Toenails turn yellow and thicken. Thick toenail: thickening on the big toes and little toe, deformation of the plate - causes and treatment How to treat thick toenail

A healthy person's nails are no more than one millimeter thick and are transparent or pinkish in color. Sometimes the plate thickens, turns yellow and becomes deformed. The nail on the big toe is especially often affected. This is not only unsightly, but can also be a sign of a serious illness. Therefore, there is no need to mask this defect with varnish. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help restore your nails to their previous appearance.

Causes of thickening

Doctors explain why nails curl and thicken. All this is due to a systemic disease of the body with viruses, onychomycosis or injury. For these reasons, the nail may become layered, hard, and curved. The plates on the legs are most often damaged, but the arms can also be affected.

Mechanical damage to the nail plate

Tight and uncomfortable shoes lead to damage to the nail and disruption of its normal growth. The surface of the plate is regularly injured, it begins to intensively regenerate, forming a thick protective layer.

There is nowhere to grow forward due to tight shoes, so the nail grows upward and becomes noticeably thicker. It turns yellow, with an uneven surface that may be covered with cracks. The nail on the little toe most often becomes thicker due to shoes that are too small.

Obstructed blood flow in the extremities also leads to deformation of the nail plates. They change shape, become hard and compacted due to injury, inflammatory disease of the fingers or nail bed. Even an unsuccessful pedicure can lead to such a cosmetic defect. Flat feet or club feet also cause deformation and thickening of the nail.


Thick toenails most often occur due to fungal diseases, which affect every fourth person. Onychomycosis or fungus develops unnoticed at first. The patient usually notices signs of the disease in the later stages. Treating fungus is not easy and takes a lot of time. You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • the thickness of the nails increases, their color changes;
  • the plate is covered with cracks and begins to peel off;
  • white or yellow spots appear;
  • an unpleasant odor occurs;

  • the skin on the feet, especially in the interdigital area, peels and is very itchy;
  • If you smear an iodine solution on the affected nail, dark spots will appear on it with onychomycosis.

A fungal infection can be easily distinguished from a traumatic nail hardening by looking at the photo. With mycosis, the nail crumbles, and in advanced cases, peeling and yellowing may appear.

In older patients, keratin plates become distorted due to injury or illness, and not due to age-related changes. They also need full treatment. The cause of nail deformation can also be psoriasis, neuropathy, nutritional disorders and vitamin deficiency, and skin diseases.

For accurate diagnosis and treatment of foot fungus, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will identify the causative agent of the disease and check its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. After this, the patient will be prescribed the necessary treatment. These can be products for external use, antifungal tablets, medications that normalize the immune system.

Treatment of thickened nails

Therapy for a damaged nail can begin only after an accurate diagnosis has been established. Each pathology has its own treatment regimen.

Help with nail plate injuries

If the deformation occurs as a result of injury, then over time the nail will completely recover. To speed up regeneration, you can try the following:

  • At first, shoes should be loose, preferably open. It is advisable to fix the nail with an adhesive plaster, try to reduce the load on the legs;
  • The injured area should be treated with anti-inflammatory and painkillers;
  • A few days after the injury, the nail is lubricated with troxevasin or heparin ointment. The medicine is used four times a day for a week;
  • Compresses made from bodyagi and soda will speed up recovery. Baths made from a decoction of plantain and yarrow also help restore damaged nails.

Tight shoes

If the nail has become deformed due to narrow and small shoes, then a high-quality pedicure will partially solve this problem. But if the nail continues to be injured, the cosmetic defect will return. For a complete recovery, you need to change your shoes to looser ones.

Sea salt baths are used to quickly restore the nail. To do this, dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in two to three liters of hot water. After the bath, you need to carefully treat the nail with tongs and a nail file. Only its edge is cut off, cutting off the protruding fragments. The upper part of the deformed nail should not be touched, as this will lead to even greater growth. Weekly treatments will speed up recovery.


In order to cure nail fungus, medications and folk remedies are used. In the initial stage of the disease, mycosis can be destroyed with cream, gel or special varnish. In advanced forms, therapy is supplemented with antimycotic drugs for oral administration.

Drug therapy

If the nail begins to change due to mycosis of the feet, then it can only be cured with medical means. They are used for a long time, several months, sometimes up to a year. The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • Clotrimazole– ointment or cream. They lubricate the deformed nail twice a day for several months. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic fungi, prevents the development of their cells;
  • Lamisil cream. Destroys all types of mycoses. They lubricate the nail with it twice a day, and at the same time treat the skin of the feet with the medicine. Helps defeat mycosis, including old ones;
  • Exoderil– this cream is applied to the nails twice a day for six months;
  • Cyclopiroxolamine– antifungal agent, produced in the form of varnish, gel, cream. Penetrates into the deep layers of the nail, helps cure all types of pathogenic fungi. To treat the affected plates, it is convenient to use varnish, which is applied once a day for a month. Also helps to prevent nail fungus;
  • Lotseril– solution or varnish. They treat nails two to three times a week. The drug cures advanced forms of mycosis and prevents infection of healthy surfaces. They are treated with it for a year.

If the disease is advanced or external medications cannot cure onychomycosis, then you have to get rid of the fungus with the help of tablets. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Lamisil tablets. The drug is taken twice a day for two months. The medicine should not be prescribed for kidney disease;
  • Terbinafine. The tablets are taken once a day for six months;
  • Nizoral. Helps with all types of onychomycosis. Taken twice a day, it is also prescribed for the prevention of fungal diseases.

All antifungal tablets have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, they are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

How to treat thickened toenails with folk remedies

Folk remedies are also used to combat onychomycosis. They can treat the disease in the initial, unadvanced stage of the disease. Sometimes they are used as an adjunct to medications.

The best recipes against onychomycosis:

  • The iodine solution is dripped onto the nail or applied with a cotton swab. They are treated in this way for three to six months. There are allergies to iodine, so before starting treatment, check your body - apply a little solution to the skin and wait to see if there is any irritation;
  • Listerine. It is spread on the nail and rubbed in thoroughly. Another way is baths with Listerine. After steaming, trim the protruding parts of the nail;
  • A bath with hydrogen peroxide works well to fight fungus. To prepare it, add two tablespoons of peroxide to two to three liters of warm water. Treatment is carried out twice a day for one hour;
  • Three tablespoons of sea salt are dissolved in a bath of water. If you regularly steam your feet in it, the fungus will disappear over time;
  • Lemon juice removes onychomycosis. To do this, apply compresses from freshly squeezed juice twice a day. Apply the juice to a piece of cotton wool, apply it to the affected area and hold until completely dry;

  • A mixture of vinegar and glycerin is carefully applied to the deformed nail. They are treated in this way for a month.


