without pressure. This technique will allow you to update the work surface without streaks, making it still bright and catchy. With wet processing, the same procedure is performed with a sponge. To achieve a better result, you can add detergent to the water, which does not contain aggressive components.

It should be remembered that the more often you wash your ceilings in the house, the longer they will retain their attractiveness. Regular washing and cleaning will avoid the accumulation of dirt and dust, the washing of which will be associated with great difficulties.

What is the secret of proper washing and cleaning of stretch ceilings

To make the whole process as comfortable and very tedious as possible for you, get the following devices:

  • ladder - stepladder;
  • microfiber or suede cloths;
  • foam sponges;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • detergents suitable for this procedure.

To remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, use a brush attachment with soft bristles.

For example, in order to remove dirt of a small scale, stains and dust from the ceiling surface, it is enough to wipe the surface of the film with a damp cloth or suede cloth.

After processing the fabric with a damp sponge, it is necessary to treat the surface with a dry material. This must be done so that there are no traces of dried drops on the glossy surface. For a matte stretch ceiling, such careful maintenance is not required. Here it is enough to do with one wet cleaning.

When it comes to major cleaning and you need to remove heavy soiling, clearly visible on the stretched fabric.

On a note: when working with a vacuum cleaner, you should not rush into work very zealously. Gently enough, without touching the surface, walk the vacuum cleaner along the entire ceiling. Too much pressure on the fabric can lead to accidental mechanical damage or sagging of the entire structure.

Separate stains (traces of food and drinks) are removed with a sponge or microfiber cloth dipped in soapy water. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, if the stain remains, repeat the procedure two or three times without resorting to radical actions. In order for the glossy surface to shine again, the stretched film is wiped with a lint-free cloth soaked in 10% ammonia solutions. Sometimes for these purposes they use a special tool for washing windows and mirrors, spraying it not on the film, but only by moistening the surface of the napkin.

For work, washing powder diluted in warm water is usually used. Making a soap solution of high concentration does not make sense. Otherwise, you will have to spend more time removing the soap film and foam from the treated area. To be on the safe side, try making a soapy solution out of regular laundry soap first. You should remember those means that are categorically not recommended to use in such situations.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use detergents containing abrasive elements, solvents of all types and classes for processing PVC film ceilings. On specialized special equipment, the scope is usually indicated, including cleaning and washing stretch ceilings.

When using a new tool, you need to check its effect on a limited area, somewhere in an inconspicuous place. If the product does not leave expressive stains and divorce, use it for its intended purpose on the entire ceiling surface.

It is not worth overpaying when purchasing special products, since in its composition it is an ordinary washing solution, in which there are special fragrances and additives.

How to wash matte ceilings

Let us consider in detail how, having a matte surface. In our understanding, a classic matte surface is a perfectly plastered ceiling. The surface in this case looks solid and does not give glare. To create such a surface, a polyurethane cloth is used. Unlike glossy film, matte film does not crack, scratch less and is not as susceptible to dust. Despite these advantages, such a ceiling also needs to be cleaned and washed.

This type of surface is much easier to clean, as even with wet cleaning, the matte finish does not leave streaks.

Here you can do with an ordinary soap solution or use a degreaser to remove stubborn dirt. It is important to remember that the fabric after wet cleaning must be wiped dry. After that, a polishing agent can be applied to the treated coating.


Try to take care of your stretch ceilings. This beauty requires attention and care, much like you take care of expensive furniture. If everything is done correctly and in accordance with the technology, the cleaning of tension systems will not become burdensome for you. Remember for yourself some points:

  1. Cleaning and cleaning of the stretched fabric or film must be carried out at least once a year
  2. Dry cleaning of the ceiling surface can be carried out regularly
  3. For wet cleaning, use only mild, soapy solutions, without resorting to the use of special products.
  4. Areas of the canvas with persistent contamination are best pre-treated with conventional means.
  5. Matte stretch ceilings are easier to use
  6. Glossy surfaces need more thorough cleaning

Features of caring for film and fabric stretch ceilings

Recently, a stretch ceiling is no longer a luxury and a symbol of prosperity, any person with an average income can afford to buy it. The canvas has earned popularity due to its practicality and durability, with its help you can realize any design ideas and even divide the room into zones by mounting a multi-level ceiling. Unlike whitewash, which is rarely found in the home of a modern person, the care of stretch ceilings is simple. The canvas is easy to clean and wash, under the right operating conditions, its service life is more than 30 years.

