Collection of words in the English language. English cards. English words by topic. Vocabulary as one of the points of linguistics

Of course the basis language system- this is grammar, but without an established lexical base, knowledge of grammatical norms for a beginner is unlikely to be useful anywhere. Therefore, we will devote today’s lesson to replenishing our vocabulary and mastering techniques for quickly memorizing new vocabulary. There will be quite a lot of expressions in the material, so we recommend dividing these English words for study into each day in advance, working on 2-3 dozen new phrases and be sure to repeat already studied examples. Before moving on to practice, let’s find out how it is recommended to learn foreign words correctly.

Learning vocabulary is half the battle; it is also important to try to constantly use it, otherwise it will simply be forgotten. Therefore, the main principle of learning English words is not to strive to memorize absolutely every word you come across. In modern English there are about 1.5 million words and stable combinations. It is simply unrealistic to learn everything, so try to choose only the vocabulary that is most used and necessary for you personally.

Let's assume that you have already decided on your area of ​​interest, selected the necessary vocabulary material and started learning it. But things don’t move forward: words are slowly remembered and quickly forgotten, and every lesson turns into unimaginable boredom and a painful struggle with oneself. Here are some tips that will help you create the right learning atmosphere and learn a foreign language easily and effectively.

  1. Combine words by meaning, creating thematic dictionaries: animals, pronouns, action verbs, communication in a restaurant, etc.. Generalized groups are more easily stored in memory, forming a kind of associative block.
  2. Try it different ways study words until you find the method that works best for you. These can be popular cards, interactive online simulators, and stickers pasted on various items in the home, and applications for tablets and phones. If you perceive information better visually and auditorily, then actively use educational video and audio recordings. You can study in any way, the main thing is that the learning process is a pleasant pastime, and not a boring duty.
  3. Immediately remember how to pronounce the word. To do this, you must either refer to the transcription or use interactive resources. Program for learning pronunciation English words will not only help you remember the sound of the expression, but will also check how correctly you pronounce it.
  4. Don't throw away words you've already learned. This is very important point. It seems to us that if we learn words for a long time, we remember them once and for all. But memory tends to delete unclaimed information. Therefore, if you do not have constant speaking practice, replace it with regular repetitions. You can create your own notebook with days and rotating repetitions, or use one of the interactive learning apps English language.

Other English topics: English for hotel workers: vocabulary and phrases, speech cliches

Having worked through these tips, let's do a little practice. We bring to the attention of students the most popular vocabulary of the English language. These English words are suitable for studying every day, as they are divided into several tables and presented in the form of small semantic groups. So, let's start expanding our vocabulary.


