Detailed horoscope for August for Pisces women. Your personal compatibility horoscope! Profession and studies

Love horoscope for August 2017, Pisces is advised to be more courteous and attentive to his chosen one. Before you fulfill his wishes and follow his lead, think about whether you need it. Pisces need to be more compliant in August if it comes to a dispute. Any conflicts in 2017 can lead to a breakdown in relationships if they are not resolved immediately.

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Pisces women recommends spending more time with your partner rather than work. If you find a joint hobby, it will bring benefits and joyful impressions to both. In August, Pisces can meet a man who will help them financially. Hold on to these relationships, but don’t forget to rely on your intuition in 2017. If Pisces live only in fantasies, they are unlikely to arrange their destiny and meet true love.

Love horoscope for August 2017 for Pisces men predicts an affair with a colleague. If you are mentally prepared for whatever you encounter in a relationship, then don't change your behavior. Take petty insults and nagging from your chosen one in August 2017 calmly. But, if Pisces becomes burdened by a love affair, then it is worth breaking it off without regret.

Pisces family in August 2017

The horoscope does not advise giving the initiative into the hands of your spouse. Do everything together, then your union will become even more harmonious and stronger. Pisces' priority should be family and children, as well as household responsibilities and everyday problems. Many issues in August 2017 can only be resolved thanks to the help of close relatives. Don't soar in the clouds, but come down from heaven to earth. Only in this way will Pisces be able to appreciate the warmth and care that their life partner gives them. Resist impulses of jealousy, trust your spouse more, then family happiness will not be overshadowed by anything.

Horoscope for Pisces for August 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Pisces for August 2017

Love horoscope for the month of August for other zodiac signs:

Pisces horoscope for August 2017.

In August 2017, Pisces’ best friend will be a mirror! After all, when you really want to tell someone: “I love you!”, then the best way out of this situation is just a mirror! Moreover, this even applies to family Pisces or Pisces in relationships. The horoscope for August 2017 advises you to start every morning with this next month! Firstly, it will return your self-esteem, and secondly, it will allow you to look more calmly at the Summer flying by.

Maybe thanks to our advice, or maybe under the influence of the stars, but apparently, in August 2017, Pisces will be looking for a bright ray of sunshine in everything. You will fly away and run away from the dark reality in search of light and warmth and August. But the further you try to run away from problems, the longer you will have to return to solve them. Although the search for light and the bright side in everything that happens will give you exactly that flow of energy that will really help you solve all your problems. But, on the other hand, by bypassing the rake, you deprive yourself of unforgettable thrills... Lately pulls. Therefore, the horoscope advises you to look at things more realistically and accept simple solutions V difficult situations. Although if you see only good in everything, then it is much easier to plot some kind of “dirty trick” or revenge. Although in August 2017 you will obviously not be in the mood for this.

Maybe thanks to our advice, or maybe under the influence of the stars, but apparently, in August 2017, Pisces will be looking for a bright ray of sunshine in everything!

In general, August 2017 will be a fairly favorable month for Pisces, so your search for a ray of summer light may well be crowned with success. And although your friends will not support you in this, do not be sad. But be more conservative with new acquaintances. Remember that it is rare to see a crack in a bell, and it is recognized only by its sound, the same can be said about the human soul...

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces favorable days– 4, 7, 16, 17, 21 and 28.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces unfavorable days - You cannot do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth by overcoming obstacles, obstacles and unfavorable days.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces work, career and business. In August 2017 Pisces will continue to float in the illusion that they are indispensable at work and are very, very necessary. Just like with the advent of social networks, people began to naively think that their lives were interesting to someone, and that someone needed them themselves. In fact, in August you will once again be convinced that you are mainly needed to plug the “holes” and gaps. If the issue is painful and needs to be resolved urgently, you can be sure that it will be you who will solve it in August. Therefore, there is no point in conflicting and “muttering”, your relevance is your trump card, so don’t whine, and courageously engage in “decoding the opossum genome”, even if just yesterday you were doing design public toilets. Your versatility is also your trump card. As the site’s astrologer says, any job is very similar to sex, the one who knows many positions will always win over the one who has perfectly studied one. Moreover, starting from August 25, your professional affairs will go up, and you will again find complete mutual understanding with management, colleagues and clients, and the financial situation will begin to improve.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces Finance. August will require household expenses for the home, relatives, and even sometimes friends. So your friendship with money in August will be somewhat one-sided.

