How long does it take for caffeine to leave breast milk? Can a nursing mother drink coffee? Positive aspects of a coffee drink in combination with milk during lactation

Coffee is a specific drink. This can be explained by the fact that not every person can consume it and not always. One of the categories of people whose representatives doctors recommend to abstain from this invigorating drink are nursing mothers. After all, the caffeine contained in it is a powerful alkaloid that can end up in baby’s food. This can lead to a deterioration in the baby’s health at the current time and in the future. So, is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding? The answer will be given in the article.

The nutrition of a lactating woman should be as gentle as possible. On the one hand, it should contain all the beneficial substances the baby needs for full development. On the other hand, you will have to limit yourself in many products. And this applies not only to food, but also to drinks. Coffee raises many questions.

If a woman did without it before lactation, there is unlikely to be a need for the drink during breastfeeding. But what if, before the birth of the long-awaited baby, a woman consumed the drink regularly and now, having become a mother, she simply cannot refuse it? In such a situation, you should consult a doctor who will answer the question of whether nursing mothers of newborns can drink coffee in each individual case.

Coffee brings not only harm to the human body, but also benefits. It increases blood pressure by 10 points, and also has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, leading to an increase in the level of intellectual development and performance. But it is a scientifically proven fact that regular consumption of coffee creates addiction.

There are many myths about drinking coffee during lactation.

And now we will try to consider and refute common myths about this miraculous oriental drink:

  1. Coffee is definitely harmful to the health of a nursing woman. It cannot be said that the drink is 100% healthy, but it is also harmful only under certain conditions.
  2. As an alternative, consider green tea, which is healthier (or less harmful). This opinion is partly false, since green tea is the strongest concentrate of theine, which stimulates the nervous system.
  3. Drinking a drink without the alkaloid caffeine means no harm. This is also a false statement, since even decaffeinated coffee contains this alkaloid, the only difference is in its volume.
  4. If you take a cup of the drink a day, nothing bad will happen. This is also a misconception. Although small doses may not cause fatal harm, there is a risk of increasing blood cholesterol levels. And it is harmful not only for the woman, but also for her child.

In addition, caffeine is also found in many other products that should be temporarily avoided. These are chocolate, energy sodas and everyone's favorite Coca Cola.

The effect of coffee on the mother's body

So, is it ok to drink coffee while breastfeeding? There are no strict taboos regarding this drink. However, this does not mean that you can swallow the drink in large mugs 3-5 times a day. First of all, you should consult your doctor. And you should think about consuming caffeine only in case of health problems (low blood pressure, weakness, lethargy, apathy). In other cases, in order to avoid harm to the mother and child, you should abstain from the drink.

If you drink coffee without indication and exceed the permissible dosage, the mother may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • stomach upset;
  • allergy;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the heart muscle;
  • change in skin color.

Of course, consuming caffeine as recommended by a doctor will not cause any harm. At the same time, this substance can have a negative effect on lactation. Each time this element penetrates into mother’s milk, it spoils its quality and leads to the fact that the new mother runs the risk of leaving her baby without another portion of food during subsequent feedings. This is due to the fact that when consuming coffee, metabolic reactions in the body slow down.

Coffee drunk by a nursing woman affects not only her body, but also the baby.

Impact on the baby

A clear signal that the drink should definitely be abandoned is a change in the baby’s health. There are three aspects that this drink can affect:

  1. Allergy. It may appear in the form of a rash or due to difficulty having bowel movements. If there is no such reaction, drinking coffee is acceptable, but it should be introduced into the diet gradually.
  2. Excitation of the central nervous system. The child may not fall asleep well enough and may not sleep well. He may also be overly active or moody.
  3. Reducing the amount of milk. The fact is that caffeine drinks during lactation lead to a reduction in iron concentration, which leads to the development of anemia in the baby.

To avoid such problems, you should abstain from the drink during the first 3 months after the birth of your child.

How long does it take for coffee to be excreted from breast milk?

Coffee is highly absorbable into breast milk. An important role is played by the question of how long it takes for coffee to be excreted from breast milk. This period is long and lasts 3-5 hours.

