Icon of holy love. Faith, hope, love and their mother Sophia. Interrogation of pious virgins

Complete collection and description: a prayer of holy love briefly for the spiritual life of a believer.

February 20th 2012 –

You were called love in holy baptism, you knew the Love of Christ in your life, you served God and man with love, you acquired great boldness, so we diligently resort to you, crying out from the depths of our hearts: pray to the Lord, blessed, God-wise love, grant May peace and great mercy be upon our souls.

Healed by Saint Nicholas of Christ and blessed by him to serve God and people, bearing your cross of foolishness with love to the end, holy blessed Love, do not forsake us, who honor your holy memory, standing in the ranks of the saints before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, praying for the prosperity of your Fatherland and about the salvation of our souls.

Prayer of Blessed Lyubov of Ryazan

O blessed mother Love, servant of Christ! Hear us sinners praying to you. Accept our prayer and bring it to the Merciful and Humane God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and from the face of an Angel. Beg His mercy to preserve this city of Ryazan, in which, having lived virtuously, you have pleased God, from all the slander of the enemy, may He not condemn us for our iniquities, but may He deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the All-Bounteous God into evil, but into His glory and the glorification of your intercession . Again we pray to you, our blessed mother Love, visit us who pray to you in our needs, so that we may intercede with you, and on the Day of Judgment we will be honored at the right hand of the Son of God with your holy prayers to the Savior and His Most Holy Mother, our Most Blessed Lady Theotokos, blessed from all generations , now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, and their mother Sophia

On September 30, Christians of the Orthodox world celebrate with special trepidation the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Great Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and Mother Sophia.

A Christian family during its lifetime (Italy, 147th year) deserved Special attention devoted worship, prudence and special beauty. Resisting the vile betrayal of Christianity, Sophia’s three young daughters: Vera (12 years old), Nadezhda (10 years old), Lyubov (9 years old) endured inhuman torment, but remained faithful to Jesus Christ.

The mother of the holy family, Sophia, was pardoned with the aim of inflicting the greatest torment after the death of her beloved daughters. The inconsolable woman died of mental suffering after three days spent in tearful prayers at the grave of her murdered children.

For the feat, the torment endured, and devotion to Jesus, Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia were canonized as the Holy Great Martyrs of the Orthodox Church.

On the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyrs in all Orthodox churches Divine services, all-night vigils are performed, sermons are read, parishioners lovingly decorate homes and churches in festive decorations and, of course, offer prayers to the Holy Virgins.

What do the saints pray for: Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia?

First of all, Orthodox Christians offer prayers for the three virtues chosen for the naming of Sophia's daughters. These are requests for forgiveness of sins, strengthening of faith, giving hope and love.

Prayers for family prosperity are addressed to the holy daughters and Sophia, happy marriage, safe birth. It is believed that holy virgins relieve quarrels and scandals and bring peace and harmony to families.

The most kind, sincere, innermost desires are trusted to the great martyrs. The saints pray for the health of children and parents, brothers and sisters.

Believers ask the holy great martyrs for procreation and deliverance from diseases (joint diseases, musculoskeletal system, “women’s” and children’s ailments).

Unfortunately, Christians cannot bow down and offer prayers before the relics of the brave Orthodox daughters, since they have not been discovered to this day. Presumably, the relics were buried on the outskirts of Strasbourg, on the territory convent in the town of Escho (Alsace province, France). But every sincere prayer from a pure heart can be heard from any corner of the planet.

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What more can he intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, that the Lord God may forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now, ever and ever. Amen.

Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and will preserve, and may he be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as an image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers to St. George the Victorious

Prayers to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

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What should we ask Vera, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia for?

Faith, Hope, Love... These names are the names of virtues that everyone strives for in their righteous life Orthodox Christian. And the name Sophia means “wisdom”.

The Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of these holy martyrs on September 30. On this day, churches are decorated with flowers, and believers offer prayers to the saints.

What do they pray to Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia?

These saints are approached with requests for forgiveness of sins and help in difficult life situations.

First prayer to the saints Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sofia.

“O holy and praiseworthy martyr Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His generosity. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

What else do Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia ask for? They are approached with requests for harmony and love in the family, the well-being of relatives, a happy marriage, the birth of children, easy childbirth and the health of children.

Second Prayer to the Saints Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sofia.

“We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as the image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

What else do they pray to Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia? They are asked to get rid of women's diseases, diseases of the hands and joints.

