Car tire cut for lawn. What flower beds can be made from old tires: photos and videos. Arrange the finished product

Very often, gardeners accumulate things in their summer cottage, which are a pity to throw away, but it is not clear what to do with them so that they serve a second life. However, it’s worth a little imagination, and the garden plot will be decorated with beautiful flower beds made of tires and other improvised material. And old tires that have already served their time can help in the design of flower beds.

How to make beautiful flower beds from old car rubber tires, how to paint them, and will be described below.

We select and prepare tires for making flower beds with our own hands

Old car tires will be softer after a long period of use and easier to mold into the desired shape. Tires can be asked from neighbors - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, because otherwise they will simply be thrown into a landfill. And if there is an opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. because tires of foreign manufacturers are much softer, so it is easier for them to give various shapes, turn inside out, etc.

Dirty tires should first be cleaned as much as possible from dirt and sand. Indeed, it is more pleasant to work with clean material, and the blades of knives will become dull faster when working with tires soiled with mud and sand.

Before making a flowerpot or flowerpot from an old tire, you should carefully consider its appearance: in the form of a bowl, which will have smooth edges, a flower bed, in which the edges will be cut off by waves, or a vase in the shape of a flower with petals and fringe.

You can come up with any shape for tires, but it usually always comes in the form of a “pan - lid”: the bottom of such a flower bed will be deep, and the top must be cut off. The contours of the cut can be easily applied with ordinary chalk.

If the owners decided to make a flower bed out of the old tire, then along the edge of the product, draw the contours of the petals with chalk, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Each of the petals should not be more than 12 cm. If the petals are made larger, then the tire cannot be turned out, and the shape of the flower bed will be uneven.

When the tire is cut along the contour, then along the grooves it is necessary to cut the tires in the longitudinal direction (the distance between such cuts is up to 10 cm).

In order to create a flowerpot from a tire on a leg, the tire is first turned inside out. Many gardeners do not get this the first time. In fact, it is not easy to turn the tire in this way.

The metal cord is usually cut with a grinder in several places. Rubber is cut smoothly with this saw. The cuts are made over the entire surface of the tire at an equal distance from each other (about 15 cm). And only then you can start turning the tire. It should be remembered that it is difficult to turn out only the first piece of the tire, then it will be much easier to turn the product out.

How to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands (video)

How to cut a tire for a flower bed: options and technology

Any tool used to cut car tires must be well sharpened. Old tires can be cut with a shoe knife. To facilitate the cutting process, the blade of such a knife is lubricated with liquid soap.

It is great if it is possible to use a jigsaw to cut coatings. With this tool, you can cut out various shapes and crafts from the wheels.

For sawing metal discs, you need to use a saw - a grinder.

You can cut tires in different ways, depending on the shape of the future flower bed. You can cut the tires in half, or cut off just the top.

However, it is not enough to give the old tire an unusual shape. After all, black or dirty - gray flowerpots look ugly against the general background of the garden plot. Therefore, it is necessary to paint the outer part of the flowerpots, which were made from wheeled slopes.

To paint these rubber products, use any type of paint:

If the outer part of the tires is clean, then the paint will lie on it evenly, and it will last more than one season on the tires. You can use car paint to decorate flowerpots.

Craftsmen use aerosol cans of paint for painting work. In this case, it is possible to paint all prepared flower beds from car tires in a short period of time. It is better to use light shades of paint when painting tires - in this case, the soil inside the tires heats up less.

Most often, gardeners paint only the outer part of the tires. However, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to paint the tire on the inside (at least its upper part).

There can be a great variety of design options for flower beds from car tires - it all depends on the imagination of the owners and the availability of various colors of paint.

You can combine different colors and shades. Moreover, it is possible to paint the lower part of the flower bed with a darker paint, and the upper one with a lighter one. You can apply an ornament of a different shade to the main color. However, do not try too hard when painting tires - when the flowers grow, they can completely cover the outside of the flower bed.

Some craftsmen do not stop only at painting such flower beds - they can stick glass pebbles on the tire petals, creating a dew effect.

The right combination of colors when painting flower beds from car tires, which is “consonant” with the colors of the plants planted in such flower beds, will give the garden plot a unique flavor.