If caffeine enters a child's body, the rate at which it is released depends on the age of the baby:

  • premature babies – 65-103 hours;
  • 3-month-old babies – up to 97.5 hours;
  • up to six months – 14 hours;
  • from six months – 2.5 hours.

Caffeine levels reach their maximum concentration in both women and children an hour after drinking coffee.

Many women believe that pumping can save this situation. In fact, it is ineffective. Until caffeine is removed, some of it will penetrate into the baby's food.

Komarovsky about coffee during lactation

For many mothers, Evgeny Komarovsky is an authority. Therefore, on the question of whether coffee is acceptable during lactation, Komarovsky is an expert who can give intelligible answers to all questions of interest. Like other doctors, he believes that, having become a mother, a woman should protect herself from consuming this drink. This is explained by a number of causal factors:

  • caffeine provokes problems with stool and causes allergies;
  • the child begins to cry a lot and sleeps poorly;
  • The baby is at risk of developing lung diseases.

The removal of caffeine from a child’s body takes an extremely long time, and this process can harm the child’s health. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to drink coffee during breastfeeding, Komarovsky answers in the negative.

During lactation you need to take coffee in minimal doses

Rules for drinking coffee during breastfeeding

If coffee is something that is vital to you, you should follow several rules that will minimize the harm from it:

  1. Consult your doctor to determine the appropriate dosage and dosage schedule.
  2. Choose only high quality varieties.
  3. Avoid drinks with artificial additives (such as instant coffee).
  4. Drink no more than two cups per day.
  5. The drink should not be strong: it is better to drink two mugs of unleavened coffee at a certain time interval than to consume one cup of very concentrated liquid.
  6. Coffee meals should be started after the child turns 3 months old.

How to choose coffee for a nursing mother

Of course, the drink chosen for a nursing mother should be exclusively. It is advisable that it be brewed from freshly ground grains. As for the soluble substance, drinking it is prohibited. After all, it is made from low-grade grains, which are also subject to serious chemical treatment. Therefore, dangerous consequences in the form of allergies and stomach upset cannot be avoided.

Decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee deserves special attention during breastfeeding. The fact is that this formulation is exaggerated: in fact, this is a drink with a lower content of the substance, so it will not be possible to avoid the penetration of the alkaloid into the body. In terms of harm, the drink is no better than instant coffee.

Coffee with milk

Milk will help neutralize the harmful effects of the black drink. You need to add it to each cup of prepared broth in a ratio of 1 to 3 or maximum 1 to 4.

Natural coffee beans can be replaced with another healthy drink during lactation

Replacing coffee while breastfeeding

Coffee is far from the only pleasure. Even without being nursing mothers, many women switch to lighter and gentler drinks. Is it possible to drink them while breastfeeding? Let's look at it together.


To prepare a soluble powder, its dried root is used. The drink tastes like coffee. But the action is softer. It is useful for the nervous system, figure, intestinal function, and improving immunity.

Barley drink

This product is made from natural grains, so it carries much more benefit than harm. It is actively used in the treatment of diseases and for their prevention.

Acorn coffee

This is an excellent alternative to the classic harmful drink. The preparation is made from heat-treated oak fruits. You can purchase the product in stores, or you can make it yourself.

The drink is useful during lactation, as it makes the mother more energetic and improves her mood, which means the baby will feel good and calm.


Thus, coffee and breastfeeding are completely compatible things. But if it is possible to abstain from caffeine, it is better to do so. As a replacement for the usual coffee, you should use chicory, a drink made from barley, and acorns. This will allow you to maintain health and get a rich, incomparable taste.

During breastfeeding, many controversial issues often arise regarding the mother's diet. And one of them concerns coffee, since it is one of the most favorite drinks of many women. Therefore, some consider its use during lactation harmful and dangerous, while others do not even think about it and “enjoy” it, considering it useful. Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding? Is there an alternative to this drink? Does it affect the child? How does its effect on the body change when milk is added?


Should I stop drinking coffee while breastfeeding?

