The first tsar in Rus' from the Rurik dynasty. Rurik dynasty on the Russian throne

24. Vasily Shuisky was not a descendant of Rurik in the direct royal line, so the last Rurikovich on the throne is still considered the son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich.

25. Ivan III’s adoption of the double-headed eagle as a heraldic sign is usually associated with the influence of his wife Sophia Paleologus, but this is not the only version of the origin of the coat of arms. Perhaps it was borrowed from the heraldry of the Habsburgs, or from the Golden Horde, who used a double-headed eagle on some coins. Today, the double-headed eagle appears on the coats of arms of six European states.

26. Among the modern “Rurikovichs” there is the now living “Emperor of Holy Rus' and Third Rome”, he has the “New Church of Holy Rus'”, “Cabinet of Ministers”, “State Duma”, “ Supreme Court", "Central Bank", "Ambassadors Plenipotentiary", "National Guard".

27. Otto von Bismarck was a descendant of the Rurikovichs. His distant relative was Anna Yaroslavovna.

28. The first American president, George Washington, was also Rurikovich. Besides him, 20 more US presidents were descended from Rurik. Including father and son Bushi.

29. One of the last Rurikovichs, Ivan the Terrible, on his father’s side was descended from the Moscow branch of the dynasty, and on his mother’s side from the Tatar temnik Mamai.

30. Lady Diana was connected with Rurik through the Kyiv princess Dobronega, daughter of Vladimir the Saint, who married the Polish prince Casimir the Restorer.

31. Alexander Pushkin, if you look at his genealogy, is Rurikovich through his great-grandmother Sarah Rzhevskaya.

32. After the death of Fyodor Ioannovich, only his youngest - Moscow - branch was stopped. But the male offspring of other Rurikovichs (former appanage princes) by that time had already acquired surnames: Baryatinsky, Volkonsky, Gorchakov, Dolgorukov, Obolensky, Odoevsky, Repnin, Shuisky, Shcherbatov...

33. The last chancellor of the Russian Empire, the great Russian diplomat of the 19th century, friend of Pushkin and comrade of Bismarck, Alexander Gorchakov was born into an old noble family descended from the Yaroslavl Rurik princes.

34. 24 British Prime Ministers were Rurikovichs. Including Winston Churchill. Anna Yaroslavna was his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother.

35. One of the most cunning politicians of the 17th century, Cardine Richelieu, also had Russian roots - again through Anna Yaroslavna.

36. In 2007, the historian Murtazaliev argued that the Rurikovichs were Chechens. “The Rus were not just anyone, but Chechens. It turns out that Rurik and his squad, if they really are from the Varangian tribe of Rus, then they are purebred Chechens, moreover, from the royal family and speaking their native Chechen language.”

37. Alexander Dumas, who immortalized Richelieu, was also Rurikovich. His great-great-great-great...grandmother was Zbyslava Svyatopolkovna, the daughter of Grand Duke Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, who was married to the Polish king Boleslav Wrymouth.

38. The Prime Minister of Russia from March to July 1917 was Grigory Lvov, a representative of the Rurik branch descending from Prince Lev Danilovich, nicknamed Zubaty, a descendant of Rurik in the 18th generation.

39. Ivan IV was not the only “formidable” king in the Rurik dynasty. “Terrible” was also called his grandfather, Ivan III, who, in addition, also had the nicknames “justice” and “great”. As a result, Ivan III received the nickname “great”, and his grandson became “formidable”.

40. “Father of NASA” Wernher von Braun was also Rurikovich. His mother was Baroness Emmy, née von Quisthorn.

The history of the founding of Rus' in the 9th century AD is shrouded in a dense veil of secrets, which sometimes contradict the statements of the official history of the Russian state. The name of Prince Rurik is associated with many hypotheses and studies that try to restore the chain of true events of that distant time.

Maybe there would be fewer of these hypotheses if not for one main circumstance: the name of Rurik is associated with the founding of the ruling dynasty, whose representatives occupied the Russian thrones until 1610, until the Time of Troubles, until the change from the Rurik dynasty to the Romanov dynasty.

So, Rurik.

Official details:
- year of birth unknown, from the Varangian princely family, family coat of arms - a falcon falling down.
- Called by the Slavs to suppress civil strife with the Finno-Ugric tribes in 862 AD.
- becomes the Prince of Novgorod and the ancestor of the princely, royal dynasty Rurikovich.
- died in 879 AD.