Features of care for stretch ceilings depending on the type of material

All stretch ceilings can be classified into 2 types: film and fabric. Film, in turn, are divided into three types:

Matte and satin fabrics are the easiest to care for; there are no fingerprints or streaks left on their surface after wet cleaning. With glossy ceilings, things are more complicated; in order to clean their surface to a mirror shine, you need to use special tools. A separate discussion deserves a fabric canvas, dry cleaning is recommended for it, and only in special cases is it permissible to use detergents.

Caring for a glossy stretch ceiling

Most often, a glossy canvas is installed in bathrooms, halls or corridors. It looks spectacular and elegant, able to attract attention from the first minutes. Due to the fact that the material does not attract dust, maintenance of stretch ceilings can be carried out no more than 2-3 times a year.

If there is no significant contamination, and the surface is only slightly dull from accumulated dust, you can wipe the ceiling with a dry soft cloth, after a few minutes it will become as shiny as before. However, if general cleaning is planned, then a damp cloth is indispensable. To prevent dust particles from settling on the surface, it is recommended to take not a cloth, but a soft sponge. Next, pour warm water (+45 ° C) into a small bucket, if necessary, add a couple of drops of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. It should be noted that detergents can leave stains, so after wiping the surface, you need to wash the ceiling again, but with clean water.

To facilitate the work of caring for a stretch ceiling, experts recommend purchasing an aerosol for cleaning glass (mirrors) and washing the ceiling with it. The ammonia included in the composition evaporates after a few minutes, leaving no streaks. If there is no aerosol at hand, then you can use a solution of ammonia (10%).

Care for matte and satin stretch ceilings

Matte ceilings are much easier to clean, stains are not visible on them, and in case of serious contamination, it is allowed to rub the surface with a soft brush without fear of leaving scratches. For this reason, matte ceilings are advised to be installed in the kitchen, however, they will also look good in rooms, gently diffusing light. A satin finish is a cross between a glossy and a matte finish. It is a smooth painted surface, but has a delicate sheen of silk, depending on the lighting it can change its shade. The most impressive satin canvas will look in the bedroom.

Care for stretch ceilings of this category is carried out using a conventional soap solution. A few drops of detergent are enough for a small amount of water (5 liters). If possible, you can use a steam cleaner in the work, this will reduce the cleaning time. In conclusion, it is recommended to wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

When cleaning the ceiling from dirt, care must be taken - too much pressure can lead to deformation of the web.

Fabric stretch ceiling maintenance

The fabric ceiling adds coziness to the room and makes living more comfortable. When caring for a fabric stretch ceiling, it is undesirable to use various detergents, so they are rarely installed in rooms such as a kitchen. Unlike a film, a fabric web can withstand temperatures up to -40 ° C, so they can even be mounted on a loggia.

You can easily and quickly remove dust from the fabric with a vacuum cleaner, after changing the classic nozzle to a soft brush. The power of the vacuum cleaner is set to the minimum mode so as not to damage the canvas. If the care is carried out manually, then you need to act carefully, using not a napkin, but a brush with a soft bristle. If spots have formed on the surface, then it is allowed to use a weak soapy solution, but in no case should you rub the surface, you should try to remove the contamination with light touches.

