Prayer to Theodore Tyrone for his return. Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyrone: The Law of Heaven is higher than earthly death Prayers for money to Theodore Tyrone

Being of noble origin (there is every reason to believe that this is Emperor Alexander I), Theodore left the world in old age and labored in the feat of pilgrimage.

Through his ascetic life of prayer and repentance, he received from God the gift of insight and reasoning. Both the rich and the poor, the educated and the illiterate came to him for wise advice - he instructed people in the faith, directed them on the path good life and corrections. Through his prayers then and with his current heavenly intercession, people received and are receiving healing for many diseases, help in temptations.


Elder Fyodor is revered as the Siberian Panteleimon for his gift of helping people in illness.

Troparion to the holy righteous Theodore of Tomsk, tone 4:

After the life of the secular righteous Theodora, you retired to the Siberian land, deigning to come freely, you surprised the people of Tomsk with miracles and the signs of God, and after your death you strengthened the faith of those who honor you. Remember us, who honor Your memory, Our Father Theodore!

Kontakion to the holy righteous Theodore of Tomsk, tone 4

Chosen miracle worker and wonderful servant of Christ, our quick helper and prayer book, righteous Father Theodore!

The Lord who magnified you, let us sing praises to you, flowing to the race of your relics. But you, because you have boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles, calling: Rejoice, our righteous Father Theodore, warm prayer book for us to God. Prayer to the holy righteous Theodore of Tomsk O righteous Father Theodore! Accept this song of praise, offered to you with love and faith, and mercifully bow down from the heavenly heights, as a loving father, intercede with faith and love for those who honor sins, forgiveness of sins, correction of life, a peaceful Christian death and not reviled by the spirits of evil. And appear then, O Father, driving away the fear of death from your faithful servants and honorers of your most sacred memory, comfortably creating the separation of the soul from the body and the fierce ordeals of the passage of your mighty to the Lord through prayer and intercession, grace, generosity and love for mankind of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother, and through your merciful intercession for us. We hope to receive all this forgiveness on the day


Akathist to the righteous Theodore of Tomsk:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the righteous Theodore of Tomsk:

  • Righteous Theodore of Tomsk- Tomsk and Asinovsk diocese

Relics and veneration

One pious and virtuous woman named Eusevia asked for the body of the great martyr untouched by fire and, having received it, anointed the relics with fragrant myrrh, wrapped her in a clean shroud and buried her in her home in the city of Euchaita, not far from Amasia, where she celebrated his holy memory every year.

50 years after the martyrdom of Saint Theodore, Emperor Julian the Apostate, wishing to outrage Christians, ordered the eparch (i.e., mayor) of Constantinople to sprinkle all food supplies in the markets with blood sacrificed to idols during the first week of Great Lent. Saint Theodore, appearing in a dream to the Archbishop of Constantinople Eudoxius, ordered him to announce to all the faithful that no one should buy anything in the markets, but should eat boiled wheat with honey - kolivo (kutya or sochivo).

In memory of this event, the Orthodox Church annually celebrates on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent (by its ancient name - “Feodorovskaya Saturday”). On Saturday evening, on Friday, on Divine Liturgy Of the Presanctified Gifts, after the prayer behind the pulpit, the canon of prayer for the holy Great Martyr Theodore, compiled by the Monk John of Damascus, is read. After this, the kolivo is blessed and distributed to believers. The celebration of the Great Martyr Theodore on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent was already described by Patriarch Nektarios of Constantinople.

Subsequently, the relics of Theodore Tyrone were transferred to Constantinople, to a temple consecrated in his name. Most of the relics of the great martyr have been kept for a year in Serbia, in the Novo-Khopovo convent. The head of the martyr is in Italy, in the city of Gaeta. Many particles of relics are now found in Greece - the right hand in the Mega-Spileo monastery in the Peloponnese, a number of particles - on Holy Mount Athos (in the monasteries of Xenophon, Dochiar, in the Russian Panteleimon Monastery, in the New Skete of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the monastery of St. Paul),


Troparion, tone 2

Great faith of correction,/ in the fountain of flame, as on the water of repose,/ the holy martyr Theodore rejoiced:/ for he was burnt by fire,/ as sweet bread was brought to the Trinity.// Pray for him You, Christ God, save our souls.

On Saturday of the first week of Great Lent, the Orthodox Church honors the holy martyr Theodore Tyrone (†c. 306; commemorated February 17). Because the evening service Saturday takes place the day before, then on Friday after the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts a prayer service is held, at which a special canon is read to the martyr Theodore Tyrone, after which the festive kutya is consecrated.

According to the life, Theodore, nicknamed Tyrone, i.e. recruit, was a soldier of the Marmarite regiment in the city of Amasia (Pontus, Asia Minor - the territory of modern Turkey).

