Tests on the Middle Ages for students. Quiz: Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages

M.: 2019. - 128 p. M.: 2013. - 160 p.

The manual includes tests on the history of the Middle Ages for current and final control and corresponds to the content of the textbook by E. V. Agibalova, G. M. Donskoy; edited by A. A. Svanidze “General History. History of the Middle Ages" for 6th grade general education organizations. Many test tasks are developed taking into account the requirements of the Main State Exam in 9th grade. They will help students master new types of tests and prepare for future oral and written exams. Tests can be used for training and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control.

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Format: pdf (2013, 160 pp.)

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Preface 6
Living Middle Ages 8
I. The formation of medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries) 10
Test 1. Formation of barbarian kingdoms. State of the Franks in the VI-VIII centuries 10
Test 2. Christian Church in the Early Middle Ages 12
Test 3. The emergence and collapse of the empire of Charlemagne 15
Test 4. Feudal fragmentation of Western Europe in the 9th-11th centuries 18
Test 5. England in the early Middle Ages 20
Final test on the topic “The Formation of Medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries)” 22
II. The Byzantine Empire and the Slavs in the VI-XI centuries 25
Test 6. Byzantium under Justinian. The empire's struggle with external enemies 25
Test 7. Byzantine culture 28
Test 8. Formation of Slavic states 30
Final test on the topic “The Byzantine Empire and the Slavs in the VI-XI centuries” 31
III. Arabs in the VI-XI centuries 34
Test 9. The emergence of Islam. The Arab Caliphate and its collapse 34
Test 10. Culture of the countries of the caliphate 36
Final test on the topic “Arabs in the 6th-11th centuries” 38
IV. Feudal lords and peasants 42
Test 11. Medieval village and its inhabitants 42
Test 12. In the knight's castle 44
Final test on the topic “Feudal Lords and Peasants” 46
V. Medieval city in Western and Central Europe 49
Test 13. Formation of medieval cities. Urban craft 49
Test 14. Trade in the Middle Ages 52
Test 15. Citizens and their lifestyle 54
Final test on the topic “Medieval city in Western and Central Europe” 56
VI. Catholic Church in the XI-XIII centuries. Crusades 59
Test 16. The power of papal power. Catholic Church and heretics 59
Test 17. Crusades 61
Final test on the topic “The Catholic Church in the XI-XIII centuries. Crusades" 64
VII. The formation of centralized states in Western Europe (XI-XV centuries) 67
Test 18. How the unification of France took place 67
Test 19. What the British consider the beginning of their freedoms 69
Test 20. Hundred Years' War 72
Test 21. Strengthening royal power at the end of the 15th century in France and England 74
Test 22. Reconquista and the formation of centralized states on the Iberian Peninsula 76
Test 23. States that remained fragmented: Germany and Italy in the XII-XV centuries 78
Final test on the topic “The formation of centralized states in Western Europe (XI-XV centuries)” 80
VIII. Slavic states and Byzantium in the XIV-XV centuries 83
Test 24. Hussite movement in the Czech Republic 83
Test 25. Conquest of the Balkan Peninsula by the Ottoman Turks 85
IX. Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages 89
Test 26. Education and philosophy 89
Test 27. Medieval literature 91
Test 28. Medieval art 93
Test 29. Early Renaissance culture in Italy 96
Test 30. Scientific discoveries and inventions 99
Final test on the topic “Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages” 102
X. The peoples of Asia, America and Africa in the Middle Ages 105
Test 31. Medieval Asia: China, India, Japan 105
Test 32. States and peoples of Africa and pre-Columbian America 107
Final test work 110
Replies 122

The manual contains lesson and thematic tests that allow you to test not only the basic knowledge and skills of students, but also more in-depth tests that cover the entire course material. Lesson tests consist of five tasks and are intended for use when studying individual questions of the course. We recommend using them directly in class or for organizing homework as a means of ongoing monitoring. Thematic (final) tests for each section, consisting of ten tasks, provide an opportunity to check and consolidate key dates, facts, concepts, and cause-and-effect relationships. At the end of the book there are four versions of the final test for the entire course of the history of the Middle Ages, as well as answers to all test tasks.

a) End of the 5th century (+) b) Beginning of the 8th century c) Mid-12th century

2. Which peoples moved to the territory of the Roman Empire in the 4th-6th centuries to create their own states?

a) Celts b) Greeks c) Germans (+)

3. Who founded the Merovingian dynasty?

a) Clovis(+) b) Alaric c) Ricimer

4. The basis of the Frankish army was:

a) Mercenaries b) Peasants c) Squad (+)

5. In what century did the Arabs begin to invade Gaul?

a) End of the 7th century b) First half of the 8th century (+) c) End of the 9th century

6. Which dynasty replaced the Merovingians by the decision of the Pope?

a) Carolingians (+) b) Hohenzollerns c) Zähringens

7. What were the names of the workshops for copying manuscripts at monasteries?

a) Scriptoria (+) b) Printing houses c) Printing houses

8. In what year did the Arabs invade the Byzantine possessions in Asia?

a) 631 g. b) 633 g. (+) c) 652 g.

9. In what year was Charlemagne proclaimed emperor?

a) 799 g. b) 800 g. (+) c) 801 g.

