Heart chakra: exercises to open Anahata. Love Magic (there are such channels) How to open a love channel

Good afternoon dear friends! Have you ever felt a sudden, urgent need for love? For no apparent reason. Everything is there, but something is missing. Sound familiar? Such sensations are a sign of a blocked heart chakra. If energy cannot circulate freely throughout the body, stagnation occurs. Due to the resulting imbalance, the entire body suffers. Chronic illnesses, failures in your personal life, financial problems... I think it’s not worth continuing: it’s already clear that something needs to be done about this. How to open a woman's heart chakra? First things first.

Symptoms of the block

The most noticeable manifestation is pessimism and passivity. Normally, a person perceives the world optimistically and copes with difficulties, even if it is not easy. When there is a block, the desire to give up becomes more and more frequent. With dysfunction, a person does not look for opportunities, but for excuses and justifications. When he is offered options, he reluctantly agrees, but then finds a thousand “buts”. I don’t want to move forward; I have to get stuck in the “swamp”.

There is a feeling of defenselessness. People around you seem to be negative. “I’m not worthy of love, no one will ever love me,” is one of the typical thoughts. In fact, only increased suspicion, resentment and constant pain interfere with relationships. Women with dysfunction are prone to jealousy and revenge, even small things cause them to burst into anger.

First of all, the block distorts the perception of the world. We cannot correctly assess the situation, so false emotions arise.

Often, when blocked, the following symptoms or diseases develop:

  • oncology
  • heart attack
  • chronic fatigue
  • insomnia
  • hypertension
  • tachycardia
  • panic attacks, anxiety or anger attacks
  • breathing problems.

If you notice something like this happening to you, it’s time to take drastic measures!

Ways to Open the Heart Chakra

How to remove a “clog” from a canal? There are many methods. They are based on the exclusion of negativity. Throw out of your head resentment, melancholy and anger. This is energy garbage! What will help you achieve your goal? Let's consider the most effective methods.

1. Tactile contact.

Sometimes the only thing a person needs is a big hug. Have you ever been hugged during an argument? Surprisingly, such a simple action quickly overcomes anger. Having a pet also helps open the chakra. When we pet a pet, happiness hormones are released. As a last resort, try a massage.

2. Goodbye.

If someone has treated you badly, it is their fault, not yours. Resentment is an emotional burden that the offender is trying to shift from himself to you. Don't accept negativity. Why do you need it? Remember that a happy person cannot offend. The right decision is to feel sorry for the “attacker”, continue on your way and continue to enjoy life.

3. Open your soul.

Often we close ourselves off. We don’t let anyone in, and then we sincerely don’t understand: why are we alone? This comes from fear. Most people are afraid of negative experiences. Many have already been burned and do not want a repeat. Get rid of your phobia! Remember that a bad experience is also an experience. It is needed in order not to repeat mistakes, and not to escape reality.

4. Get used to thinking positively!

Have you caught yourself making excuses or being negative? Find 2 solutions to the problem or 2 advantages in the current situation. There should always be more good than bad. Gradually, you will stop seeing the negative and being afraid of obstacles altogether.

5. Get real.

We are so accustomed to the Internet that we rarely communicate with people in person. Letters and brackets replaced facial expressions, intonation, and emotions. This is “dead” communication that brings almost no benefit. Try giving up social networks for a week, talk your friends into it, and organize a small joint event. You will see how your life will change during this time. Surely you will have time to find several common hobbies and get to know each other better.

6. Play sports.

Exercise helps keep not only the body, but also the soul in good shape. There is no need to work until exhaustion. 15-30 minutes a day is enough. Be sure to choose exactly what you like. Maybe your element is the pool? A morning run helps you clear your mind and get ready for work. While cycling you notice the beauty of the world around you. If you want to improve your health, prefer a course to strengthen your back muscles or a set of exercises “5 Tibetans”. I talked about them in other posts.

7. Listen or repeat affirmations.

It has long been proven that self-hypnosis works. A person can tune himself to any wave. If you constantly reproach and blame yourself, you will not be able to get out of the vicious circle. The simplest affirmation: “I love and am loved.” However, we are all individual and you may need a different one.

8. Read mantras.

We have already talked about how sound can heal. Vibrations passing through our body affect energy channels. The mantra for the heart is the sound “yam”. You need to not just repeat it, but tune in to the ritual. Imagine how a flow of energy passes through you, clear your thoughts. Not only the mantra itself is of great importance, but also your emotions.