The arrival of Rurik with his family retinue, in historiography, is usually called the “Calling of the Varangians.” Brothers Sineus and Truvor came with Rurik. After the death of the brothers in 864, Rurik became the sole ruler of the Novgorod principality.

Versions of the origin of Rurik:
— The Norman version claims that Rurik comes from the Scandinavian Vikings. Some researchers associate Rurik with Rorik of Jutland from Denmark, and others with Eirik from Sweden.

— The West Slavic version claims that Rurik was from the Vagrs or Prussians. This theory was adhered to by M.V. Lomonosov.

After Rurik's death in 879, he was succeeded by his son Igor. Igor was raised by the Prophetic Oleg, whose involvement in the Rurik family is doubtful. Most likely, Prophetic Oleg was one of Rurik’s squad, or at least was distantly related.

The influence of the Rurik dynasty began to spread throughout Slavic lands south of Novgorod.

The direct line of succession after Rurik continued. After Igor came Svyatoslav Igorevich, Vladimir Svyatoslavich (the Great), Yaroslav (the Wise). After the death of Yaroslav the Wise (1054), the process of branching of the Rurikovich genealogical line began.

The division was caused by the Ladder order and the increasing feudal fragmentation of Rus'. Individual descendants of the senior princes became sovereign princes of the separated principalities. The sons of Yaroslav the Wise led the so-called “Triumvirate”:

  • Izyaslav ruled Kiev, Novgorod and the lands west of the Dnieper.
  • Svyatoslav ruled Chernigov and Murom.
  • Vsevolod reigned in Rostov, Suzdal and Pereyaslavl.

Of these three branches, the strongest was the branch of Vsevolod and his son Vladimir Monomakh. This branch was able to expand its possessions at the expense of Smolensk, Galich and Volyn. In 1132, the son of Vladimir Monomakh, Mstislav the Great, died. At this time, Kievan Rus completely collapsed. The formation and strengthening of local dynasties began, which, however, were also Rurikovichs.

We will focus on the Rurik dynasty from the main branch - the Monomakhovichs.

The following famous princes belonged to this branch: Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the First Kalita, Simeon Ivanovich Proud, Ivan the Second Red, Dmitry Donskoy; hereditary princes: Vasily the First Dmitrievich, Vasily the Second Dark, Ivan the Third Vasilyevich, Vasily the Third Ivanovich; Moscow kings: Ivan the Fourth the Terrible, Fyodor the First Ioannovich.

The reign of Fyodor Ioannovich, the third son of Ivan the Terrible, became the last in a long line of offspring of the semi-legendary Varangian prince Rurik. With the death of Fyodor Ioannovich, the bloody Time of Troubles began for Russia, which ended with the capture of Kitai-gorod in Moscow on November 4, 1612 and the election of a new tsar.

The Rurik dynasty is the very first grand-ducal dynasty on the Russian throne. It was established, according to the text of the Tale of Bygone Years, in 862. This date has the symbolic name “calling of the Varangians.”

The Rurik dynasty lasted 8 centuries. During this time, there were a lot of displacements, mistrust, and conspiracies against its representatives. The first representative of the dynasty, that is, its founder, Rurik. was invited to rule the city's people's council in Novgorod. Rurik laid the foundation of statehood in Rus' and became the founder of the first grand-ducal dynasty. But it is worth noting that more than half of the representatives of the Rurik region still came from Kievan Rus.

So, the Rurik dynasty, a list of which will be presented below with all the characteristics of its figures, has its own branched system. The second representative was Oleg. He was the governor of Rurik and ruled when his son was young. He is known for uniting Novgorod and Kyiv, and also for signing the first treaty between Rus' and Byzantium. When Rurik's son Igor grew up, power passed into his hands. Igor conquered and conquered new territories, imposing tribute on them, which is why he was brutally killed by the Drevlyans. After Igor, power passed into the hands of his wife. This wise woman carried out the first economic reform on Russian soil, establishing lessons and graveyards. When Olga and Igor’s son Svyatoslav grew up, naturally, all power went to him.

But this prince was distinguished by his military thinking and was constantly on campaigns. After Svyatoslav, Vladimir 1, better known as Vladimir the Holy, ascended the throne.

