Happy birthday wishes for a child 1. Happy birthday and other holidays, wishes, poems. Scenarios, competitions, toasts. Funny congratulations on a one year old boy in verse

Good day to everyone who has visited my site. So you, like me, are interested in everything related to holidays, gifts and good mood)

Today I have prepared for you an article on the topic “congratulations to a child’s 1st birthday.” Therefore, if you are going to a party for a little birthday boy or you yourself will soon organize such an event, then this article was written especially for you.

The first year of life is a real test for young parents. The sleepless nights are behind us, the first inept steps in the role of mom and dad.

Therefore, the first birthday is more of a holiday for the baby’s parents.

It is customary for us to celebrate this holiday widely and on a grand scale, inviting all relatives, friends and, of course, godparents of the birthday person.

How to congratulate

Going to a birthday party one year old baby, do not forget about congratulations to your mother. Be sure to take a bouquet of flowers in addition to the toy. This is a special day for mom and she will be very pleased that you congratulate her first.

Remember the basic rule - we congratulate the parents and give a gift to the child. It’s better to congratulate in prose, it comes out more from the heart.

How to celebrate a birthday

Young parents really want this day to be remembered forever, so they need to prepare in advance for the celebration of their 1st birthday.

Deciding on venue of the holiday. Of course, if your budget allows, you won’t have to rack your brains for long. It’s much easier to order a restaurant to which you can invite all your relatives, and for little guests, order an animator.

But, if you have a very limited budget, then this is not a reason to be upset and give in to despondency. You can have a wonderful holiday at home, but for this you will have to turn to relatives and friends for help.

Menu. If the composition of the guests implies the presence of more children, in addition to the smallest birthday boy, then be sure to make 2 tables: an adult and a child.

It's better to separate them. Then children will not disturb adults, and they will have more fun with their peers. (Of course, we are talking about older children; you obviously won’t be able to keep one-year-olds away)).

You are unlikely to be able to prepare the table yourself, so ask your close friends and mothers to help you with this. There is no need to prove to everyone on this day what a wonderful housewife you are, capable of baking a cake of 16 layers.

Mom should be cheerful, rested and receiving guests with a smile. Better save your energy for entertaining your guests.

You don't need a lot of alcohol, it's still... children's party and it should not turn into a long adult feast.

Leisure. In order for guests to have fun and not forget that they came to a children's party, it is necessary to think through the program. Prepare in advance comic competitions with the obligatory presentation of prizes from the birthday person. These can be pleasant and useful little things.

Consider diplomas and certificates for grandparents and godparents of the birthday boy. During the feast, under the next toast, you can make a speech of gratitude for their worries and care this year, and then present a memorial document.

Room decoration. Everything in your home should tell visiting guests that there is a holiday here. little baby. Inflate and hang more bright balloons. Make pompoms from colored paper. Great idea The design will be a train of 12 carriages, where instead of each carriage there is a photograph of the birthday boy.

Number the cars in chronological order as the baby grows older. Guests will be interested in looking at funny pictures of how he grew up.

Musical accompaniment. The holiday atmosphere consists not only of deliciously prepared dishes and a beautifully set table. Think about the musical accompaniment in advance. Let these be songs from children's cartoons. This will immediately put your guests in a festive mood.

Photo zone. Nowadays it is very fashionable to set aside space for photographs. This could be a sofa, an armchair, decorated with balls, pompoms, etc.

You can prepare funny and humorous accessories for adult guests: caps, hats, funny glasses made of paper, mustaches on sticks - the photos will turn out to be very original and funny.

What to give a little birthday boy

For many, especially those who do not yet have their own children, the question of what to give their baby becomes a real problem. I want to please the parents, please the baby, and bring benefit to the family.

By 12 months, the child can already walk and is now actively exploring the space around him.

Adults need to do a lot with the baby, developing fine motor skills, speech, coordination of movements and logical thinking. Therefore, when choosing toys, it is better to give preference to educational games.

The cost of the gift is not at all important to the child; the parents are more likely to appreciate it. But the toy must be of high quality. A curious fidget puts everything in its mouth, so the material from which the toy is made must be environmentally friendly and have a quality certificate.

You should not give toys that do not have an age limit. All of them should have large parts that the little one cannot swallow. Avoid bright, acidic colors and battery-powered games.