Love horoscope for August 2017 Pisces. Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces Love. In August 2017, the opposite sex will suddenly remember that Pisces are very sexy. And with pleasant surprise you will again begin to receive unambiguous signs of attention and ambiguous offers. Therefore, the horoscope reminds family Pisces that August is not the most best month for romantic adventures on the side. Next month it will be very difficult to hide anything. Therefore, next month it is more important for you to work on strengthening your union. Performance common tasks, including on a joint vacation, or vice versa, “cleaning up the territory,” will have a more positive effect on your union than your romantic adventures on the side.

At the same time, the love horoscope reminds you that while turning the pages of life, never forget that returning a book to the librarian can happen suddenly and without your consent, so don’t put anything off in August until later. Either do it, say it, admit it, or realize that there may well not be a second chance like this. This is especially true for single Pisces, for whom August 2017 may even present several interesting and romantic acquaintances at once.

At the end, the horoscope for August 2017 Pisces suggests that associations will help you a lot next month. Pay attention to signs, coincidences and associations. Like in a situation when a young man walks into a pharmacy and asks: “I forgot what the medicine is called. Something to do with the hair dryer... Like, “I don’t know where the hair dryer is”... - Ibuprofen? - Yes! Yes exactly! Give me two packs...”

In August 2017, Pisces will re-evaluate life values, as a result of which completely different priorities will appear. In the last month of summer, Pisces will want to try to live differently, see what they could only hear about before, taste life, and this will be quite possible. We can say that for the first time in their lives, Pisces will put personal interests first and begin to realize their secret desires and cherished dreams. The first thing they will do is take a vacation and book a ticket to a resort or buy a ticket to a dispensary. Pisces, in general, do not know how to live for themselves, but now they urgently need to unwind, throw off this burden of self-sacrifice, have a good rest and pamper themselves with everything they have enough money for.

During the first ten days of August 2017, Pisces will enjoy a carefree life, where there are no responsibilities, problems or assignments. There is only relaxation, communication, acquaintance, entertainment and spa treatments. At some point you may feel like you are in heaven. Even if everything seems unreal to you or as fragile as a house of cards, you shouldn’t break it or spoil your mood prematurely. Enjoy your vacation, enjoy new sensations and impressions. During this period, Pisces will be able to open up and learn a lot of new things. Don't be afraid of change, be open and confident in your abilities. The stars advise Pisces not to take everything to heart and not to experience every minor trouble as a whole tragedy. You tend to exaggerate, but not now. Look at the world with different eyes, go on a trip, see how other people live and how you could live. The only thing that will help you overcome your innate timidity is a frequent change of environment. If possible, make sure that every day something new and more interesting awaits you. And remember that the author of the script of your life is you and no one else. Only you have the power to change the course of events to the one you want. It depends on you what will happen tomorrow. And remember, if you cannot change a circumstance, change your attitude towards it. You are omnipotent. Take advantage of this. Even if your trips have nothing to do with resorts, try to follow the example of other people and learn from them to enjoy life.

Some representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces, in the second ten days of August 2017, due to current circumstances, will not be able to quit their jobs and will work throughout this period, although not always at their workplace. Most of them will travel on business trips, to advanced training courses and to other cities in order to expand the sales market. Beneficial influence of Uranus on professional sphere Pisces life will help you achieve desired results and accomplish everything that was planned. A little more courage and initiative, and you can take the reins of power into your own hands. During this period, you will develop remarkable organizational and leadership abilities; you will easily be able to organize and lead a team. These qualities will be noticed and adequately appreciated by higher authorities. So, ahead of you is a promotion and good monetary reward. Don’t be afraid to express your opinion at a collective meeting and make your own proposals for improvement. Believe me, almost everyone present will support you. You need to believe in yourself, in your strengths and abilities. And to do this, you just need to take the first step and stop being embarrassed by the public. Good luck in all matters is guaranteed to you. So don't guess or doubt. Go boldly forward without looking back.

