Yenir 4 1 concrete work. Enir concrete preparation device – EniR Collection E4. Installation of prefabricated and installation of monolithic…. When washing the base with water

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  • Replaced by E4-1 "Issue 1."

Introductory part

Section 1.

Technical part

§ 4-1-2. Installation of basement wall blocks

§ 4-1-3. Installation of concrete, silicate and brick blocks of building walls

§ 4-1-5. Enlarged assembly of trusses from two halves

§ 4-1-6. Laying crossbars, purlins, beams and trusses

§ 4-1-7. Laying slabs and panels of floors and coverings

§ 4-1-8. Installation of wall panels, partitions and parapet slabs

§ 4-1-9. Installation flights of stairs and laying slabs landings

§ 4-1-10. Installation of gratings and turns of stair gratings

§ 4-1-11. Laying balcony slabs

§ 4-1-12. Installation of sanitary units, ventilation blocks and waste chute pipes

§ 4-1-13. Laying timber lintels

§ 4-1-14. Installation of reinforced concrete window blocks

§ 4-1-15. Installation of sanitary cabins

§ 4-1-16. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements fences

§ 4-1-17. Electric welding of installation joints

§ 4-1-18. Sealing joints

§ 4-1-19. Filling seams of wall panels, panels and slabs of floors and coverings

§ 4-1-20. Sealing joints in large-panel buildings polyisobutylene mastic

§ 4-1-21. Backfilling of channels wall panels slag

§ 4-1-22. Caulking, caulking and jointing

§ 4-1-23. Installation of a cement underlying layer under wall blocks

§ 4-1-24. Sealing holes in hollow core slabs

§ 4-1-25. Covering building frames with asbestos-cement sheets

Section II. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures

Technical part

Chapter 1. Formwork work

Technical part

§ 4-1-26. Construction of scaffolding supporting the formwork.

§ 4-1-27. Installation and disassembly wooden formwork from ready-made elements

§ 4-1-28. Construction and dismantling of formwork for the walls of tanks and bunkers

§ 4-1-29. Installation and disassembly steel formwork foundations and massifs

§ 4-1-30. Installation and disassembly wooden corks in concrete and reinforced concrete structures

§ 4-1-31. Installation of steel embedded parts in formwork

§ 4-1-32. Various formwork works

Chapter 2. Reinforcement work

Technical part

§ 4-1-33. Installation of reinforcing meshes and frames

§ 4-1-34. Installation and low reinforcement with separate rods

Chapter 3. Concrete work

Technical part

§ 4-1-35. Preparation concrete mixture in free-standing concrete mixers

§ 4-1-36. Supplying concrete mixture with concrete pumps

§ 4-1-37. Laying concrete mixture in a structure

§ 4-1-38. Installation of panels and electrodes for electrical heating of concrete

§ 4-1-39. Pouring concrete mixture for equipment

§ 4-1-40. Ironing concrete surfaces

§ 4-1-41. Laying concrete mixture in individual designs manually

§ 4-1-42. Miscellaneous concrete works

Technical hour-ii

§ 4-1-43. Assembly, installation and dismantling of sliding formwork

§ 4-1-44. Installation and disassembly lifting devices sliding formwork

§ 4-1-45. Construction and dismantling of the working floor and suspended scaffolding of sliding formwork

§ 4-1-46. Installation and dismantling of pumping and distribution units and pumping stations

§ 4-1-47. Installation of embedded elements when lifting sliding formwork or dismantling them

§ 4-1-48. Laying reinforcement and concreting in sliding formwork

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MOSCOW - 1969

Official publication




Collection 4



Approved State Committee Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs and the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Labor and wages in agreement with the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions for mandatory use in construction, installation, repair and construction work


Continuation of the table. 2

Name of deviations



Deviation of marks support platforms crane beams or beams, or trusses of one floor.......

Deviation of the marks of other support areas on the columns, as well as brackets, tables, consoles welded before installing the columns, at a height in m:

TO 10..............

over 10............

Deviation of marks of steel brackets, tables, consoles, welded after installation of columns, at a height in m:

to 10..............

over 10............

III. Walls and partitions, floor slabs

Displacement of the axes of wall panels and partitions in the lower section relative to the alignment axes..........

Deviation of planes, wall panels and partitions from the vertical (in the upper section) ..................

The difference in elevations of the supporting surfaces of wall panels and partitions within the area (block) being verified (along the top of the leveling layer of mortar).

IV. Crane beams and crane tracks

Displacement of the longitudinal axis of the crane beam from the alignment axis on the supporting surface of the column.......

Deviation of the marks of the top flanges of crane beams on two adjacent columns along a row and on two columns in one cross section of the span. .

Deviation of the distance between the axes of crane rails of one span. .

Displacement of the axis of the crane rail from the axis of the crane beam.......

Deviation of the axis of the crane rail from a straight line..................

15 in length

plot 40 m

Continuation of the table. 2

Name of deviations

Permissible deviations in mm for buildings



Difference in elevations of the head of crane rails in one section of the building span:

on supports............

in flight............

Difference in elevations of crane rails on adjacent columns of the same row.

0.001L*, but not more than 20

Mutual displacement of the ends of adjacent crane rails in height and in plan...................

V. Beams, trusses, crossbars, purlins, floors

Displacement of the axes of the elements relative to the alignment axes on the supporting structures..................

Deviation of marks of support nodes of trusses and crossbars...........

Deviation of distances between the axes of trusses, beams, crossbars, floors along the upper chord...........

Deviation of distances between runs...................

* L - distance between columns in m.

Notes: 1. With special feasibility study

justification in projects industrial buildings it is allowed to set more stringent permissible deviations compared to those indicated in the table. 2.

2. Tolerances of support areas and tolerances of gaps between elements are determined by the project.

§ 4-1-1. Laying foundation blocks

Before starting work on laying foundation blocks or slabs, the correctness of the base level is checked by leveling. In this case, there should be no loosened soil below the base of the foundation.

When working with cranes located in the pit, it is accepted special measures to ensure the preservation of the natural structure of the foundation soils.

Laying foundation blocks begins with installing lighthouse blocks in the corners and at the intersections of walls. The compliance of the position of the lighthouse blocks must be carefully checked according to the design using surveying tools.

The foundation block (or slab), lifted by an assembly crane before installation, is stopped above the installation site at a height of 5-IOcjh; in this position, the block is unfolded and centered, and then lowered onto the base. If foundation block it does not lie down exactly, it must be lifted by a crane and moved to the side; the foundation must be re-planned.

The assembled foundation structure from finished blocks is subject to handover according to the certificate before the start of work on the construction of the remaining parts of the buildings.

Scope of work

1. Marking of installation sites. 2. Making a bed from ready solution or leveling gravel or sand base. 3. Laying foundation blocks or slabs using a crane. 4. Verifying the correct placement of blocks or slabs. 5. Sealing the seams with mortar.

Squad composition

Installer of structures 4 grades. - / » » 3 » - /

Driver 5" - /

Time standards and prices for 1 element

G-- for Rasc.

Type of foundations

Block type

block in t DO


(Fig. 1): a) trapezoid

distant block b) plate

Type of foundations

Block type

A,<^^ дтч

Under the columns (Fig. 2):

a) whole

b) glass

c) composed of individual elements

Note. When laying composite foundations made of trapezoidal blocks, slabs and glass (Fig. 2, c) under the N. vr. columns. and Rasc. lines No. 1-3, 9 and 10 multiply by 1.15.

§ 4-1-2, Installation of Basement Wall Blocks

Instructions for carrying out work

Before installing the basement wall blocks, clean the surface of the lower laid blocks from dirt, sweep them and water them with water (watering is not done in winter). A solution 20-30 mm thick is spread over the cleaned surface and leveled, not reaching the edge of the blocks by 30-40 mm. Before installation, the block, lifted by an assembly crane, is stopped at a height of 5-10 cm from the installation site, unfolded and centered, and then lowered onto the surface of the underlying blocks.

If the block is not installed accurately, it must be lifted, moved to the side, and the solution again leveled over the surface.

After lowering the block into place, the correctness of its position horizontally, vertically and in relation to the previously installed blocks is checked, for which a level, plumb line and a staff are used.

The position of the block is leveled using a crowbar and wedges and supported by a crane. Upon completion of leveling the block, the tap is released, and after installing a number of blocks, the vertical seams are caulked and filled with mortar.

Scope of work

I. Marking the locations for installing blocks. 2. Preparing a bed from a ready-made solution. 3. Installation of blocks using a crane. 4. Alignment of installed blocks to plumb and level. 5. Filling vertical channels and coating vertical joints with mortar.

Squad composition

Installer of structures 4 grades. - /

Driver 5" - /

Time standards and prices for 1 block

Weight of elements in t

N. vr. Ras. For




Weight of elements in t

Dist. ALYA




§ 4-1-3, Installation of concrete, silicate and brick blocks of building walls

Instructions for carrying out work

Installation of large blocks is carried out in accordance with the installation working drawings indicating the placement of blocks in the walls.

Before the installation of structures of the above-ground part of buildings begins, a geodetic check of the axes of the external and internal walls is carried out with the elimination of detected deviations from the requirements of the project. In the area where installation is being carried out, other construction work on the underlying floors of buildings is not allowed. Therefore, the building is divided into at least two sections so that, in parallel with the installation on one section, other post-installation work can be carried out on the other section.

During the installation of large-block walls, all other structures are also installed along the way: floors, partitions, stairs, window and door blocks, etc.

