Amazing facts about health. The most interesting facts about health. Interesting health facts for children

Interesting facts about health. Health is wealth! Being healthy is a must. Everything in this world is replaceable, except health. The famous aphorism “prevention is better than cure” is popular among everyone and everyone agrees with it. Maintaining health requires a healthy diet, exercise and a good lifestyle, hence it is not a difficult task to be healthy. Let's look at some health facts.

  • Exercising when you are young will improve your brain function as you get older.
  • Earwax protects the inner ear from fungi, bacteria, insects and dirt. It also cleans and lubricates the ear canal.
  • Insulin, which is responsible for converting excess sugar into fat, is produced by the body at its peak in the evening.
  • Poor nutrition in pregnant mothers can cause premature aging of the baby's heart.
  • When your body is sedentary, your brain slows down due to decreased availability of fresh oxygen to the blood.
  • When you feel a pulse in your wrist or neck, it means blood is starting to move and stop in the artery.
  • Neck pain can come from stress and anxiety.
  • Ginger can reduce symptoms of induced muscle pain by up to 25%.
  • Eating too much meat can accelerate biological aging of the body.
  • The human head loses heat at the same rate as any other part of the body.
  • There are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells.
  • Depressed people get colds more often. Energetic, happy and relaxed people are immune to colds and flu.
  • Laughter increases the activity of antibodies in the body by 20%, helping to destroy viruses and cancer cells.
  • Blackberries help the brain retain new information.
  • Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding the disease or fighting it.
  • Your weight may fluctuate from 0.1 to 1.5 kg throughout the day.
  • A diet rich in vegetables and fruits may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack.
  • 30-40% of UV still penetrates cloud cover in cloudy weather.
  • Women who use a hormonal form of birth control are more likely to experience depression than those who do not.
  • Just 1 day of lack of movement and excessive sitting affects the body's ability to process insulin, thereby increasing the risk of developing diabetes.
  • 5% of adults suffer from diabetes. This is almost double what it was in 1980.
  • Drinking water can help someone lose weight. The rate at which our body breaks down our fat increases.
  • A cup of coffee a day can help reduce your risk of depression by 20%.
  • Sleeping less than 7 hours a day can reduce life expectancy.

Various health facts

  • Lack of exercise causes as many deaths as smoking (debatable...editor's note).
  • Eating regularly at restaurants doubles your risk of obesity.
  • More than 30% of cancer cases can be prevented by avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and having a healthy diet and physical activity.
  • Walking can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 25%.
  • A father's diet before conception plays a critical role in the child's health.
  • Severe depression can lead us to reduce our biological age by increasing the aging process in cells.
  • Marijuana smokers are at high risk of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, just like cigarette smokers.
  • In healthcare, $6.9 billion a year is spent on constipation in the United States alone.
  • People who complain live longer because tension is released, resulting in increased immunity and improved health.
  • The first dead heart transplant was performed by surgeons in Australia in October 2014.
  • People who read books live on average 2 years longer than those who don't read at all.
  • Almost 150,000 people die in the UK every year because so few people can administer first aid.
  • The first country in the world to officially eliminate measles was America.
  • Nightmares are an early sign of brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease and dementia.

Weird health facts

  • More than 13 million workdays are lost annually due to stress-related illnesses.
  • Right-handed people have better oral health and lower rates of tooth decay because they have better hand dexterity and are more efficient.
  • Right-handers live on average 9 years longer than left-handers.
  • Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in the United States.
  • Tanning causes more skin cancer than lung cancer from smoking.
  • The human brain stops growing at age 18.
  • Walking at a fast pace over a distance of 5 km burns almost as many calories as running the same distance.
  • Today, chickens are fattened so much that they weigh 266% more than 40 years ago.
  • Chocolate beautifies your skin.

Health. Fact of the day

  • An hour of daily exercise is not enough to combat the harmful effects of sitting all day.
  • People who sit for more than 23 hours a week are at risk for cardiovascular disease.
  • The average office desk contains 400 times more bacteria than the toilet.
  • Every half hour of physical activity, 6 days a week, can reduce the risk of premature death by 40%.
  • Yogurt has probiotic bacteria that are beneficial for the digestive system.
  • Eating tomatoes helps prevent sunburn.
  • If DNA was unraveled from all the cells in your body, this thread would extend over a distance of 10 billion km. This is, for example, the distance from Earth to Pluto and back.

Motorists who talk on a cell phone have a slower reaction time than drunk drivers with a blood alcohol level greater than 0.8 ppm.

Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories per hour.

In some parts of the world, children are protected from disease by bathing them in beer. This tradition has especially taken root in Malaysia.

The word "gym" comes from the Greek word "gymnazein", which means "to exercise naked."