He baptized Rus' at the end of the 10th century. After Vladimir, Svyatopolk ruled; he was in an internecine war with his brothers, which was won by Yaroslav the Wise. This is whose reign was great: the first Russian code of laws was compiled, the Pechenegs were defeated and great temples were erected. After the reign of Yaroslav, Rus' will remain in a kind of turmoil for a long time, because the struggle for the great princely throne is getting tougher and no one wants to lose it.

The Rurik dynasty, whose tree was very complex, received its next great ruler almost 100 years later. It was Vladimir Monomakh. He was the organizer of the Lyubechsky Congress, he defeated the Polovtsians and preserved the relative unity of Rus'. The Rurik dynasty branched out again after his reign.

Yuri Dolgoruky and Andrei Bogolyubsky can be distinguished from this period. Both princes were prominent figures in the era of fragmentation of Rus'. The remaining period of this dynasty will be remembered by several names: Vasily 1, Ivan Kalita, Ivan 3, Vasily 3 and Ivan the Terrible. It is with the names of these figures that the creation of a unified Russian state is associated; it was they who began the annexation of all lands to Moscow and they also completed it.

The Rurik dynasty gave our land statehood, huge spacious territories that were united by the last representatives of this dynasty, and an extensive cultural heritage.

Moscow Rurik dynasty

Let us now turn to the history of the Moscow Rurikovichs, the descendants of the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniil Alexandrovich.

Daniil Alexandrovich was born in 1261. He occupied the Moscow table from the early 1280s. One of the first successful actions To strengthen his authority, Daniel began a successful campaign against Ryazan, as a result of which the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich was captured. He remained in captivity for several years and was killed by order of Yuri Danilovich in 1306. After the death in 1302 of the childless Pereyaslavl prince Ivan Dmitrievich, Daniel’s nephew, the latter arbitrarily captured Pereyaslavl, annexing it to Moscow. The following year, 1303, Daniel died, having assumed a monastic image before his death, and was buried in the oldest monastery in Moscow, Danilov, which he founded, where his relics (or rather, what remained of them after the Bolshevik pogrom) remain to this day. Orthodox Church canonized him as a saint. Daniel's heir was his eldest son Yuri.

From the book New Chronology and Concept ancient history Rus', England and Rome author

Era from 1066 to 1327 AD. e. Norman dynasty, then Angevin dynasty. The Two Edwardian Ages open with the establishment of Norman rule and the entire first part of the historical period 1066–1327. - this is the reign of the Norman dynasty (p. 357): from 1066 to 1153 (or 1154).

From the book Book 2. The Mystery of Russian History [New Chronology of Rus'. Tatarsky and Arabic languages in Rus'. Yaroslavl as Veliky Novgorod. Ancient English history author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.6. The era is supposedly from 1066 to 1327 AD. e Norman dynasty, then the Angevin dynasty Two Edwards The era opens with the establishment of Norman or Norman rule. The entire first part of the period supposedly 1066–1327 is the reign of the Norman dynasty, c. 357, supposedly from 1066

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Rurik dynasty or Chinggisids? The daughter of Sartak, the granddaughter of Batyga Dzhuchievich, was given in marriage to Gleb Vasilkovich, the ancestor of the Belozersky princes. Daughter of Batyga's grandson Mengu-Timur - for the ancestor of the princes of Yaroslavl, Fyodor Cherny. Almost all the pillar nobility

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Moscow dynasty Ivan III was a member of the Moscow dynasty founded by Ivan I Danilovich, grandson of Prince Alexander Nevsky. The tiny appanage principality of Moscow was constrained on all sides by the great principalities of Tver, Ryazan, Vladimir, Novgorod

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Chapter 1 THE RURIK EMPIRE Eurasia The entire history of Eurasia is a consistent series of attempts to create a Eurasian state. Georgy Vernadsky. Berlin. 1927 Victory of the Red International - our Communist Party... a historical manifestation of the Eurasian

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Essay 3 “Rurikovich Empire”? In historiography, there is a widespread idea of ​​Kievan Rus as a state with imperial features. This is by no means connected only with the dogmatic perception of K. Marx’s definition of it as the “Rurikovich empire” in Soviet historiography

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2.1. Dynastic traditions of the Rurikovichs According to the “Anonymous Legend”, the search for the graves of Boris and Gleb began after Svyatopolk died after the defeat on Alta, and Yaroslav “took over the entire Russian volost”. This message is usually the starting point for calculating the date