The subtleties of caring for ceilings installed in the bathroom and kitchen

It is believed that the care of stretch ceilings mounted in the bathroom or in the kitchen is the most difficult. In the kitchen, during the cooking process, a large amount of essential oils are released, which eventually settle on the walls and ceiling. In addition, no matter how clean and tidy the hostess is, stains of grease and other contaminants are difficult to avoid. To remove the greasy film, you can purchase a special cleaner or ordinary ammonia. In the presence of heavily soiled areas, for example, above the stove, it is better to apply the product in advance and leave for a few minutes to act, then remove the residue with a damp cloth and then proceed to clean the entire ceiling. The softened greasy coating is washed off much faster and easier.

Another problem is limescale and mold in the bathroom. The easiest way to remove plaque from a glossy canvas is by gently rubbing it with a damp cloth; you cannot use aggressive products designed for cleaning tiles and other surfaces. Therefore, it is recommended to remove lime particles that have appeared in a timely manner, without waiting for the formation of complex stains. The same goes for mold, small stains can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth.

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen should be maintained regularly, at least once every 2 months. After all, it is much easier to deal with small contaminants than with an old film of fat on the entire surface.

What can not be used when caring for a stretch ceiling?

Despite good wear resistance, direct contact with blades should be kept to a minimum whenever possible, and cleaning agents should be selected taking these features into account. When cleaning, do not use:

  • Powders and liquid formulations with abrasive particles, they can scratch the surface;
  • Cleaners containing alkali or acid, acetone and solvents that can discolor the ceiling;
  • Metal sponges, scrapers, brushes with hard bristles, as well as any sharp and cutting objects that can inadvertently damage the ceiling.

With the right approach, it is not so difficult to cope with pollution, and an always clean ceiling will be able to please its owner for decades without requiring replacement.

Video how to care for a stretch ceiling
Stretch ceiling care: operating rules

Stretch ceilings are considered one of the most popular types of finishes. They help to give the room a sophisticated look, fit perfectly even into the most modern interiors and, of course, delight the eye (for more details: "Stretch ceilings - what is it: material description"). But what is the maintenance of a stretch ceiling? How to keep its original appearance? How to wash such a surface so as not to harm? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Despite their fragility, stretch ceilings are unpretentious. Caring for them is much easier than for other types of coatings. The canvas, which is used for such structures, is durable and strong. But still, some tips will help to avoid unpleasant moments of washing such ceilings. Let's figure out how to care for a stretch ceiling.

Using the recommendations of this article, you can not only maintain the surface of the ceiling in the proper form, but also extend its life. And the great thing about this case is that the care takes very little time.

Stretch ceilings - care for them

Due to their convenience and style versatility, stretch ceilings have become the most popular type of design. But every owner of a house or apartment is concerned about the question of how to take care of a stretch ceiling in order to maintain its aesthetic appearance.

Cloths of modern ceilings have a special antistatic coating, which reduces its dust content. Often, to eliminate minor contamination, it is enough from time to time to wipe the surface with a dry cloth and even less often to do wet cleaning.

But the care of such ceilings largely depends on where they are mounted. In some rooms, the humidity and dustiness of which is increased, washing the linens will have to be done more often. First of all, such premises include bathrooms, balconies and kitchens.

Small dirt on stretch ceilings is recommended to be removed with a dry cloth or cloth rags. The surface must be cleaned carefully, avoiding the formation of micro-scratches.

Some are wondering if stretch ceilings can be washed. Experts answer that it is possible, but only subject to certain features:

  • Detergents should not contain abrasive substances. It is optimal to use a soapy solution, special polishes or a solution of ammonia for washing ceilings.
  • Washing methods largely depend on the material of the stretch ceiling.

Glossy stretch ceiling - care for it

Glossy stretch ceilings should shine, which is why they are chosen for interior decoration. But due to small dust particles that are found even in the cleanest rooms, the shine of such coatings begins to fade a little. What to do in this case?

Caring for glossy stretch ceilings is in many ways similar to washing mirrors. To remove dust and restore the gloss of the surface, you need to wipe it with a dry paper towel or a cloth with short fibers (read: “How to wash a gloss stretch ceiling“). In order for the ceilings to shine like new, you need to know what care is needed for a glossy stretch ceiling.

