Which tile is better? How to choose tiles for the bathroom and toilet. The best manufacturers of bathroom tiles - which company to choose

If you already have an idea for a fix, choose the color of your dreams and let it become the starting point for selecting other shades. The main thing is not to overdo it with accents.

You should not choose more than three different colors. To get your bearings in all the variety of design options, it’s best to look for photos of ready-made premises.

Is the room you want to decorate small and need to visually expand it? Use light colors. The classic option for the bathroom is white tiles.

If you think it is too banal, give preference to beige, peach or blue.

The floor and walls, lined with the same type of tile, mostly light and glossy, will visually expand the space and add air.

Andrey Lyamin-Borodin, General Director of the online service for ordering repairs Rewedo.ru

It is believed that cool colors create an effect of freshness and coolness, while warm colors soothe. One of the modern trends is decorating rooms in natural shades.

Dark tiles create a depressing impression. Contrary to popular belief, dirt is clearly visible on it. Use dark colors carefully. For example, for decorating the floor and the lower part of the walls.

Avoid very bright colors, such as scarlet or gold. In such rooms you will get tired very quickly.

Use bright or patterned tiles to create accents or room accents.

When choosing tiles for the kitchen, coordinate its color with the set.

How to choose the shape and size of tiles

Most often, stores offer square or rectangular tiles. If you're renovating yourself, stick to these classic options. Working with them is much more convenient than with tiles of unusual shape.

Want to achieve different visual effects? Use rectangular tiles. Place it on the walls vertically, and you will extend them in length, horizontally - in width. To visually expand the room, lay floor tiles diagonally.

Don't choose very small tiles for small spaces. Also give up the idea of ​​decorating the room in a mosaic style. It greatly narrows the space. Do not use very large tiles. With it there will be large seams on the walls, which will also unfavorably divide the room into parts.

It is also worth avoiding extremes for reasons of economy.

From the point of view of practicality and cost of work, it is better to choose medium-sized tiles for walls. A format that is too small or, conversely, large can cause extra charges when laying. Mosaics are on average more expensive than regular tiles, and working with them will also be expensive.

Andrey Lyamin-Borodin

How to calculate the required number of tiles

Measure the length of the walls and their height and multiply these numbers. From the resulting product, subtract the area of ​​the door (if necessary, also the area of ​​the bathtub). Calculate the floor area.

Then calculate the area of ​​one tile by also multiplying its length by its width. By dividing the total area of ​​the walls or floor by the area of ​​one tile, you will determine the number of the latter.

An example of calculating tiles for a wall with a door

When in doubt, use any online tile calculator.

Don’t forget to add 10–15% to the resulting value, since some of the tiles will inevitably be damaged during transportation or installation.

Naturally, this is the most primitive way to calculate tiles. With an unusual layout, you may need the help of professionals who will draw up the correct drawing and, based on it, calculate the required amount of materials.

How to choose tiles of the desired structure and quality

If you are choosing tiles for your home, there is no point in choosing super-resistant materials that are necessary for decorating common areas. It is unlikely that the same number of people will walk around your kitchen or bathroom as attend cinemas or exhibitions.

Choose tiles with a wear resistance rating from I to III (III for floors) and don’t overpay.

If you are not going to turn your apartment into a large freezer or solarium, then the temperature resistance of the tiles should not be taken into account either.

When choosing tiles for the bathroom, pay attention to characteristics such as water resistance and texture (for the floor).

Tiles made in Italy and Spain are considered to be of the highest quality. To save money, combine expensive tiles with cheap ones.

Many Russian manufacturers, for example Kerama Marazzi, Keramin, Italon, offer tiles of quite acceptable quality. It can be taken as a base, complemented with more expensive and expressive ones or, for example, mosaics.

Andrey Lyamin-Borodin

But you need to be careful when buying tiles with huge discounts. The fact is that a low-grade product may go on sale and be passed off as a higher quality product. A coating made from such tiles will look sloppy.

