English with fixes. Simka. Smart and active girl

Simka. A smart and active orange fixie girl, always ready to help her friends. He is well versed in technology and loves to demonstrate his knowledge. In the animated series "The Fixies" she is the best student in school.

Nolik. A blue fixie boy, Simka's younger brother. He has less knowledge and experience than his sister, so he cannot always predict the consequences of his experiments. In the animated series "The Fixies", he often finds himself in difficult situations, from which he manages to get out only with the help of his friends. Nolik has already managed to break one of the main rules of fixies: avoid contact with people.

Papus. Simka and Nolik's dad, a top-class fixie, Green colour. In the past, he worked at the cosmodrome and worked on the most complex equipment. I always dreamed of flying into space and prepared for this for many years, but I ended up being an understudy, which I still worry about. Loves to talk about his youth. Now Papus is a family fixer and works in ordinary apartment, but is still ready for exploits.

Masya. Papus's wife, mother of Simka and Nolik, pink. A highly qualified fixer, he is especially well versed in kitchen appliances. He loves cleanliness and order and easily copes with routine work. More practical than her dreamy husband, she sometimes grumbles at people for not being careful enough with their appliances.

Simka. A smart and active orange fixie girl, always ready to help her friends. He is well versed in technology and loves to demonstrate his knowledge. In the animated series "The Fixies" she is the best student in school. Nolik. A blue fixie boy, Simka's younger brother. He has less knowledge and experience than his sister, so he cannot always predict the consequences of his experiments. In the animated series "The Fixies", he often finds himself in difficult situations, from which he manages to get out only with the help of his friends. Nolik has already managed to break one of the main rules of fixies: avoid contact with people. Papus. Simka and Nolik's dad, a top-class fixie, green. In the past, he worked at the cosmodrome and worked on the most complex equipment. I always dreamed of flying into space and prepared for this for many years, but I ended up being an understudy, which I still worry about. Loves to talk about his youth. Now Papus is a family fixer and works in an ordinary apartment, but is still ready for exploits. Masya. Papus's wife, mother of Simka and Nolik, pink. A highly qualified fixer, he is especially well versed in kitchen appliances. He loves cleanliness and order and easily copes with routine work. More practical than her dreamy husband, she sometimes grumbles at people for not being careful enough with their appliances.

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Results (English) 1:

SIM. Intelligent and active girl-fiksik Orange, always ready to come to the aid of friends. Perfectly understands technology, loves to demonstrate their knowledge. In the animated series "Fiksiki" she is the best student in the school. Nolik. Fiksik blue boy, his younger brother Received. It has less knowledge and experience than sisters, so it cannot always foresee the consequences of their experiments. In the animated series "Fiksiki" he often gets into difficult situations, get out of which it manages only with the help of friends. Nolik had upset one of the main rules of fiksikov: avoid contact with people. Papus. Daddy and Nolika, Not fiksik extra-class green. In the past, worked at the launch site was daunting. Always dreamed to fly in space and preparing for this for many years, but remained an understudy, as still going through. Likes to talk about his youth. Now Papus-family fiksik and works in an ordinary apartment, but remained open to exploits. Masya. Papusa's wife, mom and Nolika Simka, pink color. Fiksik of high qualification, particularly well versed in kitchen technology. Loves purity and order, easily copes with routine work. More practical than her dreamy spouse sometimes grumbles at people for not enough respect to devices.

Results (English) 2:

Simca. Smartest and active girl Fixiki orange, always ready to help a friend. Well versed in the art, he likes to show their knowledge. In the animated series "Fixiki" she is the best student of the school.

Tac-Toe. Boy Fixiki blue, the younger brother of Simcoe. He had less knowledge and experience than his sister, so he can not always predict the consequences of their experiments. In the animated series "Fixiki" he often gets in difficult situations, to get out of where he manages only with the help of friends. Toe has already upset one of the main rules Fixiki: avoid contact with people.

Papus. Pope Simcoe and crosses, Fixiki-class, green. In the past, he worked at the cosmodrome and for complex equipment. Always dreamed to fly into space and many years preparing for this, but has remained a backup, which is still experiencing. He loves to talk about his youth. Now Papus - Fixiki family and works in an ordinary apartment, but still ready to exploits.

Masya. Papusa wife, mother Simcoe and crosses, pink. Fixiki qualifications, especially well versed in kitchen technology. Very fond of cleanliness and order, it is easy to cope with routine work. A more practical than her husband dream, sometimes growls at people for insufficient respect for the instrument.