For these purposes, you can use polishes that add shine or window cleaners. You can also prepare an alcohol solution. For this, 100 grams of ammonia are diluted in one liter of pure water. After wet cleaning, the ceiling is wiped with a dry cloth. It is necessary to do this not in circular motions, but in translational ones, since stains may appear on the surface.

Stretch Matte Ceiling Care

Since stains do not remain on the surface of ceilings of this type, care for them in most cases comes down to a little cleaning. Experts advise cleaning such a ceiling with water vapor. If this approach seems difficult, then you can resort to using a conventional aqueous solution. To prepare it, you need to add a small amount of window or dish detergent to warm water. It is also allowed to use shavings of laundry soap.

If you need to clean the surface of the ceiling in the kitchen, then it is better to use ammonia. This is due to the fact that soot and fat, which are caustic, settle on the canvas. After such cleaning, the ceiling is simply wiped with a dry cloth. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it in the process of cleaning ceilings (in more detail: “How to clean stretch ceilings: useful tips“). Do not allow the canvas to sag, as this ultimately leads to deformation of the entire structure.

Caring for fabric stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings of this type differ from the previous design features:

  • fabric sheets are more fragile, so detergents cannot be used to clean them;
  • fabric ceilings are made of threads intertwined in a special way, so it is convenient to clean them with a soft bristle brush.

Caring for fabric-based canvases may include wet cleaning, but only in case of very heavy soiling. In this case, the concentration of soap should be small. Before washing, it is necessary to check the effect of the soap solution on a hidden section of the ceiling. Sometimes low-quality materials can change their color when in contact with water. In addition, it is necessary to clean fabric ceilings very carefully - you can not rub too hard in the same place.

In addition, fabric ceilings can be cleaned with a conventional vacuum cleaner, but you should not touch it with a brush.

Stretch ceiling care, video example:

Rules for the operation of stretch ceilings

Manufacturers claim that stretch ceilings can be used almost indefinitely. This is true, because modern ceilings are made of durable materials that can easily withstand heavy loads, ensuring a long service life of stretch ceilings.

But still there are some factors that negatively affect the service life of structures:

  • Stretch ceilings, regardless of their type, are vulnerable to mechanical stress. That is why in the process of washing them you can not use hard washcloths and brushes with coarse pile. If you are carrying out repairs in a room with an already installed ceiling, then it is better to dismantle it for the duration of the work. If this is not possible, then the surface must be covered with a film.
  • Stretch ceilings can be deformed under the influence of high or low temperatures. For such structures, the operating temperature depends on the materials of manufacture. So, for example, PVC ceilings are mounted in rooms with temperature fluctuations in the range of 10-50 degrees Celsius above zero.
  • If the design will be carried out on the loggia, then it is better to choose fabric ceilings here, since their structure does not deform even in severe frosts (down to -40 degrees).
  • Now you know what care is for a stretch ceiling. As you can see, this is not a very difficult task and takes very little time. At the same time, its regular implementation is a guarantee of durability and preservation of the original appearance of the ceiling. Read also: "How to care for a stretch ceiling: important points".

    How to wash a stretch matte ceiling correctly?

    Stretch ceiling is considered not only beautiful, but also durable coating. However, if it is used long enough, the surface may lose its original appearance. The situation will be saved by cleaning and proper care. It is important to remember that matte and glossy ceilings need to be looked after differently.

    Features of care

    Before you wash the stretch matte ceiling, you need to deal with the variety of means for carrying out such work. Some believe that nothing special needs to be done, it is enough just to keep the external cleanliness. However, there is another opinion that says that the ceiling needs careful periodic cleaning and tightening of the sagging canvas. If you were deciding how to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home, but you failed to achieve a positive result, and the material was damaged, then in the future it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the technology of work in more detail. It is noteworthy that even if the ceiling sags, it can be removed and then hung again. But in this case, you can not do without the help of professionals.

