British school uniform. School uniform in Japan. School uniforms in Cameroon

School uniform- is it good? Does it help class cohesion and maintain discipline, or does it kill individuality and self-expression? Much depends on the traditions of education adopted in a particular country or in different schools.

Obviously, the form itself will not make the student more curious, more diligent, or smarter. And it makes no sense to refer to the experience of English educational institutions with a five-century history as an argument “for” the form. Even if all the children wore wizard robes and pointy hats, their school would not turn into Hogwarts. However, the way schoolchildren look in a particular country says a lot about the culture and mentality of its people.

Christ's Hospital School. Photo from

Great Britain

The very concept of “school uniform” appeared in the UK. Back in 1553, not far from London, Christ’s Hospital School was founded by royal decree - an educational institution for boys from poor families, which to this day is called the “blue coat school”. True, now this is a privileged educational institution for children of both sexes. The uniform is still the same: long tailcoats, white “judge” ties, short culottes and yellow stockings. Oddly enough, children are proud of their medieval attire and do not try to make a revolution in order to dress appropriately for the era.

In general, there are very few schools in the UK that do not have compulsory uniforms. Public schools have their own "heraldic colors" that students must adhere to. It is not uncommon for boys to wear shorts and knee socks until late fall until high school. In private institutions, you need to buy a uniform from the school store, and not just a winter suit summer version, but also “physical training”, socks, ties, often shoes and even hair clips.

School uniform in Cuba. Photo from the site


Cuban schoolchildren receive sundresses and shorts of rich cherry color free of charge, as well as textbooks and writing materials. The high school students' attire is made in tobacco color scheme. Closer to graduation, Cubans change clothes again, this time into blue shirts and blue trousers and skirts. All children are members of the youth division of the Communist Party, so the uniform is complemented by red or blue scarves - in the manner of pioneer ties.


In some schools, the uniform for girls is a sari or shalwar kameez a certain color. But more often it is a European costume for everyone - a legacy of the times of British rule. Alas, what is good for the cool climate of Foggy Albion pretty much poisons the lives of children whose schools are located on the equator. Sikh boys wear turbans to school. In public schools, children from low-income families receive uniforms, textbooks and stationery for free, but probably every parent dreams of sending their child to a better school, although by Indian standards this is quite expensive.

Japanese schoolchildren. Photo from the site


The most famous version of the Japanese school uniform for girls is the “sailor fuku”, a sailor suit with many variations. Working on developing models best designers- after all, an impressive uniform is one of the factors in attracting new students to the school, which is extremely important in a rapidly aging country with negative population growth. IN Lately the trend has changed - sailor suits are losing relevance, Japanese school style is drifting towards English.

An interesting story happened with the men's traditional jacket with a stand-up collar - gakuran, reminiscent of an ancient military sailor's jacket. The word "gakuran" consists of two characters that mean "student" and "West", jackets of this style were worn by schoolchildren and students in Japan, Korea and China for almost 100 years (less so in China, of course). But gakuran was also loved by members of numerous gangster associations. In addition, the same hieroglyphs can be deciphered as “school robbery.” In the 70s of the 20th century, psychologists decided that gakuran has a certain “dark aura” and is one of the reasons for school violence, which has become an acute social problem. But to this day, many Japanese schoolchildren wear gakurans; for them it is not so much a tribute to tradition as a protest and a challenge to public opinion.

School uniform in Korea. Photo from the site

North Korea

White top, dark bottom and scarlet tie - this is how young followers of Juche ideas should look.

Chinese schoolchildren. Photo from the site


After the end of the Cultural Revolution and until the mid-90s of the 20th century, a variety of colors and styles reigned in the country - each school itself decided what its students would look like. However, in 1993 new ones were released state standards for school uniforms, from now on it had to provide freedom of movement, be practical and cheap. And it turned out that the easiest way is to dress the children in tracksuits - both boys and girls. Only prestigious private schools insisted on following the British or Japanese style.