Can be given as a gift

Educational books. These are textile soft bright books with pages different textures. Rustling, clinking, cracking, etc. All this greatly amuses the baby and through tactile sensations he learns to understand the world around him.

Sorter toy. Nowadays there is a wide variety of toys in children's stores, the purpose of which is to teach the child to correctly select the shapes of objects.

Choose large sorters with large holes. The baby is still very inexperienced in such games, so messing with small details he may simply not have the patience.

Bike. Of course, some time will still have to pass before the baby masters the art of independently driving children's transport, but in the spring and summer, the baby will be interested in walking with his mother on such a bicycle.

Wheelchair. A toy that the baby will roll in front of him. You can choose from musical accompaniment, then walks will become doubly fun and interesting.

Cubes. Be careful when choosing these toys. The baby may start throwing them, so it is better to choose lightweight plastic or soft ones so that he does not harm himself.

Stroller will make the girl very happy. She has not yet learned to play with dolls, but is already beginning to imitate her mother. When going for a walk, your little one will definitely want to take her own little doll stroller with her.

Rolling car. A little boy will love to sit in such a toy, which will be controlled by dad.

Cloth. This is a very practical and useful gift, which the mother of the little birthday boy will undoubtedly appreciate, but the baby himself, of course, is not interested in it. Therefore, be sure to buy in addition a small toy that the child can play with.

Money. Of course, many people prefer not to give money, but sometimes parents hint that they would like to choose a useful gift themselves. In this case, be sure to supplement the envelope with a small toy for your baby.

Many of these ideas will also be useful for celebrating your little one’s second birthday.

If you liked my tips and ideas for celebrating your first birthday, share the link with your friends. Subscribe to the blog and come visit! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

First birthday for the baby and his parents - special holiday, which should definitely be noted. Relatives and friends often prepare large gifts, which are decorated with beautiful and pleasant congratulations.

Happy birthday greetings to a 1 year old girl: in verse, prose, in your own words, SMS

The first holiday, when a baby turns exactly one year old, is a special event both in his life and in the life of his parents. The child ceases to be a newborn and boldly crosses the threshold that leads him to a happy childhood. As a rule, it is customary to celebrate the first birthday noisily and cheerfully with family and friends.

Modern parents often choose a specific theme for the holiday and give it the style of a pirate party, a royal ball or a parade of cartoon characters.

Celebrating the first birthday for a girl: themes, gifts, congratulations, wishes

Whatever the holiday: a modest family event or a chic, exuberant celebration on a grand scale, the main thing is the presence of beautiful and pleasant congratulations from loved ones who will decorate this day and give many pleasant memories.

Congratulations for a girl on her first birthday in verse:

One day a stork flew into your house
And gave you this joy.
Now a year has flown by,
Your daughter is just sweetness!

Took the beginning of the path-path
Today is my first birthday,
Your princess is growing up, baby,
A big blessing to her!

I wish the baby to eat enough,
Be radiant and listen to your parents.
I wish the year brings a lot of laughter,
The baby can’t hide from the blessings and success!

A special holiday has come, it is simple, but the most important!
Everyone gathered, dressed up, and prepared poems.
Here is a princess, and once upon a time we were her glorious little girl
Everyone has met, so let's wish her love today!

Today the holiday came and took the guests by surprise,
How so? - Yesterday I was a baby, and today I’m already a year old?
This happens with kids, so let's all get together
Let's wish this little one a round dance of colors in her life!

Once upon a time this baby entered your house like a lump
With a huge fluffy bow and a loud voice.
I hasten to congratulate her, even on her tiny birthday,
I want your life to be full of goodness!

Today on this first birthday
I will boldly give it to your beautiful daughter
A big important gift - love and mood,
And I’ll boldly buy her everything else!

Congratulations on the holiday in honor of the child’s first birthday in prose, in your own words and in verse

Congratulations in prose:

Dear (child's name)! I want to congratulate you on your first birthday. Many years will pass, and we will remember you as the tiny, charming princess you appeared before us today. I want to tell you that such beautiful girls like you - there simply is no more in the world! That is why you must become the happiest and most loved! I wish you all earthly blessings, success, progress and good health!

Beloved (child's name)! On this day you are extraordinarily beautiful! Your smile shines with many bright rays and warms the heart of every guest present. Always be joyful, don’t be discouraged over trifles, strive for the best and be an example! Happy first holiday to you! Be loved!