According to scientific data, it takes about ten hours to remove caffeine from the body of an adult. On average, one cup contains about 100 - 150 mg, and its maximum content is reached after one hour.

Can nursing mothers drink coffee, or should they not drink it during lactation? This question interests many mothers, especially “ardent” lovers of this drink.

General information about the effects of coffee on the body

This drink has a tonic, stimulating, invigorating effect, as well as improving brain activity and enhancing the digestive process.

This drink, like all food products, is absorbed into the blood and passes through breast milk to the baby. Therefore, if it is used excessively or if there are contraindications, side effects may occur.

It poses a particular threat in cases of prematurity and a tendency to allergic reactions.

The most common complications when using it during lactation are considered to be: an allergic reaction, sleep disturbance, overexcitation, capriciousness and tearfulness of the child, colic, anemia and dehydration in the baby.

Penetration of coffee into breast milk

When a nursing woman consumes it, the caffeine contained in it penetrates into the milk quite well, but is difficult to remove from the baby’s body. Therefore, if a mother drinks this drink regularly and in large quantities, caffeine accumulates in the baby’s body. In turn, this will negatively affect the well-being and condition of the child.

Different types of coffee have different caffeine content, and newborns and children under two years old cannot quickly eliminate it from the body. Therefore, this drink may contribute to side effects.

Average rates of caffeine excretion in children, depending on the age of the baby.

Negative effects of caffeine on a baby while breastfeeding

The effects of this drink are varied. It affects many organs and systems. For example, it acts on the baby’s body in the following way:

  • promotes overexcitation, tearfulness and irritability;
  • causes allergic reactions;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • removes calcium and other minerals;
  • consuming it in large quantities helps to reduce the concentration of iron in breast milk and leads to the development of anemia in the baby.

It is necessary to immediately stop taking this drink if caffeine or drugs that have a similar effect (for example, theophylline, etc.) are prescribed.

Misconceptions about drinking coffee while breastfeeding

There are many misconceptions about its use during lactation. And here are some of them.

  1. When choosing drinks, preference should be given to green tea. This opinion is considered erroneous because it also contains caffeine (theine), which irritates and excites the nervous system.
  2. It is recommended to replace this drink with decaffeinated coffee. But the mistake is that it also contains it, but just in smaller quantities. The disadvantage of this type of coffee is its high cholesterol content, which can negatively affect the baby.
  3. During the period, the mother should eat and drink everything that she consumed before pregnancy and childbirth, and then her baby will quickly adapt to food. This is not true, since all products are an excessive burden on the baby’s still unformed digestive system. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce adult food into his diet only from six months.
  4. Many mothers believe that drinking a couple of cups of this drink daily will not affect the condition of the baby in any way. But you should know that if there are contraindications, a tendency to allergies, not only adverse reactions may occur, but also addiction to it.

If you really want... Which drink should you prefer?

In the absence of contraindications, drinking coffee in a reasonable amount is not prohibited. However, if the mother is accustomed to it or has developed a dependence on it, it can be replaced with: chicory, herbal infusions, anise, cumin, barley drink, herbal teas, etc.

If you really want coffee, it is better to follow the following rules:

  • use it in the morning so as not to once again provoke restless sleep in the baby;
  • It is better to drink it after you have fed the baby, so the nursing woman’s body will have two hours more time to remove caffeine before feeding the baby;
  • do not drink coffee daily so that its concentration in milk decreases;
  • consume more dairy products;
  • it is necessary to increase the general drinking regime, since this drink increases the removal of fluid from the body;
  • dilute it with milk.

During breastfeeding, preference should be given to freshly ground beans that have a coarse grind (as they contain less caffeine).

If you grind the beans and brew the coffee before consuming it, the caffeine content in it will be several times less than in what was ground industrially.

It is better not to drink instant coffee, since mostly low grades are used for this type of drink. There is also a chance that you can buy freeze-dried powder with artificial caffeine instead (which contains twice as much caffeine as coffee beans).

How to cook?

Before brewing this drink, you need to grind just enough grains to be enough for one time.