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Results (English) 3:

my slm card. bright and active girl fix orange, always willing to help friends. understand technology, loves to show their knowledge. in the animated series "Fixies", she is the best student in the school. a zero. the boy is a Fixie blue, the younger brother the slm card. he has less expertise than his sister, so he may not always predict the consequences of their experiments . in the animated series "Fixies" he often gets into a difficult situation, out of which he is only with the help of friends. zero already managed to break one of the rules of fixies: avoid contact with people. papus. dad the slm card and zero, fix extra class, the color green. in the past, worked at doing complex technique. i"ve always wanted to fly in space, and for many years it was ready, but still double what is still worried. likes to talk about his youth. now Papus is a family fixer and works in a normal apartment, but still ready to go.Masya. Papusa's wife, mother and Nolika slm card, pink in color. fixed skills, especially good with cooking technology. very love clean and organized, easily coping with the routine work. more practical than her dreamy wives sometimes scolds the people for not enough respect to the instrument.

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The house in which fixies live is a happy one. These little people tirelessly make sure that all equipment is always in perfect working order. Their life is full of adventures, because being so small is not so easy. There is always a possibility of falling somewhere, falling, or being locked in one device or another. Moreover, the dog is constantly trying to catch up...

Probably, this life full of dangers taught the fikis to be so friendly and always come to the aid of each other. Some people should take a closer look at them to learn kindness and mutual assistance. But, alas, that is impossible. Fixies carefully hide from people, in especially dangerous moments they simply turn into small cogs. True, some lucky people still manage to make friends with them!

Description of the heroes

Simka is the pride of her parents. This is an obedient, responsible girl. She studies well at fikiski school and looks after her younger brother Nolik. And she is also a wonderful friend: she will never leave you in trouble, she will always come to the aid of anyone, be it a fixie, a person or even a dog. However, if a girl sees that someone is doing something bad, she can teach them a lesson. She has enough imagination to come up with a plan on how to do this, so that the person or fixer himself realizes that he is doing wrong. Simka also has her own little secret: the girl is a little in love with her classmate Igrek, although she tries to hide it.

This is the youngest and most restless of all fixies. He is interested in absolutely everything, he tries to figure everything out on his own, and constantly gets involved in different stories. You can find Nolik in the most unexpected places: he either finds himself locked in the freezer, or locked in the TV remote control, which the dog Kusachka hides under the sofa. It’s good that you have real friends nearby who are always ready to help. Nolik is often scolded, but still loved for his kindness, cheerful disposition and responsiveness.

This is the head of a small family of fixers. Most of all in life he likes to work. When all the equipment in the house is working properly, he begins to get bored. He once dreamed of becoming a space fixer, and was preparing for his first flight beyond the Earth. However, the rocket launch occurred while Papus had a day off, and the spacecraft left without him. Since then, he doesn't like days when he doesn't have to go to work. And Papus is very strong and kind. He is always ready to run to the aid of those who are in trouble, and you can be sure that he will find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

Simka and Nolik’s mother is wonderful. Although she is strict, she is still very kind. Together with Papus, she is busy fixing equipment all day long. But still, her main concern is her children. Like any other mother, she constantly worries about them, and is very upset when they get into trouble. Masya spends a lot of time teaching her son and daughter all the intricacies of how fixers work.

Grandfather is the wisest of all cartoon characters. It seems that he knows everything in the world. He is ready to share his knowledge with everyone. Grandfather works at a school for fixers, where he teaches the younger generation of little helpers all the intricacies of working with technology. Although he is a strict teacher, he is always ready to help his students, not only during classes, but also in life.

Fire is a little fixie, he goes to school with Nolik and Simka. And this is the most mischievous and active boy in the class. He is always ready for adventure, without them life seems boring to him. However, just like studying at school. Fire is one of those guys who prefers to do rather than think. Of course, this does not lead to anything good, and all sorts of troubles often happen due to the fault of this fixer.

The smartest of all the students at the school of fixers. Most of all, he likes to spend time gaining more and more new knowledge. They often helped out the whole motley group of little people. Everyone loves and appreciates the Igrek, even though they consider him a little boring. Everyone knows: you just have to ask, and he will definitely come to the rescue, he will never leave a friend in trouble.

All fixies are very kind creatures. However, Simka's friend Shpulya surpasses everyone. She is ready to be friends with everyone, take care and protect. This girl is ready to do anything for her friends; she really likes to play and study with them. It is almost impossible to quarrel with her; dear Shpulya is always ready to give in. She is very worried when other fixies quarrel and tries to reconcile them at all costs.