Dear (girl's name)! It's hard to express in simple words how each of us admires your beauty, your cheerfulness and charm! Sometimes it seems that you are the most beautiful child in the world and therefore I want not to wish, but to predict for you great happiness in life, prosperity and good luck! You are incredibly lucky to have such caring and loving parents, grow up to their joy, don’t get sick, don’t be upset and always smile!

SMS to congratulate a girl on her 1st birthday:

A holiday has come to you today,
Congratulations - exactly one year old!
Let joy burst into your home
And the round dance will begin!

Here is my congratulations to you -
Let the baby know no troubles.
In this first birth
My joyful greetings to you!

How I want to congratulate you
Wish you a lot of good things.
I'm in a hurry to send an SMS
And I hasten to kiss you!

Happy birthday greetings to a 1 year old boy: in verse, prose, in your own words, SMS

In order for the first birthday party to be remembered by all guests present, it should definitely be filled with colorful congratulations and wishes in honor of the baby. Even if the holiday is quite modest and parents do not have the opportunity to spend it on a grand scale, it is worth preparing for generous wishes for the little birthday boy.

Happy birthday greetings in verses for a 1 year old boy:

Well, finally the long-awaited holiday
I burst into this noisy, harmonious house.
Let the nice boy grow up happy,
I’ll read poetry to you at the table in his honor!

Let neither sorrow nor illness disturb him,
May your sleep be peaceful and your soul calm.
Let songs flow in his honor every day
And your son’s life will be good!

Our dear guests will all say together and very amicably,
Today we want to wish only the best for the little one!
Be happy baby, grow up obedient,
Birthday brings joy. You will never know trouble!

Baby, your one year old gave us happiness,
Today there is a lot of joy, smiles and fun.
Let your age be remembered as a holiday,
Let every corner of the house be filled with ringing laughter!

Today is your holiday, happy
Not so much love and kindness!
Remember your first year,
We will walk until the morning!

Today you are not just a birthday boy,
You are a first-year student, congratulations!
Grow up as a kind, wise, strong man,
Live and never be discouraged!

Today is a year, today is a holiday,
I want all your dreams to come true!
You're a baby, a little prankster,
Happy, joyful growth!

How time quickly rushes and rushes,
Just think... your baby is exactly one year old!
I wish that the sun shone for him all his life,
May good luck enter his life forever!

What a beautiful, joyful boy!
Him today. guests, exactly one year!
Forget about the pacifier, keep books as gifts,
Now you're an adult, you have a lot of troubles!

Today everyone wants to warm up from your smile,
You are the birthday boy, today is your birthday.
Enter happily into your crazy childhood,
May goodness, goodness, and luck rush by your side!

Congratulations for the boy

Congratulations in prose:

Dear (child's name)! We hasten to congratulate you on your real holiday! I wish you to remember it for the rest of your life because it is filled with the happy faces of your parents, beautiful and colorful gifts, pleasant words and joy! Be a happy, obedient boy, enjoy simple little things and never envy anyone! Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it!

Beloved (child's name)! I congratulate you on your first birthday and wish you only the most pleasant events in your still small, but real life! Make your parents happy with your success, don’t get sick and enjoy life! You have so many interesting things to experience and may the whole universe strive to fulfill your every dream! Happy Birthday Baby!

Dear (child's name)! I want to congratulate you on the fact that today you have crossed your first threshold and entered a happy childhood! One year is one step in the huge ladder of life and this holiday tells us that every day you will become more mature, stronger and more beautiful! Be your parents' pride and joy! Be a protector and support for the family. I wish you happiness and only prosperity!

Congratulations on your 1st birthday via SMS:

My congratulations come to you in a hurry
Great joy to share,
Baby let this birthday
He will remember it for the rest of his life!

I want to congratulate you sincerely
With a huge and festive date.
The baby has passed his first year,
And he was once a baby!

Joy, laughter, smiles, tears
Everything is spinning topsy-turvy.
A year old is a cool age,
The holiday has taken over your home!

Once upon a time the baby was tiny,
Today he is a grown boy!
May he always be good
The bunny is celebrating his one year anniversary!