10. What was the name of the level of the feudal ladder occupied by dukes and counts?

a) Patriciate b) Nobility c) Aristocracy (+)

11. The main population of Britain from the 8th century BC. to the 5th century AD were:

a) Britons (+) b) Angles c) Saxons

12. Under which king was the first general English collection of laws compiled?

a) Arthur b) Athelstan c) Alfred(+)

13. In what year did the conquest of England by Duke William of Normandy begin?

a) 1066 (+) b) 1068 c) 1069

a) Justinian I(+) b) Justinian II c) Heraclius I

15. Where was the first medical school in Europe opened in the 11th century?

a) Rome b) Athens c) Constantinople(+)

16. Who was at the head of medieval feudal society?

a) Church b) Monarch(+) c) Parliament

17. What duties did dependent peasants bear for the use of land?

a) Compulsory military service b) Corvee and quitrent (+) c) Overtime work

18. What is the Inquisition?

a) Zemstvo court b) Civil court c) Church court (+)

19. In what year was England formed as a result of the unification of the smaller states of Britain?

a) 829 g. (+) b) 830 g. c) 844 g.

20. Date of foundation of the Russian state:

a) 862 g. (+) b) 889 g. c) 998 g.

21. In what year did the first Crusade take place?

a) 1091 g. b) 1096 g. (+) c) 1125 g.

22. What was the judicial reform of Henry II?

a) Every free person, having paid money, received the right to appeal to the royal court, bypassing the court of the local feudal lord (+)

b) Three-tier judicial power

c) Abolition of ordeals and torture

23. In what year was the Magna Carta signed?

a) 1200 b) 1204 c) 1215 (+)

24. How many chambers was the English parliament divided into in the 14th century?

a) 2(+) b) 3 c) 4

25. What was one of the reasons for the start of the Hundred Years' War?

a) The desire of the French king to seize the English throne

b) France’s desire to conquer Aquitaine from England (+)

c) England’s desire to recapture Normandy from France

26. Which dynasty established itself in China at the beginning of the 7th century?
a) Tang(+) b) Yuan c) Ming

27. In what year did the Ottoman Empire capture Constantinople?

a) 1450 b) 1451 c) 1453 (+)

28. What calendar became official in Europe in 1582?

a) Julian b) Gregorian (+) c) Proterian

29. In what year was the Spanish Armada destroyed by the British?

a) 1581 b) 1586 c) 1588 (+)

30. In what year did the Japanese government close the country to foreign influence?

a) 1639 (+) b) 1640 c) 1676

"Early Middle Ages"
Option 1
A1. The process of resettlement of Germanic tribes into the territory of the Roman Empire took place during:
IV-VI centuries.2) IV – VII centuries.3) III – VI centuries.4) III – V centuries.
A2. What are the causes of the Great Migration?
invasion of nomads from the depths of Asia2) conquest of the Romans3) depletion of the earth4) overpopulation
A3. Who owns the nickname given by the Romans: “The Scourge of God”?
Attile2) Romulus Augustus3) Alaric4) StilichoA4. In what year did Gaul submit to the Franks?
in 4882) in 4863) in 4684) in 432
A5. The center of government of the country under Clovis became:
royal court2) Senate3) squad4) people's assembly
A6. In what year did the Carolingian dynasty come to power?
in 7512) in 7503) in 7494) in 846
A7. Reign of Charlemagne:
768 – 814 2) 777 – 801 3) 768 – 800 4) 751 – 763
A8. What is it common to call wars between feudal lords?
civil2) internecine3) religious 4) ethnic
A9. In what year did Charlemagne's empire cease to exist?
in 8432) in 8003) in 962d) in 500
A10. In what year did the Eastern Roman Empire become an independent state?
in 3952) in 4923) in 8004) in 365
A11. The Emperor of Byzantium appointed:
supreme judges2) military leaders3) senior officials4) all answers are correct
A12. Emperor Justinian ruled the Byzantine Empire:
from 527 – 565 2) from 526 – 564 3) from 500 – 520 4) from 495 – 515
A13. The following tribes were called steppe dwellers, or Arab nomads:
Bedouins 2) Bushmen3) Buryats4) Pashtuns
A14. In what year did Muhammad move to Medina?
in 622 2) in 630 3) in 610 4) in 655
A15. The largest city in South-West Asia during the early Middle Ages:
Mecca2) Babylon3) Damascus4) Medina
A16. What was the name of the people who inhabited England for a long time?
Angles2) Saxons3) Britons4) Normans
A17. Who led the Anglo-Saxon fight against the Normans?
King Arthur2) Alcuin3) Alfred the Great4) Merlin
A18. The Battle of Hastings was won by:
Harald the Severe2) Edward the Confessor3) Harold4) William the Conqueror
A19. Where did the Normans live?
on the Balkan Peninsula2) on the Apennine Peninsula3) in Scandinavia
4) in Germany
A20. The Viking ships were called:
longships2) longships3) triremes4) caravels
PART BB1. Match:
Head of the Catholic Church
Instructions for Believers
Small churches with parishioners
Church ministers A) laity
B) arrival
B) Pope
D) sermon
D) clergy
AT 2. Arrange the events of the early Middle Ages in chronological order.
A) Verdun Partition B) foundation of the Merovingian dynasty C) Battle of Poitiers
D) the beginning of the reign of Pepin the Short
AT 3. Name the emperor of Byzantium, thanks to whom the famous Roman law was preserved, which became the basis of the Byzantine “Code of Civil Law”