The most beautiful girl in the class. She is fashionable and stylish and loves to take care of her appearance. Instead of tools, her helper contains a hair dryer, a comb and a mirror. She, of course, sometimes wonders a little, but her friends Simka and Shpulya still love her very much, because they know for sure: if necessary, Verta will forget about her hair and manicure and will come running to the rescue.

Other characters

The most ordinary boy. He goes to school, is sometimes lazy to do his homework, loves to chat with friends, play and use the computer. In general, he is no different from millions of other guys. But one day he was very lucky: he managed to meet real fixies. They quickly learned to play together, and that friendship taught Dim Dimych a lot. From the little people he learned responsibility and hard work. I also began to be more attentive to my things, to protect and care for them.

A small dog living with Dim Dimych. Everyone considers her harmful, especially the fixies, which she likes to run after barking loudly. However, this is not at all true. Inside, Kusachka has the heart of a loyal and brave dog. She dreams of becoming service dog to protect people and save them from harm. She has already proven her abilities when she saved all the inhabitants of the apartment, noticing a faulty socket and calling the fixers for help.

Genius Evgenievich Chudakov

They say about such people: he is simply crazy! Indeed, Professor Geniy ​​Evgenievich is so absorbed in his work that he may not notice anything around him. He is capable of forgetting to eat and drink coffee, losing his umbrella and keys. But one thing you can be 100% sure of: Genius Evgenievich will always complete his work on time and well. For this reason, he enjoys special respect from the fixies, with whom he managed to make friends when he was a little boy, such as Dim Dimych.

A faithful assistant to Genius Evgenievich, she can’t get used to the strange things that happen in the professor’s laboratory. Strange sounds, objects appearing out of nowhere and the whisper of thin voices frighten the impressionable Lizonka. After all, she doesn’t even suspect the existence of fixies! Despite everything, the girl continues to work with Chudakov. After all, who else but her will make sure that he at least sometimes interrupts his work to eat and sleep.


A little funny spider has been living in the house of Dim Dimych and his parents for a long time. He is as restless and curious as most fixies. Therefore, he also gets into all sorts of stories, and Dedus uses them to tell the guys about this or that device or phenomenon.

Dim Dimych's parents are wonderful! Dad works on television, hosts a travel program. Due to his duty, he himself has to travel a lot around the world. He brings all sorts of interesting souvenirs from various exotic countries. And when his boy grows up a little, he will definitely take him with him to Africa. Their mother will be waiting for them at home. She works as a dentist, and that profession is worse than a boxer. But still she is very sweet, kind and caring. And Dim Dimych’s mom and dad love each other and their son very much. This is a kind and friendly family. This is probably why the fixies chose their house to settle.

Fixies are tiny creatures that live inside machines and repair devices when they break down. Fixies look like humans of different colors but they are so little you hardly can see them. Fixies always hide from people because they are afraid that people will catch them and put in a cage for experiments. Fixies have a very useful ability to turn into a screw. When a Fixie becomes a screw it is almost impossible to distinguish him from the real one. That’s why most humans don’t know anything about Fixies and never heard about them.

A family of Fixies lives in the house of a boy named Dim Dimych. There are four of them: Father named Papus, Mother named Masya and their children named Simka and Nolik. They are all very kind, nice and very responsible. They carefully fix any machines that break down.

Papus is Simka and Nolik’s father. He is green. Papus is rational and very calm, as a true head of the family he never loses his temper and takes everything with a great sense of humor. He adores his work and does most of the repairing in the house of Dim Dimych.

Masya is Simka and Nolik’s mother. She is bright pink. Masya is a very kind and caring mother. She often gets her children out of trouble. Masya helps Papus with his work; especially she is good at repairing kitchen equipment. Also she does all the chores.

Simka is Nolik’s elder sister. She is orange. Simka is a clever and sensible girl. She knows a lot about different devices and can fix many of them. She has already got a backpack-helper with a huge amount of tools for repairs.

Nolik is a little friendly boy. He is blue. Nolik is very curious and like all children he loves to play with toys. Nolic can repair almost nothing yet, but he really wants to learn this.

Dim Dimych is lucky that the smart, kind and helpful Fixies live in his house. Especially he is lucky because Simka and Nolik once revealed themselves and became his friends. They have a good time together. From the Fixies Dim Dimych learns a lot about different devices and how they work. As a true friend he never lets their secret out. “And who Fixies are a big, big secret.”