9. Love yourself.

How often do you sacrifice your desires or health for the sake of others? Stop “beating” yourself! If you have health problems, take care of them. No excuses or fears. Just go to the doctor and start treatment. If you don't love yourself, you won't be able to love others. Allow yourself little whims. Look for a middle ground.

10. Compassion is love.

Sometimes it's good to watch a heartbreaking movie and just cry. Don't keep your emotions inside, let compassion come out. Tears, concern, a desire to help are completely normal. Literally translated from Armenian, “I love you” means “I will take your pain.” Very true! If you want to help someone, help. Don't be afraid to seem intrusive once again. It's better to be annoying than heartless.

Don't stop at just one method! Ideally, all methods should become your personal rules. They will help not only open the heart chakra, but also deal with other issues.

The block of energy channels hits on all fronts. First problems arise inside, and then outside. You involuntarily close yourself in an imaginary comfort zone, which in reality turns out to be a trap. Don't fall into the trap! Try to prevent the formation of a block, and if trouble has already struck, fight. You just have to start.

How do you “open” your heart? Essential oils help me. I love the scents of rose, mint and lemon. They allow you to relax and get back on track. The smell of citrus fruits generally has a strong effect on your mood. See you again!

Of all the parts of the human body and energy centers, the heart is the most vulnerable. Who among us has not had it broken, or at least wounded? Opening your heart chakra may be a top priority for you if you don't feel like you have enough love in your life, if you suffer from chronic depression, if you can't let go of grudges, or if you feel emotionally disconnected and lacking compassion for other people.

Seven chakras

Each of us has energy channels flowing through us along central pathways from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are seven energy centers, or chakras, located along this meridian.

The heart chakra is located in the center of this line, next to the physical heart. The three lower chakras are associated with the Earth and physical existence. The three upper chakras are connected to the spiritual realm. The heart, right in the middle, serves as a bridge between heaven and earth. It is the center of love and compassion.

Good physical and emotional health requires the free flow of energy. When emotional disturbances such as persistent negative thoughts block the chakras, it affects your life.

When your energy is blocked in one chakra, it affects the others. Some chakras may be overly energized, while others may be depleted. There may be leaks or stagnation. You may feel heaviness, imbalance, confusion, physical ailments, weakness, lethargy, and be emotionally unstable. These feelings manifest themselves in undesirable circumstances:

Problems in the financial sector

Poor health

Lack of love; unhealthy relationship

Lack of enthusiasm in life

The following diseases are associated with a blocked heart chakra:


The river is a great metaphor for the energy flowing through your body. When water flows freely, life along the river flourishes. Too much water causes floods, and too little water causes drought. Life suffers. This is why it is very important to keep your chakras open - so that you can thrive and not just survive.

Fear, guilt, jealousy, resentment, anger and bitterness are carried out in the heart. Think about how you feel when you experience these emotions. Not good, is it? There is a very real physical reaction! Stagnation of negativity makes you unhappy and makes you feel unworthy or unable to give and/or receive love.

The Foundation to Open Your Heart Chakra

It takes time! There is no time limit because your situation is unique. Healing is a process that depends entirely on the amount of effort you put into it. Learning to love yourself and others is definitely a wonderful experience!

Heart - healing methods

1. Visualization: While you meditate, visualize a loving, healing light entering you through the 7th chakra (at the top of your head) and moving down to your heart. Imagine love and light filling every dark corner of your heart. How your heart fills with love, how all negativity dissipates. You will see great results if you do this meditation every day for just a few minutes!

2. Hugs and touches. Physical touch helps open the heart chakra. A pet can satisfy this need if you are not in a relationship. You can also go for frequent massages and create close friendships.

3. Open yourself to intimacy. Many people who give up relationships due to fears have a blocked heart chakra. Some are afraid of the loss of freedom, others of the loss of love. They avoid contact. But to open the heart chakra, you need to allow yourself the experience of love!

4. Use affirmations. They are powerful messages to the subconscious. "I love. I'm full of love. I am happy to give and receive love. “Use your own words to express your love!

5. Awaken compassion through forgiveness. It is essential for healing the heart. Forgiveness does not mean that what someone did or said to you is okay. Forgiveness only means that you release your emotional burden about that memory. Kindness will help you forgive someone who has hurt you and heal your emotional wounds. Don't forget to forgive yourself too!