    Ceiling cleaners

    If you are faced with the task of how to wash a stretch matte ceiling, then it is important to decide which cleaning products to use. It is also important to understand what technology to use. Not every tool is suitable for caring for a matte ceiling. For example, abrasive and harsh chemicals should not be used as they could damage the material. Among the abrasives, dry powders and substances that are intended for use in a dry form can be distinguished. They may scratch the material. Even if diluted in water, they do not cease to be dangerous due to the presence of insoluble elements.

    Acids, solvents and alkalis are considered active substances, they are also banned. It is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the mixture, among which there should not be acetone, which will simply melt the film. The best tool is a special composition, which is recommended by the manufacturer. You can buy it at hardware stores. If there is no such product on sale, but you still intend to wash the ceiling, then you can use the usual soap solution, which does its job perfectly.

    Before washing the stretch matte ceiling, you can prepare products for cleaning mirrors and glasses. Some of them contain ammonia, but if there are no other harmful substances, then you can use them. The simplest solution would be to use dishwashing detergent, which is presented in the form of a solution or gel. The main task before using such compounds is to check the mixture for the absence of active chemical compounds. Moreover, the use of such products should be accompanied by dilution with water until a small amount of foam can be obtained. It is easier to apply to the surface, and you can use a soft cloth. With it, you will eliminate stains, bubbles and traces of foam on the surface.

    Cleaning Method

    Many owners of private houses and apartments are thinking about how to wash a stretch matte ceiling. Before starting work, you must remove all jewelry from your hands, including rings, bracelets and rings that could damage the coating. Not all cases require complex techniques, often simpler measures can be dispensed with, this is especially true for matt coatings that can be easily cleaned with water or a conventional vacuum cleaner. On such surfaces, water will not leave streaks, and care for the hostess will be much easier.

    Before washing the matte stretch ceiling, you can prepare a brush from a vacuum cleaner, which simply walks over the surface, in most cases this is enough. It is better if the brush is as soft as possible, while taking care not to touch the canvas with the sharp edges of the nozzle, as there is a high risk of tissue damage. If you were not able to get rid of pollution completely, then you need to use a more serious approach to resolving the issue. You can wash the fabric by first checking how the detergent works on the fabric in the corner of the room. If damage occurs, it will not be evident.

    Expert advice

    If you are still thinking about how to wash a matte stretch ceiling, then you need to start work after checking the product on a separate section of the ceiling. Once you are sure that the detergent composition is safe, it can be applied to the entire base of the canvas, making circular movements. Do not press on the coating, as the film may be damaged. Glossy surfaces are best not to be cleaned using this technology, as stains may remain on them. In order to exclude their appearance, you can use gels for washing mirrors, and with the help of ammonia it will be possible to achieve an attractive shine and remove grease, which most often occurs in kitchens. After it was possible to wash the matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home, you can treat the surface with a dry rag that does not leave lint on the base.

    Caring for matte fabric ceilings

    If fabric matte ceilings are installed in the rooms of your apartment or house, then caring for them will be the easiest. It is not necessary to use special detergents, in addition, it can be dangerous for the appearance of the coating. Dry cleaning will suffice. Experts advise using the most minimal amount of water, and if you use a sponge, then it should be squeezed well. Otherwise, it may leave streaks on the film. It is most convenient to use a stepladder for this, but you should not be afraid that cleaning will be required very often. It is enough to clean the base every six months, regardless of whether a cheap or expensive type of material was used in the repair. The exceptions are rooms whose conditions are characterized by a high degree of pollution, this includes bathrooms and kitchens, where the cleanliness of the ceiling needs to be monitored more often.

