Direct and indirect sales. Methods of selling goods. Indirect sales: advantages and disadvantages

Produce only what will definitely be sold, and not try to sell what you have managed to produce.
Marketing rule.

The most important activity of the enterprise's marketing service is the development and implementation of a sales policy in the marketing system in a single complex with product, pricing and communication policies.

Sales (marketing activities) in a broad and narrow sense. Sales methods

Sales (marketing activities) is an element of the marketing mix that characterizes the organization’s activities aimed at making the product available to target consumers. Concepts such as “sales,” “distribution,” and “product distribution” are often used as synonyms for the concept of “sales.” The concept of “sales” can be interpreted in both the broad and narrow sense of the word.

Sales in a broad sense - the process of organizing transportation, warehousing, maintaining inventories, refining, promoting wholesale and retail trade links, pre-sale preparation, packaging and sale of goods in order to satisfy the needs of customers and make a profit on this basis. Here, sales activities begin from the moment the product leaves the production complex and ends with the transfer of the goods to the buyer.

Sales in the narrow sense (sale, implementation) - a process of direct communication between a seller and a buyer, aimed at making a profit and one that requires knowledge, skills and a certain level of trading competence. Here, “sales” means only the final phrase - direct communication between the seller and the buyer, and all other operations in the field of sales are classified as product distribution.

In order for the released product to find its buyer, the manufacturer can use the following marketing methods: direct, indirect and combined.

Direct (direct) sales allows you to establish direct contacts between the manufacturer and buyers, without resorting to the services of independent intermediaries. Direct sales are common in the market for capital goods; less often, direct sales are used in the market for consumer goods.

Direct delivery of products directly to consumers can be effective if:

Indirect sales – a sales method in which product manufacturers use the services of various types of independent intermediaries. It is better to sell goods through intermediaries if:

  • the consumer market is not limited to a region, but is scattered over a large territory;
  • deliveries are carried out in small batches and with high frequency.

Combined sales – a sales method in which organizations with mixed capital are used as intermediaries, including, among other things, the capital of the manufacturing company itself.

  • intensive sales – a sales method in which a wide range of resellers are involved in the process of selling goods, capable of providing additional services (organization of service, supply of components and consumables, etc.);
  • selective sales – a sales method that uses a limited number of resellers;
  • targeted sales - specialization, focus on the supply and sale of goods to a certain circle of buyers.

Sales policy of the enterprise: concept, goals, development

Sales issues must be resolved when an enterprise develops a marketing policy. It is at this stage that it is necessary to make a decision regarding the choice of sales markets, sales methods and its stimulation, to determine priority areas, means and methods necessary to enhance sales, which generally represents the sales policy of the enterprise.

Sales policy of the enterprise - this is a set of interrelated elements of sales activities aimed at meeting the needs of consumers through optimal use of the sales potential of the enterprise and ensuring sales efficiency on this basis.

Sales policy goals may be as follows :

  • maximum satisfaction of consumer demand;
  • ensuring (increasing) the required sales volumes;
  • increasing the market share of a company or an individual brand;
  • providing the enterprise arrived and its increase;
  • maintaining market share or maintaining a occupied niche;
  • entering a new market and gaining a share of target segments;
  • launch of a new product on market ;
  • retaining clientele and attracting new clients.

The development of an enterprise's sales policy should be based on the results of an analysis of the existing sales system. It is advisable to carry out the analysis not only on quantitative indicators, but also on qualitative ones, such as the level of service, satisfaction with product quality and customer preferences, the effectiveness of communication policy, the correct choice of market segments, the effectiveness of the sales department, etc.

Main directions of sales policy , formulated on the basis of careful analysis, in accordance with the goals and objectives of sales, can be set out in the following documents:

  • internal standards of sales activities of an enterprise (firm) and standards for control of sales (sales) of finished products;
  • regulations on departments and job descriptions regulating the sales activities of an enterprise (firm);
  • product distribution and transportation policies (product distribution channels, sales forms, choice of intermediaries, types of transportation and delivery lines);
  • product policy of the enterprise (in terms of product nomenclature and assortment, production volumes and development of new products);
  • pricing policy of the enterprise (in terms of pricing and pricing strategy).

