Yearly horoscope for Leo woman. Women's health horoscope

The Yellow Earth Pig will take its place on the heavenly throne on February 5th. The love horoscope for 2019 for Leo states: you will find yourself under the tender care of the caring symbol of the year and will receive pleasant surprises and generous gifts from Pig. An astrological forecast for each month of the period will help you avoid falls and suggest safe routes to happiness and harmony.


The beginning of the year, according to the love horoscope for Leo, is not conducive to building new relationships. Nevertheless, winter will bring pleasant surprises not only to families, but also to single people.

The beginning of 2019 and its end are a favorable time for married couples: try to maintain warmth and mutual understanding in your relationship no matter what


Purposeful Leos will start planning in mid-January. Family men must find a middle ground between the professional sphere, everyday affairs and personal life in order to avoid quarrels with their significant other.

For free Lionesses, the stars promise a marriage proposal at the end of the month. Do not rush to answer, this marriage can become an obstacle to career growth and self-development.


The last month of winter will be marked by some difficulties in the financial sphere; Leos will not be in the most positive frame of mind. Astrologers advise not to panic: family people should listen to the advice of loved ones, and single people should focus on work, then you will quickly improve your financial situation.

Meanwhile, in the second half of February, meeting a wealthy person is not ruled out. Some representatives of the fire sign may decide to break off their previous connection for the sake of a new relationship.

December 2019

The end of 2019 will bring many warm and cozy emotions to married Leos. Astrologers advise pampering your loved one and household members with delicious dishes more often: in this way you will assure them of the sincerity of your feelings and demonstrate care and tenderness.


Spring time will turn out to be a very controversial period for both married and single men and women. Leos will have to show prudence and wisdom, especially for married ladies.

Astrologers recommend that single Leos postpone their amorous search: fateful acquaintances are most likely in the summer and autumn of 2019


The first month of spring is good for making business contacts and strengthening your position in society. This is the right moment for intensive communication, participation in meetings and negotiations, and frequent outings. Some are also expecting fleeting romances, which will have a positive impact on the emotional state and self-esteem of Leo.

But family people may face a lot of claims from their life partner. You will have to take into account all the comments and adjust your behavior to avoid scandals and disappointments.


April days will bring an atmosphere of lightness and inspiration into the life of Leos of both sexes. In addition, work and financial problems will be resolved, so the amorous sphere will come to the fore. For those who are already in a relationship, the horoscope advises pampering your significant other with a valuable gift.

Singles can count on interesting acquaintances during a business trip or travel. A Leo woman, according to astrologers, should pay attention to Virgo or Capricorn, and men should pay attention to Sagittarius.


The last month of spring is the right time to restore emotional resources and physical strength. Many Leos will feel an urgent need for solitude and peace, and health problems cannot be ruled out.

Family men should not hide their condition from their life partner; do not refuse support and all possible help. Singles should refrain from spontaneous acquaintances and short-term relationships.


The summer months of 2019 are characterized by the influence of positive trends in the love sphere. Lonely Leos have every chance to connect their lives with that very person. But unfree women and men may face disappointments and drastic changes, but such transformations will ultimately benefit them.

Marriages concluded in the summer of 2019 will gain the powerful support of the Earth Pig and will prove successful for Leo


The winds of change will blow in June. Some Leos will decide to terminate their previous relationship, and some will learn about the divorce from their partner. Loving couples may think about getting married, adding to the family, buying real estate or a car, or traveling together.

A love horoscope does not exclude the possibility of an office romance. However, it is unlikely to become the foundation for a marriage.


For Leos, who suffer from love and serious relationships, the second month of the summer season will turn out to be passionate and fateful.

Special luck awaits careerists: the love of your life is hidden among clients or partners; don’t overlook your happiness.

And family men will enjoy absolute mutual understanding and harmony. Reasons for quarrels, according to the 2019 horoscope, are completely excluded.


The end of summer 2019 will pass on a very optimistic wave. Life-affirming events await Leo in all areas of life.

Leo women with families can count on romantic surprises and comprehensive care. You will finally be able to restore wasted resources, self-confidence and confidence in the firmness of your spouse’s intentions will return.

For free individuals, the stars promise significant meetings, unusual acquaintances, dizzying romances and a storm of exciting emotions. Meanwhile, the August relationship will end as quickly as it began, leaving behind a trail of unforgettable memories.


Autumn time will bring Leos everything they dreamed of. The most successful months in terms of amorous affairs will be September and November 2019. The main thing is to get rid of suspicion and open up to new things.

Autumn dating will make lonely Leos happy, and the wise symbol of the year will definitely help “young” unions. However, you shouldn’t have high hopes for the October novels


Experiments in bed, romantic surprises, responsible decisions, joint plans for the future - all this will burst into the life of captive Leos and fill it with bright emotions and promising prospects.

Young Lionesses who got married in the year of the Pig may find out about pregnancy. By the way, children born or conceived in 2019 will delight their parents with unusual talents, flexible minds and excellent health.

