About sprouts: how to get greens from seeds. Plant sprouts: what are the benefits, how to grow, what to be wary of. Recipes from sprouts How to plant sprouted

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Wheatgrass is full of essential vitamins and nutrients that keep your body and mind healthy. A small amount of wheatgrass juice every morning is considered a very healthy way to start the day, but it can be very expensive. If you want to make wheatgrass part of your diet, try growing it at home rather than buying it in juice form. In this article you will find information on how to grow wheat sprouts from seeds and use them in their mature form.


Soaking and germination of seeds

    Buy wheatgrass seeds. They are also called hard winter wheat seeds. Buy a packet of seeds online or at a health food store. Look for organic seeds from a reputable grower to ensure they haven't been treated with pesticides and will grow into healthy, vibrant grass.

    Prepare the seeds for soaking. Before you begin soaking and germination, the seeds must be measured and washed.

    • Measure out enough seeds to place in a thin layer on the tray you are using to grow your grass. For a 40 x 40 cm tray you will need about two cups of seeds.
    • Rinse the seeds in cool, clean water using a very small mesh colander or sieve. Drain the water thoroughly and place the seeds in a bowl.
  1. Soak the seeds. Soaking initiates germination. By the end of the process, the seeds should have sprouted small roots.

    • Pour cold, preferably filtered, water over the seeds in a bowl. The amount of water should be three times the number of seeds. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and set on the counter for 10 hours or overnight.
    • Drain the seeds and add even colder, filtered water; again, the amount of water should be about three times the amount of seeds. Let it soak in for another 10 hours.
    • Repeat the process again for a total of three water changes.
    • By the end of the last soaking, the seeds should have sprouted roots. This means they are ready to land. Drain and set aside the seeds while you prepare to plant.

    Planting seeds

    1. Prepare a tray for planting seeds. Line the tray with paper towels to prevent the roots of the sprouts from growing through the holes in the bottom of the tray. Line the bottom of the tray with a 5cm layer of organic compost or soil.

      • Whenever possible, use paper towels that have not been treated with chemicals or dyes. Recycled, chemical-free paper towels can be purchased at health food stores.
      • Use pre-moistened compost or soil that is free of pesticides and other chemicals. To get the most benefit from your wheatgrass, it is important to use organic soil.
    2. Plant the seeds. Spread the seeds in an even layer over the entire surface of the compost or soil. Press the seeds lightly into the soil, but do not bury them completely.

      • It's okay if the seeds touch, as long as they don't concentrate in any one place. They need space to grow.
      • Lightly water the tray and make sure all the seeds get moisture.
      • Cover the tray with a few dampened newspapers to protect the seedlings.
    3. Maintain moisture. The seeds should not dry out during the first few days after planting.

      • Pick up the newspapers and water the tray thoroughly in the morning. The soil should be moist, but not soaked through with water.
      • Before you go to bed, lightly mist the seedlings with a spray bottle to prevent the seeds from drying out overnight. Spray the moisture onto the newspapers as well.
      • After 4 days, remove the newspapers. Continue to water the sprouted grass once a day.
    4. Keep the grass in partial sun. Direct sunlight can damage it, so place the tray in a shady place.

    Wheat sprouts collection

    1. Wait until the wheat sprouts separate. As soon as the shoots mature, a second blade of grass begins to grow from the first blade. This means that the grass can be collected.

      • The grass should be approximately 15 cm high.
      • As a rule, the harvest can be harvested on the 9-10th day of growth.
    2. Cut off the wheatgrass above the root. Cut the herb just above the root with scissors and place in a bowl. Juice can be extracted from the collected herbs.

      • Collected wheatgrass can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, but it is best to collect it just before consumption, as then it not only tastes very good, but also has the greatest health benefits.
      • Keep watering the wheat shoots to reap another harvest. Harvest the grass as soon as it is ripe.
      • Sometimes a third crop may germinate, but it is usually not as tender and sweet as the first. Clean the tray and prepare it for the next batch of seedlings.

Previously, it was difficult to find seeds, but now one’s eyes are simply boggled by the abundance of varieties and hybrids. There are some that are not susceptible to disease and produce a good harvest even in unstable Russian weather. True, their prices are steep, and there are only a few rare seeds in a bag. And if you happen to buy a couple of masterpieces of domestic or foreign selection, then you need to think about how to grow seedlings without losses.

You can sow seeds in a box of soil, with a different variety in each path, making sure to write down what goes where. When the shoots produce true leaves, they need to be transplanted into individual pots. It makes sense to attach a label with the name of the variety to each container. It's a good idea to use thicker foil for this. Write words on it with a sharp stick. This label is convenient because it does not get wet. It’s better to mark the milk carton with a marker.