How to check the quality of tiles

Defective tiles include chips, cracks, uneven geometry and differences in height between different tiles. If, after purchasing a tile and unpacking it at home, you find such defects, go to the store and return the defective product.

Andrey Lyamin-Borodin

There are ways to check the quality of tiles before purchasing:

  1. Examine the tiles against the light: this way, possible cracks and other imperfections are better visible.
  2. To assess the flatness of the material, place two tiles next to each other and check how tightly the surfaces fit. Take a couple of tiles from different boxes and attach them to each other in the same way.
  3. To assess possible slippage, drop water on the tile and run your finger across it.

If you open the package of tiles and find a defect, write a claim. In this case, you can either bring low-quality tiles to the store yourself, or ask a broker to come (it happens that half the package is already on the wall).

The broker will draw up a report on the non-compliance of the goods with the declared characteristics and send your claim to the manufacturing plant. There, your request will be reviewed and, if considered justified, the product will be replaced with one of proper quality. As you understand, the procedure is not quick. If renovations are in progress, it is often easier to buy a new package of tiles.

Is it possible to return tiles to the store if there is an error in the calculations? According to Andrei Lyamin-Borodin, this is possible if you bought tiles with a large supply and have whole packages left. According to the law, tiles can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase, not counting this day. Some manufacturers offer customers a buyback as a bonus, but this only applies to budget tiles.

Do you know any life hacks for choosing tiles? Share them in the comments.

The history of using ceramic tiles as a finishing material goes back many centuries. According to archaeologists, such tiles were used in Mesopotamia back in the third millennium BC. e. Later it spread throughout the world.

The raw material for the production of tiles is clay. In addition, sand and other natural materials are used, which are added to improve the performance of the products. There are several ways to produce tiles. Initially, ceramic tiles were made by casting, that is, the clay mass was poured into special molds. Today, the most common production methods are pressing and extrusion (pushing through a mold).

Externally, ceramic tiles are plates of square or rectangular shape (common sizes are 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm, 20x30 cm, but there are others). The thickness of the tiles can vary from 8 to 20 mm.

Tile can be either enameled (glazed) or without enamel coating. The top layer of glazed tiles can be glossy or matte. Enamel colors are very varied. There are tiles with both decorative patterns and single-color ones. Non-enamelled tiles have a uniform structure and usually do not have any pattern on the surface.

According to the method of heat treatment, tiles are divided into two large categories: single and double firing.

In the first option, the glaze is applied to the wet clay, after which the tile is placed in the oven. This way the glaze and base are fired at the same time. During the firing process, these two components are firmly soldered to each other, and the finished tile is very durable. For this reason, it is often laid on the floor.

In double firing, the base is placed in the kiln first. Only after this the glaze is applied. The tile is then fired again at a lower temperature. The result is a shiny, smooth glaze with rich, vibrant colors. Such tiles are less durable than single-firing tiles, so they are used mainly for cladding walls and ceilings.

The number of firings is indicated on the packaging using a symbol - a petal of flame, next to which a number is drawn.

Depending on the molding method and the number of firings, ceramic tiles are traditionally divided into several main types. Single and double fired tiles are also often called in Italian words monocottura And bicottura respectively. They are formed by pressing. Such tiles are used to decorate walls and floors.

Majolica- another type of double-fired glazed ceramic with a colored porous base, which is produced by pressing. Just like monocottura and bicottura, majolica is used mainly for cladding interior walls in residential areas.

Faience- pressed double-fired enameled tiles with a white porous base. The glaze can be painted in various colors. Faience is used to cover floors and walls indoors.

Cotto- single-fired, non-enamelled tiles with a porous base. It is made by extrusion. Usually has natural shades: brown, red, yellow. It is used for laying on the floor because it has high strength and wear resistance.

Clinker also produced by pressing through a mold. These single fired tiles can be either glazed or unglazed. Clinker is often used as flooring.