Original ideas for decorating a flower garden from car tires

When decorating flower beds with car tires, you should not hold back your imagination. Indeed, from old tires you can build not only flower beds, flowerpots and bowls for flowers. Tires can be used in the manufacture of garden swings, chairs and ottomans, various decorations for the garden plot, hedges and much more.

  • Tires can be cut in half and dug around the flower garden or along the path, separating the flower planting area from the garden path. These tires can be painted in various colors, as well as painted on them, for example, with flowers or ladybugs.
  • You can install the main tire with petals cut out in the upper part on a pedestal of several tires stacked on top of each other and painted in different colors.
  • Flowerpots made of tires mounted on legs, like stools, look original. It is possible to install a smaller tire on the lower tire filled with earth, and plant flowers around the circumference in the lower tire, and place flowers in the upper one throughout the space of the flower bed.
  • Craftsmen carve various birds or animals from tires, planting flowering plants in the inner part of such flower beds.
  • Tires look interesting - flower beds suspended or screwed to the wall of a house or utility room.

If the garden plot is small, then it is more appropriate to place flower beds made of car tires carved in the form of a frog, a beautiful swan, a carriage from a fairy tale, a bright firebird or an exotic parrot. But on a large lawn, flower beds made in several tiers, or structures made vertically will look better.

Slides from used tires look original. The height of such slides depends only on the imagination of the site owners. Small slides of several tires look beautiful, staggered on top of each other. Moreover, in each of these tires you can plant different varieties of flowers.

The size of such slides, both in width and length, and in height, depends only on the imagination of flower growers and the size of the area allocated for such flower beds.

You can paint tires in such a flower garden both in the same way and by combining shades.

What flowers to choose for planting in a flower garden from tires

It is better to plant flowers in flowerbeds from car tires that will delight with their flowering all season. Flowers planted in a flower garden from tires are usually unpretentious.

Moreover, you can plant flowering plants of various heights and shades of flowers. Curly flowers can be used.

It can be such plants:

The free space between flowering plants can be supplemented with spruce cones - this decoration looks interesting, but next year such cones have to be replaced with fresh ones.

By combining different types and varieties of flowers, you can create compositions of extraordinary beauty in flower beds from old car tires. It all depends on what colors the grower wants to see on his site.

Old car tires can be perfectly used to improve the overall interior of the garden. Most often they are used specifically for the design of flower beds or flower beds. And here it all depends only on the imagination of the owners - and there are a great many options for flowerbeds from old tires.

Very often, gardeners accumulate things in their summer cottage, which are a pity to throw away, but what to do with them so that they serve a second life is not clear. However, it’s worth a little imagination, and the garden plot will be decorated with beautiful flower beds made of tires and other improvised material. And old tires that have already served their time can help in the design of flower beds.

How to make beautiful flower beds from old car rubber tires, how to paint them, and will be described below.

We select and prepare tires for making flower beds with our own hands

Old car tires will be softer after a long period of use and easier to mold into the desired shape. Tires can be asked from neighbors - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, because otherwise they will simply be thrown into a landfill. And if there is an opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. because tires of foreign manufacturers are much softer, so it is easier for them to give various shapes, turn inside out, etc.

Dirty tires should first be cleaned as much as possible from dirt and sand. Indeed, it is more pleasant to work with clean material, and the blades of knives will become dull faster when working with tires soiled with mud and sand.

Stages of creating a flower bed from tires

Before making a flowerpot or flowerpot from an old tire, you should carefully consider its appearance: in the form of a bowl, which will have smooth edges, a flower bed, in which the edges will be cut off by waves, or a vase in the shape of a flower with petals and fringe.

You can come up with any shape for tires, but it usually always comes in the form of a “pot - lid”: the bottom of such a flower bed will be deep, and the top must be cut off. The contours of the cut can be easily applied with ordinary chalk.

If the owners decided to make a flower bed out of the old tire, then along the edge of the product, draw the contours of the petals with chalk, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Each of the petals should not be more than 12 cm. If the petals are made larger, then the tire cannot be turned out, and the shape of the flower bed will be uneven.

When the tire is cut along the contour, then along the grooves it is necessary to cut the tires in the longitudinal direction (the distance between such cuts is up to 10 cm).

In order to create a flowerpot from a tire on a leg, the tire is first turned inside out. Many gardeners do not get this the first time. In fact, it is not easy to turn the tire in this way.