Modern marketing defines two leading types of sales: direct and indirect.

Direct sales are profitable if the money saved due to higher trade margins is higher than the costs associated with organizing the ownership of the sales structure (Table 1).

With direct sales, there is a direct impact on the consumer, so you can control the quality of the product and quickly respond to market demands.

With indirect sales, it is difficult to maintain the image of the manufacturer's brand, organize the necessary service, and control prices. There is no contact with the end consumer, which may ultimately affect the competitiveness of the product.

Marketing policy in the field of sales is significantly different when the seller is a manufacturer and when an intermediary (Table 2).

Table 1. Characteristics of some costs of organizing direct sales

Distribution body

Main cost items for organizing distribution

Purchasing transport for delivery (or renting transport)

Sales department: sales by calling consumers. Delivery of goods is possible

Costs for representative information materials (price lists, information letters, advertising leaflets)

Payment for telephone calls

Purchasing or renting transport

Sales department: sales through sales agents and traveling salesmen. Delivery of goods is possible

Costs for representative information materials

Agent commission costs

Possible payment for vehicles (partial depreciation) of an agent or traveling salesman

Sales through your own retail network (shop, stall, tray, car)

Costs associated with purchasing or renting a store located outside the company's premises

Retail security

Purchase of vehicles

Sales through branches and representative offices

Costs of organizing a branch or representative office (searching for a partner, renting premises, security, etc.)

Maintaining its activity during the first 6-12 months

Sales through subsidiaries

Costs of organizing a subsidiary (there is a risk that it may subsequently engage in other activities)

Wholesale and retail trade from warehouse

Costs of organizing a warehouse (repairs, equipment) and its operation (staffing, security, etc.)

Sales at fairs, auctions, exhibitions, exchanges

Costs for renting retail space

Payment for brokers and auctioneers

Direct and indirect sales have a number of their own specific characteristics. These characteristics are shown in the table below.

Table 2. Difference between direct and indirect sales policies

Sales Policy

Direct sales

Indirect sales

Price policy

Single selling price, pursuit of a single retail price.

Moderate trade margin

Price differentiation based on demand, region, consumer

High retail margins

Product policy

Keeping your product on the market is, as a rule, a conservative trade policy, because product innovation requires investment

Selecting a product that is in demand.

The intermediary demands modifications or a new product from the manufacturer

Distribution policy

Large orders, large permanent intermediaries or consumers.

Imposition of the entire range

Small order quantities.

Demand for an assortment that is in demand

Promoting your brand.

Formation of the manufacturer's image

Formation of the image of an intermediary through the trademark and image of the manufacturer

Existing distribution channels involve the use of three main sales methods:

* direct, or immediate;

* indirect;

* combined, or mixed.

Direct or direct sales provides that the manufacturer of the product enters into direct relationships with its consumers and does not resort to the services of independent intermediaries.

Direct sales are common in the capital goods market; sales are typical for coal, oil, and machine tool companies that supply the main types of raw materials for the manufacturing industry.

As for the promotion of agricultural products, this sales method is quite widely used in the market in the form of the presence of company stores and trade pavilions in markets.

The advantage of the direct sales (sales) method is that the manufacturing enterprise can control the sales process and quickly respond to changing market needs. This sales method is appropriate in cases where the quantity of goods is large and consumers are concentrated in a limited area, when highly specialized service is required, when the product is unique in purpose, etc.

At indirect In the sales method, the manufacturer of goods uses the services of various types of independent intermediaries. In practice, this method makes it possible to maintain full control over trading operations and saves money on paying for the services of intermediaries, but it cannot be considered the most effective method. Research conducted abroad shows that the intermediary link in a company's sales activities, on the contrary, in most cases increases the efficiency of sales operations. This is due to the following reasons:

1) the high professionalism of intermediaries in the sales and commercial spheres makes it possible to accelerate cost recovery and turnover of funds through large-scale, universal and specialized operations, creates convenience for end consumers, etc.;

2) Intermediaries have an unrivaled ability to bring the product to the target market. The connections, experience, and specialization of intermediaries provide the company with much greater success than it could achieve alone, on its own;

3) many manufacturers lack experience in the market and do not have enough financial resources to carry out direct sales.