Stands somewhat apart porcelain stoneware(ceramic granite). It is made from heavy clays using various mineral additives, which give the material special hardness and strength. Porcelain tiles have low moisture absorption and frost resistance. The scope of its application is very wide - from floors in apartments and public spaces to the facades of houses.

Ceramic tiles are traditionally used to decorate bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. Some people use this material in the hallway, living room and even in the bedroom. But many consider tiles to be a cold material and for this reason do not decorate the walls and floors in living rooms with them.

As for bathrooms and kitchens, in these rooms tiles fully demonstrate their high performance qualities. The bathroom and toilet are usually completely tiled. In the kitchen, sometimes only small spaces near the stove and sink are tiled.

You should choose tiles carefully so as not to regret wasted money later. Naturally, appearance is important. High-quality tiles must have right angles and a flat, smooth or matte surface without cracks or other defects, and correspond to the dimensions indicated on the packaging. For enameled tiles, the glaze layer should be smooth, uniform and the same thickness over the entire surface of the tile.

In addition to appearance, there are also objective parameters that determine the quality of the tile. One of the most important for the average consumer is the wear resistance class. There are five such classes in total. They are designated by the corresponding Roman numerals from I to V. This scale was proposed by the American research institute Porcelain Enamel Institute, where the properties of ceramic materials are studied. For this reason, the number is preceded by the abbreviation of this institution - PEI.

I-factor tiles are intended for light-traffic areas such as the bathroom or bedroom where people walk barefoot or wear soft house shoes. Class II is suitable for the living room. There the load is slightly higher than in the bathroom, but also relatively small. The third class is recommended for use in rooms with medium-intensity load, such as the kitchen and hallway.

Tiles of the fourth class can be laid where the load is quite high, and there are also temperature changes - in a common corridor for several apartments, on a staircase or on a balcony. Tiles of the last, fifth, wear resistance class are used in rooms where there are a lot of people. It is used in large shopping centers, train stations, and airports.

Another tile quality parameter is surface hardness. It is determined using the ten-level Mohs scale, named after the German mineralogist who developed it. It allows you to determine the hardness of materials. The higher this number, the higher the level of hardness. For ceramic tiles this indicator should be at least 5.

Another important parameter that you should pay attention to is the tile’s resistance to chemicals. Letters are used to designate it. The letters AA indicate maximum stability. Such tiles do not change their appearance when in contact with an aggressive environment.

Tiles with the letter A are less stable. Her appearance changes slightly. Next in descending order of quality are B (moderate changes), C (partial loss of the original appearance) and D (complete loss of the original appearance). Tiles marked with the letter D on the packaging have minimal resistance and should not be placed in places with a high probability of aggressive environmental influences.

Typically, this information about the parameters of the tile is contained on the packaging in the form of symbols. For example, a design of a foot on a black background tells the consumer that this ceramic tile is intended to be laid on the floor. If the background around the foot is shaded, then this floor tile has increased wear resistance. A hand is drawn on a box of wall tiles. The snowflake on the packaging means frost resistance.

If a pattern is shown twice, this means that the tile has improved characteristics for this indicator. You can see what these and other symbols look like in the figure.

An important role when choosing tiles is played by the place where it will be attached. Floor tiles must be much more durable than tiles used on walls or ceilings. In this regard, when purchasing, you should carefully study the packaging, since it contains important information about the correct use of the tiles.

You should also consider in which room the tiles will be used. If the tiles will lie on the floor in the hallway where people wear street shoes, they should be more durable and wear-resistant than tiles intended for wall cladding in the bathroom.

For a bathroom where it is always damp, it is better to choose tiles with reduced moisture absorption. Therefore, smooth glazed tiles are well suited for walls. Bathroom floor tiles should not be slippery. It is better to lay tiles with a matte surface there. This will help prevent falls and injuries.