Of course, you can do without intermediate planting in an individual container. But then, by placing the sprouts in the ground, we will unwittingly disturb the root system and may even break the plants. For elite varieties, such a risky undertaking is unacceptable.

Experience shows that sowing seeds directly into a pot is also not a very good option. Not all seeds germinate, and if you sow several of them and then thin them out, it turns out to be very wasteful. In addition, when wet soil is not entwined with roots for a long time, mold often develops on its surface. Whatever one may say, any of the listed options have disadvantages.

It works much better if you plant sprouted seeds in pots.

I read somewhere that it is good to condition them on damp gauze. Don't believe it! The roots of the seedlings are intertwined with threads of gauze, and many plants die during relocation due to broken roots.

Through trial and error, we came up with our own method - germinating seeds on a damp paper napkin or toilet paper. It is best to use a transparent box with a honeycomb bottom and a lid, the kind they sell miniature cakes in. We put several layers of paper in the cell and seeds on them. Each hole contains a specific variety. We write down the placement plan.

We wet the paper in all the cells with water (without excess) and close the box with a lid. In this form we place our container next to the heating radiator, because the seeds do not need light. Every few days we monitor the germination process. The transparent lid allows you to do this without opening the box. If the paper is dry, wet it. Do not overfill the water, otherwise the seeds will float and mix with others. And we will get confused about which variety is which.

When the cotyledon leaves appear and the roots reach several centimeters, the seedlings can be planted in an individual peat pot and exposed to light. We do not plant in bulk, but when the seedlings are ready. Delicate roots do not get tangled in wet paper, and its fragments should not be removed. The paper will rot and mix with the soil. With this technology there are no losses. The selection of the best seedlings is easy. As a result, the plants are strong and capable of realizing their potential qualities.

Probably not everyone can find cake boxes. But it is not important. After all, it’s easy to build something similar from scrap materials. Although, in general, stores selling plants should offer gardeners special cellular boxes with a lid. They are very comfortable!

Germinating the seeds of cultivated plants in order to obtain sprouts from them at home is the simplest and best way to provide your family with a nutritious and vitamin-rich additive to various dishes throughout the year. The benefits of such a diet are enormous. And if you have come to this, then don’t wonder where to buy sprouted wheat etc. but ask yourself a question - how to grow.
When we say sprouts, you probably think of golden bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts, which are commonly used in oriental cuisine or to decorate sandwiches. However, sprouts can be successfully grown not only from bean and alfalfa seeds, but also from many other crops, for example:

  • radish,
  • cabbage,
  • sunflower,
  • wheat,
  • peanuts
  • chickpeas
  • clover,
  • buckwheat,
  • green peas,
  • beans,
  • lentils,
  • from cloves of garlic, etc.

Sprouts are consumed raw - for making salads, sandwiches - and boiled, adding to various dishes. They are even baked into bread.
Their nutritional value and benefits are very great.

When a seed germinates and begins to grow into a new plant, all the stored nutrients are “splashed out” into the sprout.

How to grow sprouts?

Very simple. The seeds (unpickled) should be placed in a jar, watered well and the neck should be covered with a piece of gauze, secured with an elastic band, and then the water should be drained. Water them deeply twice daily and empty the jar each time. Hers is better
place it in the light (but not in the sun), and the seeds, depending on the crop, will begin to germinate in 2-14 days. The grown sprouts are ready to eat.

First of all, about seeds

Make sure they are not etched, i.e. do not have a coating containing captan or thiram - toxic fungicides that, when grown in soil, protect plants from disease. Treated seeds can be distinguished by the paint applied to them.
Now you can start watering. Some professionals use a complex system for this, performing two waterings every hour or even every 5-10 minutes. However, this is not necessary if you ensure that the water is completely drained after soaking. It is enough to do this twice a day, for example in the morning and before bed.

It is important to make the jet pressure strong enough to wash away mold if it begins to appear. The stream must be distributed evenly over the entire layer of seeds, trying not to miss a single seed. The water temperature should be room temperature, about 20°C. .

After watering, monitor the seeds and wait for sprouts to appear. Raw peanut seeds, covered with a red shell, will sprout within two days. The sprouts of most legumes are edible and tastier when their height is no more than 1 cm. Onion and garlic sprouts reach “ripeness” after 12-14 days, for other crops - after 3-8 days.

When the sprouts reach the desired size, remove the fabric from the jar in which they were grown, cover it with a regular lid (or transfer the sprouts to a jar with a lid) and put it in the refrigerator. There they will continue to grow, just more slowly. You can store them for 1-2 weeks. During this time, the next harvest of sprouts will be ready in your “indoor garden”.

Remember that sprouts contain 15-30% more protein than the seeds from which they were grown.
Sweet pea is a trademark of a product worthy of recognition. It can be found on packages with a mixture of sprouts of various crops.