One of the ways to make horizontal masonry joints should be to install blocks on a layer of plastic mortar with two pads and two wedges (on the inside of the outer wall) with the block aligned vertically while slowly pulling out the wedges.

The installation procedure in this case is as follows:

a) before installing the block, spread the mortar in a layer approximately 3 mm thicker than its final thickness, not bringing it 30 mm to the facade surface of the wall;

b) wooden plates measuring 40x40 mm and a thickness equal to the thickness of the seam are placed in the layers of mortar (at a distance of 5 cm from the plane of the facade), and on the other side of the layer two inventory wedges are laid so that the installed block has a slight slope towards the outside side (from the wedges);

c) the block delivered by the crane is installed in place without unhooking it from the hook of the tower crane, brought to a vertical position and checked for correct installation of the block.

The block is brought into the design position relative to the axis of the wall by moving it with a special crowbar with a split and bent end.

The wedges are left for 1-2 days under the block until the solution hardens.

The average thickness of horizontal joints in large-block walls should not exceed 12 mm.

Installation of blocks begins with the external walls of buildings by installing corner blocks on the mortar, and then intermediate ones (at a distance of 15-20 m from the corner ones). A cord is stretched between these blocks, along which row blocks are then installed on the solution in a sequential order.

It is not allowed to insert a block from above between two previously installed blocks, with the exception of the last closing block at the junction of two adjacent mounted sections of the grip.

The correct position of the mounted block in plan is checked by applying a 2-3 m long strip to the front edges of adjacent blocks or by laying the strip on edge along the upper ends of adjacent blocks.

To grab and install large blocks, you should use the gripping devices and traverses recommended in the corresponding albums and catalogs.

Scope of work

1. Marking the installation locations of the unit. 2. Making a bed from a ready-made solution. 3. Installation of blocks using a crane. 4. Verifying that the blocks are installed correctly plumb and level. 5. Installation of anchors (for cornice blocks and slabs). 6. Sealing vertical joints by filling the channels with slag concrete mixture or mortar. 7. Coating horizontal and vertical seams with mortar.

Squad composition

Installer of structures 5 grades. - 1 » » 4 ъ - 1

Driver 5" - 1

A. PITCH BLOCKS AND EXTERNAL WALL BLOCKS Time standards and prices for 1 block

Table 1

Block type

Weight of blocks in t up to

N. vr. Dist. ^LA





Continuation of the table. 1

Block type

Weight of blocks in t up to

N. vr. Dist. For






Ordinary, wall, lintel, window sill and belts

Corner and semi-arched

Pediment and arched

Bay windows

B. INTERNAL WALL BLOCKS AND CORNICE BLOCKS Time standards and prices for 1 block

table 2

Block type

Block weight in t

N. vr. Dist. For


Interior wall blocks

Ordinary and cross-linked


Cornice blocks

Straight with offset up to 700 mm

Corner with offset up to 700 mm

Continuation of the table. 2

Block type

Weight of blocks in t

N. vr. Ras.


Cornice blocks

Straight with offset more than 700 mm

Corner with offset more than 700 mm

Notes: 1. When fastening wall blocks to floor slabs floor by floor with ready-made forgings, take N. time on the first m of the building perimeter. 0.1 man-hours for an installer of 3rd grade structures Calc. 0-05.6.

2. The standards provide for the installation of wall blocks with closed joints. When installing wall blocks with open joints to seal 1 m of joint with brick, take N. vr. 0.12 man-hours with a team of concrete workers of 4 po3p. - l t 3 size - D Rasc. 0-07.1.

§ 4-1-4. Installation of columns and capitals

Instructions for carrying out work

Before installing the columns, the foundation cups are cleaned of dirt, the bottom marks of the foundation cups are checked for correctness and, if necessary, the bottom is filled with mortar. Marks of the longitudinal and transverse axes are applied to the foundation.

Temporary fastening, alignment and bringing into the design position of columns installed in foundation glasses or on lower columns should be done using single or group conductors.

UDC 69(083.74)+69.057.1 from 725/728

Developed by the Central Normative Research Bureau of Glavmosoblstroy under the general guidance of the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in Construction (CBNTS) at the All-Union Research and Design Institute of Labor in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee,

Leading performer B. M. Galitsky

(TsNIB Glavmosoblstroy)

Performer M. M. Konkina

(TsNIB Glavmosoblstroy)

Responsible for the release E. Ya. Rostovsky (CBNTS at the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee)

Plan ] iv. 1969, paragraph 2/7

The column is installed in the foundation shell, secured and pre-aligned using mounting devices (conductors). After the position of the column is fixed by the conductors, the installation crane is released. After installing a number of columns, their final alignment is carried out.

Removal of single conductors is carried out after the final sealing (grouting) of the joint.

Dismantling and removal of group conductors is carried out after securing the crossbars and ties by welding, ensuring the rigidity and invariability of the position of the columns (crossbars and ties).

Scope of work


1. Applying axial marks on columns and foundations. 2. Leveling the bottom of the glass (as needed) with washing and cleaning the glass. 3. Installation of columns into foundation glasses using a crane. 4. Installation of single conductors with temporary fastening of columns and their final alignment in the conductors. 5. Disassembly of single conductors with loosening of bolts. 6. Cutting down the concrete beads on the conductors remaining after sealing the joints.

b) On lower columns (building up columns) or foundation slabs

1. Installation of a group conductor with lifting onto the ceiling, laying guides from channels, lifting and installing individual sections, connecting them into one rigid structure, lifting and installing flooring from boards, rolling the conductor to the installation site of the columns, aligning and securing it in the working position "or installing a single conductor on the head of a lower column with alignment and securing it in working position. 2. Applying marks along the axes of the columns. 3. Installing columns with a crane on lower columns or foundation slabs with temporary fastening of the columns in the conductors with mounting bolts or other devices. 4 . Final alignment of the columns. 5. Disassembling the group conductor into sections with removal of the flooring from the boards. 6. Moving the group conductor within the floor to a new position with the laying of a new guide link, with the removal of fasteners, installation, alignment and fastening of the conductor in the working position or disassembly a single conductor with its transfer within the floor to a new position with installation, alignment and securing it in the working position,


1. Applying axial marks on columns and foundations. 2. Leveling the bottom of the glass (as needed) with washing and cleaning the glass. 3. Installation of columns into foundation glasses using a crane, alignment and temporary fastening with wedges, braces or struts. 4. Removing temporary fastenings after grouting the joints.

Introductory part........................... 6


Technical part

§ 4-1- 1. Laying foundation blocks.......... 11

§ 4-1- 2. Installation of basement wall blocks......... 14

§ 4-1- 3. Installation of concrete, silicate and brick blocks of building walls................................. 15

§ 4-1- 4. Installation of columns and capitals.......... 19

§ 4-1- 5. Integrated assembly of trusses from two halves... 23

§ 4-1- 6. Laying crossbars, purlins, beams and trusses..... 24

§ 4-1- 7. Laying slabs and panels of floors and coverings. 28

§ 4-1- 8. Installation of wall panels, partitions and parapets

slabs........................ 29

§ 4-1- 9. Installation of flights of stairs and laying of slabs of staircase landings................ 33

§ 4-1-10, Installation of gratings and turns of stair gratings.................................... 34

§ 4-1-11. Laying balcony slabs......................... 36

§ 4-1-12. Installation of sanitary units, ventilation units and waste chute pipes... 36

§ 4-1-13. Laying timber lintels.......... 37

§ 4-1-14. Installation of reinforced concrete window blocks... 38

§ 4-1-15. Installation of sanitary cabins...... 39

§ 4-1-16. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete fence elements.................................... 39

§ 4-1-17. Electric welding of installation joints........ 40

§ 4-1-18. Sealing joints................... 41

§ 4-1-19. Filling seams of wall panels, panels and floor slabs and coverings.................................... 42

§ 4-1-20. Sealing joints in large-panel buildings

polyisobutylene mastic.......... 43

§ 4-1-21. Filling the channels of wall panels with slag.... 44

§ 4-1-22. Caulking, caulking and jointing...... 44

§ 4-1-23. Installation of a cement underlying layer under

wall blocks................... 45

§ 4-1-24. Sealing holes in hollow core slabs.................................... 46

§ 4-1-25, Sheathing building frames with asbestos-cement sheets 47


Technical part Chapter 1. Formwork work

Technical part

§ 4-1-26. Construction of scaffolding supporting the formwork. . 49

§ 4-1-27, Installation and dismantling of prefabricated wood formwork......

§ 4-1-28, Construction and dismantling of formwork for the walls of tanks and bunkers................................. 67

§ 4-1-29, Installation and dismantling of steel formwork for foundations and masses.................................. 71

§ 4-1-30. Installation and dismantling of wooden plugs in concrete and reinforced concrete structures...... 73

§ 4-1-31. Installation of steel embedded parts in formwork § 4-1-32. Various formwork works........... 75

Chapter 2. Reinforcement work

Technical part

§ 4-1-33, Installation of reinforcing mesh and frames..... 78

Chapter 3. Concrete work

Technical Section § 4-1-35. Preparation of concrete mixture in free-standing

§ 4-1-34. Installation and tying of reinforcement with separate rods 83

concrete mixers................ 86

§ 4-1-36. Supplying concrete mixture with concrete pumps...... 87

§ 4-1-37. Laying concrete mixture in a structure...... 92

§ 4-1-38, Installation of panels and electrodes for electrical heating of concrete.................................. 99

§ 4-1-39. Pouring concrete mixture under the equipment.... 101

§ 4-1-40. Ironing of concrete surfaces......102

§ 4-1-41. Laying concrete mixture in separate structures


§ 4-1-42. Various concrete works............103

Chapter 4. Reinforced concrete work in sliding formwork

§ 4-1-43. § 4-1-44.