The metal cord is usually cut with a grinder in several places. Rubber is cut smoothly with this saw. The cuts are made over the entire surface of the tire at an equal distance from each other (about 15 cm). And only then you can start turning the tire. It should be remembered that it is difficult to turn out only the first piece of the tire, then it will be much easier to turn the product out.

How to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands (video)

How to cut a tire for a flower bed: options and technology

Any tool used to cut car tires must be well sharpened. Old tires can be cut with a shoe knife. To facilitate the cutting process, the blade of such a knife is lubricated with liquid soap.

It is great if it is possible to use a jigsaw to cut coatings. With this tool, you can cut out various shapes and crafts from the wheels.

For sawing metal discs, you need to use a saw - a grinder.

You can cut tires in different ways, depending on the shape of the future flower bed. You can cut the tires in half, or cut off just the top.

How and how to paint tires for flower beds

However, it is not enough to give the old tire an unusual shape. After all, black or dirty - gray flowerpots look ugly against the general background of the garden plot. Therefore, it is necessary to paint the outer part of the flowerpots, which were made from wheeled slopes.

To paint these rubber products, use any type of paint:

  • oil;
  • enamel;
  • nitro enamel.

If the outer part of the tires is clean, then the paint will lie on it evenly, and it will last more than one season on the tires. You can use car paint to decorate flowerpots.

Craftsmen use aerosol cans of paint for painting work. In this case, it is possible to paint all prepared flower beds from car tires in a short period of time. It is better to use light shades of paint when painting tires - in this case, the soil inside the tires heats up less.

Most often, gardeners paint only the outer part of the tires. However, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to paint the tire on the inside (at least its upper part).

Decor options

There can be a great variety of design options for flower beds from car tires - it all depends on the imagination of the owners and the availability of various colors of paint.

You can combine different colors and shades. Moreover, it is possible to paint the lower part of the flower bed with a darker paint, and the upper one with a lighter one. You can apply an ornament of a different shade to the main color. However, do not try too hard when painting tires - when the flowers grow, they can completely cover the outside of the flower bed.

Some craftsmen do not stop only at painting such flower beds - they can stick glass pebbles on the tire petals, creating a dew effect.

The right combination of colors when painting flower beds from car tires, which is “consonant” with the colors of the plants planted in such flower beds, will give the garden plot a unique flavor.

How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands (video)

Original ideas for decorating a flower garden from car tires

When decorating flower beds with car tires, you should not hold back your imagination. After all, from old tires you can build not only flower beds,. Tires can be used in the manufacture of garden swings, chairs and ottomans, various decorations for the garden plot, hedges and much more.

  • Tires can be cut in half and dug around the flower garden or along the path, separating the flower planting area from the garden path. These tires can be painted in various colors, as well as painted, for example, with flowers or.
  • You can install the main tire with petals cut out in the upper part on a pedestal of several tires stacked on top of each other and painted in different colors.
  • Flowerpots made of tires mounted on legs, like stools, look original. It is possible to install a smaller tire on the lower tire filled with earth, and plant flowers around the circumference in the lower tire, and place flowers in the upper one throughout the space of the flower bed.
  • Craftsmen carve various birds or animals from tires, planting flowering plants in the inner part of such flower beds.
  • Tires look interesting - flower beds suspended or screwed to the wall of a house or utility room.

If the garden plot is small, then it is more appropriate to place flower beds made of car tires carved in the form of a frog, a beautiful swan, a carriage from a fairy tale, a bright firebird or an exotic parrot. But on a large lawn, flower beds made in several tiers, or structures made vertically will look better.

Hill of car tires

Slides from used tires look original. The height of such slides depends only on the imagination of the site owners. Small slides of several tires look beautiful, staggered on top of each other. Moreover, in each of these tires you can plant different varieties of flowers.

The size of such slides, both in width and length, and in height, depends only on the imagination of flower growers and the size of the area allocated for such flower beds.

You can paint tires in such a flower garden both in the same way and by combining shades.

What flowers to choose for planting in a flower garden from tires

It is better to plant flowers in flowerbeds from car tires that will delight with their flowering all season. Flowers planted in a flower garden from tires are usually unpretentious.

Moreover, you can plant flowering plants of various heights and shades of flowers. Curly flowers can be used.