Then the emperor Maximian, a furious pagan, was in power. At that time, soldiers were obliged to make sacrifices to Roman deities. The emperor wanted the people to honor him as a god. This concerned warriors primarily. After all, the army was the backbone of imperial power. The sacrifice was considered not so much a religious act as a proof of loyalty to the ruler. For refusing to worship idols, any person was doomed to execution.

When a military leader named Vrink began to demand that his soldiers sacrifice to the Roman gods, Theodore resolutely refused. It was tantamount to signing my own death warrant. But the military leader, hoping to bring his subordinate to his senses, gave him several days to think.

These days Theodore prayed earnestly and, at the end of the period, he again firmly declared his refusal to worship the pagan gods. After this, he was accused of burning the pagan temple of Cybele (at that time the cult of the “great mother of the gods” goddess Cybele was very popular in the Roman Empire) and thrown into prison, where he was doomed to starvation.

A few days later, the guards, opening the prison, were surprised that the young man was still alive and continued to profess his faith in Christ. Moreover, the prisoner said that during prayer the Son of God himself appeared to him and strengthened him.

Then Theodore was brought to trial before the mayor Publius, who again invited him to make a sacrifice. After the refusal, Theodore was tortured - his body was planed with iron teeth, but the saint continued to confess Christ.

As a result, the young man, as a malicious rebel, was sentenced to be burned at the stake. Theodore himself went to the stake and with prayer gave up his soul to God, to whom he remained faithful.

According to legend, the Christian Eusebia asked for his remains, undamaged by fire, and buried them in her house in the city of Euchaites, not far from Amasia. Later, his relics were transferred to Constantinople (Constantinople), to a temple consecrated in his name, and the head - first to Brindisi, and then to Gaeta (Italy).

Miracle of Saint Theodore

Almost 50 years after the martyrdom of Saint Theodore, Emperor Julian the Apostate (361 - 363), wishing to outrage Christians (according to Acts 15:29, Christians are ordered to “abstain from things sacrificed to idols and blood”), ordered the mayor of Constantinople in the 1st week During Lent, secretly sprinkle all food sold in city markets with blood sacrificed to idols.

That same night, Theodore Tiron appeared in a dream to the Archbishop of Constantinople Eudoxius and warned him about the emperor’s plan. The saint commanded that these days we eat boiled wheat with honey - kolivo (kutya).

In memory of this, the Orthodox Church established a celebration in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron, celebrated on the 1st Saturday of Great Lent. On Saturday evening (Friday), after the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the prayer canon for the Great Martyr Theodore (compiled by John of Damascus) is read and the kolivo is blessed and distributed to the believers.

Theodore Tiron is revered among the great martyrs in the Orthodox and Catholic churches. Memory in Orthodox Church takes place on February 17 (March 1) at leap year, February 17 (March 2) in non-leap years, and in 1st Saturday of Lent.

On the significance of the appearance of the martyr Theodore Tiron

The appearance of the martyr Theodore reveals his special intercession, the meaning of which is as follows. In 362, Easter was on March 31 (the date is 362, cited by Archpriest G. Debolsky), and the first Sunday of Great Lent fell on February 17, when the Church commemorates the martyrdom of the martyr Theodore Tiron. Thus, the holy martyr appeared to the Primate of the Byzantine Church with a warning to believers about the disaster that threatened them on the day of his memory.

The appearance of the martyr Theodore under Julian the Apostate undoubtedly contributed to the spread of his veneration. The memory of Theodore Tiron is chronologically the first triode memory of the saint, and it opened the first resurrection of Great Lent.

The triodional commemoration of the martyr Theodore Tyrone marked the triumph of Orthodoxy over the deceit of paganism. In the 9th century (from 843), the victory of Orthodoxy over iconoclasm began to be celebrated on the first Sunday of Lenten, and the memory of the martyr Theodore was moved to the previous day, but the idea of ​​the first Sunday of Lenten was preserved - this is the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron
O Most Glorious, Great Martyr Theodore Tiron. Hear the prayer of us faithful, who magnify you and in our humility cry out to you with all our souls. From your youth, having shown an ardent faith in Christ the Lord and laid down your life for her sake, give us who pray to you spiritual strength to maintain the purity of the right faith all our days. Seal by martyrdom the confession of faith in the furnace of fire, be an image for us in zeal for preaching the Truth of Christ. Protecting the faithful from the sin of paganism and apostasy, keep us clean from heretical intrigues and all devilish instigations. O Most Blessed Great Martyr Theodora, by your intercession at the Throne of the Most High, beg the Lord God to give us grace-filled strength to direct the path of our lives according to the Word of God for the salvation of our souls. Because through your prayers we have received grace and mercy, let us glorify all the good Source and Gift-Giver God, the One, in the Trinity of Saints Slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion of the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron, tone 2
With the great faith of correction, in a fountain of flame, as if on the water of repose, the holy martyr Theodore rejoiced: for he was burnt with fire, as sweet bread was offered to the Trinity. Through his prayers, O Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion of the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron, tone 8
We will accept the Faith of Christ, like a shield, inside your heart; you have trampled upon the opposing forces, O much-suffering one, and you have been crowned with the Heavenly crown forever, Theodora, as if you were invincible.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