Since heating in educational institutions is only available in the very north of the country, in the cold season children pull on their uniforms over warm clothes, but when the sun begins to warm up, pants and sweatshirts turn out to be a size or two larger. Today, most Chinese schools have opted for the flour sack. I must say this " fashion trend“neither the students nor their parents liked it. Under the influence of public opinion, as well as after several scandals when carcinogens were found in cheap fabric, the Chinese government returned to the issue of school uniforms and again changed the standards towards lighter ones. So, soon Chinese children will again look not like juvenile thugs.

School uniforms in Australia. Photo from the site


Junior classes usually wear standard polo shirts and shorts, both girls and boys - this is convenient for active games. Private schools follow the British tradition and dress up children in business style. However, in general, Australian school clothes lack elegance and hints of sexuality. It is believed that somewhat baggy dresses and heavy lace-up boots are intended to deter pedophiles.

School uniforms in Ireland. Photo from the site


Many schools have adopted plaid skirts and ties, which evoke associations with Celtic clans. Instead of formal jackets, as a rule, students wear knitted jumpers and cardigans. It is noteworthy that Irish children, like English children, even with sub-zero temperature They wear uniform socks.


Perhaps the Germans are stopped by memories of the times of the Third Reich, when almost all children came to classes in the uniform of the Hitler Youth, but in Germany there are no uniforms in public schools, although there have been debates about this for many years, and in some places they are introduced in person. By the way, immigrants from the USSR who moved to German lands became big opponents of the unification of schoolchildren’s clothing. But individual school boards can make decisions on brand names. school colors with the wish that at least something in the students’ everyday attire corresponds to the brand book.

School uniform in Malaysia. Photo from the site


In Muslim countries, the school uniform for girls is a hijab of varying degrees of severity. However, Malaysians are not fundamentalists; moreover, the country is very international, multilingual and tries to adhere to a pro-Western course. Muslim women wear long tunics; for students from secular families there is a shorter option. The school uniform in the country was unified in 1970 - in both private and public schools it is mandatory and the same, in blue and white. The country's Ministry of Education has officially banned schoolgirls from dyeing their hair and using cosmetics. Also prohibited are costume jewelry and Jewelry, and in some places overly elegant hairpins.

School uniform in Egypt. Photo from the site


After well-known revolutionary events, Islamic fundamentalists came to power in Egypt. At the same time, a law was passed allowing girls to come to lessons and exams in clothing that left only their eyes exposed. However, in international schools, which operate, as a rule, in resort towns where foreigners prefer to settle, everything is still practical and democratic. Of course, there are schoolgirls wearing headscarves in Hurghada and Sharm al-Sheikh, but they are in the minority.

School uniforms in Turkmenistan. Photo from the site


The girls are dressed in long bright green dresses with national embroidery and skull caps. Hairstyle - two braids, and if you are unlucky with your own hair, you can buy extensions. Moreover, students of colleges (blue) and universities (red) also wear uniform dresses. Boys come to classes in a more classic style, but also in skullcaps.

Australian school students

Another connoisseur of bright shapes are Africans. Here the school uniform amazes with its variety of shades. Orange, green, purple, yellow - each school chooses its own color.

Queen Elizabeth and Jamaican schoolgirls

Sports-style school uniforms are common not only in Germany, but also in China. So, for the cold season, schoolchildren have a dark windbreaker and trousers, for the summer - a white shirt and shorts for boys, a blouse and blue skirt- for girls. And, often, a red tie!

Japan can be considered a country in which school uniforms are more popular than in the UK. Who among us has not seen anime cartoon heroines dressed in long white socks, pleated skirts, jackets and white blouses? Sometimes Japanese schoolchildren wear a uniform called "sailor fuku" or "sailor suit". They wear a bright tie with it and, as a rule, take a massive backpack with them.

Japanese schoolboys and schoolgirls

In many private schools in the USA and Canada, uniforms are considered compulsory, but in every educational institution she belongs. Most often these are outfits of rather restrained colors - blue, gray, dark green. In some schools, girls wear checkered skirts and boys wear striped ties. Mandatory components of the uniform also, as a rule, are shirts with long and short sleeves, cardigans and jackets. The only uniform in which you will be “allowed” into any American school is an American football uniform.