Technical part

Assembling, installing and dismantling sliding formwork. Installing and dismantling lifting devices for sliding formwork...................

Construction and dismantling of the working floor and suspended

sliding formwork scaffolding.........

Installation and dismantling of pumping and distribution units and pumping stations...........

Installing embedded elements when lifting sliding formwork or dismantling them.........

Laying reinforcement and concreting in sliding formwork....................................


1. The standards of this collection provide for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures of residential, public, industrial buildings and structures, as well as monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete work.

2. The standards of this collection provide for work to be carried out at a height of up to 15 m from ground level. When performing work at a height of more than 15 m, for each subsequent meter of height N. vr. and Rasc. increase by 0.5%. (For example: a) with a total height of the building or structure of 25 m N. v. and Rasc. increase by (25-15) * 0.5 = 5%, i.e. multiplied by 1.05;

b) with a total building height of 40 m N. v. and Rasc. increase by (40-15)* 0.5= 12.5%, i.e. multiplied by 1.125).

3. The standards of this collection do not provide for electric tack. Electric tack welding must be performed by a manual electric welder or a structure installer who has a second profession as a manual electric welder. Payment for electric tack work is made separately (piecework or time-based).



1. The standards of Section I provide for the installation of structures using cranes: tower, crawler and gantry. When installing structures using cranes on pneumatic wheels and truck-mounted cranes N. vr. and Rasc. multiply by 1.1, and when installing structures using masts equipped with electric winches - by 1.3.

2. Rates for drivers are calculated at a tariff rate of 5 razr> When installing structures with cranes operated, according to the TKS, by drivers of 4 or 6 razr. > prices for drivers should be recalculated at tariff rates corresponding to 4 or 6 razr.

3. The standards of this collection take into account and do not pay separately for slinging and unslinging elements, tightening moorings, bending, cutting or cutting off mounting loops, cleaning elements and their installation sites, cleaning steel embedded parts from dirt, ice and splashes of solution, supplying bunkers and boxes with mortar, shoveling the finished mortar, changing and cleaning gripping devices, adjusting elements during the installation process, knocking out wedges during temporary fastening and alignment of parts, carrying and installing mounting devices, laying meshes and ties in large-block structures (according to the design), reeving, rearranging and removing lifting pulleys, fastening blocks and cables, installation and rearrangement (using a crane or moving) of inventory scaffolding, installation and removal of ladders up to 5 meters high and weighing up to 50 kg, stepladders, tables, signaling during installation, delivery and acceptance of shifts.

4. The standards take into account the movement of structures, materials, tools and devices in the crane operating area at a distance of up to 30 m (except for special cases).

5. When installing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of industrial and civil buildings, the installation of scaffolding and scaffolding not provided for in clause 3 of the Technical Part should be standardized according to collections 5-1 ENiR “Installation of steel structures. Buildings and industrial structures" or 6-1 ENiR.

6. In table. 1 and 2 show the permissible deviations during the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures in accordance with SNiP III-B.3-62* “Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Rules for the production and acceptance of installation work."

7. For the sake of brevity, the assemblers of steel and reinforced concrete structures provided for by the composition of the units are called structure installers.

Table 1

Name of deviations

Permissible deviations in mm

Displacement relative to the split axes:

axes of foundation blocks.........

» foundation glasses.........

Deviation in the elevations of the upper supporting surfaces of the foundations from the design.....

Displacement of the column axes in the lower section relative to the alignment axes..........

Deviation of the column axes from the vertical in the upper section at column height H in m:

up to 4.5..... ............

over 4.5...................

0.001 I, but not more than 35 mm

Difference in elevations of the top of columns or support platforms of each tier within the verified area (block) ..................

12 + 2/z, where n ■ is the serial number of the tier

Displacement of the axes of wall panels and partitions in the lower section relative to the alignment axes...... ...... ........

Deviation of the planes of wall panels and partitions from the vertical (in the upper section).....

Difference in the marks of the supporting surfaces of wall panels and partitions within the verified area (block).................................

Displacement of the axes of beams, trusses, crossbars and purlins relative to the alignment axes.......

The difference in the elevations of the upper surface of the floor elements within the verified area....................................

Difference in elevations of the bottom surface of two adjacent floor elements.........

The same, the upper faces............

Note. The tolerances of the support areas and the tolerances of the gaps between the panels are determined by the project.

table 2

Name of deviations

Permissible deviations in mm for buildings



I. Foundations

Offset relative to alignment axes:

axes of the foundation blocks of the lower row............- -

axes of the foundation blocks of the upper row...................

axes of foundation glasses....

Deviation of the elevations of the upper supporting surfaces of the foundations from the design ones:

the supporting surface of the glass. . .

when directly supporting the overlying structure....

Deviation of internal dimensions (length, width) of the foundation shell.

Deviation of the marks of the supporting surfaces of reinforced concrete or concrete pads on wall pilasters....

Displacement of anchor bolts in plan.

Deviation of the mark of the upper end of the anchor bolt from the design....

Deviation of the cutting length of the anchor bolt...................

II. Columns

Displacement of the column axes in the lower section relative to the alignment axes.

Deviation of the axes of the columns from the vertical in the upper section at the height of the columns I v.i:

UP TO 4.5...............

from 4.5 to 15..........

over 15............

The difference in elevations of the top of the columns of each tier within the verified area

no more than 35 mm

12 ± 2p, where

p - serial number of the tier

Introductory part
Technical part
Section 1. Foundations and bridge supports
Chapter 1. Construction of bases and foundations of supports. Technical part
§ 4-4-1. Device for crushed stone preparation in a pit
§ 4-4-2. Laying concrete mixture under water using the vertically moving pipe method
§ 4-4-3. Construction and dismantling of formwork for monolithic foundations
§ 4-4-4. Installation of reinforcing mesh and frames in a monolithic foundation
§ 4-4-5. Installation and tying of foundation reinforcement from individual rods
§ 4-4-6. Laying concrete mixture in a monolithic foundation
Chapter 2. Construction of prefabricated supports. Technical part
§ 4-4-7. Installation of prefabricated supports from shell blocks
§ 4-4-8. Installing fill blocks
§ 4-4-9. Installation of supports for post-and-trestle bridges
§ 4-4-10. Installation of support posts
§ 4-4-11. Installation of support frames
§ 4-4-12. Installation of transom blocks
§ 4-4-13. Monolithization of support elements
§ 4-4-14. Installation and tension of vertical beams
§ 4-4-15. Caulking seams
§ 4-4-16. Laying concrete mixture into prefabricated support structures
Chapter 3. Construction of monolithic concrete supports. Technical part
§ 4-4-17. Installation of support formwork
§ 4-4-18. Laying concrete mixture in monolithic support structures
Section II. Bridge spans
Chapter 4. Integrated assembly of beams and blocks. Technical part
§ 4-4-19. Installation of blocks
§ 4-4-20. Sealing joints between blocks
§ 4-4-21. Installation and tension of beams
§ 4-4-22. Channel injection
§ 4-4-23. Sealing the ends of beams
§ 4-4-24. Installation and removal of channel formers
§ 4-4-25. Coating anchors with mortar
§ 4-4-26. Assembling blocks
§ 4-4-27. Straightening and welding of fittings during assembly and enlargement of blocks
§ 4-4-28. Reinforcement of seams - with separate rods
§ 4-4-29. Manufacturing of formwork panels
§ 4-4-30. Arrangement and dismantling of formwork when assembling blocks
§ 4-4-31. Concreting joints
§ 4-4-32. Moving Blocks
Chapter 5. Installation of beams of spans. Technical part
§ 4-4-33. Installation of steel base plates
§ 4-4-34. Installation of knurling paths
§ 4-4-35. Transverse movement of beams from the curb to the track axis
§ 4-4-36. Installation of beams on supports using a cantilever crane GEPC-130
§ 4-4-37 Installation of beams on supports using a GEK-80 crane
§ 4-4-38. Installation of beams on supports using jib cranes
§ 4-4-39. Installation of beams on supports using a cantilever-sluice crane
§ 4-4-40. Installing beams on supports using gantry cranes
§ 4-4-41. Installation of beams on supports using the AMK-20 unit
§ 4-4-42. Installation of beams on supports using T-75 trailed cranes
§ 4-4-43. Transverse movement of beams on supports
§ 4-4-44. Installing beams on supporting parts with jacks
Chapter 6. Consolidation of beams into spans. Technical part
§ 4-4-45. Consolidation of unreinforced longitudinal joints of beams on a slab
§ 4-4-46. Consolidation of reinforced longitudinal seams of beams on a slab
§ 4-4-47. Installation of reinforcement beams
§ 4-4-48. Tension of reinforcement beams in transverse channels of beams of spans
§ 4-4-49. Injecting transverse channels of beams with cement mortar
§ 4-4-50. Monolithization of beams using diaphragms
§ 4-4-51. Sealing anchor niches in the slab of outer beams without diaphragms
§ 4-4-52. Sealing of beam anchors in diaphragms
Chapter 7. Wall-mounted installation. Technical part
§ 4-4-53. Installation of blocks weighing up to 20 tons
§ 4-4-54. Installation of blocks weighing up to 50 tons
§ 4-4-55. Formwork for wet joints
§ 4-4-56. Concreting wet joints
§ 4-4-57. Preparation of epoxy glue
§ 4-4-58. Applying epoxy glue to the ends of the blocks
§ 4-4-59. Installation and tension of mounting bundles for crimping glued joints
§ 4-4-60. Bundle laying
§ 4-4-61. Laying ropes
§ 4-4-62. Bundle tension
§ 4-4-63. Tension of ropes
§ 4-4-64. Consolidation of bundles and ropes
Chapter 8. Construction of the roadway. Technical part
§ 4-4-65. Installation of roadway elements for bridges and overpasses
§ 4-4-66. Installation of prefabricated railings for bridges and overpasses
§ 4-4-67. Thermoplastic waterproofing device
§ 4-4-68. Construction of the carriageway of road bridges without adhesive waterproofing
Chapter 9. Manufacturing of beams of superstructures. Technical part
§ 4-4-69. Production of loopless reinforcement bundles from high-strength wire
§ 4-4-70. Tension of loopless reinforcement beams
§ 4-4-71. Carrying reinforcement beams
§ 4-4-72. Assembly and tying of beam reinforcement cages
§ 4-4-73. Installation and tying of reinforcement for bridge structures
§ 4-4-74. Laying concrete mixture in beams of spans
§ 4-4-75. Transfer of tension force from the stops to the concrete
Chapter 10. Assembling and disassembling assembly cranes
§ 4-4-76. Sliding the installation bridge of the AMK-20 crane into the span
§ 4-4-77. Construction of crane tracks for moving cranes when installing beams of spans
§ 4-4-78. Moving cranes during suspended installation
§ 4-4-79. Construction of crane tracks for moving cranes during mounted installation
§ 4-4-80. Pairing portal cranes
§ 4-4-81. Installation on outriggers of railway cranes
§ 4-4-82. Installation on outriggers of pneumatic-tired and truck-mounted cranes
Chapter 11. Loading, unloading and transporting beams and blocks. Technical part
§ 4-4-83. Loading and unloading blocks of composite beams of road bridges
§ 4-4-84. Loading and unloading beams of road bridge spans
§ 4-4-85. Loading and unloading sidewalk, curb and other blocks
§ 4-4-86. Loading blocks onto a boat
§ 4-4-87. Transportation of blocks and beams of road bridge spans
Section III. Culvert pipes. Technical part
Chapter 12. Construction of bases and foundations
§ 4-4-88. Preparatory layer arrangement
§ 4-4-89. Pouring the preparatory layer of the foundation base with cement mortar
§ 4-4-90. Laying rectangular blocks and pipe foundation slabs
§ 4-4-91. Laying pattern blocks
Chapter 13. Installation of prefabricated pipes
§ 4-4-92. Feeding and sorting of pipe elements on the construction site
§ 4-4-93. Installation of head blocks
§ 4-4-94. Installing Round Tube Links
§ 4-4-95. Installation of Rectangular Pipe Links
§ 4-4-96. Installation of precast concrete pipe blocks
§ 4-4-97. Sealing seams
§ 4-4-98. Construction of a concrete pad
§ 4-4-99. Sealing and waterproofing seams at link joints
§ 4-4-100. Filling the sinuses of multi-point pipes with concrete
§ 4-4-101. Painting waterproofing device
§ 4-4-102. Installation of adhesive waterproofing
Chapter 14. Construction of pipes made of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete
§ 4-4-103. Formwork of blocks and heads of rectangular pipes
§ 4-4-104. Rectangular pipe formwork