A study by scientists at the University of Cambridge found that regular jogging leads to the growth of new brain cells, which improve your memory.

A cup of coffee contains more than 1,000 chemicals. Only 26 were tested, and half of them caused cancer in laboratory rats.

The average American goes to McDonald's more than 1,800 times in their life.

There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on the planet.

According to Food and Drug Administration standards, one glass of orange juice may contain 10 fruit fly eggs, but only two larvae.

You burn more calories while sleeping than when watching TV.

Constant smoking can cause you to go blind. Thus, researchers from the University of Manchester found that smokers suffer from lung cancer and “age-related macular degeneration” four times more often than those who do not smoke. In addition, as a result of research, it became known that more than 17 thousand people lose their vision precisely because of such a bad habit as smoking.

Right-handers live on average 9 years longer than left-handers.

In the morning you are about 1 cm taller than in the evening.

Over the course of his entire life, a person eats about 27,300 kilograms of food. This is the approximate weight of six elephants.

Scary health facts:

Diseases do not only spread when a person coughs and sneezes. One bacterial cell can multiply, producing more than 8 million new bacteria in 24 hours. Just imagine what’s happening on the toilet door handle you touched, on the faucets, and even on the hands of other people...

Flies cannot eat solid food. They first regurgitate a special liquid to soften the food before sucking it up with their proboscis. Flies eat everything from excrement to your dinner. One thing to add about excrement is that it can contain up to 100 billion potentially pathogenic microorganisms, some of which remain in the air and on the toilet even after flushing, including when the lid is down. When cleaning, pay special attention to anything that might have gotten bacteria. These are toilets, flush buttons, door handles, washbasins, faucets, floors, tiles, switches, pots, changing mats, etc.

Many viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets. Colds and flu are caused by different viruses, but both are spread through the air in tiny droplets produced when someone coughs, sneezes or breathes. By sneezing, a person gets rid of infected cells and spreads an average of more than 100 thousand virus cells over a distance of up to nine meters. In case you were wondering, people with colds can infect others for as long as two days before symptoms appear and up to four days after that. Adults catch colds on average two or three times a year. Schoolchildren get sick 12 or more times a year.

The virus that causes warts is highly contagious. After touching a wart, virus cells remain on our skin, which can infect other people. In addition, 6-9 million Americans suffer from athlete's foot. You can protect yourself by washing your feet and not getting them unnecessarily wet. When you shower, tiny pieces of infected skin are left on the floor. Other people can step on them and become infected. Once the disease begins to develop, it quickly spreads throughout the skin.

Heels higher than four centimeters can cause fractures and dislocations of the ankle, knee and sprained back muscles. Shoes with a pointed toe can cause a bunion and a crooked big toe.

Take care of your beard. If you don't do this, it will smell unpleasant, like a sweaty armpit, as the same bacteria multiply on it. If a person does not regularly care for his beard, then he creates excellent conditions for the appearance of lice.

Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss to avoid plaque buildup. Plaque produces unpleasant-smelling gases and bacteria, which cause bad breath and gum disease.

And other health facts

Researchers say that no disease ever diagnosed has ever been completely eradicated.

Dimples appear because a person's skin is attached to muscles.

Nobody knows why people blush.

Every day, approximately 16 Canadians have their appendix removed by mistake.

The Sumerians (5000 BC) believed that the liver produces blood and the heart is the thinking center.

Men have more blood (5.7 liters) than women (3.3 liters).

The first adhesive plasters were almost 8 cm wide and 46 cm long, so pieces had to be cut to the required size.

The brain stops growing when a person turns 18.

In 1977, a 13-year-old child was found to have a tooth growing from the foot of his left leg.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18 million courses of antibiotics are prescribed to treat the common cold each year in the United States. Research shows that colds are caused by a variety of viruses, but they are not necessarily treated with antibiotics.

During human speech, 72 muscles interact.

The first known heart medicine was discovered in an English garden. In 1799, physician John Ferriar noted the effects of dried leaves of a common plant, foxglove purpurea, on heart function. Still used in heart preparations, digitalis slows the pulse and increases the strength of heart contractions.

Bonus: 15 facts about human health and arguments in favor of sports

In this section we have collected interesting facts about health and healthy lifestyle. We will be glad if you find something useful for yourself.

Salt harms blood vessels

American scientists have long come to the conclusion that if salt intake is reduced by just 3 grams per day, then the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases (especially
strokes and heart attacks) will be reduced by half. Some countries have already benefited from the results of this study and decided to take some preventive measures. An example is Finland, where back in the 70s of the last century they launched an information campaign calling for reducing salt consumption from 12 grams to 9 grams daily. And soon doctors saw the results: the number of patients with coronary artery disease in the country sharply decreased
heart and stroke by 75% and 80%, respectively. And, most importantly, life expectancy has increased by 5-6 years.