The kitchen needs tiles that are resistant to chemicals, otherwise they may stain. Especially if the tiles are laid near a sink or stove, where there is a high probability of frequent contact with detergents. Also, kitchen tiles must be resistant to mechanical damage.

Before purchasing, you need to calculate the number of tiles you need to purchase. Knowing the surface area of ​​the floor or wall intended for cladding, as well as the dimensions of the tiles, it is quite simple to make such calculations. However, it should be taken into account that you need to buy tiles with a small margin, since the length and width of the surface do not always exactly correspond to the dimensions of the tiles, it will have to be cut and some part will inevitably go to waste.

The price of tiles depends on many factors, most of which were listed above: production technology, tile sizes, wear resistance class, hardness, resistance to chemicals, manufacturer. In the cost range from 400 to 2000 rubles per square meter you can find high-quality products for every taste.

Ceramic tiles are rightfully popular. High-quality tiles have high strength, hardness and resistance to high temperatures. This is a beautiful, natural and durable material that does not accumulate static electricity and does not emit harmful substances. Properly laid tiles will last for many years, pleasing the eyes of the owners and guests of the house.

It's just overflowing with different options. You can find both simple, inexpensive tiles and exclusive designer ones, but the range of different options is so extensive that even experienced builders and designers sometimes find it difficult to navigate it and choose the most suitable option for specific conditions. So, what rules should be followed when choosing tiles for the bathroom so that it is beautiful, practical and durable.

No. 1. Deciding on the design

Since the choice of tiles is quite extensive, you can create almost any design in the bathroom. The first thing every buyer pays attention to is color material. So, White color- This is a win-win option that can be easily combined with bright colored items. Some people find white color too boring, but with its help you can significantly expand the space of a small bathroom. But still, pure white walls are not an acceptable option, so it is better to choose a warm white shade or dilute the walls with some other color.

Great for the bathroom blue and, which give a feeling of coolness, as well as warm beige and coffee shades which create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in the room. Bright shades better used as accents, and black color tiles make the room gloomy, and are contraindicated if the room does not have a window.

Experienced designers advise when working with tiles take into account several nuances:

  • artificial lighting may change the color of the coating, and this should be taken into account already at the selection stage;
  • glossy tiles may tire your eyesight as it creates glare in lamp light;
  • vertical drawings on the tiles can be visually done room above;
  • large patterned tiles It is better not to use if the bathroom is not very large, otherwise it will seem even smaller;
  • For Naturally, it is better to use light-colored tiles to visually expand the boundaries of space.

No. 2. Choosing a style

There are a great variety of different styles for decorating a bathroom, and each requires a specific approach to choosing tiles.

Classic style

So, classic style provides for dividing the walls into two parts: the upper one is finished with light-colored tiles, the lower one, together with the floor, is of a darker shade. It also provides for a combination of tiles with ornaments and plain ones, and the color scheme should be the same.

East style

Great for bathrooms East style which is conducive to relaxation. But in this way, you can only organize rooms that are spacious enough so that you don’t end up with an overly cramped space that has an irritating rather than a calming effect. If you decide to create an oriental interior in the bathroom, then pay attention to tiles in rich colors: green, red, gold, turquoise, as well as options with a characteristic pattern. You can lay out some kind of pattern on the walls or floor.

Country style

No. 3. Tile surface type: glossy, matte or mirror

Today you can find glossy and matte tiles on sale: both have a number of undeniable advantages, but when choosing, you need to weigh all their main properties so that the bathroom space is comfortable and cozy.

Glossy tiles

Glossy tiles- a more common option. It attracts buyers with its ability to reflect light and ease of care. But here you should be extremely careful. If glossy tiles of light shades give almost imperceptible glare, then dark ones glare strongly, which can irritate the eyesight. By the way, glossy tiles with a completely identical color will always seem brighter than matte ones.