Happy birthday greetings to parents for a 1 year old child: in poetry, prose, in your own words, SMS

An important part in the entire celebration of the baby’s first birthday is congratulating the parents on this event. The first anniversary has always been considered a special date more for mom and dad than for the child himself, because he is still at an age when he is not very capable of understanding what is happening.

The first year of a child is very significant for parents, because after that we can confidently call them experienced and knowledgeable in upbringing. On this occasion, you should prepare special congratulations that can lift your spirits, relieve fatigue and lift your spirit. Such congratulations can be in poetry, in the form of prose, or even SMS messages.

Beautiful short poems can be solemnly read for festive table, write on a postcard or send a simple SMS message.

Congratulations for parents on their child’s 1st birthday in verse:

Look, parents, how quickly he grew up,
Here he waves his hand, here he takes a spoon.
Today an event happened in the house,
Your baby is solemnly celebrating the year!

Today is your baby's first birthday,
Guests gathered and brought a bunch of gifts.
May there be harmony, peace, luck in your home,
And your child will be the best in the world!

Look at the child, you parents,
What a beautiful, joyful baby!
Today you are happy and amazing!
Let your strong man give you pride and love!

Understand how happy parents are
No one can, in the first year of childhood,
Empty this holiday is bright, delightful
It will give you happiness and bring good luck!

This holiday sparkles with flowers and gifts,
Today the baby is only one year old!
Your playful little prankster grew up so quickly,
It will add more troubles to your life!

We congratulate you from the heart,
Today is the baby's first year.
His smile helps his loved ones warm up in the cold,
May everything be good in his life!

Today is a special day for everyone,
After all, one year is the first anniversary.
It seems like I was born just yesterday,
Today he is among the children!

Congratulations for the baby's parents in verse and prose in honor of his first birthday

Congratulations for the parents of the baby in a prosaic form or in your own words:

Dear (parents' names)! Today we can safely say that you have passed your first life experience in raising a child successfully. You were able to raise this fabulous baby with love and gave him everything he needed. Congratulations on a difficult but happy year, remain the same understanding and kind mom and dad for the rest of your child’s life!

Dear Parents! I would like to express special gratitude to you for strictly limiting yourself in all the joys of life, giving your child everything he needed: love, prosperity, attention. Look at the result of your efforts - a beautiful and happy baby. We can say with confidence that you are great! Congratulations!

Dear parents! Today we are convinced that all your efforts invested in upbringing did not turn out to be unnecessary or in vain. You raised a wonderful child. I would so like to congratulate you on this happy holiday and wish you further inspiration, not to lose heart when difficulties appear along the way, to be confident and courageous. We wish you only happy family days and endless prosperity!

Happy birthday greetings for a short 1 year old child

A short congratulation can always be written in a beautiful handwriting on a greeting card so that parents can keep it for a long memory, it can be read in the form of a toast at a gala table or, on occasion, sent to all close and dear people in a message as per social networks, and on the phone.

A short congratulation is always a convenient form of communication that does not take up much space and always carries a clear, understandable meaning.

Short congratulations for the baby's first birthday:

Congratulating you is a good thing
Today you have an occasion - one year old.
Let the baby boldly smile
Sails forward like a steamboat!

Well done parents today
They have a year old!
The two of us spent the whole year together - fighters!
May they be very happy!

Everyone congratulates you today,
Your holiday has proudly arrived!
And they wish you goodness and love,
More happiness, more strength!

Your little fellow has grown very strong,
May he not encounter adversity,
Let him meet colors in life,
And let him set an example for everyone!

Today is a holiday in your home,
Sleepless, painful days have passed,
Your one-year-old baby fills you with happiness,
It is a dream come true for parents!

Short congratulations on the holiday in honor of the baby’s first year of life

Funny funny birthday greetings for a 1 year old child

Cheerful congratulations with a bit of humor can lift the mood even on the most boring and sad holiday. Cheerful congratulations can be sent by message, or you can read them at the table in the form of a toast:

Your little son -
This is our reason to celebrate!
Sits in his pants
He's one year old today!

I wish you luck
To your boy,
So that he can fight back
And read books!

Your baby is just a bunny
And he is one year old today!
Let the boy grow and become stronger,
May he always be lucky!

Your baby is just a treasure,
All handsome, playful and cheerful.
He has a happy look.
Exactly one year - sing songs!

Our sweet baby, it's your first birthday,
You feel the love and affection of all your family around you,
We sing songs to you and jingle our toys,
You're not bothered by your relatives' heaps of chatter.