Third prayer to the saints Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sofia.

“Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe us His bounty; to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit , now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.


Faith, Hope, Love - prayer for Christian virtues.

In Rome, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, there lived a Christian woman, Sophia. She was a widow and raised three daughters alone. A wise and pious woman raised her children according to Christian customs. Her daughters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov spent a lot of time in strong prayer; they knew the Holy Books well, were smart and beautiful. The rumor about their intelligence and virtue reached Adrian, and he wanted to see them. The daughters and their mother were brought to him. When asked by the pagan emperor about their religion, the mother replied that they, all four, were Christians. Adrian tried to persuade Sophia's daughters, promising, if they renounced Christianity, to call them his daughters, he promised them universal respect and honor. If they refuse and persist in their faith, he will subject their bodies to terrible torment. But the young girls firmly stood their ground. Then, all the daughters, in front of their mother, were subjected to terrible torture and executed. The girls were 12, 10 and 9 years old at that time. Christians venerate the holy martyrs for their steadfastness. Christian prayer Faith, Hope and Love strengthens the Orthodox faith.

Saints Faith, Hope, Love - a prayer that protects teenagers from temptations

Sofia was allowed to take the mutilated bodies of her children and bury them. After three days miraculous prayer At the grave of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, their mother died. The believers buried them all together. On September 30, the day of remembrance, Christians honor all four martyrs. The daughters endured physical torture in the name of Christ, and the mother, seeing their torment, suffered for Christ with her soul and heart. Orthodox prayer To Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, a prayer for love and complete mutual understanding between parents and children. This strong prayer is able to protect teenagers from the temptations and temptations of the modern world.

Orthodox text of the prayer to the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love

We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as an image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the King of kings and Lord of lords to keep (names) under His protection, and together with you and with all the saints we will exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Over the course of centuries of history Orthodox Church Many saints became famous for their lives. Today they are heavenly intercessors and prayer books for us sinners before God.

film from the series "Lives of the Saints"

September 30 (NS) is the day of remembrance of Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Their names give reason to talk about those qualities of the soul that every Christian strives to acquire. Faith. What should it be like? Hope. How to modern man learn not to despair and trust God in all circumstances of life? Love. What is true love? Sophia (from Greek - wisdom). What is the difference between worldly and spiritual wisdom?

Prayer of Faith, Hope and Love

Through the prayers of the saints, the Lord strengthens people in Christian virtues. They are asked to intercede for teenagers from the soul-harming temptations of life. They help maintain trusting and friendly relationships between parents and children. In front of the icon, the martyrs of Faith, Hope, and Love are healed of spiritual grief; prayer in front of the image helps them survive the loss of a loved one.

Prayer to Saint Love

Holy Martyr Love

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic!

Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, is now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty.

Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Faith, Hope, Love, Sofia

Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun.

Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Lyubov

We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as an image of God’s wise care.

Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need.

Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection.

Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Embroidered icons

Prayer to Alexander Nevsky

Holy Love of Rome

Lyubov Rimskaya is a Christian girl who lived in the second century in Milan and then in Rome, and suffered for the faith of Christ along with her older sisters Vera, Nadezhda and their mother Sophia. They lived during an era of severe Christian persecution and the reign of Emperor Hadrian.

Both mother and daughters openly professed the Christian faith, despite the dangers. One day, Adrian heard a rumor about their religion and, on his orders, the mother and daughters were brought to him for interrogation. After much unsuccessful persuasion to renounce the Christian faith, all three girls were subjected to severe torture and tortured to death in front of their mother. Love was the last to be tortured and beheaded, and had to watch both of her older sisters suffer. Their mother, Sophia, died of grief at the grave of her daughters, three days after their death.

Revered icons of the holy martyr Lyubov of Rome, day of remembrance and relics of the saint

Celebrations in honor of the holy martyr Lyubov of Rome take place once a year - September 30th(September 17, old style). She is revered on the same day along with her mother and sisters Vera and Nadezhda. This date in Rus' was also called a girl's holiday or a woman's name day, and it began, as a rule, with crying, in memory of the suffering of the holy martyrs. On this day, Christian virtues are glorified - faith, hope, love and maternal wisdom, the symbol of which was St. Sophia.

Icons, sculptures and places of worship

As a rule, on icons Love of Rome is depicted together with her mother and sisters. An icon with a separate image of this saint is rare. For example, in Russia it can be found in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the Moscow region. There is also an ancient icon depicting all four holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, painted in the 15th century.