The unification of the Arabs was facilitated by the new religion ______, the founder of which is a resident of Mecca _____________. Giving a sermon in 610, he declared himself __________, and called the only God ___________.
Control test No. 1. “History of the Middle Ages”
"Early Middle Ages"
Option 2
A1. When did the Western Roman Empire end?
in 4662) in 4763) in 4774) in 455
A2. The ancient Germans settled in small villages united in:
farm2) city3) community4) tribe
A3. The result of the Great Migration was:
spread of Christianity2) formation of barbarian kingdoms3) emergence of Islam
4) feudal fragmentation
A4. In what year did Clovis of the Merovingian family come to power?
in 6002) in 4813) in 5504) in 449
A5. In what year did the Battle of Poitiers take place, stopping the Arab invasion of Europe?
in 7322) in 7543) in 8534) in 673
A6. Noble people who received land as a reward from the king became large:
capitalists2) landowners3) landowners4) entrepreneurs
A7. In what year was Charlemagne proclaimed emperor?
in 7682) in 8003) in 7674) in 840
A8. What is the common name for the period of the 9th – 11th centuries, which was characterized by the fragmentation of states into large and small ones?
feudal fragmentation2) absolutism3) internecine4) revolutionary
A9. A horseman, or mounted warrior, in the Middle Ages was called:
Viking2) barbarian3) knight4) legionnaire
A10. What did the inhabitants of the Byzantine Empire call themselves?
Romans 2) Constantinople 3) New Romans 4) Byzantines
A11. What was the name of the document, which included all the most important laws of Byzantium at that time?
Code of Justinian2) Koran3) Salic Truth4) decrees of the emperor
A12. The Arab invasion of the Byzantine Empire begins in the 7th century. 2) VI century 3) VIII century 4) V century
A13. What animal is the main value for an Arab?
camel 2) dog3) cow4) donkey.
A14. Year of Muhammad's final victory over the Arab nobility:
630 g.2) 622 g.3) 610 g.4) 602 g.
A15. Ancient sanctuary, place of worship of Arab tribes:
Mecca2) Medina3) Kaaba4) Bethlehem Cave.
A16. King Arthur was the leader of which people?
Britons2) Huns3) Germans4) Arabs
A17. The British called the “area of ​​Danish law”:
Essex2) Cornwall3) Brittany4) DenloeA18. Where did the decisive battle between the Anglo-Saxons and Normans take place on October 14, 1066?
at Mount Baddon2) at Hastings3) at Verdun4) at Poitiers.
A19. What were the Normans called in Rus'?
Varangians2) Vikings3) Sagas4) Kings
A20. The Normans who went to seek glory overseas were called:
drakkars2) kings3) Vikings4) dirhams
PART BB1. Match:
Highest official in Marche
Viceroys of the king in certain areas of the empire
Head of State in Medieval Europe
Manager of the royal palace A) counts
B) majordomo
B) king
D) margrave
D) bishop
B2. Write down those who belonged to the noble classes.
A) peasantsB) kingC) knightD) baronD) count
AT 3. The main principles of Justinian's rule were:
A) one lawB) one stateC) one armyD) one religion
AT 4. Fill in the missing words:
The Arabs who converted to Islam began to call themselves _________. The holy book of the new religion became _________. On its basis, rules of conduct were developed - ________________, in case of violation of which _________ was subjected to trial by the supreme judges of the qadi.

Surname _____________________
Name ________________________
Class _______________________
Student answer sheet.
А1А2А3 А4А5 А6А7А8 А9А10
A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20
IN 1.
1 2 3 4
AT 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
AT 3. _____________________________________________________________________________________
AT 4. _____________________________________________________________________________________
C1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

C2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Final test. Late Middle Ages. Option #1

1) trade with the countries of the East was in the hands of the Arabs,

2. Which of the given terms and concepts refer to “great geographical discoveries”?

1) puritanism, Levellers, “the rump of the Long Parliament”, 2) caravel, West Indies, conquistadors,

3) Boston Tea Party, Declaration of Independence, 4) Sans-culottes, Jacobins, Convention.

3. The Spanish - Portuguese period in the Great Geographical Discoveries covers the time -

4. One of the consequences of the “great geographical discoveries” was

1) the transformation of Spain and Portugal into leading maritime powers

2) the formation of the British colonial empire

3) development of trade along the Great Silk Road

4) curtailment of coin circulation in Europe

5. State the correct statement. Among the Mayan peoples in the Middle Ages -

A. There was a single state with an extensive bureaucratic apparatus.

B. The Mayan civilization consisted of cities that competed with each other.

6. A detachment of conquistadors led by Hernano Cortes captured the state -

7. The first Dutch colony in America appeared in –

1) 1535, 2) 1607, 3) 1608, 4) 1626.

1) New York, 2) Florence, 3) Berlin, 4) Antwerp.

9. Scattered manufactures initially predominated in –

1) metallurgical industry, 2) mining,

3) textile industry, 4) weapons industry.