For family representatives of the fire symbol, a period of rethinking of views, goals, and values ​​will begin. Many men will take up solving long-standing domestic issues.

Singles can count on starting a long-term relationship if they themselves take the initiative to find their soul mate. The horoscope recommends taking a closer look at those around you: it seems that you simply do not notice a person who has been hiding his feelings for a long time.


“Young” unions in the second month of autumn may encounter some difficulties, serious disagreements and a test of the strength of relationships are likely. Try not to talk about the problems that have arisen among your friends and acquaintances; there is not the most pious person in your environment.

Romantic acquaintances are unlikely for single Leos in October, but the most purposeful will be able to find a potential soul mate. The stars remind you: October romances will turn out to be unpromising.


The love horoscope states: those who seek their love will find it at any cost. The main thing is that your desire must be truly strong, and your intentions must be pure.

November 2019 is the month of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar, so the denouement of key events will fall precisely on it.

Family Leos will be able to take their union to a qualitatively new level, based on mutual respect and trust. And those couples in which harmony has not reigned will fall apart completely.

The love horoscope for 2019 wishes Leo deep feelings and prosperity. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and Pig will definitely contribute to the lion’s success in all areas of life.

Many fire signs are interested in what the Leo horoscope for 2019 will bring. The Year of the Pig will open all doors - amazing achievements, constant business meetings await you, and also expect resolution of personal problems. In 2019, Leo will be the central personality of any company, and therefore, according to the horoscope, he is guaranteed the attention of employees and friends. It will not be possible without laudatory speeches and flattery, which will await Leo all year. A detailed Leo horoscope for 2019 will help you expose people with evil thoughts and understand who really wishes you well.

Leo love horoscope

The fiery sign in the year of the Pig promises a lot of attention from the opposite sex. But do not forget that the Pig does not tolerate deceit and lies. When Leo has a beloved woman, you should not start a fleeting romance. You probably don’t know whether you will be able to return your loved one later or not. The Leo love horoscope for 2019 recommends Leos to come down to earth, come to their senses and moderate their drinking. Remember that your loved one sincerely loves you. Family life will bring you extremely joyful moments. You will soon understand that there can be no better family happiness. An exemplary family man, Leo himself won’t fully understand why he wanted a relationship on the side and was drawn to an adventure; maybe he should diversify his life with his wife a little? Go on a trip with the whole family, because you need a break from work. In 2019, a single person will meet his soul mate. But throughout 2019, Leo must understand himself. If he wants to build a serious relationship, he needs to work on himself. Don't waste time on empty meetings, otherwise you will be lonely.

Leo family horoscope

With the onset of the new year, do not conflict with your family. Along with fun and peace, difficulties can enter the house, but Leos can handle anything, especially when they show prudence and wisdom. What does your family happiness depend on, Leo? The family horoscope for Leo for 2019 says to pay attention to the family and delight them with gifts. Your mood and success at work depend on their happiness. If you notice that the colors in your family have faded, then feel free to go on vacation in nature, outside the city. Your loved one needs to see that you love and appreciate him, so don't give him the excuse of jealousy.

Horoscope for lonely Leos

Singles will meet their soulmate in the new year 2019, so don’t miss the chance, because the horoscope foretells a happy life together. Single women will not particularly strive to look for their man, and they will not show any special interest in the opposite sex either. And you are doing everything right, dear girls, because until the beginning of summer they will not find the ideal man for themselves. Leos will be constantly surrounded by men, there will be many interesting meetings and acquaintances. Only with the onset of summer will the Leo woman be able to find a person whom she will trust and feel comfortable with. But everything will quickly end in the first stages of romantic meetings, so she won’t even have time to be disappointed in him.

At the beginning of the year, the Leo man will think for a long time about the existing relationship. Soon he will want to put an end to it and in the spring he will finally pull himself together and end the unsuccessful relationship. In the fall, a free Leo can start an affair at work. Be careful if your intentions are not serious. It will be difficult for you to work together after a breakup, especially since not only the woman will hate you, but also other employees. And first of all, think about your superiors; your boss will probably not approve of relationships between co-workers.

Leo health horoscope

The health horoscope for Leo for 2019 gives advice on taking care of your nervous system; in this state you will not be able to work for long. As winter approaches, be careful to ensure that injury or recently treated illness does not recur. Be careful on the roads, because no one wants to spend the winter holidays in the hospital, right? If you miss these unforeseen health moments, then in general your health will be quite normal. You will easily overcome the disease and there will be no complications. With the arrival of spring, you will awaken, as your health will be in excellent shape, you are ready for new achievements.

Please note that the spring-summer period will be so active and healthy due to your abstinence from alcohol and overeating. Of course, summer is best for relaxation, not work, so be patient so that your irritability does not turn into a serious form of illness.