There are icons depicting the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia in many Russian churches. In Moscow, at the Miusskoe cemetery, there is a temple “In the name of the holy martyrs,” consecrated in honor of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. There you will also find an icon with their image.

There is also a temple built in honor of Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sofia in St. Petersburg. In his courtyard there is a monument depicting the holy daughters and their mother.

Relics of Saint Love of Rome

The relics of the holy martyr Lyubov, together with the relics of her mother and sisters, rested for many years in the Church of Saint Trophim in the Benedictine Abbey in Alsace (village of Escho, France). They were brought here from Rome by Bishop Remigius on May 10, 777 as a gift from Pope Adrian the First. Currently, this monastery is called the Abbey of Hagia Sophia.

In 1792, the monastery buildings were sold at auction and converted into eating establishments. As a result, the monastery was gradually destroyed, and the relics of the holy martyrs disappeared without a trace. In the 20th century, the monastery was rebuilt, after which particles of the relics of St. Sophia were returned to it, and the relics of her daughters were irretrievably lost.

What does Saint Love of Rome help with and what should we pray for?

In front of the icon of the saint, who endured terrible torment for Christ when she was only 9 years old, believers pray for the strengthening and conversion of their children to the Christian faith. People also turn to her to beg God to save children from mental and physical suffering.

Holy Love of Rome is also the heavenly patron and divine intercessor of women who bear her name.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Lyubov of Rome

Troparion of Saint Love of Rome

Thy Lamb, Jesus, Love calls with a great voice: I love Thee, my Bridegroom, and seeking Thee I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Thy baptism, and I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign in Thee, and I die for Thee, that I may live with Thee ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

The Greatness of Saint Love of Rome

We magnify you, the passion-bearer of Christ, Lyubova, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Troparion of St. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, voice 4.

The Church of the first-born triumphs, / and the mother rejoices in receiving the joy of her children, / like the wisdom of the same name / with the triple theological virtue of the equal race. / You and the wise virgins behold the ignorant Bridegroom of God the Word, / with her, we too rejoice spiritually in their memory, saying: / Champions of the Trinity, / Faith, Love and Hope, / strengthen us in faith, love and hope.

Life of the Holy Martyr Lyubov of Rome

Holy Love, together with her mother Sophia and older sisters Nadezhda and Vera, lived in the second century in Italy, in Milan. The mother named her girls after three Christian virtues. Their father passed away early, and the girls were raised by a Christian mother, who raised them in piety and was able to instill in them a deep faith in Christ.

Both mother and daughters lived in constant prayer, labor, fasting and loved to read aloud and listen Holy Bible. Despite the brutal persecution of Christians prevailing in those days, they openly professed their faith, well aware that they were exposing themselves to mortal danger.

After the death of their father, the daughters and their mother moved to live in Rome with their wealthy relative Thessamnia. The people around them quickly found out about the religion of Sophia and her three daughters, and hastened to report them to the Roman Emperor Hadrian. The emperor ordered the women to be taken to his palace. Lyubov and her mother and sisters understood perfectly well that torture and martyrdom could await them, but they decided to remain faithful to Christ. On the way, they earnestly prayed to God to strengthen them in faith and instill courage to endure all the upcoming torment.

When Sophia and her daughters were brought to the emperor, their faces shone, and there was peace and joy in their eyes. At that time, Lyubov was only 9 years old, Nadezhda was 10, and the eldest daughter, Vera, was 12 years old. Adrian ordered them to make a sacrifice to the pagan gods, but the mother and daughters refused to do this. After which the angry ruler ordered the girls to be subjected to terrible torture. Sophia suffered a torture no less severe than physical torture - she was forced to watch as her daughters were tortured to death. But despite this, Sophia asked her daughters to endure everything in the name of Christ.

Vera, the elder sister, was the first to be tortured to death. They beat her, cut her, burned her with a hot iron, threw her into boiling tar, but the girl remained safe and sound. In the end, her tormentors cut off her head.

The second one who was tortured was the middle sister, Nadezhda. She was hung from a tree and her body was whittled with iron claws. But the girl continued to constantly pray to God and, despite the torture, did not seem to feel any pain. As a result, she, like her older sister, was beheaded.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are holy martyrs widely revered in Christianity. They lived in Rome in the 2nd century after the birth of Christ. Sofia became a widow early. She raised her daughters as convinced Christians.