You enjoy life without knowing any problems,
Sleeping, eating and playing is your destiny,
We wish you an easy mood in life,
We kiss you all and wish you a Happy Birthday!

I've known for twelve months
The most beautiful angel.
Mothers dream about girls
And my friend has a son.

Grow up healthy and positive
And achieve your goals by playing,
Responsive, proactive,
Look at the world, learning everything.

Cheerful, funny hippopotamus,
I smiled at you, lovingly,
Baby, you are already a year old,
And everyone congratulates you!

All roads are always open
Wonderful kids like you!
Grow up, get healthy
And explore the world slowly!

The child is one year old
There is noise and commotion in the house,
Children's laughter is cheerful, ringing,
It is heard here and there.

Our little son is very smart,
He wants to know everything himself,
A mischievous and naughty girl,
There is bedlam in his house.

But our son is our happiness,
Only with him there is meaning in life.
To save me from harm,
May you always be healthy.

Today is my son's year,
Let everything be, period!
We wish you good luck,
For your first birthday!

Let him grow strong, brave,
And he will be just a nice guy,
Let it be light and simple,
And a golden man!

We want to congratulate mom and dad,
Why are they growing such a wonderful, strong man?
This is a small but necessary gift from us,
You grow up and always be cheerful and cheerful baby.

A year – is it too much or too little?
But your path will be very long - remember,
Well, in the meantime, train, for a good start,
Take the first and important steps in this life.

Grow strong and healthy
May you only be a year old
But already to new heights
You go forward now.

May all new discoveries
They will be joyful, bright,
Well, what if suddenly there’s a bump,
Be a man - don't cry.

Grow up kind and obedient,
Make mom, dad happy.
Yes, the first year was difficult
But joyful to the point of beauty.

A whole year has already passed and you are completely unrecognizable, because from a tiny sleepyhead you have turned into little man, with your own character, talents and enthusiasm! I wish mom and dad to see more of your little boy’s carefree smile, enjoy his little successes, and not worry about his pranks! And for the little one - of course, health, new discoveries and happiness!

It seemed like just yesterday
You were taken from the maternity hospital.
And now all your relatives
Celebrating your one year anniversary at home!

I really want to hug you to my chest
Such a dear boy,
But you're in a hurry to run
And you pull your hand out again.

So curious and smart
Looks like dad and mom.
May it be on your great path
You will meet the best people!

Today is the main holiday in the family,
And one at the head,
And congratulations are all right,
For both the baby and the whole family,

And on the very first birthday,
You don’t even know what to want:
Grow in joy and fun,
Too many toys to count!

Congratulations on this wonderful event! The first year is big
achievement. Now I wish parents to be patient,
self-control, endurance and, of course, love. And to your child -
Grow up healthy, inquisitive, cheerful and friendly!

Today we congratulate you on your first year of life,
We count minutes of joy and happiness throughout the year,
You give a sea of ​​positivity, every moment,
Happy Birthday to you today, little one!

Grow the baby to the joy of everyone close to you,
May your sweet childhood pass without problems,
Grow, play, laugh, cry and have fun,
Be naughty, jump, make noise, throw toys.

Our most beloved boy,
Our best and unique,
You are one year old today!
Let a miracle happen!

Lots of gifts and joy
Happiness, health and sweetness.
Baby, grow smart and strong,
May the Angel help you on your way!

Sunny bunnies
They shine joyfully
Someone's naughty
Eyes are burning!

Laughter is funny, dear,
The cheeks are a sight to behold!
You are a treasure, you are a treasure!
Happy first birthday!

Happy birthday to our little angel! After all, today you are already 1 year old. Grow for the joy of all of us. I wish you a carefree and bright childhood, more kisses and affectionate words from all your relatives, especially from mom and dad. May you have many kind and sweet friends. Let there be plenty of candy, ice cream and toys. Make your mom happy every day with a smile, and your dad with confident steps. Happy birthday to you, sunshine!

Dear birthday boy,
Our boy is golden
Congratulations on your first year,
I wish you happiness without boundaries!

Let the porridge be delicious,
Laziness and sadness are unknown,
Bogatyrsky - appetite.
Be happy, healthy and well fed!

Beautiful congratulations on one year old girl

I congratulate you today
This little sun!
A year ago with mom and dad
The light in the window came on.

