How dangerous is wifi for health? Harmful Wi-Fi radiation from a router. Let's look at the facts, expert opinion

In recent years, the number of wireless devices has increased significantly. I use a Wi-Fi connection on smartphones, laptops, TVs, set-top boxes and various household appliances. The convenience of this connection method is obvious - there is no need to pull wires, damaging the interior. It is enough to place a router in the apartment, and all the listed devices will be combined into a common network over the air. However, Wi-Fi is radiation, and any type of radiation has an effect on the human body. In this article we will tell you whether wireless networks are harmful and how dangerous it is to stay near a switched-on router for a long time.

Is it harmful to be near a router?

So, how can a regular router be dangerous and is it really dangerous to be near it all the time?

In order to answer this question, let's first understand what Wi-Fi is.

Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity, that is, “wireless data transmission.” Radio waves with a frequency of 2.4 - 5 GHz are used to transmit information. Therefore, Wi-Fi is a type of radio wave of a certain range. Strictly speaking, a router is a device of the same profile as a mobile phone, TV and FM radio. All of these devices emit radio waves of varying frequencies and intensities. And these waves affect our body constantly, indoors and outdoors, because we are almost always in the range of one or more radiation sources.

Why are radio waves dangerous to health?

Scientists are unanimous: radio radiation can definitely harm the human body. The extent of the harm directly depends on the power of the radiation source, its duration and the proximity of the person to it.

The main directions of the negative impact of router radio waves on human health are as follows::

  • Long-term exposure to radio waves reduces the level of antioxidant defense of the body, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, primarily the brain and liver.
  • Radio waves negatively affect male reproduction. Radio radiation reduces sperm motility and damages testicular DNA. Long-term exposure to intense radio waves can lead to infertility.
  • Radio radiation negatively affects the development of the fetus and can provoke termination of pregnancy. Constant use of mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices increases the likelihood of miscarriage by 50%.
  • Radio waves cause sleep disturbances. In particular, they disrupt the change of sleep phases, as a result of which a person does not get enough sleep. Radio radiation can also cause insomnia.
  • Radio radiation causes cancer. Back in the 1970s, scientists found that most people who died of cancer lived in homes with strong electromagnetic fields.

How dangerous is router radiation?

Let's consider whether the radiation from a router located in an apartment is harmful to health. Devices emitting radio waves are constantly around us. At the same time, an ordinary microwave emits radiation 100 thousand times more than a router. Yes, and the mobile phone “phonics” is much stronger. To surpass the radiation intensity of one mobile phone, you will need two routers and two dozen laptops.

Therefore, many experts argue that of all household devices that use radio frequencies, a router is the safest.

On the one hand, this statement is true in principle. The radiation from a Wi-Fi router is negligible compared to the radiation from many household devices. However, in most apartments the router is constantly on, while we use other devices for a short time. For example, we turn on the microwave to warm up food. This takes a few minutes. And the peak power of mobile phone radiation is achieved only during a conversation. In standby mode it is negligible. Thus, the low radiation power of the router is compensated by its round-the-clock operation. This means that its harmful effect on the body cannot be underestimated in any case.

Scientists conducted such an experiment. Two sperm samples were placed under different conditions. One was just in the room where the computer was located. And the other was next to a computer that was actively interacting with the network via Wi-Fi. In the first case, 14% of sperm died, and in the second - 25%.

Router in the bedroom

Let's ask ourselves how harmful and dangerous it is to place a router in the bedroom.

Most often, a router in an apartment is installed in the bedroom. Because people like to lie around with a tablet or watch a movie online before going to bed. But you shouldn’t be near a switched-on router, and here’s why.

Scientists conducted such an experiment. They observed two groups of people. One group slept under normal conditions. People from the other group had a device with Wi-Fi turned on next to their bed overnight, and then, the next morning, their condition was compared with the experimental ones from the first group. It was found that the majority of participants in the second group experienced cerebral vascular spasms, fatigue, and decreased attention. People who spent the night without Wi-Fi were much less likely to experience these symptoms.