Sophia and her daughters were reported to the pagan Roman emperor Hadrian. He was interested in the fact that very young girls (Vera was 12 years old, Nadezhda - 10, and Lyubov - 9) took Christianity so seriously. He called them to him, was surprised at their beauty and faith, and began to convince the girls to renounce their faith and worship the pagan gods. But they firmly refused. The emperor began to threaten torture, and when this did not affect the daughters of Sophia, he ordered them to be brutally tortured. None of the girls denied Christ. After much torture they were beheaded.

The emperor did not touch Sophia, but she, having buried her daughters near Rome, died three days later. Sophia, like her daughters, was canonized as martyrs.

Interesting facts about Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

    The relics of the martyrs have been in Alsace since 777. For the first few centuries, they were located on the Aurelian Way near Rome - where Sophia buried her daughters. Subsequently, a tomb was built there. Pope Paul I moved them in the middle VIII centuries to Rome, but they were soon sent to Alsace. Some of the relics were donated to the monastery of St. Julia in Bresci

Through the prayers of the saints, the Lord strengthens people in Christian virtues. They are asked to intercede for teenagers from the soul-harming temptations of life. They help maintain trusting and friendly relationships between parents and children. In front of the icon, the martyrs of Faith, Hope, and Love are healed of spiritual grief; prayer in front of the image helps them survive the loss of a loved one.

Holy Love

Holy Martyr Love

Prayer of Faith Hope Love listen

Love Prayer

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic!

Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, is now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty.

Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia(Greek: Wisdom) - holy martyrs who lived in Rome in the 2nd century. To have an idea of ​​the nature of the suffering of the holy martyrs, it is necessary to remember the time and circumstances under which their martyrdom was accomplished.

More than 100 years have passed since the disciples of Jesus Christ, the holy apostles, dispersed throughout the world to preach the Holy Gospel. At that time, the largest state was the Roman Empire, which was inhabited by pagan peoples. But every day there were more and more Christians in the Roman Empire. They were hated and feared by zealous pagans, and they were cursed by pagan priests. Christians were not allowed to build churches and for worship they gathered in remote houses or mountain caves. Christians were also persecuted by Roman rulers. Emperor Trajan issued a decree against Christians, ordering them to be openly accused, brought to trial and executed. Thousands of followers of Christ were crucified on crosses, burned at the stake, beheaded or hunted to death by wild animals.

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During this difficult time for the Church, lived the pious Christian Sophia, which translated from Greek means “ Wisdom". She was born and raised in a wealthy family. She was surrounded by many temptations and enticements of the world, but she zealously confessed the faith of Christ. Even when she married a pagan, loving husband did not forbid her to believe in the Lord.

Living in an honest marriage, pious Sophia gave birth to three daughters and named them after the main Christian virtues: Pistis, Elpis, Agape, which translated from Greek means Faith, Hope, Love. Being a deeply religious Christian, Sophia raised her daughters in the love of God, teaching them not to become attached to earthly goods. The young women grew up in work and obedience, spending a lot of time on prayer and reading spiritual books.

Soon after the birth of her third daughter, Sofia lost her husband. Having sufficient material resources, Sophia completely devoted herself to the feats of Christian charity, helping the poor. She divided her property among the poor and moved with her daughters to Rome. She turned all her attention and care to raising children.

As the children grew, their virtues also increased. They already knew the prophetic and apostolic books well, were accustomed to listening to the teachings of their mentors, diligently read, and were diligent in prayer and in household chores. Obeying their holy and wise mother, they succeeded in everything. And since they were extremely beautiful and sensible, everyone soon began to pay attention to them.

The rumor about their wisdom and beauty spread throughout Rome. The ruler of the part of Rome where Sophia lived, the praetor Antiochus, also heard about them, and wanted to see them. The holy young women appeared to him and did not hide their faith in Christ. The angry Antiochus reported them to Emperor Hadrian (117–138), and he ordered them to be brought to his palace for trial and forced to renounce their faith.

Roman Emperor Hadrian

Sofia understood well what awaited her at this trial if she firmly professed the Christian faith and knew that for disobedience only one thing awaited them there - death...

Sofia was worried about her daughters, whom, as she knew, the judges would not hesitate to hand over to torture. Whether they would stand up to confession or not was what worried her. Understanding why they were being taken to the emperor, the holy virgins fervently prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ, asking Him to send them strength not to be afraid of the upcoming torment and death.