4) even if a manufacturer can afford to create its own distribution channels, in many cases it is more profitable for it to increase capital investments in its core business (when the profitability of the latter is greater than the profitability of its own sales activities, etc.).

5) the use of intermediaries in some cases turns out to be the only possible method of distribution due to established customs and traditions in the market, for example, at auctions and commodity exchanges, and also when, due to political or legal norms, direct contact with consumers is impossible.

Combined or mixed sales- a method in which the manufacturer uses both direct and indirect sales.

The choice of one or another method of organizing a company’s sales activities depends on specific market conditions, sales and the strategy of the company itself. Often a company, especially a large one, prefers to work by combining all available types of distribution network organization.

Sales— supply of goods for the purpose of sale, sale by a company of products manufactured (purchased) by them. Sales is the process of a product entering the sphere of use; sales of products; delivery for the purpose of purchase and sale. Sales, to a greater extent, is a logistics operation, meaning the delivery of products to the buyer directly, or through sales intermediaries (suppliers of the buyer).

Sales assumes:

  • sales logistics;
  • building relationships with external sales network;
  • establishing relationships with sellers;
  • fulfillment of the supplier’s obligations regarding the delivery of products to the consumer.

Physical sales (physical distribution) - processing and execution of consumer orders and direct delivery of goods. Distribution is an integral element of marketing and sales, ensuring product availability to consumers in a timely and cost-effective manner. Sales is an integral part of the distribution process and includes all logistics operations associated with the physical movement and storage of finished products in commodity distribution structures.

Direct sales- delivery to the buyer, which does not imply the presence of intermediaries, since the sale of goods and sales operations are carried out directly and directly to consumers on the basis of direct contacts with them.

Indirect sales (not direct sales) involves the sale of goods through intermediaries. There are one, two and three-level sales channels, the task of which is the distribution and sale of goods.

Intensive sales- involvement in the process of selling goods of a wide range of resellers who are able to provide additional services (organization of service, supply of spare parts and consumables, etc.);

Selective sales- use of a limited circle of resellers. Selective sales are characterized by direct sales.

Targeted sales- specialization, focus on supply and sale of goods to a certain circle of buyers. Whereas non-targeted sales are the supply of goods to a wide range of consumers (typical of the consumer goods market), as a rule, with the participation of intermediaries and the formation of a distribution sales channel.

Distribution sales channel(distribution channel, sales channel) - a partially ordered set of intermediary entities that carry out the flow of goods from the source of generation (manufacturer) to the destination (consumer). See definition of "distribution channel".

Sales logistics- the area of ​​scientific research into system integration of functions implemented in the process of distributing material and accompanying (information, financial and service) flows between various consumers, i.e. in the process of selling goods, the main goal of which is to ensure the delivery of the right goods to the right place, in the right time at the optimal cost.

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Direct sales of goods can come in various forms. In the direct sale of goods for industrial and technical purposes, the manufacturing enterprise often works for a previously known market, since the production plan is based on a portfolio of orders formed on the basis of direct orders from consumers. It has already been noted that this form of direct sale of means of production in established economic practice is known as direct economic ties. In this case, the manufacturer and consumer agree on all the characteristics of the required product, prices and delivery conditions. It is also possible to work on a previously unknown market, when the manufacturer produces standardized products, i.e. not intended for a specific buyer, and subsequently makes efforts aimed at selling it, including direct sales. Direct economic relations for the supply of products for industrial and technical purposes will be discussed in Chapter 5, and here we will consider other forms of direct sales.

One form of direct selling is personal selling, which involves direct contact between the manufacturer's sales agent and one or more buyers. This form of selling is considered one of the most expensive, but has undeniable advantages: direct communication with the buyer in a relaxed atmosphere, in contrast to the formal “seller-buyer” relationship, allows you to better understand the motives for purchases or refusals; After such communication, the buyer to a certain extent feels obligated to make a purchase.