Crops (seeds) Seed germination time (days)

  1. Lucerna 7
  2. Buckwheat(unhulled) 10
  3. Chinese cabbage 4-6
  4. Chickpeas 2-4
  5. Clover6-7
  6. Garlic, cloves 7-10
  7. Green peas 2-3
  8. Lentils 2-4
  9. Golden beans 2-4
  10. Radish 5-6
  11. Sunflower (unpeeled) 8-10
  12. Wheat 2-3

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    Probably everyone who is even slightly interested in healthy eating has heard about the benefits of sprouted grains and legumes. Sprouts of wheat, chickpeas, mung beans and other crops can increasingly be seen on supermarket shelves and on restaurant menus. However, many are still afraid to try an unfamiliar product.

    From a healthy idea to a vibrant business

    The company was founded in 2010 by biologist Lyudmila Kondratyeva and economist Natalya Terekhova. They hatched the idea of ​​opening sprout production for eight whole years.

    “In 2002, I found myself in Poland and saw these sprouts on the counter,” says Lyudmila. “The topic of healthy eating has always been interesting to me, and now I saw a product that was ideal in terms of its content of vitamins, nutrients and nutrients. I came with this idea, but it was not possible to implement it then - it was necessary to develop technical conditions and regulations, undergo certification, but we did not know how to do this.

    A few years later, Lyudmila found the website of one of the Moscow companies engaged in her dream business - the production of sprouted grains. She contacted the management of the company, and they offered their help, deciding that they would not compete with each other. Lyudmila, together with her friend and future companion Natalya Terekhova, went to the capital to get acquainted with the organization of production and buy a package of documents from Muscovites to start their business.

    - We decided that we would take a risk. We collected money, came, saw the production - and realized that we would do better,” laughs Lyudmila Kondratyeva.

    All grains are germinated in the dark - without soil or chemicals, only in water.

    Then, if you need to get greens, the elongated seedlings are moved to the light.

    Under the lamp, the sprouts continue to develop and acquire a rich green color.

    The roots of plants are woven into a tight “carpet”, a sod that supports the seedlings.

    Lyudmila Kondratyeva demonstrates the thickness of the root system of wheat sprouts.

    Krasnoyarsk residents purchased everything they needed, improved the Moscow technology with their own developments and opened a certified production facility for the production of wheat sprouts, mung beans, chickpeas, lentils and greens. A large Krasnoyarsk supermarket chain immediately became interested in them, setting a delivery date even before the first batch was released. However, at first, sprouted grains were in very modest demand in stores.

    — Six years ago the city was completely unprepared for this product. If now this topic is at least widely known, then almost all of our products were returned to us,” admits Lyudmila.
    “The first two years we worked at a self-sufficiency level,” adds Natalya Terekhova, co-founder and CEO of the company. “There was a profit, but almost all of it went to pay off loans.

    Now the situation is changing, and business is growing. The company already works according to its own technical specifications and sells them to newcomers from other cities of the country. “Russian Sprout. Krasnoyarsk produces 15 types of sprouts and supplies them to two retail chains, specialized health food stores, restaurants and cafes.

    The company is open to cooperation with stores of any format. Businesswomen hope that in the foreseeable future sprouts will become essential products for Krasnoyarsk residents - on a par with bread and milk. For this, they emphasize, their product has everything necessary.

    The seedling watering system is automated.

    Water of the required temperature is supplied to each column of boxes at a strictly set time.

    Lyudmila Kondratyeva holds a container with sunflower sprouts in her hands.

    This is what pea sprouts look like.

    Sprouted wheat.

    Wheat can grow up to 15 cm in height. Juice is obtained from such sprouts.

    It's all about the enzymes

    The benefits of eating sprouts have been confirmed by many studies, say the company’s owners. Their main value lies in the high content of enzymes, which are extremely rare in the menu of a person who eats traditional food that has undergone heat treatment - such food Kondratyeva and Terekhova in conversation call only “dead”.

    “When grain germinates, it “wakes up”, something that is not in dry grain appears in it - enzymes,” says Lyudmila Kondratyeva. - This is what we are completely missing in our diet. With regular food we get calories, this is a “fuel for the stomach”. And the cells continue to starve.
    Sprout is a product in the phase of maximum biological activity, which is a multivitamin and detoxifier. We do not expend energy on digesting this food. It is very easily absorbed by the body and releases its enormous energy potential.

    Only greens, vegetables and fruits have such biological activity within one and a half to two hours after harvesting, and such products rarely reach our table, the specialist continues. Sprouted grains and legumes, on the contrary, even on the store shelf continue to increase this activity - within 7-10 days the content of vitamins and microelements in them only increases.

    Ripe mung bean sprouts are washed, removing their hard green shell.