6. Sending love. When you meditate, send love to everyone you know. People you love, hate, fear, avoid... Those you know and those you accidentally saw once. everyone. This is a transformational, healing meditation!

7. Choose the direction of your thoughts. Whenever you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, tell yourself STOP. Replace this thought immediately! This approach takes time and consistency, but it creates the habit of thinking about yourself in a positive, loving way!

Good afternoon dear friends! Have you ever felt a sudden, urgent need for love? For no apparent reason. Everything is there, but something is missing. Sound familiar? Such sensations are a sign of a blocked heart chakra. If energy cannot circulate freely throughout the body, stagnation occurs. Due to the resulting imbalance, the entire body suffers. Chronic illnesses, failures in your personal life, financial problems... I think it’s not worth continuing: it’s already clear that something needs to be done about this. How to open a woman's heart chakra? First things first.

First of all, the block distorts the perception of the world. We cannot correctly assess the situation, so false emotions arise.

Often, when blocked, the following symptoms or diseases develop:

  • oncology
  • heart attack
  • chronic fatigue
  • insomnia
  • hypertension
  • tachycardia
  • panic attacks, anxiety or anger attacks
  • breathing problems.

If you notice something like this happening to you, it’s time to take drastic measures!

Sometimes the only thing a person needs is a big hug. Have you ever been hugged during an argument? Surprisingly, such a simple action quickly overcomes anger. Having a pet also helps open the chakra. When we pet a pet, happiness hormones are released. As a last resort, try a massage.

Often we close ourselves off. We don’t let anyone in, and then we sincerely don’t understand: why are we alone? This comes from fear. Most people are afraid of negative experiences. Many have already been burned and do not want a repeat. Get rid of your phobia! Remember that a bad experience is also an experience. It is needed in order not to repeat mistakes, and not to escape reality.

More details

Have you caught yourself making excuses or being negative? Find 2 solutions to the problem or 2 advantages in the current situation. There should always be more good than bad. Gradually, you will stop seeing the negative and being afraid of obstacles altogether.

Don't stop at just one method! Ideally, all methods should become your personal rules. They will help not only open the heart chakra, but also deal with other issues.

The block of energy channels hits on all fronts. First problems arise inside, and then outside. You involuntarily close yourself in an imaginary comfort zone, which in reality turns out to be a trap. Don't fall into the trap! Try to prevent the formation of a block, and if trouble has already struck, fight. You just have to start.

Anahata is the fourth chakra. It is located in the center of the body, parallel to the heart, and emits green light. The love chakra is the center of love, compassion, fidelity, and care for one's neighbor. The mantra YAM corresponds to it. Thanks to the Anahata 4th chakra, we can sense another person at all levels of life.

In the physical body, the chakra is responsible for the heart, lungs, hands, skin, and circulatory system. If problems arise with the chakra, then the person often begins to suffer from respiratory diseases, he is tormented by heart attacks and heart pain, high blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia, the person is not happy with life, and is often irritable.

Thanks to the 4th chakra, which is responsible for love, we can experience the most important feeling - the feeling of love. Love for yourself, other people, God, the world around you and the universe. The love chakra also teaches us to forgive and have compassion. We have the opportunity to open our hearts and feel the inner strength, become soft and sensitive.

It happens that a person becomes overly immersed in the problems of other people, which not only interferes with his life, but also destroys his own balance. This means that the love chakra of such a person is too active and needs to be balanced. If you do something that is good for others, make sure that it does not harm you. Everything should be harmonious.

With an unbalanced chakra, a person can give love and support, but they will not be truly satisfying if he is not able to receive love from other people in the same way. Then the love they give will never be perfect.

In another case, the lack of balance in the love chakra is caused by a situation in which a person gives away excessive flows of love and warmth without receiving the proper return. Then he feels a feeling of emptiness.

If the love chakra is unstable, a person is ready to give a lot, but with the goal of receiving the same amount in return. And if he does not receive this, then he feels that he was simply used.

To begin, lie down on a flat surface, without a pillow, relax your body and calm your mind. Imagine a diamond appearing in your chest. It shines, glows with pure light and warmth emanates from it. Contemplate this for half an hour. After such independent exercises to open the chakra that is responsible for love, you will soon feel warmth and love in your chest.

Whether you're sad after a divorce, struggling with wounds from your distant past, or feeling lonely due to the absence of a loved one, you likely have a blocked heart chakra. Anahata is one of the 7 chakras that is of great importance for a woman.