A. Land owners sought to replace the duties of peasant tenants with monetary rent.

B. In agriculture, a significant part of the land began to be allocated to grain crops.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

11. The birthplace of Renaissance culture is considered to be –

1) Genius, 2) Milan, 3) Florence, 4) Rome.

12. Supporters of the new doctrine were called in the 16th century. -

1) Cathars, 2) Anabaptists, 3) Protestants, 4) sectarians.

13. Choose from the proposed characteristics the one that matches the description of M. Luther -

1) according to his instructions, the residents of Geneva had to dress in dark dresses, work hard, abandoning holidays and carnivals,

2) on the door of the university church of Wittenberg he nailed the document “95 Theses against Indulgence”,

3) he founded the Jesuit order, which set as its goal “capturing the souls” of believers,

4) being Lord Chancellor, he opposed the king’s marriage, for which he was sentenced to death.

14. Religious peace in Germany was concluded in

1) 1529, 2) 1522, 3) 1555, 4) 1572

15. The transition to an order in which all power is concentrated in the hands of the monarch began in the 16th century in most European countries. This order is called -

1) absolutism, 2) democracy, 3) tyranny, 4) oligarchy.

16. Indicate the reasons for the uprising of the Netherlands against Spanish rule:

1) Spain tried to unite the Dutch provinces of Flanders, Zeeland and Brabant into
kingdom of belgium

2) Spain imposed heavy taxes on the Netherlands, for which it fought wars

3) the kings of Spain deprived Dutch merchants and industrialists of previously owned
they have liberties and rights

4) Catholic Spain oppressed followers of Calvinist teachings in the Netherlands, considering them as heretics

5) Spain prevented the sale of English wool to Dutch manufactories

17. Throughout the 17th century. There were many wars in Europe, the largest of which was the Thirty Years' War. It was conducted -

1) from 1618 to 1648 2) from 1605 to 1635. 3) from 1627 to 1657. 4) from 1633 to 1663.

18. Indicate the correct statement.

A. At the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries. the peoples of the East gravitated towards the revival of traditional values.

B. Strengthening contacts of the peoples of the East with European states led to the establishment in the 17th-18th centuries. European values ​​among the former.

19. By the beginning of the 18th century. The Ottoman Empire was -

1) absolute monarchy, 2) parliamentary monarchy, 3) military-feudal despotism,

4) a democratic republic.

20. The Mughal Empire arose in

1) Central Asia, 2) Central Asia, 3) Northern India, 4) Southern China.

Final test. Late Middle Ages. Option No. 2

1. Indicate one of the reasons for the Great Geographical Discoveries -

1) gradual transition to the manufacturing organization of labor,

2) the fall of Byzantium under the attacks of the Turks,

3) strengthening the position of the Catholic Church in Western Europe,

4) passion for theological teachings of the Middle Ages.

2. Which of the following terms refer to “great geographical discoveries”?

1) Calvinism, Lutheranism, 2) humanism, revival, 3) New World, Indians,

4) manufactory, fencing.

3. The Anglo-Dutch period in the Great Geographical Discoveries covers the time –

1) from the 15th to the mid-16th centuries, 2) from the mid-16th - 17th centuries, 3) from the 16th - 17th centuries,

4) from the XIV to the middle of the XVII centuries.

4. In 1497-1498. ships under the command of Vasco de Gama reached -

1) India, 2) Cape of Good Hope, 3) San Salvador, 4) China.

5. By the 15th century, the Aztec tribal union conquered most of -

1) Caribbean Islands, 2) Yucatan Peninsula, 3) South America, 4) Central Mexico.

6. A detachment of conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro captured the state -

7. Made his first trip around the world -

1) Bartolomeo Diaz, 2) Christopher Columbus, 3) Vasco da Gama, 4) Ferdinand Magellan.

8. One of the largest trading companies of the 16th century -

1) Moscow company, 2) West - Dutch, 3) East - India, 4) French.

9. Individual parts were made by artisans with a narrow specialization or workshop craftsmen, and assembly was carried out in the entrepreneur’s workshop - this is:

10. In the Late Middle Ages in England, (o) -

1) land lease, 2) primogeniture, 3) seigneurial-vassal relations, 4) fencing.

11. The culture of the Renaissance was characterized by -

1) secular, 2) religious, 3) theological, 4) options 1 and 3 are correct.

A. Protestants were supporters of strengthening the influence of the Pope.

B. Protestants did not consider physical labor necessary, preferring knightly valor.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

13. Indicate the reason for the defeat of the Peasant War in Germany

1) disunity of actions of peasant detachments, 2) weak weapons of the rebels,

3) the rebel peasants were not supported by the townspeople, 4) the superiority of the forces of the princes compared to the rebels

14. The schism of the Catholic Church covered the period -

1) 1377-1417, 2) 1445-1510, 3) 1494-1553, 4) 1475-1563.

15. Indicate the reasons for the establishment of autocratic rule in European countries:

1) establishing a union between the church and monarchies, 2) opposing the separatism of the feudal nobility,

3) the formation of a new order army, 4) the formation of the internal market,

5) all of the above.

16. Read a fragment from the monarch’s speech. “The riots that took place in the Netherlands undermined the foundations of our royal power, insulted the shrines, and if we do not punish the rebels, it will be a temptation for other countries subject to us. We decided to personally arrive in the Netherlands and turn to the pope and the emperor for help. Beneath the present evil lies a future good. We will finally conquer the Netherlands and, at our discretion, transform their government, religion and form of government.”