§ E4-1-49. Laying concrete mixture in a structure

Instructions for application of standards

The standards provide for the reception and placement of concrete mixture in buckets supplied by a crane, conveyor, concrete pumps and dump trucks directly into the structure being concreted or along trays (trunks), with partial transfer of the concrete mixture. The laid concrete mixture is leveled and compacted using vibrators. The exposed concrete surface is smoothed. During operation, trays or trunks are cleaned and rearranged.

Scope of work

1. Reception of concrete mixture.
2. Laying the concrete mixture directly to the laying site or along trays (trunks).
3. Leveling the concrete mixture with partial transfer.
4. Compacting the concrete mixture with vibrators.
5. Smoothing the exposed concrete surface.
6. Rearranging vibrators, trays or trunks and cleaning them.

Squad composition

Concrete worker 4 grades. - 1
"2" - 1


Table 1

Concrete mix supply method N.v. Dist.
Tap in tubs in a structure with a volume, m 3, up to 3 0,42 0-30 1
Taps in tubs in a structure with a volume, m 3, up to 5 0,34 0-24,3 2
Crane in buckets, conveyors, concrete pumps into a structure with a volume, m 3:
before 10 0,33 0-23,6 3
« 25 0,26 0-18,6 4
« 30 0,23 0-16,4 5
St. 30 0,22 0-15,7 6
Dump trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons (regardless of the volume of the structure) 0,34 0-24,3 7

Notes: 1. When laying concrete mixture with “raisins” N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 1.2 (PR-1), including the placement of “raisins”. Take the scope of work along with the “raisins”.
2. When laying concrete mixture in densely reinforced foundations N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 1.1 (PR-2), unreinforced - by 0.9 (PR-3).
3. When laying concrete mixture in masses as part of a concrete worker’s unit, 4 grades. replace with concrete worker 3 raz., and Rast. recalculate.


table 2

Time standards and prices for 1 m³ of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice

Constructions N.v. Dist.
up to 600 0,3 0-21,5 1
Strip foundations width, mm St. 600 0,23 0-16,4 2
Columns and frame posts with the smallest side up to 300 2,2 1-57 3
cross-section of a column or rack, mm up to 500 1,5 1-07 4
St. 500 1,1 0-78,7 5
Column capitals for beamless floors 0,82 0-58,6 6
Beams, purlins and crossbars with width, mm up to 150 1,4 1-00 7
up to 250 1,1 0-78,7 8
St. 250 0,89 0-63,6 9
Slabs and ribbed floors (including beams and to 10 1,3 0-93 10
purlins) with the area between the beams, m 2 up to 20 0,98 0-70,1 11
St. 20 0,81 0-57,9 12
Beamless floors with an area between the axes to 10 0,85 0-60,8 13
columns, m 2 up to 20 0,69 0-49,3 14
St. 20 0,57 0-40,8 15

Notes: 1. When concreting columns and racks of reinforced concrete frames on the side or individual columns in stone buildings N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 3-6 multiply by 1.25 (PR-4).
2. When concreting slabs (except beamless) with double reinforcement N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 10-12 multiply by 1.15 (PR-5).
3. Concreting of floors with a slab located below the beams should be rated separately: the slab as beamless coverings - according to lines No. 13-15, and beams - according to lines No. 7-9 of this paragraph.
4. The bottoms of the tanks should be standardized as beamless floors (lines No. 13-15).
5. When concreting floors up to 5 m2 in one place N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 10 and 13 multiply by 1.2 (PR-6).
6. When laying concrete mixture with “raisins” in strip foundations N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 1 and 2 multiply by 1.2 (PR-7). Take the scope of work along with the “raisins”.


Table 3

Time standards and prices for 1 m³ of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice

Constructions Thickness of walls or partitions, mm
up to 100 up to 150 up to 200 up to 300 St. 300
Straight vertical walls or partitions 3,5 2,3 1,6 1,2 0,79 1
Straight inclined and curved tank walls up to 1 5,9 5,4 2
radius, m until 3 4,8 4,1 2,8 1,9 1,4 3
up to 5 4,4 3,3 2,2 1,7 1,2 4
to 10 3,4 2,7 1,9 1,4 0,9 5
St. 10 2,8 2,2 1,5 1,1 0,74 6
Inclined walls of bunkers with a capacity, m 3 to 10 4,4 3,4 2,3 1,7 1,2 7
up to 15 3,6 2,8 1,9 1,4 0,94 8
up to 20 2,9 2,2 1,5 1,1 0,76 9
St. 20 2,3 2 1,2 0,86 0,6 10
A b V G d

Note. The standards provide for concreting walls with single reinforcement. When concreting walls without reinforcement N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 0.75 (PR-8), when concreting walls with double reinforcement N.v. and Rasc. multiply column “a” and “b” by 1.25 (PR-9), column “c” - “d” - by 1.15 (PR-10).


Table 4

Time standards and prices for 1 m³ of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice

Home > Preparing a concrete base



Scope of work

When cleaning the base with compressed air using a compressor

1. Carrying rubber hoses over a distance of up to 30 m and connecting to the compressor.
2. Blowing dust and construction debris off the concrete base with compressed air from a compressor.

When cleaning the base using an electric brush and vacuum cleaner

1. Sweeping the base surface with wetting with water, removing debris from the work area.
2. Cleaning the base with an electric brush D-378 and roughening it.
3. Dust removal of the base with a PP-1 vacuum cleaner. 4. Marking the finished floor on the walls using a flexible level and a marking cord.

When washing the base with water

1. Toe to a distance of up to 30 m and connect rubber hoses to the water supply.
2. Thorough rinsing of the concrete base with water from hoses.

Time standards and prices per 100 m² of prepared surface

Collection E19 “Floor Construction”





DEVELOPED by Regulatory Research Station
Glavsevzapstroya of the Ministry of Construction in the northern and western regions of the USSR with
using regulatory materials from other ministries and departments under
methodological guidance and with the participation of the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in
construction (CBNTS) at the All-Union Research and Design
Institute of Labor in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee.