After 27 years the brain ages
Scientists have long wondered when our brain begins to age? At what age do you lose clarity of thought, change your intelligence and speed of thinking, and when does your memory begin to deteriorate? A study conducted by specialists from the University of Virginia (USA) gave an unexpected answer. The aging process of the brain, as research shows, begins at 27 years of age, with the peak of brain capabilities occurring at 22 years of age. And the knowledge that is acquired throughout life is retained on average up to 60 years.

Fish protects the heart
The risk of heart problems is much lower in women who regularly eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This is evidenced by the results of a recent Danish study. The study involved women aged 15 to 49 years. It turned out that those representatives of the fairer sex who rarely or never eat fish are 2 times more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases than those who regularly eat fish. Overall, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease for women who rarely eat fish is 90% higher than for women who eat fish once a week. The majority of women surveyed who regularly include fish in their diet said they prefer salmon, cod, herring and mackerel, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. To feel the positive effects of consuming fish, you need to include it in your menu at least twice a week.

Smoking causes miscarriage
It is known that most miscarriages occur during the first trimester of pregnancy, and experts believe that most of them are caused by random genetic abnormalities that cannot be prevented. However, some habits are closely associated with a relatively high risk of miscarriage, including drinking alcohol or drugs, and, according to recent research, smoking. A Japanese study of nearly 1,300 women found that pregnant women who smoke were twice as likely to have a miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy compared to women who did not smoke. The study also proved that smoking can lead to premature birth, low birth weight and stillbirth.

Kidney stones and atherosclerosis

Young people who have had kidney stones may have an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels), a new study has found. According to scientists, this does not mean that one is the cause of the other, but both diseases may have a common cause. Diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking and high blood pressure (hypertension) increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. And the fact that people with kidney stones have an increased risk of atherosclerosis isn't really surprising, because previous studies have also linked kidney stones to hypertension. However, in the United States, about 5% of adults have kidney stones. The potential risk of kidney stones can be reduced by drinking about 2 liters of fluid per day and reducing salt and meat intake. The risk of atherosclerosis can be reduced through proper nutrition and exercise.

Allergies on vacation
When we go on vacation to warm countries, we often don’t think about climate change. But our body can react differently to sudden climate changes. The most common reaction is an allergy. Minor allergenic rashes, itching, flaking and dryness can be prevented with proper skin care, but what to do if they have already appeared? First of all, take antihistamine tablets. Do not wash your face with tap water; it may be too hard or, conversely, too soft for your skin. Regularly refresh your skin with bottled mineral water. Wash off makeup with micellar liquid to avoid irritation. The most unpleasant symptom of an allergy is itching. To eliminate it, make compresses with a decoction of chamomile (antimicrobial) and calendula (soothing) 2 times a day. If the skin itching has become unbearable, you should use medicinal ointments, for example, cortisone ointment. Don't put off going to the doctor if these remedies don't help you, and remember: allergies can be managed.

Tea against diabetes
Drinking black tea significantly helps prevent the development of diabetes. Scientists from the Scottish University in the town of Dandy (UK) found this out. As it turned out, the active polyphenols contained in black tea can play the role of insulin, which is vital for a person suffering from diabetes. For type 2 diabetes (in which the risk of the disease increases as the patient ages), black tea is most effective.

The dangers of stress for teeth
Stress is dangerous for teeth, scientists from the University of Zurich (Switzerland) found. Fifty medical students, whose teeth and psyche were studied in detail by psychologists and dentists, helped them establish an unexpected connection. The students were divided into two groups, representatives of the first group spent a month preparing for a difficult session, and participants of the second attended regular classes. It turned out that stress before the session negatively affects the condition of teeth and gums. Thus, almost all students from the first group had worsened oral health, and six had inflamed gums. Participants in the second group had healthy teeth and gums. According to scientists, during times of stress, people clench their teeth more often, which negatively affects oral health.

Chocolate slows down aging
Eating dark chocolate daily can slow down skin aging. Scientists from Great Britain came to this conclusion. In the course of the study, they found out that several bars of dark chocolate a day slow down the process of destruction of collagen fibers and improve metabolism in our skin. This is due to the high content of strong antioxidants - flavonoids. In addition, dark chocolate reduces the risk of developing one of the most dangerous types of cancer - melanoma, which most often affects the skin. It has previously been proven that dark chocolate helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia, improves memory and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Why do we get colds?
People get colds because human skin is much more sensitive to cold than to heat. This is explained by the fact that per square centimeter of skin there are on average 12-15 sensitive points - nerve endings that perceive cold, and only 2 points that perceive heat. To prevent even a summer draft from causing hypothermia and leading to a runny nose, sneezing and more serious consequences, hardening is necessary.