It is believed that Wi-Fi radiation has a much greater impact on the brain of children, since the children's skull is thinner than that of an adult and is less protected from radio waves. Therefore, if a child is sleeping in the room, all devices using Wi-Fi must be removed or turned off at night.

In addition, the router's display and constantly flashing lights, especially in the dark, can have an irritating effect on the psyche and make it difficult to fall asleep.

In this regard, it is strictly not recommended to place the router in the bedroom, much less next to the bed..

How to reduce harm from a router

Of course, the best way to minimize the harm from Wi-Fi is not to use a router at all. After all, after all, a computer or laptop can be connected to the network via wires. But Internet users are unlikely to be ready for such a radical solution. And if you follow this method in everything, you will have to give up television, radio, and mobile communications.

Therefore, let's look at how you can continue to use a wireless network at home and at the same time reduce the harmful effects of router radiation on the body.

Household routers are usually not very powerful. They operate at frequencies up to 5 GHz and their radiation power does not exceed 100 mW. However, there are more powerful devices used to transmit data over long distances when organizing large networks. There is no need for such powerful routers in an apartment. Therefore, use a regular router. Its effect on your body will be minimal.

Place the router away from your work area. And even more so from the bed you sleep on. In general, if possible, install it in a room where you are least likely to be present. For example, in the hallway, in the attic of a private house or in any non-residential room. At a distance, radio waves are much less dangerous. Of course, the further away the router, the weaker the signal, but for a city apartment in most cases this is not important. If the signal quality is not satisfactory, you will have to look for a reasonable compromise.

The fewer devices, the better. It is better to use one powerful router, if necessary, than two or three weaker devices. If in your case you cannot do without, try to ensure that their number is minimal.

In normal operation, the router emits radio waves constantly. If its continuous operation is not necessary, it makes sense to reduce the time of its active operation. Most routers can be configured so that the Internet will only connect if there are active client devices. The rest of the time the router will be in passive mode and the intensity of its radiation will be significantly lower.

If the router is not currently in use, you can turn it off altogether. And, of course, the router should be unplugged at night.

You can read about why you should turn off your router at night on our website.


The following conclusions can be drawn.

In the modern world, it is not possible to completely get rid of the effects of Wi-Fi radiation. Because routers are used in homes, offices and even on the street. Large cities are completely covered by wireless networks.

The power of Wi-Fi radiation from a conventional router is several times less than that of other household appliances. Therefore, the harm that it can cause to the human body is minimal.

In order to protect yourself from the possible negative consequences of constant contact with a Wi-Fi router, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations.

It seems that recently articles with frightening titles flashed on the pages of the yellow press: “Mobile phones lead to impotence!”, and doctors on TV talked about how bad computer radiation is for children. Now these passions have subsided, but wi-fi technologies have come into the world - and now people are already afraid of them. How justified is such concern and what should you do for your own safety?

What is Wi-Fi and why is it needed?

The four letters known to most city residents - Wi-Fi - are nothing more than an abbreviation of two English words: wireless fidelity - “wireless accuracy”. Wireless networks are used everywhere due to their simplicity and convenience, and are accessible to most modern Internet users.

Wi-Fi is a digital data transmission standard that uses radio waves - just like mobile phones, microwave ovens and other similar devices.

Wi-Fi is a wireless local area network technology with devices based on IEEE 802.11 standards. The Wi-Fi logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Under the abbreviation Wi-Fi, a whole family of standards for transmitting digital data streams over radio channels is currently being developed. Wi-Fi operates in the license-free ISM frequency range (2402–2480 MHz).

This technological direction has been developed since 1999, and during this time it has made its way into all sorts of authorities. Of course, Wi-Fi doesn’t require wires! But radio emission, the effect of which on living organisms is still poorly understood, leaves many questions.

Does radiation affect the brain?