APPROVED by resolution
State Construction Committee of the USSR, State Committee of the USSR for
Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council
Trade Unions of December 5, 1986 No. 43/512/29-50 for mandatory
application in construction, installation and repair work

Work production technology,
provided for in the Collection, agreed with the Central Research
Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance for Construction Gosstroy

The time standards and prices of this Collection take into account the work on the device
floors in residential, industrial and public buildings.

The norms and prices of the Collection take into account and do not pay separately for auxiliary
and preparatory work: marking, cleaning the subfloor from debris and dust,
as well as preparatory and final operations given in the general part

bitumen mastics and asphalt concrete are not taken into account by the standards of this Collection, these works
are rationed and paid additionally according to the collection E11 “Insulation works”.

When measuring floor installation work, the area occupied by skirting boards and
fillets is not excluded.

When installing floors with a slope specified in the project, N. vr. and Rasc. multiply by
1.1 (HF-1).

When installing floors with curved outlines in plan with a radius of up to 2 m N.
vr. and Rasc. multiply by 1.2 (HF-2).

The rules, with the exception of specially specified cases, provide for the movement
materials at a distance of up to 20 m.

Toe cap
materials and products by workers performing the main work, at distances
greater than what is provided for by the standards should be rationed and paid for
additionally according to the collection E1
"In-building transport works."

The standards provide for the execution of floor installation work in accordance with
current technical conditions, SNiP III-B.14-72. Workers must know and
comply with all requirements provided for in this Collection arising from
specified chapters of SNiP and ensuring the required quality of work.

Tariffication of works in the Collection is made in accordance with the ETKS of works and
workers' professions, vol.
3, section "Construction, installation and repair construction
work", approved on July 17, 1985.

Prices in the Collection are calculated based on hourly tariffs.
rates established for workers engaged in construction, excluding
increasing tariff rates for heavy work and work in hazardous conditions

The standards provide for the performance of work in compliance with safety regulations
in accordance with SNiP
III-4-80 “Safety in construction.”

must know and comply with the safety rules specified in SNiP when
performing work.


The norms and prices of this chapter, with the exception of specially stated cases,
taken into account the execution of work from finished pre-processed and necessary
cases of antiseptic materials, parts and products.

Digging holes for installing wooden elements (chairs, poles, racks, etc.)
standardized according to Collection E2
"Earthworks", vol. 1
"Mechanized and manual excavation work."

3. When applying the standards §E19-6 and §E19-7
the number of planks per 1 m 2 of parquet floor should be taken
according to the table below.

The standards provide for the execution of work on laying logs and installing plank floors
from pine, spruce and fir. When performing work using oak, beech, ash and
hornbeam N. vr. and Rasc. §E19-1, §E19-2, §E19-3
multiply by 1.2 (PM-1), larch and birch - by 1.1 (PM-2).

The standards and prices of this chapter provide for the installation of floors in
rooms with an area of ​​more than 10 m 2, when installing floors in rooms
area up to 10 m 2 N. vr. and Rasc. multiply corresponding paragraphs
by 1.2 (PM-3).


Manufacturing and antiseptic linings from bars or boards and gaskets from
insulating materials. 2. Cutting logs from bars or boards to size. 3.
Extension of logs (if necessary) with the production of a half-tree joint.
4. Laying gaskets and linings. 5. Laying the logs according to the mark with alignment according to
level. 6. Temporary fastening of logs with boards. 7. Marking and making mates
log with supports (added when laying logs from boards).

Squad composition

Carpenter 4 grades
— 1

— 1


Axle distance
lag, cm

From bars

§E19-2. Construction of planks


Laying flooring from boards on ready-made supports. 2. Nailing boards.


Notes: 1. When installing
flooring using old boards (with their sorting) N. vr. and Rasc. For
multiply the area of ​​flooring made from old boards by 1.4 (PR-1). Volume
work on flooring made from old boards is documented in an act approved
producer of the work.

2. When using boards
width St. add 120 mm for splitting boards N. time. 3.5 person-hours, Calc.
2-25 (PR-2).

§E19-3. Device clean
plank floors on laid joists


When laying
quarter or tongue and groove floors

Laying out and fitting the boards into place along the laid joists. 2. Trimming the boards in
joints. 3. Bonding and nailing of all boards with nails embedded in the heads

sawing boards

Marking, marking and sawing boards according to the size of the room.

During prison

Additional embedding of nail heads. 2. Elimination of sag with a sharpening rod. 3.
Sweeping away chips.

time and prices per 100 m 2 floors

Name of works

Composition of the carpenter team

without frieze

floors (without sags)

4 size - 1


sags with a guard

machine with a capacity of up to 40 m 2 / h

electric planer


Notes: 1. N. vr. and Rasc.
Lines No. 1 and 2 provide for the installation of floors made of boards up to 100 mm wide. At
width of the boards St. 100 mm N. v. and Rasc. multiply by 0.75 (PR-1).

2. N. vr. and Rasc. lines
Nos. 1 and 2 provide for the installation of floors made of boards 29 mm thick. When installing
floors made of boards 37 mm thick N. time. and Rasc. multiply by 1.1 (PR-2).

3. When laying floors with
nailing only the fifth board N. vr. and Rasc. Line No. 1 multiply by 0.7 (PR-3).


Shield layout. 2. Sawing of panels if necessary. 3. Panel flooring
floors in quarters or in tongue and groove from ready-made panels. 4. Fitting and trimming of shields
local. 5. Nailing of panels with nails with embedded nail heads.

Squad composition

A carpenter
4 size - 1

— 1

time and prices per 1 m 2 floor


Additional embedding of nail heads if necessary. 2. Wetting
floor surfaces with water. 3. Sharpening with a planing machine with a capacity of up to
40 m 2 /h floor surface. 4. Manually sanding the floors near the walls.

time and price per 100 m 2 floor

§E19-6. Preparation of parquet floors

Parquet worker 2

time and prices per 100 m 2 floors

Job title

Number of planks per 1 m2
floor, up to

slats and selection by size and color with bundling

Laying concrete mixture in a structure - Construction SNIPs, GOSTs, estimates, ENiR,

§ E4-1-49. Laying concrete mixture in a structure

Instructions for application of standards

The standards provide for the reception and placement of concrete mixture in buckets supplied by a crane, conveyor, concrete pumps and dump trucks directly into the structure being concreted or along trays (trunks), with partial transfer of the concrete mixture. The laid concrete mixture is leveled and compacted using vibrators. The exposed concrete surface is smoothed. During operation, trays or trunks are cleaned and rearranged.

Scope of work

1. Reception of concrete mixture.
2. Laying the concrete mixture directly to the laying site or along trays (trunks).
3. Leveling the concrete mixture with partial transfer.

5. Smoothing the exposed concrete surface.
6. Rearranging vibrators, trays or trunks and cleaning them.

Squad composition

Concrete worker 4 grades. - 1
"2" - 1


Table 1

Concrete mix supply methodN.v.Dist.
Tap in tubs in a structure with a volume, m 3, up to 30,42 0-30 1
Taps in tubs in a structure with a volume, m 3, up to 50,34 0-24,3 2
Crane in buckets, conveyors, concrete pumps into a structure with a volume, m 3:
before10 0,33 0-23,6 3
« 25 0,26 0-18,6 4
« 30 0,23 0-16,4 5
St.30 0,22 0-15,7 6
Dump trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons (regardless of the volume of the structure)0,34 0-24,3 7

Notes: 1. When laying concrete mixture with “raisins” N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 1.2 (PR-1), including the placement of “raisins”. Take the scope of work along with the “raisins”.
2. When laying concrete mixture in densely reinforced foundations N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 1.1 (PR-2), unreinforced - by 0.9 (PR-3).
3. When laying concrete mixture in masses as part of a concrete worker’s unit, 4 grades. replace with concrete worker 3 raz., and Rast. recalculate.


table 2

Time standards and prices for 1 m³ of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice

up to 6000,3 0-21,5 1
Strip foundations width, mmSt. 6000,23 0-16,4 2
Columns and frame posts with the smallest sideup to 3002,2 1-57 3
cross-section of a column or rack, mmup to 5001,5 1-07 4
St. 5001,1 0-78,7 5
Column capitals for beamless floors 0,82 0-58,6 6
Beams, purlins and crossbars with width, mmup to 1501,4 1-00 7
up to 2501,1 0-78,7 8
St. 2500,89 0-63,6 9
Slabs and ribbed floors (including beams andto 101,3 0-93 10
purlins) with the area between the beams, m 2up to 200,98 0-70,1 11
St. 200,81 0-57,9 12
Beamless floors with an area between the axesto 100,85 0-60,8 13
columns, m 2up to 200,69 0-49,3 14
St. 200,57 0-40,8 15

Notes: 1. When concreting columns and racks of reinforced concrete frames on the side or individual columns in stone buildings N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 3-6 multiply by 1.25 (PR-4).
2. When concreting slabs (except beamless) with double reinforcement N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 10-12 multiply by 1.15 (PR-5).
3. Concreting of floors with a slab located below the beams should be rated separately: the slab as beamless coverings - according to lines No. 13-15, and the beams - according to lines No. 7-9 of this paragraph.
4. The bottoms of the tanks should be standardized as beamless floors (lines No. 13-15).
5. When concreting floors up to 5 m2 in one place N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 10 and 13 multiply by 1.2 (PR-6).
6. When laying concrete mixture with “raisins” in strip foundations N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 1 and 2 multiply by 1.2 (PR-7). Take the scope of work along with the “raisins”.