Which chakra is female

Anahata is one of the main energy centers of the body. In total, both men and women have 7 chakras and when they are all free, you can feel better in both body and mind. carries feminine energy and the opening of this chakra in a woman directly affects her happiness and health.

The heart chakra is located directly above the heart. It helps to reveal a woman's capacity for compassion, affection and love.

Balancing the chakra and what it is responsible for

Experts view Anahata as a bridge between thought, emotion and spirituality, meaning it is the more important of all the chakras for a woman. She attracts abilities:

  1. empathy;
  2. caring about another person;
  3. emotional openness;
  4. self-knowledge;
  5. emotional well-being.

When the heart chakra is properly aligned and fully open, you are a compassionate, giving person. You feel loving and calm, open to the world. Interaction with the male sex is favorable. However, this does not mean that you focus all your efforts only on other people. Having an aligned Anahata is knowing where to draw boundaries in your emotional life. This includes identifying and separating from unhealthy relationships.

Blocked Anahata can develop in response to something in life that is emotionally harmful.

Symptoms of a Blocked Heart Chakra

Chakra blockage leads a woman to physical or emotional imbalance. Symptoms of energy blockage:

  • restlessness, fussiness;
  • distrust of people;
  • impatience and irritability;
  • lack of empathy.

Physical symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased immune system function.

There are several common reasons why a woman may need work to open her heart chakra, but the main ones are a difficult relationship, divorce or unrequited love.

How to independently open and unblock a woman’s heart chakra

An open heart allows a woman to better understand and satisfy her needs, as well as give love to others. When there is interaction between the mind, body and soul, it is easier to create harmony throughout the body.

How to independently open the female chakra - Anahata? Try the following four approaches.

Use gems and minerals

Anahata stones are very easy to use. Sometimes all you have to do is wear them on yourself (in a necklace, rings or earrings). You can also hold the stone in your hand while meditating.

Anahata's color is green. This means that the stones must also be green or a shade of green.

  • Jade. This semi-precious stone is associated with inner balance and emotional healing. Jadeite is useful when dealing with loss or emotional trauma.
  • Green calcite. A mineral traditionally used to absorb negativity. This stone can help a woman recover from compassion fatigue.
  • Aventurine. This stone loves energy, vitality and inspiration, calms difficult emotions and helps overcome emotional obstacles.

Meditation for the female chakras

To open the love and happiness chakras, it is helpful to practice meditation daily.

Simple exercises, such as asanas, help achieve energy balance. Here is one of the best male and female chakra meditation techniques for beginners:

  1. Find a comfortable, relaxing place where you won't be disturbed.
  2. Sit and inhale through your nose and exhale after a few minutes. Feel your body relax as you do this.
  3. Imagine that you are drawing green energy through your body to your heart, starting at the bottom of your spine and moving up.
  4. Imagine this energy transforming into a bright ball of green energy. As you inhale and exhale, you see the ball become larger and brighter.
  5. Focus on tuning into feelings of love for yourself and others, allowing green energy to radiate throughout your body. Exit meditation after 3-5 minutes.


Diet isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you think about chakra work, but what you eat actually has a huge impact on the energy centers.

As you can guess, all healthy and fresh foods are good foods for energy. Also, each chakra of men and women has its own dietary preferences. In order to open Anahata, you need to eat the following foods:

  • Green foods include cabbage, limes, green peppers, spinach and green apples.
  • Warm soups. A hearty soup will help replenish your emotional reserves and help you recover from difficult experiences. There is also anecdotal evidence that soups can promote recovery from many illnesses.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C. Orange juice, strawberries and other fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C can help Anahata. You can combine these fruits with green vegetables to make a healthy smoothie.

Mantras for opening Anahata

Mantras or affirmations are an effective tool for solving many problems, getting rid of old grievances, limiting beliefs and strengthening trust in friends and loved ones. It is worth adding a few spiritual mantras to your routine to encourage Anahata to open up through certain words and phrases. You can recite them every day to prevent possible blockages, or repeat them if you experience any of the above symptoms.

Here are some good examples of mantras:

  1. I choose joy, compassion and love
  2. I love myself unconditionally and offer the same love to others.
  3. My heart is free from all the wounds of the past
  4. I know my own emotions and accept whatever form they may take.
  5. I forgive others and I forgive myself
  6. Every day I fulfill my heart's desire
  7. I am open to love and receive more of it every day.
  8. I give love freely and it brings me joy
  9. My mind, body and soul open up to happiness.
  10. I create supportive, loving relationships that are good for me.