But that is not all. Our body is a hostel for microbes. The body's defenses restrain their reproduction and subversive activities. But as a result of some strong influence, for example, the same cooling, the protective forces weaken and pathogenic microbes become more active. This can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases - rhinitis or tonsillitis, otitis media or sore throat, or even inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.

Caviar is a source of omega acids
Red caviar is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, say scientists from the University of Almeria (Spain). During the study, they studied the chemical composition of the caviar of 15 species of fish and found that the maximum content of omega-3 was in the caviar of hake, lumpfish and salmon. According to scientists, caviar can be recommended as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol levels and have strong antioxidant properties.

Anti-aging products
Scientists have concluded that some foods actually help rejuvenate the body. A list of such products, consisting of two dozen items, was compiled as part of joint research by scientists from several universities in the United States and the European Union. It was developed on the basis of discoveries made in recent years related to the biochemical mechanism of aging of cells in the human body.
Products that can prolong youth include: dark chocolate, tea, coffee, apples, black currants, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, tomatoes, pomegranates, oranges, peaches, plums, raspberries, red grapes, red onions, spinach, strawberries and bread or cereal with bran. Experts point out that if other types of foods - meat, fish, milk or cereals - provide the body with the necessary calories, fats and minerals, then vegetables, fruits and berries are biochemical elements that protect and extend the life of cells.

Berries for varicose veins
If you want to avoid varicose veins, add rose hips, currants, chokeberries and sea buckthorn to your diet. They are rich in vitamin P (rutin), which helps improve the tone of blood vessels and capillaries. It is advisable to consume berries fresh.

What is harmful to hearing?
We are exposed to loud noises every day. For example, a baby's cry can reach 90 dB, which has a stronger impact on the inner ear than an alarm clock (80 dB) or the noise of a vacuum cleaner (70 dB). Studies have shown that hearing loss begins at a sound level of about 85 dB. Thus, prolonged listening to loud music or the noise of a jackhammer or jet engine can cause irreparable damage to your hearing. Surveys conducted by the New York Alliance for the Hearing Impaired showed that 50% of DJs have hearing problems. Of these, 33% are already partially deaf.

Broccoli against cancer
Eating two servings of broccoli a week can reduce your risk of bladder cancer by 44%. American scientists have discovered that some substances contained in broccoli block the growth and reproduction of tumor cells. Researchers at The Ohio State University treated laboratory cultures of bladder cancer cells with compounds found in broccoli, called isothiocyanates, causing the cells to stop dividing.

Smoking ages your skin
It is well known that smoking is harmful to the skin. It not only accelerates the aging process of the skin, but also gives it an unhealthy, dull, yellowish tint, which can hardly be hidden with the help of foundation. Studies have shown that heavy smokers' skin becomes rougher, loses elasticity and ages quickly.

Smokers live shorter lives
A study confirming the harm of smoking was conducted by scientists from Oxford University. They followed more than a million women who were born in the 1940s for 12 years. First, in 1996, its participants (then aged about 55) were asked to fill out a questionnaire with questions about their lifestyle. The researchers approached them with this request every three years. Of the study participants, 20% were active smokers, 28% reported quitting smoking, and 52% had never smoked. By 2011, 66 thousand who took part in the survey had died. When processing the data, it turned out that smokers died significantly more often than non-smokers or those who quit smoking. Moreover, even the age at which you gave up cigarettes mattered. For example, women who quit smoking before age 30 died significantly less often than those who quit after age 40. The increased mortality among smokers was caused mainly by smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer.

Order "For Drunkenness"
Alcoholism has been fought at all times. One interesting method was practiced by Peter I. He ordered the production of a cast-iron Order “For Drunkenness” weighing about 7 kg excluding the chain, which was intended for particularly distinguished drunkards. It was hung around their necks at the police station and secured so that they could not be removed, forcing them to walk around like that for a week.

Vitamin B3 for infections
American scientists have discovered that vitamin B3 increases the ability of immune cells to kill staphylococcus bacteria. Vitamin B3 increases the number and effectiveness of neutrophils, white blood cells that destroy harmful bacteria. These properties of the vitamin have been tested against staph infections such as the potentially deadly MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). However, research has so far been carried out only on animals and it is too early to draw fundamental conclusions, says American professor Mark Enright.