You need to pour clean spring water or filtered water into the Turk (up to its neck), then add two teaspoons of ground grains (per serving), and, if desired, one or two spoons of granulated sugar. The drink must be brewed over low heat. When the foam begins to rise, you should set the Turk aside so that it settles a little. This procedure must be repeated three times. After this, the drink can be poured into cups.

Frequency of coffee consumption by women during lactation

It is prohibited to drink more than 3 to 4 cups of this drink during lactation, as side effects may occur.

If the mother is a coffee lover and cannot give it up during breastfeeding (given that there are no other contraindications), then it is permissible to drink a couple of cups a day.

But it is very important to monitor the baby’s reaction, and it is also necessary to exclude all other products containing caffeine.

Can a nursing mother have coffee with milk and is it healthier?

In the absence of an allergic reaction to coffee and if it is tolerated, it is better to drink this drink with milk. Since it contains a lot of calcium, and it is necessary for the baby’s bones to be healthy and strong. In addition to calcium, milk contains zinc, which has a beneficial effect on the baby’s skin, nails and hair.

Until the age of six months, the mother should not drink more than 50 ml of milk per day, since in addition to allergic reactions, the baby may also experience intestinal problems (increased gas production, abdominal pain, bowel dysfunction). After the child reaches this period, you can gradually increase the volume of milk to 200 ml.

Milk should be natural, not ultra-pasteurized. Its fat content should be from 2.5%. It is permitted to consume this product in store-bought bags or packaging.

Looking for an alternative to coffee

If a mother or child has contraindications to its use, it is recommended to exclude coffee from your diet (at least temporarily).

But what to do if mom loves him very much or one or two cups a day is not enough for her? In this case, you can find an alternative to coffee.

Substitutes for this drink are:

  • chicory. It contains many vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as many other useful components. This drink has a calming effect on the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • barley drink. One of its important advantages is increased lactation. It contains proteins, vitamins, plant fiber, and mineral salts. Barley drink improves the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system;
  • acorn coffee. This drink contains a lot of protein, tannic acids, starch substances, and plant flavonoids. Thanks to which it has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, and acorn coffee normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and digestive systems.

Pediatrician's opinion on coffee during breastfeeding

In reasonable quantities, its use does not pose a particular threat to the health of the mother and baby. But if there are contraindications, it should not be used (for example, the child was born premature, there are manifestations of an allergic reaction, etc.), as adverse reactions may occur.

For many people, a morning cup of coffee is a life-giving elixir for the whole day. The caffeine contained in the drink invigorates, improves tone and lifts your mood. It has a completely different effect on the child’s body. When taken with milk, it negatively affects the nervous system and provokes sleep disturbances. Can a nursing mother have coffee or should she temporarily give up the drink?

Many people cannot imagine a morning without coffee. A nursing mother is no exception

Side effects from drinking too much coffee

Mommy can solve the dilemma for herself by observing the baby’s condition. Give up your habit if you notice signs in your baby:

  1. Dehydration. The strong diuretic effect of the drink leads to the removal of a large amount of fluid from the body, along with which substances necessary for the full and proper development of the child are released.
  2. Allergies. After drinking coffee, monitor your baby in the first hours after drinking the drink. Check the nasal mucosa for inflammation, and see if there is a rash on the skin.
  3. Constipation. By removing excess fluid, coffee hardens stool, leading to constipation.
  4. Overexcitation of the nervous system. Excessive caffeine causes nervousness in children, they sleep poorly, and are capricious a lot.
  5. Incompatibility with other drugs. In the treatment of respiratory organs and cough, drugs that already contain caffeine are used. Drinking coffee can cause an overdose of the substance.

Consider the fact that medical studies have shown a decrease in the amount of iron in breast milk in mothers who often drink an invigorating drink - a fairly convincing answer to the question of whether a woman who has recently given birth can drink coffee (see also:). It is unlikely that you wish bad things for your baby, but without iron the little person’s immunity suffers, brain functions deteriorate, and the cardiovascular system suffers.