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), based in France, classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields - that is, from mobile phones, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies - as category 2b on its scale of carcinogenic risk to humans: “possibly carcinogenic." But coffee, canned vegetables and working with printing materials are also included in the same category.

It’s hard to imagine modern business life without Wi-Fi and mobile communications

The scientific world even disagrees about the harm from mobile and cordless phones operating at frequencies similar to Wi-Fi. A 2011 American study (Hardell, Carlberg and Hanson) found that constant use of mobile communications - especially from a young age - can cause brain tumors. Sounds scary, doesn't it?

But there are nuances:

  1. First, this study included respondents who were diagnosed between 1997 and 2003 in America. The permissible level of EMR - electromagnetic radiation - in populated areas is regulated at the legislative level and differs from country to country. In the USA, where this study was conducted, the sanitary standard is 100 μW/cm², which is quite high. In Russia it is 10 times less: 10 μW/cm². If we still agree that electromagnetic waves have a significant effect on living organisms, we must take this into account.
  2. Secondly, another, international, more extensive study (from the INTERPHONE Study Group.), does not reveal a clear enough correlation between the use of wireless phones in everyday life and the specified disease.
  3. Thirdly, Wi-Fi networks, although they use the same types of electromagnetic fields as mobile phones, are several times weaker in radiation strength. For them to have any obvious effect on the human body, they need many years of contact with the source of the waves at a very short distance (less than 1 m).

The impact of Wi-Fi on children

Whether wireless radiation has any negative effects on children is still an open question. There are neither exact data nor convincing experiments on this topic - perhaps not least due to its sensitivity. When it comes to the health of children, the level of responsibility for a scientist is much higher.

In France, a bill was passed several years ago that restricts the use of wireless networks in kindergartens, nurseries and similar institutions. But the point is not at all that French scientists have proven the harm of wireless technologies for the younger generation. When we study this news more closely, we learn the following:

  1. The law was prepared by the environmentalist party. Their arguments also do not include claims about the undeniable harm of Wi-Fi - environmentalists rely on the same IARC scale, which considers wireless radiation a “possible carcinogen.” The main message of the bill is to reduce potential risks.
  2. Restrictions apply to institutions working with children under 3 years of age. For elementary school premises, for example, they no longer apply to the same extent, except for the recommendation not to use Wi-Fi equipment outside the educational process.

Digital technologies are now actively used in educational systems of various countries

To date, there is no reason to say that it is harmful for children to be in the range of Wi-Fi signals.

Wireless networks and men's health

Let's look at the research again. In the fall of 2017, a group of Iranian scientists (Kamali K, Atarod M, Sarhadi S and others) set out to find out whether exposure to Wi-Fi and 3G networks affects sperm quality. To do this, they took 40 sperm samples from healthy adult men and divided them into two groups. The control group samples were protected with a three-layer aluminum foil shield and placed in an incubator for 50 minutes, where the temperature was maintained at 37°C.

Samples from the second group were placed in a similar incubator in another room. In the same incubator, the researchers placed a laptop connected to a modem, which downloaded data from the Internet for the entire 50 minutes. After this, the samples were compared with each other according to a number of parameters. In samples located near the computer, the percentage of immotile sperm was significantly higher. In other indicators they were also inferior to the first group.

Although it is very convenient to keep laptops on your lap, it is not safe for men's health

The conclusion is clear: close contact with a source of electromagnetic waves like a router is harmful if a man is planning to become a father. There are also earlier experiments, in particular, the Argentinean one, with similar conditions and results - and they also discovered disturbances in the DNA structure of the sperm of the second group. You can also come across information that men should not keep a laptop on their laps or just near the groin area also because laptops tend to heat up. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause pathological processes in the male genital organs.

Can Wi-Fi give you headaches?

Numbers are numbers, but feeling unwell in the range of wireless networks is indeed not uncommon. Let's consider what this may be connected with.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

In the medical community, there is such a term as “electromagnetic hypersensitivity.” People with it may feel worse near routers and modems, mobile phones or other sources of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity makes itself felt with symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • visual impairment;
  • decreased attention.