The foundations of royal power in which country were undermined by the “unrest in the Netherlands”?

1) France, 2) Austria, 3) Spain, 4) England.

17. Thirty Years' War. It started with

1) the massacre of the Huguenots in Paris after the wedding of Henry of Navarre with Margaret of Valois,

2) the conflict between Protestant and Catholic principalities in the Holy Roman Empire,

3) contestation of the vacant Spanish throne by French and Austrian claimants,

4) rivalry between Russian and French candidates for the Polish crown.

18. Turkic (Turkish) tribes initially took possession of the Balkan Peninsula in

1) XIII - XIV centuries, 2) XII - XIII centuries, 3) XIV - XV centuries, 4) XV - XVI centuries.

19. By the 18th century. the right to collect taxes from part of the state and newly conquered lands was transferred to the Ottoman Empire -

1) the clergy, 2) the military class, 3) the feudal class, 4) the merchant class.

20. Jagirdars in the Mughal Empire are:

4) representatives of the feudal class.

Final test. Late Middle Ages. Option No. 3

1.Indicate one of the reasons for the Great Geographical Discoveries -

1) dissemination of the idea of ​​the spherical structure of the Earth,

2) the fall of Byzantium under the attacks of the Turks,

3) strengthening the position of the Catholic Church in Western Europe,

4) passion for theological teachings of the Middle Ages.

2. Are the following statements true?

A. Europeans sought to open new trade routes to the East for the extraction of spices and gold.

B. The Ottoman Turks, who captured Constantinople, assisted Europeans in developing new routes to India.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

3. The Anglo-French period in the Great Geographical Discoveries covers the time –

1) from the 15th to the mid-16th centuries, 2) from the mid-16th - 17th centuries, 3) from the 16th - 17th centuries,

4) from the XIV to the middle of the XVII centuries.

4. The sea route to India, which runs around the coast of Africa and is known to Arab merchants, was discovered by Portuguese sailors led by -

1) Vasco de Gama, 2) Christopher Columbus, 3) Amerigo Vespucci, 4) Bartolomeo Diaz.

5. The most developed state in South America was -

6. The territories of the New World conquered by Europeans were turned into -

1) colonies, 2) dominions, 3) autonomies, 4) independent states.

7. Indicate the dates of the first trip around the world -

8. In the XV - XVI centuries. in Europe there was a transition to

1) workshop production, 2) manufacturing production, 3) factory production,

4) carpet production.

9. The customer distributed orders to urban and rural artisans, taking upon himself all the worries about the purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products, and sales of products - these are:

1) dispersed manufacture, 2) mixed manufacture, 3) centralized manufacture,

4) decentralized manufacturing.

10. The phrase “the sheep ate the people” became widespread in connection with the process -

1) industrialization, 2) naturalization, 3) nationalization, 4) fencing.

11. Indicate the correct statement. The Renaissance is characterized by -

A. Interest in a person’s personality, his individuality.

B. Increased emphasis on religious theology.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

12. During the process of the Counter-Reformation in Europe, a new order was founded by the Spanish nobleman Ignatius of Loyola, its members had to fight for the souls of believers, taking a special oath of allegiance to the pope, renouncing their relatives and subordination to secular rulers. Members of the order were called -

1) Dominicans, 2) Templars, 3) Jesuits, 4) Anabaptists.

13. The Council of Trent decided:

1) The Pope is not the supreme leader of the Catholic Church,

2) The Pope supported the reformation,

3) equalize the rights of Protestant and Catholic clergy,

4) The Pope is the supreme leader of the Catholic Church.

14. The head of the Anglican Church became -

1) patriarch, 2) pope, 3) king, 4) archbishop of London.

15. The formation of an absolutist monarchy in England is associated with the rule -

1) Henry VII, 2) Henry IV, 3) Elizabeth Tudor, 4) Mary Stuart.

16. Are the following statements true?

A. The struggle of the Netherlands against Spanish rule was complicated by the religious disunity of the provinces themselves.

B. The Queen of England actively helped the Spaniards, facilitating the punitive expeditions of the Duke of Alba.

1) only A is true. 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

17. Are the following statements true?

A. After the Thirty Years' War, France's influence in Europe weakened.
B. Sweden became one of the leading countries in Europe, which acquired a powerful standing army as a result of the reforms of King Gustav Adolf.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

18. Turkic (Turkish) tribes finally took possession of the Balkan Peninsula in

1) the end of the 14th century, 2) the beginning of the 15th century, 3) the middle of the 15th century, 4) the end of the 15th century.

19. Janissaries are:

1) the basis of the infantry in the Ottoman Empire, 2) the cavalry in the Ottoman Empire,

3) members of the bureaucratic apparatus in the Ottoman Empire, 4) the Sultan’s inner circle.

20. Zamindars in the Mughal Empire are:

1) representatives of the military class, 2) representatives of the clergy, 3) rich peasants,

4) representatives of influential circles of moneylenders.