Also, a woman’s energy centers include the second chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and is responsible for sexuality, an integral part of a woman. – the third chakra is located in the solar plexus and is responsible for intuition, the so-called seventh sense. If you reveal all the energy centers in yourself, then you become a real woman in whom there is Divine Feminine power. You discover the path to femininity and wisdom.

As you can see, a woman’s chakra opening is very important. Thanks to this, positive energy is revealed, which helps to attract love, happiness, and prosperity into her life. Use yoga, meditation, mantras, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain harmony in body, mind and soul.


Anahata is located in the center of the body in the solar plexus area. The spiritual and physical principles are combined here. It's called the heart chakra. Translated from Sanskrit, “anahata” is a spiritual place where there is no suffering or resentment. The fourth chakra is indicated by the color green. It was not chosen by chance, since it is associated with spiritual transformation.

Chacoan anahata

You can understand the state of the green chakra by looking at a person’s behavior and mood. People with an open channel of love behave kindly: they are ready to forgive, have compassion, and help those in need. A blocked chakra provokes anger, hatred, jealousy, envy. The accumulation of a large amount of negativity affects the physical condition.

For some people, the anahata chakra has been closed since childhood, for others it is blocked due to traumatic events. At the physical level, the lack of love energy is expressed in poor circulation. The functioning of the heart and lungs deteriorates.

Chakra blocking on a spiritual level:

  • detachment;
  • indifference;
  • emotional cold;
  • distrust of oneself and the world;
  • fear;
  • feeling of insecurity.

At the behavioral level, blocking is reflected in manipulative actions, lies, and tyranny. You can heal anahata by changing your attitude towards the world. A person who strives for harmony in the soul must feel love for others, stop looking for and absorbing negativity.

Feeling grateful for what you already have helps you be happy.

What is he responsible for?

Will is the main lever that determines a person’s achievements. The choice is made not by the head and logic, but by the heart. If there is no energy in the chakra, then the person lacks motivation to succeed.

Inner voice, intuition is the second property of Anahata. The ability to see signs, listen, be able to analyze and draw conclusions allows you to take the right steps. Honest, fair people who are not afraid of change have a powerful chakra.

A failure in the energy system gives rise to negative properties of the mind:

  • lack of remorse;
  • anxiety and restlessness;
  • hopelessness;
  • vanity;
  • arrogance;
  • greed;
  • selfishness;
  • hypocrisy.

Behind many of these manifestations is the desire to be loved and accepted for communication.

Chakra blockage: causes and manifestations

Since the main flows pass through anahata, a malfunction is fraught with consequences ranging from physical illness to mental disorders.

Negative life circumstances and feelings that arise in connection with this take away energy:

  • guilt (“I don’t pay enough attention to my parents”);
  • indifference (lack of gratitude for flowers, help);
  • attempts to evoke pity in others;
  • cruelty towards loved ones, breaking ties;
  • demanding gratitude for your services.

A blocked love chakra often occurs due to irrational attitudes. Some people receive as an “inheritance” from their parents, others they produce themselves.

The main reason for energy retention is unlived grief. Physiologically, this is expressed in pressing pain in the chest. Getting out of depression and apathy on your own is not always possible. Often, the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist - is required.

The point of working on opening the love chakra is to accept loss and consciously experience the full range of negative emotions.

Opening the Heart Chakra

Anahata connects a person with. This is the main source of love and inspiration. A person feels love for the world around him when the energies are in balance. There are many ways to normalize the functioning of the heart chakra: color therapy, music therapy.


The obvious benefits of exercise have been scientifically proven. The more time a person spends meditating, the better his mental health. During the sessions, a subjective experience is created that affects the functioning of the brain.

Opening the heart chakra can be done through many techniques. Each person chooses what suits him. Regular exercise restores a stable energy flow.

It is important to be in a quiet, calm environment during sessions. 15 minutes is enough to come into balance.

Color therapy

Anahata is the chakra of love, which is associated with the color green. In the spectrum line it is between yellow and blue. The first helps to bring peace into life, the second helps to bring wisdom. The symbiosis of shades allows you to comprehend the harmonies of life. Green color is creativity, inspiration, love in its broadest sense.