Main causes of depression
Nervous tension. Women are especially susceptible to emotional overload: they work hard, build a career, and take care of their family. Don't forget to find time to relax and meet with friends!
Another reason is vitamin deficiency B12. The older you get, the higher your risk of B12 deficiency. If you are under 50, eat fish, meat, cheese and eggs. If you are over 50 years old, supplement your diet with dietary supplements fortified with vitamin B12.
Pathology of the thyroid gland. Depression can sometimes be one of the symptoms of under or overactive thyroid gland, in which case a doctor's supervision is necessary.
Alcohol abuse. One in four people who drink heavily are prone to depression. Some people start drinking more alcohol due to stressful situations.

Multivitamins against cancer
American scientists have found that regular long-term use of multivitamins in adulthood can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer in men. The study lasted more than ten years. During this time, 15,000 men aged about 50 years were observed, who were divided into two control groups. The former took multivitamins on a regular basis, while the latter took a placebo. As a result, the scientists noted that in the group that took vitamins, there were 8% fewer cases of cancer development than in the group that was given a placebo.

Citrus fruits treat osteoporosis
American scientists from Texas A&M University have found that regular consumption of orange and grapefruit juices prevents the development of osteoporosis. The researchers conducted experiments on 36 male rats. One third of the animals regularly received grapefruit juice, the second - orange juice, and the last third - plain water. Another group of rodents led a normal lifestyle and served only as a control. After two months of experiments, scientists studied the condition of the bone tissue of the experimental subjects. It turned out that in rats who drank grapefruit and orange juice, bone density increased and bones became stronger than those of their relatives. These fruits are rich in antioxidants and help increase bone density.

Coffee against dementia
Coffee beans contain a component that can help prevent and treat acquired dementia, in particular Alzheimer's disease. Scientists at the Japanese University of Tsukuba have discovered that chlorogenic acid, which is part of coffee, protects brain cells from destruction. During experiments on mice, scientists found that this ether helps restore memory. Rodents, whose memory and ability to navigate in space were impaired, were thrown into the pool so that they themselves could find a place to exit the water. However, the mice could not remember the shortcut to escape. After this, the animals were given chlorogenic acid along with their drink, and after 7 days signs of improvement appeared. On the 30th day, they found a way out of the water on a par with healthy mice.

Food that rejuvenates
A list of products that promote rejuvenation and prolongation of life, consisting of two dozen items, was compiled as part of joint research by scientists from a number of universities in the United States and the European Union. The list includes: dark chocolate, tea, coffee, apples, black currants, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, tomatoes, pomegranates, oranges, peaches, plums, raspberries, red grapes, red onions, spinach, strawberries and bran bread or cereal. Each of these products contains exclusively active substances that have a positive and effective effect on complex biological processes. All of them are rich in polyphenols and can restore damaged cells.

Cucumbers are good for nails
This familiar and familiar cucumber is very good for health, including the health of nails. Garden cucumber is valued for its taste. What are the benefits of cucumbers for nails? Firstly, because they contain sulfur. Sulfur is a good preventive and therapeutic agent for various inflammatory processes on the nail plate. Secondly, cucumber juice promotes nail growth and strengthens it. Cucumber is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, H, PP, contains carotene, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, chromium, silicon, chlorine, cobalt, zirconium, manganese, nickel, copper, zinc, aluminum, lead, silver, titanium, carotene, folic, ascorbic and caffeic acid, as well as glucose, starch, fructose. All of the listed beneficial vitamins and substances make up only 5% of the cucumber’s composition. The remaining 95% is structured or “living” water. To maintain healthy nails, not only eating cucumbers is useful, but also using cucumber juice for nourishing baths.

A new property of coffee has been discovered
A 2009 study by the University of South Florida found that drinking one cup of coffee a day actually has benefits beyond helping you wake up. The results showed that the caffeine found in coffee reduced levels of a protein that forms plaque on blood vessels and prevented the cognitive impairment common in people with Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, decaffeinated coffee does not have this effect.

Honey is good for the brain
The positive effect of honey on mental processes has long been known. With constant use of this product, the reaction and ability to remember in adults improves, and the level of academic performance in children and adolescents increases.

It's better to live on the coast!
A new study by UK scientists has found that people who live by the sea tend to be healthier than those living inland. Researchers looked at how the health of populations across the country was changing, based on the theory that the closer to the sea a person lives, the better their health. The analysis showed that the connection between living near the coast and health is typical even for the most economically disadvantaged regions. Being close to the sea not only involves more physical activity, but also has significant benefits in terms of reducing stress. Living on the coast gives people the opportunity to feel calmer, more relaxed and rested than after spending time in city parks or the countryside.

More sports - less health?
Most of us believe that the more we exercise, the stronger and healthier we will become. However, too much physical activity can be just as damaging as too little. Excessive stress can damage muscles, bones and ligaments. Exercising for more than 2 hours a day can cause a lot of health problems, causing chronic fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, depression, gastrointestinal problems, apathy, and menstrual irregularities.