New Orleans schoolgirls

This is how we got to Russian school uniforms. It was first introduced in 1834, when Russian Empire adopted a law on gymnasium and student uniforms. 62 years later, it became compulsory for high school students. Later, the school uniform was abolished, and only in 1949, during the times of the USSR, it returned again. Tunics with a stand-up collar for boys, brown dresses and aprons for girls, a pioneer tie for everyone - the standard uniform of any Soviet schoolchild.

Now in Russia there is no uniform form; it has been introduced only in some educational institutions. Basically, these are clothes in calm shades, which can be complemented with things from your everyday wardrobe. It looks more modern than in Soviet times, but on “Last Bell” students of Russian schools still prefer to wear white aprons and tie bows, as their mothers did.


School uniform - a necessity or a relic of the past? There are serious battles on this topic on the eve of Knowledge Day. To give our readers a basis for these debates, we will talk about how and when the uniform arose, how this school attribute is treated in different countries and how a British briefcase differs from a Japanese backpack.

The history of the emergence of school uniforms, however, is itself controversial. Some believe that they started going to school in the same clothes in Ancient Greece. Students were asked to wear shirts or tunics, light armor, and a cape called a chlamys. Other historians do not agree with this version of events; they refer to the fact that almost all Greeks wore similar clothes, and really strict requirements for school uniforms were imposed in Ancient India. No matter how hot it is, the student should come wearing dhoti hip pants and a long kurta shirt.

But as far as Europe is concerned, everything is very clear. The UK is considered a pioneer country in introducing school uniforms. For the first time since ancient times, special clothing appeared at Christ's Hospital school. Students wore dark blue tailcoats with tails, vests, bright knee socks and leather belts. However, then - in 1552 - orphans and children from low-income families studied at Christ's Hospital families, and now this school is considered elite. According to a recent survey, even modern students of Christ's Hospital speak positively about the school uniform. Even though it has not changed for 450 years, schoolchildren perceive it as a tribute to tradition, and not as an outdated attribute.

Pupils from one of the British schools, Harrow, in school uniform

Currently in the UK there is no uniform uniform for all educational institutions. Each school has its own requirements. For example, at Harrow boys wear not only trousers and jackets, but also straw hats, and at Elizabeth Garrett Anderson the students themselves came up with the clothing design - gray suits with pink stripes. In the most prestigious educational institutions mandatory element school clothing is considered a logo or coat of arms.

Students from British College Eton

In other European cities, school uniforms are not so valued. Thus, in France, a uniform school uniform existed only in 1927-1968, in Poland - until 1988, in Germany and Switzerland it resembles tracksuits and is accepted only in some educational institutions.

The example of Great Britain was followed by its former colonies - India, Australia, Singapore and others. There, school uniforms were not abolished even after these states were recognized as independent. Thus, Indian schoolchildren attend classes only in a special uniform: boys wear dark blue trousers and white shirts, girls wear a light blouse and a dark blue skirt. In some schools in holidays girls wear saris.

Another ex British colony- Singapore has not introduced a uniform uniform for all schools. In each educational institution it differs in color, but consists of classical elements- shorts and light shirts with short sleeves for boys, blouses and skirts or sundresses for girls. The uniforms of some schools are heavily decorated with badges or even shoulder straps.

Most Australian and New Zealand students also wear school uniforms. In its diversity it can be compared with the British one. But in Australian schools, due to the heat, they often wear shorts rather than trousers, and wear hats with wide or narrow brims.

Australian school students

In another hot country - Jamaica - school uniforms are considered compulsory. Many educational institutions have requirements not only for the suit, but also for the color of socks or the height of the heel of shoes. Jewelry is not welcome, nor are extravagant hairstyles. Many boys wear khaki shirts and trousers, and girls wear sundresses that fall below the knees different colors, complemented by stripes with the name of the school.

It serves as a reflection of the cultural traditions of the country. Therefore, it is not surprising that the clothes of schoolchildren in different countries are so different.

