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"It's me. Hiding and lying that this is just an image is ridiculous.

I included in this story a difficult period of my life, when time took me away from me. Talking about loss is painful. It's better to write about it. I tried it and didn’t notice how I grew out of it.

It is impossible to rediscover the beauty of the world without losing something important. In place of what was lost, empty spaces of bottomless ravines remain. And, trying to fill them, you begin to appreciate life more.

Let our losses be a test for us, but not torture.”

Your Safarli

His name was Weather. He had a delicate mental organization and a fragile structure of the heart - as a legacy from a childhood full of tears and parental indifference. The main character of Elchin Safarli’s novel “They Promised You to Me” is not an omnipotent man with nerves of steel, but a vulnerable, unhappy and broken man. Having almost grabbed happiness by the tail, he lets it slip out of his hands, loses it along with his beloved woman and child, who died under the wheels. At this moment, the world of Weather stops and he is overcome by a wave of depression that he alone cannot cope with.

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The book “They Promised You to Me” is not just a story, but a story that continues as you read. The work of Elchin Safarli is the confession of the main character, with all his sins, prostitutes, adult magazines in the toilet, dirty expressions and self-destruction, with every unhappy memory of childhood, about his beloved dog, which was hit by a car and his mother, who did not pay attention to it, about a love that ended as soon as it began, but remained a burnt wound in the heart. The inner world of a young man lies in the palms of the reader's hands, printed on every page.

The characters in this novel do not have names. Each of them has his own nickname, which best characterizes the hero himself: Weather, Waterfall, Cranberry. Dialogues are kept to a minimum, but their essence is conveyed in the context of the story that the author is telling. Weather, after all her wanderings, finds an anchor - support in the person of her former classmate, who, like the main character, felt the heavy burden of loss. These two help each other stay afloat and not fall out of life; Over time, the battle for survival despite pain becomes something more and, as is typical in the books of Elchin Safarli, develops into love.

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“They Promised You to Me” shows the path of a man who has sunk to the bottom and lost hope to humility and a kind of recovery. These are the subtleties of the East and Turkish flavor, a book whose reviews have shown that it helps you find yourself and see the light even in the most hopeless situations.

It seems that the fashion for unshakable men who always know what to do and are distinguished by determination and tenacity of character has passed. Now the dominant type is sentimental, infantile boys, who, in turn, are distinguished by modesty and emotionality. Elchin Safarli added his hero to this motley list. Among the many writers you can find those who can be characterized by the item “For social networks”; if you search, you can find enough of them. They are so prolific with quotes for statuses and motivational phrases. The author studied a couple of books from the category “How to become the life of the party”, listened to several webinars on leadership, read a couple of encyclopedias for the fair sex, learned a lot, a lot of interesting things and wrote his own book. Once upon a time there lived a kind uncle who, from his own experience, definitely knew what grief and misfortune were. As far as we know, his lover died. He is barren, no matter what meaning you give to this word, it still fits. He is also a little humiliated by his brothers and his own mother, which naturally affects him. And in general, my uncle’s life is not very good, and it hasn’t been very good since childhood. That's why he takes it out on prostitutes, unexpectedly, right? With such turns, you can easily fly into a ditch and no longer show signs of life. He quite seriously believes that his moral principles run parallel to the law “the customer is always right,” and the prostitute could do her job somehow better. In his free time, he utters hackneyed truths that are understandable to everyone without exception, hangs himself on women with meaningful names, tries to look at the world from a positive side, there must be something motivational, without this there is nowhere. When reading the book, you come across the idea that this is just a collection of stereotypes, which quietly reminded women of their true purpose and expressed all their erotic fantasies. Our hero, naturally loved by everyone, rushes to his new life, which he, of course, deserves. Having gone through the wild cycle of social life, the hero emerges from it completely unsullied in the most piquant sense of the word, all the traditions of Victorian novels are observed. He is given the opportunity to feel true love, and the chance to leave an heir. The best thing in the novel is the author’s auto review mentioned just above, where real ideas, themes, systems of all characters and issues were expressed. It probably should have stopped there, but no one even thought about it. The Vitaistic tendency is indicated, they boast of big names, but young people must study erotica from textbooks on their own.