It can be such plants:

  • fragrant tobacco;
  • petunias;
  • marigold;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • tuberous begonias;
  • calendula;
  • sunflower;

  • carnation Grenoble;
  • tradescantia;
  • nasturtiums;
  • Phlox subulate.

The free space between flowering plants can be supplemented with spruce cones - this decoration looks interesting, but next year such cones have to be replaced with fresh ones.

What can be done from tires (video)

By combining different types and varieties of flowers, you can create compositions of extraordinary beauty in flower beds from old car tires. It all depends on what colors the grower wants to see on his site.

Old car tires can be perfectly used to improve the overall interior of the garden. Most often they are used specifically for the design of flower beds or flower beds. And here it all depends only on the imagination of the owners - and there are a great many options for flowerbeds from old tires.

Olga Kunz Decor 50428

You have your own site. The first desire is to plant flowers on it.

What kind of flower beds to make? We need original ones, not similar to those of the neighbors. Unusually beautiful flowers in flowerbeds of various shapes with bright edging - this is the ultimate desire. But what about the possibilities? A simple summer resident cannot afford modular plastic borders or concrete industrial flowerpots in which flowers look divine. You need to get out somehow. And somehow - it means with your own hands. You can use old car tires for manufacturing. And then paint them as your heart desires.

Unusual flower beds cut out of tires will not sparkle in your garden until they are painted. For this, paints intended for outdoor use are usually used:

  • Enamel;
  • Oil paint;
  • Nitro paint;
  • Aerosol car paint.

So, let's take a closer look at how to decorate a flower bed.

Simple multi-colored flower beds from tires

The beginning of all work will be the installation of tires, filling them with earth and planting seedlings.

And then we'll be original. Bright acrylic or oil paints that match in color will help in this. You can take, for example, yellow, green and orange. We paint six tires and install them on top of each other, as a result, when the seedlings grow, a multi-level bright flower bed will delight the eye on the site.

A simple, but at the same time interesting and unusual flower bed can be created from wheels of different diameters, stacked on top of each other in a pyramid. Paint the protrusions of the tires in bright colors, again matching shades: pink, purple and yellow. If there is no small tire at the very top of the pyramid, put an ordinary pot there and paint it in the same colors, it will turn out no less great.

Orange plants, multi-colored petunias or wild strawberries will add extra brightness to these flower beds and create a great mood.

Flowerbeds can also be single suspended. In the wheels hanging on chains, a thin cord or ropes, decorations will become the main element. Tire treads can be painted with multi-colored stripes, or made plain. Pure white suspended flower beds with cacti will become an unforgettable decor element of your summer cottage.

Funny creative flower beds with your own hands

Fantasy in the manufacture of flower beds from old tires can take you far. A creative solution will be a composition for home tea drinking.

A few tires, complete with a pipe cut and bent pieces of metal tape, are indistinguishable from a teapot and a cup. You can paint them in two colors: white and red, as well as decorate with flowers cut out of rubber with a purple center. A set of unparalleled beauty.

A red cup with white peas is a real exclusive.

Unusually looking flower beds in the form of a turtle. And plausible enough. Paws - from the tread trim - are inserted into the side cuts of the tire. The tail is a piece of rubber, the neck is a piece of plastic pipe, and on it is a head made of crumpled newspapers. If you are original to the end, then you can decorate your head with a hat.

But a tortoise won't be a tortoise if it's not colored in the right way: bright turquoise color, painted eyes and mouth. Then no one will doubt what kind of pet lives on your site.

The next type of flower beds that need painting are flower beds made from inverted tires. They resemble pot-bellied vases, the shape of which is rounded.

There are no intricate rules in coloring such products: we take any color that will be in harmony with the rest of the flower beds or objects in your country house, that's all. But still, if you want showiness, paint with multi-colored stripes or create a bright pattern.

Another flower bed, which is simply impossible to pass by, is a flowerpot in the form of a flower on a stem. And paint it accordingly: the upper part in a bright shade found in real flowers, and the lower part in green.

And now a huge rubber flower with beautiful living plants in its middle will bloom under the windows of your country house.

The creative ideas did not end there: from the wheel, by analogy with a flowerpot, only with a more complex pattern, a swan flowerbed is made.

The swan should be painted at the very last, final stage of work. The plumage of a bird can be of any color, your favorite, for example.

But flowers of any color can be planted in a white swan flower bed.