From the book Book 2. The Rise of the Kingdom [Empire. Where did Marco Polo actually travel? Who are the Italian Etruscans? Ancient Egypt. Scandinavia. Rus'-Horde n author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2. “Lunar”, that is, the Ottoman dynasty of pharaohs - “Crescent Dynasty” The “progenitor of the 18th dynasty” is considered to be the queen - “the beautiful Nofert-ari-Aames”, p. 276.And at the beginning of the Mameluke Cossack dynasty, allegedly in the 13th century, but in fact in the 14th century, the famous

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Return of the Rurikovichs in Moscow for the third time in Last year the king was replaced. All who laid claim to the throne after Boris Godunov followed the basic lines of the “model” of succession to the throne established by him. It included confirmation of the royal election by the patriarch and

author Istomin Sergey Vitalievich

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Appendix 3 East Slavic princes of the 7th–9th centuries. and the Rurik dynasty until 1066. Genealogy and years of reign (direct kinship is indicated by a continuous line, indirect by a dotted line; equivalent names known from Scandinavian sources are underlined) 1 E.A. Rydzevskaya

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THE BEGINNING OF THE RYURIK DYNASTY The Rurikovichs were a Russian princely dynasty that stood at the head Old Russian state, large and small principalities of the period of feudal fragmentation and the Muscovite kingdom from 862 (the calling of Prince Rurik) to 1598 (the death of Tsar Fedor

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2. State of Rurikovich The history of the first East Slavic state, ruled by the princely dynasty of Rurikovich, continues to be hot topic research. Among the works published in Lately, books by A. P. Tolochko and P. P. Tolochko “Kievan Rus”

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The emergence of the Rurik dynasty Our ancestors - the Slavic peoples - settled on the vast East European Plain in the most ancient times. When they came here and from where is not known for certain. They settled from the Varangian (Baltic) Sea up to

From the book Rus' and its Autocrats author Anishkin Valery Georgievich

CHAPTER I. RYURIK DYNASTY Rurik is the name of the princes, descendants of the Kyiv Grand Duke Igor, who was considered the son of Rurik according to the chronicle narrative. The Rurikovichs stood at the head of the Old Russian state, as well as large and small principalities of the period

The Norman or Varangian theory, which reveals aspects of the formation of statehood in Rus', is based on one simple thesis - the calling of the Varangian prince Rurik by the Novgorodians to govern and protect a large territory tribal union Slovenes Ilmensky. Thus, the answer to the question of what event is associated with the emergence of the dynasty is quite clear.

This thesis is present in the ancient one, written by Nestor. At the moment it is controversial, but one fact is still indisputable - Rurik became the founder of a whole dynasties of sovereigns who ruled not only in Kyiv, but also in other cities of the Russian land, including Moscow, and that is why the dynasty of rulers of Rus' was called Rurikovich.

In contact with

History of the dynasty: the beginning

The genealogy is quite complex, it is not so easy to understand it, but the beginning of the Rurik dynasty is very easy to trace.


Rurik became the first prince in his dynasty. Its origin is a highly controversial issue. Some historians suggest that he was from a noble Varangian-Scandinavian family.

Rurik's ancestors came from the trading Hedeby (Scandinavia) and were related to Ragnar Lothbrok himself. Other historians, distinguishing between the concepts of “Norman” and “Varangian”, believe that Rurik was of Slavic origin, perhaps he was related to the Novgorod prince Gostomysl (it is believed that Gostomysl was his grandfather), and for a long time he lived with his family on the island of Rügen .

Most likely, he was a jarl, that is, he had a military squad and kept boats, engaging in trade and sea robbery. But precisely with his calling first to Staraya Ladoga, and then to Novgorod the beginning of the dynasty is connected.

Rurik was called to Novgorod in 862 (when he began to rule exactly, of course, is unknown; historians rely on data from the PVL). The chronicler claims that he came not alone, but with two brothers - Sinius and Truvor (traditional Varangian names or nicknames). Rurik settled in Staraya Ladoga, Sinius in Beloozero, and Truvor in Izborsk. I wonder what any other mentions there is no mention of brothers in PVL. The beginning of the dynasty is not associated with them.

Oleg and Igor

Rurik died in 879, leaving young son Igor(or Ingvar, according to the Scandinavian tradition). A warrior, and possibly a relative of Rurik, Oleg (Helg) was supposed to rule on behalf of his son until he came of age.