This is exactly the moment when the author, combined with a very beautiful cover and a captivating title, comes out in one pathetic zilch. This book seems to be somewhat of an autobiography. If you don’t know this, then the main character does not evoke any compassion at all. He behaves like an unreasonable sixteen-year-old boy, although he can no longer be considered young. He is searching for his own place in life and dreams of high feelings. Most likely, this book is intended specifically for those who are in a constant state of despondency, meaningless and merciless, but during spring this is not at all the same. And in general, the work is probably intended for snotty girls who love all sorts of vanilla and other infantile things - you yourself know what kind of girls we are talking about. Now there is absolutely no time for depression and vanilla thoughts.

The work is imbued with sincerity and sincerity. It is difficult to imagine that all the pain that the author describes is fiction. Many works have been written about women's experiences of the loss of loved ones. The pain is long gone. But this case with men is very interesting to me. How they worry about the loss of their loved one, what emotions they experience - this is exactly what Safarli’s novel is about. To drown out his own mental pain that gnaws at him, the hero hurts the people around him. A man suffers, reaches out for love and understanding. The author makes you sympathize with his heroes, makes readers go through all the trials with them.

Name: You were promised to me
Elchin Safarli
Year of writing: 2011
Volume: 210 pp.
Genres: Contemporary Russian literature
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“They Promised You to Me” is a romance novel written by a man, and an Eastern man at that. Elchin Safarli is a young Azerbaijani writer who has chosen a very unmasculine genre for himself. But this is precisely what makes his prose interesting!

“They Promised You to Me” is a sad book. And what kind of fun can there be if Weather (that’s the name of the main character) has lost his only beloved? What do you need to do to get over this loss? How to live if you constantly feel like you're falling apart into pieces that can't be put back together? Is it even worth living after losing your other half? And why does a person need “half” at all? What does it mean to “start life over”? The main character is looking for answers to all these questions and the reader has to experience this with him, remembering all his losses.

The book “They Promised You to Me” was criticized a lot for being “whining.” However, it is in this “whining” that many of us can recognize ourselves. The weather doesn’t whine loudly, he shares his thoughts with us. It’s a paradox, but many fans of the book believe that it was she who helped them get out of severe depression, shake themselves up, look at the world with new eyes and see that it is beautiful. “They Promised You to Me” is also worth reading if you, like the main character, are mired in the past and don’t know where to move next.

If you're a fan of Paulo Coelho and Richard Bach, you'll definitely enjoy reading this. In the book you will meet familiar characters and familiar quotes, which Weather and his beloved Waterfall will rethink and explain in their own way.

On our literary website vsebooks.ru you can download the book “They Promised You to Me” by Elchin Safarli for free in a suitable format for different devices: epub, fb2, txt, rtf. A book is the best teacher, friend and companion. It contains the secrets of the Universe, human mysteries and answers to any questions. We have collected the best representatives of both foreign and domestic literature, classic and modern books, publications on psychology and self-development, fairy tales for children and works exclusively for adults. Everyone will find here exactly what will give them a lot of pleasant moments.

You were promised to me Elchin Safarli

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Title: You were promised to me

About the book “They Promised You to Me” by Elchin Safarli

How often do we lose someone in this life? Beloved pets, loved ones, even children. This is all a real tragedy when a part of you dies, when you understand that you need to live on, but how to do it if you don’t want it at all. These are feelings and thoughts that can only be understood by experiencing it all.

The book “They Promised You to Me” by Elchin Safarli is a story about tragedy, about how a person copes with pain, loss, bitterness, and hatred. This is a complex work that is very difficult to understand, and sometimes only someone who is familiar with all these feelings and experiences can do it. Many readers note that the book is written too complicatedly, in fragments of phrases, without consistency. But just imagine the grief in which a person lives, and imagine how he will perceive everything that happens, how he will think. It’s in fragments, a lot just passes by, a person doesn’t even notice it, so in such a period there is no consistency, completeness, rationality.