However, the nature of these symptoms is usually psychosomatic. There is no allergy to electromagnetic fields, and doctors attribute such sensitivity to mental disorders and the effects of self-hypnosis.

If you have a headache supposedly from frequent use of electronic equipment, do not rush to blame Wi-Fi

Computer vision syndrome

If your head and eyes begin to hurt while working at a computer, then usually the cause is not the Wi-Fi networks themselves, but faulty equipment or a violation of sanitary and hygienic recommendations for using a PC. Modern doctors identify such a phenomenon as “computer vision syndrome” (CVS). It is not considered a separate disease.

The GLC can be expressed as follows:

  • tearing eyes;
  • dry eyes;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, swelling of the capillaries (sometimes the capillaries even burst);
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eye (rinsing does not help);
  • pain in the eyes, which may be accompanied by a headache;
  • visual impairment - objects blur (focus shifts), as an option - double;
  • the eyes quickly get tired from any strain.
  1. We look at the monitor screen or even a smartphone for a long time - the frequency of blinking decreases. As a result, the surface of the eye is less moisturized.
  2. The light level in the room is significantly lower or higher than the brightness of the screen.
  3. The angle between an imaginary line that can be drawn from the center of the monitor to the eye and a horizontal line from the bottom of the monitor (the so-called gaze angle) exceeds 14 degrees.
  4. The monitor is too far or too close to the person (optimally 60–70 cm).

To prevent this from happening, you should follow the sanitary and hygienic standards and labor protection recommendations applicable in these cases:

  • do eye exercises every 20 minutes (blinking, looking left-right, up-down, and so on);
  • take short breaks at least every hour: drink water, walk, perform simple physical exercises (neck, arms);
  • make sure that the equipment you use is functioning properly and is optimally located.

I once encountered this phenomenon myself. Headache and watery eyes became my companions for some time during and after web surfing. The real reason turned out to be, of course, not electromagnetic waves, but the quality of the monitor with which I was dealing at the time. When the monitor was replaced, the symptoms also disappeared.

But if you have eliminated all the probable causes of poor health in this way, and you still feel unwell from Wi-Fi networks, mobile phones and computers, undergo a medical examination. You may need medical help.

Safety regulations

Most sources agree on one thing: Wi-Fi waves themselves do not cause much harm, but it matters how far away the router is directly from a person. A distance of at least one meter is acceptable, but optimal is at least 3.5 meters from a person. In practice this means:

  • You should not place this device near the bed, much less at the head of the bed;
  • be especially careful when placing the router next to the computer you are working on - remember the regulations;
  • In some cases it is convenient to place the router on the wall (but make sure that access to the equipment is not obstructed in this way).

In urban environments, turning off your router at night to avoid Wi-Fi exposure is useless: you still remain within Wi-Fi reach of your neighbors and even organizations located nearby. But even if this is not the case, there is not much difference. Keep your distance and the radiation will not harm you.

If you're still concerned about possible harm from wireless radiation to you or your loved ones, don't worry. To this day, scientists do not have clear evidence that radio waves can cause serious harm to human health. Microwaves, which are the basis for Wi-Fi transmission, are quite safe as long as you do not place the router too close to the place where you work or sleep. If it makes you feel safer, turn it off when you don’t need it, but there is no need for this.

It is indispensable in our lives. Nowadays, no one will be surprised by the presence of Wi-Fi in offices, shopping and entertainment complexes, beauty salons, restaurants and cafes, just in parks and on the streets and squares of big cities. At home, almost every family has several devices with Internet access; Wi-Fi helps solve the issue of simultaneous access. The router gets rid of wires getting tangled under your feet. Wireless technologies are penetrating our lives deeper and deeper.

But at the same time, many researchers and ordinary users are tormented by the question of how Wi-Fi affects our body? Some talk about harmlessness, others argue that the harm of Wi-Fi is quite noticeable. Let's look at some aspects of this issue.