1. School uniforms in England are the most orthodox

The style of the British school uniform is classic. It's simple and prim: middle school students must wear orthodox, Western-style school uniforms. Boys wear classic suits, leather boots and must wear a tie. Girls also wear Western-style clothes and dress shoes. Psychologists believe that this classic style clothing subconsciously influences the temperament of students in England. School uniform colors may vary from school to school.

2. School uniforms in Korea are the most gentlemanly

Those who saw the movie "Mean Girl" probably remember the school uniform that the heroine was wearing. This type of clothing is the most common type of school uniform in Korea. Boys wear white Western-style shirts and trousers. Girls wear white shirts, dark skirts and jackets and ties.

3. School uniforms in Japan are the most nautical

For students in Japan, the school uniform is not only a symbol of the school, but also a symbol modern trends fashion, and even more so - a decisive factor when choosing a school. Japanese school uniforms for girls use nautical motifs. Therefore, it is also often called a sailor suit or sailor uniform. The form also uses anime elements. Japanese school uniforms for boys are classic dark in color with a stand-up collar and are similar to Chinese tunics.

4. School uniforms in Thailand are the sexiest

All students in Thailand are required to wear a school uniform from primary school before college. As a rule, this is the classic “light top - dark bottom”.

5. School uniforms in Malaysia are the most conservative

All students in Malaysia are subject to fairly strict rules. Girls' dresses should be long enough to cover the knees, and shirt sleeves should cover the elbows. Compared to Thai students, Malay students are much more conservative.

6. School uniforms in Australia are the most uniform

Pupils in Australia (both boys and girls) are required to wear black leather shoes and white socks. They wear school uniforms all the time, except for physical education lessons, for which they are required to wear sports uniforms.

7. School uniforms in Oman are the most ethnic

School uniforms in Oman are considered to have the most distinctly ethnic characteristics in the world. Male and female students wear traditional clothing, and female students wear veils.

8. School uniforms in Bhutan are the most practical

Students in Bhutan do not carry bags or briefcases. They carry all their school supplies and books in their clothes.

9. School uniforms in the United States are the loosest.

Students in the United States are not limited in their choice of clothing. Only they can decide whether they need to wear a school uniform.

10. School uniforms in China are the most sporty

School uniforms in most schools in China differ only in size. Moreover, there are almost no differences between the uniforms of boys and girls - they wear loose tracksuits.

A school uniform is not only comfortable clothing for schoolchildren, which indicates their belonging to a particular school, but also at the same time combines certain traditions of the state. And it is quite possible for a schoolchild to belong to a certain state just by virtue of his school attire.

School uniform in Japan

Schoolchildren from the Land of the Rising Sun can easily be called the most fashionable. The fact is that school uniforms often reflect the traditions of not only Japan itself, but also the school. Most often, the clothes resemble a sailor suit:

...or clothes from popular anime. And, of course, a mandatory attribute for girls is knee socks.

But for boys the choice is not so wide. Most often this is a classic dark blue suit or trousers with a jumper, under which a blue shirt is worn.

School uniform in Thailand

They say that the school uniform in Thailand is the most classic - white top and black bottom, for both boys and girls. Absolutely all children are required to wear it, from elementary school to college.

School uniforms in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is a Muslim country, but the hijab or veil is not a mandatory uniform for girls. Schoolgirls dress in green, toe-length dresses, over which they can wear a jacket. The boys wear regular black suits. And, of course, one of the attributes is a skullcap on the head.

School uniform in Indonesia

For girls, school uniform in Indonesia includes long skirt, leggings, a white shirt and a scarf.

School uniform in England

Although school uniforms are compulsory in England, each educational institution has the right to set its own standard of clothing for students. Most often this is a jacket or jumper with the school emblem, a white shirt, for a girl - a pleated knee-length skirt, for a boy - trousers.

School uniform in India

In India, girls usually study in separate classes from boys. The school uniform for primary school students includes a blue shirt, a lilac skirt or sundress for girls, trousers for boys, and a mandatory striped tie.

School uniform in Uganda

The equipment of schoolchildren in Uganda is also dictated by each school separately. Important rule- clothes should be made from natural lightweight fabrics, most often chintz. For girls, these are plain dresses with a white collar, and for boys, shirts of the same color. Small men also wear shorts.