Career and finance

The career and finance horoscope does not advise Leos to waste the savings that they have been accumulating for so long. After all, in the new year the Pig tried to help you save a decent amount of money, so it is better to refuse large-scale purchases. Don’t try your luck and don’t take part in dubious deals, because nothing good will come of it. At the end of the year you will only be looking for additional income. You can safely open your own business and invest funds successfully. After all, the career and finance horoscope promises Leos profitable collaboration. But, he still recommends not to focus only on the financial sector, but to develop your creative abilities in every possible way.

There are many interesting things in life besides money, so don’t forget to please yourself and your loved ones. It's not just about pleasant surprises, but about travel. The financial horoscope for 2019 advises the Leo man to show restraint and assertiveness when the issue concerns his career. Girls born under this sign will become successful, and thanks to their charming appearance they will achieve promotion in their career appearance.

General forecast for lions for 2019

Dear Leos, in the new year 2019, triumph awaits you in all areas of life, provided that you work hard. Thanks to your ability to quickly grasp everything on the fly and constantly develop, you will be the most in demand both at work and at home. Therefore, all your plans will be easily realized and will be a huge success. When you achieve what you planned, you don’t need to put your nose up and show off, because there will be a lot of envious people and ill-wishers around you. Rather, share your happiness and achievements with your family. You will be too busy with work issues, so try to pay attention to your family, especially since you will see them very rarely. A lot of conflicts may arise on this basis, so try to show calm and restraint.

As for relationships with friends, this year old friends will make themselves known. Some will be glad to see you, while others, on the contrary, will try to ruin your life with their problems. Men born under the sign of Leo must control themselves in order to cope with minor problems at work and at home. But your loved ones will help you overcome all the troubles, so try to listen to them more often, because they won’t wish you anything bad. Your common business with your partners in the middle of the year will require more time and effort, so try to make every effort and success is in your hands. Do not be distracted by trifles, because at the moment you must concentrate as much as possible to eliminate mistakes.

Women born under the sign of Leo will not lag behind men in terms of success. Especially in the fall, you will have great success in activities, hobbies, and love. Since you will be constantly in the public eye, you should also remain calm and balanced. Be prudent, because your new acquaintances can play an important role in the future, especially with regard to career growth and starting a family.

Leo woman horoscope

New Year means that you need to change your character, since due to its hardness it will repel the stronger sex. However, there will be no difficulties with your loved one; you will open up to him and show sensitivity and tenderness. With the onset of spring, family and work will go to another level, and you will look for yourself and try to develop your creative skills. At this time, you need to beware of the opinions of strangers and not take unconscious actions. Don’t try to fool your friends, because your deception will come out sooner or later. Women will be constantly traveling, but on work matters. However, you can combine business with pleasure and have a little fun. Small purchases will also lift your spirits. At the end of the year, you will seize the opportunity and achieve a promotion at work.

Leo man horoscope

In the new year, they will be able to find some time to relax from their busy schedule. Otherwise, they risk getting health problems. Men will continue to settle work issues while opening their own business.

The stars recommend trying to settle all matters quickly, because this will affect your personal life. Your beloved girl is also waiting for your attention. Go on a trip to strengthen your relationship. The accurate horoscope for 2019 advises a married Leo man to have a baby, because his life partner is ready for such changes. Starting from the second half of the year, great economic difficulties may arise, which will negatively affect your health and nervous system. Therefore, in order to return to normal life, you need to fully relax and spend time with your family.

The year of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) will be successful for all signs of the fire element, and the temperamental Leo will deserve the highest favor. The astrological forecast promises a promotion, stable income, and resolution of lingering issues. The coming year will be filled with emotions, joy and happiness. New prospects, acquaintances and hobbies await Fiery Leos. Those who despair of waiting for a marriage proposal will find long-awaited happiness, and those who are ringed will find harmony in their relationships. The horoscope for Leo for 2019 promises many more surprises.

General forecast for 2019 for Lviv

In the year of the Pig, representatives of the zodiac sign Leo will have the opportunity to demonstrate their royal power. The elements of nature will favor you, and the Sun will take a dominant position in the natal chart. Fiery predators will be able to fully realize their ambitions and achieve financial success. To do this, one should foresee future changes, study the picture of what is happening, and only then draw final conclusions.

Love horoscope

The Year of the Pig promises royal Leos changes in their personal lives and prophesies the emergence of strong relationships. Lonely predators will most likely find love among old acquaintances, and family signs will once again make sure that they made the right choice. The stars predict the return of the pristine feelings of those Leos who doubted their partner. The reason for sadness will disappear, and minor misunderstandings will be resolved with the help of a sense of humor.

In the year of the Pig, royal predators will meet their soulmate and find long-awaited happiness in their personal lives

The love horoscope predicts a fateful meeting with the ideal for Lionesses. A new relationship will bring long-awaited happiness, passionate love and fulfillment of innermost desires. Once fictitious dreams will become the real embodiment of reality. Passionate love and tender romance will settle in the hearts of proud and unyielding representatives of the fire element. Married Lionesses should take care of their health - next year promises an addition to the family. The spouse will delight you with care, fulfill your whims and reverently participate in the improvement of the family nest. Don't despair if you have to put off moving up your career ladder for a while. Your bosses will understand your decision to pay attention to your family.