Do not forget that caffeine is a strong tonic that can cause changes in the functioning of the nervous system. For the normal development of the baby, on the contrary, he needs more rest, while excess nervousness and activity is undesirable

Myths about harmless types of coffee

Thinking about types of coffee while breastfeeding that can be consumed without harming the baby, a woman is “led” by advertising. A few years ago, there was no talk of allowing a nursing mother any caffeine products. The doctors' answer was always negative. The emergence of new types of drinks and their active advertising, claiming that this type of coffee will not cause negative reactions during breastfeeding, misleads mothers. Here are a number of erroneous statements:

  1. Instant drink does not contain much caffeine. Few people know that this type is produced from cheap robusta, a type of coffee characterized by a high content of this particular element. In addition, produced in granules or freeze-dried, it is replete with various impurities. This type of coffee should not be consumed by a nursing mother.
  2. Decaffeinated coffee. One of the most popular myths. Indeed, it contains very little caffeine, but during its production chemical reactions occur that carry much more harmful substances into the woman’s body. The drink can cause allergies or stomach upset in the newborn.
  3. Green coffee. A species that is on a wave of popularity. Manufacturers claim that it promotes fat burning and helps you lose weight. At its core, this product is a semi-finished product. Green beans must be roasted to create the unusual aroma of the drink. There are also a number of prohibitions regarding losing weight while breastfeeding. By giving up a full diet and replacing it with green coffee, you risk aggravating hormonal changes, causing health problems for both yourself and your baby.
  4. Replacing coffee with green tea will not bring the desired effect. By getting rid of caffeine, you will get theine, an element no less active in its action, which can excite the nervous system even more strongly than caffeine.

What is really possible?

If parting with your favorite drink is difficult, give preference to its popular version of cappuccino. Prepare it yourself. Take Arabica beans, grind them, pour boiling water over them and wait a few minutes, letting it brew. Add cream to it in a ratio of 1:2. This way you will get a wonderful drink with the taste of coffee, still invigorating, but with a softened effect on the body, which you can drink during lactation.

Is it allowed to drink cocoa?

If we’re already talking about caffeine-containing drinks, let’s also find out whether a nursing mother can have cocoa, and in what quantities. Caffeine, the main element that affects the condition of a newborn, is only 0.1-0.2% in cocoa, however, the drink contains theobromine, which acts in the same manner on the nervous and cardiovascular system of the baby, but it is 10 times lighter than caffeine. once. Cocoa also has a hidden threat: the drink is considered a highly allergenic product, and this is dangerous for the baby. Moms, in order not to harm your treasure, treat yourself to a drink no more than 2 times a week. Drink in the morning or before lunch, when you finish breastfeeding. Dilute with low-fat milk and do not add sugar.

There is no direct ban on drinking cocoa during breastfeeding, but it still has some effect on the baby. It’s better for mom to drink cocoa no more than twice a week, and make the drink itself not too strong

Rules for drinking coffee and cocoa while breastfeeding

If refusing the drinks in question is beyond your strength, allow yourself to have them, but follow certain rules:

  1. The first, most important month after childbirth - not a single cup of coffee. Adaptation of a newborn’s body lasts 3 months. A product with caffeine will become an unnecessary irritant.
  2. The maximum amount of the stimulating element (caffeine) in breast milk accumulates by the 2nd hour after feeding. To prevent your habit from harming your baby, drink coffee when you have just breastfed him.
  3. It is advisable to drink no more than one cup per day, but it is better if you limit yourself to a cup every 3-4 days. Remember the baby.
  4. Choose the tiniest coffee cups. This way you will pamper yourself, and there will be no harm to the child.
  5. Drink plenty of water with coffee (a large mug of water after each cup) to prevent dehydration in your newborn.
  6. To reduce calcium loss, include dairy and fermented milk products in your diet. Kefir, cream, milk, cottage cheese will help replenish the loss of the most important element for the child (see also:).
  7. Avoid combining products containing caffeine. Chocolate is not allowed with coffee (see also:). Coffee and cocoa on the same day are not allowed.