English words to learn for every day

Greetings and farewells
hello , [hello] Hello, welcome!
hi ,[hai] Hello!
good morning [ɡʊd mɔːnɪŋ], [good morning] Good morning!
good afternoon [ɡʊd ɑːftənuːn], [good aftenun] Good afternoon!
good evening [ɡʊd iːvnɪŋ], [gud ivnin] Good evening!
good bye [ɡʊd baɪ], [good bye] Goodbye!
see you later , [si yu leite] see you!
good night [ɡʊd naɪt], [good knight] Good night!
I - my , [ai - may] I am mine, mine, mine
you - your , [yu - er] you are yours, yours, yours
he-his , [hee - hee] he - his
she - her [ʃi - hə(r)], [shi - dick] she her
it – its ,[it - its] it is his (oh inanimate)
we – our , [vi - aar] we are ours
they - their [ðeɪ - ðeə(r], [zey - zeer] they - theirs
who - whose , [xy - xyz] who - whose
what ,[wat] What
My name is… ,[may name from] My name is…
What is your name? , [wat from yer name] What is your name?
I am…(Nancy) ,[Ay um...Nancy] I...(name) Nancy
How old are you? ,[How old ar yu] How old are you?
I am...(eighteen, thirsty) ,[Ay em atin, sit down] I am ...(18, 30) years old.
Where are you from? ,[ware ar yu from] Where are you from?
I am from…(Russia, Ukraine) ,[Im from Russia, Ukraine] I'm from (Russia, Ukraine)
Nice to meet you! ,[nice tu mit yu] Nice to meet you!
Close people and family members
mother ,[maze] mother
father ,[phase] father
daughter ,[doute] daughter
son ,[san] son
brother ,[braze] Brother
sister ,[siste] sister
grandmother [ɡrænmʌðə],[grenmaze] grandmother
grandfather [ɡrænfɑːðə],[grenfase] grandfather
uncle [ʌŋkl],[unkl] uncle
aunt [ɑːnt],[ant] aunt
friends ,[friends] Friends
the best friend [ðə best friend], [the best friend] best friend
Places and institutions
hospital ,[hospital] hospital
restaurant, cafe ,[restrant, cafey] restaurant, cafe
police office ,[palace office] police station
hotel ,[wanted] hotel
club ,[club] club
shop [ʃɒp],[shop] shop
school ,[whining] school
airport ,[eapoot] airport
railway station ,[railway station] train station, railway station
cinema ,[cinema] cinema
post office ,[post office] Postal office
library ,[library] library
park ,[pack] a park
pharmacy ,[faamesi] pharmacy
feel ,[Phil] feel
eat ,[it] eat, eat
drink ,[drink] drink
go/walk [ɡəʊ/ wɔːk],[ gou/uook] go/ walk, walk
have ,[hev] have
do ,[du] do
can ,[ken] be able to
come ,[cam] come
see ,[si] see
hear ,[[heer] hear
know ,[know] know
write ,[wright] write
learn ,[linen] teach, learn
open [əʊpən],[open] open
say ,[say] speak
work ,[walk] work
sit ,[sit] sit
get [ɡet],[get] receive, become
like ,[like] like
time , [time] time
at … (5, 7) o’clock [ət faɪv, sevn ə klɒk],[et fife, sevn o klok] at...(five, seven) o'clock.
a.m. ,[I Am] until noon, from 00 to 12 (at night, in the morning)
p.m. ,[pi em] afternoon, from 12 to 00 ( during the day, In the evening)
today ,[today] Today
yesterday ,[yestaday] yesterday
tomorrow ,[tumorou] Tomorrow
in the morning [ɪn ðə mɔːnɪŋ], [in ze morning] in the morning
in the evening [ɪn ðə iːvnɪŋ], [in the evening] In the evening
here ,[hie] Here
there [ðeə],[zee] there
always [ɔːlweɪz],[oulways] Always
well ,[wel] Fine
only [əʊnli],[onli] only
up [ʌp],[ap] up
down ,[down] down
right , [wright] right, right
wrong , [rong] wrong
left , [left] left
that [ðæt],[zet] what, which, that
which ,[uich] which one, which one
because ,[bicosis] because
so ,[sou] so, since
when ,[wen] When
before ,[bifoo] before before
but ,[baht] But

The mighty and great Russian language is inexpressibly rich in the variety of words and expressions. We get to know them gradually, while studying at kindergarten, school and university. With a foreign language, the opposite is true: we want to immediately learn all possible words and expressions in English in 5 minutes. Naturally, this does not happen. Moreover, the vocabulary of the English language is no less diverse than Russian. Today we will get to know it better and find out how to study it better and more correctly.

Vocabulary as one of the points of linguistics

The science that studies all the rules and grammatical norms characteristic of a language is called linguistics (or linguistics). It covers huge amounts of knowledge, divided into classes depending on their specificity. One of the most important classes is the lexicology section. What it is?

Lexicology is a branch of linguistics that studies the varieties of lexical units of a language, i.e. All possible words and their meanings. The vocabulary is called vocabulary, and is divided into two main parts:

  • Active vocabulary is those words that are often used in colloquial or literary speech.
  • Passive vocabulary is outdated and outdated words.

Now let's move on from scientific terms To in simple language and to summarize: English vocabulary is the totality of all words and their meanings. The richer a person’s vocabulary, the easier it is for him to express himself in foreign language and understand other people's speech.