May miracles surround you
Your little life
Let no one offend.
Sleep, play, have fun!

The first paths in life
Let them be full of victories!
Your tiny feet
Let them leave their mark everywhere!

Today is the year of our princess,
Let him grow up healthy
Let everyone in the area be more beautiful
It brings light and joy to everyone!

Let him develop, play,
Cheerfully, cheerfully laughs,
Like a flower blooming
And always reaches for the sun!

The first year for a child,
It means a lot
Your nimble girl
Lovely, nothing less!

The guys will dance in a round dance,
Let's play loaf!
Your baby has a date!
Whoever you want, choose!

Happy brew day baby!
A ray of sunshine from heaven.
Our beauty and little bunny,
May life be full of miracles.

We wish you a lot
Get different toys.
A bright, big childhood
And welcome a good fairy tale.

Don't worry, grow a flower
For our joy and peace.
Let him keep it day and night
Your little angel is behind you.

Little princess's birthday
I would like to wish you good health,
Parents rich and healthy,
And learn to shoot with your eyes.

The first birthday is happiness
For the parents of a cute little girl!
I want your princess to grow up
Sweet, smart, gentle and happy!

First year from birth
Please accept congratulations.
The little girl has learned a lot
I had a lot of fun this year.

Let him sleep soundly at night,
He sniffs sweetly through his nose.
Cutting teeth didn't hurt,
The little girl was happy.

To mom and dad - strength, patience,
And good mood to you.
And let the baby grow,
Everything blooms every year!

Princess, you are our sunshine,
A whole year has already flown by!
You have become more mature and more beautiful,
Now learn to step forward!

Grow beautiful like a flower
Healthy, beloved by everyone!
May every day of your life
Makes you happy!

Birthday, first one,
The main holiday for the family.
Mom and dad are next to you,
We congratulate you together!

Cake, gifts, kisses,
And balloons.
Today everyone is spoiling you,
Be healthy always.

Many joyful moments
Every day we wish.
Bright days, bright emotions,
Let your dreams come true.

Today your daughter is one year old!
How quickly life goes by.
Recently we drank to the birth,
And now it’s my first birthday.

Let the baby grow up to be a beauty
And the angel protects her from harm,
May her life always be bright.
We wish her health and warmth!

You are exactly one year old today -
The sun seems to shine brighter.
We congratulate you on your birthday
And we wish only the best!

Grow up, baby, to be the smartest,
Cheerful, affectionate and noisy,
Beautiful, bright, unusual,
Funny, sweet, pretty!

Congratulations to your little and beautiful miracle on the first year of life. We wish your baby good temperament and strong character, good health and tenacious mind, harmonious development and easy friendship, golden childhood and happy destiny.

You've grown up in a year.
Bloomed like a flower,
She became more beautiful and sweeter,
The sun has become brighter!

You grow, to our joy,
Not by days, but by hours.
Be obedient and always
Cheerful, dear!

Happiness to you, sunshine
And success only in fate...
Be healthy and beautiful,
Be cheerful and happy!

Let it start today
Life is about giving gifts,
And you, baby, happiness,
Definitely get it.

Let the sun shine today
To give you warmth
So that from friendly smiles,
My soul became light.

I wish you a lot,
Have wonderful wonderful days,
And so that in the sky so far away,
The angel remembered you!

The year flew by unnoticed -
It's your first birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Time to spend with you.

Wish you more happiness
Listen to your elders, don’t get sick,
Laugh loudly and have fun
It's joyful to look at the world.

A child's birthday is not only his holiday, but also his parents and loved ones. If your little boy or girl is celebrating his 1st birthday, congratulations will also be sent to his parents. His parents took an active part in everything that the baby achieved this year. Therefore, when preparing your congratulations, mention in them the child’s father, mother, and grandparents. If you are invited to the birthday party of a child who is one year old, be sure to buy him a gift. It’s for him, not for dad or mom. Don't buy diapers and other similar things. Small child will appreciate a beautiful, bright rattle or educational toy with lots of flashing lights and funny sound effects.

Today is the most important holiday!
My son is turning one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him tenderly on the cheek!
May your son be cheerful
Growing up smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the joy of your friends and family!