Flower beds-applications made of pebbles or shells will be an original addition to any site.

Want to please children or grandchildren: make flower beds in the form of animals or funny pets. They will appreciate it.

And in conclusion, a few simple and simple tips.

Before painting the tire, it must be washed well with a detergent, and then degreased. To keep the paint on the flower bed longer, apply a primer first.

Paint not only the outer surface, but also part of the inside. What is it for? It is a well-known fact that the soil sags over time. Unpainted areas will become visible, and will be unnecessary strokes in your beautiful composition.

Well, and in flowers there is only a flight of fancy: plain, multi-colored, with patterns and ornaments or without them. Create. Make your own unique, unique things. To the envy of all the neighbors.

The easiest way is to put the old tire on the site, throw land there and plant seedlings. This, of course, is simple, but it does not pull on an exclusive decoration. Well, let's try to improve the situation. Let's take bright acrylic or oil paints, choose a few of them that match in color and paint several tires. Then we install them on top of each other and get a wonderful multi-level flower bed.

A multi-level flowerbed of multi-colored tires will become a bright detail of landscape design

An original vertical bed of tires with your own hands is created from several tires of different diameters, stacked on top of each other like a pyramid. You can put a flower pot on top if there is no small tire on the farm. After painting and filling the inner space of the tires with earth, you can grow ampelous plants in the resulting flower bed, for example, petunias or strawberries.

A vertical flower bed is perfect for growing strawberries

Tire beds can also be suspended. Fasten a strong metal chain (thick cord, rope, etc.) to the tire and hang it on a tree. In order to be able to fill the flower bed with earth, the bottom of the tire must be covered. For example, fix inside a planter with a diameter slightly larger than the inner circumference of the tire. Or put a dense piece of rubber inside - think for yourself, for sure there is a material suitable for overlapping on the farm.

A snow-white suspended flower bed made from a car tire is a spectacular "highlight" of modern style

And if you dream up a little, then you can build a composition from tires on the theme of ... well, for example, home tea drinking. A few tires will perfectly play the role of a teapot and a cup - it is enough to supplement them with simple details - a pipe cut and bent pieces of metal tape.

Teapot and cup - original composition from old tires

Red cup with white polka dots - exclusive for flower tea drinking

Painting flowerbeds from car tires

Now about how the wheels for the flower bed are painted and how to turn a boring tire into an interesting flower garden. The main requirement for paint is resistance to weathering.

Paint selection and technical points

They paint tires with enamels, oil, acrylic and car paints, nitro paints. To beautifully paint tires for a flower bed, you need to follow a few rules:

  • select light colors so that the soil inside does not overheat along with the roots of plants;
  • do not apply too thick a layer of paint, otherwise it may crack, especially in harsh winters or in the heat;
  • remember the primacy of plants and not let the pattern dominate the flowers.

Bright colors set a festive backdrop for the yard

The design of flowerbeds from tires begins with their degreasing with acetone, white spirit or special liquids for rubber. When the used product has completely evaporated, the surface is cleaned with a very fine sandpaper. Then, as a primer, a thin, but continuous layer of white is placed - this will allow any shade to play in full force.

It is better to apply the paint with an aerosol can, then it will penetrate into all the relief areas of the tread, but there is a high risk of staining the grass around. Therefore, the tire is painted with a spray can, laying thick polyethylene under it. Each layer is given time to dry for at least a day.

You can decorate a bed of tires with your own hands with a brush. This is longer, but you can work by first installing the product in a permanent place. With the help of a brush, they also create more subtle patterns and drawings, emphasizing details and shapes.

Folk painting: bright, original, spectacular

Taking into account the general concept of garden decor will allow you to properly paint the tires for the flower bed, while they can:

  • leave monotonous;
  • decorate with stripes;
  • cover with a pattern using a stencil;
  • paint on the checkered tread;
  • turn into an ethnic flower garden.

Scarlet dye, black hearts, two yellow antennae - ladybug Quick strokes of the ornament seem to repeat the negligence of multi-colored petunias. Ethnic pot for succulents It is good to plant emerald greens on top of such a juicy painting. Noble combination of red and green on white

Do not rush to throw away unusable tires. They will be burned, adding pollution to the air. Try to turn them into a unique man-made flower garden, which will decorate the garden and warm the soul. Bright, solid and almost eternal flowerbeds of used tires are a wonderful use for the creative impulses of a person living on their own land.