A few words about Wi-Fi technology and the purpose of Wi-Fi routers

Wi-Fi is a wireless radio standard operating at a frequency of 2.4 to 5 GHz. For experimental purposes, the frequency can reach 20 GHz, but such high frequencies are not used in everyday life. The data transfer speed is growing every day, and the level of protection is increasing.

Using Wi-Fi, you can create a wireless network with Internet access in almost any room and connect many devices to it, such as laptops, tablets, phones, TVs and even watches. Unlike a wired connection, you can connect a virtually unlimited number of devices via Wi-Fi.

Having a wireless network creates many conveniences, but is a Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful?

The influence of electromagnetic waves on the body

The frequency at which the router’s transmitter operates affects the functioning of the cells of the human body, causing the molecules of water, glucose, and fat to approach and rub together, which entails an increase in temperature. Because of this, cells may not work correctly and fail.

When downloading large volumes, the data transfer speed increases. Data is transmitted over the air in the mid-frequency range. Since cells can receive energy at different frequencies, the possibility of harm to health cannot be ruled out.

Living in an apartment, we are exposed to radiation from our neighbors’ routers. Walls cannot completely protect us from waves. Plus, wireless access points are installed in cafes, offices, and shops. In fact, each of us is exposed to radiation all day long. And many of us do not turn off the router even at night.

Wi-Fi router

Doctors have conducted repeated studies on the dangers of Wi-Fi for humans. Electromagnetic field radiation can cause symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, fatigue, and headache. Night sleep may not bring us proper recovery, and the immune system may not protect us from viruses and diseases.

Effect on cerebral vessels. Danish scientists suggested that some schoolchildren put a smartphone with Wi-Fi turned on under their pillow at night. Examinations showed deterioration of attention and the presence of vascular spasms. But since the participants in the experiment were children, one should not count on the purity of the experiment.

Impact on children. Because children's skulls are thinner, they are more at risk. Although the World Health Organization has reported that broadband wireless networks do not affect the body, it is electromagnetic waves that harm the body. At the same time, the organization emphasizes that there is no convincing evidence of the harm of radiation.

Impact on men's health. As part of the experiment, it was found that electromagnetic radiation affects sperm. In a sample installed on a computer with Wi-Fi turned on, 25% of the sperm died within four hours. Therefore, men should not abuse holding a laptop on their knees.

How harmful is Wi-Fi itself?

The main parameter affecting a person is the absolute optical radiation power, which is measured in decibel-milliwatts (dBm). The radiation power of a mobile phone is 27 dBm; the user receives the highest radiation when calling and searching for a network signal. The strength of the impact depends on the distance at which the phone is located from the owner and the duration of the radiation.

The radiation power of the router is about 20 dBm, and it is usually located a few meters from the user. And since the harm from radiation decreases in proportion to the distance from the device, then in comparison with a mobile phone, we can say with confidence that the radiation from a router has a much smaller impact on human health.

It is known that the range of Wi-Fi waves is the same as in microwave ovens. But the radiation power of a conventional router is about 100 thousand times weaker. This is another argument against the great harm of Wi-Fi, which scientists pay attention to. It can be argued that in terms of benefit-harm ratio, a Wi-Fi router is not the most dangerous device.

How to reduce possible harm

Despite the fact that no real harm has been proven, it is worth protecting yourself as much as possible, since electromagnetic radiation does not bring any benefit.

  • If possible and appropriate, connect to a wired network instead of a wireless one, this will protect your body from unnecessary rays.
  • Locate the access point away from the places you spend most of your time.
  • Turn off your Wi-Fi router at night or when you are not using the Internet.


We hope that we helped you decide whether Wi-Fi is harmful. Remember that in a big city it is almost impossible to hide from electromagnetic waves, because we are surrounded by many sources: household appliances, laptops, smartphones and tablets, television signals, mobile operator towers.