Personal selling is most actively practiced in the trade of industrial and technical products and expensive consumer goods. However, this is not necessary, and manufacturers of perfumes and cosmetics also resort to using this form of sale. At the same time, well-trained traveling salesmen can attract a large number of specially trained agents to distribute goods. As a result, a unique network of company representatives can be formed, built on a hierarchical principle: the company's sales department - regional sales managers - district sales managers - zonal managers - sales agents.

The successive stages of personal selling usually include: searching for a potential buyer and preparing for contact; contact with the buyer and presentation of the product; eliminating possible disagreements regarding the purchase and finalizing the transaction; transaction support.

Search for a potential buyer possible on the basis of numerous contacts with all potential buyers. Naturally, the more information a sales agent has about potential clients, the greater his chances of success. You can get such information from agents with whom there is no competition, from acquaintances, from nrossa messages, etc.

Agents involved in the sale of industrial and technical products must come into contact with the heads of enterprises and firms who make decisions about the purchase of the goods offered. In order to offer consumer goods, the practice of visiting firms and institutions with a significant number of employees without prior agreement, or the so-called “cold visit,” is used. This does not always lead to the desired return, but a significant amount of goods are sold this way. At the same time, sales agents prefer to choose teams in which women predominate, more so than men who are inclined to make impulsive, pre-planned purchases.

Direct contact with the buyer and product presentation have as their goal to show all the capabilities of the offered product. Quite often, sales agents resort to almost fail-safe techniques, i.e. demonstrating how the purchased product will save money for the buyer or have a beneficial effect on his health.

Almost always during presentations, a potential buyer has many doubts and objections, so overcoming differences - an important point in concluding a deal. And in this case, the professionalism and communication skills of the sales agent become of paramount importance.

If all disagreements that have arisen are resolved, make a deal and a deed of sale is drawn up. Transaction support includes such concepts as organizing the delivery of the purchased product, preparing it for operation, and training in work skills, if necessary.

Many authors talk about the disadvantages of personal selling, most often citing the following: aggressiveness of the selling process; entering a client’s home under the pretext of studying public opinion; sale of goods of unknown origin under the brand name of well-known companies; irresponsible promises of gifts, etc. However, effective trade laws can protect consumers from such attacks on their rights. In addition, in most cases, the buyer is sufficiently informed and knows the product being offered and its real price.

The form of direct sales is mail order and catalog sales, in the event that the product is sold directly by the manufacturer. These forms of trade are used to sell books, videotapes and other goods.

One form of direct sales is selling goods using the telephone. The telephone is used as a means of communication, allowing the manufacturer of a product to offer it to all potential buyers and immediately receive information about interest or lack of interest in the product offered.

Sale of goods based on direct mail order also represents one of the possible forms of direct sales. However, unlike sales using a telephone, in this case the manufacturer does not receive feedback from the potential buyer about the level of interest in the product offered.

TV shopping, or, as they are often called “couch shops,” can also, to a certain extent, be considered a form of direct sales if the subsequent purchase of the product is from its manufacturer, and not from an intermediary. In many cases, a manufacturer interested in maximum sales of manufactured goods through all distribution channels carries out a wide advertising campaign. However, he often expects a direct response and, after showing an advertising video, provides his phone number, which any buyer can call for additional information or to purchase a product. Purchases of some goods can be made directly from the manufacturer in an interactive mode, therefore (Mpktronnaya trade in a certain may also be considered a type of direct marketing.

11sale of goods through catalogues, through direct contact or telephone contact, as well as on the basis of telemarketing advertising and in interactive mode could be considered as special varieties of direct 1<П|.1ти. В конечном итоге все сводится к тем же прямым связям между продавцом и покупателем и неважно, каким образом покупатель получил информацию о производителе и предлагаемом им товаре: из прямого письменного обращения производите ил; из обращения производителя по телефону или телефаксу; по различным каналам рекламы; по интерактивным каналам. Н«"гь в данном случае идет о различных коммуникациях. Что к «сеется расходов, связанных с использованием различных средств коммуникаций, то они существенно различаются, хотя обеспечиваемые ими объемы реализации также различны.