Table 3

Time standards and prices for 1 m³ of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice

ConstructionsThickness of walls or partitions, mm
up to 100up to 150up to 200up to 300St. 300
Straight vertical walls or partitions3,5 2,3 1,6 1,2 0,79 1
Straight inclined and curved tank wallsup to 15,9 5,4 - - - 2
radius, muntil 34,8 4,1 2,8 1,9 1,4 3
up to 54,4 3,3 2,2 1,7 1,2 4
to 103,4 2,7 1,9 1,4 0,9 5
St. 102,8 2,2 1,5 1,1 0,74 6
Inclined walls of bunkers with a capacity, m 3to 104,4 3,4 2,3 1,7 1,2 7
up to 153,6 2,8 1,9 1,4 0,94 8
up to 202,9 2,2 1,5 1,1 0,76 9
St. 202,3 2 1,2 0,86 0,6 10

Note. The standards provide for concreting walls with single reinforcement. When concreting walls without reinforcement N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 0.75 (PR-8), when concreting walls with double reinforcement N.v. and Rasc. multiply column “a” and “b” by 1.25 (PR-9), column “c” - “d” - by 1.15 (PR-10).


Table 4

Time standards and prices for 1 m³ of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice

§ E4-1-49. Laying concrete mixture in a structure Instructions for the application of standards

The standards provide for reception and installation
concrete mixture in buckets fed
crane, conveyor, concrete pumps
and dump trucks directly
into a concrete structure or on trays
(trunks), with partial transfer of concrete
mixtures. Laid concrete mixture
leveled and compacted using vibrators.
The exposed concrete surface is smoothed.
Trays or trunks during operation
cleaned and rearranged.

Scope of work

1. Reception of concrete mixture. 2. Laying concrete
mixtures directly to the installation site
or along trays (trunks). 3. Leveling
concrete mixture with partial transfer.
4. Compacting the concrete mixture with vibrators.
5. Smoothing the exposed surface
concrete. 6. Rearrangement of vibrators,
trays or trunks with cleaning them.

Squad composition

Concrete worker 4 grades. - 1

"2" - 1


Table 1

supplying concrete mixture

Tap in tubs
into a structure with a volume, m 3,
until 3

Taps in tubs
into a structure with a volume, m 3,
up to 5

The tap in the tubs,
conveyors, concrete pumps in
structure volume, m 3:

Dump trucks
with a lifting capacity of up to 5 tons (independently
depending on the volume of the structure)

When laying concrete mixture with “raisins”
N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 1.2 (PR-1), including
“raisin” styling. Scope of work
Take together with raisins.

2. When laying
concrete mixture in densely reinforced
foundations N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 1.1
(PR-2), unreinforced - by 0.9 (PR-3).

3. When laying
concrete mixture into masses as part of a link
concrete worker 4 grades replace with a concrete worker
3 digits, and Rast. recalculate.


table 2

Time standards and prices for 1 m 3 of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice


foundations width, mm

foundations width, mm

Columns and racks
frames with the smallest side of the transverse
column or rack section, mm

Column capitals
beamless floor

Beams, purlins
and crossbars with width, mm

Slabs and ribbed
floors (including beams and purlins)
with area between beams, m 2

overlaps with an area between the axes
columns, m 2

Notes: 1. When
concreting reinforced concrete columns and racks
frames on the side or individual columns in
stone buildings nowadays and Rasc. line no.
3-6 multiplied by 1.25 (PR-4).

2. When concreting
slabs (except beamless) with double
fittings N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 10-12
multiply by 1.15 (PR-5).

3. Concreting
floors with a slab located
from the bottom of the beams, normalize separately:
slab as beamless coverings - according to
lines No. 13-15, and beams - along lines No. 7-9
of this paragraph.

4. Tank bottoms
standardize as beamless floors
(lines no. 13-15).

5. When concreting
floors up to 5 m 2
in one place N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 10 and 13
multiply by 1.2 (PR-6).

6. When laying
concrete mixture with “raisins” into strips
foundations N.v. and Rasc. lines No. 1 and 2
multiply by 1.2 (PR-7). Scope of work to accept
along with raisins.


Table 3

Time standards and prices for 1 m 3 of concrete or reinforced concrete in action


walls or partitions, mm

vertical walls or partitions

inclined and curved walls
tanks radius, m

Sloping walls
bunkers capacity, m 3

The standards require concreting
walls with single reinforcement. At
concreting walls without reinforcement N.v.
and Rasc. multiply by 0.75 (PR-8), with
concreting walls with double reinforcement
N.v. and Rasc. column "a" and "b"
multiply by 1.25 (PR-9), column “c” - “d”
- by 1.15 (PR-10).


Table 4

Time standards and prices for 1 m 3 of concrete or reinforced concrete in practice

Various concrete works - Construction SNIPs, GOSTs, estimates, ENiR,

§ E4-1-54. Miscellaneous concrete works

Time standards and prices for meters indicated in the table

Scope of workComposition of the concrete workers' teamMeterN.v.Dist.
Installation of anchor bolts with a diameter of up to 50 mm longup to 1 m4 size - 1

3" - 1

1 bolt0,59 0-44 1
Installation of anchor bolts with a diameter of up to 50 mm, lengthSt. 1m4 size - 1

3" - 1

1 bolt0,75 0-55,9 2
Installation of anchor bolts with a diameter of up to 50 mm with a conductor deviceSt. 1m4 size - 2

3" - 1

Same0,75 0-57 3
Installation of anchor bolts with a diameter of up to 50 mm using epoxy glue with its preparationup to 1 m4 size - 1

2" - 1

« 0,09 0-06,4 4
Sealing of anchor bolts with a diameter of up to 50 mmup to 1 mSame « 0,67 0-47,9 5
(with preparation of solution)St. 1m« « 0,85 0-60,8 6
Cleaning reinforced concrete floors with a steel brush and rinsing with water2 sizes 100 m 21,9 1-22 7
Suspension on hooks of a trunk made of links for supplying concrete mixture with fastening with clamps to a safety rope or wire to an overpass, reinforcement or formwork4 size - 1

3" - 1

1 trunk link0,16 0-11,9 8
Watering a concrete surface with water at a time from a fire hose2 sizes 100 m 20,14 0-09 9
Coating a concrete surface with insulationmatting or swearingSame Same0,21 0-13,4 10
sawdust« 1 m 30,27 0-17,3 11
Removing insulation from a concrete surfacemade of matting or mats2 sizes 100 m 20,22 0-14,1 12
from sawdustSame 1 m 30,34 0-21,8 13
Sealing of steel boxes into the walls of grain dryer chambers with installation, alignment and sealing with cement mortar and its preparation4 size - 1

2" - 1

1 box0,27 0-19,3 14
Laying light concrete mixture for insulationup to 53 size - 1

2" - 1

1 m 31,6 1-07 15
coatings at the angle of inclination of the surface to the horizon, degreesSt. 5Same Same2 1-34 16
Installation of a cement crust over a layer of lightweight concrete withup to 53 size 1 m20,09 0-06,3 17
angle of inclination of the surface to the horizon, degreesSt. 5Same Same0,17 0-11,9 18
Receiving concrete mixture from the body of a dump truckin a container2 sizes 100 m 38,2 5-25 19
with body cleaningon the firing pinSame Same5,7 3-65 20
Transferring concrete mixture over a distance of up to 2 m1 size 1 m 30,74 0-43,7 21

EniR E4-1. Vol. 1. Buildings and industrial structures (47385)

EniR E4-1. Vol. 1. Buildings and industrial structures

State Construction Committee of the USSR



Collection E4


Buildings and industrial structures

Moscow 1987

Approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee, the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated December 5, 1986 No. 43/512/29-50 for mandatory use in construction, installation and repair work.

EniR. Collection E4. Installation of prefabricated and installation of monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Vol. 1. Buildings and industrial structures/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

Designed for use in construction and installation, repair and construction organizations and similar organizations, as well as in divisions (teams, sections) of production associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions carrying out construction and major repairs in an economic way, transferred to new conditions for remuneration of workers in accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions “On improving the organization of wages and introducing new tariff rates and official salaries for workers in production sectors of the national economy.”

Developed by the Center for Scientific Organization of Labor and Production Management of the Ministry of Heavy Construction of the USSR* with the participation of the head NIS Glavkrasnoyarskstroy (Section I) and the branch of the Central Scientific and Technical Center in Alma-Ata (Section II) using regulatory materials from other ministries and departments under methodological guidance and with the participation Central Bureau of Labor Standards in Construction (CBNTS) at the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee.

*Since August 1986, Ministry of Construction in the Ural and Western Siberia regions of the USSR.

The technology for carrying out the work provided for in the Collection has been agreed upon with the Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (TsNIIOMTP).

Leading performer - K.F. Yarkov (TSNOT and UP).

Performers: M.A. Kuznetsova, N.A. Yakovleva (CNOT and UP), Ph.D. tech. Sciences Sh.L. Machabeli (TsNIIOMTP), V.I. Petruneva (CNOT and UP), Ph.D. tech. Sciences B.V. Zhadanovsky (TsNIIOMTP), L.V. Bialik (CBNTS).

Responsible for the release is A.I. Alekseev (CBNTS).