The Year of the Earth Pig is the best period for Leos who want to arrange their personal life. You worked hard last year, increased your assets, expanded the boundaries of your business - it’s time to open your heart to love, especially since the stars favor the establishment of family harmony.

The period will be favorable for those couples who were on the verge of separation. Conflicts will subside, all pressing issues will be resolved, and a period of understanding and forgiveness will begin. The Earth Pig does not promise drastic changes; there comes a period when all matters are decided by chance, you need to learn to go with the flow.


Throughout the year, Leo is patronized by two influential planets. Despite the fact that the Sun and Moon are in dissonance, the situation will work out in favor of Leo and will bring the desired results. For those who do not have time to cope with the situation on the financial market, fortune will provide a chance to correct all mistakes and realize hidden opportunities.

The basis for the success of the royal Leos in 2019 is the ability to foresee the development of events and make non-standard decisions. Thanks to the influence of the Moon, receptivity and professional acumen will sharpen. These qualities will serve as the basis for achieving success and material well-being in the new year.

The period of activation of hidden capabilities has come. The amount of energy expended in the future will be proportional to the result obtained. The calmer and more confident you act, the more projects you will implement. Those Leos who have not been able to show leadership qualities until now are given the opportunity to declare their candidacy. Show persistence and management will definitely appreciate you.

Activate your internal reserves - the year promises to be difficult, but as productive as possible

Representatives of the fire element have a huge reserve of energy, which will be enough to implement a large-scale project, while Leo will work as usual. Just keep in mind that the body’s reserves are not unlimited; learn to alternate between rest and active exercise.

Technical savvy and organizational skills will attract the attention of potential partners. There will be an opportunity to conclude profitable deals and implement projects that were in reserve. Don't be afraid to take risks - the stars promise good luck and success in financial investments.

Work, career, business

It is difficult to imagine a more successful arrangement of heavenly bodies for the implementation of a career and business. For Leo, one of the most favorable periods of development begins. An opportunity is provided to lay the foundation for new relationships, open branches, expand opportunities, strengthen status and increase production profits. The activity of Pluto favors personal growth, so it makes sense to focus on the development of intellectual potential.

Raise the issue of obtaining a second education, learning a foreign language, acquiring a second profession. It is possible to combine positions or manage several projects simultaneously. Pay attention to the qualifications of the personnel of your own business; it makes sense to expand the circle of employees. Don’t forget to keep control over current events: as long as Leos keep their finger on the pulse, they can be confident in a favorable outcome of any event. To ensure guaranteed success, pay close attention to the quality of your work, don't waste time on trifles, and maintain your self-esteem.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig favors enterprising Lionesses and promises favorable business development

2019 will bring good luck to Leos who have dedicated their lives to creativity, journalism, literature and politics. In the first half of the year, you should reconsider your attitude towards former partners. Closer to summer, a crucial period will begin, in which Leos are given the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to manage a business independently. At the same time, do not forget about family and personal life; a difficult stage is coming, which will require Leo to be calm and loyal to others.

Emotions and experiences are not the best way to resolve personal issues. The stars recommend not putting off solving problems until later, but you shouldn’t solve them in a fit of passion. The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will allow beginning professionals and entrepreneurs to build a career. Don't forget to plan every step, develop a strategy, anticipate possible difficulties, and then success is guaranteed.


The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig gives Leo a second heavenly patron. The moon will help activate vital functions, metabolic processes, and normalize blood circulation. The non-standard tandem of water and fire elements normalizes energy flows in the body and gives predatory representatives inexhaustible health and stamina.

Engage in active sports with the whole family - this will help develop potential and harmonize relationships in marriage.

Most of the fiery Leos will enter the year of the Pig with a trail of chronic health problems that they acquired over the course of the previous year. But favorable circumstances will help them get rid of the consequences of stress and illness. Don’t forget that Leo’s weak point is the heart and blood vessels. Try to minimize emotional stress, play sports, and pay attention to nutrition. This will help activate your inner potential.

In 2019, Mercury will weaken its influence, so exacerbations of chronic diseases and accidental injuries are possible. Avoid critical situations and aggressive sports, be prudent and attentive.

In general, the year promises to be prosperous, provided you pay close attention to your health. It is unlikely that situations at work or in the family will significantly affect the emotional or physical level of the pragmatic Leo. In order to unbalance a royal person, you need to work hard. But working hard, this sign risks driving itself to exhaustion. Alternate active work with rest - this will increase your working capacity significantly.

Horoscope for 2019 for Leo women

A wonderful period awaits Leo women. It will bring a lot of impressions, touching moments and, of course, new love. Those who want to find personal happiness will meet their soulmate. The main priority for most Leo women will be taking care of the home and adding to the family.