How to breathe correctly?
Less than 10% of people know what it means to take a deep breath, since we are taught from childhood that only the chest works. However, it is not. The key to deep breathing is to engage your belly. You need to inhale and push your stomach out. As a result, the diaphragm will go down and air will penetrate deeply into the lungs. When exhaling, you need, on the contrary, to draw in your stomach. The diaphragm will move up, pushing air out of the lungs.

Vitamins for hair
If you dream of beautiful hair, you need to provide your body with useful vitamins for its health. Vitamin E stimulates the process of replacing old hair with new ones. Vitamins C, A and microelements give hair vitality. Vitamin B, silicon and magnesium allow hair to grow faster and strengthen it. Selenium and phosphorus provide elasticity and rich color to hair, while zinc and sulfur help increase hair shine.

Poor sleep leads to obesity
A study published in 2010 in the Canadian Medical Journal found that poor sleep is a cause of obesity. The study involved 245 women who participated in a weight loss program for six months while keeping a sleep diary. It turned out that the best results were achieved by those women who slept more than 7 hours a night and rated their sleep as quality. Canadian scientists analyzed other studies on this topic and found that half of adults with sleep problems are prone to obesity. Among children and adolescents, this figure is much higher - almost 90%.

Kiwi rejuvenates
The exotic fruit kiwi has a rejuvenating effect, so nutritionists recommend eating it regularly. Kiwi contains a large amount of vitamin C, which stimulates collagen production. You can also make a rejuvenating face mask from kiwi - kiwi juice tones and tightens the skin.

Useful properties of seeds
We can talk a lot and for a long time about the beneficial properties of seeds. They contain B vitamins, calcium and magnesium, which help normalize the acid-base balance and are an excellent means of preventing heart disease. However, it must be borne in mind that they retain all their beneficial properties only in their raw form. When heat treated, sunflower grains are deprived of almost 90% of their vitamins. It has been scientifically proven that seeds help relieve stress. They are very useful for people with nervous diseases, as they are an excellent sedative. This is explained by the content of vitamin B and folic acid in their composition.

Why do men love meat?
Everyone knows that men prefer meat menu. And this is very good, because meat adds health! Meat dishes tone muscles and contain zinc, which allows the production of the male sex hormone - testosterone.

Parsley leaves strengthen the immune system
Fresh parsley leaves contain almost all the vitamins our body needs. Eating fresh parsley prevents cellulite. Firstly, this green is famous for its high content of vitamin C. Since 50-70 g of fresh parsley contains the daily requirement of this vitamin. It is not surprising that lovers of this greenery can boast of strong immunity and a healthy complexion. Secondly, healthy parsley is known for its high content of beta-carotene, parsley contains B vitamins, vitamins K, PP and E, as well as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.

Mental work protects the brain
Research shows that regular brain function can prevent the development of a serious disease - Alzheimer's syndrome. Intellectual activity stimulates the production of additional brain tissue to compensate for the damage caused by the disease.

Friendship keeps you healthy
American scientists recently found that communication with friends supports the heart! It turns out that people who have a wide social circle are less likely to suffer from heart disease. Sociable people smoke less and have lower blood sugar and blood pressure, all of which have a positive effect on heart function.

Health is one of the most important values. You are taught to treat your body with care from an early age. Everyone knows the basics. However, the human body has not yet been fully studied. Scientists and doctors cannot answer some questions unambiguously. There are still many interesting facts about health that are worth considering and studying in more detail. We will talk about some of them in the article.

Is it true that cleanliness is the key to health?

In this matter, the principle of the “golden mean” is important. An excessive desire for cleanliness can lead to an increased risk of exacerbation of certain pathologies (for example, type 1 diabetes).

This is not just an assumption - scientists have come to this conclusion. Experts studied a group of children with type 1 diabetes. It turned out that those children whose parents observed excessive cleanliness were especially acutely ill. Scientists have concluded that a small amount of pathogenic bacteria can serve as a kind of hardening for the whole organism.

Are freshly squeezed juices healthy?

Everywhere they say that freshly squeezed juices are very healthy; you should drink them for breakfast, lunch and at any other opportunity. However, nutritionists hastened to destroy this myth. A glass of fresh juice is just an extra portion of calories.

The body will not thank you if you drink freshly squeezed juices often. Due to constant consumption of this drink, problems with the gastric mucosa may occur.

Moreover, freshly squeezed juices have virtually no nutrients or vitamins. This is an unusual and interesting fact about human health - the body does not need juices, it needs fruits and vegetables as they are.

Doctors advise eating vegetables and fruits raw - this way you will get the maximum benefit from the food you eat.

Is living near an airport good for your health?