Saint Theodore lived at the beginning of the 4th century and was a warrior in the city of Amasia. When Emperor Maximian began the persecution of Christians, Theodore was forced to sacrifice to the pagan gods, but he publicly confessed himself to be a Christian and refused to participate in the sacrifice. He was condemned to be burned.

Having crossed himself, the saint himself bravely ascended the fire and, with prayer and thanksgiving, gave up his soul to God.

Fifty years after the death of the holy martyr, Emperor Julian the Apostate, who hated Christians and knew how strictly they fasted during the first days of the Holy Pentecost, ordered the ruler of Constantinople to secretly remove all ordinary food from the city markets. In return, put the one that the day before was sacrificed to idols and was considered desecrated by Christians.

The emperor's order was carried out, but was not successful. To protect the holy fast, the Lord showed a sign: the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron appeared in a dream to Patriarch Eudoxius of Constantinople and commanded all believers not to buy defiled food in the markets, but for those who do not have food supplies to make kolivo (boiled wheat with honey).

Christians ate kolivo all week and saved themselves from desecration. The Holy Church still performs a prayer canon to Saint Theodore Tyrone on Friday of the first week of Lent and blesses the kolivo in his honor.

Koliv, also called sochivo or kutya, is customary to remember the deceased and is used on Christmas Eve or Epiphany. It is prepared from steamed grains of wheat, rice and other cereals with honey, nuts, dried fruits and poppy seeds. At the end of the first week of Great Lent, they do not commemorate the dead with a koliv, but remember the miracle that Saint Theodore Tyrone performed in the 4th century under Emperor Julian the Apostate.

More than one and a half thousand years separate us from those events, but the Church invariably reminds us of them. The Christians, whom Theodore Tyrone saved from desecration, celebrated his benefactor by preparing kolivo as a sign of gratitude to his benefactor. And from then on, to this day, we, renewing the miracle so that such a glorious deed of the martyr would not be forgotten over time, honor the memory of the Great Martyr Theodore by consecrating the Kolivo.

During these holy days of Lent, it will be useful to once again think about the need for its observance.

Since ancient times, Orthodox Christians have honored fasting as divine decree, recognizing its violation as one of grave sins. And now they say that fasting is unnecessary and harmful to health. And how many people observe fasting today among those who consider themselves Orthodox? Our ancestors fasted strictly and were quite healthy, and they had enough strength for many things and for many years. All the ascetics of the Church ate very little, but, nevertheless, they labored in the greatest feats and lived to very advanced years.

However, physical fasting in itself does not lead us to salvation. “Food does not bring us closer to God,” the Apostle Paul teaches us, “for if we eat, we gain nothing; if we do not eat, we lose nothing” (1 Cor. 8:8). “The kingdom of God,” he says, “is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17). But physical fasting is necessary to curb our sensuality. This remedy was used by all great ascetics, righteous people and saints of God. For example, the holy King David testifies to himself that he “exhausted his soul with fasting” (Ps. 34:13).

This is the teaching concerning the meaning of fasting and other virtues associated with it, contained in the patristic legends. One day, many common people gathered to visit the Monk Pimen to listen to his soulful conversations.

Turning to one of them, the holy elder said: “Now tell us something edifying.” At first he didn’t know what to say, but then he remembered a parable he had once heard from a certain old man.

“One man wanted to see the king and asked one of his friends to take him to him. The friend agreed, but said that he could only take him halfway. Then this man turned to another friend, who agreed to take him to the royal palace. Finally, he turned to a third friend, and he agreed to take him to the king himself.”

“What does this parable mean?” the common people asked the narrator.

“The first friend is fasting, which brings us to half the path of salvation; the second is chastity or purity of soul, leading to heaven; the third friend is obedience, which leads us to God Himself.” From this everyone understood that fasting is necessary, but in order to please God, it must be combined with other virtues. Let us, at the time established by the Holy Church, fast in such a way that in this way we achieve victory over our sensuality, carnality, self-love and pride.