§ E4-1-1. Installation of foundation blocks or slabs4

§ E4-1-2. Installation of grillages and pile caps6

§ E4-1-3. Installation of wall blocks7

§ E4-1-4. Installation of columns and capitals9

§ E4-1-5. Enlarged assembly of trusses12

§ E4-1-6. Installation of crossbars, purlins, beams and trusses13

§ E4-1-7. Laying floor slabs and coverings14

§ E4-1-8. Installation of wall panels, partitions, parapet and cornice slabs15

§ E4-1-9. Installation of screen panels and laying of slabs of entrance canopies and support posts18

§ E4-1-10. Installation of flights of stairs or laying slabs of staircase landings18

§ E4-1-11. Installation of stair railings19

§ E4-1-12. Installation of elements of balconies and loggias20

§ E4-1-13. Installation of reinforced concrete volumetric blocks of buildings21

§ E4-1-14. Installation of sanitary units, ventilation units and waste chute pipes22

§ E4-1-15. Installation of volumetric blocks of elevator shafts23

§ E4-1-16. Installation of tank wall panels23

§ E4-1-17 Installation of reinforced concrete window blocks24

§ E4-1-18. Installation of sanitary cabins24

§ E4-1-19. Construction of fences from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements25

§ E4-1-20. Laying reinforced concrete trays26

§ E-4-1-21. Laying support cushions26

§ E4-1-22. Anti-corrosion coating of welded joints27

§ E4-1-23. Fastening external and internal wall panels with metal brackets27

§ E4-1-24. Fastening gypsum concrete partitions with staples and needles28

§ E4-1-25. Sealing joints of structures28

§ E4-1-26. Filling seams of wall panels and floor slabs and coverings28

§ E4-1-27. Insulation and sealing of butt and expansion joints28

§ E4-1-28. Caulking, caulking and jointing28

§ E4-1-29. Installation of a cement underlying layer for wall blocks28

§ E4-1-30. Sealing holes in hollow core slabs28

§ E4-1-31. Sealing of mounting holes or openings with a volume of up to 0.5 m328

§ E4-1-32. Installation of partitions made of plasterboard sheets on a metal frame28


Technical part28


Technical part28

§ E4-1-33. Construction of scaffolding supporting formwork28

§ E4-1-34. Installation and dismantling of wooden and wood-metal formwork28

§ E4-1-35. Construction and dismantling of suspended floor formwork28

§ E4-1-36. Installation and dismantling of formwork for the walls of tanks and bunkers28

§ E4-1-37. Installation and dismantling of metal formwork28

§ E4-1-38. Installation and removal of metal block-adjustable formwork28

§ E4-1-39. Construction and dismantling of wooden panel formwork for the walls of underground channels28

§ E4-1-40. Enlarged assembly of wood-metal formwork panels and dismantling of enlarged panels28

§ E4-14-1. Installation and dismantling of wooden plugs in concrete and reinforced concrete structures28

§ E4-1-42. Installation of steel embedded parts in formwork28

§ E4-1-43. Various formwork works28


§ E4-1-44. Installation of reinforcing mesh and frames28

§ E4-1-45. Laying reinforcing mesh using the continuous rolling method28

§ E4-1-46. Installation and tying of reinforcement with separate rods28


§ E4-14-7. Preparation of concrete mixture in free-standing concrete mixers28

§ E4-1-48. Supplying concrete mixture with concrete pumps28

§ E4-1-49. Laying concrete mixture in a structure28

§ E4-1-50. Installation and removal of panels and electrodes for electrical heating of concrete28

§ E4-1-51. Pouring concrete mixture for equipment28

§ E4-1-52. Ironing of concrete surfaces28

§ E4-1-53. Laying concrete mixture into individual structures manually28

§ E4-1-54. Various concrete works28

§ E4-1-55. Drilling holes in reinforced concrete structures using a machine with diamond annular drills28


1. The production standards provide for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures, as well as monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete work for civil and industrial buildings and structures.

2. The standards provide for the performance of work in accordance with the permissible deviations taken into account by SNiP III-15-76, SNiP III-16-80, as well as in accordance with the safety requirements in construction SNiP III-4-80.

Workers must know and comply with the requirements stipulated by the collection of standards, the above SNiPs, ensuring the required quality of work. Workers must know and follow safety rules when performing work.

3. The standards of this issue provide for work to be carried out at a height of up to 15 m, from the level of planning marks. When performing work at an altitude of St. 15m, N.v. and Rasc. multiply by the following factors depending on the height:

up to 20m…. 1.05 (HF-1)

» 30m….1.1 (HF-2)

» 40m….1,2 (HF-3)

St. 40m...1.3 (HF-4)

4. The norms of the relevant paragraphs provide for the installation, rearrangement and removal of inventory scaffolds, extension or hanging ladders, stepladders, tables, cradles weighing over 50 kg by crane, and weighing up to 50 kg manually.

5. Giving signals to the driver in cases where the installation of structures is carried out outside the field of view of the crane driver in the absence of communication means, is carried out by an additional dedicated worker and is paid on a time basis for the time actually worked at the worker’s rate of 3 times.

6. According to the norms of those paragraphs that take into account tack welding, its implementation is provided for by a manual electric welder or a structure installer who has a second profession as an electric welder.

7. The release standards do not provide for geodetic work.

8. The performance of welding work is not provided for by production standards (except for specified cases) and is additionally standardized according to the norms of the Sat. E22 “Welding work”, vol. 1 “Structures of buildings and industrial structures.”

9. Tariffication of main works was carried out according to the ETKS of works and professions of workers, vol. 3, section “Construction, installation and repair works”, approved on July 17, 1985, and other works are charged according to the relevant issues and sections of the ETKS.


Technical part

1. The standards of Section I provide for the installation of structures using cranes:

tower, tracked and gantry. When performing work with cranes on pneumatic wheels and truck-mounted cranes N.v. and Rasc. multiply by 1.1 (PM-1), and when installing structures using masts equipped with electric winches - by 1.3 (PM-2).

2. The standards provide for the control of cranes by drivers of 6 levels.

When installing structures by cranes for which drivers have increased tariff rates or operated by drivers of other categories, if their use is provided for by the PPR, the drivers’ prices should be recalculated according to the corresponding tariff rates.

3. The norms of the section, with the exception of cases specifically specified in the paragraphs, take into account and do not pay separately for: slinging and unslinging, fastening and removing guys, tightening the mooring, marking installation sites and applying axial marks to structures, bending mounting loops, inspection and cleaning of structures, places of their installation and embedded parts from dirt and splashes of mortar, receiving (when feeding and rearranging) bins and boxes with concrete or mortar mixture, shoveling the finished mortar, giving signals during installation.

4. The standards, with the exception of cases specifically specified in the paragraphs, take into account the movement of structures, materials and installation equipment by a crane in its area of ​​operation, carrying parts and materials weighing up to 50 kg at a distance of up to 30 m.

5. For the sake of brevity, the assemblers provided by the units for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures are called structure assemblers, a manual welder is called an electric welder, and a crane driver (crane operator) is called a crane operator.

§ E4-1-1. Installation of foundation blocks or slabs

Guidelines for application of standards

The standards provide for the installation of strip or free-standing foundation blocks or slabs on a bed of ready-made cement mortar or on ready-made gravel (sand) preparation with checking the base marks using the sight marks.

Installation of lighthouse blocks of strip foundations and corner blocks of free-standing foundations is provided according to the level.

To install ordinary blocks of a strip foundation, a mooring is stretched; ordinary blocks of free-standing foundations are installed along a tensioned axial wire.

Scope of work

1. Preparing a bed from a solution or partially leveling the finished gravel (sand) base.

2. Installation of foundation blocks (slabs).

3. Verifying the correct installation of blocks (slabs).

4. Sealing the joints with mortar between the block of strip and composite foundations.

Table 1

Squad composition

table 2

Time standards and prices for 1 element


Block type

Weight of blocks (slabs) t, up to

structural installers


Tape (Fig. 1)

a) trapezoidal

Under the columns (Fig. 2):

a) whole

b) glass

c) composed of individual elements

Typical technological map for concrete and reinforced concrete work (monolithic reinforced concrete). Construction of monolithic reinforced concrete foundations for columns of civil buildings using block formwork

Typical technological maps
for the production of certain types of work

for concrete and reinforced concrete works
(monolithic reinforced concrete)

Construction of monolithic reinforced concrete
foundations for columns of civil buildings using block formwork



research and design and experimental institute
organization, mechanization and technical assistance to construction (TsNIIOMTP)

Department of Mechanization and
construction technologies of the USSR State Construction Committee

Deputy Director of the Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.D. Topchy

Letter dated September 27, 1990 No. 12-34

Head of Experimental Department
design by Yu.A. Yarymov

Head formwork laboratories N.I.

Typical technological map
designed for the installation of columnar monolithic foundations for civil frames
and industrial buildings using block formwork. Technological
The map provides for the construction of monolithic foundations using
formwork from steel formwork block forms developed by TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy
USSR (project 79-2.00.000). A typical flow chart includes two
options for supplying concrete mixture to the structure:

crane in bunkers;

truck-mounted concrete pump SB-I26A;

Work is carried out in the summer in
two shifts.

Before the construction of foundations begins
the following work must be performed:

drainage of surface water from

access roads and roads have been constructed;

marked in the span of the movement path
mechanisms, storage areas, enlargement of reinforcing mesh and formwork,
assembly equipment and fixtures have been prepared;

concrete preparation has been completed for

reinforcement mesh and kits were delivered
formwork in quantities that ensure uninterrupted operation of at least
for two shifts;

foundation acceptance certificates were drawn up
foundations in accordance with the executive diagram;

temporary electric lighting has been installed
workplaces and connected electric welding machines;

geodetic breakdown has been carried out
axes and marking the position of foundations in accordance with the project;

onto the surface of the concrete preparation
Marks are applied with paint, fixing the position of the working plane of the formwork panels.