To prevent thickening, deformation and separation of the nail plates, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Shoes should be loose and not injure your feet. Particular attention is paid to the thumbnail - it most often suffers from mechanical stress;
  • Daily foot care, baths with sea salt, medicinal herbs, lemon will help avoid fungal infection and improve the condition of the nails;
  • For beautiful and healthy plates you need to eat well and take vitamins regularly;
  • To prevent onychomycosis, you should not use someone else’s shoes, take special slippers to the beach, and dry yourself only with your own towel;
  • Elderly people need to be especially attentive to their nails, as fungal diseases progress rapidly at this age;
  • Mycosis multiplies quickly in a humid environment, so it is necessary to combat excessive sweating of the feet.

If thickening of the toenails is observed, then you first need to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. In most cases, these are symptoms of a developing disease, not only of a dermatological nature, but also of pathologies of internal organs. It is important to promptly identify the provoking factor, take measures to eliminate it, and only then solve aesthetic problems.

Causes of thickening toenails

Common factors that provoke structural changes in the nail plate include:

  • Nail fungus. The most common occurrence is infection of the nail plate and surrounding tissues by pathogenic microorganisms. It develops at different rates depending on the type of infection and the location of the outbreak.
  • Using uncomfortable shoes that do not fit the size or anatomy of the foot. Constant pressure and rubbing lead to nail calluses, compactions and thickening of the plate.
  • Mechanical damage resulting in disruption of the integrity of the nail bed.
  • Psoriasis. One of the dermatological diseases belonging to the varieties of lichen. It spreads in various areas, damages the epithelium, provokes peeling and detachment of particles on both the skin and nails.
  • Neuropathy. Dysfunction of nerve fibers resulting from cell depletion. Pathological processes affect not only the functioning of internal organs and the psychological state of a person, but also the structure and thickness of nails.
  • Heredity.
  • Decreased immunity, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, disturbances in general metabolic processes in the body, poor nutrition - all this affects the condition of the nail plate and increases the risk of the formation of seals and growths.

Only after determining the exact causes of thick toenails should measures be taken to eliminate them. For this, a consultation with a specialist is recommended, during which the doctor will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Thickening of the nail often occurs with accompanying changes in surrounding tissues and a deterioration in overall health, which forms the signs of a particular disease. Depending on the causes of changes in the nail plate, symptoms may differ, but the most common are:

  • if the average size of the nail plate is about 1 mm, then with thickening this figure can reach 2-3 mm or more;
  • change in color, appearance of a yellow tint, darkening, while light pink is considered a healthy color;
  • unpleasant sensations inside or around the nail, itching, redness, soreness;
  • the plate is rough, partial detachment may be observed;
  • unpleasant odor, especially when filing or cutting;
  • deformation of the entire nail.

The main symptoms may also be accompanied by additional ones that are characteristic of the developing disease.

It is not always possible to determine the cause of thickening of toenails only visually or by palpation. Only a doctor after an examination can accurately diagnose the causes of the lump. If necessary, the following are prescribed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • bacteriological scraping, which is an informative study to determine the type of fungal infection.

Also, if necessary, the general health of the person and concomitant diseases are considered. If there are suspicions of diseases of the internal organs and nervous system that can cause thickening of the plate, hardware tests (ultrasound, MRI, etc.) may be prescribed.

Treatment for thick toenails

Since structural changes in the nail appear under the influence of various factors, the treatment also has certain differences. If pathological processes are diagnosed, then the main treatment will be aimed at eliminating them, and the nail will recover over time. In case of injury, including wearing uncomfortable shoes, it is enough to follow the conditions of proper hygiene, choose high-quality shoes that fit, and the problem will also go away after some time.

The most common cause of thickening of the toenail is a fungus; to eliminate it, you will need to undergo a special therapeutic course. It must necessarily include drug treatment; traditional medicine recipes can be used as a supplement.

Drug treatment

Many antifungal and antibacterial drugs can get rid of fungus in a short time. They contain various compounds that are active for certain types of pathogens. That is why such medications should not be used without preliminary diagnosis to determine the type of fungus; it is better to consult a doctor and jointly choose the best option.

The classic method of treating nail thickening using pharmacological agents includes:

  • external preparations for application to the affected surface: ointments, gels, creams, special varnishes;
  • tablets for nail fungus are prescribed for particularly advanced cases, when it is necessary to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures: laser exposure, UHF, diathermy, and so on;
  • taking vitamins and mineral complexes that help strengthen the immune system.

Treatment is necessarily accompanied by proper finger care, aimed at carefully removing keratinized particles. If there is significant nail layering, surgical intervention may be required to prevent ingrowth into soft tissue.

Folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of thick and hard toenails is auxiliary, but not the main one. It must be coordinated with the attending physician so as not to aggravate the situation.

There are quite a lot of methods for healing nail problems using a variety of remedies prepared at home. For fungus, the main ones are compresses with acidic solutions, since they are the ones that can soften the nail plate and make it easier to remove the affected area. Compresses made from apple cider vinegar, lemon slices, iodine and vinegar are actively used.

When giving preference to traditional medicine in treatment, it is important to remember the risks associated with burns and allergic reactions. Equally important is the dubious effectiveness of traditional methods, which in some cases help get rid of symptoms, but do not act on the main cause of the disease.


Preventing thickening of toenails is easy. It is enough to observe the rules of hygiene and also follow the following recommendations:

  • Correct selection of shoes. It must be true to size and made from natural materials. If for a number of reasons you have to wear compressive shoes, then it is necessary to reduce the time you spend in them.
  • Regular nail care. You should wash your feet daily and moisturize not only your skin, but also your nails. Warm baths with salt and herbal decoctions will be useful. There are cosmetics designed specifically for foot care.
  • Take precautions regarding the risk of fungal infection. They require regular hygiene, not using someone else’s shoes, hosiery and clothing, neatness in public places, and the use of special shoes (swimming pools, baths).
  • Maintaining immunity and health by giving up bad habits, using the right diet, organizing physical activity, and walking.

To exclude surgical intervention, as well as other negative health consequences, at the first signs of deformation and thickening of the nail, you should consult a doctor. There is no need to try to eliminate the problem on your own by masking the emerging defect, since over time the situation may worsen, which will only complicate further treatment.

Hello, dear friends.

Healthy and beautiful toenails are the same indispensable element of the image of a modern person as beautiful hair and a snow-white smile, this is especially true in the summer, when we wear open shoes. But it happens that over time, toenails become thick and hard, change color and structure, bend, crumble and even curl.

This disease is called subungual hyperkeratosis or onychauxis. It is difficult to hide such a cosmetic defect; besides, thickening of the toenails (and in 95% of cases this is exactly the case) brings great inconvenience to the owner, and often pain.

This problem requires careful and rather long-term treatment, the choice of which depends on the cause of the hardening of the nails.

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Why do toenails become thick?