Final test. Late Middle Ages. Option No. 4

1) the emergence of new technical inventions in the XIV-XV centuries,

2) the fall of Byzantium under the attacks of the Turks,

3) strengthening the position of the Catholic Church in Western Europe,

4) passion for theological teachings of the Middle Ages.

2. Are the following statements true?

A. The capture of Constantinople by the Turks cut off the route to the East known to Europeans.

B. The search for new routes to India was associated with an increase in demand for spices.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

3. Indicate the significance of the opening of the sea route to India for Europeans -

1) the New World, a number of Caribbean islands, were discovered

Rich in Europe

4. Spain and Portugal, with the blessing of the Pope, concluded the Treaty of Tordesilla, which delimited their overseas possessions in -

1) 1490, 2) 1494, 3) 1497, 4) 1500.

5. Indicate the correct statement.

A. The word “Inca” means the people who created the state, its supreme ruler and officials.

B. The Incas built a developed network of roads.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

6. Canadian territory was captured -

1) Spain, 2) Portugal, 3) England, 4) France.

7. Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin discovered the land route to India -
1) 1497-1498, 2) 1493-1503, 3) 1519-1522, 4) 1466-1472.

8. Invented printing in 1445 -

1) I. Guttenberg, 2) I. Fedorov, 3) D. Watt, 4) D. Kay.

9. All labor operations were carried out in one room using machines and tools belonging to the entrepreneur, and the labor of hired workers - this is:

1) dispersed manufacture, 2) mixed manufacture, 3) centralized manufacture,

4) decentralized manufacturing.

10. Indicate the correct statement. In the Late Middle Ages -

A. The importance of entrepreneurs - bankers, merchants, and factory owners - has increased.

B. The number of poor people - artisans, tenant farmers - has increased.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

11. During the Renaissance, the term “humanism” arose, which originally meant -

1) love of humanity, 2) study of man, 3) study of theology, 4) self-knowledge.

12. What provisions were characteristic of the teachings of John Calvin?

1) it is not given to a person to be saved by his own efforts, everything is predetermined from above, who will be saved and who will perish,

2) God gives his chosen ones strong faith, unbending perseverance, perseverance in business,

3) the church serves as a mediator between God and people,

4) the chosen one can check his election by how successful he is in business, in life, respected by people,

5) a person is free and free to determine his own destiny.





13. The peasant war in Germany occurred in –

1) 1517 – 1555, 2) 1522 – 1525, 3) 1524 – 1525, 4) 1525 – 1526

14. Indicate the principle by which the series is formed -

N. Copernicus, G. Galileo, D. Bruno.


15. The formation of an absolutist monarchy in France is associated with the rule of

1) Francis I, 2) Louis XI, 3) Charles X, 4) Philip II.

16. Indicate the correct statement. The main contradictions in Europe in the 16th – 17th centuries. -

A. are associated with the struggle for hegemony on the European continent, which the Habsburg dynasty sought to achieve.

B. are associated with religious confrontation.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

17. The Peace of Westphalia was signed -

1) 1635, 2) 16 48, 3) 1658, 4) 1668

18. Europe partially got rid of the Turkish threat by

1) the beginning of the 15th century, 2) the end of the 15th century, 3) the beginning of the 16th century, 4) the end of the 16th century.

19. The minister at the court of the Turkish Sultan was called -

1) pasha, 2) vizier, 3) kadiasker, 4) defterdar.

20. The teachings of the Sikhs became widespread in -

1) north of India, 2) east of India, 3) west of India, 4) south of India.

Final test. Late Middle Ages. Option No. 5

1.Indicate one of the reasons for the Great Geographical Discoveries

1) development of crafts and trade in Europe, 3) strengthening of the position of the Catholic Church in Western Europe,

2) the fall of Byzantium under the attacks of the Turks, 4) a passion for theological teachings of the Middle Ages.

2. Indicate the significance of Christopher Columbus’s voyage for Europeans -

1) the New World, a number of Caribbean islands, the Bahamas, Cuba were discovered

2) the wealth of the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans poured into the Spanish treasury, making the kings of Spain the most

Rich in Europe

3) a sea route to India was discovered, from where a stream of spices, incense, gold and gems poured out

4) the western coast of Africa and the Cape of Good Hope were discovered for the first time

3. One of the consequences of the “great geographical discoveries” was

1) the transformation of Spanish and Portuguese grandees into entrepreneurs and bankers

2) strengthening the struggle of the British crown against English pirates interfering with Spanish maritime trade

3) the Spaniards invested funds coming from the colonies in the development of manufactories and the production of goods

4) depreciation of money due to the excessive influx of gold and silver into Europe

4. As a result of geographical discoveries, the city became the center of world trade -

1) Venice, 2) Genia, 3) Antwerp, 4) Madrid.

5. The Mayan civilization existed in –

1) I - X centuries, 2) V-XV centuries, 3) X - XV centuries, 4) I - XV centuries.

6. England's first colony in America was named -

1) Virginia, 2) Plymouth, 3) Texas, 4) Virginia.

7. The Earth has the shape of a ball, it was proven as a result of travel -

1) Bartolomeo Dias, 2) Christopher Columbus, 3) Vasco da Gama, 4) Ferdinand Magellan.

8. The largest centers of financial activity in the 16th century were -

1) New York, 2) Florence, 3) Berlin, 4) Lyon.