Despite the statements of scientists and researchers, few people give up convenience and limit the use of wireless networks. In addition, the production of equipment is a huge business, and no one will radically change everything.

Decide for yourself whether it’s worth exposing yourself to a certain risk or whether you can do without home Wi-Fi and find alternative ways to resolve the issue. No one will decide for you.

Do you think Wi-Fi is harmful? Could you refuse it? We invite you to share your opinion on this issue in the comments.


Laying wires for connecting the Internet will someday become a mandatory part of the design of a new building, but now people decide this issue on their own. For the convenience of using the network, people often install a router, and many people have a question: is Wi-Fi harmful to health? The factors affected by this device are described below.

Negative effects of Wi-Fi on the human body

Every home that has a laptop and a modern smartphone has a Wi-Fi router so that you can access the Internet anywhere in the apartment. Adults are often concerned about how Wi-Fi affects their health. People do not fully understand how radio signals affect the body. The question of whether a Wi-Fi router is harmful to health has been studied very carefully and the research results sometimes provide different facts. For example, medical professionals say that harm from Wi-Fi extends to:

  • children due to physiological characteristics;
  • cerebral vessels;
  • male reproductive ability.

These are the main areas for which statistics were collected. At the same time, there is data that says that the impact of a router on health is extremely insignificant when compared with other devices, for example:

  • a microwave oven has a signal intensity 100 thousand times greater than Wi-Fi;
  • Twenty laptops and 2 routers create the same radiation as 1 mobile phone.

Effect on cerebral vessels

When scientists decided to find out whether the router was harmful to health, they conducted experiments that would affect different parts of the human body. One of the first directions is the effect on the blood vessels of the brain. This issue was dealt with by Danish specialists who conducted tests with schoolchildren. Each child was asked to place a phone with the Wi-Fi receiver turned on under their pillow.

In the morning we took measurements of the children's condition. It was found that most of them experience vascular spasms and decreased concentration. This experiment cannot be called “pure”, because only children, whose skulls are thinner than those of an adult, participated in it. In addition, the test subject could receive most of the radiation from the device itself, and not from the waves that the Wi-Fi network uses. The harm of these frequencies to the child’s body remains an open question.

Harm from a Wi-Fi router to a child's body

The harm of Wi-Fi on a child’s body extends due to a thinner skull. What was said above. WHO has made an official statement that Wi-Fi is harmful to a child’s health due to the electromagnetic radiation that the access point spreads and the mobile phone or computer receives. However, the organization does not have any compelling, clear arguments, so harm from Wi-Fi remains an unproven risk.

Harm from Wi-Fi radiation on male potency

Another area in which the harm of Wi-Fi was tested was the reproductive ability of men. For the study, doctors took two sperm samples, which were placed under different conditions. First, a spermogram was performed showing the number of active and dead sperm. One sample was placed near a computer that was connected to the Internet and downloading files. The second was placed in a normal environment without the presence of waves while the router was clean.

It is worth understanding that it was not the harm from Wi-Fi radiation on male potency that was studied, but how radiation affects the viability of sperm. In the sample that was next to the computer, 25% died, in the second - 14%. This suggests that the wireless signal is detrimental to sperm health. The specialists did another test to check the quality of the sperm.

DNA measurements were taken from live spermatozoa. Damage to the sample outside electromagnetic waves was 3%, to cells near the wireless Internet – 9%. For final verification, another experiment was done on a computer with a wired connection. No changes in the condition of the material were observed. It is better for men not to place a laptop on their lap while the Internet is on.

Is a Wi-Fi router in an apartment harmful?

If you are concerned about harm from a Wi-Fi router, then you should think about stopping using a TV, microwave oven, mobile phone and other electrical appliances. Each of them emits a certain amount of radio waves that affect human health. The harm from Wi-Fi is so insignificant that it simply cannot lead to any diseases. You just need to follow some rules that minimize exposure to electromagnetic waves.