After drinking a cup of your favorite drink, watch your baby’s reaction. If you notice that your child has an allergic rash after feeding, he is capricious for no reason, does not want to sleep, goes to the toilet with “liquid” stool - forget about coffee for a while. You can try again after 1-2 weeks - perhaps the baby has already adapted to the new conditions and can more easily tolerate the caffeine content in milk.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about coffee and breastfeeding?

Raising the topic of drinking coffee while breastfeeding, Dr. Komarovsky advises refraining from the tonic drink. A respected pediatrician voices three reasons for limiting coffee intake for breastfeeding mothers. He includes among them:

  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • restless sleep and nervous agitation;
  • possible overdose of caffeine in the treatment of lung diseases in a newborn.

Most mothers trust the opinion of such an authoritative and experienced doctor. Believe me too. If your baby has at least one of the listed problems, you shouldn’t tempt yourself; it’s better to deny yourself morning coffee until the baby gets stronger. The child calmly tolerates your addiction and does not react negatively to a cup of drink - you can continue to drink, but not in immeasurable quantities. Other experts also talk about the inadmissibility of regular coffee consumption.

Coffee is an invigorating drink that speeds up the heart. Many people start their day with it. A young mother who spends many sleepless nights caring for her baby also wants to drink a cup of coffee so as not to feel tired. Drinking coffee while breastfeeding is questionable. All doctors recommend refraining from drinking coffee while breastfeeding.

Effect of caffeine on babies

Caffeine is the main component of the coffee drink. Often, nursing mothers are wary of drinking coffee because of the possible negative impact on the baby. Caffeine is thought to cause:

  • disorders of the nervous system in a child;
  • restless sleep;
  • bad mood, moodiness;
  • developmental deviation.

Coffee is not the healthiest product for babies. Their digestive system is underdeveloped. He is unable to digest and eliminate caffeine. Therefore, it accumulates in the baby’s body and has a harmful effect on the nervous system. Also, the caffeine content in milk reduces the amount of iron, which can contribute to the development of anemia in the baby.

This happens when you drink the drink frequently, 4-5 cups a day. If you drink a small cup in the morning, nothing will happen. Moreover, caffeine is found in black tea, chocolate and green tea. These products are allowed during breastfeeding.

Start drinking coffee when feeding your baby with small doses. Because it can cause allergies in a child. If manifestations appear, then you must refuse the drink and wait until the child’s body is ready to accept it.

Properties of coffee

Coffee has certain properties on the body:

  • increases blood pressure;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • has a diuretic effect;

Harmful properties of coffee:

  • dehydrates the body;
  • thickens the blood, promotes thrombosis;
  • addictive;
  • disrupts the functioning of the heart.

Important! If the mother or child has heart disease, this drink should be completely avoided.

Depending on the age of the baby, caffeine is eliminated from the body at different time intervals:

  • premature newborns – 3-4 days;
  • up to three months of age – 3-4 days;
  • over three months of age – 14-16 hours;
  • over six months – 2-3 hours.

The highest level of caffeine in the blood of an adult is observed one hour after consumption. Until it is completely eliminated from the body, crumbs will enter the body. Complete elimination of caffeine occurs after 5 hours.

Which coffee is better to choose when breastfeeding?

Instant coffee is made from low-quality beans that are processed at high temperatures and chemicals. It has a high caffeine content. The likelihood of an allergic reaction is higher than with natural coffee.

Decaf coffee, a separate product category. It still contains caffeine, in smaller quantities, but it is there. The beans are chemically treated, so the likelihood of allergies and disorders in a child is the same as with insoluble coffee.

The best cup of coffee is considered to be one made from freshly ground beans. It is considered the most natural product.

Basic rules for drinking coffee while breastfeeding

If a young mother decides to drink coffee while breastfeeding, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Coffee must be prepared from freshly ground beans;
  2. If you pour boiling water over coffee and let it brew, this will reduce the caffeine content;
  3. Moderate consumption of the drink will not harm the child's health. It is recommended to drink coffee once every few days, maximum every day, but not more than one cup.
  4. It is recommended to drink coffee in the morning after the first feeding of the baby. By the next feeding, the dose of caffeine in milk will decrease;
  5. When drinking coffee, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of other drinks and foods that have a similar composition.
  6. Enrich your diet with dairy products. They contain a lot of calcium, coffee washes calcium from the body, and after childbirth this element plays a big role in the restoration of the body;
  7. After a cup of coffee, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water. Since caffeine promotes dehydration, and additional fluid is needed for milk production;
  8. If desired, drink coffee with milk, it reduces the caffeine content and partially prevents the excretion of calcium from the body.