When the holy virgins and their mother appeared before the emperor, all those present were amazed at their calmness: it seemed that they were invited to a bright celebration, and not to torture. Calling his sisters one by one, Adrian convinced them to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis. The young maidens (Vera was 12, Nadezhda – 10 and Lyubov – 9 years old) remained adamant.

Saint Sophia with her daughters before Emperor Hadrian

Surprised by the courage of the young Christian women, the emperor, not wanting to enter into a long conversation with them and judge them, sent Sophia along with her daughters to a noble Roman pagan Palladium, whom he ordered to convince them to renounce their faith. However, all the arguments and eloquence of the pagan mentor were in vain, and the holy virgins, ardent with faith, did not change their convictions. Then after 3 days they were again brought to Emperor Hadrian.

Seeing that it was not possible to convince “in a good way,” the angry emperor ordered them to be cruelly tortured and subjected to various tortures: the holy maidens were burned on an iron grate, thrown into a red-hot furnace and into a cauldron with boiling resin, but the Lord preserved them with His Invisible Power.

Feat of Holy Faith

The executioners started with Vera, Sofia's eldest daughter. In front of her mother and sisters, they began to mercilessly beat her with whips, tearing parts from her body. Then they placed her on a hot iron grate. By the power of God, the fire did not cause any harm to the body of the holy martyr. Maddened by cruelty, Adrian did not understand the miracle of God and ordered the girl to be thrown into a cauldron of boiling tar. But by the will of the Lord, the cauldron cooled down and did not cause any harm to the confessor. Then she was sentenced to beheading with a sword.

Feat of Saint Hope

The younger sisters Nadezhda and Lyubov, inspired by the courage of their older sister, endured similar torments.

Young Nadezhda was first scourged and then thrown into the fire. But the fire did not harm her. Then they hung her from a tree and began to scratch her body with iron hooks. After this, Nadezhda was thrown into a cauldron of boiling resin. But then a miracle happened: the cauldron split, and the resin spilled out, burning the executioners. However, this did not bring the emperor to his senses - anger overshadowed his conscience and reason. He ordered her head to be cut off.

Feat of Saint Love

The youngest, Lyubov, was tied to a huge wheel and beaten with sticks until her body turned into a continuous bloody wound. Having endured unprecedented torment, holy Love was also beheaded.

Saint Sophia was not subjected to bodily torture. She was subjected to another, most severe torture: the mother was forced to watch her daughters suffer. But she showed extraordinary courage and all the time convinced the girls to endure torment in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All three girls joyfully met their martyrdom. They were beheaded.

To prolong Saint Sophia’s mental suffering, the emperor allowed her to take the bodies of her daughters. Sophia put their remains in an ark and took them with honors in a chariot outside the city and buried them high place. For three days Saint Sophia, without leaving, sat at the grave of her daughters and, finally, there she gave up her soul to the Lord. The believers buried her body in the same place. They suffered in 137.

Thus, three girls and their mother showed that for people strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, lack of bodily strength does not in the least serve as an obstacle to the manifestation of spiritual strength and courage. With their holy prayers, may the Lord strengthen us in the Christian faith and in a virtuous life.

Saint Sophia, having endured great mental anguish for Christ, together with her daughters was canonized by the Church.

History of the relics

The relics of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia from 777 until the French Revolution (1789) rest in Alsace, in the Benedictine abbey founded by Bishop Remigius of Strasbourg around 770 on the island of Eschau (formerly Hascgaugia, Hascowia, Aschowa , Eschowe, which literally translates as "ash island").

Church of Saint Trophime in the town of Eschaut in eastern France, near Strasbourg. Church of St. Trophima was previously the center of the extensive Benedictine Abbey of St. Sofia, destroyed after the French Revolution (1789).

The venerable relics received by Bishop Remigius from Pope Adrian I were transferred from Rome to the abbey on May 10, 777. Bishop Remigius “solemnly brought the relics on his shoulders from Rome and placed them in the monastery church dedicated to Saint Trophimus” (Testament of Remigius, March 15, 778).

From then on, Saint Sophia became the patroness of the monastery in Esho, which was called the Abbey of Saint Sophia in her honor.

The relics of the holy martyrs attracted many pilgrims, so Abbess Cunegunda decided to build a “Hotel for pilgrims coming from all sides” on the ancient Roman road leading to the village of Esho, which had grown around the abbey.