The feasibility of making flower beds from tires

Used tires are a material in which any landscape designer who imagines how to make flowerbeds from tires with his own hands opens up new possibilities. It is the tire, and not just a sheet of rubber, that has certain advantages that make it easier to work with it:

  • Rough cost. Surely among the neighbors there are car owners who dream of parting with old tires. For them, this is rubbish, but for the artist, it is a future work of art that can only be rolled to the site or brought in the trunk.
  • Ease and speed of processing. Chalk, a sharp knife or a jigsaw, a grinder and a spray can of paint - these are all the tools needed for such creativity. And the simplest flower bed of cylinders is built in half an hour at all: the tire is placed on the ground and “stuffed” with soil.
  • Durability. A rubber bed does not attract bacteria and fungi, does not rot, is not afraid of accidental impact and does not collapse under the influence of precipitation. If it cracks after especially severe frosts, it is easy to replace it.
  • Mobility. A flowerbed from an old tire is a one-piece structure, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. To do this, you just need to remove the soil from it.
  • Possibility of transformation. Even DIY tire flower beds can get boring over time. The easiest way to avoid this is to repaint the outside and plant other types of plants.

Figured flower bed from an old tire

Doubts about the advisability of decorating the garden with flower beds from tires are usually associated with the dimensions of the cylinders specified by the manufacturer. In a very modest area, they really can look foreign, and in a large area they can get lost. The problem is solved by combining tires with paths, benches, lighting elements, as well as building flower beds from several tires and multi-tiered compositions.

Lazy Option: Potted Plants Placed on a Stand

How to cut tires and how to do it right

When looking at a wheel that is so huge and tough, capable of withstanding the weight of a loaded Gazelle or a powerful SUV, the question arises of how to cut a car tire for a flower bed. In fact, rubber is even easier to deal with than plywood if you choose the right tool for each step of the job, of which there are three:

  1. Ripping of rubber. The best tool for the first cut is a shoe knife. It can be made independently from the blade of a mechanical saw or a planer blade. The handle of such a knife is wrapped with several layers of electrical tape, which allows the knife to sit firmly in the palm of your hand. This is important as the rubber will resist the blade. The knife is inserted into the incision and moves upwards with the other hand, bending the rubber layer to the side with the other hand.
  2. Side processing. You can cut the tires for the flower bed evenly or in waves. In the first case, a shoe or other sharp knife with a thin butt is sufficient; in the second, it is better to use an electric jigsaw, the saw blade of which is periodically lubricated with grease or a solution of laundry soap. Some craftsmen use a grinder with a small disc, but high speed entails strong heating and even burning of rubber with smoke and an unpleasant odor.
  3. Cord cutting. Steel cord reinforcement (breaker), which serves as the basis of the tire carcass, is cut with a grinder, less often with metal scissors. You can recognize the presence of steel in the breaker by marking Steel. The absence of such a marking indicates a nylon cord, which is cut with a strong sharp knife.

A car tire is more complex than it looks

Electric jigsaw - the perfect tool for cutting old wheels

To cut a tire for a flower bed and not injure yourself, be sure to use tight gloves and goggles. Especially carefully should be handled with sharp metal cord threads - splinters from them are very painful. You need to work on a wide solid surface: a table or a piece of plywood laid on the ground. With a large amount of rubber dust, which distinguishes Chinese tires, a respirator will be useful.

Ideas for flowerbeds from old tires


A flower bed made from a car tire in the form of a flower bed is an ideal solution for those who want to achieve a feeling of rustic comfort on their site. In addition, the well will emphasize the beauty of your flowers.

Most summer residents strive to decorate the site so that it looks stylish, modern and neat. However, not everyone can afford to allocate enough funds to purchase finishing materials. An excellent solution would be to use car tires as flowerbed decoration. Products that have served their time have a chance to live a second life.

Having old tires, you can make many options for flower beds and flower beds for a garden or summer cottage

Car tires allow you to create flower beds to give a variety of shapes and colors. Such compositions near the house will serve as a decoration for the site, as well as a good way to recycle old tires. The only condition for successful work with them is the availability of a set of tools and auxiliary materials. So, you will need:

  • old tires;
  • tape measure, ruler (metal);
  • marker;
  • jigsaw, grinder, hacksaw;
  • primer;
  • outdoor paint;
  • mesh (metal);
  • decor: stones, wooden elements, shells, multi-colored glass, etc.