If after drinking coffee the baby’s condition has not changed in any way, he is in a good mood, sleeps and eats well, and there are no problems with bowel movements, then you can drink one cup a day, without fear. The older the child, the better he tolerates caffeine entering the body, and the likelihood of health problems also decreases.

During pregnancy you have to give up many foods. After the birth of a child, you want to return to your usual diet, but you need to follow a nursing diet. Most products are banned. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding.

Effect on baby

Caffeine appears in breast milk almost immediately after consumption, reaching its highest concentration after an hour and a half. The time for complete elimination from the body of an adult is 8-10 hours. But the exact numbers vary from person to person and depend on metabolism, digestion and overall diet. If caffeine enters the infant's body:

  • Not absorbed, like all alkaloids, during the first year of life;
  • Coffee during breastfeeding is eliminated within 5-7 days if the baby is less than 3 months old. Some accumulate in the body, negatively affecting the development of the nervous system;
  • Causes overexcitation, hyperactivity. The baby may experience severe stress;
  • Leads to disruption of sleep and rest patterns and can reduce appetite;
  • Removes calcium from the body, which negatively affects the development of the skeletal system;
  • Disturbs digestion, causes constipation;
  • It has a diuretic effect and can cause dehydration in a fragile body. Microelements important for the development of the baby are excreted along with the liquid.

Can nursing mothers drink coffee? The drink is a strong allergen, so it is recommended to avoid it for the first six months. Coffee consumed by the mother can cause addiction in the baby. When it stops entering the body, the child becomes lethargic and capricious.

Caffeine is incompatible with some medications, reducing their effectiveness. If the drug contains theophylline (a substance with a similar effect), then simultaneous use with a flavored drink can cause an overdose. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky recommends giving up coffee or telling your doctor about your consumption. The specialist will take this into account when prescribing a regimen and dosage of medications.

Komarovsky believes that a nursing mother is not prohibited from drinking coffee if the child does not have allergies, overstimulation or digestive problems. In these cases, you need to reduce the amount of the drink or exclude it from the menu.


You can drink coffee while breastfeeding, except in the following cases:

  • The first week of a baby’s life can have negative consequences for the development of the child’s vital organs. It is better to gradually introduce coffee into the diet no earlier than 3 months, ideally six months;
  • The child was born premature. A weakened body does not perceive caffeine well;
  • Anemia in a newborn. Coffee during breastfeeding significantly reduces the level of iron in mother's milk and provokes a lack of a microelement important for hematopoiesis in the baby's body;
  • The baby developed an allergy - rash, redness of the skin. You need to stop drinking the drink, try again in a month, not earlier;
  • Negative reaction from the child’s nervous system: overexcitation, poor sleep, causeless anxiety;
  • Lactation is reduced - the drink leads to its reduction.

Instant coffee

The product is made from low quality beans. During production, they undergo chemical treatment, increasing the likelihood of allergies. It contains more caffeine than freshly ground coffee. Many people drink it for vigor, but the effect of an instant drink is lower, and addiction appears faster.

A person who drinks this coffee feels a surge of energy for the first 30-40 minutes, after which the opposite effect occurs: severe drowsiness and fatigue appear. As a result, an attempt to cheer up leads to increased stress on the nervous and urinary systems.

To maintain general tone, it is better to use herbal tea, which is allowed during breastfeeding. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to recover faster after childbirth. There are special fees to increase lactation. When drinking herbal teas, you need to monitor your child's reaction to rule out allergies.

Green coffee

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To prepare it, use regular unroasted coffee beans. They differ in color and contain more nutrients due to the lack of heat treatment. Green coffee can be consumed by nursing mothers, but in dosage and after the child reaches six months of age. It contains caffeine, which can negatively affect the baby's well-being.