It is generally accepted that living close to an airport is not as scary as, for example, living in close proximity to a nightclub or bar. We won’t argue about a club or bar - living near them is really harmful, but we can discuss about the airport.

If the airport is located 5 kilometers or less from your home, then the daily noise level exceeds the permissible limit by 2.5 times. An airport near your home can “reward” you with sleep disturbances, coronary heart disease and hypertension.

You need to live at a distance of 10 kilometers or more from the landing site. Consider this fact. You need to take care of your health.

Do you need physical education?

Nobody argues that sport is good for health. But sometimes you just don’t have the strength to visit the gym or go for a run. Knowing an interesting fact about beauty and health, you can forget about sports exercises forever.

Just recently, a group of researchers found that lying down and imagining yourself actively moving is much more beneficial than simply resting in a horizontal position. Conscientious and diligent visualization can stimulate blood circulation throughout the body and strengthen the muscle corset.

This discovery will help prevent muscle atrophy in bedridden patients and the elderly.

Biological clocks and gadgets

Gadgets are harmful - this is a well-known fact. Many people say that they damage vision and increase the risk of cancer and spinal pathologies.

Prolonged exposure to backlight from the screen of a phone, tablet and other devices can contribute to disruption of a person’s biological rhythms. As a result, gadget lovers will have disrupted sleep. Moreover, the person will begin to experience constant fatigue and apathy. A gadget addict starts to turn gray early. As you can see, the list of consequences looks very sad.

Is it harmful to watch TV close?

The ophthalmology center in the USA found that you can watch TV at any distance without harming your eyesight.

Only long-term watching of TV can harm the visual system. Your eyes get tired if you don't take a break from watching. Distance from the screen has no effect on eye fatigue.

Is computer diagnostics of health status useful?

Often, in order to make a more accurate diagnosis, the patient is asked to undergo some kind of test. Unfortunately, not all health diagnostic tests are harmless. For example, computed tomography requires the introduction of a radiopaque substance into the body, which negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys.

It's a shame that all computer tests do not answer the question: “What disease do you have?” They only show what pathology you do not have.

Oral health is a very important indicator in a person’s quality of life. Beautiful and healthy teeth mean an attractive smile, and a healthy oral cavity means the opportunity to experience the joy of delicious food and human communication.

By the way, by the age of 60 a person loses more than half of his taste buds. But the loss of receptors occurs gradually, so a person simply does not notice it and feels comfortable. But a one-week-old baby has 3 times more taste buds than an adult.

Why do people need wisdom teeth?

First of all, it’s worth saying that these teeth have nothing to do with wisdom. In addition, the third row of molars does not perform any significant functions. “Wisdom teeth” got their name only because they grow much later than others. It’s just that the jaw is still small until the age of 16, and there is no place for them on it.

Scientists still cannot answer the question of why wisdom teeth appear only in Americans and Europeans. In Asians, for example, the third row of molars does not grow.

An interesting medical fact about human health is bruxism or teeth grinding while sleeping. Almost everyone experienced this phenomenon in childhood. In adulthood, bruxism rarely makes itself felt. Only 15% of the adult population grinds their teeth while sleeping.

Teeth grinding is a fairly serious symptom, as a person can clench their jaw so tightly that their teeth begin to crumble.

Some people believe that bruxism indicates the presence of worms in the body, especially when it comes to children, but this is not so. Usually unbalanced, angry and emotional people grind their teeth in their sleep. Such individuals are not recommended to drink alcohol - this can aggravate the problem.

How to diagnose dental health on an airplane?

Just because your teeth don’t hurt doesn’t mean they are in perfect condition. Air travel can reveal incipient abscesses, tooth decay or poor quality fillings.

Ascents, descents, changes in pressure overboard - all this can sharply intensify toothache, which will go away as soon as you descend to the ground. Doctors recommend not to ignore this phenomenon and advise visiting a dentist as soon as possible. Thanks to this, you can quickly identify dental problems and eliminate them before they make themselves felt.

10 health facts for children

  1. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
  2. The nose and ears grow throughout life.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex blink twice as fast as women.
  4. On average, a person falls asleep in 7 minutes.
  5. Each person has his own individual language imprint.
  6. Newborn babies have a strong grip - they can even support their own weight.
  7. Each part of the tongue is responsible for its own taste bud. For example, we taste salty and sweet food with the tip of the tongue, bitter taste is felt by the center of the tongue, and sour taste is felt by the sides.
  8. With every word spoken, a microscopic drop of saliva flies out of a person's mouth.
  9. We use 70 facial muscles just to say one word.
  10. Laughter can destroy viruses and cancer cells.