There are several reasons for thickening of nails:

  • the most common is onychomycosis, which we know as nail fungus - in the photo there are nails infected with this unpleasant infection;

Nails affected by fungus

  • nails become hard and thick with lichen planus, eczema, psoriasis;
  • Nails also become coarser and yellow with age - in older people, regardless of the quality of care, nails change structure and become thicker due to impaired blood supply to the nail bed;
  • another reason for thickening of nails is narrow and uncomfortable shoes, and the quality of the nail plate can be ruined not only in an adult, but also in a child who is forced to wear small-sized shoes;

Deformation of toenails due to uncomfortable shoes

  • the consequences of injuries, as well as prolonged contact with water and chemicals, cause thickening of toenails;
  • with flat feet, the structure of the toenails is very often disrupted, primarily due to the fact that it is difficult to choose the right shoes;
  • Nails thicken, peel and break off also with a number of chronic diseases associated with metabolism: anemia, diabetes, allergic reactions.

Thick toenails - what to do?

Treatment for thickened nails depends on the cause of this defect. First of all, we need to eliminate it. That is, if the nails are thickened due to a fungus, then it needs to be cured.

The fastest and most effective method is the use of modern drugs such as Stop Active, or Miconazole and analogues. A more gentle method is to use tea tree oil.

And if you have flat feet, you need to, with the help of an orthopedic doctor, choose special shoes that will prevent your nails from being injured when walking.

In any case, it is very advisable to consult a doctor, since nails can determine the onset of some serious illness, the symptoms of which have not yet appeared.

Foot baths

At home, you should try to soften your nails using folk remedies. The choice of method also depends on the cause of the roughening of the nail plates. The most effective remedy is medicinal baths. The general rules are:

  • the water should be at a comfortable temperature – 36-38 degrees;
  • long bath – 15-20 minutes;
  • after it is carried out, you need to dry your feet thoroughly and preferably with disposable napkins, so as not to spread the infection to healthy nails;
  • after drying, the feet should be treated with a softening or healing cream, or better yet, with a special product for restoring nails, Fito Nails System;
  • a very effective treatment of nail plates with lemon “butt” (no pulp, just white zest).

Important point! If you don’t know how to soften rough nails, you don’t need to make saline solutions (including sea salt), as they, on the contrary, strengthen the nails.

Nail bath recipes

With essential oils

For baths, add 10 drops of one of the following essential oils to 5 liters of warm water:

  • orange,
  • pink,
  • lemon,
  • lavender,
  • fir,
  • juniper.

In addition to the softening effect, these oils have a pronounced bactericidal effect and will help defeat infection on the feet, if any. Oils can be combined, then take 5 drops of each.

With lemon juice

Lemon juice baths can only be used for diseases when the skin between the toes and on the foot is not damaged, otherwise there will be a strong burning sensation, and areas damaged by the fungus may ulcerate. Lemon juice should be taken no more than 50 grams (2 tablespoons) per 5 liters of water.

With herbs

To soften nails, you can use strong decoctions of medicinal plants such as chamomile, mint, nettle and calendula. For 5 liters of water you can brew up to 100 grams of dry matter or up to 300 grams of fresh herbs. Leave for at least an hour, and then heat to a comfortable temperature.

A very good result is obtained by string - a grass that is used for bathing infants. Such otherwise very useful plants as thyme, sage, wheatgrass, oak bark, and linden blossom are absolutely not suitable.

Bath with milkweed infusion

This plant is poisonous, but very effective in softening nails. You need to take 1 tablespoon of fresh milkweed grass, chop it so that a lot of juice comes out and pour in 50 grams of vodka.

Infuse for a day in a dark place, then pour the infusion into warm water to soak your feet. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Bath with celandine juice

This remedy cannot be used for fungal nail infections, since the colored celandine juice penetrates deeply into the damaged structures of the plate and causes internal burns.

But for traumatic thickening of the plate, a bath with celandine juice - 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water (or a glass of dry herb decoction) will be very effective.

True, in this case the nails will turn yellow-orange, but this will fade quickly - within a day they will return to their normal color.

Bath with tar soap

An excellent softener and disinfectant. We recommend using it for fungal and other infectious lesions of the feet.

Buy tar soap (it is sold in pharmacies), grate about a quarter of a bar on a coarse grater. Next, dilute it in a small amount of warm water.

The duration of the bath is up to 20 minutes, you need to add hot water so as not to catch a cold.

With flaxseed infusion

Take two tablespoons of flaxseed and add a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours and pour, without straining, directly into the water.

The seeds themselves can be used to massage the skin between your toes and feet, which will soften the skin. This is a very effective folk remedy for softening thick and ingrown nails.

Bath with ammonia

This option allows you to prepare even very thick nails for cutting, but the smell! Of course, it is quite difficult to withstand the strong aroma of ammonia and it will be heard in the house for several more hours.

And if you decide on such a procedure, then for each liter of warm water you need to take 10 drops of pharmaceutical ammonia.

Compresses for softening the nail plate on the toes

This type of compress is even more useful for thickening nails, but they have one drawback - the procedure takes a long time. It takes 8-12 hours to achieve maximum effect. Therefore, it is best to do compresses at night, and in the morning the nails will become much softer and, if necessary, they will be easy to trim.

Aloe leaf (or calisia, which we call golden mustache) should be crushed to form a paste and applied to the affected nails. Wrap everything on top with polyethylene and put on a sock.

Cut fresh ripe pumpkin into slices about 0.5 cm thick and tie tightly to the nail plates. By the way, pumpkin gives up its moisture so much that it practically dries out on the nails.

Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater and add a little olive or any other vegetable oil and cover the nail with this mixture. The result will definitely please you. By the way, this paste can also be used to treat cracked heels.

  • Complex but very useful recipe

The composition can be prepared several times in advance and stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed bottle. To do this, add 10 ml of iodine and 10 ml of vinegar essence to 10 ml of glycerin. Then shake it all vigorously and pour in 50 ml of water.

Before each use, everything must be shaken very vigorously and carefully, without touching the skin, applied to the nail. It is best to do this with a brush that is used to apply the varnish. After this, immediately attach a medical plaster to the nail.

Cut the mushroom into plastic pieces half a centimeter thick and the size of a fingernail and bandage them tightly overnight.

Boil the potato, mash it and when it has cooled to a warm state, mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Lubricate your nails and put thick socks on your feet.

Take a tablespoon of potato or corn starch and any vegetable oil, make a porridge and apply a thick layer to your nails. There is no need to wrap it in plastic or a bandage, but only protect your feet so as not to rub off the compress. You can just bandage your fingers. In the morning, rinse thoroughly with hot water and apply softening hand cream to your nails. Just a few procedures and your nails will be as good as new.

Rendered and cooled pork fat is an excellent tenderizer. They just need to apply polish to their nails, put on socks and go to bed. You can wash it off with warm water and regular soap.

Cut small onions in half and bake in the oven until softened. When it has cooled to a comfortable temperature, apply tightly to the nails and bandage. By the way, if you have calluses and calluses, at the same time, bandage them too. Soon you will forget about thick nails and problems with the skin of your feet.