Now that we have formed the basic concept of vocabulary, let's figure out how to learn English words correctly.

How to learn English vocabulary correctly

Before moving on to the list of popular words, I would like to note a few tips for learning them.

1) Working with transcription

First, familiarize yourself with the symbols English transcription. These are very important signs that will help you work on correct British pronunciation. The fact is that in English you can often find discrepancies in the spelling and pronunciation of words. And although special reading rules have been developed for this case, even from them there are many exception words. Therefore, when learning new words, it is very important to check their correct reading and pronunciation using transcription.

2) Thematic grouping

Personal and demonstrative pronouns
I* I
you you you)
he He
she [ʃi] she
it [ɪt] he, she, it (inanimate objects)
we We
they [ðeɪ] They
this [ðɪs] this, this
that [ðæt] that one
these [ðiːz] these
those [ðəʊz] those

*I is always and everywhere written with a capital letter.

Nouns (abstract)
hour [ˈaʊə(r)] hour
day day
week a week
night night
month month
year year
way [ˈweɪ] way, way
life life
name Name
street Street
home house
sun Sun
rain rain
snow snow
Nouns (people)
boy boy
girl [ɡɜːl] girl
people [ˈpiːpl] People
person [ˈpɜːsn] personality, person
woman [ˈwʊmən] woman
man man human)
father (daddy) [ˈfɑːðə(r)], [ˈdæd.i] father (dad, daddy)
mother (mummy) [ˈmʌðə(r)], [ˈmʌm.i] mother (mother, mommy)
daughter [ˈdɔːtə(r)] daughter
son son
parents [ˈpeə.rənts] parents
friend Friend
be* to be, to exist
have * have
do do
go [ɡəʊ] go, go
get [ɡet] receive
can*** be able to, be able to
call call, call
open [ˈəʊpən] open
close close
read read
write write
study study
work work
start start off
finish end
talk talk
say say, talk
use use
switch on/off , turn on/off
turn turn
run run
know know
understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] understand
think [θɪŋk] think
want want

*This verb changes its form depending on the person of the noun and pronoun: I am/You, We, They are/He, She, It is. In the past tense for the singular, to be becomes was, and for plural in were.

**For the 3rd person the form of this verb is has. In the past tense – had.

***The past tense form is could.

Particles, articles and question words
not not (negation)
to verb infinitive
a indefinite article

(some, any)

the [ðə] definite article (this)
who Who?
what What?
why For what?
when When?
where Where?
which Which?
here Here
there [ðeə(r)] there
always [ˈɔːlweɪz] Always
never [ˈnevə(r)] never
often [ˈɒfn] often
usually [ˈjuːʒuəli] usually
well ok, well
most most
only [ˈəʊnli] only (exclusively)
now Now
just just now (time), just

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Tell me, how well do you know English words on a topic that interests you? Of course, you can go to English courses in Moscow and remember new words while speaking, but we want to offer you another convenient way. With the help of a large collection of English words with translation and transcription online, you will not only expand your lexicon, but you will also protect yourself from funny situations in advance. In this section you can find thematic collections of words on a variety of topics.

English words on the topic that interests you are presented in the "Glossary" section. English vocabulary on various topics can be useful for a schoolchild, a student, a housewife, a manager, and a traveler. Thematic collections of words on the topic are presented with translation, transcription and voiceover to help expand your vocabulary. Now, in order to learn English words and phrases, you don’t need to spend a long time and tediously writing words down in a notebook - just regularly visit the section you need and repeat words that are difficult to remember. To voice a word, just click on the icon to the left of the word. Don’t be lazy to repeat the spoken words - this way you will achieve results faster and improve your pronunciation of English words online.

All English words are structured according to thematic sections. Vocabulary by topic is presented in 17 sections. Human appearance, family and relatives, education, food and drinks, weather and sports, cars and computers - colloquial phraseology for every need.

The suggested English words on the topic contain, in turn, subsections that include popular English colloquial phrases and words. The simplicity of the scheme and ease of use will help you learn your favorite English language. When learning is a joy, the result will not take long to arrive.

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