Attention! There is a version that Oleg ruled not just as a relative or confidant, but as an elected jarl, that is, he had everything political rights to power according to Scandinavian and Varangian laws. The fact that he transferred power to Igor could indeed mean that he was his close relative, perhaps a nephew, his sister’s son (according to the Scandinavian tradition, uncle is closer than biological father; boys in Scandinavian families were given to be raised by their maternal uncle).

How many years did Oleg reign?? He successfully ruled the young state until 912. It is he who is credited with the complete conquest of the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” and the capture of Kyiv, then his place was taken by Igor (already as the ruler of Kiev), by that time married to a girl from Polotsk (according to one version) - Olga.

Olga and Svyatoslav

Igor's reign can't be called successful. He was killed by the Drevlyans in 945 during an attempt to take double tribute from their capital, Iskorosten. Since Igor’s only son, Svyatoslav, was still small, the throne in Kyiv was general decision The boyars and squads were occupied by his widow Olga.

Svyatoslav ascended the Kiev throne in 957. He was a warrior prince and never stayed long in his capital rapidly growing state. During his lifetime, he divided the lands of Rus' between his three sons: Vladimir, Yaropolk and Oleg. He gave Novgorod the Great as his inheritance to Vladimir (illegitimate son). Oleg (the younger) was imprisoned in Iskorosten, and the elder Yaropolk was left in Kyiv.

Attention! Historians know the name of Vladimir’s mother; it is also known that she was a whitewashed servant, that is, she could not become the ruler’s wife. Perhaps Vladimir was the eldest son of Svyatoslav, his first-born. That is why he was recognized as the father. Yaropolk and Oleg were born from Svyatoslav's legal wife, possibly a Bulgarian princess, but they were younger than Vladimir in age. All this subsequently influenced the relations between the brothers and led to the first princely feud in Rus'.

Yaropolk and Vladimir

Svyatoslav died in 972 on the island of Khortitsa(Dnieper rapids). After his death, the Kiev throne was occupied by Yaropolk for several years. A war for power in the state began between him and his brother Vladimir, ending with the murder of Yaropolk and the victory of Vladimir, who ultimately became the next prince of Kyiv. Vladimir ruled from 980 to 1015. His main merit is Baptism of Rus' and the Russian people into the Orthodox faith.

Yaroslav and his sons

An internecine war broke out between Vladimir’s sons immediately after his death, as a result of which one of Vladimir’s eldest sons from the Polotsk princess Ragneda, Yaroslav, took the throne.

Important! In 1015, the Kiev throne was occupied by Svyatopolk (later nicknamed the Accursed). He was not Vladimir’s own son. His father was Yaropolk, after whose death Vladimir took his wife as his wife and recognized the born child as his first-born.

Yaroslav reigned until 1054. After his death, the right of ladder came into force - the transfer of the Kyiv throne and the “junior” in seniority in the Rurikovich family.

The Kiev throne was occupied by Yaroslav's eldest son - Izyaslav, Chernigov (the next "seniority" throne) - Oleg, Pereyaslavsky - Yaroslav's youngest son Vsevolod.

For a long time, the sons of Yaroslav lived peacefully, observing the behests of their father, but, ultimately, the struggle for power entered an active phase and Rus' entered the era of Feudal fragmentation.

Pedigree of the Rurikovichs. The first Kyiv princes (table or Rurik dynasty diagram with dates, by generation)

Generation Prince's name Years of reign
I generation Rurik 862-879 (Novgorod reign)
Oleg (Prophetic) 879 – 912 (Novgorod and Kiev reigns)
II Igor Rurikovich 912-945 (Kiev reign)
Olga 945-957
III Svyatoslav Igorevich 957-972
IV Yaropolk Svyatoslavich 972-980
Oleg Svyatoslavich Prince-governor in Iskorosten, died in 977
Vladimir Svyatoslavich (Saint) 980-1015
V Svyatopolk Yaropolkovich (stepson of Vladimir) Damned 1015-1019
Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Wise) 1019-1054
VI Izyaslav Yaroslavovich 1054-1073; 1076-1078 (Kiev reign)
Svyatoslav Yaroslavovich (Chernigovsky) 1073-1076 (Kiev reign)
Vsevolod Yaroslavovich (Pereyaslavsky) 1078-1093 (Kiev reign)

Genealogy of the Rurikovichs of the period of feudal fragmentation

Tracing the dynastic line of the Rurikovich family during the period of Feudal fragmentation is incredibly difficult, since the ruling princely the genus has grown to its maximum. The main branches of the clan at the first stage of feudal fragmentation can be considered the Chernigov and Pereyaslav lines, as well as the Galician line, which needs to be discussed separately. The Galician princely house originates from the eldest son of Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir, who died during his father’s lifetime, and whose heirs received Galich as an inheritance.