Super ointment for nails “7 Days”

Don’t be lazy – prepare this ointment and use it daily before bed. In a week, your nails will be renewed, soft and elastic, like a child’s. To make it you need to take 50 grams of each ingredient:

  • aloe leaf;
  • regular onions;
  • garlic;
  • fresh butter with a fat content of more than 82%;
  • beeswax (sold at the market by those who sell honey);

Pass the onion, garlic and aloe through a meat grinder (or chop with a blender), mix well, add oil and wax and place in a water bath.

When the butter and wax melt, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, let it simmer for 1-2 minutes, pour into a storage container and cool. Keep refrigerated.

Apply a thick layer to the nail plate, attach pieces of cabbage leaf on top (the not very dense part) and bandage each finger tightly. A course of procedures can be carried out periodically as a preventive measure and to improve nail health.

How to Trim Thick Toenails

This seemingly simple procedure can become very problematic, especially for older people who find it difficult to bend over or do not have the strength to split a dense nail plate.

Naturally, the nails will have to be softened first. You can use one of the recipes for baths or compresses described above. Or buy a ready-made softener at the pharmacy - that’s what it’s called. Add to hot water according to instructions and keep for at least 20 minutes.

For cutting, it is best to use nail clippers, since ordinary nail scissors often cannot “tackle” very thick nails. It happens that it is difficult to cope with wire cutters on your own.

In these cases, we will offer you a method that may not be very attractive, but is effective. Try using the chicken scissors found in kitchen knife sets. They are designed for cutting bones and can easily handle even very thick nails, and even more so after softening. In order not to embarrass your relatives, buy yourself separate ones and that’s it.

Important! If you have problems with your nails, you should stop using polish and gel, as the nails under them do not breathe and the disease will worsen, making it impossible to hide it.

Prevention and care of toenails

The best option is to regularly perform professional pedicure procedures. But, unfortunately, not many women, not to mention men, can afford this pleasure. Some because of the rather high price of these cosmetic services, others only because there are no specialists where they live.

Those who have mastered this difficult science on their own have virtually no problems with nails. We advise others to regularly perform the following preventive minimum:

  • wash your feet every day in summer, every other day in winter;
  • after each wash, treat each nail - lubricate with baby or softening cream, vitamin in oil, olive or sunflower oil;
  • during the season, sometimes make “masks” for your nails: from strawberries, other berries, bananas;
  • take foot baths with herbal infusions at least 1-2 times a week;
  • At the first suspicion of a fungus, apply medicinal ointment.

Such simple care will allow you to keep your nails in good health, and if something goes wrong, you will notice and fix the problem in time.

Growths on the toenails and thickening of the plate are characteristic signs of nail diseases. In this condition, it is important not to hesitate to contact a specialist before the problem becomes chronic.

Read on in the article about why toenails turn yellow and thicken, and what to do about it.

It’s worth noting right away that the condition of your nails can tell a lot about the health of the whole body. They are a kind of indicator that can vary depending on a person’s diseases.

Normally, the thickness of the nail should be 1 mm. If the plate becomes noticeably thicker, and this is not based on genetic characteristics, it is worth taking seriously the search for the cause of the pathology.

The following are the most common causes of thickening of nails:

  1. Fungal infection. It rightfully ranks first on our list, as it occurs extremely often. In this condition, a person may experience deformation of the nails, changes in their shade and structure.

It is very easy to catch a fungus. To do this, it is enough to visit a public place (swimming pool, beach) without slippers or use someone else's shoes containing fungal spores.

  1. Deterioration of blood circulation in the legs, which can occur with serious problems with blood vessels, varicose veins.
  2. Chronic skin diseases that provoke the death of the upper layer of the epidermis. Most often, psoriasis, which cannot be treated in a timely manner with medications, is reflected negatively on the condition of the nails.
  3. A meager diet in which the body suffers from a lack of nutrients. This contributes to the development of chronic diseases, serious metabolic disorders and deterioration of nails. Also, with poor nutrition, a person’s skin, hair, teeth, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems invariably suffer.
  4. Infectious lesions.
  5. Previous finger injury. In this case, thickening of the nail will be observed only in the area of ​​injury. All other nails will remain unchanged.
  6. Damage to nerve endings.
  7. Wrong selection of shoes. It puts additional stress on the foot, which increases the risk of the formation of calluses, corns and deformation of the nail plate. Shoes with high heels, too warm or narrow models are considered especially dangerous in this case.
  8. Improperly performed pedicure, which can lead to infection.
  9. Indirect effects of diseases in the body. This may be a negative effect of ongoing rheumatism, atherosclerosis, gout.

Characteristic signs

Depending on the root cause of the lesion, changes in the condition of the nails may be accompanied by the following characteristic signs:

  • yellowing of nails;
  • change in the structure and thickness of the plate;
  • the appearance of yellow or brown spots;
  • delamination;
  • unpleasant foot odor due to fungal infection;
  • formation of an uneven surface;
  • dullness.

Attention! In most cases, the growth on the big toe nail develops gradually. The tips of the plate are affected first, after which the formation of white spots can be noted. Over time, they spread to the entire surface of the nail.

Features of toenail treatment

For yellowing and thickening of nails, treatment should be selected individually for each patient, depending on the underlying cause of the lesion. In such a condition, it is very important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and not carry out uncontrolled therapy, which can only worsen the person’s condition.

Traditional drug treatment involves the use of the following local drugs:

  • Amyclone;
  • Mycozone;
  • Bifosin;
  • Mikospor.

Dobesilate and Nicotinic acid can be used to improve blood circulation.

Physiotherapy procedures are used as auxiliary measures. In advanced cases, the patient may require complete removal of the nail.

Traditional treatment

Treatment with folk remedies for thickened nail plates will be effective for fungal infections. Using these recipes, you can disinfect your nails, saturate them with useful microelements and promote recovery.

If your toenail turns yellow and becomes thicker, it is best to use the following traditional methods of treatment:

  1. Vinegar-based baths. To do this, take three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and add it to warm water. Use for short baths before bedtime. If there are erosions on the skin, the procedure should not be performed until they are completely healed. Vinegar procedures should be carried out with caution if the skin of the feet is hypersensitive.
  2. Therapeutic dressing based on oil. You need to take 100 g of butter and soften it. Then place it on a gauze bandage and apply it to the affected nail. Leave for several hours, fixing tightly. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Milk baths. Take 5 spoons of milk and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Boil and pour into a basin for baths. Immerse your feet in the prepared mixture for 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, dry your feet and put on warm wool socks.
  4. Prepare sliced ​​lemon and apply the slices to your nails. Secure with a bandage or a regular scarf. Lemon will help soften nails affected by fungus.
  5. Kalanchoe. Crush the leaf of the plant to a paste. Distribute the mixture evenly on the plate and fix it. Instead of this plant, propolis can also be used.
  6. Mix iodine and vinegar. Lubricate your nails with the prepared solution several times a day.
  7. Take celandine and boil it. Strain and apply the prepared decoction as a lotion to the affected nails.
  8. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of hot water. Use for foot baths.