In green beans, its level is lower than in roasted ones, but you need to introduce the drink into your diet gradually, starting with a few sips, and pay attention to the child’s reaction.

You should use only fresh product, purchase it in specialized stores and check the quality certificate. There is a high risk of buying a fake that will be useless or harm the child’s body. The grains should be light green in color and should be cooked immediately before consumption. It is better to drink green coffee immediately after feeding or a few hours before it. The maximum number of cups of drink consumed during breastfeeding is 3 per day.

Green coffee is often used for weight loss and recovery after childbirth. It stimulates metabolic processes and is a source of antioxidants, vitamins and microelements. Various plant-based dietary supplements are contraindicated; you need to choose natural products.

Does it contain caffeine?

Can breastfeeding women drink decaffeinated coffee? It is a mistake to think that this will protect the child. This product is obtained as a result of several stages of chemical processing, traces of which remain in the drink. The allergenicity of the drink increases, while it contains an alkaloid, but in smaller quantities. Decaffeinated coffee can cause gastrointestinal disorders in a child and increased nervousness.

A good substitute is chicory: it has a similar flavor but does not contain caffeine. It is a source of useful substances, relieves nervous tension, improves digestion and metabolic processes in the body.

Chicory is easy to prepare, but is contraindicated in case of increased stomach acidity. It is necessary to drink coffee drink in small quantities to reduce the risk of allergies in your baby. To improve the taste, sugar and cream can be added.

Freshly ground from coffee beans

If the product is natural and of high quality, then it can be consumed in moderation, not earlier than the child is one month old. To reduce the amount of alkaloid, it is recommended to dilute it with boiling water. Bean coffee contains more nutrients and less caffeine than instant coffee. It is better to choose Arabica varieties and grind them immediately before cooking.

Can a nursing mother have coffee with milk? The option is allowed, but not earlier than the baby is one month old. The product contains casein, a highly allergenic protein. It requires special enzymes for processing, and the baby’s digestive system is just adapting to a new life. Animal milk protein can cause intestinal upset, bloating and colic.

Rules of use

Mommy has the right to decide for herself whether to drink coffee during breastfeeding, but she must take into account its possible harm and impact on the baby’s body. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. You are allowed to drink the drink, but you must feed the baby first. Or drink it a few hours before feeding so that your baby receives less caffeine through breast milk. It is easier for a child's body to cope with small doses of the substance. It is better to give up coffee in the first 3 months after birth, since the feeding regimen has not yet been established;
  2. Start with a few sips in the morning and increase the dose every few days. Be sure to monitor the child’s well-being; if there are sudden changes in his behavior, deterioration of digestion, or allergic manifestations, you need to stop drinking the drink;
  3. Keep in mind that caffeine is present in other products - chocolate, cocoa, alcoholic drinks, Coca-Cola. A small amount of it and a similar substance – theophylline – are also found in green tea. The simultaneous consumption of products leads to high doses of the alkaloid in breast milk. The baby may have overexcitement, rapid heartbeat, and anxiety;
  4. Limit coffee consumption to 1-2 cups of coffee per day, preferably every 3-4 days. It is permissible to drink from the smallest mugs to get pleasure, but less caffeine enters the body;
  5. Consume more fermented milk products to replenish the calcium lost from the body after drinking coffee;
  6. Give your baby some water and monitor the amount of liquid in your diet. To prevent dehydration and reduce the load on the urinary system, you need to drink a glass of water 10-15 minutes after drinking coffee. This is due to the specific impact of the product on the body during processing. In good coffee shops, clean water is served along with a cup of aromatic drink.

Doctors do not recommend drinking coffee to nursing women until the baby is six months old, but it is better to exclude it from the menu for the entire period of lactation. Children under 5 years of age are not advised to give this drink due to the negative effects on the body, especially since a newborn baby should not be exposed to stress. To maintain his health and strengthen his immune system, you need to carefully consider the mother’s diet so that the baby receives the maximum of nutrients from breast milk.