Brightly colored tires - an easy way to organize a flower garden

Selection of tires

Despite the fact that in any case, wheel tires for flower beds are used only those that have served their time, some of them are easier to work with, others are not. In this regard, it is better to choose:

  • those that are rather worn out - they are softer, if necessary, they are easier to turn inside out;
  • for the same reason, it is better to use imported rather than domestic products;
  • if you can choose between summer and winter tires, it is better to take the latter.

Before starting work, the tires must be washed so that the dirt does not impede the work process. Regardless of the softness of the rubber and the wear of the tires, it is more convenient to cut them with a grinder or a jigsaw. If there is no such tool, you can use a knife. It must first be sharpened well and dipped in soapy water from time to time.

The best tool for cutting tires is a jigsaw

Tire color rules

After the final arrangement of the flower bed and decorating it with tires, it is recommended to paint them without fail. This procedure will allow you to create a picture saturated with color, and give the flower bed a neat, well-groomed look.

In order for the paint to adhere well and remain bright for a long time, it is advisable to treat the tire with a primer layer before painting. You can start painting only after the primer is completely dry. Do not neglect this procedure, because after it the paint will not crack, bubble and lag behind the rubber surface.

The choice of paint is quite wide: you can choose any weather-resistant coatings. Nitro enamels, oil, car paints look great. Acrylic enamel is very popular - it has no smell, it can be diluted with water. In addition, this paint is commercially available in the form of a spray, so it is easy to apply. In addition, this method of staining is quite economical - as much material is consumed as needed.

Some summer residents paint the tire curb only on the outside, believing that the inside will not be visible. This is a mistake, since individual unpainted parts of the tires will certainly be visible at a certain angle and simply spoil the appearance of the flower bed.

The most successful and uncomplicated flower beds from tires

simple tire curbs

If there is no time and special skills for decorating a flower bed, you should try to create a couple of simple compositions. The simplest version of a flower bed made from a wheel tire is separate flower beds, inside of which sand with rubble, earth is covered, and flowering plants are planted. A more complicated option is a tire with “legs” attached to the bottom, which allow you to install a portable flower bed anywhere in your yard. The legs should be securely fastened to the flower bed from the old wheel so that the entire structure does not collapse at the most unexpected moment.

The next type of simplified flower beds are several flower beds-tires installed on top of each other in a certain order. Compositions look good in which tires painted in different colors stand in a checkerboard pattern, forming a kind of wall. Such a flower structure can be used as a separator that will allow you to zone the garden.

Having at your disposal tires from wheels of different diameters, you can build a pyramid out of them near the house. In each "step" of the composition, climbing plants can be planted, which over time will turn the pyramid into a garden decoration entwined with leaves and flowers. The pyramid looks impressive, the components of which are painted in different colors.

Tires can be laid in any convenient way, but it is important to make a bottom in the wheel, otherwise the earth will simply spill out

Chamomile flower garden

Such a flower bed is suitable for those owners of private houses who have a fairly spacious plot. It will take only 4 old tires and paints of different colors. One tire should be placed in the center of the composition, and the remaining three should be cut in half so that crescents are obtained. Six semicircles need to be installed around the uncut tire so that a flower is obtained.

Pre-painted tires must be dug into the ground to a depth of about 5 centimeters. Then fill them with drainage and soil, plant plants. It is recommended to plant flowers of the same color in the center of the chamomile, and fill the semicircles with plants with petals of contrasting shades.

Bunk flower bed - chamomile from tires

Hanging flower bed

Our master class on the step-by-step production of flower beds will help even a beginner to cope with the task. First you need to find a strong tree or a canopy on the site that can hold the structure filled with earth. The tire from the wheel must be hung on chains or a strong rope, having previously made holes in it. The bottom of such a planter can be drowned out with plywood, or a flower pot can be fixed in the tire.

Tire figures can serve not only as flower pots, but also as independent garden decorations.