But let us not observe just one fast of the flesh, but let us impose this fast on all our feelings; so that our eyes do not look with lust, so that our ears do not hear anything unchaste, so that our tongue does not utter words of condemnation, slander, abuse and, finally, so that our whole body does not indulge in effeminacy, laziness, but exercises itself in labor, standing in prayer and in any other way God of activity.

And the words: “God is in my soul” are easy to say, without doing any work on yourself, no feat - these are empty words, and a deep misunderstanding of what we are talking about when we say: “God is in my soul” , at best, a person has a memory of God, but not God himself. God is in the temple, and for him to be in the soul is the whole meaning of life. To be a Christian, a person must enrich himself spiritually, which is unthinkable without prayer and fasting.

And so, the holiday of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron is connected with the fact that Christians were able not to defile themselves and observe fasting in full. "Tiron" is translated from Latin as recruit. He is a warrior of Christ and, indeed, was a Roman legionnaire who, like true Christian, refused to sacrifice to idols, for which he was tortured and burned at the stake, but the warrior’s body remained undamaged. The body of the holy martyr Theodore Tyrone rests in Constantinople, in the temple named after him.

Let us believe and have faith that the Great Martyr Theodore Tyrone will help us when we turn to him for help, so as not to defile ourselves by any contact with something sacrificed to idols, but serving the passions: gluttony, love of money... and there are idols. Fasting is work and even a feat, but despite this, all Christian believers look forward to fasting, it is desired. The Holy Fathers call it “springtime for the soul,” when a person is inspired, breaks away from earthly worries, from the vanity of the world and plunges deep into himself, surrendering to repentance and prayer, the fight against passions. During this period, the spiritual life of a believer is updated. Congratulations to all Orthodox Christians on the beginning of Lent!


Troparion, tone 2

The great faith of correction, / in a source of flame, like on the water of rest, /
the holy martyr Theodore rejoiced: / for he was burnt with fire, /
like sweet bread was brought to the Trinity. / Through the prayers of Christ God / save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8

The faith of Christ is like a shield into your heart, /
Thou hast trampled upon the opposing forces, the long-suffering one: /
and you were forever crowned with the heavenly crown of Theodore, / as invincible.
Holy Great Martyr Theodore, pray to God for us!

And song 6, tone 6

Strangely terrified by your vision, / the bishop contradicted the speech: / Who are you, Lord, say to me? / Enlighten and teach how we will find speedy help?

Theodore speaks: I am clearly a passion-bearer, and hear: / having boiled the wheat, divide it among the people, / and thus they will be saved from the unclean brass of the deceiver.

Glory: How great is your miracle, / and your glorious intercession, Theodore! / Meanwhile, boldly and purely, we all resort to you, / and we pray, save your servants.

And now, Mother of God: The dwelling place of light, and the pure companion of the Word, you were, / the Father’s favor, and the visitation of the Holy Spirit towards you, / also enlighten me.

50 main prayers for money and material well-being Berestova Natalia

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

Saint Theodore was a warrior who lived in the Pontic region at the beginning of the 3rd century. - during the time of persecution of Christians. Refusing to renounce his faith and sacrifice to idols, Theodore was subjected to torture and torment. In prison, the saint instructed other captured Christians, strengthening them in the faith, and died at the stake. His relics were buried by a pious woman.

Half a century later, Emperor Julian the Apostate conceived a great desecration of food for Christians - by his order, at night in the first week of Lent, all edible food in the markets was sprinkled with sacrificial blood.

But the martyr Theodore appeared to Archbishop Eudoxius in a dream, told him about the emperor’s insidious plan and ordered him to eat only boiled wheat grains with honey - kolivo (kutya) for food during this week. In memory of this, the tradition of eating kutya, blessed the day before, has been preserved on the first Saturday of Great Lent.

The seat of the Great Martyr Theodore is in the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in Moscow on M. Dmitrovka street.

Prayers are offered to Saint Theodore Tyrone for help in any need - in poverty and lack of money, and also, if necessary, to strengthen the spirit and faith.

I was editing an article about Saint Theodore for a local newspaper and, although at that time I had little interest in issues of faith, at some point I caught myself re-reading the text of the prayer for the third time. Then I had financial difficulties, and I had no idea how to resolve them.

And then, literally on the same day as I read this prayer, all the problems were solved as if by themselves. What a miracle!

Natalya Ya.,


Unfortunately, this saint, Theodore Tirin, is little known, people rarely turn to him for help. But in vain. For my family, he is the most faithful helper. There has never been a time when the prayers of this saint were not heard - in any need we turn to him - and when my husband had difficulties at work, I prayed to Theodore Tirin, and when my bag and wallet was stolen, and when my daughter could not after college Good work find. And help always came, and everything was resolved by the most miraculously! Thanks to Saint Theodore!

R.? B. Maria,


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