Worth knowing! During treatment of affected nails, it is important to see a doctor regularly. Any deterioration in the condition or suspicion of complications should be discussed with a specialist.

Preventive measures

To prevent your nails from becoming thick and hard, you should adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Stick to a balanced diet. This is the basis through which you can give healthy shine and strength to your nails. A reasonably selected diet should consist of a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and nuts.
  2. Perform manicures and cosmetic procedures using individual sterile instruments. If you doubt the cleanliness of the scissors or files used in the salon, it is better to practice manicure at home.
  3. Always use personal replacement shoes in public places.
  4. Use individual personal items (towels, shoes, socks, washcloths) and other items that may be potential carriers of fungus.
  5. Promptly treat those diseases that can affect the deterioration of the nails.
  6. Choose the right shoes.
  7. Maintain regular foot hygiene.

Use preventive baths with sea salt and herbal decoctions, which have excellent disinfectant properties.

Of course, the nail plates on the toes are not as noticeable as on the hands. Especially in autumn and winter. And if a deformed nail appears, then a person will not pay much attention to it at first, believing that the thickening is just a cosmetic problem and going to see a specialist is a waste of time. But Tibetan doctors are confident that, for example, changes in color, shape, structure, as well as thickening of toenails have their own reasons and may indicate that some serious problems are occurring in the body, the causes of which can be determined by a dermatologist.

In addition, the image of an aesthetically attractive, well-groomed person will not be complete if the condition of his hands and feet leaves an unpleasant impression on others.

Description of thickening toenails and its causes

A normal horny plate should have a pale pink matte color and a smooth, even surface. Its thickness on the toes should not exceed one millimeter.

If the nail begins to split, thicken, and lumpiness, ribbing, and in some cases itching appears, then it’s time to seek help from a specialist. Because this is not only an aesthetic problem. The changes that occur may be symptoms of diseases that need to be identified and treated.

With any progressive changes in the nails, it is necessary to find the cause of this phenomenon and make efforts to eliminate it.

Symptoms: begins to turn yellow, dry skin, deformed nails, rough skin

The causes of thickening of the nail plate on the toes can be either a genetic predisposition, for example, congenital pachyonychia, or serious diseases:

If your nails become thicker for no apparent reason, then you need to pay attention to your shoes. She must be:

  1. Made from natural raw materials.
  2. Comfortable fit to the leg.

It is advisable that the heel should be no higher than 6–7 cm. And regular pedicures and foot care should become the rule.

How to treat seals on the nail plate

You can replace your shoes with more comfortable ones. And if there is a lack of vitamins at any time, taking a course of vitamin therapy is not a problem, but psoriasis and mycosis can only be cured by a doctor and the right remedies chosen by him. Find out how to choose a cream for foot odor and sweating in.

Treatment with medications

Thickening toenails can be a symptom of a certain disease. If the nail begins to turn yellow, then this is most likely a manifestation of mycosis. This disease can be managed with medications.

Ointments to reduce thickness

If the cause of deterioration in the appearance of the nail plate is fungi, then effective means to combat them will be the corresponding ones, which are divided into two groups:

  • Azole Active substances destroy the cell membrane and thereby prevent the synthesis of harmful microorganisms. Example: Miconazole, Fundizol and others;
  • allylamine. Penetrate the nail plate and destroy the fungal colony. This group includes Mikoseptin, Lamisil, Mikospor and others. After treatment, a new nail plate grows in place of the affected nail.

Mikospor - cream for removing affected nails. The active substance is bifonazole. For the product to help, it must be used correctly.

To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the thickened and yellowed nail. Apply cream to it and secure a waterproof plaster on top. After a day, you need to remove the diseased area with a special scraper. Find out how Mycostop cream works.

The procedure should be carried out regularly once a day for a month.

Cosmetical tools

Eveline Cosmetics (Poland). “A product for effective and rapid nail regeneration 8 in 1.”

Must be used according to a specific pattern. Process on the first day. On the second day, apply the product again. On the third day, wash it off and repeat the procedure.

Naomi (USA). "Nail reconstructor." The product saturates nails with vitamins and minerals. Restore their structure. Gives nail plates elasticity. You can find out about other American cosmetics at.

Naomi (USA). "Nail reconstructor."

Grate the garlic on a fine grater and mix in equal proportions with natural butter. Place on the nail, place a patch on top and change daily.

Pour a bunch of milkweed with three liters of boiling water and let it brew for at least 3 hours. Immerse your feet in the hot liquid and keep them there for 30 minutes. Repeat after two days. And so on until the fungus completely disappears.

A very effective remedy is celandine herb. Place a spoonful of natural raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Remove the container and wrap it to infuse. Wipe your toenails morning and evening.

Celandine is a very poisonous plant. Therefore, when using it even for external use, you need to adhere to precise dosages.

Strange as it may sound, thick tomato juice can help get rid of fungal diseases of the toes.

Combine tar, goose fat, and sulfur in equal proportions. Add the same amount of burnt copper sulfate (the color should not be blue, but white-gray). Regularly lubricate affected areas. Find out how tar shampoo affects your hair.

Pour a glass of alcohol into a dessert spoon of lilac flowers. Insist for two weeks. Lubricate your nails generously. It will take one to two weeks to recover.

Hardware cosmetology

Just a few years ago, fungus-affected nails were simply removed. Now the technique has changed a little. No one can make your nails thinner - even if you deal with the fungus, your nails grow very slowly. And until the thickened plate comes off, a lot of time will pass. But it is possible to remove the affected areas and make the nail plates aesthetically attractive with the help of a medical pedicure. The procedure is painless, but it is carried out in salons, not hairdressers. And only a specialist with secondary or higher education. Instruments undergo three-stage disinfection.


Video about treating nail fungus.


Thickening of toenails can occur for several reasons. Among which the most important is probably fungus. But this can also happen from wearing shoes that are too small or, conversely, larger than needed. For diseases of the circulatory and peripheral nervous system. Therefore, you probably shouldn’t visually determine the cause of thickening of your nails on your own. It's better to have a specialist do it. He will also prescribe treatment. In each specific case the approach will be individual. This may be drug treatment. Then creams and ointments are used, which contain anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, etc. Surely natural raw materials prepared according to folk recipes can solve the problem. The main thing is to pay attention to the problem in time in order to deal with it faster.

In medicine, the condition, shape, color and size of the nail plates make it easier to diagnose a patient; these parameters can be used to identify internal disorders in the body and malfunctions in some life support subsystems. But thickening of the nails is not always a consequence of internal pathologies; often the cause of curvature, thickening, yellowing, formation of grooves and other external defects of the toenails is wearing tight shoes and illiterate care for them. The treatment of this problem will be discussed in the article.