A hanging flower bed can be made in the form of any cartoon character or animal. For example, a parrot, a dolphin can be cut out of a tire, then the planter is hung vertically. If it is decided to make a bird, the beak for it is cut out separately from a wooden board. The tire is cut according to the template, the parts are fastened with a stapler, nails. Draw eyes, paint the tail, feathers in bright colors. To make cutting rubber easier, the tire can be heated in the sun for two hours. Before attaching a planter to a branch or roof, it should be painted. Various options for hanging figures can be estimated from the photo.


Pair of tire swans

A noticeable and graceful figure of a swan on a flower plot makes a good impression, children like it. Several figurines of noble birds look especially stylish. It is not difficult to make a Swan flowerbed with your own hands, you only need a good knife, a template and our instructions for beginners:

  1. First you need to put on the tire the lines along which you want to cut.
  2. Then cut out the head, wings. Turn product inside out.
  3. The neck will have to be reinforced with wire, which will help the rubber keep its shape.
  4. The bird is covered with white paint, the beak and eyes are distinguished.

Approximate markup for making a swan

funny turtle

To make a turtle, you need two tires. One of them needs to be cut - to separate the round side parts with a knife, you only need a protector. It needs to be cut into 4 pieces of the same size - these are the legs of the turtle. If you wish, you can make the edges of the paws with teeth to indicate the fingers. In the second tire, 4 holes are made on the sides, into which the paws are inserted, they must be fixed with wire. The tail also needs to be made of rubber, and the neck - from a corrugated pipe, fasten these parts to the body. The head is made of tightly crumpled newsprint, fixed on the neck. Having painted the turtle, you can dress it up in a suitable hat. The paper must be securely coated with several layers of ink to ensure moisture protection.

Flower garden "Turtle" will be an excellent decoration of the garden

To create a frog with your own hands, you need to take three whole tires, you will need additional tire trimmings and an unnecessary hose. Put two tires next to each other, the third - in the center between them, it will depict the head of a frog. From rubber scraps, you need to make paws and attach them to pieces of hose. Arms and legs are attached with wire to the "body". Further, the entire composition can simply be covered with green paint. You can dream up and go further - make the frog eyes, mouth and even attach a crown.

You can plant such a frog next to the pond, where it will look most impressive.

Cup with coffee

This composition is ideal for a small cottage, it is obtained from two tires from wheels of different sizes. First you need to put on the ground the one that is smaller, on it - the one that has a larger diameter. At the top tire, you can slightly expand the planting area by cutting the rubber from the inner ring. From these scraps of rubber, you can build a handle by securing it with wire. It is desirable to paint the cup with bright colors.

Tire cup can be painted in different ways

Vase with Flowers

A flower bed imitating a vase in which there are flowers looks very impressive. If you take a tire with a disk, you can make a flowerpot on a leg, if without, you get a simpler vase. The edge of the vase can be cut to your liking - made scalloped, wavy or cut in the form of a fringe. In order to decorate the edge of the flowerpot, you need to draw the desired pattern on the rubber with chalk or a marker, cut out the outline with a jigsaw or knife, and then turn the tire inside out. If we chose the rim option, the trimmed part of the tire remains on the base of the structure.

After this procedure, you get a pretty pretty flowerpot that can be painted. It makes sense to decorate such flowerpots: it is easy to apply a pattern on a smooth surface, glue decor made of stones, glass pieces.

Beautiful structures are obtained from several flowerpots of different sizes. One of the options involves the installation of flowerpots on top of each other, from largest to smallest, like a pyramid. It turns out the original flower bed, which saves the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

Despite the simple design of the flowerpot, this decoration can be made original due to the bright unique coloring.

General principles of planting

After making the base of the flower bed, it is useful to fill it with sand and gravel to about 1/3 of the depth. This filler will serve as drainage, which will keep the roots of the flowers from waterlogging. The soil is poured from above, and only then the plants are planted.

In simple flower beds, climbing plants or those that bloom with a thick “cap” are usually planted. If there is a desire to get a multi-level flowering ensemble, it is worth planting petunias, marigolds, pansies in flower beds. In the middle of the flower bed, it is desirable to plant plants with tall flowers: iris, dahlias, phlox.

Bright and unusual flower beds, decorated with tires, are destined to become a stylish feature of any garden. Near such a flower garden it is nice to relax on a summer evening, chat with friends and family. A photo gallery of the most unusual and easy-to-arrange flowerbeds will inspire you to create your own composition. Try to build one of them with your own hands to appreciate the attractiveness of a budget design.