    The nuances of the work

    If you are faced with the question of how to wash a matte stretch ceiling, then you must determine the material at its base. If we are talking about a vinyl coating, then it will easily endure the effects of products intended for the care of PVC products. This includes "Mr. Muscle", which is produced for the care of plastic windows. With it, it will be possible to clean the matte film, excluding the formation of streaks. This does not require re-polishing. However, you still have to wipe the surface dry every time, otherwise wet traces will leave hair that will change the color of the ceiling after drying.

    Quite often, housewives think about how to properly wash matte stretch ceilings. If you do this every six months, then small spots should not be ignored. They can remain, for example, after an awkwardly opened bottle of champagne. If you notice a yellow spot on the ceiling, then you can’t wait for it to dry, it will be easier to wash fresh dirt. Manufacturers advise to immediately blot the dirt with a napkin.

    Features of washing the ceiling in the kitchen

    Before washing the matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen, you should not stock up on any aggressive substances, since the coating in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is cared for using the same technology. The only difference is more frequent washing procedures. It should be remembered that fabric matte canvases are less durable than PVC coating, so they must be treated as carefully and carefully as possible. Sometimes glass cleaners penetrate the structure and change the color of the surface, so it is best to abandon such substances in favor of ordinary water. For heavy soiling, it is recommended to use a powder solution. However, the particles must be completely dissolved. It is also important to take into account that the same area should not be rubbed for an excessively long time, as it may be damaged, and after drying, the color may change.

    What else you need to know about the care of the ceiling in the kitchen

    It is far from always possible to wash matte stretch ceilings without streaks, but only if the manufacturer's recommendations are not followed. If you decide to ennoble the kitchen with a stretch fabric, then it is better to accompany the repair work with the installation of a hood, as it will eliminate greasy soot, which most often settles on the ceiling surface. Through an open window, street dust can also enter, which also contributes to surface pollution. In addition, you should not smoke in a room where there are stretch ceilings.


    After washing with special products, rinse the surface with clean water and then wipe dry. If you are still thinking about how you can wash matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen, then some experts advise using dishwashing detergents.

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    / How to wash stretch ceilings and what products are better to use?

    How to wash stretch ceilings and what products are better to use?

    Stretch ceilings are now installed, both in living rooms and in kitchens and bathrooms. If in the living room the issue of caring for ceilings is not so critical, there is still less chance of getting it dirty, then in kitchens and bathrooms, due to greasy fumes, the ceiling gets dirty much faster. To prolong the life of a stretch ceiling and make it happy for its owners for as long as possible, you need to know the rules for caring for it.

    How to properly care for stretch ceilings

    Caring for stretch ceilings is actually simple and does not require additional costs and effort. As a rule, the material used to decorate ceilings has antistatic properties and does not attract dust, as the film is coated with a special composition. But no matter how high-quality the ceiling decorates the kitchen, a thin greasy film will still form on it over time, even if we install a super-powerful hood. In such rooms, the ceiling should be cleaned regularly. Can stretch ceilings be washed? - you ask. And if possible, then with what?

    First, let's see what types of cleaning can be applied:

    1. Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner is mainly used to remove cobwebs. Moreover, your actions must be careful not to scratch the delicate canvas. It is not recommended to use a broom in the old fashioned way for these purposes.
    2. Dry cleaning - wiping with a flannel cloth. Wipe dust from the surface is only suitable for ceilings in living rooms and bedrooms. To do this, a soft napkin or cloth with a soft short pile is useful, which will not crumble and stick to the ceiling. it is better to sweep with a brush with soft bristles.
    3. Wash with detergents and plain water. We wash the stretch ceiling with a sponge for dishes or a flannel cloth. With a greasy coating, you can add a soapy composition to warm water - liquid soap, dishwashing, polish or a special sink for stretch ceilings.

    However, the issue of caring for ceilings requires special attention. There are several types of stretch ceilings and with each one you need to find an individual approach.