Matte tiles

Matte coating- calmer, does not reflect light, but traces of splashes on it are more clearly visible. The material is excellent for flooring as it has a slightly rough surface. Often matte tiles imitate some kind of material and have an interesting texture: you can find materials imitating wood, pebbles, stone, metal, leather, etc. This material will look great both on the floor and on the walls.

Mirror tiles

Also on sale today you can find mirror surface tiles, with which you can achieve a visual increase in space. You can lay one of the walls in the bathroom with this tile; you can only use it as an insert between regular tiles. By the way, such inserts can completely replace you. Can be laid diagonally on the floor or on the walls to create greater depth in the space. In addition, such tiles are also used today to decorate the ceiling to visually make the room taller.

No. 4. Selecting the tile size

If the bathroom has decent area, then you can choose tiles of any size for walls and floors. If the room is miniature, which occurs in most cases, the choice of tile size should be approached with the utmost caution. Small mosaic tiles can play a cruel joke and make the bathroom even more miniature. If you choose large tiles, the space will be divided into several large geometric shapes, which will make the room even smaller. Small repeating patterns, as well as large bright ornaments, will not work.

The best option for a small space– use of medium tiles. So, you can choose a square one with dimensions of 20*20 cm or a rectangular one with dimensions of 20*30 cm. A rectangular one can adjust the perception of the room: if it is laid out horizontally, it will make the room longer, and if it is laid out vertically, it will be taller. On the floor, tiles can be laid diagonally: this is how the illusion of additional space is created.

No. 5. Tile type

When choosing a tile, it is important to pay attention not only to its design, color and size, but also to its performance characteristics, so that the material is suitable for use in a bathroom, does not slip, withstands all loads, is durable and strong. The manufacturer must indicate on the packaging about the type, category of tiles, about their atmospheric and chemical resistance, and the possibility of using them as floor or wall decoration.

First you need to deal with types of tiles. There are three of them in total, according to the European labeling, and they are easy to recognize by their characteristic colors:

  1. first grade - red marking,
  2. the second is blue,
  3. the third is green.

First grade has the highest quality, no more than 5% of defective tiles are allowed, and testing is carried out from a distance of one meter to the samples.

Second grade also provides for the presence of defective samples up to 5%, but in this case testing is carried out from a distance of 2 meters.

Third class tiles is not of high quality, and more than 5% of defective products may be found in a batch.

Domestic manufacturers Such markings are rarely used, so you should look for information about the possible percentage of defects on the packaging.

No. 6. Physical properties

The signs on the packaging will help you understand the basic properties of the tiles. So, floor tiles are designated symbol of the foot, such material is more reliable, strong and durable. Wall tiles are marked palm icon.

It is also important to pay attention to material resistance to chemicals. This property is marked with a flask sign indicating the degree of resistance: AA, B, C, D. When it comes to choosing tiles for the bathroom, it is better to take the most stable material (AA), since in this room there is always high humidity, detergents are used and cosmetic substances of various kinds. Otherwise, you risk getting streaks and stains on the material after some time.

Wear resistance of the material indicated on the packaging in Roman numerals and can be of five classes. For residential premises, there is no point in buying material whose class is higher than third, since the load on the tiles will be minimal. If a small number of people live in an apartment, then you can choose first-class tiles, saving a little.

No. 7. Manufacturer name

Of course, we can safely recognize them as leaders in quality Italian companies Valverde, Saloni, Tilegres. Their products combine beautiful appearance and excellent performance, but such samples are not cheap. They also performed well Spanish manufacturers, incl. Aparisi, Pamesa, Novogres, Ceramica.

Lithuanian and Slovak The tiles also performed well due to the price/quality ratio. Also common Chinese products under the brands Cimic, Omica, Hitom, and the prices for these tiles are quite reasonable given the high quality of the products. Domestic manufacturers, which use modern equipment, also produce excellent products that compete with world leaders in the field. These are Shakhty tiles, Kerama - Marazzi, Kerabud, Sokol Factory.