    Mung bean sprouts ready for sale.

    Radish sprouts.

    From left to right - sprouted oats, chickpeas and buckwheat.

    Each type of sprout is individual in its chemical composition. Thus, rye and wheat sprouts have a high content of vitamins A, B, D and E, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, which is why they are often included in the antitumor diet. Sprouted buckwheat has venotonic properties, helps cleanse the blood and liver, and is a source of iron and vegetable proteins.

    Legume sprouts (peas, mung beans, chickpeas, lentils, alfalfa) are a rich source of vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B3, B6, iron, manganese, silicon, boron, and vegetable protein. Such sprouts are useful for protein, vitamin and mineral deficiency, for atherosclerosis and heart rhythm disturbances, and for edema of renal origin. Chickpeas are useful for those suffering from excess weight, it restores the hormonal balance of the body. Bean sprouts have hypoglycemic, diuretic and antimicrobial effects.

    “And alfalfa has the ability to remove ecotoxins from the body,” notes Lyudmila Kondratyeva. - This is a unique “brush” that passes through the intestines and cleanses it very powerfully.

    From left to right - sprouted rye, lentils and wheat.

    Sprouted alfalfa at the packaging stage.

    Sprouted alfalfa.

    Sprouted onions.

    Sunflower sprouts.

    Sprouted lentils are unique in that the amount of vitamin C in it increases 600 times - lemon and currants are not even close. Two spoons of lentils a day - and your immunity is at a high level. In addition, all legumes contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels and proper metabolism.

    Sprouted green seeds - radishes, onions and sunflowers - are also popular among Krasnoyarsk residents. They have a pronounced taste characteristic of an adult plant. In addition, sunflower and flax contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which humans usually do not get enough of. These substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails, and normalize digestion.

    For those new to eating sprouts, experts advise starting with mung bean sprouts, which have a traditional “salad” taste. They, like any other sprouts, can be added to regular vegetable salads or eaten as an independent dish, seasoning to taste. Sprouted wheat and rye can be safely included in fruit salads. The company’s website has a large selection of recipes for a wide variety of salads, appetizers, soups and cocktails with sprouts.

    Juice of life

    The company’s special pride is the production of wheat sprout juice, called “Wheatgrass”. The benefits of drinking such a drink were first discovered about 40 years ago; since then, this product has been actively used by many sanatoriums in their treatment programs. Wheat germ juice contains all B-vitamins, vitamins A, D, E and K, many enzymes, amino acids and minerals.

    To produce Wheatgrass, wheat is grown to a size of 12-15 cm. When exposed to light, it acquires a bright green color. Then these sprouts are cut and the juice is squeezed out.

    Wheat sprouts are ready to turn into juice.

    Natalya Terekhova cuts wheat sprouts with a knife.

    Only the tender green part of the plants is suitable for juice.

    — “Wheatgrass” is a powerful natural energy tonic. It contains the entire periodic table, almost all vitamins and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin, but instead of an iron molecule it contains magnesium. When this product enters the blood, it is instantly absorbed and integrated into cells, replenishing them with new, healthy building material. The blood is enriched with oxygen. If the blood is healthy and oxygen is supplied to all organs in abundance, the body recovers very quickly,” explained Lyudmila Kondratyeva.

    How to turn dead food into living food
    Lyudmila and Natalya, as true fans of sprouts and healthy eating, hope to infect the whole of Krasnoyarsk with their love for them. Their dream is to enter the market for school meals and mass urban catering.

    “We, together with KrasSMU, have developed a children’s menu, which included our sprouts, but it is almost impossible to curtail the colossus of school meals,” complains Natalya Terekhova. — There are norms, GOSTs, technologists work according to standards, they must report to Rospotrebnadzor, to parents.

    The green mass is loaded into a screw juicer.

    Wheat sprout juice has a distinct smell of freshly cut grass and an unexpectedly sweet taste.

    Wheat germ juice contains vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and minerals.

    Natalya Terekhova pours freshly squeezed Wheatgrass into glasses. Fresh wheat sprout juice is a perishable product, so Wheatgrass reaches consumers frozen.

    Wheat germ cake.

    But it’s really a matter of consciousness—after all, our product itself is inexpensive. A package of wheat costs 75 rubles. It will be enough for one person for a week - the most ordinary dish can be instantly enriched with vitamins and microelements with just one spoon of sprouts. When people understand that this is the norm, like a glass of milk for a child, then something will change.

    A step in this direction is the creation of a Healthy Nutrition Academy on the basis of the company. The process of organizing it is in full swing.

    “We have two consulting biologists who want to pass on their knowledge about healthy eating to other people,” says Natalya. - Our doors are open. At the Academy, everyone will be able to receive all this information at a professional level and absolutely free.

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