In 1792, 3 years after the French Revolution, the monastery buildings were sold at auction for 10,100 livres. A tavern with a wine cellar was built in the monastery. Where the relics disappeared remains unknown. In 1822, the tavern was destroyed along with other monastery premises. After the remains of the monastery church of St. Trophim were declared a historical monument in 1898, the gradual restoration of the monastery began.

Sarcophagus made of sandstone from the 14th century, in which they were kept before the Revolution honest relics St. Sofia and her daughters. Sarcophagus with one of the particles of the relics of St. Sophia is decorated with time-erased drawings of scenes from the lives of the holy martyrs. Since 1938, it has contained one of the two particles of the relics of St. Sophia, brought from Rome in the same year.

On April 3, 1938, Catholic Bishop Charles Rouch brought two new pieces of the relics of St. Sophia to Esho from Rome. One of them was placed in a sarcophagus made of sandstone in the 14th century, in which the relics of St. were kept before the revolution. Sophia and her daughters, and the other - in a small reliquary, placed in a shrine with other shrines. From 1938 to this day, the sarcophagus contains one of the two particles of the relics of St. Sofia. Above the sarcophagus are sculptures of the holy martyr Christopher, St. Martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia, as well as Bishop Remigius, founder of the abbey.

Above the sarcophagus there are sculptures (from left to right): St. Martyr Christopher (250), St. martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia, Bishop Remigius, founder of the abbey.

Faith, Hope, Love - in art

Faith, Hope and Love are the names of the holy martyrs. However, Faith, Hope, Love are also Christian virtues that are mentioned in the New Testament (1st letter to the Corinthians of the Apostle Paul): “ And now these three remain: faith, hope, love; but love is the greatest«.

Vasnetsov. “The joy of the righteous in the Lord (The threshold of Paradise).” Triptych (left side). The holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are depicted on the left side of the triptych by Viktor Vasnetsov “The Joy of the Righteous in the Lord (The Threshold of Paradise).” The righteous, striving for the gates of Paradise, are accompanied by angels, supporting them and showing them the way. Faith, Hope and Love fearfully cling to their mother Sophia, not believing that their inhuman suffering is behind them.

In Orthodox art it is customary to depict Faith, Hope and Love precisely as holy martyrs, therefore on the icons they are represented as little girls along with Mother Sophia.

Faith, Love, Hope. Stained glass window in St. John's Church in Llandenny (Wales, UK)

In Western art, Faith, Hope and Love are usually depicted as adult women symbolizing Christian virtues. Faith is often depicted with a cross, Hope with an anchor, and Love surrounded by children. When Faith, Hope and Love are depicted side by side, Love is always in the center.

Lessons from the life of the holy family

The holy children Faith, Hope and Love were awarded the crown of martyrdom and unspeakable bliss in the heavenly chambers of the Lord God. They had within them “a pillar of faith, wings of hope and the fire of love.”

Saint Sophia, having deep faith in God and in the future eternal life, convinced her daughters not to value their blooming youth, their temporary life for the sake of acquiring a future life, and this showed them the greatest love.

We should also look at this short-term, fleeting life and not prefer anything to the future. eternal life, which will never end. Our life is short-lived and it is given to us to prepare ourselves for eternity. Our earthly life is like steam that appears, then disappears, and then it is no more. A person is born, blossoms with health and beauty, then grows old and dies - and there is no more person. And if so, then sacrificing temporary life for the sake of higher goals is a commendable thing. If laying down your life for your neighbor is a high degree of virtue, then sacrificing it for the sake of Christ is a martyrdom, which will be crowned by the Lord Himself. After all, His word says:

Whoever wants to save his soul will lose it, but whoever loses his soul for the sake of Me and the Gospel will save it (Mark 8:35).

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but fear Him more who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna (Matt. 10:28).

Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father in Heaven. (Matt. 10:32).

Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and whoever loves a son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me (Matt. 10:37).

Thus, the Lord demands from us sacrificial love for Him, love by deed, just as the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia testified to it by offering their lives to Him.

Holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Saint Sophia

Troparion, tone 4 The Church of the first-born triumphs, / and the mother rejoices in receiving the joy of her children, / like the wisdom of the same name / with the triple theological virtue of the equal race. / You and the wise virgins behold the ignorant Bridegroom of God the Word, / with her, we too rejoice spiritually in their memory, saying: / Champions of the Trinity, / Faith, Love and Hope, / strengthen us in faith, love and hope.