Today you can find a large number of books where the authors try to talk about simple things in an unusual storytelling style. That is, it is not always possible to find meaning in what is written until the moment the book ends. So here, the work “They Promised You to Me” is written in a complex manner, and at first it is difficult to understand what is happening, but in the end you understand the meaning and intention of the story.

Elchin Safarli’s book “They Promised You to Me” tells the enormous tragedy of a man who lost part of his life in an instant. At first it seems that a man should be strong, hold on with all his strength, but then you realize that this is impossible. This is how the story in the book develops - first in fragments, phrases, incomprehensible events. Then everything begins to become clearer, more and more thoughtful phrases and statements appear. A person begins to come to his senses, begins to be reborn, to come to terms with what happened and is happening to him.

As a result, life begins to improve. And very good things happen to this man, but fate decided here too that everything needed to be cut off. And again a tragedy, only in the life of another person. And it’s so sad and terrible that you yourself begin to fear what might unexpectedly happen to you tomorrow.

The book “They Promised You to Me” by Elchin Safarli is not just a story about a tragedy, even two. This is a story that makes you think about your life, about how much we value our loved ones, how much attention we pay to them. Many people live without thinking that one day everything they have may simply disappear. Forever... Perhaps, on the one hand, this is correct, but on the other hand, we want to say so much to our loved ones, family, to see beautiful places with them, to rejoice, to develop, to strive for more, but all this may simply not happen.

I would like to note that the book “They Promised You to Me” is difficult to read at first, but then you begin to understand its meaning. After reading to the very end, you will understand that this story is the real philosophy of modern man. After all, today everyone is for himself, and everyone copes with pain and losses on their own. We smile, but in our hearts we don’t want to live. Perhaps this book will help you better understand those around you and even help and support someone. The work is beautiful, complex and multifaceted, making you cry and think about how we live and, perhaps, it is worth changing something in our lives.

Title: You were promised to me
Writer: Elchin Safarli
Year: 2011
Publisher: AST
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 210 pages.
Genres: Contemporary Russian literature

About the book “They Promised You to Me” by Elchin Safarli

Have you ever dived to the bottom of your soul, into the very depths of memories that will forever remain in your soul? What could be worse than losing the ones you love? What does a person leave after his death? Only memories of himself in some heart that loves him. The author of the book “They Promised You to Me” is trying to find answers to these questions. The pain of losing loved ones will never go away. Over the years it will only become duller, but will never disappear. Elchin Safarli, like no one else, knows this, because the story told here is partly autobiographical. Those who have ever lost loved ones know how the heart hurts even after many years...

Elchin Safarli in his book “They Promised You to Me” shows the despair and pain of a man who has lost the most precious thing in his life. His beloved and her child threw themselves under a train due to the latter’s serious illness. The main character rethinks his life and tries to move on. But pictures from past years haunt him; he relives again and again those days when he was happy with his loved ones.

Despite the fact that the topic raised by the author in the work “I Was Promised You” is very difficult, despite the sadness, pain and despair that literally permeates this touching, emotional story, Safarli weaves bright moments into his narrative. Grief heals the soul, people say. So, the main character became better, he realized that there is the most valuable thing in life. It’s very sad that Pogoda came to changes in himself through such a tragedy. But that happens often. This is life as it is, with grief and pain, love and beauty. Piano...a combination of white and black keys that you alternately play...

Thus, God still gives the main character of the book “I Was Promised You” a small gift to brighten up his joyless existence. The world is gradually painted in bright colors after a young man’s trip to the city of his childhood. There he meets an old girlfriend, Waterfall, and they begin a relationship, the result of which is the emergence of a new life... It’s like the cyclical nature of all living things... some people die, and new ones are born in their place... Nothing passes without a trace. And everything has a meaning.

This sad story at the same time carries incredible light, it is like a warm balm for the soul, it cleanses a person and makes him better. Whatever your mood, you'll get a lot of smart ideas from this subtle, heartfelt fairy tale for adults. Human relationships are the greatest treasure, the greatest value of all. Material things fade in comparison, dim, but love flickers over us all our lives. It is this that makes a person fly and burn, light up and shine, this is exactly what makes life worth living.

On our literary website books2you.ru you can download Elchin Safarli’s book “They Promised You to Me” for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.