This is also useful to know

Everyone needs to know the following health facts:

  • By reducing your salt intake, you will extend your life. “White death” is harmful to the human cardiovascular system. If you consume no more than three grams of salt per day, you can increase your life expectancy by 5 years.
  • The peak of brain activity occurs at the age of 22, but from the age of 27 this organ begins to age.
  • If you eat fish 2 times a week, you can significantly improve your heart function.
  • Swiss scientists have proven that if you are constantly under stress, your teeth will begin to crumble.
  • A slice of chocolate eaten in the morning prevents the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • On one square centimeter of human skin there are 12 points that sense cold and only 2 points that react to heat. Therefore, during cold weather, widespread colds begin.
  • Scientists have identified products that rejuvenate the body. These include apples, strawberries, red grapes, pomegranate, oranges, bran, herbal tea and black currants.
  • Currants (any), sea buckthorn, rose hips and chokeberry improve vascular tone and prevent the appearance of varicose veins.
  • Coffee can protect the human brain from destruction.
  • Cucumbers can improve the condition of the body as a whole. This product can be eaten or made into masks and baths.
  • Honey can improve mental performance.
  • You should exercise no more than twice a week. Everyone knows that playing sports improves your mood. But if you exercise more than twice a week, the opposite effect may occur. Frequent workouts contribute to loss of appetite, poor sleep, headaches, fatigue and other problems.
  • Only 10% of the world's population breathes correctly. When breathing, you need to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.
  • It happens that when you follow a diet, the weight does not come off. In this case, think: how much do you sleep? Scientists from Canada have found that excess weight appears due to sleep problems.
  • Kiwi masks can rejuvenate the skin.
  • Have you ever wondered why men love meat more than women? Everything is very simple. Meat products add strength and promote the production of testosterone, the male hormone.
  • Parsley leaves and roots can boost immunity.
  • If you eat 30 grams of walnuts daily, you can extend your life by seven years.


As you can see, there are many interesting facts about human health. Knowing some of them will help improve the condition of the body and help prolong life.

In conclusion, I would like to advise everyone - do not forget to smile and maintain a positive attitude! This will prolong your life and lift the spirits of those around you. Don't deny yourself fruits, vegetables and chocolate!

Health is the most important value for every person. Many proverbs and folk wisdom are said in his honor. And for good reason, because a healthy person can do anything. And only when we get sick do we begin to appreciate good health, the absence of pain and malaise, energy and vigor. The most interesting facts about human health that everyone should know about are collected in this article.

1. Salt is harmful to the cardiovascular system of the human body. If its amount is reduced by at least 3 grams per day, life expectancy will increase by 5-6 years.

2. Specialists from the University of Virginia have found that the human brain begins to age at the age of 27. It is also interesting that the peak capabilities of this organ occur at 22 years of age.

3. Fish, namely the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, has a beneficial effect on heart function. The positive effect will be visible if you use it twice a week.

4. Scientists from a university in Switzerland have proven the connection between stress and tooth loss, tooth decay, and gum problems.

5. To slow down skin aging, you need to eat a little dark chocolate every day.

6. Have you ever wondered why common colds start during cold weather? And all because human skin is more sensitive to cold. For comparison: on one square centimeter of skin there are about 12 points sensitive to cold, and only 2 to heat.

7. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that there are products that help rejuvenate the human body. Among them: dark chocolate, tea, spinach, strawberries, apples, black currants, grapes (red), oranges, pomegranates, bran flakes and others.

8. Fresh rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn and chokeberry improve vascular tone and prevent the occurrence of varicose veins.

9. Did you know that 50% of DJs have hearing problems?

10. If you regularly drink orange or grapefruit juice, you can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

11. Coffee beans, or rather the chlorogenic acid contained in them, protect our brain from destruction.

12. Interesting facts about human health also concern the influence of vitamins and minerals on our appearance. So, few people know that cucumbers improve the condition of nails. For cosmetic purposes, this vegetable can not only be consumed internally, but its juice can also be used as baths and lotions.

13. Honey has a positive effect on a person’s intellectual abilities.

14. People who live on the coast live longer than the inhabitants of the mainland.

15. Sports should bring pleasure, energy and strength. But scientists have found that if you actively engage in more than two hours a day, the opposite effect can occur. This manifests itself in the form of apathy, headaches, sleep and appetite disturbances and more serious problems.

16. Less than 10% of all people on the planet know how to breathe correctly. When breathing, it is necessary to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.

17. Canadian scientists have found that sleep disturbances can be a cause of excess weight.

18. Eating kiwi, as well as using it as a face mask, rejuvenates the skin.

19. Do you know why all men love meat? In addition to the fact that it adds strength, meat promotes the production of the male hormone testosterone.

20. Consume parsley leaves to strengthen your immune system.

21. If you eat five walnut kernels every day, your life expectancy will increase by 7 years.