    Cleaning glossy stretch ceilings

    To care for glossy panels, there are various detergents containing alcohol. It is enough to apply the aerosol on a soft cloth and wipe the ceiling with light circular movements. Liquid products, or you can take a simple liquid soap, are diluted in warm water and the canvas is washed with this solution, and to remove stains after washing, wipe dry. The final touch is polishing the glossy finish.

    The glossy ceiling can be wiped with a solution of 10% ammonia - so it will shine like new. The solution is prepared from water and alcohol in proportions of 9:1. After rubbing with a solution, the film is wiped dry. Ammonia of a higher concentration is better not to use, so as not to corrode the canvas. Be sure to use only the softest cloth to avoid damage to the canvas.

    So, there are six rules for the care of PVC ceilings:

    1. We use only the softest wipes and brushes.
    2. We remove all decorations from our hands, otherwise even the smallest pebble or curl in the ring can cause irreparable harm to the ceiling.
    3. Only mild, non-abrasive cleaners. Preferably spray, window cleaner with ammonia works great.
    4. No acetone! This can ruin the film, and it's bad for your health. PVC film can react in the most unpredictable way to chemicals - change color or discolor, soften, deform into wrinkles. Therefore, we carefully read the packaging of the product and then test it at home in a secluded place, applying a small drop.
    5. Stretch ceilings are washed very carefully, without pressure, gently, like a baby's ass. And, of course, you can’t use mops for this or fanatically rub until you lose your pulse.
    6. We study the instructions of the manufacturer of the ceiling. However, some manufacturers allow you to vacuum the film, but we do not recommend doing this unless you are sure that the ceiling is fixed very securely.

    Cleaning other stretch ceilings

    We saw glossy and matte ceilings, but what are satin ones? What makes them different from others? Satin film tends to be more glossy, but does not have such a clear mirror effect. This is something between a matte and glossy film. On the one hand, the ability to create a very soft play of light on the surface, on the other hand, a slight haze, but without surface graininess. very interestingly reacts to different lighting. In daylight, the natural color of the film is visible, while in artificial it is noticeably lighter. Moreover, the type of lighting, the direction of the light flux, and the viewing angle affect the visual perception of the ceiling surface. These are, perhaps, all the differences between the types of ceilings, but the recommendations for the care of the Khasatin film are absolutely similar to those described above. But I would like to add that, unlike glossy ones, matte and satin ones can be cleaned with water vapor. To do this, you can use a steam cleaner, as we see in this video

    Caring for fabric ceilings is the easiest. There is no need to use special tools, dry cleaning is enough. If you need to wash the fabric, then use the minimum amount of water and wring out the sponge well, otherwise the water will leave stains on the film.

    Do not be afraid that you will have to climb with a ladder every time you clean the apartment. It will be enough to clean the canvas once every six months, and it does not matter whether it is cheap or expensive. Care is the same for everyone. The exception is rooms with a high degree of pollution - kitchens and bathrooms, where you need to more often be puzzled by the cleanliness of the ceiling.

    Which tool to choose and how often to clean

    Vinyl ceilings respond well to all means intended for the care of PVC products, in particular, the popular "Mr. Muscle" for plastic windows. It perfectly cleans the film without leaving streaks on it, which greatly facilitates its maintenance and does not require re-polishing the surface. But you still have to wipe the film dry, otherwise wet traces containing even a small amount of detergent can leave streaks that, when dry, will change the color of the ceiling.

    If we clean the ceiling every six months, then small obvious spots should not be ignored. For example, on New Year's Eve, you unsuccessfully opened champagne, and an ugly yellow spot appeared on the ceiling. In this case, you can’t wait long - a fresh stain is easier to wash than at the age of six months, but it’s better not to be too lazy and immediately blot the dirt with a napkin.

    Now people are very busy and many often do not have enough time not only for cleaning the premises, but also simply for themselves. Therefore, in order not to bother yourself with everyday problems and minor chores for cleaning the ceiling, you can invite cleaning company specialists, whose reviews are the most favorable. They already know exactly how to clean your ceilings without harming them, and at this time you can devote time to your children.