9. The development of manufacturing production contributed to -

1) development of commodity-money relations, 2) strengthening of feudal relations,

3) preservation of subsistence farming, 4) all of the above is true.

10. Indicate the correct statement. In the Late Middle Ages -

A. Common internal markets were formed.

B. The division of labor began to develop on a pan-European scale.

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

11. Match the types of art and their representatives.


1) Architecture A) D. Alighieri,

2) Literature B) L. Da Vinci,

3) Painting B) M. Buonarotti,

4) Sculpture G) F. Rabelais,

D) D. Pisano

12. In the 16th century. began a period of revision of a number of church canons and a decrease in the influence of the church, which received the name -

1) Heresy, 2) Renaissance, 3) Reformation, 4) Inquisition.

13. Are the following statements true?

A. Protestantism was associated with the emergence of the spirit of entrepreneurship, the essence of which is: “to be efficient, to work for the glory of the Lord.”

B. According to Protestants, everyone had to work, according to the commandment “He who does not work, let him not eat.”

1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, c) both statements are true, 4) both statements are false.

14. The path to the Kingdom of God lies through the overthrow of monarchs, the destruction of monasteries and the replacement
kov, the triumph of complete equality, thought so -

1) J. Hus, 2) J. Zizka, 3) M. Luther, 4) T. Münzer.

15. Edict of Nantes –

1) equalized the rights of Catholics and Protestants in France,

2) established the final dominance of the Protestant Church in France,

3) established the final dominance of the Catholic Church in France,

4) established the principle “whose power, his faith.”

16. The first successful anti-feudal revolution in Europe occurred in –

1) the Netherlands, 2) England, 3) Spain, 4) Germany.

17. One of the results of the Peace of Westphalia was

1) establishment of the Catholic faith in northern Germany

2) the formation of a new world order, in which national and state interests came to the fore

3) the final expulsion of the Huguenots from the territory of France, their emigration to the New World

4) subordination of the Spanish Habsburgs to the Austrian crown

18. The decline of the Ottoman Empire manifested itself -

1) in the 15th century, 2) in the 16th century, 3) in the 17th century, 4) in the 18th century.

19. In 1730, an uprising occurred in Istanbul, as a result of which

1) the Sultan abdicated, 2) a limited monarchy was established in the state,

3) the state collapsed, 4) supporters of reforms came to power.

20. Mughal power became purely nominal in

1) the beginning of the 15th century, 2) the beginning of the 16th century, 3) the beginning of the 17th century, 4) the beginning of the 18th century.


Chapter I

1 option

Select number one correct answer

1. The fall of the Western Roman Empire occurred in:

1) 395 g. 2) 410 g. 3) 476 g. 4) 500 g.

2. The Verdun division of Charlemagne's empire occurred in:

1) 786 2) 800 3) 843 4) 1066

3. The Norman conquest of England took place in:

1) 843 g, 2) 962 g. 3) 1066 g. 4) 1100 g.

3) the beginning of the reign of Charlemagne

4) Verdun section

5. Later than others happened:

1) division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern

2) proclamation of the empire of Charlemagne

3) the end of the reign of King Clovis

4) the adoption of Christianity by the Franks

6. Viking campaigns took place over... centuries:

I) IV - VII 2) V - VIII 3) VI - X 4) IX - XI

7. The Kingdom of the Franks arose in the territory of:

1) Gaul 3) Britain 2) Italy 4) North Africa

8. In 486, the Franks were defeated at the Battle of Soissons:

1) Romans 3) Normans 2) Hungarians 4) Arabs

9. Charlemagne made about 30 military campaigns against:

1) Arabs 3) Saxons 2) Slavs 4) Franks

10. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the tribes of the Angles and Saxons settled in the territory of:

3) British Isles 4) Gaul

11. The Franks adopted Christianity following the example of the king:

1) Clovis 3) Odoacer 2) Theodoric 4) Stilicho

12. The managers of individual parts of the state appointed by the king were called:

1) counts 3) feudal lords 2) magnates 4) benefices

13. A special way of thinking - a teaching that disagrees with the provisions of the church, is called:

1) heresy 3) apocalypse 2) canon 4) gospel

14. Land ownership, given on condition of non-military service and inherited called:

15. The abbot of the monastery was called:

1) monk 3) abbot 2) pope 4) patriarch

16. Charlemagne's empire collapsed because:

1) there were no economic ties between the regions 2) the Franks converted to Christianity

3) was conquered by the Normans 4) was conquered by the Arabs

17. Around the year 1000, the Normans were the first Europeans to reach the shores of:

1) Africa 3) South America 2) North America 4) China and India

18. The reason for the success of the Viking campaigns of conquest:

1) the use of mercenary troops 2) the economic backwardness of the conquered peoples

3) the presence of a strong royal squad 4) feudal fragmentation of European states

19. The record of the most important events by year during the Middle Ages was called:

1) runes 3) miniatures 2) annals 4) scriptoria

20. Events in the history of the Frankish state: ___1____2____3____

A. Verdun section

B. The emergence of the Frankish kingdom

21. Empires during the early Middle Ages: ___1____2____3____

22. Viking campaigns: ___1____2____3____

Please note superfluous.