Reinforcing mesh for columns
delivered to the construction site and unloaded at the assembly site
reinforced frames, and mesh shoes - directly at the sites of foundation construction.

reinforcement frames for support columns are produced at an assembly stand using a conductor
designs of TsNIIOMTP in the following sequence:

lay reinforcing mesh on
conductor and fixed in the design position with a binding wire, followed by
electric tack;

remove the reinforced frame from the conductor
using a truck crane and placed on the storage area.

To the installation site of reinforced frames
delivered by road.

Work on installation of fittings is carried out
in sequence:

install shoe reinforcement mesh
on fasteners that provide a protective layer of concrete according to the design;

after the shoe formwork is installed
install the reinforced frame of the column, securing it to the bottom mesh
knitting wire.

Monolithic reinforced concrete formwork
foundations are made from separate standardized steel formwork blocks.
The set of formwork block forms for the foundations discussed in this
technological map, includes, formwork block of two-stage shoe part
foundation and a column block, consisting of two blocks.

Assembly units of steel formworks
forms and their quantities are given in table. 5.

Steel formwork forms for
reinforced concrete monolithic foundations must be delivered to the construction site
complete in a condition suitable for assembly and operation.

Installation of steel formwork blocks
is produced in the following technological sequence:

install the formwork block
two-stage shoe part of the foundation into the design position strictly according to the axial risks caused
for concrete preparation, and secure it with metal pins to the base;

installed on centering pins
formwork frames shoe part of the foundation formwork block pillar and
secure it with clamps;

install scaffolding on centering

install the ladder and secure it
upper end on scaffolding;

install the liners on the centering
pins of the upper block of the column and secure with clamps;

The formwork is dismantled immediately
after the concrete reaches its design strength.

Block molds are dismantled in
in the following order:

dismantle the scaffolding;

dismantle the liners;

open the lock ties using
devices for opening blocks, move the block doors away from the concrete;

disconnect the pillar block from the frame
formwork for the shoe part of the foundation;

dismantle the column block;

knock out the wedge, turn the finger and
remove the shoe panels from the concrete, after which the block form of the shoe is dismantled
parts of the foundation.

If necessary, formwork
the surface is cleaned of adhering concrete with metal brushes and scrapers and
produce lubrication with an emulsion composition.

Dismantled formwork blocks
transported to the place of new concreting.

After checking the correct installation
Formwork and reinforcement make concreting of foundations.

Transporting concrete mixture
carried out by a concrete mixer truck with unloading into rotating bins or
inlet funnel of a concrete pump.

Included in concreting work
foundations include:

receiving and supplying concrete mixture;

laying and compacting the concrete mixture.

Supply of concrete mixture to structures
is provided in two options:

truck crane SMK-10 in
rotating bins;

truck-mounted concrete pump SB-126A (with
mobility of the concrete mixture from 4 to 16 cm).

Concreting foundations
carried out in two stages: at the first stage, the foundation shoe is concreted and
column support to the liner bottom mark; at the second stage, the upper part is concreted
column support after installing the liner.

The concrete mixture is laid
horizontal layers 30 - 40 cm thick.

Each layer of concrete laid
thoroughly compact with a deep vibrator. When compacting the concrete mixture, the end
the working part of the vibrator should be immersed in a previously laid layer of concrete on
depth 5 - 10 cm. The vibrator rearrangement ball should not exceed 1.5 radii
his actions.

Overlapping the previous layer of concrete
the subsequent one must be completed before the concrete begins to set in the previous one

Concrete formwork in corners and walls
the mixture is additionally compacted by bayoneting with hand-held metal screws.

Concreting of foundations is carried out with
suspended scaffolds.

When concreting monolithic
foundations with a concrete pump SB-126A, radius of action of the distribution boom
allows you to lay concrete mixture in one row from two points.

Concrete maintenance measures in
period of strengthening, procedure and timing of their implementation, monitoring of implementation
these activities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.03.01-87
“Load-bearing enclosing building structures. Rules for the production of work."
The holding period and frequency of watering are determined by the construction laboratory.

Limit position deviation
formwork elements, reinforcement and completed monolithic foundations relative to
alignment axes or reference marks upon acceptance should not exceed the values
specified in SNiP

Technical criteria and means
control of operations and processes are given in table. 1.

Table 1

processes subject to control


and control method


for control

quality assessment criteria


formwork axes from the design position


installation process

deviation 15 mm

formwork plane from vertical to the entire height of the foundation

measuring ruler

installation process

deviation 20 mm


from the design dimensions of the thickness of the protective layer


In progress

deviations with a protective layer thickness of more than 15 mm - 5 mm; with thickness
protective layer 15 mm or less - 3 mm

reinforcing bars when installing them in formwork, as well as in the manufacture of reinforcing bars
frames and meshes

the deviation should not exceed 1/5 of the largest diameter of the rod and 1/4
installed rod

from the design dimensions of the position of the axes of the vertical frames


deviation 5 mm

concrete mixture

layers of concrete mixture


layer should be no more than 1.25 times the length of the working part of the vibrator

concrete mixture, concrete care

relocation of the vibrator should not be more than 1.5 radius of action of the vibrator,
the immersion depth should be slightly greater than the thickness of the laid concrete.
Favorable temperature and humidity conditions for concrete hardening should
be protected from exposure to wind, direct sunlight
rays and systematic moisturizing.

concrete mixture

StroyTSNILpress (PSU-500)



the concrete mixture should have a cone slump of 1 - 3 cm according to SNiP 3.03.01-87

concrete mixture when laying with a concrete pump

experienced pumping

pumping concrete mixture with a concrete pump and testing concrete samples,
production of concrete mixture samples taken after pumping


compliance with stripping deadlines, no damage to concrete during stripping


concrete curing

works, construction laboratory

Introductory part
Section 1. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures
Technical part
§ 4-1-1. Laying foundation blocks
§ 4-1-2. Installation of basement wall blocks
§ 4-1-3. Installation of concrete, silicate and brick blocks of building walls
§ 4-1-4. Installation of columns and capitals
§ 4-1-5. Enlarged assembly of trusses from two halves
§ 4-1-6. Laying crossbars, purlins, beams and trusses
§ 4-1-7. Laying slabs and panels of floors and coverings
§ 4-1-8. Installation of wall panels, partitions and parapet slabs
§ 4-1-9. Installation of flights of stairs and laying of landing slabs
§ 4-1-10. Installation of gratings and turns of stair gratings
§ 4-1-11. Laying balcony slabs
§ 4-1-12. Installation of sanitary units, ventilation blocks and waste chute pipes
§ 4-1-13. Laying timber lintels
§ 4-1-14. Installation of reinforced concrete window blocks
§ 4-1-15. Installation of sanitary cabins
§ 4-1-16. Installation of precast concrete fence elements
§ 4-1-17. Electric welding of installation joints
§ 4-1-18. Sealing joints
§ 4-1-19. Filling seams of wall panels, panels and slabs of floors and coverings
§ 4-1-20. Sealing joints in large-panel buildings with polyisobutylene mastic
§ 4-1-21. Filling the channels of wall panels with slag
§ 4-1-22. Caulking, caulking and jointing
§ 4-1-23. Installation of a cement base layer for wall blocks
§ 4-1-24. Sealing holes in hollow core slabs
§ 4-1-25. Covering building frames with asbestos-cement sheets
Section II. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures
Technical part
Chapter 1. Formwork work
Technical part
§ 4-1-26. Construction of scaffolding supporting the formwork.
§ 4-1-27. Installation and dismantling of wooden formwork from ready-made elements
§ 4-1-28. Construction and dismantling of formwork for the walls of tanks and bunkers
§ 4-1-29. Installation and dismantling of steel formwork for foundations and massifs
§ 4-1-30. Installation and dismantling of wooden plugs in concrete and reinforced concrete structures
§ 4-1-31. Installation of steel embedded parts in formwork
§ 4-1-32. Various formwork works
Chapter 2. Reinforcement work
Technical part
§ 4-1-33. Installation of reinforcing meshes and frames
§ 4-1-34. Installation and low reinforcement with separate rods
Chapter 3. Concrete work
Technical part
§ 4-1-35. Preparation of concrete mixture in free-standing concrete mixers
§ 4-1-36. Supplying concrete mixture with concrete pumps
§ 4-1-37. Laying concrete mixture in a structure
§ 4-1-38. Installation of panels and electrodes for electrical heating of concrete
§ 4-1-39. Pouring concrete mixture for equipment
§ 4-1-40. Ironing of concrete surfaces
§ 4-1-41. Manual placement of concrete mixture into individual structures
§ 4-1-42. Miscellaneous concrete works
Chapter 4. Reinforced concrete work in sliding formwork
Technical hour-ii
§ 4-1-43. Assembly, installation and dismantling of sliding formwork
§ 4-1-44. Installation and dismantling of sliding formwork lifting devices
§ 4-1-45. Construction and dismantling of the working floor and suspended scaffolding of sliding formwork
§ 4-1-46. Installation and dismantling of pumping distribution units and pumping stations
§ 4-1-47. Installation of embedded elements when lifting sliding formwork or dismantling them
§ 4-1-48. Laying reinforcement and concreting in slip formwork