Causes of thick toenails and what to do about it

Why do toenails thicken? In some cases, the nature of nail thickening is congenital. Compaction of the plate can be caused by:

  • impaired blood flow in the fingers and fingertips;
  • injury, bruise, inflammation of the nail bed;
  • prolonged wearing of small, tight and/or closed shoes;
  • fungal diseases;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine and respiratory systems;
  • avitaminosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • neuropathy;
  • flat feet.

The exact cause of the deformity must be determined by a specialist based on the tests obtained and the medical examination performed. The course and method of treatment, as well as accompanying recommendations, are established individually depending on what caused the pathology and the degree of its manifestation. The article will tell you which one to choose.

Lack of proper care is the main cause of the problem. Read which thermal protection for hair is better.

Treatment methods

Among the known effective methods of eliminating the problem are medications aimed at combating fungal infections, as well as folk recipes that have an antimicrobial effect and soften the plate. Excellent quality + low price = .


If the deviation of the thickness of the plate from the norm is due to a fungal infection, the specialist will prescribe medication treatment in the form of ointments or tablets. Even tone without clogging pores - .

The most popular of them:

  • Terbinafine;
  • Binafin;
  • Terbizine;
  • Mycomax;
  • Orungal;
  • Mikozoral et al.

Cost from 142 rub.

Recipes from grandma's chest - folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is no less effective, but requires more time. Among its advantages is the abundance of recipes and ways to solve the problem.

Does apple cider vinegar help treat thickened pinky nails in women?

The product helps to cope with fungal diseases: the fungus is gradually destroyed under the influence of acid. To prepare baths, you can purchase ready-made apple cider vinegar or make it yourself. Italian quality for captivating eye makeup - .

To prepare you need:

  1. Wash 4-5 kg ​​of apples, dry, peel, cut into quarters.
  2. Pass the pieces through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  3. Squeeze the resulting pulp through gauze folded in several layers.
  4. Pour the juice into a 3 liter bottle and fill the remaining empty space with boiled water.
  5. Add ¼ of a packet of dry yeast and 50 g to the liquid. granulated sugar per 1 liter of vinegar.
  6. Mix the contents thoroughly.
  7. A medical glove is put on the neck of the container.
  8. The bottle is left in a dark, warm place for 14 days to ferment.

Ready-made vinegar is added to foot baths by adding the required amount of product to warm water. A reliable assistant for creating luxurious curls -.

Treatment with apple cider vinegar is not suitable for open and fresh skin lesions on the feet and toes.

Lemon if there is a thickening on the thumb

This citrus has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, fights fungal pathogens and more than 10 other pathogenic microorganisms. To combat the fungus that has caused the thickening of the nail plate, use the whole fruit or its individual components - peel, juice. Separation, volume and length - choose.

Before treating the affected area, it is advisable to make a disinfectant foot bath with soda or salt.

There are several ways to treat with lemon:

  • Soak a cotton pad in freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply it to the sore nail, and press. After the disc has dried, woolen socks are put on your feet. Manipulations are carried out twice a day until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • 10 drops of juice are mixed with soda paste, mixed, and applied in one dense layer to the affected area. Paste is made from 1 tsp. baking soda and a small amount of non-hot water. This mixture fights fungus and softens the nail, simplifying the procedure for cutting it.
    Leave the mixture for no more than 15 minutes, then wash your feet with soapy water.
  • Citric acid (or freshly squeezed juice) is mixed with 1 tbsp. vinegar and 2.5 glasses of warm water. Make baths for 10 minutes; it is also effective to treat the skin between the toes and feet with the composition.

The procedure is carried out daily until the thickened nail comes off and a healthy one grows.

You can soften the effect of lemon juice on the skin with an ordinary baby cream.

Birch buds against hardening of the nail plate

To soften the nail plate, its surface is treated with tincture of birch buds. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix 0.5 liters of vodka and half a glass of kidneys in one container. Do not touch the liquid for 10-12 days. Make compresses with the finished tincture or simply wipe the affected areas, then wrap the nail with film and insulate it. Read about face cream and moisturizing serum from Yves Rocher.

Price – 73 rub.


Iodine and acetic acid are mixed in equal proportions. A cotton swab is moistened in the resulting liquid, and it is used to treat the diseased nail, being careful not to touch healthy areas nearby. Blacker than black - .

Thickening caused by injury is temporary and does not require treatment.

Medicinal plants

The leaves of Kalanchoe or propolis, ground to a pulp, are placed on a bandage or gauze and fixed on the finger. Leave for several hours. Is Avon mascara worthy of your attention?

A quick positive result can be achieved through milkweed baths (no more than 15-20 minutes) or celandine infusion. The last one to wipe is the plate of the affected nail twice a day: in the morning and before going to bed. The course does not exceed 21 days. Find out about Sofin nail polish at.

You can compensate for the lack of microelements in the body that led to the problem through baths with sea salt.


We offer you to watch a video with a few more recommendations for treating nail fungus at home

Thickening of the nail on the big toe is a common phenomenon, caused by various reasons, including age-related changes and fungus. The problem can be prevented by a set of preventive measures: follow the rules of hygiene, take herbal baths from time to time, and consume a sufficient amount of vitamins. You should also wear comfortable, well-ventilated shoes. The secret behind the popularity of Bourgeois mascara has been revealed.

Problems associated with nails can cause a person a lot of reasons for concern. But if the fingernails are almost always in sight, then the feet are not always in sight. Thickening of toenails is more common in older people, but is increasingly common among young people. In order to avoid possible complications associated with this problem, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence.

The need to contact a specialist in this field is not only due to the aesthetic component, but also because of the consequences. Any shoes can cause discomfort in the case of thickened formations. Over time, this can lead to the formation of ulcers. A thickened nail itself can injure neighboring fingers, which again leads to inflammation.

For healthy nail plates, the normal thickness is 0.5 mm for fingernails and 1 mm for toes. In addition, healthy nails are characterized by smooth surfaces, without roughness, and a pinkish tint.

Reasons for deviations

The main reasons that cause thickening of toenails, experts include the following:

  • poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins and microelements always provokes the development of pathologies. A deficiency of necessary elements for the growth and development of healthy nails or metabolic disorders can lead to thickening of the plates;
  • impaired blood circulation in the fingertips, which can cause abnormalities in the development of plates on the legs. Often accompanied by atherosclerosis;
  • are the most common cause of changes in the thickness and color of the keratinized fingertip. Treatment should be started without delay, as there is a risk that the fungus will spread to nearby areas;
  • injury or inflammation of the nail bed;
  • , wearing tight shoes can cause deformation of the nail plates;
  • other non-fungal diseases, in particular, or, can cause the formation of thickenings. Naturally, in this case it is necessary to treat the disease itself;
  • congenital nature of thickening of the nail plates. Taking vitamin complexes and medicinal baths will help alleviate the patient’s condition.

The exact cause of this pathology is determined by the doctor based on the examinations performed, after which a course of treatment and other related recommendations are prescribed.