No. 8. We evaluate the appearance

Before purchasing, it would be a good idea to look at the tiles and evaluate how well they are made. You should be guided by the following parameters:

  • enamel must be intact, without cracks, chips or other defects. There should be no foreign inclusions on it, and the presence of red or yellow stripes on it should immediately alert you, because this is how defective tiles are marked in production;
  • There are increased demands placed on floor tiles. Doesn't interfere conduct such an experiment: place the tile face down on a rough surface and rub it, if there are no marks left, then the material is of high quality;
  • correct geometric shape tiles and compliance with the parameters specified on the packaging;
  • moisture resistance: water should collect on the surface in drops;
  • anti-slip surface, especially when it comes to floor tiles. This is easy to check: just wet the surface and run your finger over it. If this can be done easily and your finger glides well over the surface, then the material is not suitable for the bathroom, as it can be dangerous.

No. 9. We calculate the quantity

Correctly calculating the number of tiles is very important. If there is not enough of it, then you may not be able to find the same one in the store, which will cause problems, and if there is too much, then it is uneconomical, and the excess will clutter up the free space. To correctly calculate the amount of material, you need to know parameters of the room and the selected tile, and to simplify the problem you can use a construction calculator. Experts advise adding 7-15% to the result obtained.

In conclusion

Choosing tiles for the bathroom is a responsible task that needs to be approached with special attention. It is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, from appearance and size to performance characteristics and the name of the manufacturer, and then the material will delight you with its ideal appearance for many years. We hope the tips above will help you make the right choice.

Today we will talk about how to choose the right ceramic tiles for a bathroom or toilet. After studying this information, you can avoid making common mistakes that lead to unsightly results and a waste of time and money. We are talking about a bathroom with optimal price-quality ratio.

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Arriving at any specialized store, you will see samples of bathroom tiles (collections) hanging on stands. A collection is a set of tiles that match in size, shape and color.

The standard collection consists of 5 elements:

  • Light background,
  • dark background,
  • border (frieze),
  • decor,
  • floor tiles.

One collection of bathroom tiles can have several color options. In practice, in one room it will be enough to correctly combine one light and dark background, take one type of decor and floor tiles.

There are some collections that have good background tiles but terrible decors, or vice versa.

Most collections have the same size backgrounds and decor. The border is the same length, but much less in height. Floor tiles have a square shape, with sides greater than the height of the main elements, but less than their length. Sometimes the length of the square is equal to the length of the main tile.

An important point: borders can only be cut to length, and decor cannot be cut at all. This is due to the fact that many decors have raised elements that may fall off when cutting. The second reason for this rule is the violation of the harmony of the pattern. Imagine what a cut-off embossed border with a pattern in the corner will look like, glued next to its trim through a 3 mm layer of grout. To make the corner beautiful, you need to join two identical tiles in it.

Manufacturers and prices

The very first thing you should pay attention to is the country of origin. Bathroom tiles can be made in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal or Russia. If you do not want to have problems with installation due to large differences in the size and shape of the tiles in the packaging, then it is better to immediately abandon Russian tiles.

In some stores, the tiles on the stands are specially filed so that at first glance they appear smooth.

There are several manufacturers in each country. But you shouldn’t rely on the company name, since each of them has good and bad collections of bathroom tiles.

Good bath tiles now cost from 900 to 1,700 rubles per square meter. For this price you will get high-quality and beautiful tiles, but you won’t overpay for the brand. If you are doing repairs for a long time and for yourself, then you can buy more expensive options, but they are not worth it.


As a rule, the floor tiles in the bathtub are matte, and the wall tiles are glossy. The glossy finish looks brighter and richer, and is easier to clean. But if you cover the floor with a glossy material, it will be slippery and over time the paint layer will wear off and bald spots will appear.

The most practical texture of mosaic tiles is when its parts are located unevenly, but at a slight inclination relative to neighboring elements and have a slightly different shade. Outwardly, it looks like pixels.