23. Date Name of historical process

G. Viking Campaigns

24. Historical figure Event

25. Concept

1. Feud

2. Feudal lord

3. Feudal fragmentation


A. The collapse of a single state into separate parts

B. Land ownership transmitted by inheritance

B. Tax paid to the church

D. Land owner

26. Charlemagne was proclaimed emperor in _____.

27. The set of educational subjects studied in monastery schools during the Middle Ages was called the “seven __________________ arts.”

28. The basis of culture during the Middle Ages was _______________ religion.

29. The empire of Charlemagne, as a result of its division between his grandchildren, broke up into three independent states. Later they became known as France, Italy and ___________.

30. The division of Charlemagne’s empire between his grandchildren took place in ______.


Chapter I. Western Europe in the early Middle Ages

Option 2

Select number one correct answer

1. The Kingdom of the Franks was founded in:

1) 410 g. 2) 476 g. 3) 486 g. 4) 500 g.

2. The proclamation of the empire of Charlemagne occurred in:

1) 500 g. 2) 600 g. 3) 700 g. 4) 800 g.

3. The creation of the Holy Roman Empire occurred in:

1) 800 g. 2) 843 g. 3) 962 g. 4) 1066 g.

4. An event occurred earlier than others:

1) collapse of the empire of Charlemagne

2) the fall of the Western Roman Empire

3) the emergence of the Frankish kingdom

4) division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern

5. An event occurred later than others:

1) creation of the Holy Roman Empire

2) Norman conquest of England

3) Great Migration

4) Verdun section

6. The Great Migration of Peoples continued for... centuries:

1) III-VI 2) IV-VII 3) V-VIII 4) VI-XI

7. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, its territory was inhabited by tribes:

1) Germans 3) Slavs 2) Huns 4) Arabs

8. Before the conquest of the Western Roman Empire, the Germanic tribes lived east of the river:

1) Danube 3) Loire 2) Rhine 4) Elbe

9. In 732, the Franks were defeated at the Battle of Poitiers:

1) Romans 3) Vandals 2) Arabs 4) Lombards

10. The German tribe of Vandals, after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, settled in the territory of:

1) Gaul 3) Spain 2) Italy 4) North Africa

11. The Germanic tribe of the Visigoths, after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, settled in the territory of:

1) Iberian Peninsula 2) Apennine Peninsula

3) North Africa 4) Gaul

12. Bloody wars between representatives of the nobility were called:

1) benefits 3) ceremonies 2) strife 4) reforms

13. The most important provisions of religious doctrine are called:

1) symbol 3) church 2) dogma 4) heresy

14. Church servants are called:

1) monasteries 3) scriptoria 2) benefices 4) clergy

15. The most important centers of culture and education in the Middle Ages were:

1) royal castles 2) large cities

3) centers of feudal estates 4) monasteries

16. All parishioners (believers) had to pay a tax to maintain the church. It was:

1) half the harvest 2) a quarter of the harvest 3) a fifth of the harvest 4) a tenth of the harvest

17. The Normans, who carried out campaigns of conquest and the early Middle Ages, were natives of:

1) Scandinavian Peninsula 2) British Isles 3) Greenland 4) Germany

18. At a time when the European states were threatened from the north by the Normans, devastating raids were carried out from the south by:

1) Slavs 3) Hungarians 2) Huns 4) Vandals

19. The main language in which services were conducted and books were copied during the Middle Ages:

1) Latin 3) English 2) Greek 4) Germanic dialect

20. Material on which books were written during the Middle Ages:

1) paper 2) papyrus 3) silk 4) parchment

Set the correct sequence of events

21. Events in the history of the Frankish state: ____1____2____3____

A. Verdun section

B. The emergence of the Frankish kingdom

B. Fall of the Western Roman Empire

22. Empires during the early Middle Ages: ___1____2____3____

A. Proclamation of the Empire of Charlemagne

B. Creation of the Holy Roman Empire

B. Sawing of the Western Roman Empire

23. Viking campaigns: ___1____2____3____

A. Conquest of England by Duke William

B. Activities of King Alfred the Great

B. The voyage of Eirik the Red to the shores of North America

Establish the correct correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. Please note that one of the elements in the right column is superfluous.

24. Date Name of historical process

1. IV-VII centuries. A. Early Middle Ages

2. IX-XI centuries. B. Great Migration

3. V-XI centuries. B. The period of feudal fragmentation

G. Viking Campaigns

25. Historical figure Event

1. Clovis A. “Carolingian Renaissance”

2. Alcuin B. Conquest of England

3. Otto I V. Creation of the Frankish state

D. Founding of the Holy Roman Empire

26. Concept

1. Gospel

2. Monasticism

3. Church tithe


A. People who have completely devoted their lives to serving God

B. Organization of all believers in God

B. Description of the life and works of Jesus Christ

D. Tax paid to the church

Fill in the missing word, phrase or date

27. In the 9th century, throughout Europe, priests offered prayers: “Lord, protect us from the wrath_______________!”

28. In Italy, on lands donated by the king to the Pope, in In the 8th century the Papal State arose. A fragment of this state, which still exists on the territory of Rome, is called ____________________.

29. The Norman Duke William, who conquered England and became its king, received the nickname _______________.

30. During the period of feudal fragmentation, the power of the kings weakened. They began to be called “the first among __________________.”