If the fingernail turns yellow or changes in its density, the doctor should request a test for the presence of fungus. Scraping of biomaterial is done using a metal spatula.

A common cause of deformity can be a leg injury. If there is a strong blow or a heavy object falling from above, the nail plate may be damaged. Thickening of the nail does not appear immediately, because its growth is quite slow. In this case, the healthy part will grow back to normal thickness and you just need to wait until the nail plate is completely renewed.

Treatment of nail plates

In cases where deviations in the development of the nail plates on the toes are caused by fungal diseases, you should not despair. Although treatment is not quick, there are a significant number of antifungal drugs on the market today. For treatment, both general and local agents are used. And in addition there will be drugs with general strengthening properties that increase the immunity of the human body. As you know, the fungus often settles in patients with a weakened immune system. Since mycotic (fungal) diseases are easily transmitted from one person to another, precautions should be taken, especially in common areas such as public showers, saunas, swimming pools, etc.

Antifungal medications come in a variety of forms, with ointments, creams, tablets, and capsules being the most common. They can not only destroy fungal cells, but also prevent their development in the future, that is, they reduce the risk of relapses.

Based on the active substance, a product from one of the following groups can be used to treat toenails:

  • containing terbinafine. Such drugs include binofin, terbizine, terbix and others;
  • containing itroconazole. You can highlight intramycol;
  • based on fluconazole - diflazon, mycosist, ;
  • containing griseovulfine and ketoconazole, for example, mycozoral.

The most commonly prescribed are Lamisil, Orungal, Tekbizin, which eliminate fungus in almost all cases.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, such recipes, accessible to everyone, can help in the treatment of thickening toenails. To soften the nail, take a piece of butter. Softened or melted butter needs to be soaked in a gauze bandage, which is used to wrap fingers with thickened plates. The bandage should be wrapped tightly in any convenient way, you can even use an elastic band. This compress is left overnight, and to achieve the effect you will need to perform from 5 to 10 procedures.

Kalanchoe or propolis are often used to treat thickened nail plates affected by fungus. Fresh leaves, crushed to a mushy state, are tied to thick nails with a bandage. Leave it like this for several hours.

To soften existing thickenings, you can take overnight baths with the addition of soda or medicinal herbs. When moving, in order not to injure the nail, it is better to wear slightly loose shoes or wrap sore toes in any soft cloth.

The main rule for maintaining healthy nail plates is to take care of them regularly, especially when reaching middle age.

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Changes in the size of the toenails, their thickening or yellowness indicate the disease. Such symptoms are typical for fungal exposure, and can also be a consequence of injury. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the reason why the toenails turn yellow and thicken. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the factors that change the condition of keratinized skin.

Causes of thickening and yellowing

The condition of your toenails should be monitored no less carefully than your fingernails. Normal color is close to pink, without growths, grooves and obvious defects. Any external changes, discomfort when walking or pain indicate the onset of the disease. Healthy toenails only become noticeable when they need to be trimmed.

The causes of changes in condition are conventionally divided into pathological and non-pathological. The first are caused by injury or wearing uncomfortable shoes. In this case, the nail on the big toe is most often damaged. This is a normal protective reaction of the body and treatment is not required in this case.

Not less often, thickening of the nail plate occurs due to exposure to fungus. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • gradual change in shade to yellow, increase and unevenness of thickness;
  • if your toenails begin to peel off, this is the first sign of a fungal disease;
  • spots and stripes appear on the surface, which eventually fill the entire area;
  • the appearance of a white coating on the border, an unpleasant odor;
  • Thickening of the nail on the big toe often accompanies itching.

The appearance of these symptoms indicates the presence of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to take action if your toenails turn yellow and thicken. Treatment can be carried out with folk remedies or special medications. The latter are purchased only after visiting a doctor.

The best way to determine the presence of fungus is to lubricate the toenail with iodine. If it does not change color, the problem is not infection. The appearance of dark spots indicates a disease.

Detection and treatment of nail diseases

To eliminate the defect that appears, you must seek professional medical help. In addition to discoloration, thickening of the toenails is a symptom. Treatment is prescribed only after a final diagnosis - identification of the pathogen. Trying on your own can only make the situation worse.

In addition to fungus, the nail may turn yellow and thicken for the following reasons:

  • Anemia – thin and pale. Indicate a lack of iron in the body.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract or liver. Symptoms: slight yellowing without thickening.
  • Infection in the body - the appearance of bumps without a strong change in color.
  • Insufficient amounts of copper, zinc or iodine lead to the formation of many white stripes and dots.
  • Nail brittleness. The main reason is a general lack of vitamins.

A thickened nail with a yellow or close to black color indicates a fungal infection. The process of getting rid of it takes a long time. Therefore, you need to know how to treat thickened toenails using traditional and traditional medicine.

To avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to constantly maintain personal hygiene. Mandatory measures are to periodically trim nails and use preventative detergents.


You can get rid of the disease only according to an individual program after a medical examination. A specialized doctor will prescribe a course, which, upon additional agreement, can be supplemented with treatment with folk remedies. It depends on how different the thickening nail is from a healthy one, taking into account the patient’s age and the general condition of the body.

The method of treatment does not depend on which finger the thickening or discoloration of the nail appeared on - the little finger, the big finger, or any other. Doctors often prescribe the following medications:

  • Orungal. The drug has a broad spectrum of action and is effective in the treatment of fungal diseases. It is prepared in the form of syrup for oral administration.
  • Mikazoral. Available in tablets, syrup or ointment for external use. It is recommended to use in the early stages of the disease, when the thickness of the nail has increased slightly.
  • Lamisil. Also refers to broad-spectrum drugs. The first effect of treatment will be observed after 4-5 days of use. The time for complete recovery is 3-4 weeks. Designed for outdoor use.
  • Mixoral. It is made in the form of tablets, ointment or shampoo. Complex use both internally and externally is recommended.

It is not recommended to purchase these products without consulting your doctor. It is also necessary to study possible contraindications. The causes and treatment of yellow and thick toenails are interrelated.

Often, an increase in nail thickness occurs with age. For such cases, a “softer” alternative treatment is recommended. But this can only be done after visiting a doctor and making a final diagnosis.

Folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine is relevant only in the early stages of the disease. If the nail has thickened significantly and yellowness has appeared, drug treatment is necessary. But in any case, it is recommended to make a diagnosis.

Folk remedies can be roughly divided into steaming nails in warm baths with a special composition and applying compresses to the damaged area of ​​the leg. The following methods are most effective.

Many of us are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a change in the thickness and color of the toenail, and it is the big toe that suffers first of all.

There is a misconception that this is a purely cosmetic defect.

In fact, everything is much more complicated: for the most part, this is how the body reports health-related problems.

Exist three main reasons along which toenails thicken:

  • consequences of injuries;
  • fungal diseases;
  • influence of concomitant diseases (onychodystrophy).