How to reduce radiation from a router

There are some recommendations for people who want to minimize Wi-Fi harm. There is no official confirmation of this phenomenon, but if you are concerned about your health, you can only use a wired connection. Wireless data transmission will be unavailable, but harmful background noise will also be reduced. If wireless communication in an apartment is still needed, then there are other ways to reduce radiation from the router and its impact on the human body:

  1. Try to install the device as far away from people as possible. If the router is at a sufficient distance, the damage from the waves will subside. Do not place the device near a sleeping or working area.
  2. If Wi-Fi is distributed in the office, it is better to install one device with more power than several at different points in the room.
  3. The wireless source sends signals constantly, so if you do not use the Internet for a long time, the device should be turned off.
  4. Before going to bed, turn off the device and turn it on in the morning.

These simple steps will help minimize the harmful effects of wireless technology on human health. These measures will not be superfluous even if the router cannot cause any real harm unless you specifically apply it to your head or place it on your knees. This type of device can only be truly dangerous for a child for physiological reasons.


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The harm of Wi-Fi radiation, which has filled cities everywhere, may be hidden, although this issue has been studied for a long time. Modern people in large cities are so accustomed to newfangled gadgets and constant “contact” with the Internet that sometimes they don’t even think about the possible harm of “new products.” One of the “invisible” problems is the already familiar wi-fi signal, which already covers more than 70% of the territory of large cities. Today we will look into the possible harm from Wi-Fi to the human body.

Wi-Fi is an electromagnetic signal, a wireless technology that ensures the interaction (transmission of information) of various devices via a radio signal channel with a certain frequency.

The question of whether Wi-Fi is harmful can be classified as a question, is there life on Mars? No one can say either one or the other with 100% certainty, since there is no accurate data on this. Everyone makes the decision for themselves personally. We’ll just try to figure out what the possible dangers of Wi-Fi are.

When talking about such a problem as the harm of Wi-Fi, the danger should be considered not in the signal itself, but in the degree of its power. If the purpose of the source is to transmit a signal over long distances, then its power should be much higher than that of a standard router that is installed in a small office or apartment.

The Wi-Fi signal, like any electromagnetic radiation, in any case does not bring any benefit to the human body, again, it all depends on its power. In other words, we can say that Wi-Fi is harmful “in large quantities.”

The child's body is most susceptible to any negative influence from the outside, including electromagnetic radiation. Experts who oppose the use of Wi-Fi among children argue their concerns by the fact that the child has a thinner cranial bone, as well as a not fully formed nervous system. In their opinion, the negative impact of wireless technologies can cause decreased motor skills, weakened attention and memory impairment in children.

Doctors are also not very loyal regarding the impact of Wi-Fi on men’s health, in particular, on the level of potency and sperm quality. It is believed that a powerful radio signal can affect cells, causing them to move closer together and increase intracellular temperature. There is no scientific evidence for this theory, but experts’ fears are not always unfounded.

Counterarguments or why Wi-Fi is harmless

In ordinary life, we encounter radio waves quite often, without even thinking about it. TVs, radios, mobile phones are all devices that receive radio signals, so a router, laptop or other gadget equipped with a Wi-Fi module is far from the only source of such influence.

Scientific physical data is that the power of a Wi-Fi router is most often 63 milliwatts. For comparison, we can cite the fact that the power of a mobile phone at the time of a conversation is 1 watt, which is tens of times stronger than the power of Wi-Fi, especially since the router is located much further from our body than a mobile phone.

Official position of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization

Unlike the situation with mobile communications, there is currently no official conclusion from health authorities about the undeniable harm of Wi-Fi. At the same time, most doctors recommend that, if possible, you independently take measures to reduce the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the body, including the Wi-Fi signal.

As you know, the signal power decreases in proportion to the distance - the further a person is from the signal source, the less will be the degree of its impact on the body. In order to reduce harm from Wi-Fi, it is recommended not to install a Wi-Fi router directly near people’s locations.