School uniforms in Cameroon

In this African republic, girls are dressed in long blue dresses with a white collar, and boys can attend school as they please.

Today it is difficult to imagine at least one school where students would be allowed to come to classes in ordinary clothes. Any educational institution strives to accustom children to strict discipline, and school uniforms are the best assistant for this.

In some countries, a school uniform is not just clothing, but a whole reflection of the cultural traditions of a particular state. In this regard, in many places it has common features and, of course, very noticeable and interesting differences.

History of creation

School uniforms in England appeared as an official dress code under King Henry VIII. The uniform of the military was taken as the basis. Initially, it was just a long raincoat of exclusively dark blue color. This shade was chosen for a reason. Firstly, it was believed that the dark blue tone would teach children humility. Secondly, blue paint was the cheapest and most easily available at that time. Christ's Hospital became the first educational institution in the history of England where it was decided to introduce school uniforms.

Since in 1870 a decree was issued on free primary education for all children, the need for school uniforms in England has increased dramatically. And following Christ's Hospital, all educational institutions in the country decided to introduce strict uniforms for their students.

Quite interesting is the fact that school uniforms were created specifically for the poor. Afterwards, private educational institutions began to appear, considering it a special pride. They used special clothes not to make all students equal, but, on the contrary, to show their attitude towards the more privileged strata of society. It was during this period that the uniform became a “trick” of elite schools.

But the matter does not stop there. Many students, trying to look even better, began to button their jackets with a certain number of buttons, wear school caps at a certain angle, lace their shoes in as many different ways as they can imagine, and carry bags over the shoulder or simply by the handle.

School uniforms in England: description

At that time, the uniform tried to “adapt” to the age characteristics of the students. Costumes of boys who studied at primary school, consisted of shorts predominantly dark gray and blazers (jackets). Socks were always worn with shorts. They were also grey. A shirt of the same color was always worn under the jacket. For holidays or special events, students wore white. For teenagers, regular long pants were approved. On their feet, the students wore classic black boots. With the onset of cold weather, every schoolchild put on a pullover with a cutout on the chest in the form of a triangle.

The school uniform for girls included an ordinary blouse, dress and apron. A little later, around the turn of the 20th century, girls began to wear sundresses.

English school uniforms continued to morph and change until the 1950s. It was during this period that reforms took place in the country, and secondary education became accessible to all. Then the idea was born to make one standard of formal clothing for all educational institutions. This is how the division of uniforms into “summer” and “winter” appeared. In fact, it was noticeably larger for girls. After all, during the warm period they wore simple dresses to study, and with the onset of cold weather they changed into insulated sundresses.

And, of course, the highlight of the English school uniform is the logo. All students proudly wore the insignia of their school. Most often it was embroidered on a tie or jacket. Much less often it was placed on special uniform caps.

Features of England

England is a very conservative country. And she follows her traditions very closely. And the school uniform became one of them. Therefore, every educational institution still provides uniforms to all its students. And not only a suit, but also outerwear, as well as small parts wardrobe: socks, tie, etc. Moreover, school uniforms in England are available in any size and are issued to each student completely free of charge.

There is a very attractive tradition at one Elizabeth Garrett school in London. There, any student can personally participate in the process of creating their future form. Of course, everything happens within certain limits, but individual wishes will be taken into account.

England continues to respect traditions and adhere to established rules. Every self-respecting educational institution has a strict dress code. What it will be like is decided by the institution independently, but based on established standards. In some cities in England, for example, it is still appearance clothing depends on the age of the students who wear it. The tradition of seasonal school uniforms for girls has also been preserved.

IN modern form there is a much greater variety of colors. Now you don’t have to wear only dark and blue tones. It has become possible to use more bright shades. For example, red or burgundy. Girls can afford checkered shirts, replacing regular blouses with them. And in addition to caps, school berets appeared.


School uniform is really necessary in any educational institution. She teaches children discipline and order. It can also help eliminate competition among students. After all, no one would think of organizing a beauty contest where there are rules requiring the wearing of a special school uniform.