What does he want from me online? Love fortune telling “Deep psychological compatibility. What is he really like?

Despite its apparent simplicity, fortune telling is ultimately a ritual that predicts fate. Online version any fortune telling
Of course, this is a less serious procedure than, say, real fortune telling with Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
For an accurate result, we suggest you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune telling process:

1. Before starting fortune telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune telling, it is important to be in calm atmosphere so that no one bothers you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhalations.

4. It is very useful to think ahead about the time after which you want the fortune-telling to come true.

5. You should not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another fortune telling and change it a little
or clarify the question!

6. Even a negative answer from fortune telling should be perceived as positive. Remember that what is not done is all for the better!

7. And remember: You and only you decide what your future will be like! You have received a forecast, but how to act depends
only from you.

Good luck with your fortune telling!

It often happens that even when the relationship is over, you can’t believe it for a long time. After all, just yesterday everything was fine, just yesterday you were together and all your acquaintances and friends were jealous of you, calling you an ideal couple. But then something happened, something happened and everything collapsed overnight. This is the first scenario for the development and collapse of relationships. Another - everything was heading towards a break for a long time, but neither He nor She wanted to admit it for a long time, pretending that everything was fine and that nothing special was happening. The third scenario is “a homewrecker, like a black cat that crossed the road.” Fourth... Fifth... Sixth... How many can there be? Yes, as much as you like! Everyone has their own life story, their own love story and their own story of disappointment.

However, there is no need to worry. You will always have time to do this. Even if the relationship is in the past, there is always a chance to build something new, something happier, taking into account the mistakes of the past. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Trees stand stronger on crooked roots.” “Crooked Roots” is your experience that cannot be lost, forgotten or thrown away as unnecessary. It is up to you and only you to decide how to use the experience gained - boldly move on and try to find happiness, or be sad, sprinkle ashes on your own head and live in memories of yesterday.

Anyone who has broken up but would like to restore a broken relationship is dedicated to the fortune-telling “Will he come back to me,” consisting of ten cards. With the help of Maria Lenormand's deck, you will find out what further predictions are regarding your reconciliation.

Before we begin fortune telling, let’s take a closer look at what each of the ten cards means. So,

  1. Card No. 1. Answers the question: What exactly caused the breakup of the relationship?
  2. Map No. 2. Answers the question: How do you react to a breakup?
  3. Map No. 3. Does it indicate what can be done to get your ex-partner back?
  4. Card No. 4. Warns about what not to do under any circumstances?
  5. Card No. 5. Answers the question: What exactly does your partner think about your breakup (illuminates his point of view regarding the breakup of your relationship)?
  6. Map No. 6. Reveals your partner's plans regarding his possible return to you.
  7. Map No. 7. Indicates external reasons that interfere with your reunion.
  8. Card No. 8. Answers the question: Will your partner come back?
  9. Card No. 9. Illuminates the future prospects of your relationship.
  10. Card No. 10. Gives advice or recommendations regarding your future.

Independent fortune-telling technique:

The “Reciprocity” layout is used to clarify the state of the relationship between a love couple. The schedule is valid for about three months. The entire deck participates in it, but only the minor Arcana can be used. Court cards signify mostly men and women. The deck is shuffled on the table in a circular motion clockwise

The left column (Cards 5,6,7) is the column of the questioner, the right (Cards 2, 3, 4) is his partner. Card 1 – main topic relationship, the basic situation that binds people or interferes with them. Cards 7 and 2 - the top ones indicate what each of the partners thinks about and holds in their heads. Cards 6 and 3 - the middle ones symbolize spiritual relationships, what is in each of the partners’ hearts, what they fear or passionately desire. Cards 5 and 4 – the bottom ones characterize outside– behavior of partners in public or with each other.

The tarot deck gives different advice to a huge number of people. You have to believe in cards. Even if you don’t know what the deal you’ve been dealt means, there is a reason for these cards to appear. Each person is unique and has the right to bring something of their own to the fortune telling process. Some cards can mean the beginning of new events and the need to break past habits. They show that most likely you are between the black and white stripes in life.

How to tell fortunes on your own using new tarot cards?

Fortune telling cards are the most ancient and universal tool, capable of revealing the secrets of the past, present, and most importantly, the future.
Tarot stands out among fortune-telling systems for its versatility. The archetypes underlying these cards, called Arcana, are intuitive for everyone, regardless of gender, age, place and lifestyle.

1. Choosing a new deck.
Before purchasing, decide on the range of topics that interest you. For questions about personal life, relationships and family, to find out the meaning of your loved one, choose Manara or Victorian Tarot. If you are making fortunes about money and the material sphere in general, look at the Tarot of the Dwarves and the Golden Calf. There are also universal decks for all occasions - Rider-Waite, Dragons, Union of Goddesses, Vikings. The cards are stored in a box in a secluded place; a chest or large box, preferably made of wood, will do.

2. Preparing a place for fortune telling.
Pay attention to this, especially if you are going to tell fortunes at home. Try to choose a place in the center of the room, but preferably not the bedroom or kitchen. You need a wide table on which to place the lamp. Extraneous noise from the street should not interfere, as well as in the apartment itself. Be sure to lay out the mat. Ideally, it should be made of natural fabric or leather, matte and plain. You can have several multi-colored rugs for different layouts. So, for money issues - green, for love issues - pink or red, and purple the color will suit for everything.

3. Energy safety technology.
Place a glass of water to your left and light a wax candle to your right. Place a strip of salt under the table to protect against negative energy client. Imagine a 2-3 meter circle on the floor around you, with a high, smoky but dense wall. An imaginary dome of clear glass will facilitate perception and maintain detachment. You can pray or state in your own words that you are asking permission to work with the cards and want to help the client find answers.

4. Completion of the fortune telling session.
Fold the deck and mentally thank her. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is an energy-intensive process, so a person must give something in return. Most often this is money, the client puts it on the table, it’s better not to give it to his hands right away. After he leaves, let the candle burn out, pass each card over the flame and put them in the box. The water should be poured out and hands and face should be washed. running water. Collect the salt under the table and throw it away.

Psychologists talk a lot about how compatibility is the key to a long and happy relationship. It is based on many factors, on what partners expect from a relationship and how similar these expectations are, on the idea of ​​the roles of men and women in a couple. This Tarot reading for love will help you understand how suitable you and your chosen one are for each other. The layout analyzes hopes and fears about love, which also have a huge impact on relationships. With the help of this fortune telling you can become closer to your loved one.

Make a layout

How does my partner see me in a relationship?

The first position, “How does your partner see me in a relationship,” will tell you what character traits, tastes and habits your partner notices in you first of all. From this map you can judge what image he has of you in his head.

What am I really like?

The second position, “What I really am,” will show your real face in this relationship. How you present yourself to your partner, how you are used to behaving. By comparing the first and second cards, you will understand how much your loved one knows the real you.

How do I see a partner in a relationship?

The third position, “How I see a partner in a relationship,” will show the image of your loved one that you have.

What is he really like?

The fourth position, “What He Really Is,” will reveal what you may not notice in his behavior.

What does he want to see me like?

The fifth position “What he wants to see me” will tell about secret desires a loved one, about his ideal of femininity.

How I want to see him

The sixth position, “The way I want him to be,” will tell you about your ideal of masculinity.

My hopes in love

The seventh position, “My hopes in love,” will answer the question of what you expect from this relationship. Expectations can be both positive and negative. If a negative card appears, this indicates that you are controlled by fears and complexes.