Green color has a beneficial effect on physical health:

  • stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • calms, reduces anxiety;
  • treats headaches;
  • improves liver function;
  • has a tonic and restorative effect.

Color therapy is used to treat insomnia, depression and anger.

The color green can be used in life in different ways:

  • include in meditation;
  • wear clothes and jewelry in grassy shades;
  • add .


– one of the types of auto-training. A person pronounces certain beliefs that are deposited in the subconscious. Problems with the functioning of the heart chakra are often associated with a poor emotional state, the presence of complexes, and low self-esteem.

Affirmations are said several times a day, preferably before. You can take notes or view slides on your computer. Examples of affirmations: “I trust myself and the world!”, “Other people’s criticism does not bother me,” “I forgive myself!”


- these are sounds, words, phrases or sentences charged with a certain meaning and beliefs. They can be combined with meditation. The mantra of the heart chakra is “YAM”. This syllable is pronounced in difficult life situations and chanted loudly. Systematic exercises stabilize the work of anahata.

Music therapy

The method is actively used not only in esotericism, but also in psychotherapy. It has been scientifically proven that sounds affect brain structures. Even the ancient Greeks used the flute to restore mental balance.

There are 3 types of music therapy on how to open the love chakra:

  • passive (a person listens to sounds);
  • active (creates music himself, plays an instrument);
  • integration (listening is accompanied by watching a video sequence).

Sessions are carried out immediately after waking up or before bedtime.

Listening time to songs is 20-30 minutes.

Features of the chakra in men and women

The 4th chakra for representatives of the stronger sex distributes energy to all areas of life. A person can enjoy and be successful in several activities at once. The heart chakra in men, as in women, is responsible for manifestations of love.

Energy comes from different sources simultaneously and spreads in the same way. Based on the energy-informational nature, men are polygamous. For this reason, harems are allowed in Muslim countries.

The female chakra has a strict vector orientation. It is very important to know how to open a woman’s heart chakra - to prove love on a material level: giving gifts, flowers, courtship.

The lack of “evidence” is a sign of fading feelings on the part of a man. The vector direction of energy suggests that a woman can realize herself only in one area: love, career, motherhood. It’s difficult for her to be torn about everything and be happy at the same time.

If a man is absent from a woman’s life, a large amount of energy accumulates. The most reasonable way out is to direct it in a constructive direction (play sports, gain new knowledge, improve in your profession).

Amplitude-frequency response

This indicator is important when. It characterizes the dynamic state of absorption and emission of energy. Energy information scanning helps to see a detailed picture of the state of health and emotional background.

The fourth chakra is in a positive balance when a person enjoys life, is open to everything new, and experiences delight in anticipation of future events. A negative balance indicates an energy leak. It goes into negative thoughts: envy, jealousy, or flows to another person.

Anxiety due to everyday troubles also takes away energy. A strong shift of the heart chakra in a negative direction can manifest itself in serious diseases: angina pectoris, tachycardia, heart attacks, oncology.

Video on the topic

What is the anahata chakra responsible for? How to open the heart chakra in a woman and a man? Answers in the video:

It is important to strengthen and develop the heart chakra in order to realize the deeper meaning of life. For lack of mental energy. The person feels tired and overwhelmed. An open heart chakra improves the functioning of the thymus gland and stimulates the immune system. Excess energy allows you to be successful, healthy and enjoy life.

It is important for almost every person to feel needed and loved. But, unfortunately, many people live, realizing that love is very far from them. There are many different techniques to bring feelings into your life. The main thing is faith in their effectiveness.

When love lives in the heart

Every person has chakras. Their existence has long been proven, as well as the fact that they can be controlled using certain techniques. Meditation, pranayama, cleansing techniques - all this allows you to stabilize their condition as much as possible and improve the work and functioning of the human body.

There is a so-called heart chakra, which is called “anahata”. It is located in the area of ​​the heart and is responsible not only for its work, but also for relationships with the opposite sex, one’s own perception of oneself and the world around one, personal harmony and its development.

If anahata does not work harmoniously, then a person will feel unnecessary and unhappy. This often results in suicidal tendencies, depressive disorders and other mental disorders. In order to improve its work, it is necessary to engage in its disclosure.

Every person is a priori capable of loving, but not everyone can show this feeling. The ability to talk about your feelings, confess, and give love to other people is not an innate property of a person. Some children who did not know the love of their parents for some reason simply cannot and do not know how to give it themselves.