In the third ten days of August 2017, the favorable location of Venus will help lonely representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign meet their soulmate. They will fall madly in love and will be capable of the craziest acts for the sake of their object of adoration. At the end of the month, family Pisces will experience absolute harmony, sincere and deep feelings, complete mutual understanding and trust. Although, sometimes outbreaks of wild passion will dilute this idyll and quiet haven with notes of jealousy and passion. You can be calm, your feelings will not fade away, and your loved one will surround you with care and attention. You can relax and have fun. Although it wouldn’t hurt you to do it to your lover from time to time pleasant surprises. At the end of August, the stars strongly recommend that Pisces forget for a while about their daily worries and affairs, take a break from the hustle and bustle and plunge into the world of beauty and exciting things. You will want to start living again and radically change your usual lifestyle.

  • Favorable days for Pisces in August 2017: August 3, 6, 11, 20, 25, 29.
  • Difficult days for Pisces in August 2017: August 8, 16, 22.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces woman

Love horoscope

August 1 - August 10. During this decade, due to the accumulation of personal planets, it will be difficult for you to pay attention to anything other than work. Ideal if you and your loved one work together. Then time pressure will only bind you more tightly and your feelings that arose earlier will only get stronger.

August 11 - August 20. A true friend and patron will appear in your life. If deep down in your soul you realize that this person is yours, then you will not hesitate and tempt fate, but will immediately show your true attitude towards him. He may suggest starting life together, and without thinking twice you’ll agree, even if you’ve known him for almost a week.

August 21 - August 31. The third decade will force you to pay attention to the person from your environment. You knew him before, but only now with some sixth sense do you feel that he has been partial to you for a long time, although he will never admit it. Due to the position of Mars, you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of flirting a little with a fan and will quickly feel that his passion for you is not a figment of your rich imagination.

Romantic date. Love in August can overtake you at work. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to meet with your chosen one except in the office, try to make sure that no one finds out about your dates - this is in your own interests.

Family horoscope

You will be immersed in household chores and will do everything free time dedicate to cleaning, cooking, searching for thrift stores and other ways to cut back family budget. True, it’s unlikely that anyone will appreciate your efforts. Most likely, relatives will believe that working for the benefit of the family is yours. normal condition. And in principle, you should have no other desires. You'll want to get more respect and decent treatment to yourself.

The secret of happiness. For most of the month you will spend a lot of energy on the bustle of your home. You should stop and think - is it worth it to work so hard? Don't spend money on unnecessary things.

Holiday horoscope

Pisces are not the biggest workers of the Zodiac, but in August you will outdo even your antipodes Virgo, as you will declare that rest is a change of activity. And indeed, after a week of work, you can enthusiastically work at the dacha and still do household chores.

Place of power. You will be happy to stay at work longer than usual and also help your colleagues who are lagging behind. A purely Japanese respect for work will awaken in you, so you will be pleased to be in a place where you will observe coordinated activity.

Horoscope of work and money

You will have a good relationship with colleagues, you will want to learn more about them, maybe you will even maintain friendly relations with someone, spend time together after work. Your bosses will treat you generally well, but will point out that you need to be more ambitious.

Purchase of the month. Do you dream of high quality household appliances, devices that will help you cope with household chores. Allow yourself this luxury and relieve yourself a little.

Horoscope health

This month you will be able to do a lot of useful things. For example, quit smoking or go on a diet and even manage to lose weight. Moreover, the reason will not be the desire to attract someone’s attention. You will transform yourself only because you want to be attractive to yourself. Try not to deviate from your chosen path.

Horoscope for August 2017 for Pisces men

Love. Your Pisces lover may have an office romance. It's good if you work with him, but if not, your life may be spoiled by doubts and suspicions. Track his returns, invent a bunch of household chores for him, tell him that you simply cannot cope without his help. You can even refer to your poor health; your partner is a rather compassionate person and will not allow himself to offend the woman he loves by cheating, at least while she is unwell.