Kontakion, tone 1 Honest Sophia's most sacred branches, Faith and Hope and Love, having appeared, the wisdom of the Hellenic grace, and the sufferer, and the victorious one appeared, was tied to the Lord Christ as an incorruptible crown from all.

Investigative documentary from the series “SAINTS” THE SAINTS. Faith Hope Love

Movie information Name original name: THE SAINTS. Faith Hope Love Released: 2011 Genre: Documentary series Director: Alexey Chernov Leading: Ilya Mikhailov-Sobolevsky Expert: Arkady Tarasov

About the film: Faith, Hope and Love are symbols of happiness, family and motherhood. But why then for many centuries these saints have been asking for something other than love and marriage? It is believed that they are the ones who are able to restore courage and fortitude in moments of extreme despair.

There lived in Antioch one pious woman named Sophia. The Lord sent her the happiness of motherhood - she gave birth to three daughters and named the girls after the most important Christian virtues - Faith, Hope, Love. The kids were left orphans early, and their mother became a widow. The future one didn’t remember her father at all holy love.

All responsibility for raising their daughters now fell solely on Sofia. The main thing, she said, is to be faithful to Christ. There is nothing more important for us. The life of the pious daughters and their wise mother was quiet and secluded.

Beaded icon of Saint Love

Materials used in embroidered icon of Saint Love: fabric - satin, faces painted in oil on thin canvas, beads, truntal, gimp, tiger's eye, serpentine, jade, carnelian, pearls, amber.

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Holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

The earth was created by the wisdom of God. This is the place where a person prepares for the transition to eternal life. Love, hope and believe, God said to man, and you will know what the Kingdom of Heaven is during your lifetime. According to the laws of existence, everything in this world is built on love, sealed with hope and crowned with faith.

It depends on a person whether to follow God’s direction or determine his own vector. IN Orthodox calendar There is a holiday to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. Its meaning is not only to honor the memory of courageous Christian women, but also to realize what is the beginning and end of human good deeds.

History of spiritual achievement

However, when new persecutions against believers began under Emperor Hadrian, the ruler of Antioch was among the first to send Sophia and her children to Rome. Eldest daughter Vera was 12, the average Nadezhda was 10, and the youngest holy martyr Lyubov was only 9 years old. They knew why they were being taken to Rome. The path was long, and all this time the saints prayed, sang spiritual hymns, supporting each other’s cheerful spirit.

When the family was brought to the palace, those present were surprised at the wondrous calm that emanated from the future martyrs. They shone from within. It was as if they had come here not for torture, but for a festive feast. The emperor acted cunningly.

First, he gave the girls to be raised by a very smart pagan governess. She told them fascinating stories related to ancient beliefs, took care of them, and taught them social life.

Sophia was offered to make a sacrifice to the goddess Artemis and after that they promised to release her and her children into freedom. Nothing at all: throw a handful of ashes at the feet of the pagan statue and be free! Live, raise your daughters and just forget about everything that happened. But this is betrayal! And Sofia chose death.

Some time has passed. The emperor called the girls to him and, with the promise of all earthly blessings, asked them to also bow to Artemis. The girls were adamant. Even the youngest holy martyr Lyubov showed miracles of courage. Seeing the futility of his labors, Adrian ordered the torture to begin.

In front of their mother's eyes, the girls were subjected to severe torture. They became blood martyrs. And Sophia suffered a bloodless, but most cruel execution. Therefore, there is nothing worse for a mother than seeing her child suffer.

The bodies of the tortured girls were given to Sofia. She took them out of town. She no longer had physical strength bury the holy bodies. The Christians of Rome buried the girls with honors. Mother fell to the fresh graves. Now she could give free rein to her tears.

She knew that her daughters were there in heaven. They are with God, they are easy and joyful. But my mother’s heart was still torn with grief. It stopped on the third day. The mother and her holy daughters met again after a short but such a terrible separation.

In Greek, the girls' names sounded like Pitis (Faith), Elpis (Hope) and Agape (holy martyr Love). In the Middle Ages, the story of the martyrs was told in Russian. The names, accordingly, were translated in accordance with their meaning for a more complete perception of the feat of faith. The name of mother Sophia, literally meaning the Wisdom of God, remains to sound in Greek.

Beaded icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Tenderness