It solves 3 main problems:
  • Light drops from detergents;
  • Dark drops from dirty water;
  • Drops of toothpaste.

At the same time, the dirt on it is invisible, it is easy to wash, and all this does not detract from the beauty of the coating. But if the size of the squares is too large, corner elements and plumbing fixtures will adhere unattractively to such a relief surface.


As for choosing the optimal size, the larger the bathroom tiles, the better, but this should be within reasonable limits. Imagine what a 90 cm tile would look like for a small bathroom with a width of 160 cm. In addition, you will not be able to make a correctly hidden hatch due to the fact that it must be installed under a full tile, you will need to somehow attach this huge and open it.

Optimal sizes for most bathrooms:

  • 60*20,
  • 50*20,
  • 50*25,
  • 60*30,
  • 45*20.

Large-format seamless porcelain tiles for the bathroom and seamless tiles are not suitable for several reasons. Firstly, it is very large in size for most bathrooms. Secondly, it cannot be attached to hidden hatches.

Why you shouldn't use curbs

Ceramic borders are now almost never used for installation.

They were originally used to get rid of narrow undercuts due to a fixed ceiling height. But now you can install a suspended or suspended ceiling with any offset from the main one, and this problem will disappear by itself.

Borders were also often used to separate light and dark backgrounds. But after furnishing the room, this belt turns out to be torn, and the beautiful effect is lost.

In addition, it is very difficult to correctly determine the height of installation of a relief border on the wall, so that it does not overlap the places where hanging plumbing fits, does not visually draw attention to itself and does not create a narrow trim above the bathtub.

Selecting the color

Let's start with the fact that the floor should always be dark in color. It will be practical and durable.

Light tiles in the bathroom will always be dirty, and since they are matte, dirt will eat into them over time. If, against a dark background, dirt will not be so noticeable, and it can serve you for more than ten years, then you will want to replace light tiles after 1-2 years.

Choice of grout color

The grout for the tile is matched to the tone of the lightest elements, or a little lighter.

Can you imagine what will happen to light grout in six months? It will turn black. Of course, if you use two-component epoxy grout for 2,700 rubles per 2 kg and buy a detergent for it for 800 rubles, then it will remain white, but it’s not worth it.

But you can’t use dark grout either, because the eyes will ripple from the excessive contrast of each element.


The most beautiful bathrooms are obtained if they are painted with horizontal rings, the integrity of which will only be disturbed by the doorway.

Best option:

  • Dark floor;
  • The dark outline at the bottom is 0.5-1 rows higher than the bathtub;
  • A light background in the center with correctly placed decors;
  • Dark stroke on top, 1 row high.

In a toilet, the height of the bottom row is usually combined with the flush button on the installation, that is, the border was somewhere in the middle between them. If you are afraid that this area will be too dark, it can be diluted with light rows.

  • Firstly, on the dark outline below there will be almost no traces of drops visible.
  • Secondly, it will harmonize with dark floor tiles.
  • Thirdly, the dark color of the floor will be reflected in the white glossy ceiling, and the outline on top will only highlight it, and it will automatically fit into your design.

Often, bathroom tiles after installation do not look the same as you saw them in the store. This is due to the different color temperatures of lighting and its quality in the store and at your place. It is better to abandon low-power halogen spotlights and use one powerful light source.

To position the decor correctly, inside the central light stripe, step back one row at the top and bottom, and then replace all whole tiles with decor. In this case, the wall with the doorway does not need to be decorated in any way, the maximum is to place background tiles in it instead of decoration according to the described scheme.

In small baths, do not join the outer corners of the tiles by filing them at 45 degrees. Perhaps such a connection will look more beautiful, but it will be traumatic. In such places, it is better to make corners using a plastic layout.


Do not buy remnants of collections that have ceased to be produced. They may be sold at a deep discount, but, as a rule, the collection will be missing some elements. If you don't have enough 1-2 tiles, you won't be able to buy more later.

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