Treat your family to something delicious this weekend, they really need your attention.

Emotional businesswomen are predicted to have conflicts at work, in the family and in business. Try to control what is happening, do not engage in open war, do not look for shortcomings and reasons to start an emotional shootout. “Remember: The best fight is the one that doesn’t take place.” Patience and a loyal attitude towards others will raise your authority and will endear you to those around you, helping to harmonize the situation, which will significantly benefit active, wayward Lionesses.

The Sun protects Leos in all areas of life. There will be an opportunity to purchase real estate, long-awaited repairs, or buy a car. Despite the maximum busyness, provide all possible help to those around you, support your family and friends, and then family relationships will become stronger and warmer.

What awaits men

The stars advise predators not to make hasty decisions. Learn to control your emotions so you don't regret mistakes. This mainly concerns relationships with family and friends. The next year will require maximum responsibility from Leo men at home, at work and in business.

Male predators are the most energetic signs of the zodiac circle

In winter, Leo will correct the consequences of old mistakes, to a greater extent this concerns past relationships. Old acquaintances will appear who will defend personal rights or remember past grievances. Show patience and be more considerate of other people's experiences.

Financial geniuses deserve the highest praise. This is their chance to make a career and achieve an influential position. The second half of summer and the beginning of autumn can be a difficult period for men. During this period, Leos may feel emotional overload. They will not be able to cope with the usual rhythm of life. It is advisable to anticipate this state of affairs, plan a vacation or take a long weekend.

Prepare yourself for the fact that by the end of the year you will have to face a competitive struggle for the right to primacy on the business prairies. Organize an audit of your company, check possible channels of information leakage. Overall, the Year of the Pig will be busy and productive.

Horoscope for Leo according to all signs of the Chinese calendar

Astrologers characterize the Yellow Pig as a caring and prudent mistress of the year. This entails promising changes and successful resolution of important matters. Events are coming that will help you achieve status, influence, and implement complex projects. Under the rule of the year, different events will take place, but people who want to start a family and have offspring will deserve special favor. Heavenly patrons wholly and completely contribute to the fulfillment of innermost desires.

Leo women are waiting for a marriage proposal


The Pig is favorable to Rats. They will be lucky this year, but they will have to put in a lot of effort to make their dreams come true. Those Rats who dynamically and confidently make their way to the top of the career ladder will receive the full protection of the Pig. No serious health problems are expected, but during off-season illnesses it is worth taking care of basic preventative measures. In terms of finance, you will have to comply with the canons, and in business you will have to show decency. Don't follow colleagues who go over their heads. This is not your method. Find a non-standard approach to the situation and management will definitely notice you. Rats who are going to build relationships can hope for the favor of the heavenly bodies.


The Yellow Earth Pig is an excellent partner for the Ox. They will maintain a favorable relationship throughout the year. The period will be busy, business issues will be resolved according to the usual scenario thanks to the determination and activity of fiery predators. The higher the social status of the Ox, the more fruitful the next year will be. In matters of the heart, some Leos will be disappointed, especially those who are in long, protracted relationships. To avoid this fate, you will have to learn to hear your other half, find common ground, make compromises, otherwise you will reap the fruits of your own stubbornness in splendid isolation.

Make time for your family and friends - they expect attention from you


For Tigers, the Year of the Pig will be stable and fruitful. For those who are in the arena of political activity, fate has pleasant surprises in store. You will achieve a leading position and maintain it thanks to your impeccable reputation. In terms of physical health, no significant problems are expected, but stressful situations are possible. Listen to your loved ones: forget about work for a while and pay attention to your family.

Lion-Rabbit (Cat)

The rabbit was lucky with his patroness. Many wonderful events will happen in the Year of the Pig. Married relationships will normalize, old grievances will be forgotten, and useful acquaintances will appear. For those who are planning to start a family, the year of the Earth Pig will become a real helper and patron.

Significant difficulties await in organizing a wedding event, but the Cat will be able to overcome them with dignity. Pay attention to the financial situation - huge expenses are coming, but these will be important acquisitions. It is possible to take out a loan or mortgage, so in the coming decades you will have to pay off creditors.

Children require a lot of attention, but give incomparable happiness


The Dragon and the Pig are far from mutual understanding, but in a difficult situation the fiery Dragon will become the master of the situation. This year he will experience significant difficulties, but will be able to solve problems through intelligence and prudence. This will be a difficult, but quite productive period. The reason for worries will be the state of health, or more precisely, how the Dragon can cope with the experiences.

In the fall, a difficult period will begin, which will be a decisive step towards the realization of abilities. The dragon will be able to hold the bird of happiness in his hands thanks to forethought. Please note that this year you will lose the support of your patrons, but in the end you will be able to solve the problems yourself. The Year of the Pig is a great chance to open your own business.


In the year of the Pig, the wise Snake will experience difficulties. This mainly concerns the financial sector. Representatives of this sign are chaste and flexible, but when faced with rudeness, they make unforgivable mistakes.