It is important to note that all representatives of the clan sought to occupy the Kiev throne, since in this case they were considered the rulers of the entire state.

Galician heirs

Chernigov house

Pereyaslavsky house

With the Pereyaslav House, which was nominally considered the youngest, everything is much more complicated. It was the descendants of Vsevolod Yaroslavovich who gave rise to the Vladimir-Suzdal and Moscow Rurikovichs. The main representatives of this house were:

  • Vladimir Vsevolodovich (Monomakh) - was the prince of Kyiv in 1113-1125 (VII generation);
  • Mstislav (the Great) - the eldest son of Monomakh, was the prince of Kyiv in 1125-1132 (VIII generation);
  • Yuri (Dolgoruky) - the youngest son of Monomakh, became the ruler of Kyiv several times, the last in 1155-1157 (VIII generation).

Mstislav Vladimirovich gave rise to the Volyn House of Rurikovich, and Yuri Vladimirovich gave rise to the Vladimir-Suzdal House.

Volyn House

Pedigree of the Rurikovichs: Vladimir-Suzdal House

The Vladimir-Suzdal house became the main one in Rus' after the death of Mstislav the Great. The princes who made first Suzdal and then Vladimir-on-Klyazma their capital, played a key role in the political history of the period of the Horde invasion.

Important! Daniil Galitsky and Alexander Nevsky are known not only as contemporaries, but also as rivals for the grand ducal label, and they also had a fundamentally different approach to faith - Alexander adhered to Orthodoxy, and Daniil accepted Catholicism in exchange for the opportunity to receive the title of King of Kyiv.

Pedigree of the Rurikovichs: Moscow House

In the final period of Feudal fragmentation, the House of Rurikovich numbered more than 2000 members (princes and younger princely families). Gradually, the leading position was taken by the Moscow House, which traces its pedigree to the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniil Alexandrovich.

Gradually, the Moscow house from grand ducal transformed into royal. Why did this happen? Including thanks to dynastic marriages, as well as successful internal and foreign policy individual representatives of the House. The Moscow Rurikovichs did a gigantic job of “gathering” the lands around Moscow and overthrowing the Tatar-Mongol Yoke.

Moscow Ruriks (diagram with reign dates)

Generation (from Rurik in the direct male line) Prince's name Years of reign Significant marriages
XI generation Alexander Yaroslavovich (Nevsky) Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke according to the Horde label from 1246 to 1263 _____
XII Daniil Alexandrovich Moskovsky 1276-1303 (Moscow reign) _____
XIII Yuri Daniilovich 1317-1322 (Moscow reign)
Ivan I Daniilovich (Kalita) 1328-1340 (Great Vladimir and Moscow reigns) _____
XIV Semyon Ivanovich (Proud) 1340-1353 (Moscow and Great Vladimir reign)
Ivan II Ivanovich (Red) 1353-1359 (Moscow and Great Vladimir reign)
XV Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy) 1359-1389 (Moscow reign, and from 1363 to 1389 – Great Vladimir reign) Evdokia Dmitrievna, the only daughter of Dmitry Konstantinovich (Rurikovich), Prince of Suzdal - Nizhny Novgorod; annexation of all territories of the Principality of Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod to the Moscow Principality
XVI Vasily I Dmitrievich 1389-1425 Sofya Vitovtovna, Daughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt (complete reconciliation of the Lithuanian princes with the ruling Moscow house)
XVII Vasily II Vasilievich (Dark) 1425-1462 _____
XVIII Ivan III Vasilievich 1462 – 1505 In his second marriage to Sophia Paleologus (niece of the last Byzantine emperor); nominal right: to be considered the successor of the imperial Byzantine crown and Caesar (king)
XIX Vasily III Vasilievich 1505-1533 In his second marriage with Elena Glinskaya, a representative of a wealthy Lithuanian family, descended from the Serbian rulers and Mamai (according to legend)