Tone. Your loved one will be very interested household, garden. If you share his hobby, then you will spend all weekends in stores and in the garden beds, and your hard worker will enthusiastically dig into the ground and grow an unprecedented harvest, the subject of his pride.

Finance. Your partner will work hard and save a lot of money by managing the family budget correctly. You should support it in every possible way, as all this will save you a lot of money - both now and in the future.

Hobbies. He will begin to show interest in his health, read literature on maintaining good physical shape, study various diets, and “get his family hooked on natural, healthy eating.”

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces child

0-6 years. Your Pisces baby will be your most important and most hardworking assistant. You can safely entrust him with wiping the dust, putting away the dishes or even washing the floors, he will do everything with enthusiasm and pleasure.

7-12 years old. Little Pisces will want to feel what it is like to make money. You can play a little in the profession - and pay for some of the child’s work around the house. But it’s even better to negotiate with one of your friends or neighbors so that your child has the complete illusion of real work from a stranger.

13-17 years old. A Pisces teenager will cause you anxiety - during a period of active growth, the child will likely develop some health problems. You can visit doctors, spend a lot of time on his well-being and examinations. Now is a good time for such actions.

Read the horoscope for August 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Neptune's players will have a hard time in August. Conservative Pisces are reluctant to give up their super-ideas, which so interfere with their personal lives. Will they be able to establish relationships with the opposite sex and achieve harmony, read in the love horoscope for August 2019.

Love horoscope for Pisces for August 2019

Such a chance, as astrologers say, comes once in a lifetime. You have a unique opportunity to meet the person you have been waiting for all your life. All people born in February-March under the sign of Pisces are exposed to such a pleasant danger. Therefore, families should think about: is your personal happiness worth the grief of the closest and most innocent people - spouses and children?

Pisces will be able to find that same person in their long-loved betrothed. Try to discern new features in your chosen one and reconfigure the relationship in a different way. In the intimate sphere with spouses, everything will be excellent. You will be 100% satisfied with everything.

Unexpectedly for themselves, in the last month of summer, shy Pisces will become very sociable with the opposite sex. This will help single girls and men find their soulmate without any difficulty.

Love horoscope for Pisces woman for August 2019

Girls of the Pisces sign in August 2019 have every chance of finding a soul mate in the person of a strong and self-sufficient man. The meeting will have little resemblance to a romantic acquaintance, so you are unlikely to recognize the one and only one in your new friend.

To save existing relationships, Pisces will have a hard time. IN family life they will face a lot of troubles, which they will have to solve together with their spouse. At the end of summer, there is a high risk of separation, which women will experience very strongly and for a long time.

A meeting with Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio does not promise anything good. Men born under these zodiac signs will not bring you the long-awaited happiness. But getting to know Aries and Virgo will allow you to enjoy love to the fullest.

The love horoscope promises Pisces good luck in their personal life, which depends on their personal participation. No one will be able to prevent girls born under this zodiac sign from finding a lover in August 2019, if they themselves want it.

Love horoscope for a Pisces man for August 2019

Pisces men were a little less lucky than girls. Astrologers do not promise them unlimited happiness, but they do give them certain hopes. In August, the strong half of humanity will have a chance to finally meet their one and only. This only applies to those born after February 28th.

The rest will have to make a lot of effort to find happiness in their personal lives. Astrologers recommend that single men create all the conditions for a successful acquaintance with the woman of their dreams. Spend more time on your appearance, work on your inner content and prepare several options for romantic dates. Your future lover may meet you at the most inopportune moment.

August 9, 19 and 23 are considered favorable days for dating for men. If you meet beautiful girl On the 2nd, 11th or 25th, then do not expect that you will find long-awaited happiness with her. Dating a Pisces girl will work out for you pleasant surprise. Relationships with Taurus and Aquarius will be successful. But it is better not to start even just being friends with Libra and Scorpio, now this will not lead to anything good.

Love horoscope for Pisces for other months of 2019