Sunny bunnies
They shine joyfully
Your eyes are bright
The lights are on!
Laughter is funny, dear,
Cheeks - a sight for sore eyes,
You are a treasure
You are a treasure!
Happy first birthday!

Happy Birthday!
With the very first
We congratulate the baby!
Let it be for joy
Mom and Dad
My daughter is growing up healthy
Both beautiful and cheerful,
And a little naughty,
And continue on in life firmly
He stomps his feet forward!

Happy first year! A bright ray
May the sun always warm you,
May every day give you gifts!
Remember that we love you very much!

May your first birthday
It will be a holiday for loved ones!
Treats instead of pacifiers
Chocolate and toffee.
Let all the guests entertain,
Together they crawl, babble,
They make the “magpie” themselves
And they laugh along with their hands!

Real family:
Mom, dad and child -
Dear child,
The sun is golden!
Cute creature
For your admiration,
Your joy is forever,
A year has passed, and then two...
Let ten pass by -
Your joy will not be interrupted.
It will only multiply
If you try really hard!
What do you put in your child?
Even twenty years later
You will have plenty.
May God give you a smooth life!

Our dear baby. Happy Birthday - you are one year old! What a joy it is to look at your first steps and hear your first words, which you still hesitantly pronounce. You are our sunshine, you are our joy, you are our happiness in our destiny.

Goodbye pacifiers, goodbye diapers -
Our baby has become an adult and smart child!
The mouth is full of teeth, and the pot has submitted,
You've already come to terms with the tasteless cutlet.

More surprises await parents soon -
Drawings on the walls, funny whims.
Get ready, baby, there are a lot of worries.
After all, you are already an adult - you are a whole year old.

The princess is already one year old,
How quickly time goes by.
We sincerely congratulate you,
And we wish the little one:

May you grow up happy,
Sweet, smart and beautiful.
Let the baby not get sick
He will overcome all adversity.

Let him receive gifts
Let only the good know.
I wish you happiness, there is peace in the family,
And adversity - stay away!

Happy first birthday
Congratulations for the baby.
Be more beautiful than all the flowers,
Mom and dad are happy about their daughter.

Eye of gentle radiance,
The girl is charming,
The bunny is sleeping in the crib,
Tiny nose sniffles.

Be cheerful, of course
We sincerely wish you
To eat well,
She was smart and pretty.

Mom, dad, be patient,
And love and respect.
May the holy angels
Protect your daughter!

Congratulations to the beautiful princess on her first year! I wish you, my dear, to stomp confidently along the paths of happiness, to hold tightly in your hands the ticket to a wonderful country. Grow up obedient and cheerful, the most beautiful and talented, cheerful and brave, sweet and wonderful girl!

It's a joyful holiday for you,
The year flew by like an hour.
I send congratulations to the baby
On her first birthday!
Let life be a good fairy tale,
So that the eyes do not know tears,
They just sparkled with joy!
For the fairies to fly
They brought a lot of gifts:
Dolls, bears, rhinoceroses,
A ball and a big book.
Happy Birthday Baby!

The first year is the most important
The most reverent, brave.
The baby has already grown up,
Your daughter, your mouse!

Let your baby grow up healthy
It will be sweet like candy.
And she will be the happiest one,
Joy for mom, pride for dad!

I wish the baby smiles and laughter,
Bright sun, sea of ​​success,
Grow sweet, healthy, beautiful,
Obstacles are easy to overcome on the way,
For mom and dad to be a clear sun,
The most fun and the most beautiful!

It seems like only yesterday that this little baby made her entire family happy with her appearance, and a whole year has already passed. And today we all congratulate the happy parents on the first birthday of their little daughter. We wish her to grow up healthy and beautiful, smart and incredibly happy.

Here's to the little princess
Turning one year old!
Let the scarlet flower
Smiles more often!

May she be healthy
Let her grow up to be a beauty.
May people be kind to her
We meet on the way!

The baby is one year old, congratulations!
How quickly the little one is growing.
We wish your sweetie good health,
And may God protect her.

We wish the girl always
Be smart and beautiful
May there be a good fate
Life is easy and happy.

We send congratulations to your sweetheart,
Happy first year, wonderful birth.
Happiness to the baby, a wonderful childhood,
Dear, friendly neighborhood!

Let your daughter grow up beautiful,
The smartest and happiest.
Let her life flow like in a fairy tale
The kindest and most beautiful!