Refrain from unplanned events and dubious adventures. This will avoid difficulties and financial losses. Please be patient. This is an important period in your career, which will strengthen the situation. As for your personal life, you will have to face mistrust. Don't be upset - this is one of the ways to get the long-awaited freedom and start looking for a worthy partner.

Those who are in search of a soulmate should take a closer look at their immediate surroundings


There is exactly as much in common between a Horse and a Pig as there is between water and fire. Therefore, representatives of the Horse sign will have to rely on themselves. The year will be difficult, but eventful. It will be possible to achieve financial stability. There are prerequisites for changing jobs and places of residence, but all this will be beneficial and will help realize your plans. Try to pay attention to your loved ones. For those who are in search of a soul mate, you should take a close look at your immediate surroundings. Happiness is very close... Try to streamline the rhythm of life, and then you will have enough time not only for work, but also for relationships.

Leo-Goat (Sheep)

The sheep will be able to achieve harmony and love with a loved one. No significant changes are expected in the business sphere, but the Goat will be able to stabilize existing assets for future investments. Health problems will remain a thing of the past year, but at the same time, pay attention to cosmetic procedures; it’s time to take care of your attractiveness. Spouses will have the opportunity to demonstrate their love and sincere attitude. This year marks a period favorable for the birth of children. Pregnancy will pass without complications, and childbirth will be easy.

Take care of your attractiveness - because you deserve the best


Interesting events await the monkey. An opportunity is provided to demonstrate creativity and internal reserves. Many Monkeys will discover their literary talent. Show persistence - declare yourself to the world, you are worthy of recognition. You'll have to change your look, update your wardrobe, but the game will be worth the candle. Do not rush to tie the knot, another opportunity will come up for this. Now think about your career.


Roosters are emotional signs, but in the Year of the Pig, emotions do not play in the favor of the mottled birds. During the first half of the year, conflicts in the family are possible, but prudent Roosters will be able to overcome any troubles. Try to pay attention to spiritual development and increasing your intellectual level. You worked hard last year, perhaps becoming the owner of your own home. It's time to make it beautiful and take care of sharing square meters with your loved one.

Only in the family is true wealth discovered


The Dog is one of the few signs of the eastern horoscope that is in confrontation with the Pig. In order to have a common language with the mistress of the year, you need to turn into an affectionate puppy, and then the Dog will not have to defend its rights in business. There is a temporary lull, but do not relax; in the spring the time will come to activate internal reserves and an opportunity to prove professionalism. The time has come for travel, knowledge, discoveries of the new and unknown. Leo-Dogs will be able to earn the trust of their other half. And for those men who are desperate to hear the desired “yes”, the long-awaited moment of legitimizing the relationship will come.

Leo-Boar (Pig)

The Yellow Earth Pig will provide all possible assistance for representatives of its own sign. But this does not mean that they will have a carefree year. On the contrary, you will have to make an effort to get into the right groove, overcome difficulties and stabilize your financial situation. You should be more attentive to your health: alternate between rest and physical activity, and pay attention to nutrition. 2019 is a chance to achieve success in their career, provided that Leos make every effort and are not lazy. Pigs who are actively searching will be able to find personal happiness and create a strong family. Many of them will think about having a child and next year they will be able to enjoy the addition to their family.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will be one of the prosperous periods in the life of Leo. Married people will be able to strengthen their positions and gain the respect of their other half. Single representatives will find personal happiness. High probability of adding to the family. Lviv is waiting for new acquaintances, incredible discoveries, travel, holiday romances and love adventures. Try to resolve issues through compromise, and then you will be able to maintain the respect and goodwill of others.

Invariably, every year a new eastern sign comes to power. In 2018, the place of the bright Fiery Red Rooster will be taken by the friendly one. What will she give each of us and how will the year pass under the auspices of this interesting sign? Astrologers say that the Dog cannot bring sorrow and sadness with it, since it is a very devoted and cheerful animal. As a symbol of the year, the Dog will not change the nature of its character and will remain the same reliable and unconditionally loyal creature.

In this article we will tell you about horoscope for Leo for 2018. Knowing some useful and necessary information from leading astrologers, you can always evade a dangerous situation, directing your forces where the stars recommend to you.

Despite the support of the owner of 2018 to all Leos and Lionesses, from the very beginning of January a difficult period will begin, which will cause you a lot of trouble and worry. As it turns out a little later, the vanity will be empty, and the reasons for the worries are so insignificant that you will still laugh at yourself. From the end of January until April, luck will smile again on the representatives of the sign. Amazing prospects will open up before you, both on the personal front and in the professional arena. Don't try to grab everything at once - show some caution and focus on one thing.

The last month of spring and the very beginning of summer will be more than stressful. At this time, it will be difficult for you to get to the bottom of the problem and find the only correct way to solve them. It will be possible to take a break from the frantic pace in July - the business activity of Lviv will moderate its ardor and provide an opportunity to take a break. A good period for relaxation somewhere in the country or in nature.