The meaning of effective treatment is to completely eliminate the causes or mitigate their impact.

Let's look at all three cases in more detail.


Post-traumatic therapy

Changes in the structure of toenails due to damage from trauma, for example, a heavy object falling on the nail, an unsuccessful pedicure does not require special drug therapy.

Another thing is that you can effectively stimulate the process of healing and restoration of the nail plate.

Nail injury.

When a hematoma forms you should heat the needle, then use it to make a small hole in the nail and squeeze out the stagnant blood. After the procedure, apply a cold compress.

Also recommended treat the damaged area ricinol, which has anesthetic properties and relieves inflammation. In addition, ricinol promotes rapid restoration of tissue structures, accelerating the therapy process.

A few days after the nail injury You can use external medications, for example, special gels and ointments such as heparin or troxevasin ointment, arnica. The nail plates are treated with them several times a day for a week.

Has an excellent restorative and anti-inflammatory effect dimexide water solution or novocaine in a ratio of 1:3, applied as a compress to the sore spot.

In treatment, the use of traditional medicine is also quite productive.

The most famous and time-tested remedies are compresses with the following ingredients: laundry soap, bodyagi powder, coarsely ground table salt, soda. Foot baths are good for healing.

Plantain or yarrow leaves are used as materials for the decoction.

Fungal infection.


Very often, the “provocateur” of thickening nails is fungal infections. This circumstance suggests a complex complex treatment with the parallel use of medicines and traditional medicine recipes.

Drug treatment involves the use of antifungal agents. These can be either tablets or a variety of gels, creams, ointments, varnishes and patches.

The most highly effective treatment is provided by the use of local agents - mycosan, terbasil, betrafen, mifungar, lamisil and some others, which will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Mode of application is the same: apply the product to the affected nail twice a day for a week.

With systemic therapy, indicated when the process of fungal damage to the body is activated or when the disease is severely advanced, fluconazole, terbinafine, and diflucan are used. The duration of therapy is about a month, and the dosage of medications is carried out only by a qualified specialist.

Video about drugs for treating thickened toenails

Folk remedies

Quite varied treatment methods using folk remedies, some of which we present to your attention:

  • iodine-alcohol solution promotes effective defeat of fungi, while simultaneously possessing antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cauterizing properties. It should be applied to the affected areas using a sanitary stick or a sterile swab;
  • have a great effect baths based on tar soap, softening keratinized tissue and killing nail fungi. The method of application is as follows: you need to grate such an amount of soap so that the resulting mass is two tablespoons, then dissolve it in hot water (2 liters are required) and thoroughly steam your feet in the solution for about 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out twice a week;
  • To prepare the next recipe you will need table salt(one tablespoon) and garlic (one clove is enough). After pressing the garlic, you need to mix it with salt and dissolve it in a glass of hot water. After the infusion has cooled, add four more tablespoons of salt, mix everything and apply water to problem areas. It is recommended to perform the procedure twice a day;
  • good results can be obtained by using dissolved in water sea ​​salt. Cotton swabs soaked in the solution should be applied every day for ten days;
  • help also daily compresses with powdered iodinol mixed with celandine. The procedure lasts thirty minutes and is carried out over a week.

On video: thickening of toenails, treatment with folk remedies

For concomitant diseases

The cause of the nail damage, that is, the disease that provoked such a change, will be determined by the attending physician after appropriate diagnosis.

General method of drug treatment includes taking mineral and vitamin complexes. Calcium and iron supplements are also prescribed. Treatment is supplemented with sedative medications and immunostimulants. The main products include retinol, nicotinic acid, tocopherol acetate and others.

Naturally, the dosage of medications and the timing of treatment are determined by the doctor.

And a palette of red shades of hair dyes.

There are many more methods of treatment: birch tincture, iodine ointment can come to the rescue... you just need to take into account that treatment with homegrown methods is only possible as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor, in combination with drug therapy.
Otherwise, instead of treatment, you will harm yourself even more.

One day you may notice that one of your toenails has become thick, rough and clumsy. Perhaps nothing bad happened. But in many cases, thickening of the toenails indicates the presence of some problems in the body. From this article you will learn why thickening of nails occurs, what treatment to carry out and what preventive measures can be taken.

Causes of the problem

The nail can thicken for various reasons. Let's look at the most common of them.

  • Congenital pachyonychia. This is a hereditary disease characterized by thickening of the nail plates. There is nothing terrible about it; it does not affect any functions of the body. Only the aesthetic component suffers.
  • Fungal diseases. Perhaps the toenail has become deformed as a result of infection with mycosis. This is the most common cause of thickening nails. In this case, diagnosis and treatment should only be carried out by a doctor.
  • If you regularly wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, your nails can become deformed over time.
  • Diseases such as gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis lead to poor circulation in the tips of the toes. This can cause thickening of the nail plates.
  • Thick nails may indicate a lack of vitamins in the body and poor nutrition.
  • Inflammatory processes or injury to the nail bed.
  • Thickening of the nail plate can be caused by certain skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • The nail may be subject to deformation due to clubfoot and flat feet.

How to deal with the problem?

Treatment for thickened nails depends on what caused it. In some cases it is not necessary at all.

  1. Thick nails resulting from congenital pachyonychia do not require treatment. The only thing that can be advised to people with this disease is taking vitamin supplements and warm foot baths.
  2. If thickening of the nail plates occurs as a result of circulatory problems, then treatment will consist of taking appropriate medications and daily massage of the toes.
  3. If the nail is deformed due to mycosis, then it is necessary to fight the fungus itself. Treatment is carried out with antimycotic drugs and special ointments. Let us remind you that only a highly specialized doctor should make a diagnosis and prescribe medications..
  4. Thickening of the nail plate due to injury does not require any treatment. Over time, the deformed nail will grow back and be replaced by a healthy nail plate.
  5. Thick and on the legs with psoriasis or eczema are only symptoms of the underlying disease. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the thickening.
  6. For clubfoot and flat feet, we can recommend wearing custom-made orthopedic shoes.
  7. The lack of vitamins and microelements is accordingly compensated for by proper healthy nutrition and taking complete vitamin complexes.

Preventive measures to avoid thickening

Thickening of the nail plates can be prevented by following recommended preventive measures.

  • Buy only high-quality shoes made from natural, breathable materials. This will reduce the risk of fungal infection due to constant pressure.
  • Try to avoid physical injury.
  • In public places and large crowds of people, observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • If you suspect that your nail is deformed as a result of fungal diseases or psoriasis, do not wait to visit a dermatologist. Timely treatment will help prevent the spread of the disease.
  • Eat properly and nutritiously, spend more time outdoors, and regularly take additional vitamin supplements. A person with a strong immune system is less susceptible to any disease!

As you can see, deformation of the nail plates can be caused by a variety of reasons. And the treatment in each case will be completely individual. And in conclusion, we have prepared a video for you in which an expert will tell you about the most common cause of thickening of the nail plate - fungal diseases.