Fixies are tiny creatures that live inside cars and repair devices when they break down. Fixies look like people of different colors, but they are so small that you can hardly see them. Fixies always hide from people because they are afraid that people will catch them and put them in a cage for experiments. Fixies have a very useful ability to turn into a cog. When Fixik becomes a cog, it is almost impossible to distinguish him from a real cog. That's why most people don't know anything about Fixies and have never heard of them.

The Fiksik family lives in the house of a boy named Dim Dimych. There are four of them in total: a father named Papus, a mother named Masya and their children Simka and Nolik. They are all very kind, sweet and very responsible. They carefully fix any machines that break down.

Papus is the father of Simka and Nolik. It is green. Papus is reasonable and very calm, like the true head of the family, he never loses his composure and treats everything with a great sense of humor. He loves his job and does most of the renovation work in Dim Dimych's house.

Masya is the mother of Simka and Nolik. It is bright pink. Masya is a very kind and caring mother. She often helps her children out of trouble. Masya helps Papus with his work; She is especially good at repairing kitchen equipment. She also runs a house.

Simka is Nolik's older sister. She is orange. Simka is a smart and sensible girl. She knows a lot about various devices and knows how to repair many of them. She already has a backpack assistant (helper) with a huge number of tools for repairs.

Nolik is a small friendly boy. It is blue. Nolik is very inquisitive and, like all children, he loves to play with toys. Nolik knows how to repair almost nothing, but he really wants to learn how to do it.

Dim Dimych is very lucky that such smart, kind and sympathetic Fixies live in his house. He was especially lucky because Simka and Nolik once showed themselves to him (showed themselves) and became his friends. They have a good time together. From the Fixies, Dim Dimych learns a lot of new things about various devices and how they work. Like a true friend, he never reveals their secret. “And who the Fixies are is a big, big secret.”

Simca. The smartest and active girl Fixico orange, always ready to help a friend. Well versed in the art, loves to show off their skills. In the animated series "Fixico" she "s the best pupil in the school. Toe. Boy Fixico blue, the younger brother of Simcoe. He has less knowledge and experience than her sister, so he can not always predict the consequences of their experiments . In the animated series "Fixico" he often ends up in a difficult situation, out of which he can only with the help of friends. Toe has already managed to upset one of the main rules Fixico: avoid contact with people. Papus. Pope Simcoe and crosses, Fixico-class, green. In the past, he worked at the cosmodrome and for complex equipment. Always wanted to fly into space and for many years ready for this, but has remained a backup of what is still going through. He likes to talk about his youth. Now Papus - Fixico family and works in an apartment, but still ready for feats.Masya. Papus wife, mother Simcoe and crosses, pink. Fixico qualifications, especially well versed in kitchen technology. Very fond of cleanliness and order, easy to cope with routine work. More practical than her husband dreamy, sometimes growls at people for not enough respect for the instrument. Dedus. Fixico brown, similar to the ancient Fixico and appearance very different from the rest. He kept the ancient wisdom and traditions, as well as he"s a great storyteller and teacher of young Fixico! Tom-Thomas. Ordinary boy of eight years, each of Simcoe and crosses. According to the idea of ​​the animated series "Fixico" he is very interested in technology and familiarity with Fixico allows him to feel like a real explorer. Nippers. Chihuahua dog Tom-Thomas. Jealously protects the owners from all dangers, including those from Fixico. Fire. The representative of the younger generation Fixico, a classmate Simcoe. Life, perpetual motion, an innovator and leader - all these epithets as a nine-year-Fire can not fit. Energetic Fixico LEDs has a bright red color. Igrek. Ten-year-Fixico clever purple. He is studying in the same class with Simcoe, and is considered the most intelligent Fixico at a local school. He has no equal when it comes to solving complex problems. The Y is a typical thinker and theoretician, and with practice, he prefers not to get involved. Friends often make fun of his awkwardness. Spool. Eleven-year classmate Simcoe, and part of her best friend. This girl is distinguished yellow LEDs and the easiest character. Good, very trustful and honest spool ready to believe any nonsense reconcile ardent debaters and become the soul of a huge company. Spool so positive that it is impossible to swear! Werth. Eleven-year classmate Simcoe. This charming girl Fixico boasts the most beautiful in the class of LEDs: pale green. All the boys in awe of Werth, and she - from her reflection in the mirror. Very purposeful, always the first Werth can help friends in a difficult situation. However, for a start they need to come up with a decent argument. E. genius Eccentrics. Professor who befriends and protects Fixico school where they learn. It has its own laboratory, where he placed the school Fixico. Liza. Very impressionable Secretary Professor Chudakov.