With the arrival of August, a series of upheavals will burst into your life, especially in the work environment. The stars advise each representative of the Leo zodiac sign to show their best sides and never let their guard down. In September you may be criticized unnecessarily. Ignore the expression of someone else's opinion and try to calmly react to ill-wishers. In October, a truly white streak will begin, which will last until the end of 2018.

Leo Man

Financial and professional issues will require lightning-fast reactions, so courageous Leos will need to be able to get to three places at once and immediately resolve issues that come up.

To prevent everything from going to hell, you must not miss an opportune moment. Intuition will become your best ally, listen to it and act as you see fit. If things don’t go well from the very beginning, step aside and temporarily become more of a creator than a creator of the situation.

Issues related to the image and appearance of Lviv will come to the fore in 2018. Be sure to pay attention to the impression you make on the people around you. Try to look good in front of your business partners. Your main ally in any matter will be the lion’s prudence; use it as a weapon against difficulties.

Leo Woman

Representatives of this majestic sign should listen to their inner voice. Actually, it is intuition that can lead Lionesses to amazing results and give them success. In personal relationships, there may be small problems that you will be able to overcome if you manage to maintain composure and self-control.

Throughout the year, you simply need to avoid rash actions and thoughtless words. It is better to discard the cunning, freeing resignation and simplicity. At the same time, Leo women need to keep their mouths shut and keep all their secrets to themselves.

The Year of the Dog encourages creativity, invention and small and large experiments. Make sure that your actions do not harm anyone. Otherwise, the likelihood of making enemies in the person of influential people will increase.

What will Leo's health be like in 2018?

Representatives of the sign should avoid stress and overexertion. Walk outdoors more often. The strength accumulated over the past year will protect energetic Leos from the influence of negative factors, but you should not forget about maintaining immunity at the proper level. The heavenly bodies recommend spending your vacation mainly in a tropical climate.

The period from July to August is the most favorable for saying goodbye to bad habits once and for all. Take measures to prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases. In the summer there will be a chance to completely get rid of this or that disease. Lead a healthy lifestyle, sign up for a swimming pool or yoga class - and you will always be full of strength and energy.

Forecast for family life

You should spend more time with your partner. Do not bury yourself in work matters, because then a crack may arise between you and your significant other, which will not be so easy to mend with a simple hug. All efforts should be devoted to cultivating trust between you. Don't let your relationship fall apart. Leos need to pamper their relatives more, arrange surprises for them, and invite them to a joint vacation.

The year is conducive to major renovations or relocation. Lviv in marriage expects complete understanding and love. Good news may be news of a new addition to the family.

Love horoscope for Leo for 2018

You know how to impress the opposite sex, and you use it skillfully. Single representatives of the sign are expected to create strong relationships that can lead to marriage. There is a high probability of meeting your destiny during a big holiday or travel.

“Busy” Leos can dramatically change their priorities in love relationships. The stars do not recommend being distracted by fleeting hobbies. Keep all the good things between you and your partner. Try to specify all your desires, and not rely on the understanding and insight of others.

Career and business

The vast majority of Leos will not encounter any obstacles on their way to building a stable business or successfully climbing the career ladder. To do this, you must be flexible and hardworking. A creative approach to everyday tasks or more complex difficulties will help you become noticeable to management.

Even in the most tense situations, when any step could be regarded as an attempt to escape or a personal insult, remain cool. Representatives of the sign should be more careful with colleagues - individual ill-wishers can interfere with work and openly cause mischief, which will lower Lviv to a lower working level.

Financial horoscope

In the year of the Dog (), you cannot borrow money, and it is also not approved to lend money yourself, even to a friend. Loans are also prohibited. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of the heavenly bodies in the form of big financial problems. The best solution in a difficult financial situation is to find a new or second source of income and stick to saving where it will not greatly affect your standard of living.

Leo birth dates: 23.07 - 23.08

Ruling planet of Leo: Sun.

Leo element: Fire.

Leo symbols: lion, swan.

Happy Leo Day: Sunday.

Bad Leo day: Saturday.

Leo metal: gold.

Leo Gemstone: red garnet.

Leo plant: oak.

Leo Numerology: number 1.

Leo's Most Inspiring Color: golden.

Opposite sign of Leo: Aquarius

People born under the sign will have the honor of being in the spotlight in 2018. No one will remain indifferent to the representatives of this sign: some will envy them, others will love them passionately, and others will experience anger and hatred. The peculiarity will be that Leos will not do anything on purpose to gain interest in themselves, everything will work out by itself and be taken for granted. Even if these people as individuals are not the subject of admiration, most of the people around them will be drawn to Leos by some irresistible force. This is the amazing ability that the hostess of the year, the Dog, prepared as a gift for Leo.