Moreover, such people have very damaged anahata. That is, its block does not allow a person to open up and learn to give love to others. When anahata works harmoniously, a person will feel:

  • purity and impeccability of feelings;
  • love in everything
  • life and openness.

Everything that is alive on Earth must be surrounded by love and care. The main rule of a happy life is to give love and be able to give. Only then will pure feelings return in the form of blissful states.

A person who knows how to love feels completely different than someone who does not know this feeling or is afraid to express it.

If a person has harmonious anahata, he will be able to show the following feelings:

  • care;
  • Love;
  • warmth and compassion;
  • respect and acceptance of other people as they are;
  • positive attitude towards the world and reality;
  • the ability to accept your mistakes and forgive the mistakes of others.

If you can accept your emotions, no matter whether they are positive or negative, then life will be much easier and more enjoyable. After all, someone who knows how to express their joy or dissatisfaction communicates with people much easier, since they are more understandable to others.

What blocks the heart chakra

The heart chakra can be blocked even from early childhood, when the child does not know mother's love. In this case, it will be much more difficult to reveal it than if it has undergone negative changes in adulthood or adolescence.

The heart chakra can be blocked due to the following circumstances:

  • difficult relationships with parents;
  • negative memories of parents’ relationships from childhood;
  • unrequited love;
  • difficult relationships with the opposite sex;
  • frequent worries or fears;
  • negative emotions associated with feelings.

Signs that indicate a closed anahata can be found in almost every person. But if a person sees not one, but several of the following, then we can say with confidence that such a person’s anahata needs harmonization. Among them are the following signs:

  • constant feeling of irritation;
  • depression and frequent stress;
  • resentment;
  • frequent headaches and migraines;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • reluctance to communicate with other people;
  • difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex;
  • difficulty explaining your feelings;
  • many different complexes;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • anxiety;
  • loneliness.

Most often, people with closed anahata cannot accept themselves and their loved ones. They do not know how and do not like to express their feelings even to their children. It is difficult for them to talk about love. It is very difficult for such people in this world, since love reigns everywhere around us, we just have to learn to see and accept it.

In addition, there are several symptoms that indicate a closed heart chakra:

  • skin diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • depressive states;
  • sleep disorders;
  • weak immunity;
  • diseases of the lungs and diaphragm;
  • problems with the hands, especially the hands.

Anahata is very easy to block. It is adversely affected by all the negative emotions that a person experiences. These are resentment, anger, irritation, hatred, feelings of shame and fear, envy. If a person often or even regularly experiences at least one of these negative experiences, his anahata will be constantly traumatized, as a result of which it may be completely blocked. After this, you will have to work for a very long time to reveal and harmonize it.

Simple methods for opening the Anahata chakra in women

Various techniques can be used to open the heart chakra. The main ones are meditative techniques based on the use of color and aromatherapy. To open a woman’s heart chakra on her own at home, you need to practice regularly. To do this, you can first prepare yourself and the place where daily classes will take place.

The first and very important tip for developing the ability to feel love is to wear clothes in the right colors and the right jewelry.

For a woman this will not be difficult.

It is good to wear beads or a necklace made of emerald, jadeite or tourmaline on the chest. These stones have a beneficial effect on the opening and balancing of anahata. It would also be good to wear jewelry on your fingers in the form of rings or small rings. Jewelry with images of suitable mandalas has a good effect on the heart chakra. They can be easily found in specialized Ayurvedic stores or made to order from any metal.

It is also useful to wear green clothes to open this chakra. It will allow you to add more feelings and energy to the life of such a person.

If you regularly perform or listen to mantras during or after meditation, you can enhance the impact of the practice. A suitable mantra for this is YAM. You can chant it out loud or silently, and you can also record it or buy a CD with mantras in a store.

Food greatly affects the opening of the chakras. The following foods are beneficial for anahata:

  • green vegetables;
  • green fruits;
  • fresh greens.

Green color will allow you to open and harmonize this chakra as soon as possible.

If a person’s heart was closed for most of his life, then it will be much more difficult for him to open it than for someone who lived with an open heart, but for some reason it suddenly closed and his heart chakra began to work inharmoniously. This happens after sudden breaks in relationships with people dear to a person, due to the appearance of unrequited feelings and for other reasons. But in this case, it will be objectively much easier to work on opening anahata to such a person, since before his heart knew the feeling of love. You just need to teach him to work and give again.