Whether to take advantage of such a gift or not is up to Leo to decide. If representatives of the sign decide to take advantage of this bonus, they will easily be able to captivate people with ideas. Few will refuse the proposals of the king of beasts; most simply do not have the strength to resist the charm that Leo will demonstrate. Many will want to work with Leo, achieve common benefits, and simply have a good time. The followers will not doubt the correctness of the route chosen by Leo and the adequacy of his actions.

Representatives of the sign in 2018 will demonstrate a special sense of purpose, a willingness to go to great lengths to achieve their goals. Leo will be full of strength and energy; these qualities will help him successfully complete previously started projects and implement new projects and ideas. With desire and perseverance, they will be able to reach a qualitatively new level of life, both in the professional and personal spheres.

Work for Leo in 2018

In 2018, Leos will be focused on success, so they will work even more diligently, which will immediately affect their well-being and mental comfort. Most representatives of this house of the horoscope will no longer be attracted to power as such; during this period, they will prefer calm and systematic development and financial profit. In the spring, many Leos will begin to think seriously about their own business, about independent development. If Leos choose this path, then the stars advise them to focus on those areas of activity that are close to them in spirit.

The most successful in their careers will be those representatives of the sign who will independently organize the entire work process. Those Leos who work in companies have a good chance of getting a new, more promising position. They will become real generators of ideas, will be able to successfully solve problems in times of crisis, they will develop and successfully implement many interesting and promising projects. In many ways, Leo's success will depend on the support of the team, but they will always be able to find an approach to people and lead them.

By their nature, they do not always cope well with routine work, which involves sitting in one place, and in a year such a situation will not be possible at all. Representatives of the sign may very soon cool off on such work, lose interest, this will lead to a decrease in performance and efficiency, and many mistakes. In order not to lose authority among colleagues or partners, or to disappoint managers, Leos will have to make every effort to maintain attentiveness. If they don’t like this option, then they should think about changing their field of activity.

Financial horoscope for 2018 for Leo

The professional sphere will have a significant impact on material well-being in 2018. The minor difficulties that most Leos will experience at the beginning of the year can cause financial problems. The financial situation during this period will be unstable, this will be manifested not only by the irregular flow of money, but also by expenses that will be periodic, but significant.

The financial situation will stabilize in the second half of the year, but not enough for them to experience complete satisfaction from the state of their accounts and the fullness of their wallet. Improving your financial situation will entail regular expenses. But in 2018, Leos will be able to lay a good foundation for financial well-being next year.

Many representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to quickly solve their financial problems this year. But they will have to respond adequately to the opportunities the stars have given them. The activity with which Leos enter 2018 will allow them to get a good job with a high salary. In addition, representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to risk money in order to increase it. Well-developed intuition and adequate perception of risks will allow Leos to significantly replenish their bank account.

Speaking about the negative aspects, we should remember the passion for wild life and excitement. The stars warn representatives of the sign against visiting casinos and other entertainment establishments; there is a high probability that this will lead to an empty wallet. Also, Leos should not borrow large sums of money; they will not return to the owner soon, if this ever happens.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Leo

One of the main points in 2018 that Leos will focus on will be personal relationships. Representatives of this horoscope sign will prove themselves this year as experienced lovers, persistent womanizers, this can do a disservice especially to those Leos who have families or long-term relationships. If at the very beginning of the year everything happens normally, then by spring discord may be brewing in many couples.

They can hardly count on a calm year in the love aspect. Many of them will be faced with a choice: to be together or to separate due to the fact that the relationship has already completely exhausted itself. It will be very difficult for Leo to achieve mutual understanding with his soulmate; the partner also does not understand Leo, he does not want to accept him for who he is. It is likely that Leos will encounter a wall of alienation and coldness, the reason for this will be not only the love of the king of beasts, but also his constant busyness at work, relationships with relatives and much more. Those couples whose relationships have been falling apart at the seams for a long time are most likely to break up; if this happens, then every effort must be made to ensure that it is peaceful and painless. If love has not yet completely faded in the hearts of two people, then Leos should fight, support their soulmate, and try to save the relationship.

The period from May to June will be for most Leos the time when their hunter instincts awaken, they will become surprisingly active in love, sensuality will intensify, and it is possible that the king of beasts will experience a deep feeling of love. This can become a real revelation for Leo himself; the feelings will be so strong that they will plunge into them as if into the abyss. The peculiarity of this love will be that Leo’s choice will fall on representatives of signs even stronger than himself - Aries or Scorpio. A new passion will turn a true Leo into an affectionate kitten who will be ready to do anything for the sake of the object of his adoration. The stars advise representatives of the sign to be extremely careful in choosing a partner, because already in the fall the feelings of the object of Leo’s adoration will fade away, and this person will break off the relationship. Autumn is a dangerous time, because Leo is unpredictable in his anger, capable of doing a lot of stupid things.

They will be able to move away from relationships closer to winter, and even in families in which peace and tranquility reigned throughout the year, Leos will look tired, they will try to devote more time to children, giving the initiative to the hands of the other half.